Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TIIK- LITTLE MILL. llav.nii pntlrvly rn. ivAii'd lily mill luring tit- i>t-i )r*ar, puUmfl m A lar*.- ammn.l of IH w ina -liiui-i> . 1 mil n >H |<i epWM to (jriinl il -ur in a inaiiucr st , on i t<> i\,, anlUr iti Ontario, and OB iur ii lit. -t N"'.I'C. OLD TERMS : Kreiy twi-Ktli 1m ln-1. Seven cents pt-r huujrvd fur chop^inx. l)-.iii- i \ sty day. P. LOUCKS, Proprietor. GOOD STAI'.I.INli KOIt IlOllM > 10 A T T E X D Vr, il 1 ,;;;,::; I ;,:;:. Owen Sound, ()?it. IK Vwi JM.MIIK To GET A GOOD Hi -SIM-->S of youiift mm un-l women have taken a bUKiueita L''u i tin- t"ti ear* whoare DUW HuvcuHtiful In buiuuor (111- rii; lucrative |>i>-itin.s Tlio biibiucn courne of Htudy U by fr tin- in"?- 1 ihoiuiitfh arrl cmn H'lriii < aiifviit Tht-ru in kx much in the junior lirpitrtiiitiMt an in th** tmtiru courw* of many of Uiu no-en MIM| IMUIIM-H* collide*. The fthorttitunl rourtw n th' niu^ii ami ruinplute. *viiii for ft t'"iy tif tlu- At.nual Aumniucrnicnt roniHiuinif full i>artiuular. It i sent fn-c to auy fc-i C. A. FLKMl.N*;, 7Vn.r./>a/. FLEbHERTON PLA\I\ MILLS Having pun-Ins. ,1 tin- Fleslicrton , MilJn (run It. J. Sproulc. liq., Iiiowtu-r-irt tu in tin n- *> PUBLIC thai I an, in a position to do ALL KINDS Of General plauiug mill Work, I). MoTavish, M(t|{SKSHOKK AM) GENERAL BLACKSMITH B18H.DOOB8 I>OOU KIIAMKS Cnlli,,^ 1 Stri-t. lanii^u.-.M.^^,,,^.^.'^ p LE8HERTON . ()NT (.ooil U .trkinaii>lii|i Guaranteed. \fiinnfiti-tiiliMK i I WtMBIi MglMi HiiKk'i*** A ai-L'u iMIBlltitl- nf I'rwvl ill-v inn., '' '"'" ''' Hors.-l.iN.i,:i; |,,,.i ptly at , '"h 1 - gOOU U1V pllltt ,.,!,.. | N|,,., ml atT.ntloiiKiven to contract ' Oil llUIIll. ' " t.-ii'li r fi't t and Plow Minins con- i on liinid. ! WM. BAUNHOU8E, BOOT AND SIloK MAKl.l;. Joseph Smith, FLKSHKKTON, fLEiiBEBTON, OST. to eipr* hit thanks tu hit* nutneron* tln-ir vrv litwral patron ipr lot call ami bv k .HIM tin- i nint'rx lot tln-ir vrv litwral patron oxt.'ii.l. .1 to Turn In ttm i>al. n I wouM attfiiiioii to tin* lart tint tin M here mill to All all or>lcit with |r>miptn*i, ttM** ftatUfactioD rv.-ry tuu<- \i. tH-iuii.; MM- l"-st htiH-k In tlu* inaikfi HIM i'llti^ Mti u-tU t" t'uMtji'M ho hat won ( >r -)f H i>Ui-,- aiiH'MK hr I,. *t nhootnakr in -iMintM I.tviiHt and Kt-uU iwweil work *lt\ Kv*My in*nun roU; and |jt tH>otiKl at J. SMITH'S, FloBberton. HEALTH FOR ALL 10 tLK) WAY'S 1HEPILL6 1'iirlly tlit Hloo.1, cui UN t all Diiurtteri of . Mtomuch, THE OINTMENT ForSOttK Tt/IH ).-!'/, /;/.,M CHI TIS. COUGHS, COLDS UlanJular!*w.-lH,, li .,amlanKkin ) niM t U i h.. no rial , ami for contrJd Manufactured only at I'rofemior HOI.I.OWAT ' F.taMi lum i't TM, N-w Oxford Strrrt < lute 5, Oxford Kirert), ,.oid .t i.. ijd.. a. M.. Jll^llm^l^.yA^j^ wul U1 . y b ; h ^~' M Med / ' i< / I'/iuj, n tliuiil'I limk it >hf l*iM nn Ilir I'.it* ,i,,,l /;,,.rM 5.W, Orfurd tftrrrt, Loiultm, tlirif ,irr ..;.r,;i' u , M . , THK ODELL. TYPE WRITER, fiO "ill I > tl' OIH ' I. Tl I'l H Kl Ti;iJ -mli .'s 1'n.ii i. u'i. anil l|5 (MI th* Nlliul*- CIINC Oili-ll. wurrnntuj t. I, Litter * .r tliHn ..n . in i nun- miiile. , ltcoinl.il.'' -l.i! II u'ltll IH IIAIlll.l IT, Kp>.kii, EM- I..N, WUHI. loiijjer with- tiutcnat ni irpiiiH tli.m inv other mai-liiup rla> UK ink iii.lniii to Lcthnr the operator. ll in NI:T. -l n-.riMiiAi., iin-klnpUteil, f>-rlfi t n'l ailupt. '1 in all i.nnU of typi- writliiK. iki- a in-iiilinx pus.-., it proilurea nliar|., >l. in, I- il'lr M lllllv tl|i|-. Two or trn ' 1-pitn i-ii ii l.i' iiiHilr at i in.' writing Anv inlrlliL'i lit i'. -r 11. u i- .in li.r.ion.' nn (.|n-rt.ir in two.lin, \\ nff. i ?|.(MH> tu nnv o|ii<r,i- l.ir win, run i'|ii.il tin- H'.M, oi tin' lloillllr o. 1 lU'l .LI- AnciitH nml SiilflHUlt'ii wuiiifil. K^wruil ImlooMDMlti t" I'. . I ..r I. ni. .. t uin; In.lor.i'UiaoU, .Ii-. aj. If I'll . i ) HltlTf.K 4'0.. N i \... < UK \(.0 ILL. Only $4.80 Per Barrel at R PEDLEB'S. Cotimnno, couicall an<lg<>tiii|iplif.|, f.,i 1,, i, i 'V that ku|m tliu Iwttiina alwy lot. u> liau.l. ali a rliunp line of L;n;, Or^es, Eras I:::::: Amis uno'l lineef oonfurtionaiy. All kludH of fanned iioixlt,. , ..rn uioal, net meal.rolluil wliuat, Ki'aham flnur, alo vinatiar and older SHOP NKXT LO(K Tl) M. KICH \ l: I '> >N A CO'8. Richard Pedler. Ueiieral News. (ienentl Sherman died on Saturday- Tile doukuirii'i strikes at I>>ndun and < 'iinluf an 1 ({rowing uioru oenuiis. Tin- lio nun (Hove \Vnrkt at (ill n \V ili.iins were l>urn<-d Mi unlay inorniiu- 4 Jewish rabbi ami a phyiician have 1*1- n exi-ilid frinii their lioini-s in Hus.ia fur il.uuiL' to pniti-st agaiimt the horrible truc-ltiua |iracticd on a Jewish boy by a ni doctor. This In an Easy KltKK TKIP Tbemiccwa of out last word- Itii'llUK ninti'Ht, just i>liih<nl, ucoiirat;us at to M other fn- trip Ahot'M) -he world, or , , . .|i;imli nt to thn iireon tending In tbe i ll*t of words i'i-lt tin- same forward aod tarkwaril, lucb ae "Pip," "Hob,:' "Hannah." l Hi: i "iiU'it clo<? JUv l.V Three dally |,ri/i'a ..i tlin three laruent linte received. Content .; t., tlm Wui:i.U Kvuryono nendinij tun ..nl will net a priie. Snarly 1*0 won jirixue n our riH'.-nt coiiU'H' Hules and tauiple |.|.i'r : I'i'iitfi. together with a lar^n illutrated cata- '-*.< A-llic. H. 11 MnJine, (Jrillia. Out. Ml Men .1111;:, old, or middle aged, who find thera- ii.TVouH, weak andexhannted, who are i !,, n ,1.1*11 from t'lcrsaea ur oer work, r<>- .!i;iiH in many of tbe following nyuiptom: Mi'iilal dv|irsi>ioii, premature old w, loin f vitality. l"* of memory, bad dreanm, liiuni'HH ii( i(j"t. palpitation of tbe heart. mini-mini, Im-k '>( > IHTJ,-V, puin in the kld- lii'udaehe.pnnpli on th face or body, 'irliiii^ oi |,, 1'iihnr .11 limit i"ii about the boro- iin. wumiii^ of lli' 1 orxaus, diz/.iui-s,iipucks IM Ior<" tin- 1'Vfti, tKilchiiiK of the muaclcH, , and U*wb*N, bashfulnese. deposiu in the linn.', loss ol will power, tMid,'rnr-H i 1 1 :. calp and spine, weak and flahby nUM-lfo. ilrtire to klcep. failure to be rested nstipation, dallnt-sa of hearing. 1 vnicf, desire for olitude. excitability I t, mpfr, sunken eyes Kiuronnded witli i . u i \ iiuci.B, oily looking tktn. etc. .are all \inptoiu.-iofiicrvotisdeliility that lead to inanity und death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost itn fiiMi n . \i-r.v fiinotiou wanm in coiwunenoe. Those .iii" through ahu-i' cominitti-d in ignorauce n iv In- ,.,'rmmirntly cured. Send your ad- Irens for book on all die*sps peculiar to man. Addreas M. V. I.I'ItON, .V) Front St. I . Toronto, On. Book* sent free sealed Mi-art diwate, the symptomsof which are faint Fprlk purple lips, nnmbueas. palpita- tion, skip beats, hut flashes, rush of blood to the head, doll pain in the heart with I, fata strong, rapid and irregular, the second ii. mi I i ,|tiicat-r than tbe flrst, pain about tin- lin-astbone, etc., can poaitily be cnred. Norur', no pay. Send for book. Addrers M V I.I BOX," 50 Front Street East, Tor- onto, Out. NOTICE. OK>I,KD TPNPKKH WILL BK BBCKIVF.D ^ hv tha uii liTnUm-'l i' t" noon OD the Jt ti ilav ul uast Pabruary for thu errction of k brick I hoiino on lol 17. con. 10. Townthlp of l'i .1.111 I'lanx anil upaelfl -alloni at Ui rl II-IH-.I til linU.rt MUck. lot U,ron. 17. Tbc low- vat ur an\ Wuilor nut iuH-in**rily accepted. IlllllEHT Bl.Al'K. Sw Traaii. Hvlutou Park I'.O Bwiiitoo Park. Jn M, 1W1 THE MARKETS, FLESHERTON. Cnrrfulln Correi-ted Kitch H'rek Flour . . , 480 to 5fO Kail Wliaal T - to DO (.|.tlll|! \Mirat Harlny ........................ atn ...................... * Ivan .................... > llnt'er ........................ U 90 . potato* bag P..rk Hay |<r ton Hid,' W 3 00 M) M Tark.yi ........ biukni|r pair ............ Knl>. r, i |.r ....... _ ...... tt Wool ....... .......... U O 41 (3 13 18 M 5 90 00 .110 1 '< U M OM Executor's Notice. lii tli. m.ittt r of tin- rkUte of Mary Ann Mi-M'.illi'ti. \\nliiw. lfiTi'il, punuant t. ..( the n-vimul Ulutei i (Ontario, Hi', nolioe it betrby glTru tliat all cri'ilituiM nii.l other pen>n* liaviug unv il.'l.ti, I'lniiiin in 1 ili nmniU miinst tin- rtatf tif Miiiy Ann McMulU -n, l.iU'.'i tliu vilUuc of Klintltu, in thf toanoliiii i'f Arli-incHia. in tli* fiuint\ nl(ir>y, wi !.' ilrc-u.irxcl.whu dinl vu IT ikhi'Ul tin- 'Jwliil.% !( .ImiituM, A. !>., IMII.Arv Imi'hy rn|iiiii-J ..u ur I', f. i. tin' Ullulm ,.f M.irch. A. I'.. lv.'. I- HVIU! In I' Kl |iri*i>'tnl t" .l.iuii Mi'Mulluii. 1 . \( 1-1 Ion I* (I . oni- nf tilt* rj-'flll"! s of Vlli' 1-1- t.itf nl t)iu wi<l ilet'punt-.l llinr chriitum mul Miiniiii.'i HililiKKM-.-i mi. I .If i-ri|>ti"ii, lln dill rail io ill ar of tht-u rluiint KiuliUtfrnrut .<: linn iK'i-iiiinttt and tin- n.iluri cf m- i-in ii:,> {J liiivl hi-lil bv them. And n.-tii'- n fiinhtr Kiven tKal itt ihi- i (iirti,-ii . i nun- iriiwil tin uUl exMutorn will priK-r, il to ti:>tribiiU- the uit o( tlm iwiil ilurwiMj aini'ii|{ tin- partix* t iilulml tlit-iclo. huvinx r^faril only to III* elaiiut i-lwliioli llwy lml thru hmr nntlo*. ami that th-v will n -t br 1ml. IH i,. i tti Mt*l or any part theruof 10 iliKtiil.nl.-. I to auv prnion in whoae claim* tlnv iliall u. -I thru livi li,l niilii'n. I'-itiul thM HUli ,Uv i'l Krt.iu*rf , 1S-U JAMKII MokiULUCN I _. . TIIOMA: WILSON MCMUU.LN. " arm for Sale. ThoiiB.toralCB . I,,T ! -|.|. ..I 111 Tbr,' it a youd le( aoe and uoat lro oa tb fatin n I lh Bf iule*e are woll feM ,1 Thi '- M we wll letter, I and ,e I. iM llli aa lo* Me eli Tke laraTwill be s*M on r* M ..oMe i raw >l Ik M r per BMBI o Co B realent IB " I *^ M ' *" ^**^SsaS!iBSViJSi 5**** ** for Infants and Children. ,lasowenadapedtochiianmthat I Ca>tor1 CTITW OMe lircammrikl It aa superior to aarpracriLCioa I Boor Stomach. D.arrtwea. Irac-tanoa. a -_ __ _^ l fill* Wi>rnu CIVVA aiccD* aiil if/'j'ito to rot. IL A. Aa^ HBK, II I* , I k UlBo.OitedbX. BrooaJjn, B. T. | Wltaoui injurious natlkattca. TBB CniTAua 7 Murray Street. N. Y. In rositiou FOR Niiinimniiu -AND- Position is Everything. WALL, El* V Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out ? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all Its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the saoae day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner. DR.WILLIAMS A RE KOT a Pur- |' V gatlT* MD ALE EOPLE EVERY III. They ar a II1LOOD Town- 1 nuiioroa. an tbtr au|>uly in a eoudeiUMM ifor'U thu eutietanons tually noeilnd to no- u-Ii tlio Hlood. ouruui 11 dinasas c.>udii .jot l'iK)B and W*i- iir BI.OOD. or frvin [Vnuritn UCISOM In ju I.I.HIU. aud al-- ivki-rate aiul 11 - .i- Ui Hi ,MI> and j8TeTBB.wbn broken down by orfwwork, ui ntal worry.diiM'aito, aioeavas and ladiaore- 11, They have a i ACTION ou o *\-I-M l .th n-en and wninni, UT V1K)H an4 correoinm all Cam Suit You ' Many have tried me answer in vhe affirmative. Then, if others aic well suited why not comfi to me and get Your Pants your coats and vests made irr the best of style, the quickest time and lor the least money. I will never wear cut the patience of my customers by false promises. Bring on the cloth for Your Coats and have it cut whrle you wait. Suits which I makeup and recommend may not be strong as cast iron, but they give satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and statements. test these I. A. BAKER, ARMSTRONG'S HLOCK. Flesbertor PRO BONO PUBLICO. .BOU>rUT TBAT MBIOK II MM," If yoiiwanta irooil. eaj wcrtiDf; darabU sabatantial, crnauii-utal. mil painted |>uo>r i>o that will not be continual lourr* <x annoyance, expenne and relation of (pint, irel one of Artlvy'i noted pumpi and you will i. hai>py far as the pamp Is renuonnble. I mmrtutee sallsfkctiou hi *T*ry /n-tnc- or f'.tt^ it the prtc of the (mm*. I Biibmit for reference tlie names of son-r of tbe I'AitMa wboare usin^ my pnmp*. In MiikdaK- J W Spioufr ; XV N Hatkvtt 7.1 ft de.'i- . i' NV utNHis-. HavMal* aakor IB Artviueaia. \\i Wri||ht . Tuor), \Viigln JarviH tlt'iiry . JoUHSfcoti (' illiii*, ;lt> ft. , s HMI Jauiw Juhnilon ; Mis. HolU-y , M - siamtx-rikiv. M ft. ; John l'ortfou> two pun.i - Oil and ii ft. : Thos. Lrw ; Mr \V Inttmi . Nub <. LAWlence. In Rupbxaaia. J. OverUnJ . l;ot>t. I>UB)OI J. Hodman , Mr M.'S. '\ Stu. Harvej . .< flii-riv . J MoArthur . Job* t*U-hrMi(. X ' -houl. ttaui Haalit , t Noirn ; V r | In Oleuelg. KuriHau&. In Holland . find, hie mental tae- w lull ot laillnc. i Wiu Norton : J Hlamey Mr psMMkcai . Un. Moor*. HI 'i L. J \Vuh>niK.u. X) ft : Jitfiali Jas I'ariwii J \V H.III-X. B: Dan Mi-Mallea ' i-in.e Th, v .ill re.K,i phyelral and mental At K'Kvuia Cooper. M ft JaDieMrO . (>K> Mr. Lawler. 80ft lu Oepry.- Jaaua MaAlea , UuM. 16 ft At Berkley MlUhell Rroa. : Dak* Abk*y. :< f% : Wm Lev* : N Watu . .' Onuttord AKTI K Y Mtjr . MarkcaJr '

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