Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1891, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. \ T11E ADVANCE. li publltbd Every Tlmi-etclay, FBOM i im Orncm S'jdci-liim Street, - Flnhrrttm, (hit. TERMS <> hl'HSCKIl'TION: 1 par annum whan pui.l itrlctly in advauo* '10 |>r annum whoU Hot I |>ai I AHMlltTISlSi; K\TI '-i On* column. 1 year, (90; half col., do., S27 qi*rt-r."l do., fl.V Tran>lent a lv"rtii'iii>MiU rliari;i-.l at tli rate nf su. perlniH fur first inanition and :k-ls. pur l.ue each iubaoqueut iimurti.tii- W. U. THUKSTON, Kdttvr ami Proprietor Till: IS \\.\\\ \ Canada's Dostiuy as a Colony Soon to be Determined. si ;.SK FOR I ill I HIM: I > Ml \Ns \NM\VIIO\ The above arc flaming htadliDes which ii]>i>tur over a three-column article in tin New York Press of Sun- i!ny last, Feb. 15th. Can any loyal Canadian read them without feeling his blood bull at the dastardly attfiiipt v.iiich is ht-iiiy Hindu upon our country ? The press clows its article by saying : \AhaUiver th niml ..iitn.Mir war l.u. nml it n \ft too i-arlv l<> i-iilrulau> UIK.U tlie ruHult. ait lb candidate* ban nut .11 Iwn immlnato.1 i:i-l tin* altltu.lt- of f0vral I't.untlr*. i^ il.ml.lful ii. i:unTiil ooDaanau* of iotlU|c*Qt oplDloa i< t lint th,-r- HII. tliM-t- MMIJ.U- aiul tin.-.- nU .ipi. to Caiiftla . Flnit--To rruittin a l>< ."Miii\. lull t >i>.- tin tnaty inikini; ii^i.i .l)ni. itn <>wti juriMii. ti'.ri S ..tn.l lii.lr i'.n>l."i.. II ,i.l \iin, -xu..o. TIIIII- iniKt i ..ml ll.o courau which Canada will take Vi s, Canada will |Kinit her course 11 tlic 5th of March, as shu has been lju,UiiK' it in the past, and that vjourae will lead her right aloug in the i 'Id lines. deal with her for every article of merchandise which ihe may require. What a pitiful, degraded specimen of a country Canada would be in the eyes of all the worjd. A British prov- ince submitting to fiscal ao rural by a foreign power ! Y.c ^o*ls, but if such happens "j"ule I ifitunia" must b re- written and "Hritiiins never will' be slaves" amended to "Britaios never (well, hardly i vt-n will be slaves." Side nsnr- . quicksand qnibbles.are >eing brought into this election cou- est by the Reformers, as iuuuuier- ihlo as the sand? of the seashore, but et the electorate remember that there but one plank in the Reform plat- brui, and that ia unrestricted reci procity. Victory for the party means unrestricted, fingering of Canadian unds by the Americans at Washing- ton. It rueaus an unrestricted swal- jwing up of a lesser population by a greater. It meaus unrestricted lain to the majority for the aggrandise nii-iit of a few. Reform., politicians. Electors of South Grey, where do you stand on tins matter ? Are yon Americans or are you Canadians who will stand by your, country ? If you arc Canadians vote for John Blythe on tie 6th of March. A prominent Reformer told us the other day. that he did not care for Landerlun it was the party he was working for. That is where the DR. ,si-i:ru-: FUR CENTRK OBEY. It was a grand loprcsentativo path i run; of Liberal (.'imscrvativeH nl I . ' and ( 'cntre (irey which met in the roller link, Miirkdaic, on Friday ol lant wueli. Tin- building wan. well lilled with drleguti a from eUTV pur tiou of ihf ri.linx, which extends from Slielliiirni to Mi .il ul. The. platform fairly cronneil miilor tin- ardctl weigh) oi thirty or forty of tin- old party war horses of ili/ riding, prominent among winch we iiuiicuil l'i- Burr.Wm Jelly It. Mo(it' and Major Ootiglass, ol Shi-lburuu ; Thog. Gilruy, warden T. Manluiry, reeve of Dutidulk ; F Smulsur, ivuve of Collin^woo.l , Jas |5>weH unit N. Read, of St. Vincent Major Roik>>, M 1'. T, J. J. Johnston mayor of Mcnfonl ; ThoH. Andrews and T M< Keiaiie, of Thornliuiy Dr. McLuan, Mcaford ; A. J < lii.ili.ilm, r.jiri'KfiitiiiK the <>u i Sound Siiii.iind irpivsentiitives of The \.K.ti. i ii >-l Meal 'ml Mirror. Thin woi" :i l.irjte iiiimhfi 1 of mnnir.iti ms in. t<l<>, ami :i.< many patriotic m;.l i in IHI:>, i.ln d.-liiurt'd, hut tin' ih-le- _:atc . pVMWl ili.l not Imvv thu i,|i[>or nniLy n| \,,IIM ; ; for u ciiliilidato as all iln- n iiiiiin-i -i iriiivd in favor of l>i. initl.iii'.; liix iioniiiiation H. Thr ruiiveiitioii was the hrarlii"-t and most I'lithuuiaiitic < v.-i la-Ill in the riding. Dr. Spl lllll< II lllllMUl ll till) COllVl'lltioll 111 a brilliant iiwich of an hour'* dura- ii.ii. this continent. This ia claw of manu- factures whieb tbe Canadian people do not wish to encourage. Do yon wish to pa/ two prices for your clothes ?- Then vote for Lander- kin and U. Is With tbe American prohibitive duty on English, Scotcli and Irish tweeds and flannels, you will I* obliged to take what the, Americans give you io that line and pay oue third luoru for them .than you are paying now. A suit of clothes which costs in Canada from $18 to 83O, will cost you at this moment in the United States from $30 to 155. HopeTille. From our OU-H Corretpotident. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Norman by rpeut a week among friends here visiting Mr. A. H. Lturuetl, Mr. H. McDonald, Mr. John Campbell, Mr. Win. Mi- VI urdo, n.nd . several others, but becoming auuou about home they started again for Ngrinauby be- fore they had pa>4 all th visits they intended. borne of., this nejgbbojrjiood have gone to aUend the funeral of Mrs. Hannah, of Riverview, of whose death we were surprised ;ii,J grieved to hear. The bereaved hnsbtuid and family have our sympathy iu their Mr. Ja.s. McDonald; has returned from Michigan, he gives a glowing account of that country. He visited i in- old citizens Messrs. Fettis, SVni. and Jas. Armstrong, I). Campbell, and brings some cheering accounts to their friends here. .!..!, n ( 'lai'.i, of St. Vincent, waa i i ininalril ul liunlimli'y by the Re- i.ii in jarty un Tuesday to contest Ka*t un.l (.Yniiii (Jiry vritli Dr. 11. -.-i i - ilio way to look at i ion of iiuit"Urii''i'il reciprocity, ('an- uda i* aaki-d to admit very lh ing free- . ii .in i'u I'liiii'd KUUin.and gets, in ..tin u Uir culd Hiitird'.ii linn of allow. .n the Cnitix! Ktijlrs to forroiilate lift* UiiD' uh uij.cr couwtiicH. The iiowliug eagle will thus have tbe pow- 1 1 uvesU-J in In i U) make Canada BQOTLE Grits and Conseivatives differ iu this ruling. lit John I'.lyth they have an honorable and upright mun for whom they ran work with the consciousness tint at the same time they arc doing yeoman lal'or for the party who have satisfactorily helped ut tue birlh of a nation un this norkli half of the conti- nent. Contrast < ' VHI. a pf the pre,aent day with the time of Bir John's pfo- uiotion to power iu IftU). It has lieen one long period of development, with the cxooptiou of the four yeajp, I'm n '73 Ip '78,. when Mr. Mackenzie was in power. The Conservative party. ban settled the fertile Northwest in 1 British Columbia and bound all the province* together with th most miuMiilici'iit stretch of railway on the f.uv of the uarth, And at every step this piogress has been bitterly fought by tin- IkiToiin party. Party indeol I How suiiu- people cn see anything noble or chivalrous in working for a purty who would weakly nubinit to Ihe ini|-ei t iiu-nt invitations of a man like Wiiuau to allow the Americans to make our financial laws, ia some thing incomprehensible. Sni". of .I'M- readers may say that wo are no if resnarily severe, but micb Reformers as lion. Alex. M.u-k n/ir. Hon. Kd- waid Blake and Hon. W. MoDougall beliuy* with us that the reciprocity platform is one of the most reprehen- sible ever placed before an intelligent i-lei-t.ii.ii.i-. There are hundreds of Reformers in this Canada of pan who understand the case and will voto with the Conservatives in thia contest. The temperance people will not v.'ie for U. R. in this contest because it would give the liquor traffic iuoh a boom as it Imi never had before. Canadian liquou ar conceded to be much superior U> the American stuff, and were the duty talcen off Canadian whisky Lv the American govrnmul it wouU have :he effect of making Canada the mauufaetaring centre for Mr. Ball has slain another wildcat. ~Vi- had no idt-a that so many raven- ous boasts haunted our quiet woods until the continual howl of the hounds and shots of the huntsmen have brought to light the true state of affairs. Mr. Oeo. Campbell is much bettor and in abU to Uke a drive when the iM-ather is fine and spend a few hours with his fi 11 nils. Mr. Jno. Ratchelor's child is Kill I quite low. They have not been able to take her home yet. but from last accounts she was some better. Wa notice quita a quantity of brick collected on Mr. Aruhy Ferguson's lot in readiness for honso building when spring comes. Mr. and Mm. Jan. McLean were at Grand Valley lately at the wedding of Mrs. McLean's brother, Mr. John Taylor to MMN Hitlis, of that place. Miss-Phemia Mcl'hail is now help- ing Mrs. A. Fcrgn&on, who lias boon bh-ttnvd wiih another little daughter. The ratepayers are looking forward to the coming election with some degroe of warmth. Will the time i'vei come when partyistn will be a thing of the past and men be elected to govern our country becaime of their moral and intellcotivvl tilnesa for the position only, ratiwr thmi the side o! iHi'itu-H they may be on ? Mr. Joseph Rlaek had two shncp nearly worried to death by dogs. The Jags escaped and are unknown. lion. or IMC/I (\>rnn>i*fl> at. In OUK last budget there was a slight uustake, it being Angus Roltoi of Albion instead of Allittou. Miss Jiary Braidner, of Rocklyn who has been visiting friends in tin l'irl for., some time, has returnet home. Miss THly White, of MarkdaU, i visiting h sister here, Mis. Thos Taylor, jr. Mr. aad Mis. R. Roas,of this place attended ihe funeral of Mr*. Oeo Kutharford of Bhelbnrne. The de osased'has many friends in this par who ninoerstv regret hr des^h. Mr. Joseph Strain, ar., -lvo hai been very ill for tome tum is slowly recovering. THE POPULAR PEARL STOVES. L ^ PD g e" 3- CALL AT. j And see the $12 Cook Stove, 17 with Funuture. SOCIETIES. QON8 OF TKMl'KK \SCK. -Thi iocity ij iii<-t'. ID Dr I'hriftoe Hall vrr \V*dn day vveuInK at H y ui. ViKitio^ brvtbwu invit.1 'uuiauc iu coiiiieutioii R OYAI. TKMl'LAKS OF TKMl'KRASCE. Kauular I'ouiioil uii>t> vry TuMilay t n Io H|truuU'i M.u-k at H j m ^rl.-ct .li|ir J, P, MARSHALL, L. D. 8.. II U S .. DENTIST, VitiU Markdale the lit ami 3rd insurance) uitvt monthly, tbe \VetluaUay Jay of each tu.iuth Fleshertun ach tnu i> the day followinp. riNCK AUTIU'K LOIHIB NO 383. A. T. * A. M. maatlii tin UtKintc Hall. Ktrain [.UK-E. KIttlmrU>n. ..v.r\ Friday on or bfor th full IUUUL . W J. Hollaniy. U. "M . K J Hproul* . Cards. John W. Armstrong, FUWUMTTON, Co. OKIT. DIVISION COURT CI.KHK. COMkllSBIONI I H. K, I'onvnyaBcvr. ftc A k i-nt for i-iu.-li a*.l ale of lauili. A|<|*ralbr for (' 1 I' I' ami K. P B 4 S Horlcty. Money to I ..an on moit rt-ai'iml.!i- t-riin. IHIMKH or klAlUilA UUKNHKH. NOTAKY I'l'HLIC MONKY TO LOAN. The Undersigned has a Large Amount of Mono/ to Lotn at 6J n;*. ON TOWN Oh KAKM I'KUl-KliTV ILDAMl'DK, /. Btirrintrr, Solicitor, ( LIU vin-r Ktc. N Orru r. NJ T PIVST OFFK-F ' l>* THVMDATR. OWKN 80LNl OFKU-R. KK.. . Mi ILMJIU P McCULLODQH, pr, Solicitor, Oil,, , . >>r Me r> rl.i ml x Nonry to L*an. VV. J. HKLLAMY TWP. r;.iK ' "\ I / \A\CKH. IXSl'RASCK Ali'T .' DEKUS .MOU'I'O \IIKS l.KAsm. Ai- . prr|<ar .I anil i>,i'i<vi U . .. uU'.l luiiiram-t ito >.l in Brit o)a ci>ui)>aului Moucv io UuJ at J w.i.t ratio DR. CARTER, M.C.I*. AS..OM. i, aa % u ttt a a.* ^ i > . , . & ^ I HlSf( l\>. M It <.!(>> . ,Ve. PLKSHKRTON. OCla. Htraln't blook. rUalilanc*. J O Kutwl't ORS. SPROULE ft EGO HAKKDALK ONT onic. : tlnnli- To Urnic M..r- T H HHMOUI.l M D ,.K. ANOUM RtlA.M n l( . Ui.. of Tottenham. Olt. OlKta UlhifoiiDilatMajaJalvil.iu.Kaii.ifl.i H. J. Sprou c, S1 MAS1TR, Kl,*i,-r(,.n,i ,,iuinijion- rr ui It. R.. I.io,-n,a Auptionrrr. l\ n vi-vauoer, Appraiser .111. 1 Mone? Under Kfal Katalo and In*ura> AfJSSA l'*J. Mi.rtk'tttirs. L*ti uj Will drBupna Valuation^ ma. I* , MI *li.r>l noti*. Air tion S*li' atteu.U-1 Io ii* IDT jniF mU'rct. IV11.-^.M aJUadoU to with proiu|>tnt-. an.! dcpteii. Chiirti..* 1... Agent (or IhvOumunou Stvaanhip Cheap tk-kelii (torn Nciili*ilvu to I.ir OaaKOw, I.ouUoo or IIT of th lirili.li orli. I'artK'* intvit,l-i IK to vi.it Knglmd. ScotUud or IreUu.l, will r l.a ak rUt b for* morckniDg their ticket* rlatwhtr*. Flesherton Livery Stables. . ( I O I0>. Flrt laM boraa* au.l .. 1*10 U J10fln.-SSfira u J i u ii"~ ".-^^o. .." ,~ ** ** ** W.. M tw^ --- -m H itario Vet. C..ll#t, ^^^''^^"^^ll^L^'^ t j.,uib of i .in.-, uiu, Jil^H^V : ;'Xi' 1 ^!^ r -"^ nKKTOK. ^"25^r5?\*'^"^ > ' VKTRR1NARY 81'KCISON. of Ontario Vet. i > t -.- (nt door .hop FLESH KKTOK.

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