Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1891, p. 5

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THE FLESHER10N ADVANCE. of GEO. MITCHELL, A fs*rl b*nklr>( bjsitwts trtataettd DrkfM lsu* 1 a I eke*. i*> ca*k4 tt ittl rttw X.v tlwtva tvtilabU for legrtaMtt* busineet MtwMMi Orna tww deert nerts wf Rtektuatwt) * Co t Vicinity Chips. ' liarii. |,Ti>Mrx .a thr Pmst ffcit rrl,,Uv ilfi. ,1 for the See the hnyi' feints at 54 oeata offenng at McDonald & Evans Jaa. Calhuuii. dry icood* twvrdtaat of PunOalk, has a Richard**)*) ' Striae Wall Vaprr* arc Br*) a IWBIKOM ook to Th* that h*ve not ptel tdeir *ccrmra to F. G. Kantxdt ha>i beeber wife 20th <>f February W hare reeeivrU > i 1 ! lh ton Kntecprue. * it<r paper puMuhc*! by Maura! Mo^artnoy A I>vard. Mr. R. TnmUe and J. W. Annr>nx, C| , *fer vtllajti and otWT prnpmie* fur sle in thia le. See aeUtrtisetweut. EKi you want t" insure the Sy>4ew- liaui Mutual > Dn.p a CaeJ to that ef- fect to Wo> A. Dayman, Ajfemt. Kail*. To-niitkt (Tharsday) a tea meeting will be heltl at Eugenia niwW the auspices : tli.- Ku^riiia Metbnchst chmvh Mtd Sunday school l*aal prtcea. See hills. " A risk of $MOO m the Sydenaam Mutual will co*t $4 00, and that include* : i fe. \Viu. A. Dayman Agent, \\ilttr 3 Falls. Mr. S. Daniade ha* had placed with liim by a rJuulph Drm an order for f I'J worth "I barrel ataves. He has Dot y-t ecurcd all the titaber h require*. Ai t* is paying i^H*l pave* tins year faruivra who HA\O timber sh.nild brunt i' in. 1. B. Lra. barrister. Markdalr. ha* $10,000 private funda to lend on farm morti^M within the next few montha at lowoat currvut rate*. No cniuiiss- lons, no delays, expense* low. Apply at <rfice in Markdale duriiia the week or at DuncUlk office on Saturday*. Any per* >u wanting information about the Svdeuham Mutual Fire Insurance *'>')'. Drop a card to Wot. A. Dayman. Kleehertoii, any tiute before the -3th of Fubruarv. machine needle* to be got at \\iii. Richardson's. Lack man*, Wilaou \ .; I'., liardmer, Howe, \\VUt.r. <:ate*. tle*p*ler, Waiiser A C. & G.. ifeborn, Raymond . Banner, William*' Improved, New Domestic, White'*, Royal. ktiuger'* Family, Sim-tr's Medium, SniKvr linpmved. Cut thu out and put it in your work box. Mr*. Whitby. widow of th* Ute Jtthn Whit by. ha* i^une to Oahawa to raide. She anil her on Leasou left on KViday laat for their new home. H*r dauihter, Mr*. F. W. Br<H)k, live* in that town, alao her *on I'ham., *o *hwi!l have at la*t tome of her family around her. She carrie* wita he* the lympnihy and beat wiihe* >t" a large circle of friend*. Mtrkdale Standard. Victoria CkM Factory Kotte*. The p*roM of the abu*e ekewte factory will meet on Saturday the 21*t day of February at Mn. 4 aebool kowe of .\rto- ne*ia at 2 o'clock hrp. to ebct oftcen and do other txuinee* oonnected with the factory. Hope all will attend, Wot Hame*. Notloe to Farmer*. All who wish a efeeap yvt safe msur- atice will find it tu tneir incereit to anvet me at A Muuahaw'a hntel, Fleshcrton,ou ' fuitday, the 24ctt of ft In vary, between LSm boejrw t>f nuMB and 3 r 'clock, p.m. WM A. DAYM\N. Arnt fnr the SydeohasB Mutual Fire The Sydcnhaiu Mutual insure* at f of the cash vwtor. and in case f Hies \my* the full aaiiit f msuranoe. Was, A. Dayntau, Aee*L, Walter's Kalis. To Correapomdenta Will our cwweponl*nU kiwdly aaai tHrvr *n?v ao that it nay reach us nut later than Tuesday *t ">""> Otherwise it wntst Lay ovr otitn 1 the fnUu*ring week Also V- act seal TOW* ketftef*, a* we hare tn pa? au addrhooeJ two cents at tat* w4 wVien you 4n *tv Orajtge Soirww- Ts annul anitve of Ei/jwnia L O. L. w\M be s4*t on Tharseiay evening, Feb. <8, when an excellent pntfram will, aa jajasm, be jwvte*l. Tea served from 5 t 7 e'dwA. The) Kutfema Oranijeiuni have a r*vtftat*m for netting up some- ihmx itrwrdinarily ui*>d. and oo doubt they wiH havw a itrvat crowd present on tliw ccasi<. S?e lanje posters. Died. At her late residence, Tyrott-t aettle- mnit, n?ar Pr"ton Station, to wi. ship of Artvmeaia, on the llth mat.. Miryarvt. tvlicl of the late Jueujph Park, n the 88th year of her am. EWeaaed was amongst the early pioneer* of thia town- ship, and waa deservedly popular with a larxe circle of admiring friend*. The funeral cortege was one of the lanrest we have se?n in this section. Tlie re- oisina were buried in FUaherton ceme- tery Deceased was born near Plum , Co. Tyrone, Ireland. Mr. Blythe i* attending Dr. lender kin'* meeting* thu week. On Monday night nuftuijr* were held at Pri.-eville, Tueeday nuht at Eugenia and Wedue*- day umnt at.Vandeleur. A Blythe meet- n. k; wilt be hvld in Fleaherton on Satur- day. Feb. JS.and at Prioeville the evei<iii|t previous. The political ot i* gettmK worked up to white heat in Urn town- ship. Let her N>il Mr. Arthur Johnston, Mttaford R..i, ha* lately purchased a niMnnincviit thoroughbred Purham bull, 2 ye.ir* old, ore<l by col. Tyrwhitt. of We*t CoilIirD- tuiry The animal WA purx-hnaed fnuu .Unie* Fennel), of BaWford. Hnweivht i li'i'JO Ib*. We lutpe the Urnier* of thi* *vtion will appreciate Mr. J..hn ton'* enterpriae in *rcurmx thi* .u^uial to improve their ttock. Wall Pa|wrr- Th s i* the um* to l.iok out what yoa will want Ipr pnn(, *:>4 you will fiud a tarttr ran- o( patterot *t Kiohardsoo <k Co'* and at ehea|>r raliM Uiau any stock prvvioualy shown her*. Secretary Damude, of the Kt Graf t:riciiltural Kiely, i* avain moving in th* matter of securing more lei{>lative *id to oi'unty ahw*. He ha* bxen in .imin tink-ttion with aecrvtarie* of othar -vietie* in the province, and has ar- ]*III:<K| for an interview with M- . lh-y.1en. on Friday March 13th, n*xt, heu it i* expected that a very lance lputatin will be preaeut to uix iae )ii*tic i-i th* claim. Notice. Ji>hn Barclay, weaver, ha* not left Vleahttrton a* tvuie people ray, b>U will be found *econd hwuee east of >'.a|>lmi 'lurch, Kloshcrton. Cbarch New*. Rev. Mr. Toitye will preach A*. , the t*tk>n ou Sabbath next at 10 W a, . Th* Miiaea Hall. <>f iJuelph, wiU .take it in th* UethiKlut ciltjrch *er<.<y on day next. Shirt* clearing at .V cent* each ; men's suiu fJ 50 ; boys suits f !.*. 13.00 and 92.50. *nd other good* equally cheap at M Rihard*on A Co'* clearing sale, closing oat tbi* week. It was a cat. Mr. W. H. Moore (hot a taiiny colored animal in Proton township, about three miles from Hopeville, last week. The brute appeaw to be. a ca* botwreu a wild c*t and a Qtna<in fynx. for it ha* some ft the point* of a wild cat and other* like a lynx. It measured over 3 feet in length and writhed 37 Ib*. Mr. M re. has the aiiimal on exhibition at hi* (tore in the market building. He say* that that part of the country is in- fetted with them, there bemit inuoienble track* in the wooda, and a hunter can go out and sho-'t fn-m one to three a day at almost any time. O. S. Times. The Wnuht store on the htll i* the place tor barxain*. McDonald A Evans. McArvtte v. Cavanagh Thia giuH 1 wwich ha* excited c-<nider- able interent case olf on Tuesday before J\pticv* Hanbuty. Oamey, McPher*ii atd McMillan. 'McArdle' chanted the dei'ajlant, who is clerk of the township of Proton, with refuting to accept his declaration of quAiitioation as councillor. It ieni< tli.U at the 6r*t meetinic of tin- counl the clerk prxpai vd the declaration which McArdle wanted changed by in sertuis; "in the right of my wife." The clerk cwntomled that the declaration had bevn prepared accordini{ U> the vwess- nient roll and wouKi allow no change to be ma4e. The court held that it wa* the iK-rk's duty to take the devUrntioti in the form presented, that aa an oAicial of the council, he had not anything !' with its form, so lonij a* it conformed to the statute, but considering that the clerk had acted conscientiously in the rnattci.- the fin wjis made near the low. et Iun4, and the defendant fined $10. The ot* amounted to 125.50. Ja. I.amou for Plaintiff : I. B. l.uca* for de- leiulatlt- [Dundalk Herald. Personals. Mi* Ada Sprou'e is attendirtj; the Ud**' oillc^e. Whitby. Mr. John Blythe. the coming niemVr for South (irey, wa* in town vn i^-sJay Dr. Litnderkin, the last of the Mohi- can*'" in South t!rey, pasted through the i il. *> o Tuetday. Mr. M. Richardson attended ,th* ureat Conservative demonstration tu Toionl 014 Tuesday eveoinx- Mr. J. J. Kittson and. K>D> of Crre- nimre. paid a short vi*it k< friend* in the v.ejuity of Fle*hf>rV>ii this weak. Mr. W Pearce, of Oraugetille. is liv- ing with hi* unole, Dr. Ohn*ti>, and at toiMlinc th* Fles'iertou pubiu school. The Mi**** Hall, Ud] *,vaogeli*ta, \r* a*silm^ Rev. Mr. Toajre in the special service* hh-h he i* now cmiducting in the Mfthmlist church here. Mr. Will ArMutroiiK left on Wednesday hvtt fpr an extwided tpur to the North- west ajitt British Oiluiubia. He expects to be absent about three month*. We*, will .iinid to any'hinK you may want in the jw'fjr<r line dunug ihe absence of hi* partner At OraoceviUe Saturday, N-ble Smith. A year* old, wh|)e eoaatiuf, ran ito a tram and one of the horaa* Mapped en hi* head. He died io a f*w, fcvurs. t Lsejt WAT raoH A* a |*B*r*i rale I ass aut in the Ubi; of yactisug tht Slisgrteaslt tud extremely ia mtnerly htfeit of "aveedr-jppmt t.wty-, id herlutoth* eM atstxim that "*avMdropp*n t o* ood aCiheouelvt*. which. I must con- let*, hts keen fnrtiWe tirl truthfully proven to ate < nor* tatn owe instance. However, it wa* tkrog BO fault of mm* that I beard aatthar wtt it ISM fault of the individuals coo- cern-sd if! vr t hear, what patstd between :i m wail* tnnllintj on a railwty coach from O. to T Yfes covple were newly married, judging fron thsiraetions They bad been to* centre of eoni*trable tttention .luring my journey. drawing th* notice of m; fellow p*es*ng*rt by their peculiar manoeuvre*. Not t word wa* tpoktn between them for tbe Srt 30 mile* Iro-i th* little dtg sttt.oa where tbe> hsd botkrded th* train. They w*r* constantly look- ing around oa the pttftengen tad then t* twcb other, when tn eve looked love to eyee thtt >peJte sgtin. tnd all went merry, as t marriage will. Tbe feiutle part of th* show wtt a young icirl wbo nad seen shout thirty winters. Judging from her piucbed an 1 ptskvd *xprvstion she had encountered torn* T,ro treesuagt in her time. Her TeraiilltoH htir WSM <lip|>eii short tad on th* bock of her hetd wt* pltced a strtw bat. colored with It jiffennt of oolon diamond dyw, trimnMd with a>tprtakJiajf mlin and aa*aswri* two feet tfuru nm tarisa. The mtle portion wt* t> bornv btvnded *unaf the <oil.with stand ui< collar bavin( Cornell beautifuDir tdapted to Krtpinf bit ears whenever be beat *n w*J to sea if hit ve* was palled down, red artvtkt hwh water pants, snnbtsraed noe* cut on a bits, tnd ail ei*mely eneroe*di! < ktadt, wbtch stwmed to give him great trouble in getting them in t tmtsble poition It toon became psiufally etideut thtt the nit'.e wished to *ay something to th* female. We were til twre of thia nve minute* befon b* cots- meocad After great deal of looking around. smash i mi tnd blowing his note with a large btodaaa. h* managed, lueh bv inch, to g* to hit darling's ear. but the ear which h* Meaning- ly witbed to reach uiot wts on tb* farther >id*. Hut where there s t will tUare't t way. tnd he tocorUiagly pat oa* knee ja th* seat. >tr*tcb*d hi* long body a:ound Oeh.ud her tnd placed bit lip* to IhedetireJ pet>kin tube, opened his mouth very wide tnd excltimejd : e t long wty from t j Tbit tction led at to think IkM sfle wt* Jet/ n one etr tnd could DO* bear taceedingly well o*l of tb* o'Jier. TJ verify tb* conclusion wbich wk*d nsacbed. a per srsed expression over*iejd tbe Binched wsd i ^ tked tspr*sion which plainly saiu -1 don t h*tr. sty it sgtin. " Tn* young man alt* rather p*rplexd bat was equal to tbe tnd lifted jp bit voice aloud the tad cried ->* '.ong way .'rvxu Via BOW ' ' Bu still hit darling did net teem to hear, tt the stoii* old expression deepened. Again tbe rounn nit* cned aloud, this time lu t veie* that put to thtme th* whistle ou tbe eugiu* aud rtttleii th* ice in th* water tana : We r* t long way from alt o Tbi* iiiutivbe dear one uuderstood. tnd nod- ded b,r liule bead, amruiing that tb* sttte- taerw, wi* perfectly true, wbile t beaming >mu*> spread all over her ftc* till .t reached her bear, where it multiplied, aud with re- uew*^ vigor sbol its burning ray* full in th* ftc* of th* young man. toting lik* mtgic on bit alretdy be*>l*d brow, and canted tbe iwrtpirtlten to Utertlly (s>ur down hit ftc* funnsnl tpplic*>titn* of tbe be>n<ltaa, how vtr. rvuitdied this la d** time As their c^n r*rse,tK u nd*d so tlso did my jonrtty. and ts 1 emerged upon tht station platform 1 be- gtn %o soliloquise within mytalf upon the great fiuaistion Is Utrritg* t fular*. tnd I resolved it wtt not. is this cat* especially. Kil 1 " fir* ' tire ! " Th* SBildsa cry naturally itrike* wrttr to evejry heart . but modern t|>pl> tDCe* for oghtiu| the mertile** fltme* have been e&rneJ to such t detjree f perfection that the knowledge of thr ealsteoc* inspire* eon. A Wave even wfaen in peril rroni flr*. Tb* Nw \ jik Kr* Ueptrtuietit is world-renowned for It* efflciucy. tad everyone will be interested t* know of tb* uitfilh-d* tad tppliaaceetorBgbtatg are In the metropoht. wl.icb tre most vividly described tad spieoJidly illuttrated ia tbt Uvcb number of Uemor**t s Ftnnlv Mtgaxis*. jssl trriveil. At usutl. this u-%siue is bruk- ftl trui rvtiDing over with good thing*. eotu*- tli.ity i 'f specitl interett to vaoh uivtuber of the. ftuiily Those with trtistic ttte* will be de- lighted with the paper on -The Art -.- - ' N*w York.' which tn> most chti'u tne.lv dis- c.Mirsexl of bv oue who has ht.1 lutnjttto tc- qutiuttknc* with the uut protmneut tnd the tccoiup*>n>iun t!Iu*tittions tre jrtwu fn-ui lit*, m toy t pleasant evening ctn h* spent in th* home rirel* learnitglhow (o dta* from tae explicit directions tud i'.lu*tntt;ont givrn in Modern Houu I Dance* ; " thoer wo K>ug for a country home of their wn uity learn bow their dra*>n may b* i vtl; *< tt mtll exswnse. by rexliug tbo.it cv-ttsjjes that ctn b*> built f. -r lets than tl.UiO. in th* paper *nt4tl*d pvnuve Homet : ' and tbe yrotaeotiv* bride who some Jty may )>os*ee* s.o*4( th**e home* will i|ttbi<r uituy pi tct.i.V, bint* from "l\>ro- thy t Troust*tu. which was *rrtaiied lor SUN. Surely, here is t wide Jivwnuty of intereets . but m addition there tr* brigs)! tttirie*. nJ tb* usual well stored J*i<art invavi. and narly tbr**but,dr*d handsome illuttitMoot. Kvvry number of DeiiK>r**t i ftuiily iut4;a*ine brings lit quota of pi****** iir)>ri*t. and every ftuiily should enjoy them. It Is osily 14 p-r year, toid is published by W Jenning* Pu.o- rest, 14 Kasl I lib Street. New York Wm.Clayton, Boot and shoe dealer, lias a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Over- shoes, Felt Boots, Trunks, Arc. ; new goods, and sell- ing cheap. Homemade hoots on hand and made to order. Repairing promptly attended to. I lUrni.i From "Mr o*rn O>rrnpinJe*i(. Mr. Thomas IVtts in preparing uia'.ei i*l for a tiue brick rv^ideuce at the Morey corneis. TI>BI says it won't N' a bactieloi't* hall, either. Mr Carr is daiD^ a rushing busi- ness in hi* MW null. Our ix>wilr store k-^ps^r, Mr. Cairn*, is doint; a ^xxl biiiiius*. Hi says be ui'att get sou)*, uno to )ilp whu U sp>!||s{ ind*) begio*. Now U your cbaoce girls. Wbo will to tbe rescue ? Mr. D. Jobuston. of Toronto, u is; at bis uaclr s.Mr. J B. Sloan. Mr. Robert Plaint walkj witb a proud, liappy swp.aud tbe cause tliere- otf is tbat a bauJsotue baby boy ar- rived a; their liou.-e a tew days ago. wbo will be a permauent member of the family circle. Mrs. 1> McMulleu is vtrj ill at Dr. Sinclair, Mrs. Wocxlburn baa been safferiog from a very stvere spramed fout. got from a fall ou the street. are sjreat preparations going on for the Orange tea-uieeti' is tLe best of tbe seasou a fall bouse - Mr^. Edward Johnston is away :ids iu l'ro',on. Htury Fenwick aud Jolintiy Penwick have been vis. fneuds a; luvormay and Paisley aud other places in Bruce comity. Mrs Valtfiu-y and hrr Pail Tia Mr*. MaloDcy,. wh.- tXbamp* aad who hwtres. Caase kb s biuMd hr pail whiltt scmbbin' th* sthar**. Baa luck to tb* tpalpeeo," in aa{vr j* cried. ,'Pravioat to makin that pail I wiab h* haj 4., L V r. C f * M The Scottish Specialist, TORONTO, Rpecialitt for th* U**i*u>*ut at til CbroeJc Dli.ti.s of the Braia tod Norv*. Dissatsso* the Heart tad Lung*. - .. asvsSSw*) Jonathan rinwhtrt. Li.t. . . ttyt -".l*i*c pvndiag c.: my m-mor tad prupeny to n. not* ott medicta me*), for whtt fhsw termed % Bopelee* c*te of eaawui. . - ...-;*;r cuiwa me. Mr Furlong. Woodhou*.s*,ys .-When - ciur ^urvd me of Its. tkl. Lakaneld. >. casurrh :i*. uv* Dr Siaclair cwre>l ;JSMS ad oropaj . whea si othen !>!.*,- ' r- .i*> nttnr* bron(Lt M foliy Dr Siacitir CMrwunly corw*. CONSULT AT10S FKK cwiwd ;u of Dr. Sinolau 1 Will be at ha* s llott-l. i:,vhrtou. OS Wc4u-s<ut>. March l-(h Tb* man at tk* thtece was a mivelhn chat*. I'll gu rouiiJ aoi I'll tell him he's a durty UetJ bat*. Jott wbcu sue wa* starting her husband ttnie m, AitracteU prehanc by th terrible din. Say* he. Bridget M*lony I'll have yel to know That rouuj to Ui sht^re I".l not let yes go. So jitt wash yor f*c an J ti.ly yr hair. r*or 111 buy yr a pailo< luJarmUsi war*. " The pail it wt* parch****! ted turned oat so That Bridget would never again bay one of Aail every .lay after. wh)U .-kan-ag the ta.r*. , Sb* Rickw<li<a'* blrasxs fur lidcsaard .*.. What act IndwraleJ ware* '' Pails, wash- j tnb* that have iifithei boi<p* nor stave*. > they urver go lu pieces, tby arw neither mUl. rrotkvry nor wi^xl. light aud Jurat.*. , S* ihu> at Kichtkrdaon JL Co'i. For O>?r FilXjr Yrara Mr Wt*)**vw*toqajhiBf B\STwB>kg*1 b-on wa*d bvnii 1 - whi'e wvihmic If lislorbed tl mi^ut sal broken of %ourrw*t bv t - * I i afferit< ftn I orylug with p*iu <>f cutting teeth *: ...f M-- A chil.lreu teetbiug. It :.. rriiete -. , iv> r little r iuimelittlv DepetMl *pon ivmotber* there i* DO tuiit*** si < i lia-t. raiiultt** the *t'nutvh tii<l i- Wiuil Colic. M>fteW|tth* liums, reduce* lutfam- nittlon. tn svsteoi V' - Sevtbite. en tvethiua I H I'let^t'.it to tbe tt.tv t theprvevri):. tnd bt ru)al* phvstotan* till 'h.- I'uited vste Hiu* is .-."it* l'f - "old b ;: l"::ii'-t . > - wocW sur* tssTfor Mr*. Winslow Soothing >> SAY! Farmers J Business Menl Everybody ! Th* ondereigned ba* scaiteji . :i*w ctrritg* maauftctury tn>t p*itii( sbot ^j Methertoo here you ot,n gel >our r-o*.b- Jo^e o* Lu. n Jtty* ttd on ivto*abl ti IPS t arrtane Trtusvioc. ttr-pairi tnd everything la the camts -itklng line UneuieieeUl l!wMwtloa ,u-^. :d Shop orer McXaviah's Black south Stiop E. T. HiiBiilton r:**hj-toa. Jtu U. 4 MONEY Wt> tf-a* e-trtisbttf, wi y. ur apsir-* i.r - . T . * eevl.M-1 -. t . . >ih-r M-t i >l THE (ELEBKVILU *B. LAURENCE" ,.!, ^...MreM - k.M ^. ,-, . . , PROPERTIES FOR SALE} IN rn vn LA.IS or ri >:<Hir.- v <9en'v sal* tbe Jollowing ttrovf.rtittf *'i rettvutbl* wrtas ** . HHvti*2t < .r\*.. .M laibtnK fotr t ti*rs. .x>nveui*ni%ly utttte^l. iiv'ri^ tirittg el wtWr I-.- the )>rtii:i*j. :i I ww.. '- low Block li. IWi-UvliV - >-*ung to* ti'litiii' lotH. nrti Pree.t<vterit:' cburoku Pek-r otreet. lot*. 4 Slid .X half tcr* Hm:lxoii -iiurvwv. fl.herv>u -liis. lot* a till! . .li' itlv i>f|H.ite I' e l>otvl 1 oi s IS,vOB.ttA trtnietts IWtcrwt. This lot -JI tii..lMT*d lan.l Lot* N < c I 14* 1st etst of Torvato tad . trtomexie,. HU tcret *l**ivil Mue )K>u<etii>l ba>rn. withm a mil* of IxH No ISA XI svre*. *) olttvred within a uui* oltb*vill*g* For term* enu-iir* of K TIUVHl.E. Fleb*roe. Timber Lauds for Sale A I T K Jl C K I t. Ui-K K V id th* , it* i uu . 100 tc * : U>( <*o. V in ih : .v i'i uo tcrve. Al' t number of < 111*4" '-'is with hoMS* therewa in Klrtberton apj'iy to Jvtf* \KMi'HON(i st Flether.oi. and EYEGLASSES VOR AAL PEVK N 'T4 OK MSION Ji2Cfl. L A'-PtSiXV tV - ('('-. *>-LK 40KNlt. FLJSSHBRTON. Mtv!ly Durham Bull for Service The nadortitrned htt a B>tgn:Acnl yoM th.-rotafcartrl. t<*.lime*d. Durbt-u HvU i.i.t Mo*kntrt. for torvie* tt > t til. *4 we*' P.K rei teruai. et* . tfpl^ t % <t prw privtor / C *:!!* Oe. .< MM ' . - v . r '

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