Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1891, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON- A. ANCE THK- LITTLE MILL. nilrvlr r*iiOT&td my mill <larUi th*> I>MI yAr.puiUai iu * lira* tt&oui. I .. i to tt it.>i li.ii i- I til (>UtI l<>. ftltil OLD TERMS : 4 Ifery twelfth buihul. Bcvon cent* per limitlrvil for chopping. I 'in- every dy. P. LOUCKS, Proprietor. OOOD ST.Mtl.INO FOU HOMES. FLESHEHTON PL.MIIM} MILLS TO I I I I N l ii'::;:,;:. lr You 1>EH1KK To GET A GOOD I'.i IM -. Kl.i . ATIOS. Hu mired* of ><>UHK ui.-i* evn<l w*meu bav* lkt U ft l<uMiit>** < i n^ tht) I>M vun* whoe.ru now MICI <i>k' lueiativc |>niti.ii. T in hy far tin it ru U i 1 1 IMt Of -HI co lit*.* Thw fni in I'UfclhtiM or till eonrM pleta In fa nail* luauv O* tin- horttiitnd rou > ea ' "[') < tig full pal ti' ul*r.. U ! t>nt fro* W any H.UM * C. A. FLKM1NG, iMirehaaed th Pkaherlon l'laniu| <ru K. J. Hprnule, E*q., I now aeir to inform tl- PUBLIC that I am In a poutiun to do ALL KINDS -OF- General planing mill work, uch ai SASH, DOORS, DOOll FRAMES riaiiing and Mutcainx, re Hawing, etc. i. ..mi WorkruaiiNtilp (.unranu-rd. A ar^'i iiuanlity of good dry i>mv lumber 011 hand. If. /. D. McTavish, IKi:sK.>H(ER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. MannfurtirrliiR l Wacnni. leili Itngfir* Dmoanta, t>. lli.r,nh<ln promptly at t i'ii.l.| o R|>orial atlanliou gii*n to contract ii "r ti-ci.lor f rt Logging and Plow rhalnn <- siunily unhand. WM, BARNHOU8E, BOOT AND SHOi; JlAKKi:, KIJiSUJtltTON, ONT. Ueiirix tn thank ln nuuierou* i iiiillliHH for the vary liberal uatruaafr "M.-n.U.l m ;!,. I at. 4ii. I It uowj>r*r>riM loll) all or ler. with |.ruiii|.tii,.aa. PeilareeUoe) fwaru ..... I T..U.. <ean in l.ji". In KU.hmton ami huuont i * iufn.wiih K..| wa*ha*anablpjia** .1 nun w...l known tbKiuliokt ; J .,r .|, c ialt,. ii.tt.ju, IK. .u wade I / Wm Barut>.><ii.. KltM-hMrUn. Joseph Smith, nirM to prca his thanki to hu numerous viiitouiora |. r their vary llboral ptr.>u an* 0xtnded to lihu in ttn i |iat. anil would call atiKiiii.'ti to tin. fact that lio 1 hr .nil an. I n-ii.lv tn nil all otilrrn with proiuptDnoa, an. I guaiKiitMM aatiiifactlon Try tiinti. And I . k.<-|ilnn lh b.'t UM k in tlicinaikrt ami UMm It* hai wnn fur * '...'iig ih bii abiiritiakar* In i *!* "Wal work a luiniiiv i:v..-> imr>ou ouni* and (at J. SJhIITU'S, Fleaherton. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAy'S PILLS&DIMfMEhIT i HE PILLS Purify tue llluo.1, cornx-t all Plaurticn of Laver, Stomtich, Ivitln'^M, tind JJowew , aalntaltlula ruinady tnr Had THt 1 OINTMENT . Mat Hr...-tv nl.l \v.M,nrt.. Sore, aud C!ora U i. fan, .ui K , ithanoJua f or SOR6 THROAT, lii;.\ cm TIS. couaus COLD& Maiiutactnr.lonly.^ n i i...*>. K.tal.llihtnenl. 7. STfiw Oxford Hire rt < Inir 5a, Oxford Ktrp.-t ), London ud ai. .old at U. I J.I , !!. W., . M. . 1 1> . IS... and IB*, rat- 1. I!.., ,,r Put, ami may bo had of 111 cin \eudorn tin, ,iu.li.. nt tlir \\nrl.l ulall BSS, U,*, art v ,,r WIIO( THE: TYPE WRITER. $0 'll I'.'Mi'- O UK 1.1. TYPE WIM TF.K ''! ' r. un I 15 lot he Sllliclr <'jlsO Oilrll. u.irnnt. .1 t.. .In bettor w r limn .u, \ niui l,.ii. iimj... , Ii ..lubim-i HIMI-I II-IT, wi.h nriunii.irT, M>I:KI. i.wm.r oi Ki:\iioN, wi'iir* luiiKnr with M ..! r. |.m* than nr oilier milrliini llaanniukriblioiiio bother tlm operator. It i\ <i i. M-UVI >: i -i . nii-klpplitled, porfm-t and ail. i|t. nl to nil km. I- ..f tvp. ik" a |.niili:i;." jiroii, it |.i...ln.-i- almrp, rlran, iij'iilr uiauueeripta. Two . l.i. in till' at OMI. writing. Anv inielliL'. !i' |"Ti n I'lxn . I. .rill I*,, U.i} \Vi. oir.T t|.<NM) I., any i.|ir>r.>. i .r who run i M ml tin' u..ik of tliu l><lll!llc o. 1 Kloitr Only $4.80 Per Barrel at R PEDLEK'S. Coiut iino. (-iiiiii. all and gat uppln 1, (or ha i> tlio boy tint t.<|., the boat auj alw.y, | o u un haud, aim a cheap Una of !( < ami Sil K..r I'lMiuplilft rtiviu^; lu.lu. -inrM- >ti:!.i. rvri: w un r. K < > v CIIIM4.U ll.l. tetof Mnanaiino and aft./ (tttW*t*.a.wmi 11... u, I >>lenll. ( ..*! .. T ral : .::" ;;ir,?;:, b ;:;; An I a good tin* of confirtlonary. All kind* of i mi.xl (joodii, corn meal, oat nieal,roll*d wheat ,:in.iui Hour, alao vinegar an. I . ' NKXT Diioi; TD M. Kit II A K I'M iN A CO'S. Richard COUNTY AND DIMTKICT Alei. McLean, wl... wm Uu-ly ei iijrml by Mr K. A ('.tin, town twu wt-i-ka K'I. He tiH.k away nrio.nl bolonuiiig to JM|I|I Whito anu . HI, IH-IOIIKIIIK I" J"hn IMewti. ilt-nry \\ lutli f illi.wecl luni t.i Toronto luit did n>t kuccttvd in tiudinq Inin. ftlvLan wa* a niriiilivr of tlif Slitflliui in- < '..inf.any V... 7, 36lh ll.i'uln.i,. Hi ii.i.tlur ..riniTly rrmdrd in l'rirt-vill liul in ln>w romdi-iit nf Alt. Kc.ret. [Shelburnf '*ro Preaa. .luliii C.ntiKan, th Barnardo In.y who u wanted at Shulhuruu for tin It, rxr'y, etc., baa been arrritrd ill To- mil" and ienti-iictd t atand hu trial at lie next Dutfviiu aanizua. All Men oung, old, or niiildli' aged, who find them- elrei uerrouii, wnalt and uxliuuiifii, ho are rokeu down from exopiara or im-r work, re- lilting in many ot the following nytupttima: I. ntal drpremiou, pienjiture old Ki'. loH f vitality. IOKC of uieiui.r)-, bad dreaio*. irnnnea of light, palpitation of tbe Laart, tniavioD*, lack of energy, |uun in the k'J. iv*. headache, pimplt* on tbe face or body, :rliiu or ucouliar K0**tin about tbe Mru- urn, waaung of tb* orKana, dlisioeai.ap*ck* rr the ye*. twttrl.inK i.f tb* inti'dcn, v.- lid* and elsewhere, baahfalncaa, dopotiti n tbe unne, liMnof will power, tenderneu f tlie aoalp and apiuc, weak and flabby unle*, ili lire to uleep. failure to be rc*Wd y *lep, conitipation, dullurM if hearing!, OM of voice, ilrrire f..r M.litudr. i-icital.iiilT f temper, luulu-n aye* surrounded with i.f. i iRtLa, oily looking rkin, etc., are all ymptoiuK o( nervou* di'lulily that lead lu niauity and death yulea* cored. Tb< pring or vital force liannx lout it* t^nnlou very function wane* jn coniwquenM. Thote > thrvugb abna4 committed in ii|Borauc may be permani ntlv curxH. Bend your n I * em for biK> on all diaeaaei pcnliar t.. man. Addreaa M. V. U'UOS, SO front St .;.. Toronto. On. Book* aent free aealftl leart diavaie, (he *yinptnni*of which ar. aint fpell*. purple lipi, nambnea*. pa I pi U loo. ikip beat*, hot flaifaea, ru>h of blood ii the head, dall pain in the heart with eat* atrong. rapid n<l Irregular, the aeootiil icart boat qnioaer than tlie flrat, pain about hebrrastbone, et., ean pneitiiml? be eared. Norurr. no pay. Send for book. A4dre>* M. V. HI BON i SO front Street But, Tor- >uto, (hit. Lltrrary. The nret original article by Count Toletoi. liat haa ever been published iu an Amarfcau nenulne. appear* In tbe February ton* of Thx .'oauiopolltan. wttli a numlwx of tntaieeilait [>botO|{raphic reproduction*, on* of tt eiu be. a picture of Tolatol gnidinn a plough in hi* Kuwian noM Hrauder Matthew* appear* ID bit Brt article upon Some Lattenlay Humor- I*U. Mr. Matthew*' contributlont ronititnte on* of tb* moat Interacting featare* ofthn magailne The tbi.dj in a "or tee ef colored frontiipie*** 1* a d*)lbtful *kvteb by Me Vukar HluitratiiiK a character la Mr*. Van Rencalaor Cruawr 1 * new *tory. "MadeuioUell* Baatda," Kl Toetruaator (leneral Jam** pre- ent* an article upon the M'rlah a> the United State*, liberally Illuatraaed bv portrait* a I'rjujlnant men who an of W*l*b extraction Women i-lerk* la Nw York, by tb* Marqulu Clara l^ota. A oharuilu article on the oli Chauaux In Totiraiop by aft** Kltie Da Wolf* Prince Talleyrand and hi* k*nioin by H de Hurt Amateur Portraiture In Kbotoftrepby and A It. ma: kable Umical lliitorv bv Willun Hole, KK.8, the well known It a*;] lab man, are other prominent feature* of the Pebruar i**ue. Prlc*. v oenta. Coeniouelltan I'm ... Ma iix.u Hqnarv, N. T. Tb* Heiniitlnc Amerlcau. publltbed by tb great patent agvncy Ann of Munn A Co.. !**w York, i the uio*t pravtically uaelul pnklieatlo of It* kind In tho country Indeed, it occuuie* afl*ld dlitlncttvaly It* own. Not alone for th aiachinlit, manufacturer, or aclantlit, but It I a journal fur popular peruaal and itudy. It i the itamlard authority on aolontine and me i liauicaJ lubjecta. It 1* placetl at a vury low rat* of tubaartptiou, *3 p*r nnnuoi, . place* it within tb reach of all. Bubecrlptiuu will be received at tbe office of tbi* paper. A KB NOT a Pur * gativ* Medl ine. They an a BLOOD Hru.i.iH Tonic and Hnoox run. a* the uplily in a oondanwi form tbu (ubetancv* tually needed *o*o ii h the Klood. eurln II dlaeau* outnln .m Poon and WAI HV BLOOD, or from Vn IAT*I> llrwoiw Ii i HLOOD, ami a)> iRoratv uil Mm tlia HIXX>I> an s it ran . when brok*n down I v overwork. .nentaJ vorrj-.UiMaa*. xui'^iv* and IndiMre- They bave ^in-inc ACTIOK on he flKi'ii. BT i IK o both men an<l women storing LOUT Tloo I eorrvctmii al W her Bab j waa M -a ca* bat OaaMrla. Uh.ti ha^U tlie crtad (er UaMoria. When abo r,- ., * clu \Vhn rtnd* hi* mental fac- dull nr falline, or R. ahoul.l take tlie** oio hu lu*t unarttiea, both for Infanta and Children. B.1. aaona. II D., U. BTBUtlyu, K loll* W'irnu . T. I Wttaeui'lajn r Marray 9. T. press YORK. Can The Aggressive Rep ;can j ourna i of the " Founded Decernb^ 1 Circulation over DA I I mo*t Tlx l'r- '., a natiouaJ iew. yqlaajr niartoo auU u u tb* cofuuuji. of Tb l'ri Ttil're-ia ljuthii 1'iifl.imi S, V,rk It upa/kU* wrthp. The Prm* buu.lay edition woty p pap* coverini; *: ut intoraM. Tlifj>na okljr editiua c good tktiBV of thadall van Kur thow who caaaot affi-r.i >n>ntd l.y .htam troui aai Tho WMkly u a ipUHxIul aubt Suit You ? ^thc eeltiot r are it. As an Advertising |edium i in: I-IM.V, \ the reach of all The beat ai| Daily and Sunday, on* Year. [>aj 1 only, i tl I SUB ay. on* y onljr, on rear. - four 'month*. DIM year, * .. 3u> *uu S.J (or the praa* cucular Itauivlu frw AKUU wautud ctcrywhim. LUx-ral couiuiiM- IODJ. tddfM*. TUB I'ltWH. Potter bulMtatf. W 1'ark Ituw Nw York have tried me and answer in vhe affirmative. Then.il others aie well suited why not com to me and get Your Pants 'I your coats and vests made in >ithe best of style, the quit ae and tor the least money. ' will- never wear cut the patience of my custom* by false promises. Bring OD the clotj. fcr In Position TOR PHOTOGIIAPIII^Ii -AND- Position is Everything. Your Coats and have it cut while you wait. Suits which I make up and recommend may not be strong as cast iron, but they giv satisfaction every time. Call on the un- dersigned and test these statements. F. A. BAKER, ARMSTRONG'S itLOCK. Fleiheito.7 PRO BONO PUBLICO. TUMI*. HOLI> ran T*T u:n OOP rirrnv 111 fill I tal rtmnU Uk* them CICHT WUHAN They cur. all pie*iitiiH ,ui. I IrrvfuUrMae*. wlucli inevitably houl.l take Uwa* ViLLa. Tbey will rur tlie re- abiu, an. I lUeuftUeu Uw . YOUNG MEN IU '( JfouUiful bad li tak lbm. VflllHA UfAUCM ""'i'..l TUUHB woitH ib. nk Uieiu reular. ror eale by all ilrnnclnta. nr will b eent upon neall't i.( |.ru (Mir pir boiX by atklrvaatau IUU OK. H II I / .1 > HI l> "> Brwkville, (ML $30001 tier to ik^f... TFHt I .,-.,-.. - .," i J u>Nire.i - 1.. IK., n,. i 111 . i^, !>. I .lij ..! ^l. k . ei*iebMMe>e>>e*>. I ";a? : ?,!.!( ?*** JM01naMi Is fully c>iuip|vd with re- (juisitcs ior turning out pcr- tVct class of work. All kiiiil of pictures taken and tmishe in a style equal to any cityj work, while the prices ase tower. Picture Framing done iu all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on the sane day please attend to the latter hrst. Ca*ful at- tention will be given to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. If \ouwaiit a ipxxl. aaay wurkinf. ubalautial. urDautntal. well |.aiutrd piuup oue that will uot be a ci>iitni'.i>l -. j>>: o! aliii'.taHM. alwuMtauU vAtU.n of >|.UI1. |iM one of Artley 1 * noted i>un.-| and ywu will aataraa tb puiuy u iipuii>We. I >alifartk>u lu mary iaatau** tv foil, it theprtweof tfc|Mn.p I vul.init for nferviM* the naptee ol aouii of the faitieewhoar* ulo uiy ]> a In Markdale- J. W gptnulv W. N IU - . I- i \s HatledMj llaik<U]e Mbuoi 111 Vrt^uH-.ia WuaWltubt )*rviH >krar> . iohnt. VaoiM Ji.linMon . >: i .v .:-. IJ It , Joha PCI dCl It. Tbca. Uatr , Mr. \M:.u.u V b .ra.. J ltMu.an Mr. Mr Nail) n I' Me* . J. lie trtlnir ; -lbn f KAolkli^. N.w Vlnlaa.I v !| sai.i llat. . i: Noiil: M 'in' M'!UI .1 -VViu Ncivon J VlaiHey. J MartiiiBiarT "- ' (>- V It w.-u^ 1. J Wi! . Meldtam . L>*u. M> > ' prey. Jamei UaUden , Itoht. C'olqnctt. A(|i,.rklv Mitchell Broe . l)ui Abbey. W ft. ; \N 1.1 I.. e. K. Watta, J.fi. JBKKKKY A&TLKT. M(gr . Ma.kdeJe

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