Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1888, p. 4

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THE FLESH ER TON ADVANCE <B^ I Mr. French paid llio freight money „. .., v__â€" i both ways. WW^iu^^^^Vi^^^^^^^''^ ' I-'tti'i's HOW apiH.aiiug in the To- â- H?C^-,"^';"'*j;^5^5?^*'*'*^ ronto papers ncall the gonllerattn t^ T XT 1 -^Tr^T^ '" our mind. Tlicre are soaie fimny T 11 h ADVANCE. : i'-i''« "â-  "-^ --u^ Kll'.U TDK UKrii K. H'jiHlKiin Stifl, â-  • Flrsherttiu, Out. ri;i'.Ms oy si'1!s<iui'tiun ; »1 JUT miiiuin »li«ri i>ai'l Btrktly in ailvnuco #^1 jij i>ur uutiiiiii wUeii uot so )>ai'l. W.H. THUKSTON, Editor aii'i I'rnjirittur. That old and iiifhitntial i^iJer, tiie Montreal Witness, is showing evi- dences of increased prosperity. The daily on Satiudays la now a twelve page paix-r, and on other days eight. We are pleased to note tiie thrift of this well-known paper. W.VY, alio . |. , triliiitiirs wliicli ]iroiiusu.H unusual I'Xcel 1 loviiUng J lyi,,-,. f,ir the c<iuiii]'4 volunii-. Kirht iuiiiniy Tliu eUitur uf the MuafurJ Mirruf al- ways keu[>s an i>|>uii aliii»iiac bcf*ro him, H" LBSUSRTON : j and iiifornix his readers of all tho astro- Ill K.SO.VY, })K('. 0, 1888. I noiuical i>ccureiices,»ucli u« "new luiioii," 2_^ -- , "tir.tl (juarter," "second (|unrtiM-," "sun crosses the line, ' and other kindred I [iheiioinena. The coiiipdsitor has very nearly llnislied his almanac fi>r this year, j and at the end we expect ti) see "Try Th. n i:< a pniject on foot for ihe y_,^,„.„.,,, u,.||„ ^,|l_.. ..^ ..i),.i„k plenty Liuldiii',' of u line ()f railwiiy (Voin I'nr- j ,,f ,\,,,tl„,i-p A Leemans Burdock IJlood li.uii. via Karkdiile, to Mcafonl. A Distractor." nuuiber of pionuiienl hnsuirss men of j ,^^ the pr..speK.K,"whicirwe received liiooi' |i!ic(S have determined to apply ! recently from The Youth's <'oniiianiou fji a -I. alter III the next H.^ssion of 1 "'l'^--. «â- Â« ""''â„¢ •'" <"â- '•'>â-  "^ ""t"''! con- DoiiiiiJioii I'lirlianienl. tl. . it tlie dialler il giaiited, we do not ; tlieni is the HiLrht Honnralde W. E ., , ,1 1 ,..,n ,. „ 1, , (JladstoMe.aH'eetii'iiately called the"(irand uii.iiipate I mt t he road will i-ver he , ,, , „ ... . t i ' j Old Man, the ijreatest i.f livinj; states- liuill. It would he a foolish enter- |,,en. who writes on --Thu Future of lh« pjise if It were. This railwav would j Kn«li»hSpeakiny Races" Then (ieiier- . . • ' 'PI lal I'ord Wolaelev, who will tell of his o.ver pay lor Its eoiislnictlon. I In- „r;u,i;e per.onuradventures ni the lield M.llkdale i^tandani of last week says : l with Itritish armies. Then I'rofessor •The benefit to be derived from a eon- Tyndall and ,1 u.stii, McCarthy who 1 writes of" Leaders 111 the Mouxe ot Lords, licctioii With two ^,'lgillitic eonipelmo Archdeacon Karrar, on ".Musicians and li;ie.-, such us the (iraiid Trunk and tlieir StruiiyleH," aiel I'n.fe sor Huiley. ,,,,,, . , ... I Ainonn American contiihiitius we tind toe (. . 1 . It., cannot he ovi r i stiniat- . ,, i i . . lie V.J. ..., >.uii..^yt I such well known names jls Lii-uteiiunt e 1 â-  Let U.S look at the silliation and , Schwatka, who wntes of"Ti.!ht I'mches ill bee where the Competition cines in. l>'e Arctic.'; Andrew (•.irmrie, on"lhls of . ., . Advice to \ oiiin; Men. Dr .\ustiii !• lint, Markdale IH dLSlaiit 'io liuhs &oni |,„,_,,. nhver, Wendell 1|. dines, jr , on Mcufold and the (iraiid Tiiilik at tliat '^ouiil' Men m tin- Law. ' .\diniral l.uce, , 1- t. . M....1 . >. ....1 il,<, t'oloiiel 'I'hoiii.iK \V. Kiiox, .lames I'artoii point ; 1 * fioiu Durliani and the , . , . , i , i ' _ . . 1 Riid at least lUie huiidied others, (i.uii.l Tiuiik tlnre ; therefore tin' The C.mpanion is ,i welcome v sitor p.oposed line WouliI coniiee'. at each weekly in more than -IIMt.lHH) families.aud , , , ,. 1 re 1 h;i.s Hon a place ill home hf.^ â- ditaineil hv ...dwilh the (iraiid Irinik system. ,l,er puhlicatio,, The w..nder_ is Till 111 w line would cH.^eiiUally !;• huio how any family can do wilhoui it. 'I'he lo lii, latter system, ll then becomes ' l""bh.sheis amiounce that any new s„l,- â-  Meiilur who Mfii.U !<l.,.^ now, can have pl.liii that Maikdaie would !»â-  toe one , â- [•|„. ,.,„„|,,^, „„, fr,.,. ,.,,., y we.'lc to Jan .â- olilai y )ioiiil ti. iie le'i;e(il.-d by tin- narv I , IH«'.I, .iiid a lull year from that t ' 1 1 I . r . 1 I ' date. s<iii li.e, .lllll Ue even ilolllil ll tlieliene- ; 1,1 li. ii\. d by Markdiile uoiihl anioiinl Thr t^hrlslmas dlobr, I., a â- â€¢low ofheans" its. the -real round , â- '''"' ""I"'"' ' 'hrisim.'is iiuml.er, ju.nt re- . liijul leiiolh of the (ii; U|i| ikl riiuK lines i Hoal.l pi Helically pie<:lude any mater 111 eoiiipelilioii. ( apilalists will' ll,ur<;i|ohly iiiidi r.staiid lie se faclK.aiii till; charter tVlll be placeil .llllOll .; (.illl /ived, i.-i deHcr\iiii^ of ill â-  hioln'st posm [ l>le |>rai»i). It if, without ir^ception, the tiiiesi tliiiio of ihii kind ever pulilislied in Canada, and relh-i is the hik;liiv'<t posiihle cri dit upon its pul'lnliei-*. 'I'he llii(C sepaii&te III ho'^'iapli plates ac'-i .inpaii) iiii; (1 uichlevi K to liioilldi i .iw.iy, lin'olii. I ,1 „ri. idoiio Hoiih ni,,i,. ilnin the price p.iliV Willi the charier id' the Sail'.;eeii I a.Hl,ed for the whole. There are .'il pa'.'en \'.iliey Uaiiway, which was to i un j of original readiiiK matter and illiintia lioiii Kincardine vi.i Walkirtoii, Diir- 1 t'"""- "'" bleiaiy »ork l.einu from sii,-h , 111. , 'I'l I I 1 . ' well known pens as '•Sit:iiius' (M.s I. am, r le.sberlijii, etc. I iic Diiilialii, ' ,, , , , ! »i ,. 1 1 n Harriioii), l.uke Slnup. id the Hctioit .daik.lalr, and M.-:ilord railway will | ,,._,,^ |.,c.s«,llel Thisth tli»aite, and num. 1.1 \i r be billll. . beis of other •/.acefiil writers. The let lerpress and arlistn: work of this ele:;aiit I soiivi-nir nre fully I'ipial to that of the Tol onto has an '•' liill iii loiit v Shop i l.ondou Chi istmss puhhcations winch 1,1 the IMisoii of on, â-  ,l,u, I. sFi-eucli. ('"•«."•â- ''''''•"':â- â- â€¢â€¢"•'• «'."l':.""^ '' l'''."''"' ..bout a niiinlli pie\i,)in t'l each aiu (>eiv inuiiicipal ibctioii ••Jimniy" I'leiich conies oiil 111 the pre ss with ii Long ledti'r (Iclaihii;; the iiiaiiy ghniiig aiiusi s ]iei|ietraleil by the whole ,,',ili nuaiiic horde dm lie; the past at ihe n,,miiKil pii.e.d 'J.'i .ents. It is n ni.'ittcr of surprise to IIS that the (11,, I, e sliouhl si-,' tit !•â-  plac it it s,, l,,w ^i Til; lire, hut >\i' h.'pe •hflr eliterpl isu lii;i\ 111, et with its Jil-1 leu, mi <'lira|» l,i;:!i(. Iticiived ( )iie car load No. 1 coal oil, and si liiiio .it I Ic per !;alliiii m ..M-. Ill, insist:! on every occasion .,,,,.,11 ,,,. | ,_,.,,,. ,p,,,,,tn.ii ; , at K. t.i.it there 111 not (Uie cilisciilil ions Tiiiiible's. I, .,01 aliloii'.; iheli'.. 'I'lie U'liole council Sail. ...loillil he siiclieii. The;.; coiiMclioiis, lb cm ,1 ( .lie car 1, col tiiie(o,il I 111 â-  .1 . . <'i ii'h s.ill , illlll lb. barrels at liiucsl !.,â-  not only iiuldishes 111 llie news- ,, ,1. , , â- ' ' , liL,'iires. U. I 1 inible s. i.n.i.r;, bill pim'.s tin i;i mi iniurter , ., . r , ' ' ' .\iiollier ciiiisioiinicnt o( those ^.i,et bills and posts them all luer the f,^,„„„^ overcoats wliicli cause such a ciiy. lie is lauijlicil at fir his (laiiis. coiiinuitioiL aniongsl (dolhiiig dealers, lli.s opinioiiH have no wei,oli'.. .\s a at U. Tiimliles. ciU/eli be l.s not iidliinvd. He luis The li'iesf iiiid clieapist hit of wi.dlh, and spends the most of Ins hidies and â- .;eiits Liir cap., m town, al ,1 ... , , K. 'I rimble's. li,ii,' looliiiij' iiUer It, ixci lit wluii be Thirl y-IOay Kaee. IS cmcoctiii;,' some tiraib' against the 1,',.,.,, |',„. ^U 1 (|„ ;iK y,,,, pl,.,ise, for ,i,i.;ii-.L .ildenui'ii. 1 lis ipii\olic. ideas a pair of b'lt buots, socks in- rubbi is, iipiii bow Toroip,!'; iniiincipal lowi'r lliaii the lowest, iit U. Tiimbles i,,.i,-..ioeiy nil, ml. I b, nm ii,i,,,|mle ( Keislioes and riibliers in endless ,...„,. 111'.;.' .Iiinmy I'len.di has a mi:i vai lely and clicip al U. Ti iiiible s. l..,o o idea liiat 111,-, v.eallli should com [ »*»"l'r.> tVaiHnl. i,..K„l lespecl b,,m eveiv r.tiik of' Tile biobesl pi ice paid for turkeys, , , â-  ' oet'Se, dill loS and elilckeii.s, a', 11. ..jci. ly, an. I oe a j.) en is lo â- ;, t Im 1 ,.|.||,||,|_, ., I. .oilier (a moral iiiipossibihtv, lo be I .. , \ ,. • HiiUer Uaalrd. suiel upon SlluhS. A lew Veil S lU' , 1 ,• I â-  1 ., â-  ' â- ' ' ! I op prices piiid loi' clioK'e bullcr in . c liand.pu-kcd a barrel of line Noi tb. j uibs and rolls, at l;. Tniiihle's. euiSpyupplcH from hi.s orchaid in ' ,T«Hs.niJ Saw.s. ^,uk.lde»lldKl.l|.ped tliem uilb eon'- | All liilesl makes and bottom prices, l-lii.i. oL.s lo l^ueijii \'icLoii.i. They : I'le.iMu iiispi'iil before piirchiisnig else- uere ntitriied in a few 'Ve(d<H, accoiii- "hern. It. 'i'limble. paiiied iiy a curt note from ^^r. Ton- I \\'c have doiio some wondeifiil Boiihy, secretary to the Queen, inform- h^''"''''''"" "' luiues. Cn[\ and see. mgMr. French that Her I hilannic ' ^^'" , '"""'/'"' ^l'"'" «""'"""nly to , , , , awake and woiKh'i at our wo:ide:ful J.-.je,-l_v bud no UhO Lor .n.s apples, ^..terpriso Jt. Triijib.U.. THE FIRE FIEND'S FROLIC. Ue Visit.s F1«>slu'rtuii aiul Leaves .sad TruceM ItehiiKi. .S. DAML UK's TA.N.SKRV IICHNEll TO THK OROU.NU. Heretofore our Tillage ha» Iweii remark- ably free from the rarages of the tire tiend, but it was imt always to rumaiii so. One of our old landmarks is gone. Mr. S. Daniude's taniiery, built .some eii;hteeii years a«o, wa», on Saturday evening hwv, standini; ; Sunday iiioriiiii'.; it was iioth- iiiK but a heap of siiioulderiii;,' BiiilK;r3 and siiiokiiii{ ruins. lietwueii 1 and 2 o'clock Sunday morning Mr. (iibsou, who lives nearly opposite the tannery, awoke and noticed (lames breakiie; from the windows. Me ipiickly ^'avo the alarm, but the lire had proL,'ressed too far to ad- mit of It hfriiio cliecked. A large nuiiiljur of wiUiii;,' citizens turned out and reliderd g.Hid n.s.sistaiice in saviiii; buildiuL's at rear of the tannery, containiiif; valuable stave and s!iiin;le nmchinitry, bark, etc., and oil which there w.'is no insurance. In about all h'>iir and a half from thv tune the fire was noticed no traces were left of the old tannery, exceptim; smok- ing embers ; and to-day that piutioii of the town preselit-s a ilreary aspect indeed. Comparatively few i,f our citizens It. ew of the tire until tieit inoniiiii;, but those who were present worked like Trojan* and with L;ood efTort, for which serMcr .\Ir. l)aMi'i,le der^ires us to publicly and heartily thank ibeiii. I^ate oil Saturday eveiiin.' Mr. iJauui'le, aa ».ia his custom, visited the building to Bee that everythiii;,' was all rieht, and found tliiiii .so. Hppari-ntly. There was tire 111 the stove, ami the only satisfactory u.xplaiiation advanced of the catastrophe is tliat tlirouoli some ilefect ill the .stiou or pipes i,'nitioii took ]ilace. The theory of inci'iiiliarisiii is too absurd to eounteh- aiice f,,r a iieui.eiit. .Mr I)aiiiudc has ii,i enemies. Me is ,uK'of Kleshertou's most eiieriieiic and lii^lily respected citizens, anil all uniiaual amount of sympathy is expiissed for him on i.-very side, as the loss 0, hiiiistlf will he â- .;reat. liiHiiratice covers niMrly ,eic half th» loss, which Is estimatid .it lMt«eeii s,'\eii aiel ei^dit tlioii.saiid d.,bars. TlnT" was a lari,'e hlo'k ,.f linuhcl iiel 1 ov hides 111 the biiildiiiL', si.iii,. ,,f nlii ll, 1„ lui; in the vats, will I'l^ s.ue,l, lh,,U'v;li somewhat d.iiiiai;,d. The Kii.;iii,- uiol b,,i|pr are 111, ,11! "r less injured, lhoui;li li,,t tot.illy deslro> eti Ki/ht 111 ibis p,, int. Slid 11, •â- .v that Klesli erloii li.is had :v taste of the scorchiii); i-Iemeiil, we »,,iiht insist upon the neces- sity of having some manner of meulu by winch the iialivi's cuM le aroiiie.l to ,u>sl.st 111 ipielliii'.; possllil*" cole tlav^riUioiis. In this case valuable time was lost while peoplu were beim; awaken- etl In other cases the tune wasted in numiiioiiinL; assistaiico uni;lit prove creti more disastrous. If wi^ cannot have a liie hiieieU and "ire protecli,,ii, at lejinl let us liavi- a hell by wbich the citizens Could he stiiiimoiicMl to assist in Maviii'«( vabi.ihle pi,,pi-rt \ . In the past we liavi' biippily Hot rei|iiiruil it ; in tlu' future ibere IH I'veiy p, ,ssil,ility tliat ll would be ,.l lint, ,1,1 value, .Ml. Ilsmiule's safe came out of the or- deal vi ry hadly scorched, but papers and hooks Wile not ibwlroyed. Uiiiitlalk /iKniii Sinu;e«l. Ali.'iit -I :U) Sunday iii,,riiiiit( hiKl lire l,ioke out 111 lliniilalk in the h.irness sli,,p ,,f Mr. Ui'ii.das. Proton street, spieadiiu; to the .Vii^^l.i-.Vineiicaii hoti-1 and llraham's store. Th» st,,ck m the barni'ss shoji was wholly consmneit. .\ portion of the hotel furiiit;«ie was saved. as was also I iraham's sn ck of dry goods iiiiil iMocuries, altlioiiLdt thu latter whs dama,,'cd to a ureal extent. The newly foiiiiiil li,i,'k and Inddei" company did vjood woik 111 preveiilim; a further s|ireiid I'f the llauies. The lo^s is iihiio.sl wholly loveriil hy iiisiinince in i very case, (iridiaiiis loss, ah, III t?.'!,."ilH), insured for full aiiioiiiit ; Ooii'^his' harness aliop, t^lilN) insurance, « Inch covers loss ; hotel. owned liy .loliii C us, l.iss ,¥••1,1)00, [lartially iii>>uied. This creates another giipilH! II, id 111 till' hiisiiioss ipmiter of Dundaik, but as the msnraiu'c. CMiiipames will have 1,1 font the hill It will ppdiably be a liiess- 1110, rather than otherwise, to the place, ri'SultiiiL! Ill lar^jcr and more liaiidsoniu liuildllii,'s beiiii; built upon the nuns. It was another case of inceiidiaiisiii. Sleepless iii;;hts, made iiiiserahio hy that terrible coiiyli. Shiloh'a is the Iveinedy for you. Another batch of tlioso iiico cardin;.! wool mats, cheap, nl the Klesheitoii wi - Uli, iniHi, \Vhu will Ket first choice ! Eiigi'iisu. Fnnn </"r mi'ii CiJiTf.*f>iiinl''iil. The tai collector is on the war [lalli. Mr. F. T. Oi>rr, who has been in charvjc of a lath tiiill in GraiiMihiirst for the past summer, returned on .Saturday. The in- viooratiii',' air of the Slu.scoka lakes and rocks evidently aL'iee» w ifli him, as ho is looking hate and heart?. His many friends welcome him b.ick .T,'aiii. I understand th.it .Mr. Cleiiies. the sc'iool teacher, luut b«rcn r»;eni,'a;^eil for the eiisuiii-' year. Mr. Jas. Campbell met with a se'ere accident on Friday. He w.is eie^'iwed in boarding up the end of a biiihlii"/ for Mr. Jas. .<riiistron._'. and when iie»r the top of the Uihler the Ixittoin of it «lip].ed out and hu fell to the t,'roiiud, liehti'i;.' oii his knee, forcing the cap of the knee .««juio inches mi' of its place. Dr. Carter .ilten- dcd to liiin on Saturday, and the ir-atieiit is pr.M.;ressiiiL; fav.n.ihly Sfwiiie inachilie r.ci dl. s.J .ill kinds at ItusscU's .lewclry stole, p'h nh-rtoii. No Universal Remedy has yet been discovered ; but, as at l>-.-is\ foiir-Iilths of liuiiian diseases have tin ir source iu Impure liloo<l, a lue.li. iiie wliich restores that tluid from a de- pravc.l to a healthy coudilieii coim s in near Uint; a universal cure as any ih.it < an 1m- produ(-ed. Ayer*s SarsaparilU alfcts the blood in eacli »taj;i' of its fnriiiatiou, anil is, therefore, adapted to a Kri'tttor variety of rnuiplaiiits than any oilier known medicine. Boils and Carbuncles, which defy ordinary treatuieiit. yield to .\yer'» Sarsaparilla after a cuiuparutive- ly brief trial. Mr. C. K. -Murray, of Charlottesville, V» , writes that tor years he was af- tliclcd with boils which caused him much suflerinK. These were succeeded by carbuncles, of which be had several at one lime. He then began the use of Ayiu's Sursapatilla, and after taking three Ivottles, the carbuncles disaji. l>euri>d, and for six years he has not had even a pimple. That insiilious disease. Scrofula, Is the friiittiil cause of inminieraMc i , 111- plaiiits. Consumption beiiiH mily one of many eiiually fatal. Eruptions, ulcers, Born <'>es, (jlaiulular swelliii^-s, weak ami w asti'd niusclcs, a capricious «ppi>- lite, and the like, are pretty sure indi- caliniis of a scrofulous taint in the s>»Iciii. Many etliernise beautiful faces are ilistinured by pimple.s, eruptions, and unsinhtly blotches, which ariso from impure blooil, showinK the need of Aycr's .Sarsaparilla lo remedy the evil. .•\11 sufferers from Idood disorders sill. lllll g\\>: Aycr's Sarsaparilla .1 f.sir trial. â€" nvoiiliiu; all povvdt-rs. ointments, and washes, and especiallv cheap and wortliles.H eimipuiilids, wbich not oiilv fail to wITnet a ciiru, but more fri->nunlly ilK;,'iavati ami loiilirm the iliseitses tiny arc ftauililleiitly advertised to reiiicly. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I UtrVllEO UT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mais. Soia t'Y kll DrugKUU. PrtM tl , II buuica, •&. NFiW.VDVKKTISHMKNTS^ Teacher Wanted! Ftir r S S Nl' 1. Ai;c)ih*Aiii aiul KupliraHia, lioliluti, a III II. I iltv-t c.-i:iJliM..t.iUitui« to vinii m.'iu'f -Jlul -t I iMii.i, 1, vpi'ly t'» j.wiKs ->ir.\!['r, s.f . kimImtIi \ v. o 1111.11! Fill! Si;Hll(,'li. ni(. 1Vt;i.4 VIIKKOV. Lol :(.%. (On N. Arleiiiesia. bus 11 lh..riii;lil.ri I I:,. ;,-M , i ,â-  1. .m f„r sii.n i.-.- 'l . .U.MS, ,..» c.i^li ,111,1 ,~1 u Ui,.k,..l STRAYED. ulxMil thr I'th «'f â- ici'tcinlM-i . .> \.-rtliuu'-., if. I itutl wliitc tiiA 11. 1 .lllll hiuo llu^ ktitiiu l»y piuviu^; |»H'i'rit> aiul I'un u»K r\|HMi-fH .U'UN r\Hii\. Krvci-.liiiKi IV I), THK .U.VlUvETS. Fi,i:siii;i; TON. ('(in lull !/ (iirnrh ll I'.tiili fli,-h, I'Uiur <,"i ."iliiii,-, ,-,,; l''all Wlual ol I'll to 1 (l;t Spi'iiio \\ lual . I 110 I (|-j Ihiilcy... .(.-, (I .-,5 Oals ... II :;i I) ;•._. I'eas I) ."i7 ll ,',; Ihitler 17 Is l'^L,'i;s, frosh ;,s; o p^ I'otiiloi s biisli (I :.',â- > O;-, I'ork r, (M (i .|() Hay I'll- cm s l)t) lo po Hiih s .t ,-)() .") ,")0 Wool IS '20 Sheepskins M 1 Oi) tleeao (),â- "> (I 05 TurkcyR I) 7 () os Chickens per pair 'J.'. .40 Dtul.s per lb .. 00 08 GEO. MIICEELI, l)i:AiailT.-< lUiiOliT A.\l> ^ol.i: !<lfci,>l Atl^nii'-ii fxiM *«> ii- r..tlr,ti..„ , r Sotrs loof Arret,, ,h. .',i.i ti'i-t Sfllh â- â- (' fUrh'iiii-'fiit d- v'o «. aiiUiHcal. Dli. CAiriKR. MCI*. .V S..i\:.y I'HV.sHi.ix. .siR(;i;ox. &«•. FLESUEKTcN. iltfioc. St rain s \.]'n:% Itc-iiU-iuc. J.C II'i^k' s J. a. uiuioii. \n). c.w. Sixmvi'h'^ . Oiitimo. l-:ii.liiiiv at )i!ift,i lie iii.vr I'U-l kI t.i :li • *U'. I'V Aikiii^t'ii'^ ill u-\. !'ri(Tiv:i!i'. N« v :;», :^Kr 5^v^ DKNTISTIIV. Thomas Her.d£r?-n. L.D.S. St lUiKliN PK.STIsr '/..'.f .\rr,l.,ti4 „>..t l!:„,n- i;,.,Ji,at( of tU f.'CJO.. Will visit ri.rsMK.UTCN, .MlOl^bll«s Il.t.i 1 ,oi,l -Jef „a,-h i,i,,lo!i, 1 ..^tli «-\trin;te.l. lll^.:t- e 1 ail I lUli-,i 111 ti/i-iu,4i..-i tt.Uc!, of tbe urt, ..:.,! Ill IlUhlt-rH', 1 ,cu - IlKA.) OiFi, c. 7IT1 T..M.I: Sr . ToKivro. J. P. Mil!i<lH,iLl, I. 1». S.. bKXTIST. Vi-iits Markd.-vie the 1st ami :iril W cdlie«- d.iy ..f each iii..iifh. Fh'shertou cicl, tin. ou the dav fi'l'owi:;!;. ^ffia!. J. w riiosT. IJ..I;.. lUifvistt r, Siilit ili)i\ Ctniiii/uinfr, 0:!i-,-, '.:..ir:V bu;;,;,!..: l-i.c-iii-i : ,.k. \ .\ i'ii::si. :v s.,;i, m.i ,ui,i ivi.v, ,ai,„,, K.'nittvlll .Miiiui^i-r. MK KUr.si- «,ii i„. :,,i ,,1 ,11 ,|„. , ,f^., ,,„ 1 lrils,t,iv-> 11 .- hrlil..!.,; ,. P McCULLOUGH, r-ii,risfr/-. So.'icifi);: ,V-c. Olllcc. 1(1 «T Mrr.irlai.ds Stur«', narkdalo. Muii«-> tu Loan. John W. Apmslrcpg, ri.,>Mi ; ON I'' i;io\. DIVISION cot IIP ,-I.i:|;K, (â- (.M.MISSIONIU •^1 11 r. U < •â- .iv..,„i,,.,.i,,u- .\:;cllt ,.,.. piiohiLS lie, ^ilU- „r l,.,,.i. .y,.)., „,.,., ,,„ , 1 , t,„„ Sll.ll-.l' 11 ,\ s >„,.i,.,v M„„..j to l.,.,li, ,.1, lilJ ',",''-!. ',''"""""''•" ''â- "•'â- â-  ''*-' ' " "'â- â-  .>..yi.i..Ai.:s i.u i.Nsi.s .Nor.yiiv ri i;i p- MOiNKV TO rX)A^. IT i.<y\vi:.sr uikkext i.mtks On Town or t'luiii I'li'icin. S. PAMl His. KlesluMton, W. J. ni'LLAMV iivr. ci.i. iiu .inn Ml- 1. 1. ( 'c,V r /.' V . I .V( 'A,'/,', l'(i\! \l ISSli >,/â- ;• /,\.sf'/,'.i.V('/-; AuT. ,. c ' T\i;i:iis.\n,i;ii; yi.is. l.i:.\si:s, .w . i.i,.i..,r. ^ .'.1 iiu.l ei..;.! ily ..Mvite,! liisiii n. ,â- ,. a,t|,,- cl ill UVst -rl.l,-- i-.>lll|.»nii.. Ml ,M.> lolili.lttt l,,w..st rut.... R. J. Sproulc, l)U.Sl'M.\SI'K|l, l-'lesherton, CoiiiiiiissK.il *^ er ill 11. R., l.ic<'ii-icd.\uctiorusT. 'Jen veyimcer, .\iipriiiser iiiid Monew I.ciuh^ Keiil I'.stnte ami Iiisinniine .-Vyent. Denis. MortLiincs. Lertse.H niul WilU drawn up and N'.ilii.itious ni'idr on shorti'st notice. Am t loll , "sales lut.nded to ni iiiiy piivy of the ('..niity. Money n< loan at low est r.iles i f ml. â- rest. ('..lleetiiins attended to wlih I'Liiiiplncss mid dcspiilcii. Chiiri;is low. .\(?eiilfor the nomiiiiou !Stcaa.slilp('oinp,sn\ ('l;eii|i tickets from I'lesherton to l.iverpecl. (lla»K<>w. I.i.iidiui or any of the r.riti.sh Ports. Parties inleiidilit; to visit iMipluinl. Seotliind or I.-'laiid, will pleusx a>k latea b«' fore i.urchf.sini; their tickets el.-ewhere. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fiosherton Uopnhtn^, Ku\jctvoi)^liin(j,aiu1 in factuvoiy. thiuK in till* husu t's* "ill r»'roi\o uiy jupikii t II nrt cftiofiil atteuti(iii at Try The Advance one year for f I or six- tiuutLs for 50 c/* •

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