Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1891, p. 3

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TBLiBGRA-PHIO SUMMARY. Th* French colonial* at Pondioharry an arfaring from drought and famine. Bignor Cricpi'e resignation ha* been so eavced, and Marquis di Rodini i* trying to form a Cabinet. At a crossing near Ottawa yesterday a young man named Ktvenae.h wa* struck and killed by the Winnipeg eipret*. Tbe trainmen on theeattern division and th* C. P. R Co. have oome to an under- standing regarding the wage* ') lection. A deireuh from Chili, via Lima, Peru Slate* that tbe port of Iqoiqoe is momen- tarily expecting lo b* bombarded by Ibe insurgents. Fire al Caledonia, Livingtlone county. Y., yesterday deiircyed moet of tb* nnrtinn of the town. Tb*> lo** 75.000. Prof. Hem ch, of tbe Berlin University medical faculty, reportc that the treatment of children with thr Koch lymph dose not give ectia'aeiory rtinlti Mr. Phelpt, Ibe Ameriaan representative * the O> roian Court, > h*> he* not been ofluied the trraearyibip. rendered vacant by tb* death of Mr. Windcm. At Rneui, in the canton cf Glcrui. Switzerland, an avalanche iwepl down Ib* mountain tide, burying a parly of 22 wood eautert Three of the bodies bave been zaooTcrad. A receiver ha* been appointed fcr Ibe estate of ex-Governor A. B. Cornell, of Hew York Judgment* have been entered agcintt Mr. Cornell daring tbe year aggre- gating about t44 000 A 12 year old con of Mr. N. Ford, a farmer on the Gatinren, wa* tent oat after breekf en to feed a coll in the liable. Be wa* diioovernd by hit elder brother a f minutes afterward* and carried into IB* BOOM. In l-tt then an boor afterwardc he died from concoion of the brain, caused by a kick from the ooll. Jos. Visa, aged 22 yean was yatterday brought down from the wood* on the Kip pew* limit* to hi* home in a dting ttei*. While at work felling tree* one fall on him, breaking the leg above the knee and crach engine right Isg into a palp. Visa had lo b* conveyed twee ty mile* before Ibe rail way could bn reached, a journey which nearly proved fatal. The coroncr't mqatl into the cauie ol tb* death of John Cameron, killed tenter day al Bar r if while dnvmg a load of taw log* over Ib* railway creating, resulted io a verdict of accidental death. Tbs rail way people were exonerated from blame, tbe engineer bcving made every effort W top Ibe train, beaide* giving tbe osoa warning* of danger. The iteamcr KC utsford, Cepl. Harrison which arrived yesterday from Gelvecton in the Rivtr Meney with th* Dramheedrie, injaring the latter to so great an txteot thai cbe coon I and *:.!. Tb* Dramhendri* had on board a cargo of dynamite. Though th* forot of the impact of Ibe two teamen was sufficient lo oraih in in* plate* of tbe Drumhendrie. cllowing tbe wafr to ra*b into her hold, it wa* not loffisieol to explode the d>Damile. Bad Ibe dynamite exploded both vrecrl* would have been blown ap, with grtal lot* of life. A new Italitn CaMnel baa been forme< wler the Prrmierahip of the Marqai* d Bouini. Fin in Jacoby <ft Son'* cigar factory, on 38th etreet. Sew York, oansed a lot* o 100.000 Tb* Krglitb Government ha* received official invitation to take part in the World' Fair al Chicago. A cable deepatch received at Montrea announce* the death of Judge rUinviile, o tbaqaebeo B-noh. at Part*. Madame Petti wa* arrested at Berlin on an order from Bi P> teribnrg, it*aed on Ib ground of breech of contract. Therio'ingia Spain continue, aod a leri oal conflict between the roneervalive* Republican* at Barcelona ic imminent Two oonviotc have died in th* Concord Mass., reformatory from drinking aloobo line, a preparation uced io the ihoe shop. Gen. John B N"tcn, of New York, he been obo-n ooneulling arohileot ol th Chicago Ship Canal al a salary of 110 000 II i* learned that Rev. W. W C%non, o Kingilon. will l-ave for Detroit, Mich March 6m. prior to accepting a church paatorate then. AtKcawiok, near N<*wmerk<-t, on Frid* night, a man mm d Coonell wa* f*ile< with a boo jck, u i alleged, by oneLepard Hi* iknll v- - tract ared. A Dumber cf Irieb ooaaini of A. 1 Bcewert, tb He* York millionaire, an oonleitiDg bu will, aod a commission taking evidenoo lu Belfast. The t'oitoo -tates n-b hatchery Dolnlh. Mm- . haa r.o.ivvJ 28.000 white flan sgg*. which will b plcnied an batched in ton three month*. Al Pterrr. 8. D. S.tur.iay the 27lh bllo for Uoitod Siait- 8-nctcr wae oast and n choice made. It it romorvd thai the deadlock will be br >en oa Tae*dey. Capt C. G. Peuney. of the Sixth Infantry, he* been appointed Indian agn at Pin- Rut. e, to CQOOM.I Ccpl. Pwtcr.wb baa beu relieved on aeoount of ill health Ncwe bee been received at London of revolt by the netror* on the I (land of B Tbomat. in thr Gait of Gui i- . b-looi(in to the Pi>rtognHM. The gcrrieoo qanllec the upimcg. While ir-* i g from Woife Island I Kintfilon in Friday a cUi.h couuioin Mayor l>rni*n aud fear other* brok throukb tb toe, and they narrowly esocp* being drowne-t. lUv. George Cooper, of Wcpwallopen I'a.. wa* arre*td Saturday on a charge o forging note* amounting to $500. Be to have been learned thi* week to eetimcble lady. All tbe miner* employed in the coa mine* along lh line of the Louisville Evaniville and Uartingtburg, lad., hav gone out on tlriie on account of a redno tion in their wage*. Tbe ooal miner*' sink* which wit inaog orated al Belles ille. III , last Toeedav ba* coca* lo an end by tbe operator* offerin >K^ ro en a uniform rate of one and three toarth ornt* per butbel. Germany chinks *9 liitle of her . I in Alrioa thai, in a recant debate ia MI Rtiohatag, it wa* jocularly propotad thai they should b* banded over a* a ational gift to Prince Biimarcs. Tb* saw mill* owned by Mr. Jam** Me i, of S*w Edinburgh, Kideao, Ward. >itawa, wan yatterday morning destroyed y fin, lo^atbi-r with b*U a miilm fei of amber The IOM M eitimated al |12S,000 Lett night abooi J o'clock two men ntered tha office of the Birmingham, Ala., Railwcy and Supply Company end gagg<d he clerk. J. C. Mattbewr, and tied hit landt and feel. They robbed th* safe of 76* and eaoaped. Eleven prisoner* wen la*hed in New eastls ili-.i , Jail Saturday morning and wo ttood in th* pillory for an boor. A onriont crowd of several handred pecpte tood in the rein and watched tbe pounce- ent indicted. Tbe London Chroniele aayi : " Mail advice* abow ihct we have lately oome langerooily near to forfeiting tha alia ianos of Newfoundland. We hope that x>rd Salisbury ha* profiled from ibe Innson of tuch a diaregcrd cf colonial withe*." Provincial Detective M.K - i* goim( to fexico to bring back lo Canada, J. N. lenry, formerly a oommiecioo merchant f Cbalham, who ia held there on account of frcudi on tha Bsnk of Montreal commuted ia Ontario prior to December 3tb. The joint Alterably of Ibe IHinoii L-git atnre went tbrcugh tbe form <- flaking two >llon for Senator Btinraay morning. rbe F. M. B. A. member* were not pre*eni, and tbe dozen or mere Republican mem refr.nad from voiinx, leaving the vote .01 for Palmer. writ for the election cf a member tor North Bruce in the Ontario Legislature n tb* place of Mr. John George, unseated on petition, bet been iuned. Nomination ill be on February 24 tb, end tht election on March 3rd, two days prior to ths Do- minion electioDi. W. B. Cathbtrttcn, a leading attorney of Burlington. I*., died Saturday. Mn. Chamberlain, c prominent Burlington lady, ho wa* preceni at the death, wa* over oome by tha sad iprctacle and died in a short time. Mn. Wiman, another well mown lady, it to a precarioai condition, laving al*o been overcome by tht death ted scenes. In the new ibaft at Simpecn and Wat lint' mine at Wyoming, PC., lact ever. ;r* 'onr men wen at work linking when a 'eeder in tbe tide of the theft was ignited from Ibe naked lamp of a workman. A arge body of KM exploivd with terrific Foros, dcshicg tbe men agcicat tbe tide of the ahcfl, burning them fearfully acd lotilelinif them horribly. Nat Kcne and harle* Kirk, ncrnea, were killed, and Wm. ROM and Lather Michael were fatally in j and. Tb* Indiant ol tbe Red Lakt (Minn i reservation are .till carry iog on their orgie*. At Jacitt. on tb* Koieaa River. the settlers an building a stockade and have organized a volunteer company to defend themseivn. Th* county official* say tb* whole affair seem* to have been ttarted by evil ditpoced person*. Between 300 and 400 people have left their hornet. most ol them in a very aeetiiate condition. A* they have left their itock behind they will doubtless lot* many cattle. King Humbert baa cffend Sigior Crispt a till* of neibility. King Humbert yeaterdcy approved of the Cabinet formed by the Marjai* di Rodini. Th* plantation negro** on tb* Porto goeee island of Si. Tboma*. in the Golf of Guinea, have again revolted. The employee! cf tbe coke manuficloren in the Connellivill* region etrook yeeter- day, about 16 000 men going oat. The Threw River* cattle scheme be* prac- tically falUn through, owing to the nfacal of the Council to come lo the eiportcn' wife. Tb* Beilly* were caretaker* on a farm al BaUj^amcadaff. County Cavao, Inland. The motive of the crime U icid lo have originated 10 an agrarian dispute Despite it* formal abolition, the clave traffic prevails everywhere m the Ottoman empire. Il is proposed to *tablih home* at Constantinopis, Smyrna, Benghaie, Tripoli, Jedda and Bodeidab, centralist! and supported by ibe Scale, where freed slave* can ba bind for service and their children can be educated. A robber in Ban Francuco tarilfd a grocer named King in bis itcr* on Saturday in tb* usual way, presenting a pair of pis- tol* and ordering King to throw op hi* hand*. Tha grocer indeed threw a scale weight and felled the robber lo the flr, after which be took tha pistols and free- tored Ibe man'* ikoll in atvcn place*. Tbe Northampton Cooservelivee bave nominated Mr. Germain to contest tbe seal in the Boose of Common* left vacant by ths death of Mr. Bradlaugh. Th* Glad i tine Liberclj have namicaled Mr. Man- field. Tbe Bocialuli nominated Dr. Aveling, tbe labor agitator and K jciclici leader, hoi Aveling't nominalion wa* refused by Ib* returning officer pending the de petit ing of th* oaoal scm of 100 for election sxpenM*. The nominalion wa* then cancelled. The polling lake* place on Thoraday. fHE BiDTALITT OF A CITY EboekiBg Bterr Told bf a lew York Mother. Arreetcel for AkaevdVeeUa* Bee- 1 uiU Bv. a * alAlec a T4e of M.rd.hl p K no u(h t Dvlveaar Peraoci to Iiuamltj, Mat I* Held ! ti.*oo aval. A New York dcepelch My* : In Jeffer- on Mtrket Polio* Court yeeurday then appeared before JoMio* MeMabon a for lorn, tad eyed woman who had been ac coced of abandoning her child, a bright lull* fellow four year* of age. Th* mother t S. G. Belti. the cowboy preacher, the latent rival of 6tm Jooe*. betran t cmeade in Rx-hMtr lot tVcrum*. lie exptcu lo make a tour of Mew York State. M. Larroumtt. director of loe art*. foofchi adal in Pane ytiureay with M Lot doc. cf the eoilorial itiff of the tcko if fmrit. M. Larrocmei had both bit band* wcauded. Tbe Sultan bet *(provd ibe prcj-ci of the Briiitb Kub*t>> for proridicg noccee for frted ne-groe*. and promiata to at*i*l io th abuliiioa of the clave trade in hi* dominion*. Lord Saliebary ha* lommoned the Coo- ervative leaden tbroogboat Greet Britain to meet him earl? in March, and it map- pOMd that the qoeiliun cf diaeolation will then be Milled. Th* action of Premier Whiteway in in- terTeniog on behalf cf tbe Brituh Gov ernoient in the p-uoiog toil agkmit Sir Baldwin Walk-r ha* railed lh ire of tbe Newfuundlander*. John Hobbe, of Gord Jt Co., London Weal, wbilet oro*>iog the Mu-bigau Central Railway at Inwooc on Friday, wa* ran into and bit rig *ma*h*d to piece*. B* had a narrow etcej.* cf hi* life. Henry Prentice an employee of to* Poll- man Car Company, found 910,000 con- cealed under the onehion of a aeat in the tlaeper Atlanta on Sandey evening. Bow ibe wealth got then ie a myttery. It i* nated in veil-informed Roman Catholic circle* in Kingtton thai another dtoo.ee will eoon be formed in the eccl- taaiical Province of Ontario, the boua- dariee of which areaol y*l kno*n. The proprie:ori cf the lot* an Cham- plain itreet, Qaebeo. in th* vicinity of the landalide. haw entered action* againit the corporation to recover damegea oauMd by ibe blockade of Ibe roadway facing tbir property. A deepttch from Ratboormack, Ireland, - HOW DID YOC litT HEKB ' A <Jaclun Never Aekwt IB Good lori.tr It i* a rule of good sceiety that a* toon a* yoa arrive you effect to bave alway* bean there. Of other ascent* men boast ; of axial luccesa, rarely. Yoar millionaire, for example and millionamtm is gelling to common as to be almoet volgcr year miliiorcire never tires of telling yoa how be worked tbe maltitlicetica table until cents became dime t, and dimes well sown bloaecmed presently into dollart, till bun dre^- welled to baoc'red* of tbocscndt. end ibe man who bad been a blithe yooih bat twenty y can Before became the poase scor of an uneasy tumor he calls a fortune. Once this narrative : began no mailer thai yoa heal your breast with reluctance to hear oal tbe tediou* tele, while loa-1 beseooo* per chance are calling yoa lo wedding fecit*. Frav bear tbe modern Whillington with patience, good reader ' The recital of thi* lory it ni* main eoaaolalion for th* bore dcm of complicated poeeeoaicn in which hi* life i* inextricably involved hi* recoup menl for Ihe irkcome v'_; lance with which h- malt defend bi* ooard against tbe inotaaant attacks of cheats and beggar*, inbecnption papen and poor relation* Bat the man who ba* won hit way in tbct illative tphere we call society tends to swifi oblivioc all his proccsee*. In society no man atkt another, Bow did yoo K*I hen '" or congratulate* him upon moving among butter people than he did ten year* ago. Theoretically tccieiy i* ttationery Even wbil* breaihltt from climb. eg, tbe newcomer affeete lo bave alwan been atop o Edtcaril Efalttton'i " XouA Doctor,' in the Cnttury. e A VIOMJKKKI L WAISTCOAT. It tc thelwellvct Amtlr to * In a lly Oiiorunc of swell.. The cwclleet waictooat to be found in town i* on* of Mr. J. Clinton Spencer's, which b* ba* ji*t brought over from the other sid*. Ii i* of a heavr backet pattern cloth, in dark blar, with little haracibot* one of tan acd one of homing pink, inter twined, scattered over it. The buttons five in number, an cf gold enamel col in crystal, and are marwl* of beauty ant workmantbip. sacb npnsenlirg a dit f r-nl lotne three hunting and two racing. One it a man jumping a live bar gale ard next to it i* a woman jumping a hedge and water. A lady taking a wall i* the third, and tbe other two are Ibe Poke 01 WectDu'ntler'i Ormond and Pierre Loril lar : Ircqaois winning th* Derby. Sleeve batten* match them, and show Jay -Eye See making hi* famoo* record and i huoling scene. With il Mr. Spencer wear t light covert ooal. Sew Ytrk Morm*g that tbe paiiah pcieai of Cacile Lyoc*. Father Ftrriee. ditd on Salurday in a league hot erected in 1881. when be WM evicted from bi* parochial ntidenoa tor non-payment ol rent. Mn. Mary Seil tteppcd on a mttch Sat- urday moroing M Chicago, and thu* eel fire to her erect. Before the could be reached by neighbor*, who heard her cream*. w*t horribly barncd, and dooion who were oallad cay ahe cannot reoover. Wm. Buchanan bae ban arrwMed and held tor trial on the charge ol having mar- dered a man n*md Reilly and th* litter' n*m i* Margaret Sohmitz and the bo>' it Niohola*. Th* child wa* foond in the hail wmy of No H'J We*t Tbineenth wnet on V-dne*a*> night, and i* now in ebarg cf th* Society for the Prevention of Crarlty to children. Tbe moiher i* oncoabtedly Utile oat of her mind. When appeared in court yeiterday n the coatolyof Poiioemao Warner, ibe leld in her arm* a baby only four day told. Tbe m'anl appeared ctrong and well, while ibe moiher locked ill and weak. The woman wae aaked why the had abandoned irhoy. I didn't mean to abandon him, ' the antwercd, with a far-away look in her eye*, but what could I do ? Thi* child, pcinticg to th* little bonch cf humanity ia ler arm*, wa* cheat to be born, and my locbacd deaerted me. Be i* a market gardener in Seventy-third meet. ' the td-efed woman wiih Ib* babe went on We ued to cav* a room in WcM Thirty ninth ttrtet. I don't know ibe nambt-r. I lev* forgotten it. He ran awcy and left Be knew I wa* going to be ill. and he taddenly disappeared. No; I don't knew whenheia. I wi*h I did. 'Sunday," >b* continued, "I wa* home eet and wa* walking the ttreeU, with co jlace to lie down. I remember orcepir.g into a baeemect a* it grew late. No on* me. I bad a piece of candle in my locked I (truck a light, and th* bit of tandle burned far a little lime. I wa* all alone ; teen wa* no CD* to aelp me Tbi* child," ah* laid, pointing to the handle at her bricjt, wa* born there I bad ic me clctbirg ready for it, aad 1 remember polling it on the babe. ; beo 1 don't remember much men. I didn't want to give ibe pccple in the house any trouble BO I k'pt very qu el. I rtmembfr that odge." 'Ibe moiher went on to cay that the leantd againtl the wall of the hallway wailing fcr the milkman Be came at let! in the early morciog and the gave the newborn child 3me milk. Then the n olleeted afterward* Ibal tbe walked ibe ttreeu again. Oo Wednesday ahe laid *he Became crazy Alter that he didn't know what the did Rrgrdicg the iv*nt* before thai time when questioned by the judge, her mini cecmed to wander a* the bad wandMal Sunday about the treat*. " Oo ! I don't know . I don't know,' the moaned in aniwer. I don't waat tc loee my boy. I only wanted come one tc take can of him till I coold get we! again and look out for him mycelf I hav had no home f 3t quite a time, you kno I wa* all aloie. with ao on* to help me. Tbe woman'* mind we* manifettly oa balanoad. If her incoherent ttcry wa troe, the bad inff-red enough to make he inaace. Bbe could not quite nmembtr tb number of tbe BOOM in the baatment o which the tcok refuge. Perhap* it perhcp* it wa* 239. Wetl Thirty nint ttret. I can't qoite reooliec:. you honor. ' the pleaded She wa* lad down lo th* pritcn. and *h will be examined by a commiuion pbyncicn* a* to her menial condition. Th abandoced child i* to* in tbe euncdy o Mr. Gerry'* eocUty, and he will be cared for. " Ob, my hocband abandoned me." tb prisoner began to moan again, while he cftee wa* being oomidered. " I didn't wan to loee my child, but what mold I do She wee held in tl.OOO bail on tbe of a bane on i/ g the boy. HOW He Doc* It. Directly over tbe window of a licke cffi?e ia a New York theatre bang* UK legend : ; at >uer Taken In All LanaeOT. i And when tbe money i* (bored through tbe window with a nqoe*l for a ticket Hindoo or modern Greek, th* Treaiore adopt* tbe limple plan of (hoving back tb change and th* highest rrioed leal in Ib bo ace. Nat on Not- Paper. Many paper* at present have the plain script initial*. I be rose tint* an very popular joei DOW, and a pretty paper i* of a dthoate roee (bade, with tb* monognm done in blcck. Something new i* a one quality of bond r. tinted a paper purple thade. faint violet, with a darl ram and border of th* tarn A Point ! Bu.tune > tirmeiautr. Be The Boetonicn* an a brave people they never **y die. She Don't they ? Be No, they tay " dtoeaee." How U Hprw- Barrard Lamtom : " Look at the crowd aroond tbe corner. What'* the matter Bcfgv Ob, notbiag. only a polioeman killed by an accidental discharge of duly. Tbe vain* of a Scripture text and of retort wen ttrongly brought oat daring th* pabha inbecnplion to * church charily in Scranton. S -mebody read Ibe lex which forbid* doirg aim* before n en to b* sen of them . aod tb* minuter, who we coring down tbe contribution* on a black board, retorted that ke bad heard Ibal lei quoted before by one of tbe meane*i men h* ever knew who never gave a dollar In charity. The ntemoir* of Jefferaon Devi*, ibe pub. ioation of which Mn. Devi*, with the) aid of her daughter, n tope rin tending ia New York, will be in two volomt*, aboa 300,000 word*. la 1683 the ThamM wa* froMo era* in JOB*. Tb* Oo<f Quaker Peer Lait Daws Ble Fwa Forever. Whittier l*l)i us that hi* work i* dona. 'he whiM-hairtl poet haa laid Down the pen, r says, fcr.v.*. The twilight ia QMS- ng softly aront-d him ; the vital Are* that lave kept him ulear eignud end erect toe mors than eighty year* are boning low. lot il i* a kind) and mott a<i:gntfal tvd- igbi ; on* thai u morn ta fce aettrad than ne bright flare of many a splendid noon, t*-. i ;-= "' w York Prat. There ia nil co bin. J li^a-pondency cr Cartucat. f he whs ail' wiicin the purple circle lances backward it is to a gloriau* day wfaot* light of freedom t t own pec helped kindle ; if onward u is <o the eternal tan Ibal :- :i*iog orer th* cnangaleat) ill*. Not to many mortals- i* vouchsafed uohahappy, tender hoar of restfalnea nd waiting -. there an not many mortal* who hav* ao dtterveC iu benedialion. For it was not in peaceful repose or easy contentment that ten memorial that hai- ow and the ncmage that corround Whit- ler'i de^iiias Jean were won. Tbt ooeg people o< to-day think of the Qoafcic oei M a gictk, loVsble old man who ream* tbe hear* away before the f hi* open flr> at Oak Knch, and cc.sio^aJ verse* knathe an txquisoa enniiy and peace. But time waa whan he hand of thi* kindly dreamer iiroek lard and tbcrpiy a tense coord that helped U the tleepicg conscience of a nation. Time was, anc ibat not ao long ago, ween b* vocker enthujiect gciherad op and used into cursing lours. ty iu his songs all the lon^ii.^ nl wrong acd sorrow of a ace in bondags. 1 he naiicn beard ; irencoed ba:tle It! -t acd heap* cf ibacklei were iu a -.twu. - itdaaoilMt nrv^j* in bebaU of t(M weak ccd oppressed that tb* I men acd women of th* En>i*b t race to day bold Whittier in tuch ion. It ii b-c*ti* in the faoa of a taiional crime he aoade bimwalf the f the ;a3ti:t that ia divine and Ihe lovt) thai i* divirer than jostios ; baeao**) h j ac*brici::g derotioo ta humanity look no ace: oat .' cc-.'jint* of soior ; hen the pulpit was tileni dumb. h-. battled fcariestly an<? I it h.! f*.:c ten. that Whittier haa aa rich a revenue* in tha lore of the world's best men and women. Be ba* been pra- >bl acd poet i.l in one. There have not Men many like him. and there will not be. Not only America, but iho world is end richer to csy for his life and Due of tbe bra veil s=d portsi of b amenity s ilperi. "iVhiiuer ha* cmply won but i Woeden. " The mag'a laalern wa* invented loe before ihu develcpment of pholo^rapb gave it a practical value," caid an exper in inn picture*. ' Photography bai di* covered much mon terioo* end importer. ace for tbe magic lantern. By it* aid th leotorer ic able to chow tbe moat beaotifu photograph*, magnified to big dimi non* for tbe bn- fit of large aodienoc*. In tb came way map* an prcjecud gigacticall upon the ecrwn which wculd require grea labor to enlarge with accuracy. Magi lantern clidee for inch purpoeee are mad by pfaotography in ibis way : A glet negative u obtained from a actoal aoene, a photograph or otbe object, and from tbi* oegativ a photograph i* taken on g! This latter photograph i* the magic Ian tern elide a ' positive, like an ordinary pholottnph. An interesting and familia application cf tb* m*g'C lantern i* mac by revolving two glaaa disc* with coo centric painted pattern* in th* Itntern working tb* two in opposite wayt bv simple wbeel oonirivano*. to teat tb pet term an mingl'd in a btautiful kl<*i< osoope fcahion. But more cariju* an ue!ul i* tbe idea of placing h i* within double elide* of ti.lt* water, so thai tbe organism* question are exhibited upon the jcree alive cctntllv. for tb* ttadyof the knowin and the igcorant. Even tbe growth oryttaJt, in procvts. ii shown in a ti-nila way, Ihoogh not lect extraordinary is tb method practised with Ibe aid of tbe magi lantern of caa*iog figure* upon tbe white beet, by a timple devi v, to grow to be giant* that threaten to devour the fpecta ton." WmitiiHfto* Star. Ta> Dn> of Hu tele. Th* ball ba* a lrge drop h -n irve ling any dietaaoe. For inaiance, take 1XMX yard*. Th* ballet, if keeping the ccarce i originally ctarted out oat to follow, wool land a dutaace of ovtr 22o feel abive tb bnll'i-cye.cay* tbe San Francuco Examiner Bat it (tarte to drop immediately afie leaving the mo/ile of the gun, and at he twten 550 and 600 yard* th* bc'l ii or* 10 feat above tbe line of the boU'f.?y* an* a oontidenble dutanoe below th* line c light. At 200 yard* it be* decreased i proportion, and the aim i* only 40 mche abovj tb* boll'* eye. bol at 300 yartit il ovar 16 fset. bromeo Brown, I don't *ee Law ii it that yoajr girl* ell marry off aa coca a* they get old encash, while none cf aiin* can marry." Ob, that'i suania noagh ! I marry my girls off on tha bcckwbeat atnw prin- ciple." Bat what j that ptiieiple? I bar* never heard of it before Well I and to rais" a good deal of buckwheat, acd it puzzled me io know bow to get rid of the straw. Nothing would eat it, and 11 wa a great bother ta me. At lui I thought cf a plan. , I necked my buckwheat itraw nicfly, and boilt a high rail fence around it, My cattle of eoune. wncloded thai it was aamething good, and at once ton dew* the fence and began to MI tbe itraw. I drcT them avay and pal ap tb* fecc* a few tunei, but tee mon I drov*) them aw* v the rucre acxiooa they became to aal tha straw. ' After tbtj hid been repeated a few lime*, th* cattle deUrmined to cat th*) Itraw, and eat il they aid, every bit of it. " At I said I marry my girU cff en tb* sama pri:ci(l . " Woen a yauag man I don't like begin*) calling on my girl* I encourage him ta T*ry way I oan. I tall him ta com* c* often and nay aa late as be piaawt *nd I lake paitt to bint to th* girl* that I thick they'd better set their etc.* for him. It workt fint-ntc. " B* dceac't ccke many calls, for in* girl* treat him at coolly a* they can. 14 But wbac ycnng fellow thai I life* oome* re and a man that I think would tail me fcr a ton in-!aw I don'l let him makema:^ cell; before I give him to . uncertianl thct he isn t wanted around my houee. " I tell the girit, too, that they cbooid net bcve an>thicg to do w.tb him, and give them ordtn never to spc*k to bins again. " The plar. works fint ra:e. The young folk* bexic to rity eaoh other, and the next thicg I know they are ongaed. " When I *elhat they are detjrmiueato marry I s!wayt give in. and pntead to make tbe best cf it. Thai's tha way I manage il." What Helped Blea Ok " George, dear. I don't CM bow yoa *rr foand caar*e to eik me to be yoar wif" " It wa* pretty hard thing to do. waio't it ? Did I make t fool of myeelf. Nellie?" Tbe yoanic man shifted her weight on Ihe other kne* at be asked Ibe qoestion. t anr more to Iban ocual. George). Yoa alwat* ictid coofuMd and baibfal. yoa know." "M ye*. I iappose I WM a good deal of a dacJ--J-%d ' c-andiily admitted the youth. bT ' wai p-*lty far gone," hw added ia exteniclioo. " I wa* booked ia both enls. " " Now, ccn.'e**, Grorge,'' (aid ihe, toy- ing with bis wstch cbain. didn't your bean n> right r;i into your throat wbeo >oo wbn yen ciiei me tb* the <|owa- tion, you know." " It tried tc. Naiiie." rpl ed George. ibifting her weight again, " but yoar head. >oo resoemher, wa* kind o' holoicg it, down." And Ndlt* didn't say anything mon fox a Icng. loe g time. Chicago TriJnau. Wren tbe yinrg Biameas Prince , now ia London, paased oce of hi* Oiford extmina- tion* , sor ear* *co, be telegraphed tbe vlad n*w<< tc bis fither. In rviponM the) King of Siam telegraphed : "Hi* weB. Two handred have been aaorifloed." Tbatw ba* always been considerable doabl whelber the " two handred " repreeented wivw, captive to fat bullocka. Ii i* ia ibal h Petit twioe a* many crirraa ar wmrnifc>d by person* belt the to** of 1! and*) M 'by thaw* ben .0 and 40. . '

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