ERTON ADVA 9 "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRTJ^CIPLES, jYOT MEJ^V 70r,. V[[r., NO. 337. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 29. 1888. W. H. THURSTON, PRCrKlETCR * « CD EMBER! The I'iLh of Doc. is tlie d;iy tliat Mv. P. II. Horristlicp'eat optician, of the firm ol B. LAUREN'CE & Co.. Montreal, â- â€"WILL BE ATâ€" RUSSBIiL'S NOTED JEWELRY STORE, FLBSnERTON. to test eyes and fit the famous B. Laurence spectacles to all requiring them, if your eyes are weak and troublesome. This is a rare chance to GET YOUR EYES THOROUGHLY TESTED. QO:&£E ALL.QOMB EVRY ONE IT WILL PAY YOU. No charge for consultation. iiisi^- Wed. Dec. 12, 1888 ^ -ATâ€" EHSsell's - \oted - Jewelry - Store. ^ThC IaOCa.1 IffeTXrS ^''i!"hscat:irrhreinedyâ€" a positive cure Tlit^ Baptist. Tcdmeeting. WW5i» fnr L-ntarrh, dipthena and cRiiker-moutli. We are iiifoniied that <.iir itom ccn- New mantle cloths and ulstennK, r« ''""'"'â- '' Thank«^iviB(; day in FleBlu.rt,..u ceivod this *eek at M. R.chdrdson * O. a. '^'^ "'^'"â- "'y """••'"• '^^"' Presbyterians uave lip their service on acccjiint of tlic What is llupiMMiiuii in Our Own Vicinity. Ask for our prices before clubbint; with any other paper. It will pay y.>u. A iia.sal iiijoctur free with each b<>ttle of Shiloh's L-atarrh remedy. Price 50 ota. Messrs. Fetch and Hawk are on the service in the Baptist Chapel and oii warpath after raccoons. They have cap- account of the same serricu the .Vleth.i- turMd eight or nine thus for. Miists did not arrange for any special Why will you couiih when Shilohscure ' ^'=^''>«""8- ^•'- *• 'irant-one of the will Kive immediate relief. Price 10 cts. .â- '""** popular and original of C.tiiadiaii 50 cw.. and 9\. j iniiustan, preached in the afternoii to a Hawk Bros, shipped their last carload nf eg!,'s last week. Winterarrivedin 'eahty fnr the first Mr. J. McFadyen held a shooting match ' ^""^^ ^'""^ audience. The aermou «a.s time on Monday. It was a "corker" too. at the station last Thursday when a \ ''*''''^ "npre»»ivo and waa heard throUKh- Mr. wrH:^i;;;;„oved u..'-^ ''Tt'''''r^'''^'^'''^''''''Z^^^lTt.^^^ Proton Station, where he is ,.,i.., .,.., the -"'-^ by several lucky ind.v uiuals. ' ^ZZIZ^ .^ J^l ^Z^Z hotel busmess. j Rev. Mr. Dobbin, of Caledon East, ; A number of the friends in the v,lIa,->.- preached in the Presbyterian Church 1 yave several musical seluctioua and rendei- last .Sunday afternoon. Rev. B. li. , ed the "Te Deum" with excellent effect. Smith, of Ro8«mont, will occupy the same H.'v. A. Graiita address w:is full of pitliy pulpit next Sabbath. clearness iiid practical common s.-iise. Rev Shiloh's uiire will immediately relievo croup, hoopiii;^ cou;:h and bronchitis. We have received a splendidly printed and iiiounteil iii:ip of tlio Dominion from .Mr. John Lovull. of Montreal, who will accept oiir llinnks. Mr. Bradford Powell, who, it reinembereii. lud his right rill be I J. W. Shilton, B. A., .jave a very pleasant and appropriate audi ess. W;tU- -^ H EARD'S^ Carriage Works, PLE SHERTON, .MAM'F.ii'TI OEKS OF â€" Buggies, Spring' WaQ'ons, Luniher JVn^ons and Iron Harroxvs. FffiniinQ'. Tninniin^ and ItCfjairinQ' promptly atteluled to. iLorseShoeini^ a Specialty. Fleslierton €aiTia«:e Works. General News. Hon. Mr. Chapleaii is (wiiously ill. Tli<t Quebec Le);islature is called for tlie 0th January. Seven ice-bound vessels hiive founder- eil ill the Sea of .\»)V. The first Chiiione lailway was Uirmally opeiiiid oil NovuiiibtT 9th. .\yImer,Qne., w;ia visited by a di»- .i.stious (ire Friday night. Two hundreil Alsatian recruits mutin- ied on their way to join the. tiermiiii army. Tt is rumored in Boiilaiiu'ist circles that the Ctoveriunent intend to expel HouUiHger. All iiiijireKsinn that the Kieiieli Re- iiublio is ill serious dan^'er prevails in LoiidiMi. Kx-Jiidije .Ariii.itroni;, chairman of tho LalMir t'oinrnission, died suddonly in yorel Friday niyhl. The surplus revenue of tho United States for tho yiar ending June ;!Otli last w.ia gill, 341,^78. The newly built barn of the Ontario Ayricultural College was hurned .Monday evtnins,' ; loss, about ii|l25,CK)". Lord Sackville and his daui{hters and Mr. and Mrs. .loseph Chamberlain left Wiishin^ton Friday en mutif for Europe. The Toronto Labor Reformer says that ilinttsea city Aldermen have declared in f.i7.>r uf Mie 9^^ exemptitui on huuaes. The schooner Edward Norton was wrecked on tlio JLissiuliossetts coast and tiftecii out of her crew of sixteen were lost. It is .said that an .Vnicricaii has invent- ed a contrivance by tho use of which dynamite shells can bo u.sedwith ordinary guns. Two colored women, for keeping a dis- orderly house in Owen Sound, were sent to tho Mercer Refurniory l.a.«t week for si.x nioiith.s. (â- on. Harrison emphatically declares that he has said iiothiii;;, either before or .'^iiice the election, reijarding the annexa- tion of Canada. \ fearful i;ale ra','e<l alon.^ tho .\tlantic coast Monday. Many vessels were wreck- ' ed and a nninb.^r of siiilois drowned â€"how ' many is not yet known, i In the race between O'Connor and j Teenier, rowed on the Potomac on S.-itiir- day for tho sculliii;; chanipionahip of .America, O'Connor won by ten boat j len^tha. ' Dr. Valentine, of Kiiii; street west, To- ronto, was arrested Sunday charged with j conimittinf,' an abortion upon tho person of a yonut; ijirl named Lydia Charlton ' supposed t<.> be dying. Peafnkbs Clueu.â€" a VrtiT Intetosting page Illustnitod Book on Daafneiis. Noises in tlie I head. How thor may bo curad at vour honifr I Post free *l.â€" AililresH l>r .Njc5oi,bo.s', 30, St , John Stroat, itqutloal, severed in Kradky's saw mill last spring, \ '^"' '-•""•"-•tion or any appeal for mon-y If your watcli or cl.ick needs repairinsr ^„a ^.j,^ i,..^^ b^^.„ ,„ay in Buffalo and , ''"' P^'^'-'^'^'' "^ ''"> J«y "«â- â- *' "^'irly i--i- always ukeit to Ru5s«ir.,Flesherton, for ToronUi all summer, returned home on , "^^ '"""" '" *"" »"t able to Kive a " ^"'''"'^ i"^_ : Frid.iy. His arm is quite healed, and al- """Plete report lut week was oa account If yonr eves are weak and tn.uble.ome. ' "'""«'' » ''«'« *«"'' •'« '-â- "" """ '^ ^u't^ ! "^ absence from the village. call at Ru,s.sell's,K1e8herton, ,iuil -et a pair f''*«'y- The recovery wa» a 8urpriTO,even ; They'll Get There Yet. of the famous B. Laurence spex. They : ^ ""^ doctors who attended hiai. j There are some yountj fellows m this arc the best hi the world- buy uo otiier. \ Here in A ftrand Opportunity, ' "'"»«« "••" '»™ liable to ^et into trouble Mr W.7 Fa7e.;T;f""To"ronT^, waa in' T"''" *"«'''>' ='°P^"' """herton *Ad- 1 if "'«/ J""' 4"'^ '""I'"* with firearms, town for a fuw days during the («twe«k. "'""'''• *"'^'' """ *"•»* "^ ^"^ •^"^" Tnivellintf for a furniture house appean , Mac'l"'"'^. »» f'"" "'<' Balance of this year frau. xnu i Tins ^ glauc* and the dog s lifa ^ I On thanksgivini; day they had their pop- sum of SI 75 ' |w^ ""^ '^'"' i^ot a valuable doi; beloiit;- . , , . , . , , . ' '. ..' 1 Halttnce of rliis v««r (rau TKm hints in^ to Mr. Hurd, but the bullet chanced to atirec with hmi, ludamii by his oily '*'"*"'^" ' """ '"^ '""• â- ^"" ""'" , ,.,,., apiK.-aRi.icy. '''H be delivered ft^.m o«r o<«ce. Tins ! ^ gl»uc» »"il the dog s hf« waa ssred -^ alio applies to oWsubacribera who renew. I -'^bt'u' "'8 ""no""'* ^^- ^^' Shilto.i was in luB jard wluiii a bullet came tlyin^ Mr. Thos. Henderson, dentist, will b< in Fleshorton <tti .Saturdny and Monday, Dtc. 1 and .'1, t» attend to your refractory teetk Afirtion Uttlr. An extensive auction saiaof farm stuck " and implements will be held t(j-inorrow i past his ears â€" *<jo oIom for comfort. 'f the young rascals had been arrestud f r If you want a good watch or clock at a h.t 22, con. 3, S. D. R., Artemesia. very small prictf, go to Russell's noted ! Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. The usual terms Jewelry store, Fleaberton. It will pay are \iiv<in. D. McCormick, auctiuueer. you. , â€" , .'iocial. For dyspepsia and liver complaint you i The social held in the basement of the '''^\'! * 'J';""'«J U'uarantee on every bottle Methodist church on Wednosday eveninj.' of .'^hiloh s vitaluer. It never fails to cure, i n . , : ^i r .i ^ ! of last week, under tile auspices of the .\yers pills a.-e always ready for use. Ladies' .Aid. was a very {ileaaaiit »f- I attempted murder it might have uuitiit (Friday) ou the farmj^^f Sir. Henry Kmg, ; ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ,^.^„ They'll sot there They ire sufrar-coati-d. easy to take, .iiid sure to briin; relief and cure. They nre in all dise.aaeg (!«y,l«,il l.y dei-s ../ the »tom.u;li and di({€»tive organs Southampton correspoiideiiotj came to ll.aiid just as wo were 1,'oiii); ,ti. pross. .\11 matter inteuded for curBhr wi'ek should be ill oOr hands ouTiMin.y. fair, and netted a little over JIS. R. J. Sproule occupied the cliair in a very sat- i.sfactory manner. The iii<innim consisted of refreshiin'iits. readings, inusio by th,. (J lee Club, Uio Misses Richardsons, Miss Leitcli, etc. M. Ricliardscn entertained tlj.! audience witli a sliojt, hiuolmbh; soeiiil taiit, and ii very pleiisant social was yet, though, if they keep oU mouk«yiii.{ with Kuai, let iheni act looaa sight of th<i fact. P. H. Morris, of the firm of C Lawrence i Co. , the great spectacle firm, will be St J. G. Rusi«ell s on Wednesday. Dec. 12. Thu will bo » chance in a life- tiiiio to get your spectacle* titled. ''«i- member the dat*. The date uf the I. O.O, V. eiitertaiii- nieiit has been oh.iD^'id fiom TueMia\ . Dec. 11, to Wednesday, Dec. 12. Don't (orget '•hi.s. |^ r,r(iGY lu-oui; ogy. to a close by singin'.; tho Doxnl- "OR SALE. bu<lgy will be sold ciicap. Ithmhiufi Out Ia>uU. X frieiid forwarded to Dr. McLellan I some time ago a copy of The Advance .V good siu'de ' containing our report of his lecture in the Woodt.-iken in t Town Hall in Flesherton. That friend part payuiont. Flesherton. Ai>ply to Ja«. Kester. i showed us a letter on Friday last which ; he had received troui tho Dr., and the following oiiinioii was given therein: 'I like not often that a local paper gives, or ap- parently can give, so '.^ood a reiiort. ' .\ll of which makes us blush so loudly it Would bo painful to olwcrvo us. Mr. Henry Down, who haa aeatod his farm near Flesherton, left witll Ms family for Detroit on Wednesday, wlft^re he iii- teiula taking up his abode. ^ â€" , ,. , Fricjiils Meetlngg. « Mr. Wm. MiHire, of the town line, Eu- [ihriisia and Colliiigwood. held three ser- vices ill the Town Hall uu Sunday last, morniiig, aftenioou and evening, to very fair audieMce.i. Mr. .Moore is of tho t,)u:iker faith, and an orii.iiiiod minister. Sacred- Concert. \ sncred concert will be hold in Fleah- ertciii Uaptint Chapel uii Wednesday, Dec. 5, wlitfii ai' excellent proiiraiii will bo presented. Vocal ami instrumental has not arrived. although it was mailed twc music, by gooil artists, and Flesherton months ago, according to tho writer's as- bras.s baiol. Cb;iir to bu taken by Jos. scrtion. It is very seldom a occurs, in Blackburn, Esi). .Vdiiiissioii 15 each .'iiid fact it is .'iluiost impossible foralettor to go Aerounted for, , It now transpires that the letters s]M)keii ' of last Week as not having been received from )'rice\illo wore never mailed to us. ' t)no waa, tho writer snys, given to the stage driver, and thu other might have been sent in before tho change in pro- priutorship. These two have now been .iccounted for, but there oiio posted ill the e.'Uterii part of Euphrasia which COMFETITION defikd: Innr Guhi itiu.l Si.ivi'r ]V(rtcli"S for n. or Personal xise- ,, r , Li ^ - ; T~» 7-^ T "^ 'Z "*. ^ CLO. T AS'D SILVEHW.iRE. Quality and completeness of stock t;j select from not eiiualled lu Ceutral Cirey. "Si'es Cnviplete in iieni nmt, i^ K. Weddini Rirn^s- 'iooelits [ler emiplc-. See bill.s. Retu vtied Ho ine, Mr. F. T. Carr returned homo from Uravenhurst on Saturday lust, where ho has been employed during the past suin- iiicr in one of the large mills at that place. Mr. Carr informs us that on Friday the mercury stood at 25 * below zero at Gra- veiiliurst, with about the same amount of 8110W that we havo here. astray if pro[ierly mailed. Don't trust them to the stage dri''er ; write your address lil.iinly, leave your letter unsealed if for publication, and one cent will land it on our table every time. If these instruc- tions aro not followed out no blame can attach to any pei-son but yourself. .\s for the possibility of a letter becoming lost ill tho mails between here and Price- ville, it is absurd to think of, and we . I even doubt if the two letters complained A complete stock of the far famed U. about even left tho store of tho coin- Lawrence spcx at Ruasgir?, ncaliertoij, plainant. It w;is [>robabIy a cas(i (v{ (or- to Qt any sij/ht. getfulness. No Catch Prices. Goods as represented oil " CASH " llEFUNDKD. Cnii ih) better /»r Cuitomrrs â€" "Ciiiih " or "Crtdit" â€" Itiun awif uther }e»tltr u* ^'Grftf Co." Watchds carefully and prooiptiy repaired. JEWELER BRGWI, MAKKD.\LE, ONT.