Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1888, p. 5

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Dec I5 il:>^.| 1' H E F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE. riirishiia Q ^f «"^ .â-  riirirituiT WARES OOMS. ATTriA('TI<)N> FOR IHE HOLIDAY TRADE. â€" A â€" Rt cus a:u! Kattan ;:;.uvj> con- .-i>tin4 oi Gents', Laaie;" ami Misses' chairs, work baskeis, ottoinar.s, li.issc- Buy a new HAfLXESJ PrUCllA.SK A SLEIGH EOBE i.v\-i:s7" IN A new Whip For Merrie Eazland. BY M. Kl' HAnl'»o>'. 7*'-' '"^ rviititiU^i. -^HEARD'S i^ Carriage Works, FLE S HE R TO N, MAM lit riRERS OF ^ Wtf w.,iit {â- â-  the ex!ii'ratii>n wliich, ex- c : i;::,' the Ccnieariiil eihibiti'ii.was ihe r.ih<;>t ami nii.at eiteusive I have seen. I 1 â-  licti i >r (_'a:iidi'3 C'rurt and was di»- ^ ; ai'P'MiteJ to tiuii an exhi'nit su unworthy I'f the wenhh, resources, iiiid advance- j iiient ill arts, science, a^id mauufa-.-tures ...â-  ur y ,u:„- cuntry. Far Wtter have ;j,, ,v,-,v.v. .Sy/r//; - If,/- mV.v, Lufubt'?- n\> L!"ns ,t f, 'i Iron l>ad n . v,ecul court f.rLanadatnan..ne ^^ a ri'.ns. P.l i N t i 1, 'Ji . IfWUnU/S nU'l' }:,lnlin?f$ s... mea_-.-rly .^nJ miserab.y furnished, ana â-  ]>rijniptllj aiteildt'd to. jfofi-C-.^ /l oci ft 2 ! 51 li. ,aa. ;ried to impress visit.)rs i'avi>r-i ^j S licdult Jl I .il.jy with MUr C'iUntr.'. Excuse nie at-' tt.-iii[itiii.: '..â-  dcscnVie the exhibitiMU or the c iitcnts I'! tile iinir.ensc 'r>uild;iii;s. Ai- ;;:•)«! . WTwhel lued "itli t!ie wealth, the â€" : w ;.dcr4 ..fthesast c^'ilccti-'iis fp'iu all _. r*CLir*nTnM ~lt Psivs To â-  [Mfts ..t the wi^rld. we went outside Hit" l ttwrl EbIi I Wâ„¢ I the j'.irk, arid fr^ui one of the ljrid.;es - . -. vertlic K.Imu We w.itciied witli keen J jU 1^ | ^ fU O |1 I FlfslieHon t aiTiasc W »rks. BIG BI:CCU1TT I interest the variety .f Ui'tvTs '.lied : 'r •.â- r "oe'.lm.' stea:a engines, h' t air ; en^ii.es. anJ cii-OTic eiuii'.es, witii every 1 variety of \ addle and screw. A Vene- tian .'o;ido!.i. w:t!i n.itive '-'•'i.d'.'liers 111 Ajjeiiey I .\ N : lui;- C-A-S-H name c. stuine. i iisily •.iicd their craft. | ^\ ^^ -, - ., IM O T* X it f^ PIX :ind secured till :r share >: the ;h^ u*aiid« ,1 |-1 ijAK!!*^n\T^ " nil .-...,e,.ei.w:..,;.:.cl:..ea,,c.ny sa,: U. \J . ^^All. ..> £^3111935 ^Clle^e, .Clayton HARNESSMAKE: I • O.-IC.I. .'-, .1: tiieinver. W'e WvTe >h"Wn tile yueen » ]â-  j'^, J [, J.; -,.,,„ ;t;Pi:ee ; rtM:;;> ::: .1 >.;aiatc iu.idin^ ii:.i:.y c;l^: i;.v -> f -" ^-v-" •â- â- -â- .: t^ j.i'- .mi .;i .i;i"t;.ei, ca-^ed tl.r i'ui.o;,s p.viai-e. 1 ..liiai^c- J'.lli:..' li.i I'.l^'. '' yi..i.> .il.l '.o ;i.-re w.as e\r..: Ked a ,â-  ijecti' ;i ••! the .i-k liuiv c intmn'ii -;u'!-:'l 1:1 1.:- '..e'>v rarest aiit;.)ii;!:e>. i T' n^i.i ir' ni t!;e i an pri ir. ><> â- ".: l'- 1 liiiU'.'. - c t:.. ;â- . â-  â-  .. :•* niu-e.i.ii' â- â- ! jc 'ilaii i. ni.i: y 01 tiieju P''^lie :.! and M-;y en. iij!.. ..: d w-rthless but r:ie f.'.. .>w::.j :* a .:?: .: ;:.. i:;.i'.e- :' r th"ir hi.«t ;;.• iurcri-'. IK-rv wis the .-". . 1 tii.i; Je]in_\ 1 1< d te> ^iun.; a! ::ie uiin- ;>trr'5hia.i 111 Si. li.'.-, s raii.edral in K !;â-  ! ir.; w'.i-.e lie ,itte 1.: vi : read a p.. k- â-  a o . I'.: K M';:>:..iw :^ H::.!. Â¥'.. '."..'«::. J '.* a i;?: . : t:.^ UleHTs I ii.ili'ilv. ail i.n '.'...ir.'-.t.ic .'{ tiiat f:t:i;>w ai: 1 r- oii\.- '. \ 'â- 'â-  M.<s;s. rATTKi:M>N r.r.i >.->.. w ~-.ock. Out. . OF o\vi-:V sor\i>. rii;-.»; .i:u,; tin /' nctts, etc. Sc; tlicsc ^oouS a:iu cr.- . i;u.ro prices when yo^ arc selecting your CHRISTMAS QIFTS ; W'c I;.ivc sotne very haudsoinc -AND- LowpriiHMl PARLOR and BEDROOM SllLKS. B?v!s;c.ids, Mattresses av.kI lied Sprinr.s. CHEAPER THAN EVEH. Ail Kinds - 01' - REPAIRING - ASP • PICTUUH FRAMING rKOMTTLV DONK. FLFsnnnox.' T'.iis Wooden St • 1 w, Lithe wi-.ip n uscv! I' 't';ke ti.c i;.">; blow la .1 ii.itiona! rev o- 'U.- 11 and IS 'i.e 'I liie m's; iiitere-tii..; " /; H MYRTLE is prt'^jVirev. to ^;\c voii large DSCOL'NTS KT C.\Sn on all kinds of h.arness, \vhi[v-;. blar.kets. etc. Huge Slock! â€"01â€" siNiii.i:, ri-.Mvi. .\xn PRlXlNr, ll.MvNESS. ] v.! ll.UU;. I SU:,!i lU 's. K 'es. \\"i-ps, Hoi'i (.V.'.uniei:; . .\\'.e d tease, Currv Coir.l>s. IV.usr.es, ,i:M evervtlv.'.v,; ve ;nr.e.i va the ".-.ne o[ harne-s nMke:<' sa;';\!es. 'VE ALSO LEAL D" A SUPERIOR QUALITY I'l .. •» : 1 r tis'ait.-rij. ! r I : ;es:a:.;s ..... <:'• I. .â- '.... l.avi icocs. a.;., a^'.i tiiev c. • 1. ; ,:s,. tlieiii t â-  rub 'Ver bi.-ken leiis or lauie y â- â€ž...„, M ., ., b.icks to cure them. Tills 'lie cam.' I ."I'ji -i >. ; T-'h ( verv near .".viii.; the Dean â- â€¢{ E>iun;rh a ''"'^ ""^- I , . , rr" I ». le i'lad 111 I 'id .>t. (.i;.es cnurcli, on a I Sund.iy a!ten.."'ii :w • hundred years ac- ' He attcinpteii to carry â- ut t!.o kiii.;'s or- ! ders t" restiTe eiiso'oal us.i.;e» .r.oi li- I L;an to read tlie collect f T tlie liay. The ' indion.itioii f tlie oe.'ole u.vs li.irvllv suv lirc>.»eil hIui. aal 1 .ler.iiy lle.ides sh. ut \i ( evl i t '-itUiiu : n-',..' v<- :/.)(,,â- â-  .'o >.!«/ vi i.v". ' 1 . 7U>, â- '/.;, K"i 'â- â€¢ u} -{-in- f.' v ur .tui â- **T ^ It r rrr (_, li Vl.r iAll'll > 1-: \>' FALL GOODS! »i.>EK rill> L\LK. T& B ill broii/c iiu EKU riM. niitl l>44ki.iK â-  •',,.. and then >he let drive with her ',- r ol. aiui.nj it the l>>a:i« head, wl-.ich ..c b.irely in;.*!'!. Tons ^'I'o.in '.ic^strac- ..e :• r i.oui 11^ Lieitv in >,. llai-.d. iic -.1 »!i..li .'; â- i«aiol!< - irf'. red .luel per^-o- â-  r., 'i.^ .11 0. .1' -v'l. . : ;'. :.». V •> r 10 ..::â- , i.^;.--o. i;i!;i >. •.l.iini > ':-H-; ;.•.â- > wer> c>:ali-;>iuM : .1 » in- ; .IS. â- . ; Central btcr:, Pric: ville. -^ THE PEOPLES GREATEST INTEREST I :.:vcr«::v \\, ;.,,.; ; I .; w 1 i.>\ . i;.ii:.v< '.'''â-  ;:.( 1 1\ 11 "i 1 ; I ,;..,. I tl,,....l.. :, ~n e :>.'.d be.i.r!' : . Albcy ao- â- ^X- ^lllilS .•"'fi-lli t ' Ir. â-  .1: ^ . I A 1 . :uo-, etc I'.o. . %: â- \. \\'.. * • :' !i.o t 11:0 .â-  ;.~; ;. .â-  u~lv >..â- :; â- â- ; •.; I . .Uoi l!,o evil I.' ! I i.i..i . -.11 .!< a ;ai k 1 >,,^.l : r.,e.v „.. : BOOJ^ AiiD SHOES. BOOTS THAT R FOOTS: "f^» *(I«I1 H'lf^ KtH 'li «»»l»l tie*, ^ »K* * K-*^<* ''?iiii«i ii itiitit <i»i r-'-T-r.- A. .•M<<.- V 1 u !t. " ; .e 1 ,.,;,« . I I'.muias 1 1;. .; .11'. -Mil :: .1" ll'.o t, ;. ll.i llo.i.iii w.ill. .V- «c lit «e 1 .iv <â-  a :.i e v.e>v of vv i.eii rvk of P'.imi>arr 1 . All . and delivered a reasonable distance. CALL and LXAMINI- r e> bu\uio ar.vtliuii; m these lines elsewhere. ochIs caretully packe.i our extra lari:o stoek be vvliicli M'vios liivc .1 loi'^e I'ouMor t.iaiM-.d in;., the rwi It ii.-es iii-,i;id .u.d b Kl ». ;. c ni>tl fee! al-.ve the s'.uf.ioe o; the r. V er. .Hid is connec'.ed with ti.e mail.- land 1\ a naiTi vv isthmus. The sun was settino bvliind the vvestcin liil's • :" .\r-yl- t ore !*'â- "â- <â- â€¢â- â- '"'''' â- â-  •' =-â- â€¢'â- ' '"'"â- â-  l-'*'''vvi llic I r.vk and Us niev ri.nis in oohl an. I ciiin I soil li.dits, and a--s .t >'uii|ied behind the J I hiiU the outline oi landsc*; ! iii-i w iluii and misty an.i we were ati'ireo lock FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR .1//; /' /."(•(â- /v'.S â- .».vlo..l : . l^ V o;;r i- aud nver sn^~itTt.is ,.11 Uu .'.1 t.] Inlsli..; >ev,.n ..nt^ I'.-i . vll.^l'l'iui; i.'iu- . â- â-  1 V â- \n\ C0NSTA1^"TLY ON HAND .\ FILL surrLV ov CASKETS DCL A.YTOIT "'NeXt,norn,nc.takn,...a s.rod still a.. W. o., i.e .si.., .vt.on o,- ,, • WU*^A XWiM l.„,„j.a,,,abyoui-:r,endMr. H - . n-..,i, ''"'^'^^â- â- '-"""""';:-;'. .^ ..Km-ro-.:..-.,. Toronto, vslio was a charm'hi-' travclmp Mv aCCOUnfs von,rade. we can.e -l';" f" 'I'l ^â- '""â- ;-!'-| varvi where Ivuins Hi-jhland .Mary lies ir is.\T ni.ACKBr .;\" >. r-' T'.u: i- \i;Mi- i> \M' â- â- ' 1^1. b' . . 1-' \ \. \ : \ IIOTtOKIMlaiM'. «.(M>I> I : >4 111 Flesherton Meat Market ! r>L.\Ki:i.v \- .M roNNLLi. riK\r\.>'> ;-o liii: 1,1 M- ;;.\!. n 1-; u Doai(.r> -.". ;':e<:i .1:: : r;;re.! me.us. s •,â- .:-.â- . '.;e oar own inake\ laiai. ivlv-",!!.!. <.â- ;.â- . etc. FISH. F:XVLS.-d::AME. ;n t ;e:r se.ison. A. 1 r^i:i-,l", onlv e: Ycr. Irar.-irev!. r:a;i. I'licc?. "'ueU.' V I a.i aiM von iHiv or .^ Jk BURIAL i ♦ CASES, •J t ETC. .,% (;,)0n HK \K-^H IN C" '.NNK.TlON-. >â-  11 â-  11 I N. B now r tor settleiuout l.vHvl >trtl>iint: for 1 .>:- arc now readv ainl Waitino ' '"""'â-  climbed over and were stinvliuu by tlic , .\s 1 am i-Jl ] ijiave our whuji a tine niemorinl m nu I nivnV h*s been eieeteil, havii'.v; .1 cirved great need Ot nioneV, all per- j re|.re.sentali.>n of tha i«iitin..: .f the l.iv SOUS who are indebted to me --- '-'-"' ""-'^ '"" * â- â- '' "'"'â- ' and the lines \0Ti(i:. l\irlor. JHlMil KS.iT«tntit:\ on Vml nv.A f.-r «<> ^J, \V ,\ NKI.SCN. ,.lU'»l' .lust I'll! 1" rtrvii-l»ss new til 'C.iTy Mill MOW Inmi; al on,; voui .irivai .-vsul K-et (•. are requested to call and settle, ON OR BF.FpKE DEC. 1st, otherwise their ac- cheppea up ill slioi t onif i\ J- U SI O \N, Ktig^.Dis. Moore's Bl:ck, Durlur;. St. Farm for Sale is pAi'pAreti t,» rttti na M t\.lvi\MK 111 ii '".iicaiii vv o lU: i!.v It,, pun -.s^i.- I H»ir â- -•itlo't sSsv ;i )! slsriH -.iiv â-  >..'iÂ¥. cti- . ' All done ill tllo hifcliK.sl *tri# el the rtio \V .1 N 11 SON vHi MArv loAr .lepArte.1 -liA.le. \Vlu'i»» IS eiy plaoo ot Missfiil n'sl * : Ox\T meditations won' disturbed by the slinll voice of an anijry ol.l w..nian who kel't the keys "f the churchyard .ind counts will be phTced in other oMdon.iy feared-.siu- would muss iier .c , ^^^^Jil::^,;^^^,''^-^ ;'".?,Vr"'vi',"';': â-  ^ n i i cuslonied fee. "HoVT cat ye 111 here, dul ,, U't «. 0111111110.11; l« neves â- ,»: clesr.Kl amJ fO ( , H Ifl P A ^t P R V vo 110 see the lioticn tellilii! whaur the un.ler cuUivsikmi. the rxumeia.i yastia.. ahI > \Ji.liii<^ / 1 u L 1 nj • keys we-<> kiH-|'it. A •hiUiiiv: s 1 set- iy^JI^),',','^,,^ '„*„','|.!^|;",, i,oti»,'i-. liar.' lin.l st-.i.. e» (i» t,. :|..' piomixs or T V e..-«.a . lot tied her fUu.our. and she shewed us , f„m„i»t.ion This :• a iiiitiiirtci'iit preix-rtv Aiia U,-i!iO - iitli of I'uiliAii; KoAd. on N..v IJ. » iKr.,,..!, Ik* ol llI-cIl -thto. jl4e»t in I'OMiessiou iinliieilmefflv Koi lenas. etc Aiplj, •iiiaU Ms. kin.ue 1 lie o«rli..r is i, .p, .ste.i t* tnrt'Ui;n iH* 11,111^11 nm: <i:,pi.i, ^^ ' i.ri>T» or. t< psv eM>t'ii«i'« «nJ tAVe I «««r .\ UcKKOHMK.MAX^all r v>- I r. '. <1.\MKY hands tpr collection. D. Clayton. ('r«t;i i>ck. V!«tht-ru<aÂ¥t«ti.>u l>. O.

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