Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1891, p. 7

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Ntw York AU .- Wrisn W oBoan Ricbts hev* some M stay, Oh. wh. will rock the mdU ? When wive* r M ta* polli all day V* Ob. bo will rock tb* cradls > B, WLea Doctor Mamma s making pill*, I. Whan Merchant Uasamai Mllmf bills. Of coon* 'twill car* all woman's Ills, Bat who will rock the endl* ' When mtmmaio the c->art hi ai*d Ob. who will rock tba cred'* ? Eli* has a ce tb4t mast k* tri"d. Bat who wnl rock tba cradl* ' When Captain Manila walk j her decks, Whn Baaktr Mamma ' casting checks, Wbra all oar girls have lad Uwu HZ. Mu,: PAPA Beck The cndl* * HI Kit Y AJIO WOBBT. Th* AwierleaB faae* for Life and Ore* for Skatlac. At the conference of fooy sktteri in New York Loan Kabensltin, of Montreal repteeetlod the Ctuedian Staling A.MOJIB lion. Tr.e programme for the annual figure sktting competition WM arranged es follows: Flam forward and backward skating, varij.i_ wa>i; ousside edge roll, forward; oni.Ue eig8 roll, backward; inside edge roll, forward, inside edge roll, backward; figure eight, on one foil, forward ; figure eight, oa one foot backward ; oroat roll. forward, in field and eight*, tingle and doobl; circle ; cross roll, backward, in neld and eight*, tingle and doable oirole ; change of edge roll, forward, beginning either on ontaide or icside edge ; ohange of edge roll, backward, begioning either on outside or ioiide edge ; ipread eagle, inside and outside edge*) . carved angle* three*, single, doable ; chain and flying, fce*ii niog on ioiide or oatiiieedge; carved angle* -rocking turns', from oaMide edge to oatiide edge, or from ioiide edge to inside edge, forward and backward ; carved angles crossonls or anvili ; grepevinti, including Philadelphia "twin"; toe and heel movement!, em- bracing pivot circling, toe pins (pirouet- tes) and movements on both toes, etc. ; tingle and double dt foot ipmt, cross fool and two-foot whirl* ; (1) serpentines on one fool and on both feet, (3) ohange of edge, tingle and doable ; loop* and ringlet* oa inside and oatiida edge*, iingle and in combination , display of complex move- menu, at the option of the contestant ; specitiiies, emoncing original and peculiar movement*. Little Tommy MlMlonary Text. By way of introducing novelty into her plan of mission fond oolleotioo* a yoong lady teacher in oce of the city Sunday Schools recently intimated that the woold expect each of her pupilt to recite an ap- propriate verse of Sjriplure on dropping in hie or her mite in toe elate box. The) children entered into the ipirit of the plan and next Bonday it WM apparent that the Bible had been raniacked tor suitable Uils, One little fellow, however, wat much pat oat to nod that nil text had been nied by a fellow pupil before hi* torn had come, and he wa* too original to with to be a teoond njer of ths tame passage. He wat tomewhat troubled, bat at he toddled up a good mother'* training came to hi* relief and a* be dropped in hi* penny he naively remarked, much to the lorprite and amusement ot the school : "A fool and hit money are toon parted.' Tbe Scrip- lore quotation scheme hat been discon- tinued. Each >MI Tilde Odd. Tbe asiiltsd valuation of New York oily U 11.500 000.000. Japan'* 33.000,000 acre* of land support a population of 3t,000,000. It it animated that everv teal coniumet aboat ten poandt of fish daily. Mitt Bell Ball it the maeioal name ot the oily editor ot the Kansas City Star. Tbe deepeet bole ever bored into the earth it the arteaian will at Potsdam, which Is 5,500 feet deep. According to the t'ru>t Trai.it Jjttntal the groe* importation of banana* at all ports during tbe past year wa* 12.58 4 J.540 bunches, or J.ISIVJ'.'J banche* in t \xuof 1989. The average American it a unique ani- mal, sayi the Mew York Herald. He be* peculiarities which teem to indicate a divergent ipeciee ot the gcnot homo ; marked characlerittics which Ml bun apart from his kind ; a hopef ulnet* which renders him ventonsome, a dash, aa a::ity and an environment which force him to disregard traditions and conven- tionalities and make bim somelhicg of an anomaly. He it the busiest and mott ambitious creature on thit planet; is poiilive in bis, beliefs and daring in his enterprise ; hat never learned the meaning of tbe word " impossible," and it limply angered and routed by dimaultiei. His great misfortuas it over-cerebration. Hit brain teethes, boils, bubbles. He :s impatient, wants the railroad train to travel fifty mile* an hoar without flopping, drive* hit hortet and himself at top ipeed, thicki nothing ot a million, bat aim* at a million million, and secures at much of that aggre- gate as he can, is charmed with lightning becaase it always get* there," and with the rolling thunder because il means business. He admire i luooess so roach tbat h* doesn't atkany questions as lo how il was achieved; it conservative in religion, but would like to have il confine itttlt to the limits ot Sunday and not intrude too familiarly into the tffairt of the wtek. Hi U in an everlasting hurry, whittles out his plant tit the future while pretend- ing to be ajie-.-p in the cradle, and at last jump* out of the world as though he had received a llegrt>m from the Celestial City to come at once. This mode of lite tellt on him. His bol brain maket tbe hair drop and hit bead after a while resemble* a billiard bill with two fiery iparka for eyes. Hi ditdaini a wig because be is so engaged in constant lbcn;ht tbtl he might gel it on wrong end to or in the scurry of bniiness might slip it round until the parting runt from ear to ear. He bates to look ridiculous and to goes bald rather than trait to the possible disasters which falsa hair entails. The etimului which keeps him at high preuure it in the air. The cooletl blooded man catches the epidemic of ruth and in pile of himself become* breathles* with excitement. A foreigner who was so phlegmatic that he only winked once a day tirclled down Broetdway.a while tince.look- ing into the windowt. The crowd jostled him. Gredntlly he ctoght the infection, became resilett and began to harry. He felt like a racs hone on tbe track and truck a terrific gtul. H* had nothing to do, was a gentleman cf leUure with the whole day before him, bat the multitude hypnotised him. He wanted lo go H Meet to DUeuu taSr laurMU *ad BUect OSkvr*. Tbe annual meeting ot ths Ontario Sheep Breeder*' Association was held in the parlor of Bhaftesbory Hall, Toronto, yesterday, oommencinc at 1 p. m. Tbe President, Mr. B. Milter, occupied the chair. The first business was the elect'on of cfficen, which resulted as follows : Pre- sident, R. Miller, Brougham (re elected) ; Vice- President, James Rataall, Bichmona Hill ; Secretary, F. W. Hudson, London . Treasurer, Frank B. Shore, Whitebok, Directors. W. W. Beattie, Wilton Grove, Shropshire* , John Jackson, Abingdon, BoBthdowns ; John Kelly, Shakespeare, Leicester*, J. C. Bnell, Edmouton. Con- wold* ; Book Bailey, Union, Merinos ; Wm. Walker, Elderton, Liccolas , John Lassell, Port Credit, Horned Dorset* ; John Ueary, London, Lincoln* ; Jamee Toltoc, Wiukerton, Oxford Downs. On tbe motion cf Alt. Brown, Bethel, a resolution was passed sanctioning the Dorset horned beep record now in operation by the Agri- culture and Arts Associations, and provid- ing thai any other sheep record established OOMOLAA 00 by the request of the breeders of say class of sheep called together by the members cf ths board for said breed be en dorsad by the association On the motion of Mr. R. Marsh, seconded by A. Telfer, it was resolved that whereas the fees now charged by tte American Southdown Association for recording sheep, viz., $1 on all ihcep or lambs, and 15 for imported animals, are excessive ; aud thai the fee for recording sheep should not exceed II, and for Ameri- can-bred, when sin and dam are recorded in the year in which they are yeaned, should not exoeed 50 cents. 1 1 was advis- able that a committee be appointed to establish a record in Canada, and decide on the best methods of conducting a dick- bock, fbe commute* was appointed con- sisting cf Messrs. John Jackson, T. C. Douglas and Robert Shaw. All Siporu to the L'mlud sjaatss I* * mrkwt With tb* FlMW l Onl. Ths following is an extract from a com muoicaiion received by U. B. Cocsol Monsghan tois mcrnin* from ths Treas- ury Department at Wa*hini(ton : On and after March 1st, le'Jl, all article*) of fortign manufacture, such ss are usually or ordinarily m*r**A stamped, branded or labelled, and all packsge oonuining inch or other imported articles tball, re- spectively, be marked, stamped, branded or labelled in legible English words so as to indicate the aoontry of their origin, and unless so marked, stamped, branded or labelled, they shall not be admitted to entry." " The Treasury Department has also sent out a circular to the several consulate* impressing on consular offixrs ths fact that as no dutiable merchandise oan b permitted free entry, by mail or otherwise. unless in the exceptional case of books and ler print* d matter, as providsd for by certain postal treaties, and inch merchan- dise U col entitled lo entry al the Custom House, but is subject to forfeiture on arrival in ths United Sines. ' Refsrring to ths above, tbe U. S. Consul tated thai people who sent gifts) 10 fnsods across tbs line and were surprised al their not receiving the same would undentaai the tale ot the intended Cnristmae and New Tear' s presents. VTABUK8 ! Tl The Italia*. Beferw the Tei isll Pelle* Raflaalo Damaceo, the Italian who las* week stabbed George Molholland. of Ham Uton. a fellow convict in the Central Pri- son, was brought before M agistrate Denisoa yesterday morning by Warden Mas*!-, an*) was arraigned on a charge of filuuiow* wounding. H* admitted having Moiholland, out asked for an aojoo until Tnescay. ibal he may see a lawyer. Il is understood he will plead some sort at self defence. Muiholland s torrr finished to day. ___ A Lev* tm M. WlmL. sxk my i Sprin, Aslee. 1*91. Brentford Ou*lph Berlin .. S:r-.r.rl... Simc* aanofB, C. }. _.Tn*sday .Toeeday 17th March . . iitc March Um March Monday Oih April Cayos*- Tbonday _ _ih April Wellaad Moadav IJth April .KUaftfl ; H* The brutal murder of a brave old man ot eighty at Anaester, who died heroically defending hi* houishoH, it a telling com- mentary on the power of thj gellowi as a deterrent. Anoasisr it only forty or fitly miles from Woodstock, and about an equal distance from Willand, where an an for lunate man was banged a few days attar Birchall. Manifestly the deterring power ot these two executions did not extend as tar as Anoaster. So long as capital pan- ithmenl transforms murderers into hymn- tingiog heroes and tends tbsm directly to heaven in triumph, the gallows will never have much potency as a deterrent. It thsee Anoasisr thugs are oanghl and hanged il it to be hoped that the press and the mawkish portion of society will not make heroes of them. Canada rVe6yria*. A*tlou aod BeacUen. Buffalo Kfpmi : At 10 ths jumps the rope and performs on a trapeze. Thai is tbe age of action. At 30 she lolls on a sofa or hammock and reads noveli. That li the age of passion. At 30 she wieldt the slipper or tlove poker, according lo ihs si ot the tubjeoi. Tbat is the age ot reaction. And ysl they say that action and reaouan are equal and opposite in effects. The Secret of Wealth. Philadelphia rittw : " The teortt of wealth?" said the rich man, in a stiff manner. " I oannol tay I hav* any. Still there are two things" " And they are ?" eagerly interrupted the young inquirer. " 1 did without ios in inmmir and did my own plumbing in winter." Twenty thousand words havs been added to tbe English language iu tbs department ot biology alone sinos Darwin's discoveries. Ths number of these werds will be appre- ciated when it il considered thai an ordinarily well educated man't vocabulary it mai'e up ot only about fifteen thousand words. II i* oimooll lo beat wUh . friend's infirmities, when you have to log him home oa one) ol his off eights. t: v (,'ieen Isabella. of Spain, g'ov* fattec aad falter with her advancing yeri. Mao* at her urn* I* now nlvun ur to iwUgioa an.l u, works of charity. where, anywhere, and to gel iberi right otf. At last he brought up at tbu Pulton ferry, was bound to be tbs first on board, tipped over a poor apple woman's stand bat ooaldn't Hop to remedy tbe mis- fortune, edged hi* way to the front ot the boat, gazed al Brooklyn as Columbus did at the new found land, jumped ashore entirely out of breath and suddenly rsmsm bered that he had nothing to do and had been doing it a breakoick rate. It was ths air, tbe orowd, the general bustle, eagerness and rivalry which wore him out and tent him lo bed for sleep and rest, tin blood boiled, his nerves were tingling, he was in a fever. W s gel used to thai kind ot life and don't recognize the fci thai we are like a conflagration, thti the body is always on fire, with smoke, dtmet, crackling timbers and a Dakota blUzard insid* of us. Then come* dyspep- sia, we wondtr why. and we are as croes as bears , or rheumatism, and the Lord help everyone who speaks ot as ; or ths goal, when oar enforced idlsas** nils us with a rampant desire lo break the furniture ; or paralytit or apoplexy, when we drop cut ot the procession and give younger men a ohtno* to go and do likewise. What w need in this country it more fun and more physical txtrois*. Dollars look to big to us that we weald jump across ths bottom less pit to grab them and ran the risk of tailing in. W* think loo muoh of money and too little ot lite, kevp piling up a tor- plot and then die before we have a chance to enjoy it. gat a oraze tor oash until at last w* care more for it than it is worth. When we fit to be older a* a nation we shall have more holidays, mare excursions. picEias, sports and laiiare. Work it good, bat too mack of it U doom. We djn't laugh enough, lake lift too seriously, have kesn appetite for sjoyment, but oan't aiTord the lime to gratify it. Ths beet rule, it you want to live long and be happy, it to tax* all ths pleasure von oan as you go along, and even hunt for il if there is none in sight. Il it belter to bi a man than to be mere money oask, Two Kemarkablr Ths Liverpool Jwnal of comment calls attention to what U justly describe* as among the most remarkable triumphs of marine engineering when il records ths recent performances of the White Star steamers, ths Britannia and Germanic "Although these vessels are nearly 17 years old, aad hav* been in continuous commis- sion, they not only maintain their position as flrst-olai* mail steamers, bat have actually increased their speed. Bearing in mind," tys the Journal f Comment, ths tr> ing nature ot ths Atlantic trade, and tbe constituent wear and tear cf the machinery of ths vessels engaged in il, the owner* and builders ot these melt may will and justly pride in them, a modern steamer i* usually more or less obsolete attar ten years' service, but the Britannic and Germanic are evidence ot the truth, which we frequently urge, that il pays in ihs long run to maintain a vessel in the hibest possible tuts ot afloieoey. For oar part, and w* think thai all who know anything ot tbe subject will agree with us, the recent performances of ths Britannic and Gsrmanio, considering the ages ot the vessels, are among ths most remarkable triumphs of martae engineering. It we remember aright, both vtssels are running with their original engine* and boilers, and such has been tbe closes ot strength given 10 thsee latter tbat, in spile of their age, the pressure is bat little it any reduced in them. W* oannol, however, speak with certainly on this point." J. ProcivUla... --- Monday Cornwall... ...... ____ Tuesday Kinntuo Monday Speoee___ ...... Monday Plotoa. .... Belleville Whitbt Ccbounj _ ...... 9th March .7th March Hfi March 9OU Marco 6th ApnJ ...mh Apnl rth April 4ih May WeiiiwSusi ..... Monday _______ ..... Xh Much St. Thomas ...... Monday ............... 16th March Wa kenoa ------ Monday - ------ -*Srd MareQ Loedoe _ ..... Moodav _____ .. JUth March Ooderieh ............... Mo day.... .......... LJUi April *araia ................ M-nday ..... -__JDIh April Chatham ..... --- Monday -------- JTih April iVuidwiabl- ...... ___ Wilasilsy ______ tan May Bam* Oven Sound. Lindsay reeerberu'. Perth Pembroke. . L OruusJ Ottawa. J. 9th March *rd March JOth Marva th April 13th April iUt April ___ *th AprU JDih Apnl Mach nay my meltiws; BUSM mesn y rnoonlaKd m notunns. This yoong man *u>ed out too late, ssr- snading his lady love. He e*ub a oossX which developed into catarrh, but he cores! it with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, a sovereign specific for chronic cases, " Cold in ths bead," Catarrhal Headache. It corrects ibs "** breath, stops tbe offen- sive dischargee, beals tee irritated throat tnd nose, leaving the head clear, and smett and taste unimpaired. Il costs but 50 cents, and tho proprietors oflsr in giod faith WO for a case they cannot core. Ontario AppolatmeaU. The following appointments have beam gazetted : W. J. Ki^d. of Ottawa, and Dud- Icy Holmes, cf Godertoh, to be notaries) public . John C. McNab. of the town of Berne, to be clerk ot the Firil Div Court ot the County of Buncos. patent have been issosd incorporating the) Toronto Suspender Manufacturing Co., (limited), with a capital stock of IU 000 ; The Toronto llmum Association. :mited), ot Toronto, with a capital stock ol tJ 000 ; aad ths Standard E.ectrio Company of Ottawa, with a capital stock of tttO.OOO. T ! Tee : " " There : than : - The twitch room cf Lcndon't big tele- phone syitsm is in Cannon street- Soeaw o 000 subscribers are accommodated. Tbe week day force of switcher* in the central room consists of thirty-two ycnug womeav There are ao jail bells in then. -tinge the u alters sot instead . bat the noise ot thirty-two girls simultaneously calling oejs, Yes : Yet ! ' - There : There ! " in i ' voice i* prodigious. Toronto Civil Coar. Monday ...___. *lh Hawsk Toronto Criminal Coart-. ....... Mooday ------- 90th April Milton Mondav ------ ..... TiL Brampion ______ TnurUy. .._... ______ Mh April St Caihanae*. . .. Monday ....... <th May Osestjsvllls . . Monday .. .......... utn May rr UUb Talken ! Try. These are a few of tbs jaw-breaking ohemioal term* need in an article in tbe 4swrvcs (.'tumitalJounml : TrimstbykjainonecarboxyUo acid. 1' diamidoduryUo acid. Paradiohlor.jninodedimalonio ether. Paradismidc>iuinodedimalonio ether. I'aracbl jr byoroxyquinons. Dibrcmqninonelerephlhalio ether. Bnocinylosuocinis eiher Batuoijuinonscsrboxylio acid. ParadiohlorhydrC'iuinons d i m 1 1 o n i ether. t a ihouaand limes better to spsnd some ot >.i' earnings on yourself than leave il all to yoor obildren, who will probablv buy a toboggan with it and ilide to the devil. BrllUh Book Trad*. Statistics) ot ths British book trade for 1890 show tbs total ot new books to be 4,414, and ot new editions 1.311. making a total of 5,733. This, however, doss not reach the number recorded In 1889, when 4,694 new bo^Ks and 1,373 new editions, or a total ot 6,067 works were published. The 4,414 new books are diviiled into 14 classes, and ths number* under the several heads are given at follows : Novels, tales and olhtr work* of notion, 831 , educational, classical and philological, 615 , theology, sermons, etc., 555 ; juvenile works and tales, 443 ; ysar books and serials in vol- umes, S18; history, biography, etc., 94 ; voyages, travels and geographical research, ISS; belle* lettree, sssays, monograph!, etc., 171; medicine, luncery, etc., 143; poetry and the drama, 114 ; political aad social economy, trads and eommerca, 87 ; arts, toieaoss and illustrated works, 64 ; law, jurisprudence, etc , 40 ; and misoella neons, including parrphlit*. 611. Too Much Cur!**lty. " What two beautiful children ' Are they twios? " taid an old bachelor to an Austin lady wilh two children " Oh, yes. thsy are twins," replied the lady. Excuse my cariosity, madam, but are you tbe mother of both of them ? " A Mem. for the TravelllBsT. Seller. Nothing oommtnds a road man, or any other man, more to his employers than a carefully incurred and a carefully itemiisd expense account. Sams exaeilent men feel above details, bat ths firm wboee oash needed lo liquidate details has a right both to inspect aad reject. TV I'oriwr froJ Jountal. MswMaws Buffalo .Vews . " I haven't any sym- pathy wilh you," mapped out Mr*. Brown. Experience never teaches you anything. Here's the second time yon have fallen down the cellar." What are you talking aboat," growled the old man, robbing his shins. " Didn't we move linos then and ain't this a difler- snl cellar T" _ Frviu the City. Nsw York HtroU . Deacon Bardsorab- ble, to Das*enger requiring three seats for himself and baegag* You are from the city. I preenms ' Mr. Bhoat Yes . bow did yon know il ? Deacon Uardsorabble Oh, we butchered oar country hogs three months ego : Faddy Brennsn, of Buffalo, and Jimmy Uuocmi. ohaoipioa of yaebeo. fought a dnish battle a abort distance from Toronto Friday night. Ths fTair bad been all prs arranged and to carefully planned thai the Toronto polios never suspected any- thing wrong. The stakes were 9'iOO a side. The men wore ordinary kid gloves. The (Quebec man was never in il. H* was) terribly pranded aboat the face, while Brennan'i injuries were all on his body. Hig<ii>i was made a veritable chopping block and wa* knocked down every round. Tbe fight was ^oeeosberrv rule*. Il was in tbe fifth round tbat Brennan's seconds olsimed ibe fitibt as Hittgins wa* barely able to respond. Ths Quebec man revived after the suvsnth and showed soms nht. Hi failed tu re- ipond for the fourteenth and his iix>nds threw op tbe spoons. Paul Paltillo was tbe only Toronto man present. He was one ot Brennan's second!. Tbe referee wa* a Hamilton man. Some ot ths spectators belonged to Montreal, but the majority hailed from Buffalo. Much of the Russia leather comes from Connecticut. Bordeeoi wins from California, than marble from Kentaaky, Frenek lac* from Nsw York, and Spanish macksral from the New Jersey coast. Dr Pierose Golden Medical Discovery come* from Buffalo, N. Y.. but there is nothinst in its name to criticise for it is truly golden in value, as thousands gladly testify. Con- sumption is averted by it* use, and it has) wrought many positive cures It uunsuwi torpid liver and kidneys, pannes the blood, banishes dispepeiaand torofala, renew* the) lease ot life, and tones up ths system ae nothing elss will do What is more.il i*) *werw*r<rra' lo do all this, or ths price is re- lundtd. The editor cf the Boomvills 5e*c4awB lake* pleasure in submitting ths f jilowuag number ol copies printed weekly . ISO. Oain* fur y*ar. I. too per a*ni ' r*. Sworn to bwfurv m* this dav . Xotary PabUei The Marquis ot Lorn* has turned novel- inter. Mr. A. McMeans, of Brentford, was ot tbowe slightly injured in the C. P. B. run off al Schreiber on Wednesday. u. u. L a. t Hat : MlM Ava WilliBg, of Philadelphia, whom John Jacob Actor, jr . i* to wed on tbe 17th of the present month, is a very pretty little girl ot tsunlma. with dark brown hair, large eyet, t ttraigbl nose and a disposition ot unuiusl sweetness. Mr Ailor it not at all handsomr. aad yel it would not quite op a olook lor bim to look it U ; nor i* he prUlianl. II U trnii that In Paris io* asaai > crime* are committed by pereoui bttwesu ne wee at II and MM b> khott bttwecn MatTw*. Whv his Wife U - rtdsety.- 1 have to* b*st cook in the (owe. Wbos* bnad U delicioos ud wbrta; Her oofle* Is (ragtant and brown, H*f pa*tr< a t<*rfeo Jelisht. be dally oompla LS ol in* worry they brinj 8hv s my o*n dar log wile, bat a ftdsjety thing Your wits is worn ool, and needs Dr. Pierot't Favonte Preecriplioo, the only medicins guaranteed to curs debilitated women. How many overworked American ladies ws see with lack-lustre ejee and hag- gard faces, growing old before their time, from those sxbautiing ailments tbat men know nothing of. They oan be permsnsntly cured by ihi* remedy, a* numberless grate- ful women will attest. Pries refunded, it it fails to give satisfaction in every oaae. Be* /araiitr printed on bottle- wrapper. Chicago .Vewu .- Florence The idea of saying you were only 13 Bessie You forget mamma told as thai it is always better to underrate than to ex- aggerate, my dear. Babies and young children dressed in white are thought by medical men to be more susceptible to oolds and infectious diseases than those olad in dark, warm colors. Tbe greater quantity ot hair from which wigs ars made for England'* judges, lawysn and clergyman oomss from China, where il it out from the headt ot beggars, criminals and the dead. COUCH MEDICIML :TI; tun. CHRONIC COUGH Now! for If ot > A Oaee of Km>*rsjsw*. New York Sun . ' After yon have mixed the batter for your angel cake what do you do '" asked the caller. ' I telephone for the doctor," laid r'thel, unless ths oak* is being made far the church fair." _ A young Mexican never pays for the tiekets when he takes a >ouug woman to the theatre. The lady's father attend* to thai and consider* bimtelf insulted it the > onrg man proposal to pay Ibe way. Perfomr. yungenti and powders are pal up in ths liaeei of out glass bottles with silver stoppers, aad cold ereame. oils and beloaa are paekasl in jags ot Dresden china with silver lop*. SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod l.i>-r Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES It w> almoi a* ps late Me better than other sooalU a wonderful Beeh pr">lut-e scorrs i MI 4s put Mf> IM a M/xxm <Wi>* sure amd yef '* U^ttm al J*V. UMJ ttixi. r.iH \ .. .umptioo if vi.c. TO TMK K1MTOH: Please inform your r.der thJ- . n*m*d du*. By its tuaely nse tbouAn^ ol So be f laJ to tend two bottlri of - if they will adww thaw I aeietalele. ^t,. have a ponHve ressedy w Se beea sisnanenuy I Of your r*ewan woo ua<r R*.tfu,T. I CURE FITS! aav* th<n retu.n atrata. I MIAN A MAD) C At < Kpilewey or Fmllin, aN*oA\n*se a Ule-.uu( itul] out ce. Because others bv (aL'd is uo teon lor nut Bow Once *ot a treatu* *oa < Pre* avettl*) of m/ lnfll.r>lo >* >o.t OV*. Il co*H you noth.n. for a trial nJ it i w newtswrt OtMoe. l wlf BtJMO THlir. tOROMTO. TH3USAHOS OF BOFU! GIYEN AWAY YEARLY. Wb<-r I .\T Cure 1 do not OM*J BWaV* te ' . ! i : atlBie. *;!' t**J CUwV. lk'. u .Ui- toecwMueof fwnl .1 \ wa\rte>n J- ~V to Cur* i ****r

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