Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1888, p. 8

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THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE. D-c. 6 iSSa, J. G. ANDERSON HAS JUST TO //AND A FIRST CLASS STOCK OF o I CO O AND AXES Of the v(!ry lic-t inaimiacturc in Aimiic .i. "The Forest IJeaiitv »♦ Is the only Saw rn.uh' liaviiiLj ii\(; ,'auL,'cs (lilKlinicc IxtwiXMi llic liif tcctli aiiii ll\c hark, ic(|Ui:'ii]'' I'D sfV tvir lianl wood, aiKi arc iii-ulc Ik in tin- litsl (.loiibk! ii-linr<l silU T sffcl.scKi Uii ami spiiiiL^ tfiiipcicd, iiisminL; a Perfect and Even Temper. ] '.'loic [>uy in;; a C"r<>ss ( ut Saw Ik- -^iiic and slc this Saw, as (Ik'v lia\ c M" I (lual. A (nsl cdass slo(d< of fcnmajMif I PURS ol tlif yciy hiii'st inialit ,â-  at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I .idles' and ( "iciit Knii'u's i'lir coats an>l Caps ,il puces that will asliiinsli yon /\nii|lici line I would j)ai ticiilai 1\ call yoni .ilteiition to i.-^ oiii StockjOf Boots ai6<l Shoos ol every description AT - PRICES - UNSURPASSED Ally plucc. Don't lail to come in and see floods and ^et prices. We do tiot considei it tiouMe to show j^oods, even ii you do not intend puichasing. J. G. Anderson, siMio mil's liLOCK- COUNTY AND DISTRICT. A Half rl our Anioii!^ Our Exchanges- Stayner h«a a bran uevr mechtiiici' in- â- titute. One (if tlio .Sli,!lliiinici)a|>era claims that tlie I'lrkcTiii^ Ni-ws i* tlio liest lucal paiier lailjIi.ilKMi in OMtiirin Diit tlii-n tliL- liiM'ti'li Wiirlil (.â- â- â- ini-s ill cuiiilirtiti.>ri with Slu'Ilmrni', y^u Itiiow. A sulii'iis ;u-<,iiii-iit li.-i|.;'rtipil t" .i child uf Mr. I'lilim'iti'll, of Syilfiiliiiiii, last wii-li, Tli(> thivf chiMryii-- t«'> hnvs. ;i'.'i-il ii'S].ii;ti\ i-ly s.'V.'ii iiiid I'.'iir \iar«, ,111(1 ,1 U'lrl tw" vi'ari â€" \r<-r<; ;ih'ii« in iho huu.'.r, «'hi--n till' i-lilis(. Ill IkiimII.ij ; I _:mi will li wan KUii|"i.si'il |m l.i' iinl..ii.U-'l, .-loci- ih-ntly ilisi-!i;ir:ji'l it and som,. .(() ^^.lt» fnlfird ihi' I'Mcly 'it' thi- 1. lot!, IT. Th.- ! I'liild !.â- < Ill w. Very criti.-al ntaif. I Tliornl.nrv ^"indarii : Our "Id fnrnd .Mr. Ki\y, who n .w Iitck in .Manit 'U. in 1 l.luiid. si-hd.s 11.1 a r. ;i"rt .nntm.; tl.at tlm i .iLfd-r til "t" ,4 III. Ill liu*. !i*'.tM\' lift-n ilis- I ivTi'iid n.-ar the iMitli .nhor,. ni tin, Is- : Iniid. nhii'li wh.ii [Hit t"^i'tlier niB.v»iirf.i i I I'J f.-ri aj incli.-i. It >-..rri-i.-t, and w>- j ! cannot il..iil.t tlm vm-iiy of Mr. Kay, I I tliii •ik.'lctoii must 111' th.' Iari;fit eroi tin- (.-oMTi'd. le 11 all., stalod thut the skull | niiicli ;c«c'inhli'» tlial of an Indian, hut St'i'iiis to liavi' liLdi from a man more in- tvlhii'i'iit than till' avi-i'iio,, »tani[i. Slii'ihiii 111- K liomist ; Last Suiiiiay iiioiiiiii.,. :i hoavy frciLiht tiain fr th* iinrtli »ai pimi'i'diim ilo\fii thr ^'rad* into Oraiiuonlli! yan'. when tlio iiii'ii loit C'litrol of it iiiid It ran into a mdiin,' mi which a iiuiiihor of cars wcrt' •<taiidiiii^'. U lifii the coUiHioii occuii'd tlid train wai moving at the rate i.f atomt fifty niilfs an hour. TliL- liri-iiran had tlirci' tiiioerii takiii it! Ill aoiiiti iiiaiiiifr wliile In' was ill till., act iif jiiiii|'iii^, whih- tin; driver lUKtaini'd ..i.ly a nlivtht injury to one foot. The liH'oiiiiitivo and a iniinhor of earn WiTi' (•..nijili'ti'ly wrecked. Thu loss is e.stiiiialed at fully JftO.tXK). lliiffenii Ailvertiser On Thursday lait while a younn Soil of .''din l,eii;ht.iii, of Mono, was annisiiikf himself, in ciiinpaiijr with a couph' of other hoys, with a r.»»ol- Tel, the weaiioii Mils discharged ami the hall entered the ahdoiuon of y(iuii|< Ix'iiftl' till! l)r lli'iiry of this place was sent for. anil some time wa.s spent pndtini; fur the hiillet. The I'r could nut Hiid thu hall in the Toiiiii; man, and he ahandoiiuJ the search. It hecaino iiecehsary to re iiioM' ihf hootn fioiii the feet of the yoimu' lad, and \v!;ih' this niu heilii; ilnlie the hiillet dropped from one of them, tii peiietralini! the ho,|y of the hoy the hall had heeii .iivcrled III Its course and hail spriiiiL; "lit ..f the hole it had made iii ei- teriim his l.t'dy lloHiU recover. llano\i'i i'ost .\ case in rep"rt»d from OHeu .SmiuuI which ii'pi'ii--i look- m.Miito. \hoiil a y>-ar a.o a (ierniait icidciil of iii'rlh east Itenlinck named < itoico S.-hiH'riiiaii went liail for itu- n]t- peariui, e at llic ,\ssi,-.is of i»o â-  iii; iiieii who had i;o| into u », rnpi'. When the \ssi/«'s i-aiiH itii. ll;c \oiii(^' 111, '11 sUippeil oiil luid luit .Mr Scliin'riiiaii in the liucli. He I'. noA 111 |.mI ,i»iiiini',; Ini Iriul, what I'll' dear only l.tioU'i. uiilcsi i^ is to make hiiii pay the li.'iid. !l i-. a | r phu'o to miLe nioin'v in jail Tlie Crowu u aware "I II ll<' IS a p'H'r III. in iiilh a laiL;i' fiiiiiil\ ih'pi'iMliir_' upon hnn It is said there IS iiolhni^ had ah.'iit liiiii aii.l tint he H ,1 i;ood iicii,:li l>or. Iln cu'hi is I '..ked iip'ii hy till' CMiiiiiiiiiiiiy as ,1 i;ii',ii h.iril- slii|i l>r l.aiidi ikiii h.is I'cin askid tu iiili'iciih' f r .Mr .Schut'i man ainl he liai proii.piU Mt lo Hoik to liiid out the j.ar- ticlll.ils .-t tlle CISC svUll the llrW to Ins IcIu.'Ue. Tlirie are s 'iiii' \i't V VicioiH piv;« arouinl t'!ii't.Ie\. I hcic are also si'iiu' verv etuiv- a ;coiis nirii in the same \tcinit\ \ .Mr. Itaiiia,;.' hMii,;!il I'lic of those li-lil iiii; sMiiie. .iiid Ihe l'.nler;'iis«' tells 111* se.picl 'I'lic puis » el e, atlel a ^'i.od ileal ..f Hoiilr;,', luhh.l 111 I 'llcsley, hilt hefiiie liny could hv p«; iuIm liie pell hvoke an.iy and ueiil home acaiii. Tin. iioxt dav ihi) "ere hro,i.;lit hack ajaili ami shut n;i, hul ihe s.uii,' i.ii;lit hiidieoiit and ai;aiii »"iil home. It leipiircd a small aiiny lo fetch llieiii to tuwii (lie lliild (line. 'I'licy were penned up and tlio doois liarricaled, hut hIu'U anal- tempt w.o 111 ide to kill one of thein they mad' a coiiiliiiied attack oil tile luitelier, and he liad to eliiiih up the Mail of the |stii to escape U'liij; toiii in pucea. Hii rhiiii.' to his iiarn.H pricli in tenor until Ills iiMHistaiit hoiiiiweda rilleand euiiie to jus reliel. Two of them were killeil, 4I ut the t'.ii'd one slill ruiiiaiiiH and llivro isn't a iimii iiuiiul (iiwii daru enter Die (loii. Kur vicituis liu^s coiiiiiioiid us to Sandy Ulue. Ia.rge Assortment M'er s Women's and Children's AlTD SHOES f:r WI1TTE:i1, WEA?. -''1 W. CLAYTON'S I'-flt Bonis, (inin Kul'l-cn:, I-"iil!cd Slockiiv,:'. v )\er.>;r;(_'fs, ai'.'l Kiildiers. Meiis' aii>l l>o\-s Loiil; H'-'o:s, At prices •. o >i!i!. ll'.e tirr.cs. Photo 5 Photos. Wt nrr note turning out irork fur superior in ttyle ami jinith to tiny evtv pn>- iliirrd in Flishffton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RATES. PICTURE FRAMING ilone in nil ilt l,T<in<-hr.i. A yuo,^ sCrk i./' FKAMKS and .yfOl'l, DL\t:S kfjtt comt.intlf/ on luin.l. Will „U„ ittt •vdme the neic tmOMIDK I'ORTIiAIT, n jiittnrf ih'it u firing rntire tutittuclivn if/i<r«rer inlroihiceil. SAMPLES ram be tern ii( my lliiltery trhert all fMtrticuitrM <i( ffi I'rite, Sftfle ic, ruH h« n*tm- tiiinrcl. FLESHERTON. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OP* MAN. Marvel oi H*«Un(, anj Koh'Hoor ol JWeiJicines. â- â- ; f I r; ^r^ ^-^ - Kxpo-nrc anti Uvcrwork. TToxjisTo-, :svrrDr:M-*2r:--A.o-:E:x) -a^i^tid oxjX> :^.irs^T \%'h"i aro brnkvii tloivn (i I'ni tli*» tMTtwta «'t ^Imh.-* will rtnil in No. H » rftdical cure (or iiervvii-j vlc'M'i'.y, tMKMiio woiMinrM, iriTo'.uulury Titail Ifnaos. »»tv\ BTMi'Tvnn von wiiuju No. S Sno. i i- »ic r(ai>. â€" W»uk of «iu<rgy, vdit-n;o, want of purptw, <iiiniit**w of M^lu. HviM-fiion t ) :>*>c.ety, want if c*>nf\ileiioo. avoi.lamt' of conversation, t.io-«:ro for B<>liiu>t(«, li^ilt>«tiioad m^li.I innhilily tt.> flx tlif< Kttoalii'n t<ii a paitu'iiltir ttiil';<-'^'t, co\»(\rih''*i, ilt'|>ro(.8)o!i of P]nnt#4, fdliaixi*. !.♦* of tnvtnorv. o\cit*l'ility ot teii)i>t>r. >|'«r* iimUirrli'i-a, «t h^aa itf ilio â- <'Jiiinal lltiid Uio ro»uU vt itulfabnfto or marital t-iort*!*â€" luipv Uutay. liuuitrituni, i'iii*inft*ton, itMnviiio««. palpitalinn of il\o iu-ftrt, bviUrii' fm-liuu^ in fiMualo^. troii'Miiik;, in luirhtlr, ili ^furhiin ilrdanis etc., aro all svinploiiii of this terriMt iiabit. (ifUMiliinoa Til ti't'onil^r (.cimi '.t. In atudrt. Iho mTiiij; ff viU.1 ftMCo liavtin; lost its C<MT<ion, t vtTV function w \ihw iti * otijuqiiojico. St\i«iilirto writer* aiul Vlio fruivniitonifpnt:' uf itihiiio ftsylmiirt unit 1 lU i m-i ;'â- â-  ;»; â-º> t\w cTiecta of notf ahu»** tlir trt-at Uinjority o* wii«to»l livm which oo on un l-«r i'»'U- nolio«. 'f y*'U ar** tniH»uii'ottMit for the uviiivnu thituw.^f Ni^iioHft, iiK' »^.aciii\tt> I f.-r tl;d rtijoyiiifiit* of lifi». No. H offorH uu o^oav'O ^^om tho t»lf»rl6of orti Iv V1I.-1, It y u uro a Iviituo I m Toarn. No. 8 will civo yon full vitor nuJ t<tr<'iKtli< If v>'U uro l')'>>t;fM <U>\\-), vtivui'altr atu^ utontliy front t^rly IntliHcri^tion, Die V'fliill of it^ncKT'iiu-i ui; I f.illv, w'i4 youi a.th>>At» anJ lO ('t>*(t* in Htunips for M . V. l.ri*oK"ii Tii'iitm-.' Ill Mooli 1-onn on iu^^A^^i oi SIau. Soiilttl r4i'-l ifvuro from oI-imh vution, Ad.trcftsall couinuinu'4ti.<u.i to M. V. l.l'BON. -47 Wi-IHiikIou fll. K, T«kr«iil4ft. A IMan without wsdom Itvit in a lool's parAJi&«, CURES GUARANTElD. HEAL THU SICIL A Permanent Cure. >h A Pleasant Cure. lIlvV III R)R Al.i;" TllK TILLS I'm if V tho itlooii, ooirocl all i>isorili'n» of Ui« I^i^'fi'* SSt 4>niii4*li^ lvUlii*.VN, nncl IIoavoIk. Tlioy invii,'orHti'(vn ! rp**ton' to hoiilth Itobilltntcti *'onhtltutloru», and iiro iuvuinaMr in nil I'oin- pluiiitHuu'i.lontat to l'\>inaloA of li! t ik^rs |\m i'liittiion nuil thv A»{t'il tlu<s au' prtcvloss T!l F OINTMENT an iufiillil'U i''iii»».tv for UwA I,ot,"4. Ha.l HrriiHt-*. OM Wounds. Soron and I'lcors It is faniouaf r (lout an<l IChiMunatiHtii. V'or tliaoviltMit of tlio (Mio>i( ct Itaii no 0(|ua ForSOKI-J Tllh'O.l'f. liRO.X CH ITIS. COrG IIS, COLD^ (}1aniIti1nrKwolItnf*i, aukl aW Hkiii ni^o4Dit« it haa no rivM ; aiul for rontravtei) anj iiif otntH it Aotx liko A charm M«jiufart»rc4 onlv at I'rofaMuor tloM.ow t\ h KniaMiHlinxMit. 7H, Kcw Oifonl ftfttrect K Into 5:i3. Oxfonl .Street K LonOom Mid ar« HoliUt U l^ct .tti. ftl, 4« rxl . tia . ^^ . an-1 :m*« <ti\.^)i Ko^ or |*ot, ftntl ui*y b« bftd of sTrilad • in# VotHlon ttir<iiiff>uiut iha WorliV f^^ pHrchaM^rg $h0vld look U ih« IaiM ou (A« l\*t» mui llox^t. If the a<Hr0M it nc$ SSS, O^ord Sirtti, L0nd0n, iA«y at* <^ut tata. # .jttik!

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