Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Sep 1888, p. 8

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\ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [Sept. 13, 1888. at. And still there A re MORE BARGAINS TO BE GOT AT "Take a Fool's Advice." The following miserable doggerel has been laid upon our t,kble. We jjiv) it apace for the simple purpose of illustrating the sad depravity of our modern poets. It is perhaps needless to say the writer is un- married, and likely to remain so, if the {(iris accept our advico. Let linlioa ilullght tn hnwl at night, For "itfl tlieir nature to, Aud rnako their dadu daure round in white, As all daUii oilh'ht to do. Dot, fathers, yuii xltould never let Vour aii^ry iniHsiuiis rise ; KidH are uee^-Hsitie?, yen bet, And midnight howlx and oriea. Lot them remind you what you were Yourwelf, in yearw ijono by. When von wore wont to rip and tear. And howl, and Bcrooch, aud cry. J W HEATH FOR ALU HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT ',7 k !Ea Don't forget to ask for THAT 'CASHMERE, Regular i)rxce 35c a yard, now 22 1-2 c a yard. It is a yard and a quarter wide. Those DRES (.OOPS We are selling at la l-2c a yard, regular price 20c a yard. Beautiful new goods. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN Boots and Shoes! 30 Per Cent Discount off Men's Long Boots. 1000 DOZEN BUTTONS ! Selling at 5c a dozen, regular prices from 10c to 50c a do^. iCOME SOON! In order to secure Best Bargains. iOOOdoz. EggsWanted lUGIIT AWAY! Top price paid in Cash or Trade. The Famous \v\\ Proei^ss Eleclric Soap, To be Got Only at . . J. G. ANDERSON'S Mammoth Bargain House. Can Doss Reason ? Many and almost incredible are the ac- counts given i)f the sagacity, reason, cour- a!;e, intelligence, and attachment of the do«. Tho fi>llowin!.' incident, witnessed and relntttl by Ur. Cowan, will serve to illustrati! some of tho forcgoinf;. As the Dr. was walkini? down Liberty St. FittsburiT, he noticed a lively littU do;^ trottiiiji ahead of him. When the little <lo!,' cainu up to wheie a largo do({ was lyinu', he accosted him in a very friendly manner, put his iio.se up to the bii; fellow's, elevated hia tail, etc. The big doj; wivs in a surly mood, for he jumped n]i, tuok liohl of the little dog, and fjave him a great shaking. After tho little do;; ^ot loose he started down the street, wearing a very dejected appear- ance. He soon came to where another lariro do^; lay in front of an office. The little fellow bri'.;Iiteuud up, advaiici-il to the big i\o\i. put nose.i to^iethcr. and held a short coiivtrsalion. Suddenly the liig du;4 jum|>od up :uid in company with the little one wi-iit hack t" whore the little felliiw uof liis tlinisliiii'^. Tlie mnall dog hulled, ami tiie \ivs one advanced riglit up to wlii-io the tii-st big fellow wns. .-Vt unoe buth kri;e d'igs assumed a ilyhtiuK attitude and at it they went. The battle was fierce and long, but the little dog's friend whipped the other big fellow com- pletely. Oining the performance the little dog sat at a short distance.apparent- ly deeply interested, and when his friend had vanquished tho iur!y big di>j< the little fellow juiupetl aud skipped with evident satisfaction. He tnrtted otf with the biy dog down the street after the tight. It is evident tho little di>t{ tuld his champion, the bix dou, about tlie bad iisajfo tho surly do^ UtA tfiveu him. AovuK Tti .MuTimiiH. .\r« you UiMtiirtK'd at uiKht aiul lirokuti of >oiir rtiwt hf li ul>'*k ehild • lillerinc all, I crvinKwitli pninof ('lilting' Tewtb 7 It Hi Mind HI oMio and itot • lA)ltle ot "MrK. Wiu- bIck'h SovthinM rtvru|> lot C'liildri'M Tuvtlliu);. ItH valtii) i^ iiicalenhiM,'. If \»itl relieve lh«» poor lUtK- '-':ffi'r*»r iimnf-diatflv. D»»vnd upon it. inf>t'lior*« ; Uiere l» no tOMtak* nt'Oiit it. U cure?. l>yHfiii,e,y and I'latihtea. rvunlatev tlia Rtoinnili uii I llow,-N. cinew W'iua Coli<-, ^.uftenv th« Guio"*. re.iiKuiit Indiunniatlnn. and u'ivrK tone andeiifii;\ to tin) whole HyMtein. ".Vlrw Wiiis- Inw'tt Sooihini^ Hyrnp" for cliihlrri) tetitliin^ in pleasant to till' ta'te luid ii tl<e preHeription i>( one ot tilt* cldett and lieat female plivsleianft and nni'He^ tn th,WnLtud Htatec. aud in for «nle l,y all iho.;i:iHt». thi<Mii,'lioui the w,»rlil I'riie twenty f^v«â-  , ent*i a Utttle Jte sivrr ami a^k fer "MuB WiNBi.iw'B s<K>THi!»« 8vKcr,"aiKi take no otlnir kind- Luxuriant Hair Can only ))C preserved by keeping the sralp clean, cool, and free from dao- itriifT, and tho body In a healthful coiiilition. Tlio great popularity ol Ayor's llnir Vigor is due to the fact that It cleaiises the scalp, promotes the ;;rowtli of tho hair, prevents it from falling out, and gives It that soft and silky gliw.H so essential to perfect beauty. I'rederlck Hardy, of Roxbnry, Mass., 0, gontleiiian fifty years of age, was fast losing hia hair, aud what remained was growing gray. After trying varlou» dressings with no etTect, he commenced the use <vf Ayer's Hair Vigor. " It etopiied tlu) (alliug out," he writes ; "and, to uiy great surprise, converted my white Imir < without staining the Bcjilp) to the tame shade of brmou it had when I was '25 years of ago." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, of Boston, writes; "For years, I was compelled to wear a dress cap to conceal » bald spot on the crown of my head ; but now I gladly lay the cap aside, for your Hair Vigor is liriiiging out a new growth. I could hardly tru.st my senses when I llrst found uiy hair growing; but there it is, ami I am delighted. / look ten years younger." A similar result attended the use ot Ayor's Hair Vigor by Mrs. O. O. Pres- rott, of Charlestown, Mass., Miss Bessie H. liedloe, of Burlington, Vt., Mrs. J. J. Burton, ot Bangor, Me., and nuiuerou< othui's. 'I'lie lo.ss of hair may be owin? to Im- purity of the liluoil or derangement of the hti'iiiaeU and li\or. In which case, a I'oiirsc^ of Ayer's BarsaparlUa or of Ayer's I'llls, in coniuictlon with the Vigor, may ho necessary to give liealth and lone to all the functions of tho hoily. At the same time, it cannot be too strongly urged that none of these remedies can do much good without a persevering trial and strict attention nd< â-  • •â- * THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Dieordsn of the Liver, Stomach, Klcin'ys, £tnd JBoTvels, Tboyinvisoratean-l rostoro to health Debilitated Constitutionn. and are invaluablo in all Com- plaiDta incidental to Females ot all u»;oa. For 'hildren anil the aged they are yriceltiea. THE OINTMENT » an infallible remedv for Bad Lees. Bad Breasts. Old Wou.ids. Sores and Ulcers. It Is famous for tiout and Kheumatism. For disorders of the Cheat it has no equa For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS' GlandularBwallings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival; ami for contracted snd stilT oints it acts like a cbarin. Manutactm^ only at Professor Hoi,r,ow*T's EBtaklishmont, 78, Xcw Oxford .Street ( late 533, Oxford Street >, Londsn. and are sold at Is. lJd.,-2«. ad , 4s. 6<l.. Us . 52s . and 33». eaeh lloi or Pot, and may be had of all Med ' cine Veiidora thronghout the World. /ar Piircluum sfiouU Unik U. thi- Lahd on the I'ots and Bores. If the ttddrtu is not 0.7.T, Oxford i^trent, Luiulom, thti) art spuriotu. to cleanly and temperate habits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Prtpared by Br. ,T.C. Ay»r fc Co., Lowell, Sold by Uniffisla sih) I'af ftjw a w . FISH, FRUIT ! O YST ERS AND GAME. lee <'reani and t'oolinu Kiiiiiiu«r Uriak.s in Their Season. A Got' J Htuck of Coufectiwiery Alipays on Ilaml. ORDER YOUR FLOUR AND FEED t'Kt_)>l A.% Thie Central Store, PEICEYILLE,. •gcMMentDwi' fiir |tll UUly B««t •»• G I tatb« world. 1'«r-| f»cl tliti* _ kk*«T>«r. V^rrmtiUd. llM'r It'adtl \hi\>\ Unniliic C«Ma. rttl«K«iJt *â-¡â€¢! nLMCD I HrvnL I bi>(b Uai««'KnJ iCsula'iltM • •ttM »n.l CMtii ot •[tut vfcjnv u.HE n;u*io.'« tn «Mii UMMllty L-»o Mi^unt oiia â- >'RKE. tUw l« tiilM^-iHilblflt 'W<»au«tir- â€" wa w»ut um [>«r> •wa la Mcli locAlltv, to k««ij la w.kua »Luw to tbo*4 wb»«ftlL • «oiuDl»iw lilts cfoor - â€" uaSMOK tev« k<f>t Umr te roar bun* 9bf m moslk* sBd abowo tbtta H If puMlbU to auk* t bl» f r ^>i oAr, Mn41ii« Um motJuS «oa.»«»icbM<lCO«i^MaylM»M.M «b«abo«tacor Iba f im>)M la uir hwaUty. ai war* nnlto m • ters* %nA» tm Mi alWr o«r wmtAw bavs &••& to % immMytor % moolb or Hr» V* «»Mllj CM mm •«••• to #â-  ••• ki tTMte rraa tb» Mnm»dte« euastrr. TUi* ft6* mat w«o<toHtel olhr •«« k»o v»^ M*4« IB m4m> Owt Mr MHVlw a» b* piMwd at oa«* •m%m% tbay mm In mm, »U otw AoMrtaa. Wrtto *t onaa, aM â-  a b i» lira of Ibaib â- â- â- â- >â-  Bul i r W wlH babafdlynr tooabto * •--' â€" * J' -'n 1 T 111 in I m4 row raward «1U ba wnt aaMifcnMji. a voMaI mhI m wblab to wmawaaalabvll aMliBrfallar j««kMrwall,lf 7o« <ir airl Mr> In jn fanbiar. wbj nn Imw teteaa. Bttttfroa^ •an4 rear add f Ma «l aaa^ f9% ma Mtfua VtoBK on« of lb* bMt aoiU] ful'l waUbM In ib« w«rltl atul«ar larn llowaf C4MIT1.V MAHri^S. Wa par >U tirrM*. fV«l|hi, aig^ AfUraaa UJI^ STUflOfl A iX^, AuS Ua, rOHTLAtf \>, kUlXA. The Advatice ONLY Uri preertlentei Bnrgnins in every de- â-  partment during the pment month' in order to nutke room /or Fall fyrchiUM. Highest Prices Paid {or: Butter, E^gs, dc. Call and intpeti aur goodt and compare priset hefort mahing purcluitef. A. McCABK GET YOm MEAT t4rSOM-i â€" ! Blai^ely d McGonneil,. GENERAL itUTCHERS, ' FLESHERTON ! CS'Oiali pofj for- fet eattle, Ac-., Ac. TILL R EMOVE D. JAN.1/89 Bootli the Boss Barber^ Aim revtoved to one of the shopi in i^'m. Stram'tblork near irm. Barnhtrun^'s boot' and shoe $ho)>, Toronto street, u;/tere he â- will be liappy to see the .ir*iliiig,fdvis of all his old customers ond as man^ nnn <»ies a* hiioe amclwied to (live mt a ckance to ntain- t^tiu my re/iutalion its the Boss Barber â€" not (i»iij/ of ftesheriiiii, hut of the entire dis-. trict for Itceiify ntHe^arintnd. Tile patronag* o< the- ladiea reapeotfully so lioitod. I Fel>. ITtb. 1888t WTALTSR BOOTH. Tradi Wrceking. LosDoN, (hit., Sept. 10.-â€" Meagre de- tails of a fiendish attempt at train wreck- iiio (III the Grand Trunk Railway reached this city at a late hour last night. It ap- pears an east bound freluht train, itn reaching a jioint about tiireu miles cast of Hotliwell, between 8 and 1> o'cli'ck last iiiiiht, ran into an obstruction, but, as the train was moving slowly, tho only damage done \va.i tho dersiliiiR of the en- gine. The trainmen, on makin:; au in- vestigation, discovered that two heavy rails had been placed across tha trnck. The ofticials hero are con6dent th.it the <diject of the miacreants waa to wreck No. Dimss m il I wish to luform the ladiea of Bleaherton and vicluitv that I am now prupsred to do all kinds of Dress niid Mantle Makiug. Oood fit yuarauteed. Your alteiition is especially called to mv system of ;outting--Cornwell» ImproveV Helf-fittiDg Chartâ€" lor which 1 am agent Those desirous of learning to cut by thi;^ system can do so At louderale cost by ap plying to me. Shop next door to J. E. Moore's Furnin hh express for the purpose of plunder, but ' 'O'o Store. t lev were foileil, for that train was from a â-  'HH' Y^ '9 one and a half to two hours late, aind the J OHHIS JiyLC£riCLQ. freight had received onlers to come on. Had tho express been on time iu all pro- bability a terrible disaster would have been the result. About 1 o'clock this morning an en- gine luwiiig im iMiard Constable Logan aud a posse left for tho scene with the i ^hoppad up objuet of bleating the scoundrels. NOTICE. SHINOliKH constantlT on hand and tor sslo cheap. Just put in flrat-class now Chopping Millâ€" now hrinu along your grain and get i'. in short ordar. J.B SLOAN. 11. , Gogoal.t i .1 '^

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