Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1891, p. 1

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FLESHEETON iDVANOE. "TRUTH HEFOILE FA \'OR."" PRINCIPLES. -\01 ME.Y.' . TX., NO 508. FLESHERTON, ONL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1891. W. H THURST05. Great Discount Sale 20 PER CENt FOE THE NEXT 30 DAYS On watches, cbcks, jewelry, silverware and spectacles. Such value as we aregiving was never offered here before. Remember we paid spot cash for every dollar's # >r'h of floods that we are offering at the greatly reduced prices. Our jewelry is of the finest quality and our watches and i locks of the best make. A magnificent stock of DIAMOND,GE\I EXGAGE.UE.M RINGS Diamond rings from $10. up to $60. These Roods we .ire selling 40 percent, cheaper than any dealer in this county. Remember this discount sale lasts for the NEXT 30 DAYS ONLY. ARIYISTROIMG BROS A Crrat Coaatry. following i an excerpt from a i poech , by Erutn Wiraaii, ^ivn t the com- mercial club dinner at Louisville, Ky. ,00 Feb. 3 IMS : The first great fact that Canada is ;rratr in area than the Ur.ic<d Stales u rarely r<raJiz.d. Canada u lu extent three milliou, five hundred thuaaiid square milM, while the United State*, without Alaska, u only three million and thirty- six thousand iquara miUs. When it w rucalUd that the ton never U oa the Britiah Empire ; that the tap of the saocniug drum of th Butiah army never ca*et with ita progress arnnd the wurlJ, the greatuee* of that Empire may be re- alunl. Yet Canada, in ita area, form* 40 per een t. of thia vast empire. The sm^U i-ir>iaet*af that Canada contains oi.e-hall of the freak water f iclobe isjpsnt* an idee, of her extent hard- ly othertrte* realised. The zreat riven, asjch M the St. Lawrence and the ' htawa, the great sene* of take* which :oufr>>ot her, which (urT'iind her, the raet water chain 10 the northwest of the Lake "f the W.mdi. Lake MTuinipeg, the Saakatche- wan. the Athabasca, the McKonzie, the Peace and Frajer nven, all aer*e resjiooa I of vast proportion*. That the wheat bearing area of Canada i i far greater than that of the United State* i* rarely realized, yet orth of the fr a* the north nearly M the centre of the continent, with ita climatic influen- ce*, and value f ita fih. puesessing aua- IAII.. ::< power of maukiud aim jet btvoud .belief What ranches and the cattle producing areas >( the Southwest*. are lor the fod prudacin* force* that the Hudson Bay and Lake >i the W<>ods and (irvat Slave Lake and other osh-prducing regions will in future be also to man. Have you realized also what an enorm< -a* ad vantage M puessssed in this region by the fact that at th- '. : Hudson Bat. namely. F-.rt Churchill, the <tu>tAiioe ui a* i.<ar Liver- pool at N.-w Yrk, a near-by access tu Europe of i;reat interest. *rtav, daw the s w. how topoaeaea this vast this half of the continent, is the hour It murht well philosopher. the financier and *U to bnu* tbete two ouuntnes together, except that th circumstance* have mad* tb task eitreinely ample. At thu ui'-iaeni there is a chance, the improve- ment of whicu will plaoi the*e vat p -ssibiliUiM -i occupancy, aud lU trade, in the hand* of the United State* Further, it u a common idea Uiat the manifest d**tmv of the balance of the c Hitmeot ahuld be that of incorporation la the United State* Possibly that is u end an i f rtnuate would it have been had it ben to ordered. S. KUiE. 1! attended the Coriserv.1 eenventioa held in Markdale las; . day. Mr. Hugh Hardy retained Lon.-.- lst week from Big Bay where i.-.- bas ben visiting friends. WAT W WOCUi LUCE TO KNOW ' Where u the loot cushion ? Who eat tie rubber of the Wb9 the next public xhool nae*.:- tina will tike place ? Whether or not the townsliii going to give a, bounty lit ki. wild c \VLio so kindly oroke the road* of me stormy eieuiug* of U.-t week .' The)* moot haw been h&niy I H 1. Kou**' llri i A:NT HOB.4E8HOKING. WOOD WOKK FIRST PRIZE WHEREVER SHOWN, LUMBBB, i LATH. SHINGLES JOB WOKJt FOR VEHICLES MANrFACTURED AT Heard s Carriage Works, FLESHERTOX, ONT. TJ'.CK 5 I AND BOU.CRS MOWKM. " BOIDRRS. PLOWS Our tfugjriae the Beat. Our SUifhs the Beet. Our Cutter* the Beat. Our Improved Harrows the Bat i >ur Patent Gate The Beat. Steven* Improved Spring Toot!. Harrow the Beat. BTKAW CVTTOf, SCL'iTLEKS. rtKMP DB1LL8. FEBRUARY, 1801. ^ The Great Stocktaking Month. Our Cash Sale! a |* That iiieac-s sometbing rrand for those who have a little money to pend. \Ve don't advertise for talks sake, bat for the beueiit ol tin? public. Biggest Drives ever offered m Boots & Shoes. Buy now and save 20 to 50 per cent. Read and profit thereby. Hitmen's sli|>|i-r-> only 25 rrnt* per Pair Bo)x llra>> I :n-r BwOts. -Mh-lx HHIH^H'N run- Lure Bouts. SHK'Js >J. 11 - I ui. It. Koot.<s#IOO. 's I Yll. Kill (inii-tl :IIH| !;<. 75C( Inn- ItuiiiMifil Bi>tv Stx-t.o ISM 'F I.ONTt BOOTS AT COST. :i.AI.ANl'K OF WINTER DHF.SS GOODS AT COST, UAl.XNCK OF CATS AM> FVBS AT COST. BALANCE OF WINTEK GLOVES AM) HOSIERY AT COST. \Come and See What We are Doing. AH Bargain Goods Must Be Cash. McDonald <ft Si B^sBBEKZsBBHBBHansBlisil FEBRUARY, 1891. TWE WAY ME' VOULD U KS IT CA PV.A A > .:2ii ial cborcb Uuaeeting be held in tbe M. . ToaMdav eve, Mircb 3. IirkdaJe.o: iu ibe Methodist cborcli b- SoudaT last. Mr. Davev tali giving to mmioniry work wu very iatensung. Mr, Henry Wileox of this plc leTe< uere this week. \Vedoedar. He will speud a few days' in T>jrorr.o with friend,*, tL.-n be go< on :j Faan*SMllr. Ohio \\V x sorry that we hate this to cbrooicle. &g we a.- rorry to ** bim going firoo. amoug ii". We understand :liat taroogb kmiiawin of W. Carmthers be lias secured work in Ohio. We wish Lim soocw* in bis new onderukiug. Best s engine "Katie" took advan- tage of :b mild weatlier this week and got up a Iit'le steam. She now gives music like a newly thawed oa: lark. Mr. Lou Cooper, ol Rocklyn. it pn:- ling in 6st and Proctor's machinery. leas thaa a Min rve u Une there are no thousand atjaare milea capable ol growing wheat, it M generally imagined by the pesos* of the south that the climate of the** northern rations prevents th* rrowth of the tender wheat plant, yet yo must al*ays note the steady trend of grvwth of wheat to th* north. It ie important to realise that the climate in | 'hse regions i*) much more under th* m- dueace of altitude than latitude. Th hsuht of land nsmi to be reached lh Minnesota border, foi all the streams Mm in that state, and, instead ot nmiiiux *>uth. run north toward the Hudson bay and Arctic sea . thus run- ninz north, the land become* lower a* it reaches toward the poU. The soil in all tki* rvi east of the Rocky Mountains [ aed west and north of Lake of the Wood* u rematkably rich. Lord Duffenn re- :u*rktl, after riding through it six weeks, i that the >il was < nch it constantly re- I auaxUd BUS ef an English kitchen gard- Isa. la the ralley of the Saakalehewan th* area is iiisVieathr peat and productive, according U Lord Selkirk, t *mtain a population -f thirty million. Here wheat jkaa been productive for twenty years I without fertilization aud with -ut rota- tion. Hece, .>wiu< to the northern loca- ti'u. iu ta* aummer the auu shin* two i hours U>nxr than anywhere els m the world w!ire wheat could be pix-duced, except in Sibeiia. Two hour* per day sunshine in th wheat powisia; n of eDorwH>u*) importance as a prodactive force. Bat, atrance to say, r underneath the ground a condition exists ' which u eztreiiMly important, aud that i* | hum U>u; wiuten and tbe stead; Cold I tlverv collects an SAXuinalatiou u( fr<*t I whiek uer quite melts, but which, uu- i der the i.'iirf strung rays uf the tun, ov n- I stant'v eludes, creatiiuf a moiatur* from which ihe 'euonls uf the roota tak* nour- uhment Here teasa* the conjunction of Providence by the rays from heaven , above and th* moiatnre of th* ear th be- neath that in thu remote part of the world condition* have been created enor- 1 mualr hvlpful for th* |ood of mankind. Soej* idee, f the ssasjaitade of Canada can be obtain*)*! froea the sine of la* U*l i sun Iky, which tunas a part ol it Tmia bay is one ihreaand sailes tins; i*rt m six kwntlrW nuKe wide. Think of a aay roaniai all the way frora Mew Tork tp ChseafO, an*) a* wide as from Waahusftoa to the Great Laksa ; what a hole it wosjM waake th* I'aued Stats*. Tel this bay ie *a ut tae n.< t vmJwsals pns*s**inn nl H seesaa hke a seojsesiuei ef (iTlJBti Park. frvm mr The academy was the seen* of great excitement on the 7th iiist orer the proposed rcuoo of a school house The meeting commenced at 3 p. m. aud lasted till nightfall with no satisfactory conclusion ol' the mat- ter under roosiilerauuu. A motion to pat up a new building was toted on and resulted in s tie. The chair man. however, voted again*: the nlirm which left things pretty much as tbty were at the start . It is certain that extensive repairs will have to he made on tbe old school in the near future, to judg from the preaani eondiuoni of iiflairt;. and to do so would be an exact counterpart of the story told on a Highlander who, in getting his guii fixed, bad to get a u*w lock, stock and baml. ' Our opinion on the subject is that a new building is needed. A nother wild cat was killed last week by tbe rDowo*d hunter of Uope- ville. and another one severely wounded by Mr. Alex. McLean. Mr. Juo. Knox. of Vcntry, spent I Saturday aixl Sunday at Lonit last week. Jno. is looking well notwith- standing tbe Lardshipn. etc.. of ;acli- ing tbe vuun^ idea bow to shoot. Mr Jis. Hill got Uis arm bur: las: week while working in tbe iwamp. but is able to attend to bis usual duties again. A number of people from Booth - rille gathered l the residence of Mr. Robt. Knox lat week and spent a sociable time. A similar gathering also took place at Mr. Jas. Fern- tLv following evening. Mias M. C Hardy and Mr. Join: S. Hardy speut a few days of last week visiting friends in Uowick. Miss Mary A. Kiobardson is home) nxu Toronto. Mica B. looks well after her lestglbanad stay in the city. 4 naeetinsj was bald m St. An drew abunah last Thondw.y etenina; fcr UM purpose of ooosadaruig the) expediency of gettiaa; op aa tntertai n- ni It provide toads far the babtMts* abooL No4hmf o/ isasortaoc* wa* etooe J. Matlaa, Jaa Hardy a:.J "Holiday Time * Is Gift Time." WILL SHOW FOR YOl'R IN SI'ECTIOX A Beautiful Assortment VtTiRE.V SILVKKWtBK 4\0 M M Ktl JEWELKV Liiia 1 FSa liii Hi TU $35. i ii twain FiJ: : \\n UK., r?) TO is.-*. \VA;;. RANTS C'OVEKINO INi'IPEN- TAL DI;EAK.U;ES > TU 4 v is CLOCKS, AEL ANI> WALNT $1.5" TO $S.;n. Fine Repairing Personally attended to. Close spection of Goods. Prices and Busmen Methods iuritH. to ll - W. A. BROWN, JewcllsUrs MAKKDALF.

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