Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1888, p. 6

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err AN DNHAPPY DU0HE8B. Eitraordinarj Bebavior of the Duke of Sntberliuid. ALLEGED WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES. A Loudon cable saya : The death of thu PucbibB of Kutherlaud has uet the upper ciroJmof aotiety talking. Itietherna of the tirut Hceue of a ditttreabiii^ donieuttc drtQm lu which Uer Uraoo was the violiin. and which rtcemly narrowly eecapod ix poeare in the lii^v courtu, wheie thu caau waa uiltlcd aftur the priOiuiinary iaeue had bcon joined. Until reo«nl yearu the Uuke and I'uchcBB were exutediuKly happy. Xhe Uochtbu achieved honor by eulurtaiDlij){ Oaribaldi tirat in London aociety, when the Liberator, wtariu^i a red ahiri and bii kHkin breeclu'u, waB burroundcd by (air women and t;'<'''^t 8tat>-au;en in the gilded saloiia and |iicturen«llery of Htbtt jrd lIoiiae,whii:h it ia now repurttii han panaed into the torn- |>orary bauda of the Vauderbilta for next aeason. home ycara a^o the Uacbeas waa ap- poicltd Mistreaa of the Ilubea, alinout coin- oideul with a casual meetintj bttween the Duhe and Mrs. Jumes, the wife of an army officer. Thia lady waa aa spare aa the I'Qchrae was atout, and aa dark as the Dacheaa waa (air. Koth ladies were about the eaiiie at^e, bat Mra. Jamea' hair waa atreaked with ijrey. The Uuke waa faa- cinated with the lady. (:onii>enBatiou waa ofTeri'd Mr. James, who, iualesd of aooept- lUK, blew hia braiua out, caUBiog an im- nuente eenuation at the time. Divorce proo«edinKu between the Duke and Llucheaa were Btcpped, partly by the jioud benae of the familiea and partly by the direct inbti. gaticn of the (^uten, who waa an CBpeuial friend o( the I luke'a mother. TheUucheaa bore the dttprivation of her buaband'a society with ex*:n)plary reai^nation, but never met liiai e.xopt on formal occaaiona. Meanwhile tbe I'uke apunt the autumn, winter aud apnnK yachting;, generally in BoDlhern wutera, wiih Mra Jauiea, wbobe prodery aoiiietinit-Kre<]uir»*d tbe convenient presence of an eaalls found coinplaiaaiit chapiron. I..aHt winter the Duke, meeting Admiral Hir Keginal MacDonald and Home other intimatu fnenda of the i'riuce of Wales, invited them to aharo hia yacht for the remainder of the cruiHe in Indian waters. All went well till one day when the lady inaisted that they or ahe nhouM leave the yacht. Tbe riniilt waa the rrinco of Walea' fnenda were bundltd uv( r the Bide, not aorry to 'jujt thi i'ri.iea of the Duke and hia cunipauion. Afl<r tbia tbe ytohl went to Hiain. wb< re the lady'a bro iher is legal advinr of the Kuig, who placed a palace at thu Duke'a dirpoaal. Here even native IviUuni were ouiraged by tbe proceedingB of ihe parly, and ihe yacht was ubhijed tu leave, to tbe great uoiiifort qI royally ami foreign reeidenta. On liia relnrn Unt nuuinier the J'rince of W aba â- poke seriously with the Duke, tut NYlthout result, for tbi- conntclioii contlnux] until death relievtil the l'ui:beBa. HulTiring society is anxious to know whether Mn James' faauiiiatiun over the Duke hiII induce him to marry her. The woman ih olever. iter fairiilv produced mure liral clasKea ai Oxford than any other in l.ng land, till' laiber havini< been public orator and JJiuraeli's hobt in H'>i<. fANIC-MrKICKKN Cll I I.I>IIK>'. KMrltliiK Tttii«* III M St. l.fiiiU Si-hoo] - !• Nrii|»liii[ M«*i4iil ('Mil«('it N McHrw. A UhI ( W'ediirriila) I nit^bt'a Ht. I.ouin deapatch bay a ; A panic orrurrnl at tbe iilair h'Jiool toila), and nolliing but the gri-Ht pri'iirnce of mind <>f the forpH if teaclwra prev«-iiled Iomh nf life. TheHti-am hf^ali'ig fippnrat ii>i got out of onlrr, ainl the rnlthiig in ilie coilrt, coiiplid wiib ebraping Hteain, alKrmi d the i.liiidien, who, fearing «»n explonioii, started for the door. iMii-» lii ttina Krilib, the tiachcr in cbargi-, gut to the door Iirat and prevei.tetl a alaiiipeile. Kr»ri:il> hi»d order bi en nntored, bowevi r. whin the Moine in tbe nteaiii pipes wan repealed «ilh llicreamd Mnlriiri', niid before MiHB Kri'liljM ciiiild rrarh tin' duor a aicind time ilie t-rriir otrickin cliiltlren bail gained the hall. Ihe (aitliliil tiiti Inr wiih biiriie to the llior and trampled upon, Hribtninirig serioiiM injurieB. Tile esciteineiit Hpread to room No 10, lUiit uppo«ile, preHided imr by MiMH Clara Hti kle, and the i^liildren bnciiiue iinintiiagi'alili' there. ']lie hIuiIIIiiii; â-  if feet and the liHamg of eHiiipiiii^ Htt-aiii Hpread th' panic to tiinni It. Mnn IMnrv 1'. Miller, and bbn too wna throvs'ii from lit r fe<it and trample 1 upon. The jitniinr appeared nil tliii Hi'eiie, and dil roiii^li but heroic work In preventing tin iliililn n from Iraiiipliiig eai li oilier to death. A pupil ill room No. 'i niiand the cry of lire, and the piipilH niade a riiiib fur the hall. MibN Ciilleii, the teaiihur, with coniinend libit) prehi'iice of mind and bertiu; elTortn, i|ii<illi'd the diaturbaiir I, and in a brief P'lriod order waa reatored. Two n( tbe loaaherH, MiHi Miller and Miaa Krebba. wore badly injured. Keven pupils were alao injured. The pmiie created iiiteiiae exoieineiit, and many parenta burned to the school buildiig to look after their ch ildren. rinifilapil IIhiI h l'i>|iiilikr lM».|<irll>. The lloatoii lUrnl,! aaya (!levoland had a plnrabty of T.l,i,(M of the volo oast for rresideiit, the totals lifing : (Iloveland, ajMIVX) , Harrison, ,'., IllU, I'.II. Theae IlKares, li iwever, are only approjiuiate, and tho oltbiial retiirna may somewhat alter Ihnin. Thu ontiro vote thrown waa ll.'iHS.H'J.'i, or about 1 '.''lO over the vole four years ago. when Mr. Cleveland had a plurality of li'J,tiH:t over lllaino. Two HIgni. "Don't ynii nno that sign np there?' •â- ked ths grocer, pointing sternly to a placard on the wall biaring tbe fateful worda, " No Credit (iiveii lleru." " Vea," rdjilied the man who had jiiat aaked for a bar. relof flour on tick," 1 aieit. Hiithuwaboiit that oiber sign up there on the other side. If You l>on't Heo What You Want, Ask For It?" HIiK40H OF HKUMISK. ilri Walpole-Hoine Vcrtilet for tli« Mn. Hanxki krrivad in Kngland on November lal. On the following Hatnrday hn ooniuuniuid a live days' inissioii in llris tol Among the other Aiuerioitn evangeliata now in Kii^Und are Ui.v. (leorge J. Need ham, lir rnntnnoat. Major Whittle and Mr. Philip I'hilipa. The Niilt \ii-i<*l <'H|ili hHv..ry l-.\liSeuc« - l>elrll>fHUt. A LiondoD cable says : Society received another diatreasing utiouk yeuieroay by tne announcement that ihe lieir of Sir Hubert Wa,pole, Ihe celebrated I'riuiu Mimaier of lliii til at aud aecond Cieorgta, and tbe future Karl of Oiford, had tjeou bued for breach of pruiniee. The case waa called in the (Queen's Hfuch Diviaion. Ihe pUiutiff, aijiaa V'allery Weidt iiiiuii, brouglil tiiu suit against Captaiii Hubert Horac*; Walpole for breacii ot proinuo and for libi'l, olaiiniiig i:i,UUO damages. Not many muiiibK ago Cnptaiii Walpole and Misa Corbiu, an Aiuericau lady, wire (juietly married in I'uria, aud from auliae. ijueut events it la preauiued that the sllair waa conducted piivately owing to Miaa Weidemann s avowed iuteuliou of making trouble for the groom. Tlio principni wituesa yesterday wsh MiBs \Vei(lein«nu beraelf She IB a bright. freah looking bloiiilo, tbe daughter of a North Uermau pastor, and a peraou of education aiiU relintd niaiuieit.. Allliuiuli Hubjectid tu sharp luterrugationa bhe tuld her story in an impreubive mauner. Kln' teBiilied that Capt. Walpole met her in |f«J at the Hotel u'.\ngeleterre, at Conatautiuople, where bhe was employed as governess to the proprietor's daughiera lie met her at dinner i iiti uight anU uiaUe her ai'ijuaintance, much against her will. He paid her marked atteniuu fur aeveral aaya afier that, and hnally aaked her tu marry hiui, at the saiuu lime forcibly kiaa- iug her. Kbe angrily left him, and when ahe re turned from ilie opera thsl night ahe did not notice that thu bolt Caleb on her bed room door had been removed. Hhe aat at the window a few minutea btfore she kni'^v that Walpole waa at her aiue. Klio ordered liiin from her room aud tried to riug tbe eervauta' bell, but he forcibly restrained her, and, after couviucing her that beloved her sincerely, he hnally accoiuplished hia pur|ioae. Next evening he dined with her, ami aa an earnest i f his intentions he plact'd Ills siguet ring on her linger. Bhe liaa It now, though ('apt. Walpole made npi »ied atleiiipia to recover it. Next day be persuaded her to go to Cannes, and gave herjLluU. On arriving ibiire ahe met hia niutlier. but wliiii hho b|iiike of her sup- potcl en^ugi Hunt, Mrs. Walpole told her the captain was oiilv a frieiul, and that be would be ruined if he did not marry a rich girl. .Mra Walpole contrived to lia\o her put out of the liutel. I 'apt. Walpole then Meiit a friend â€" Caiit. Darlington lo her to lake ht r to I'aria, where he promised lo lueei her. At I 'ana Walpole told her lo meet bim in llerlin, but when ahe arrivtd there ahe f juiid that be hail no iiitenlioii of meeting her. Klie then weiillo li>'r brollier 111 law, in liirmany. where her child waa born in !•'-•:). 1 111' wilnt'SS admitti:! by implication lliftl when she h.-ard of (apt. Walpole a intended marriage abe heiil to Miss ( irbiii the lolloping note : " I shall meet you one day, anil you will bear my curbo to the eii'l of your exn-tence. 1 Ins for marrviiig a inaii \ oil lia\t* no ri^lit lo man \ ." 1 lie i:aae was coi tinned today, ('apt W alpoic deiiieil ilie proinide, and Itie ill fi'iii ' fiirili' r nil up ihiil if It was UiS'l'.' It was III '1 urk»-\ , where no action la inikinlainable He claimed that tbe ai^iiel ring WAS aioleii, aii'l tbe liiiir which he WI"te lim ng>'til Ai'cutllig lur of tbefl H the Imnia foi an ai'lioii for libel, wbi'-h Wa|. pole \s ill plead an piivil>g"d. In i-ro-^ exaniinaiioii llie plaiiuill coiitradiiti'd hernt'lf, aii'l .li-i lini'il to aiiHA'er viliil ijin'i liuiia, l'in'ill> the |i|i> lull rfirt'd, the trial wail btopped, and a ^t-rdi't lor llu' defei. daiil wall reiidrrt-il. .» N .\UHV <i|'' TIIA.MT.S. Tliey liitilile II lliiiiilfl 111 Nfw \ nrtt 1 hey 0%ert'iilli>' Ariiictl llt'itltlMiM *>. \ Uocliealer. N ^ , ilespatili last mghl aava It waa reportetl in tliid city lo iii^lii by railway men that at a little li'«iiilil mar Oh an. on the liiie of llie lUillalo, .^ew ^ ork ,\ I'liiladilpliia Kail. wa>, upwarda of si-vtnty tramps niaile Ibi'ir :i.pp"araiu'e at an larly hour lbi» iiioriiiiig, iiiid liei;an to invade llie town and raiiaai-k tne dwelliiiga. A niebsen^er was bint lo Oleaii for artsiaUiioe, iii d foriy mriiihera of a local military organl/.alioii armeil with bbot giina riapondtd. TIuh for'te wa.-i not htiung eni.ii^b, and the tranipa, it waa reporU'tl, i^ loii bad poHK« ti bion iif thti allot guiiH. I'lirllier aabialam-e waa ariked of the biirroiiiidiiig towns. No more parliciilnrs could bu li iiriiud of the iilTair or the Irulh if the report corrobo ruled, aa tile^raph comuiiinication lo Olt'an waa cut ctt. I.illerti Nenltlbh .litlllliui*. Tlure di"d at Arbrualb, on the lOlh November, ilamea Adam, Inspector of I'oor, aged ri( yoara. Mr. K'lberl Ilrown, long a leading elder in the chiiri'h at Midiiiar, and one of the most notable laymen in .\berdeenshiro, itied last month iii Iiih 'Hat year. Kir Cbarlea rearaoii, advooate, has been iippointeil SheritT of Uenfrew antl Hiile, tu room of the Hon. 11. .1. Monorittf, now a judge of the ('oiirt of Heaaiun. The Duke of Cambridge baa approved of the Uoaa \ oliiiiteera adopting thu kill and pattern of accoulreinentB worn by tho line bnttaliona of the Heaforth Highlandera. '1 he other day a marriage waa celebrated at 1,1'ith between a D. D. and a lady whoae iiniled agea are \'M years. PriniMpal ('airiia olhciated. Uuth have been married before. Mr. John Sharp, of Ilalmuir, jute spiiiunr and inaniifacturer, in Dundee, baa given jLI 000 towarda thuendowiiiunt of tbe Convaleaoiiit Homo lu conntotion with Dundee Inhriiiary. Tho lato Mr. David Korr, of I'ark, long an elder in Locbwiunoi li Cliurtili, was a lineal deaouiidant of the noted (!ovunauter, lioliert Kerr, of Kerrslaiid, and had the same spirit aa his aiuuistor. -"Long live the turkey I " naya an en thui-iasiiii ooiitt tnporary. We do not undorae the sentiment. Two yeara ia tbe exireme limit of old ago which ahould tie permitted in a turkey. ( hriaimaa coinus next, darn your Btockingi I The man who flnda fault when hia nuwaptpi r is damp la equally diaaatistled when It is dry. MISS WKMr-.S KO.MINCK. The llrltlsh MInlstor's DaUKhUr uikI Uer l^lttle t'teee uf Heroiitui. A Waehington dispatch aaya : It la now seveu yeaiB binco Mus Vicioiia West emerged from a French convent, with a goveriioaa for companion, and came to Wabhintiton lo preaide over Her liriiannic .Majeoly'a Lt^gati jii, her fatter Uiog Minibler Pleiiipuleiiiiary. Mias Wis' waa an artleaa, unaophiati ;aied t,irl of IH. Her great charai of face conainted in what the Italians call her byinpalhetiu blue eyea. Counieaa Lewenbaupt, wife of the -iwedibh Miijibtrr, waa young, band some, highborn and very popo'ur in Wneh iiigton BOcietv. Khe t.i.iilly chap>?roned Ml -a Went and made all the lirst calls with her which the eiiijuetie of thia ciiy re- 'luirib. .Xitacbed lo tli"- bwedibh Legation w>8 a young man with one of those borrowa lor which there ia no help. .Vir- ile liildt, white living in riiiladelpliia, had rnet and mariitd tlie handaome anO wealthy dan>;httrol Mra Bluomlield Moore, a lady whuae name has lout: been aabociated with that of the poc t Browning. Mr. and .Mine. Do liildt were Vt ry happy III their pleaaaiil home in tbi-i city .After the birth of their third child the iiioihtr was ill and delirioua She baa never regained her reason. 8bH had lo be sent to a private asylum. Mra. Motire came lo Wabhiiigtcn and kept honte for her souiulaw, and took charge of tho ihil'iren. The house waa on Co'inectiiut avenue, near tbe British legation. De Uildi aud Misa West were thru'vu niU'^b lig^tber, aii'l but for the obstacle .vuuld have been declared lovers. It was deemed prudent for De liildt to be transferred eUe- where, and Mrs. Moore, hoping that some- thing might bu done for her allhcted daughter, took her to F.urope, aud at oue time news came that she was re stored aud id with her husband. But thia is not to. The diplomats Bp<]ke of Miss West aa being diaconaolate. but she baa been brave through her trial aud kept up bur cbeerfulneas, aud when oue aiaer came and tbeu another she acted like a mother in giving them advantages. She alyled herself " an old maid " at 'J3, but coutinued the handaomest and most attractive of the Ihruu sisters. She has the dii^nity of a mature woman. One of Ouida's first novels was founded on a aiinilar plot to this story, only the hero andttie heroine were not heroic. TELiBGRAPHlO SUMMARY. There is an alarming increase of pauper- ism in Montreal. London cnil dealers have raised the price to id »U per lou. The Granrt Divison of the Sons of Tem- perance of Outario meets in Toronto to- morro*. The Leeds and Grenville Counties' Coon- cil, after a warm debate, deci»led ori cou- Uuuing the bounty on wolvermis Deputy Sheriff Sherwood, of O tawa, has been remove.! to the Guelph aayluru, Buf feriiig from acute melancholia. 0«ing to a feeling of oissatisfaction with the action of the Montreal Carnival Cum initiee, it la possible there may be two ice palaces. The village of Farmerbvilie, between Br'iukville ai.d Wesipjrt, wiih a population of '.lOO, has bejume incorporated under the ambitious name of Athene. Wm. Ewart, of I'ortaraoulh, waa fouBd drowned yeaierday mcrniug in the blip opporiie the own Hall. He wa^ about the villai:e yeaterday. He waii a bachelor ana au Orangeman and aged 7U yeara. Kaily on Balurday morning ex Consta- ble I ark waa found lying on the biUewalk opposite a saloon ou Notre Dame si reel, Montreal. Hia head was cut aud hia arm broken. He saio be had been thrown out by the saloon keeper. IIKO.SeK 4il<;Tl4 TWKLVK YKAItS, A i'hli-ai;<i A tiarehl*!'* rnnlthlneut for CouH|ilrinc lo Kill. A Chicago despatch of Sunday's date says: Ilronek. tbe Anarchist, was given t Aelve years' imprisonment by the jury labt iiiglit. The verdict was rendered at 11 o'clock, the jury being out a^iout au hour t was a compromii'i , many of the jurymen being in favor of a longt-r sentence, Ilronek b 'ru the III ws well, hut bis face whitened. IIi<< wife fainted in the court room and waa hiriie oiii by her husbHud'a fnenda. Ilronek waa indicted for conspiring with Chleboiiii and Chaiwk to kill .1 u !gf Clary and Insp-clor llonlield. The plot waa die j covered by aoine of Honlielit'a Bohemian api a, anl HroM k was ii.-rtal^tl with ii)na- , mite Hlicka lo hi.s po..*aebbioi,. At bis lioUbe ; a number of infernal iiiai hinra were lii.*^ cuvt'Tfil, and it waa also foui.il that be liaii , cot aled a Minall arbeiial of evplobivus iii t the hoiHe of a ft-llow iotintr\ man. The ' e\ 1 ieiice waa coin'liHive That Ilronek ws-. enga^t'd ID the dyiiaiiiite buaineaa, aint iliat ho wart an iniiuinlt' a,ibociate of the men wbci parti, i|iati-i1 in the Ha\iiiarkot iniia- ! aacre and bubae'iucnt .-Vnarcbist 'lemon airnlioiia. ,* .MIM'-. ON miK. I l<li;lil Men .MU.Iiik. Win) Are I'rnlialilyi lleail, ! A Cahuiiet, Mich , deapatch aaya I ire was dia''overed at the ti»;tith levt-l of N«v .i btuift, Calumet branch, of the Calumet an 1 llfcia niiiie thia iiiorning. A lari;e part) if Hi 11 wt re working at the lliiii- of the lire, which w-hi n diat'overeil had iiiadeam-h ' rapid headway that llir binoke waa Urritilv 'I'l.ee and their livea in great danger. All made a riinb for tho surface, but ei;;ht men are niiHsliig That they are deal la not | I'eriaiii. Among them are two Italiaiia named .loHeph Miiaolir aiul Totiey ( 'atavara. The mine location ia completely covi ird will) diiine anioke, and the lire looka worae llian it ilid, hut being near the surface it is believeil llie damage tiiiaiu'ially will not be ; great. Nothing la known of the where- aboilta of tho eight men mibsiiig. They were working l,7iK) feet ileeper in tho mam en>;iiie bliaft, and it la aupp.isod, smelling biuoke, liny tried to ea 'ape and were aiiiotbeied. Over Kill men were in Una I ortioii of tho mine nt the time, but escaped. A Fine tCalale rurt-liatietl. . Sir Douglas Stuart has sold tbe whole of hia family eatatea in rertbahini to Mr. ilolin Stewait Kennedy, of New Y'ork, a Scotch man who baa made a very large for- tune in America, and proposes in future to , pasH half of each year in Scotland. The Mnrtly and IJrantully estates, of HH .'.(H) acres, inoludo aomeof the beat grouse moors In the Highlands, notably Loch Konnard, liohallion and Diirmour, which are rea|H>a- livoly leased by the Comte de I'aria, Mr. .lohii Btitt and Mr. Barclay Field. Murlly Caatlu ia one of the moat beautiful placeain Scotland. 'I'lio gardona, lawns and wooda atretoh for miles along the banks of the Tay. The now houae, which has remained a more ahell, will b«i completed in aooord- anco with the original plans, and become one of the linost seal a in the oonntry. A HulrliUI VlialleiiKe. Steve Hrodie challenges any man on earth to jump from any three bridges in tho oonntry for Sl.OilO and the world's cbanipionship. Steve stipulatea that each man shall name a bridge and tho tossing of a penny shall decide tho naming of a third. Roth men are to jump together and swim 11)0 yards to a siakoloat, the man roaihing there lira' to ho the winner, and the nmtcli to be decided by tho beat two ont of tho hroe. CtKonin W. Ciiii.iiH, of Philadelphia, poa- BeaaoH the original nianiiacript t^f Dickon 'a " Our Mutual Friend," It ia tho only inaiinHoript ot Dickens, with the exception of a foiv abort alorioa, outside of tho Souh I Krii'-ioiiton Miisenin. Mr. Childi hat ra- tuaed I^.UUO for it. Some vulgar men last week at Perth held a wake over the body of " Y'aukee " Brown. The dead man was dragged from bis cctha and placed on a table, a pipe was put between his teeth and oiber devices of "sport" carried out. The atTair created scandal. .\ young man named Isaie Charpenter jumped off a Canadian Pacihc tram while II waa in motion at Uocbelaga laat night, when he slipped aud fell under tbe wheels. Tbe conductor, hearing his agoni/.ed bcream, had the train stopped, but it was too late, aud part of the auforlauate man's bead was cut off. Rcv. Dr. Wardrope, Gaelpb. wag elected Honorary President of the (jueen's Uni- versity Alma Mater Society. K. J. Kyan was elected President, defeating ( . J. Cameron by nineteen votes. The nnde- uuminatiouai character of the college ib shown iu tbe fact that the Prsidenl-elect is a Hon- an Catholic. Charles French, butcher, swallowed poison in a mistake f -r a black dranglit yesterday. He died three hours aflerward.-^ in great agony. Hia wife caused the mu take, and she is frautic with grief at tbe terrible occurrence. Three pbyaiciana did all they could to aave tbe poor fellow's life, but without avail. While Mrs. R. Moore, wif of a Sandwich Kaat fainier. and her son and daughter, and the latier'a btby, were driving into Windsor, the horaea ran away and they were all thrown out. Mrs. .\loore fell on her head aud shoulders and siiaiained severe injuriea ; tbe baby ia believed to bu fatally hurt, whue the others escaped with a few bruises. An accident ooeurred on Friday night abvUt ,'> o clock in the wooda, in oue of (lil- fiiour .V Co 's bhaniies, near Mailoc. I'eier Carl and .loieph Sofa were felling a large tiee. and the tree lodged in another tree. When they freed it tluy found the tree waa coming the wrong way ai.d triO'l to ^et out of the way. In ruiiniiig away Sofa fell, «!..l hiH axe Blni k Carl lu the calf of the leg, aeveriiig an artery. Before a doctor arrived Carl bled lo >leath. The same axe, afier cutting Cai 1, »a-> struck by the falling tree and llew back an. I >itru k Sofa, cutting a big gaah in hia leg above Ihe knee. Sofa IS likely to ro.:uvor. Mr. John Bright continuea to gam bin ngih. Mr. Sexton has bjeii ro elected l.jrd Mayor ot Dublin. The UiHbi-ma are building pontoons at Ufiii, in readineaa to bridge the I ijiiiibe at a location ibieateiiiiig to l>ul>{ana. The British Land Commiabion has ordered large reductions in reiita lu the viciniiy ef IhiirKs. In some cases tbe re- ductiona amount to I' per cent. Blbbop O'Dwyer, of Liineri.'k, has iiiti inaieil mat tinleaa the boyouttiiig of a man iiaiiii'd Itvan, for taking an evicted farm. blinll Cease, he will cloee the church of the pariah in which the farm ia located, and BUapend all iiiaaaea, aacrauieiita and buriala. llirminghaiii ia to become a city. Though having a population of -110. IHH), it la only a biiroiinh, aa it hab been for lifly yeara, and now la anibilioua of a title whicii. says the town clerk in a letter lo the Homo Secre- tary, in aupposeil to carry with it an acceg Bion ot dignity. Mr. Henry (ieorgo spoke at a bani|uet in London on Saturday night. Many iiuia- ble Uadlciils were preboiit. The tirat thing to do, ho said, waa to secure land values for public uae, which would open a whole viata of pubsiblo reforms. He opposed a peasant proprietary. Hia speech was re- ceived with groat enlhuaiasm. In spite of the fact that a decree had be<'n laanod prohibiting a prutieaaiou, a parade waa held in Walerford last night in memory ot the " Manchester Martyrs." Tho prooeaaiuniata carruHl bannera and were beaded by bands of music. The police made a oharge on them with batons and Bucceeding in dispersing thorn. The people retaliated, nsing atouea aa weapjna, and a soeiie of great disorder enaued. A large vein of coal, of good i]aality, ha* been struck near Chamberlain, Dak. The Calnmet, Mich., mine ia still on lire and there is no 1 opo of saving the eight im- prisoned miners. ('apt. Bundy, of BnlTalo, is endeavoring to raise 86 ftOO to enable bini to purchase a steamer to take tbe place of tuo (loapel ship, to carry instrnclion to the different ialanda, lianing and lumber atationg and cedar cain| a in the lakes, where the men are isolated from churches. At noon on Saturday Mr. .log. William- gon, of Philadelphia, gave to a board of seven truatiH'a property valued at |S,lX)l) 1100, to bo apeiit by them in giving Ihe |<oor boys ot Philadehihia ediioiion in mrchamoal trades. Mr. Williamasn is Hti years ot age and was born lu Uuukscoualy. He is the piiooiiial Btockboldoi of iba Cambria iron works. Yesterday a bloody and mnrderons fight took place in the streets of Portland, Ore., between two factions of (Jhineae High binders. About twenty Chinese, all armed wiih pistols, participated. Over fi'ty shots were exchanged and the row lasted about ten minuiea. Four Highbindeia were shot down and two ethers baoly wounded. Poor were removed to the hospital, where one died very shortly after, and three others will likely cie. On Friday evening, while switchinu a train at the Michigan Central Baiiway yarda, Weat Detroit, Switchman Joseph W. Cleary'a foot cauk^ht between one of the tiea and the lail. Before be couid make hia eilua' ion known to the engineer the irtin b-icked do'wn upon him, ihro-Adrifci bim apon bis face. The wheels of the first oar pibaeU over Liia bjoy, breaking oiir- of bie aruia and a leg and baaly cru-hing hif head. C'lcary was taken to the banitariaiB in au tmbulanoe, where he died ahcrilf afterwards. He leaves a wife, bat OS children. MKS. An Ottuii FKKNCtl-!* FATAL KKKOB. a Bnlclier A eeldentally Polb'-'fi*^d by UU ttife. An Ottawa despatch aays : Charles French, butvher.was accidentally poisonec by hia wife last uii;ht and died this evening, FrencD, who waa a total abstainer, closed hia shop about 11 o'clock, and nit feeling well KOt his wife to go to MacFacbran's drug sKre and get him a black draught. Mra. French ia very near-bigbttd, and after ordering the draught turned away from the counter and cpoke to MaiKachrau's bro- ther about a pair of glaeses. She bad left her satchel ou the couuter, and into this MacFachran put the bottle containing the draught. Mrs. French did uot notice him, aud Seeing a bottle on the table took it home and gave it to her hubband. It was a liuinient conipoaiid of chloral, iodine and camphor intended for another patient whs waaaufTcriog from neuralt^ia. As soon as he bad swallowed it French fell an intense burning pain and ran to the drukttiibl's, where the mistake was discovered. F'renc^ waa taken to Dr. Graham's and a stomach pump applied, bat he soou became inBeu^i- ble aud remaintd nncouscioua until this evening, when be aird. He was a yoang Englishman, aboal :<0 years of age, who bad juat started for himself. He bad beeai Lnariie<i about four years, bat bad as children. Frt>in the Prairie Province. Th»i Manitoba it Nortbwtstern Railway is uow open for business to Saltcoats, this end of toe track. Twenty or thirty miles will be built next year. Last Tutrday night L. Davis, a Donald merchant, n*s robLK.'d at Clanwilliam, iu the mountains, of jewellery to the valae of $2 000. It was stolen from nuder bis be4 while he wag asleep in an hotel. There is no clae to the thief. D. B. I anipbell i\ Co. have completed their contract on tbe enowabeds in tbe moantains. Mr. Campbell goes to Ontaris to take a contract on the Wiucsor txlen«io of the C. P. R. The incandescent electric light ia to bte inlroluoed in Uraudon, a company having been formed. Horace Sims, a Brandon youth, coa. feaaed to robbing ihe safe of .\. Mcl^ean. a merchant at that place. He hid the money iu a pile of -twduat. Tho by-lawa authorising tbe city lo raise ^LtO.OOO for the ainking fund by lian. and i-l.'i mill for the cnloni.'ation of laiuia abcat the city Were dtftatcd, only 433 voles UiuK cabt iu all. .•\ man named Htcior McDonald, of Bai l^cllate. who had becoine insane wilh li'iuor, 8tarte.1 barebea'^-d and hirefnoted lo walk ti.) \V iiiiiipi'i;. He had c.nered over aeveiity iiiileB of tne dibtance when ho was pii'ked up by a train and brcii^lit to a hobpital in tbe city. Ho ia in a pitiable coii'lition. Shielda, the Toronto boy conviote.l of atealiiig a che.jiie and guu.wa.- -eiilenctd M two yeara. A 3 weeks old fotirdiing was left a: lh« do.ir of Ivev. Mr. I'.-iitnaili lab! n;!;ht. I'liriiii; the \ci\r lii •>â- â€¢ > iiiiiiii^raiita h.are arrived, being 3.M lera tuaii la.il year to the same date. K|>itlt'liili-« III (Intarle. Is appearance at Diphtheria has made Bell.Mlle. Tliero are several caars of diphtheria in Trenton, and one at Corby ville. .\ numb, r of caai's ot tyhi<oid lever and di| htheiiaaro repv rlikl in O t .w». .-Vlthonih nut aa prevalent aa laBt season, atiil tlie ca-es are nnmeroua enough to warrant il bi ing characterized aa epideniic. Dr. Hryco is m receipt of informatioa from Nipiaaing statii.g thai black diphtheria ia prevalent m that neighborhood aud la eeveriil ot tho eiirrpunding townahips. I be writer coiiiplauis ot lu'gliiienco on the p.'irt of aoine \>{ ibo local antbontiea iu not taking tbe proper atepa to atainp cut the diaeaae. 'I'hp proviucial authorities wiU look lulo the matter. C»aa- A Miiutreal Munlerrr'a Meuleure nulled. .\n Ottawa deapatih aays : It is nndojr- gtood that His Kxcellency has decided to exercise executive cleuiency lu the case of Kehoe, now ander eenteiice of death in Montreal for tho murder of Dogherly, and that the death sentence has been commoted to imprisonment for life. In tho case of Webb, who pleaded guilty of the murder of hia wife in Brandon, Man., and c( a British Columbia Indian named Tsimappore, which have been nndor oon gideration, the law will be allowed to talrs its oourse. Artiatir and ruly. Rural dame â€" Have you any pretty wall paper ? High Class Dealer (indignantly! â€" I'retly wall paper ! No, madam. We kt^ep noth- ing but Ihe most highly arligtio designs. All near an 8tie Conlit Oet lo the Name, Mr. I'hooklev â€" It's quite a walk. Shan't I call that cab? Mias Kaatward jjnat arrived in town)â€" No ; 1 don't think I should oujoy drivinn iu one ot those beanlifnls. Tbo'. Dean, one of Ihe oldest roeidrnta of Weat Toronto, is dead. He was at one time a well known oalllo dealer, and did a large buainess niib farmers aud stoc^ raisers of Western Outario. I.ady of ihe honap-Jano, who is thai gill that just It ft the kitchen? Jane^-Oh, nia'ani. that's tho lady what wotka tor Iha woman aoross tho street. - lloilon iJMHon. I

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