? ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"- ' PRINCIPLES, XOT MEX.' VYj. VriL, NO. 338. FLESHERTON, ONT.. THURSDAY. DEC .6, 1888. W. H. THURSTOrr, -Zl â- J" 05 B^ What is llnpixMiiii;; in Our Own Vii-inity, Teacher w;iiitc(i I'.r S. S. No. 1, Arto- iiiesi.-i Hiul Eii;ilirft.^i;i. See ailvortisemoiit. R! Tl:o I'Ji'ii Dll'ee. la li.i' ilav ili;t: o{ the firm oi B. LAURENXIC & Co.. Montreal, Messrs I'etcli uii'i Hawk are In w niouniiii,' iivtr the loss â- •/ six cmou -kics 111 tile tiiiiiiery fire. Kev. Mr. \V:itsi 'II has built all extension t" tile Baptisr (Impel sheil. â- â- â- .»• nn; tn ,-. necessity : -r )ii,Ter\seJ aciMUiiij. .I.iti. iii. r.riiiiV KdK SALK. A .â- ...a siude lni.';,'_v wi.l iie s. Jii clu/:i|i. 'A',,. .,i l.ikeii in [•art ]'ayn:fir.. Aj'ply t^ .).n. Kester. Fleshertiui. Crc'i-i'. 1% :i' I'liu' O'liuli am! llr.'iK-hitis iinuieiliate:;- rvlir-ve'i I'V SIiiImIis Cure. K. T. of T. eloctii^n of ,.tScers w;l; t.ike place Tuesday evenin.' next. Dee. llcli. All tlie nieinV)ers are particularly re'iiu'st- eii to be present. A u'raiiii teamtetihi: will i,e helu in t!.-' • irani^e hall. Fe\\r«!iaii!. â- n Tiiursiiav. Dec. -.'Oth. Tea fr. Ill ."i to 7 ;,, m. A'i iiiiisioii •_'." uni 1^1 ceiit.^. ."^fo posters f. r particulars. Mr. iUciianl.-i'ii j l^-iic:' is 1- 111. Ill rieX: Wi-eli. Hi-h â- ntr.ince e.xaiMinations wi! Have you ^ieeii the tile I '!iri.»tnias car'is ami fancy ooo.i..* :i; IoH.~ell « .l.'WirviT ;â- â- â- . Klo^liertoii ' It ii-r v i'l sli..ul,i '.''at once an>i v.iii will se.- tiie fin.-st ass. rt- niaiilat the 1 'West prices in this coirtrv . Kleshertoji .hvisi.'i) .S. (> T.X' Hi', will meet oil Tues.l ly eveniii,-.Dec. Utli, instead of Weiin.K.l.iy, to enable all to attend the Oddfellow 3 concert op U'eil- nesday the Utli. \V. Leitcii. R. .'^. .\il pani'-s Hide! ted t- ihtf Klesliei- n w oi.lien nulls, w.:i p.ea-e call and 'ie'tli" before the 'Jnih ;ii»t. The ed. tor m' tii;,-i : a. er u *• men n- "i a â- duiir.ist, ' H.- i .c-eo, r!i-ev ra!'bits and t'..-p'e par!iM^."< â- â- 'i â- -'â- â- c..iy alter. . n ia.-t, l;,i i.,-. â- .e. . ',. • • partruUe 30,10 m,,; ,0 ...;:i '...lU Fin- [<:â- iUio'm; i:.! ; r. â- â- -â- K.i.- i.i-.y p-; !.â- • ^'â- - !â- â- ir- i.. 1.' il t,o.,i:iy .1:; 1 ; ; . :t t, ' tl:o ny<: V, ir -. ; - â- • \ I til.' r. iiave bii-i! h. ;,'.. Mr. Will. â- iark. A' 'â- !â- ' .; Mre.i ; 1 . ! I by a rV.ll at Mariv lab-. .- ahlo t â- around "iioe lu' v. I L'ainpbeil will oSiciatc ni KlesliertiJii, mm I Mr. Irwin 111 Duiidalk. Heiiifiiilier the I H. O. K. oiitertAin- liieiit Ml the Town Hall on Dec. ll'. F.r program see cob.rcil biiU. l\nue and brine everyone else. RUSSELL'S NOTED JEWELRY;!: 'tL;:e2:'x.^t.''^'Ce;:: STORE, ELESIIERTON. to test eyes an J tit the faTiT.ts B. Laurence spectacles to all requiring them, if your eyes are weak anil troublesome. This is a rare chance to GET YOU Pi EYES THOROUGHLY TESTED. ReT. Mr. Bug-^in. of Markdale. had a OM^l ALL.O.OMBEYRY ONE: ''â- «'" •'''**^''"f "i'i"-i''"y *'"'" â- " '•'' pulpit oil Sunday iimriiiiii; week His physician rMon.niended him to retire from the active luiniitrjr. c Shiloh's couyh and Consumption Cure is !to|il by us oil a i{uiirantee. It cures ClillSUIIlptloll. IT WILL PAY YOU. No charg*e for consultation. "^â- '^^"'"'' Wed. Dec. 12, 1888 See J. E. Mof're's now advertisenieii next week, and in the iiieantiine exannne the di.siiUy of Xinas t'noils "ii show at warvroums. and select sumo ol the Tari- nus l«re»ins he is' otferm;;. -AT- Hosseirs - \oiHl - Jt^welrjr - Store* KL.KSHKWro>i. -^ H EARDS:^ Carriage Works, FLE SHERT ON , .11 IX r FAt r I It i: k.s or Jiui^^irs, S/n'ii><2' M'tts^'on^'. Linnhcr ]J'(i(ior/s rnnf lrx)7/ It ai' rows. Pfiii/fii/i:', Trhuniiiiji itnd' licnninn;^ prompthj a He tided to. Iforsc-Skoeiit;^ a Specialty, Flesliertoii f ai'ria«e Works, General News. Saturday tlic iiuiuest into the death of Meta Cherry, at Halt, w.as closed, the jury returniinja verdict of wilful iiiiirder against the unknown party or p.arties who sent the poisoned candy. Lydia Charlton, the victim oftheiibor- tion ca.se, died early Saturd.ay morniiii;. IjitrU Salisbury, in his speech at Edin- Uur«;h, cxpii^-stnl himself in 'avor of wduiaii ailtiai'e. Koland (iidein) Israel Harnett sailed from Kii',daiMl SatiinUiy for Halifax in charjre of a detective. Dr. Forest, M. iV P. for L'.Vssiuiiptinn, m»« unseated f.>r bribery by ilHents by the Court at Montreal Saturday. The stainpiua and jupaiiniio,' dupart- iiieiita of the McClary Mn«nlaciin'i;ii; Cnliipanv's works, iit I/ondon, were burn- fd Friday iu;,'ht. Loss, §HX),IKH». K»wr-.\diiiiral Simpson, of the I'liitcd Stato^ Navy, died on Saturtlry. The |>rice of wheat on the fanners' ^naikeit at Toronto on Saturd.ty was $1, ^he lowest fi|iuie reported for aK>ut three uioiiths. l.,or«l Salisbury in i ne of his Eilin- bur^ch apeechos indicated that hia Ooverii- innnt favored thu eiiiii;rat on of Crofters. H« alao commended the ha^^illg of Kiel \>y the Cauadiaii (toveriiiuent. ^ ataauge aocidotit of a fat«l nature is I re\virtod from Mad^-c. Fetor Carl aid .loseph Sofa were fellinji a lari;e tree, ' which lodired ill another. When they had freed it they found that it w.as fivlliiii; I toK.irds them and tneil to L;et out of the way. In riinnim; away Sofa fell Aiid his axe struck Carl in the calf I'f the Ui:. seveniii; an .irtery. Before a doctor hail j arrived Carl had bled to vleath. The ssiiie axe, after cuttmc; Carl, was struck by the falllin.:^ tree and flew back ami struck Sofa, cuttiir.; a bio j;a.sh in his lej; above the knee. Sofa is likely to recover. The t'aiiudiau racitlc .station al St. Hoiiiface, Man., watj bunieil Mon- day. .•\t the aiimialsoHsion of the tlraiid Divi.sion of the iSoii.s of Teunvraiu'e I Tuesday. Mv. Tlios. Webster, of Uraiitfinl, was reelected tiiatul Wor- : thy Piitriarcli. Kx-yiioeii Natalie liadjiotiiriiel all the presents which she had oivta to Kins Milan, and 1,01)0,000 francs lias I been phiced to lier ciedit in the bank ! of Servia. ! Champion oarsman William O'Con i nor i-etitvned tn Toronto .Monday nixlit, and 50,000 persons witnessed the iirociwfuon which escorted him to the IlorlicuUnral (iardcns, where lit- was presented with an address by Mayor Clark, a cbeqvie.for §1,000 and f 300 ill golJ- For lame l»ck, side or chest, use Shilcihs P«t<)U» Phujter Knee J.") cents. The new statHHi is nearins completion. It is now l»eiu< ] ainteih and when com [lieted will iw the neatest and best of its kind between ( >-wen Sound aioi West Toronto. Mr. Metiill, our urbane st.atioii agent, ex-pects to remove into his new and cosy ipiarter* about Christmas. IVantiful friiiL;ed Christmas cards at Russt'Us Jewelry store, for only 1.") cts. Ilev. Mr. Shiltoij preached on Sj-iday eveiiin..; last fro n Isai.ah l.V . 10 :iiul U. His .sermon was one of the most vi'.'orous and earnest which we have yet heard from his lips, and attracted nnivorsal iuteresT. If you want a Ivautiful I'iece of silver- p'.atc for a weddins; or Xiiias present. Kusaell's, Fleshertoii is the place t.' ;;o. The Methi'dist Cliurch choir Ii:i» been imnieiusely iinproveil of late by the addi- tion of several new voices. The eh.ur now iimnbiMS lifteen, ami their sin'.4in^ "ii Sunday eveiiinjl last was ipiite pleasinv; May tlioy \i<' on iinprovirn;, until they are at least eijual til that of the Tresbytcri- aiis. We have never seen such a tine assi-rt- moiit of Christimus cards at the low prices that lUisseli of Fleshertoii lias. Do u. t fad to see them, ('hfttttfcil lliiml-i. The Diiiiilalk llerahi has once more chaiiLrcil bands, Mr. Spurr luuiii;; dis- po.sed of tht business to Mr. T. Hall, formerly p.ropnetor of the paper. Mr. Hall has returned to his old love, and Mr. Spill r has Hot ye; decided where he wiU piteli his tent. We hop.' it may be within talkiii',' distance, as we wonia not like to lose slight of trieiid Spnrr al- toijether ; and while sorry to lo.se him .as a iieiijhbor. we olmUy welcome Mr Hall back to his idd most. While the Herald may have lost a "Spurr," it has probably made a little "Hall ' by the transaction. The ai.iiual nieetiii;; of the L. C. .As- sociation of Hast iJrey will be hold at M.irkdale, on Friday the 14tli day of De- cember, at •_' oV-lock p. m. . for the elec- tioii of ,,ffieer» and other hiismess, Al! are uivitoil II. attend. Wm. McLouchry. President, .V Turner. Recording Sec. The annual teaiiieetui!^ in connection with the Saleiii S. Scho.,1 will he held in the church on Friday evenini;. Dec. 21st. The program will consist of v.ical and in- strumental music, dial.itues. recitations and readings. Speeches will lie delirered by R«v. Mr. Watt, of Eui-eiiia, Rev Mr Leii^'ott.of Maxwell, and others. Tea served from 5 to I'l ..chick sharp. .\d- miaiiiiUi. children 10 cents, adults L'5 cts. .\11 are cordially invited to come and spend a pleasant evoniii','. .See Hills. .1. ' W. Bcns.ui Sec.Treas. Herein A (Iraiul Opfntrtunity. The weekly Empire. Fleshertoii Ad- • Vance, and a tine bust of Sir .John .\, I Macd..nald, all for the sum of $1 75. ' Balance of this year free. The busts j will be deli»ered fn.m our office. -V very lan^-e st..ck ..ftiie liiiest sewini; inacliKie o,| m the w .rbl. at Kusseils .lewllry store. Flesliort..ii. lire. U. a. Mids Chos, ti. ] .\t a c.>iiiire-ati..|i,al meetiu- hel.l in the PresliTtenaii Church ..n Thursday last the Rev. 1). Mcl.e.'d. :i:teriiii iii..der- at.ir, ires.diiiL.-, for the purpose of selecti.ui of minister for the cliar^e fr..ni the can- didates wli.i have .'Ccupied the j'ulpit f..r the l.VHt three iiioiitiis. Rev, W. (,;. Mills, H. .\., ,.f Sunderland, w.-isthe un- anim.'iis choice. The ah.'Ve item was orerl.ioked in the make uj' last week. .tlfafortl Koad. Fr"tn ">ir ..i/'ii * '. ri- .^j.. ii.on'. 'Ill Moii'iav m..riiiiii,', tue Iltii us; Mr. J. .Stephens, w'l.. 'md been aihnt: I â- <. .mu years past, passed aw.iy to ti.j.; h. me iiim which n.. tniveljer r, turn* â- _Mve an account of his j.mriiey. He \.j' left a wife ami live saiall children ni. urn his loss. Still an.. tiler. On the foilowmvi .Sui' day. the younifOKt child of Mr. t". J.ii-' pa.<sed over to the same phice. Mr. .h.hn Warhii:{ h>8t a valuable mar- last week by a kick inun her m.ite. H;". lo.ss IS over ;?IO<l. .Mr. J. Cl. .Viidersoii is on the war ]>»: l.iokina after the taxes for .uir lo^nslr fathers. Mrs. Richardsim.of Chatswurth.ia her- on a visit t.> her friend. .^lr8. C. Prilcliar.l luul a wo.'d bee i;i.s: week. It was ih« lirst ..f thu seaaoii. ..^O^^vV^^J?.^..?,,,, TILL JAM. 1st. IHH» \<'it l\:\\ CKNT. otr all ='.les > WATCHES and CLOCKS or I'M', st\ I'll oil' niarlod ptic. •.Ill '[le:' con*. sii.\i;::\vAK di.lo. 'â- ) UINils. ClI \1N.- ;. Ml sU'.M, otHM Tn.at li.aekiiiL' cou,di can l'« s cured bv .Sluhdi's C'liie. We guarantee piickly A Had Arriilent. i Particulars have reached us of a bad! accident which happened t,. apartvof' three ladies, alxuit tiv.i miles e.ast ..f ' Eutjenia. Mrs. James Stewar'. 10th lino. .\rteinJsia, her iimther in-law, and M>ss Turner were ilri\ iiii; al'iiu' the H.itli side- i road ab.'ut 7 "'cl.'ck in tlie evenintj of Tlitii-sday. L':;iol uh... wlieii s.une |<orti..ii of the harness hr..ke in .'..in..: d.'wn a hill, the rig ran np..:i the li'Tse's heels, causmi; the .â- iiiiiiial t.i kick feioei.usiy , siiioshini; the ri^ to at. .ins and reiiderin.,' the three | l.%uies uncoii.'icn.iis, in which po.siti.ui , they remained on the r.'adside fully an hour. Miss Turner was the tii-st to re- C'Oer and ni.tiiaL'e.1 1.. r.-iiiin home and secure assistance, alth.uioh she wiusrcarce- , ly ublu to articulate. Mr. Turner had I Mrs. Stewart, jr. andsr., ceiiveyed h.iiiie. w hero the latter lies in a critical cndltioii j and beiiiL,' an old la<ly her chances of [ recswevy aro small. .Mrs. Stewart, jr., and iMi.sa Turner are recovcnnsj, The escape of the whole party from death waa remarka1i>U.s { .'i per Cetit oti poller!*! lines Jt^WKLRV. SPKX. KTC- this scciivii the- o>tIy /-.'.f'V v'/'/tTt' vCU Cil't Catarrh cured, Iwidth and sweet breath secured, by Sluhdi's (.'alarrh Hemedv. Price ."lO cents. NiksiU Injector five. nK.iVvBss Ci 1»>I< â€" A v«!i» inliirostiiiR 132 ftgt llliistrAttnl Htwll .^n Vleafiivss. Noises iu th,. hi'iul. How vb,«v liiav V*' ciir«.l at >t.'«r houm. ro«t f-eo :)il -.t.l.lresB, Dr. .Nicholson. 30, SI. J >hi] Htreet,. Mwnreat. ' W'i;ll ynu suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Com.plaiiit ? Shih'h's Vitahwr is yuarautved to cure yuu. Ro«* quality yarn for 45 cents per lb., ready seoure*!, s\i the Flesherton woollen mills. CLOSH coMri'/riTioN TKICF: It will pav yon to drive hero. :!-^ ^^ can liiid a lari;e stiK'k to ciinus. from lit cut, (ionics. CALL THIS MOST I! ' If von nev< r biive Kfore, - AN!' â€" Test This Statement lliat I have a very tine stool, ;it llisoomits coiisidoriftl. Kino re- ixiiniijj; rociivcs ociienil altenlion. JEWELER and OITI01.\N. MAKKD.VLE. ONT. S