Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Sep 1888, p. 5

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f )y '^ K. Sbp». 13, 1888.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ir im h. Miilf CliiL. Nutic:^ lo C;oiit,rartors. ht.3. Mario Citnui, " will b* ro) uiiCil the tti-rivtvl uf tUw tfia^tca-ti and wenl TUK.'^D.VV. tJio itora liuy .>( OcWbur, etX to till' uuilttv- JterK for thu Sault Nwi at this olP.co Uittilti ou J .. , r.e:tt, forthe forTuarion atij eoustructi'm of , Caual on tiio Oaii&diau nidk/vt the rivui'.throiih'li tiie I^laud of St. -Mary. ; Thu works will Uo k-t in two Huctiaiis, duo of which will o.abract,- tlio formation of tliwjctiiial t'lruHnU tlu' \^'lrtIll^ ; t'i'» C'MisLniction of 'locks. occ. Tbti other, tbo tK-cpuiiinv antl widoniii^i 01 tUu chauuelwuy 1^ botli ainhi uf th« cuual ; cou- btrucliou uf piuih.uf.c. A map of thu locality, tnf»ether with plau^i ami flpecitltatioiih oAthit work^. *RU he tHit'ii at tlii.-* uitlcu uu auU %ftur TUKd'iJtJVY, tiio Wii Uav of October, iiextjWliuru liiiutu-i ronuii of tiiij»ior cat! also ho obtain-ul. A ifuo class uf iii.'onnu- tiou, rulativoto tiu' woiks.'c-iu 1m? sihmi at cho olUcv o( thti L tcai Iftttcur iu zha Xowu of bault JjtL'. Miiriu, Out. . \ lutenJiti^ cuMCradjJrM ai-fj riHiue-itU'l to boar iti luiud that t»*n.U-r* will rjot bo cniisi.lc, cd nu- ^i«IK.4|^^ Btrictly in tu co.clauco>wit)) thn print- ^ ill!;; that tlie i)f rsuu t>r l>4fH^^ luU'loiin;; Uav*.- ot thV) uiliCierial fouifil in ^e trTal pitH. iu thu tfu^ of liiiuH, tihuru oiust be uttachtMl tht.' arttiui siKiiiiJULrt;^ ui L)ic full uauiv, lUo ua- .' tiire ot the f>ociipatit)ii^ aud resiiieuui- <»f ria<-Ii . Ji iii«uibul|(Of thoHame ; aAid^urthur, n I'^NK TK- ; ', 1*01*11- I|||pKU*T for «buis«ar^ If'J'MNU luiiHt uc- â-  , uoLUpoiw thu luiidof fur thu canal HiKt lock^; '"t*7,XI0 umsl tiuriiirtpany the tfiidor for tlie dpcp- c-niut;%iid wi'lt'uiu^ of thu cbanuul-way at both cuUf, pier^, t-tu. Thvj ru.'puotivM nici'o.six uia'Eit^rrtâ€" clieiiUOh will not ho aKor'pted-imist liu (iiidorBc*! nvi;r to • Ihu Minitftur of KaihvayH Hiid 4*»iiaN, and will ditf furfttitud if Che party tuiiileriuK Juclitius eu ( Miii;4 into i:outrai't (or tho work'', at the ratoh ,in 1 '»ti the tfriiis stated in the nlfor subinittutl. The dttpfwit recM'ipt thus sent in will bo ro- luinu 1 to liiu respective piLrties whouu teudors are Hot accepted. Till-* Dopartiuftut docs not, however, bind h'elf W ft*;ccpt the Irnrost or any toinlcrs. Ilvordur, A. P. l*lt.U>Li:Y, Secrt'tary. Ofpartriont ofllailwavR and Canals, » Ottawa. Hth AuK'VUit, IHSH. 1 Notice to Contractors. SKALKD TKNDKUS, addn*H»ed to tho nudcr- Hidiied and ondort»od "Tonder for ihv Kt. Liiiwri'iimi C'aualM," wiU ho retiuivud at thiH oCii-e iiulil the arrival ul tbutsHHteni and wu«C- om inailn on TL-KRr>Av. tub 25th i>av v bKi* TKiliilluSu:£T, fur thu cotiHtrnctioii of two locktt -aud tho doepeuiiiK aud enlargouiuut of thu upyer entrance of the (.ialopH Cauat. And for the deupuniiifj and ciilartjuiiicnt of the Kuiuuiit ?i»v'*1 of tho rortiwall Canal. The coustriiction (rf a uca )<K-k at e«i:h of thu thrt^ interior look i>;aiiuu)« on the Cornwall Canal b«twuun thu tjwo of Cornwall and Ma|du Orovo , thu duup- ttnintt and widonini^ of the channel-way of thu caual ; conHtruckion of hridueti, etc. A uiap of euich of thu loculitieH, toRuthor with plana aud specirtcatiouH of the ruHpuctivu workb. f-au bo scfii on and nftcr Tikhuay. Tin-; U'ln HAY or Kkptemhku NKXT, at this oiftco, for all thu works, and tor tliu refpectivo workit at tbv following uiontiouud phtcub : â€" Vor tho work-s at Cialoprt at the Lock-kecpfr'H houwe, Ualopb. Knr duepiMiint^ thi* siiininit level of tlie Cornwall Canal, at Dickonhon'H Lamliug ; and for tlio now locka, etc., at louk- â-ºâ€¢tatioiiH Nori. 18. 1'J and '.K). at the T-twu uf Corn wail. PrintOil fornix of tundur can bu obtained for thu reMpectivc work.s at thu pluec.-> nit-a- lionod. In the case of f\ruiH there niimt bu attached th« actual signatitreH of thu fntl naniu, the na- ture of the ocoiipatioit and ruftiduncu uf oneli tuemtur of thu same, and further, a »amc i>12 FOHIT UKti:U'T ior the Knnj of ;?tl,(Xto muht ac- ryuipanv the tender for thu Gallops Canal WortcA. and- a uank r>K!'oKrr nKfuri'T for tbo sum of )?ii,')OU for each Huctiun of the works on the Huiuniit luvel of tlio Onrnwall Canal; and for «»ach of the lock auctions on thu Cornwall Cana) a uanb. DKi'csiT UKCKiPT for the sum of The respectivo Dj-;poaiT hkcEJPThâ€" cheques will not bo accepted-uiuat be eudorHud over to the MiniRter of liailways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party tundertnit declines <'n- teriut< into contract for the work^ at the ratou and on thu teruiH stated in the uHer htiibuiitted. The deposit recoiptH thus sent in will bo re- turn ed to thn ruHpuctivo parties whoso tondom are nut accepted. ' Thif* Dopartinunt duua not, however, bind itttelf to accept thu loweat or any tender, by Ordtir, A. r.llJRADLEY. Secretary. Department of RailwavR and Caual.'*, Ottawa. 8th Auj^uBt. 1H88. rLESKERTON Inndciiient J. G. Cakson Takes this opportunity to tliniik liis luaiiy cust'iuiois fur their heaity pat- loiia^'o (Uiriiif,' tlio pust 8 years iind to itsk their coiitiiiiiucl support in liisiiew promises on 11. Trimble's corner, op- posite Muu.shaw's Hotel, Fleslierton. Tlio foUowini,' is ix list of the luiple- )ncut.s I handle, all the manufacture tif tliat famous iind reliable old ihm, Messrs. i'ATTEllSON lUiOS., Wood- stuck, Out. : liiluiiTS, Gnn.„.DrilU, Jiruper.i^ lii'vtnl-cut Si'i'itcrs^ Miiii'eis, iSf/iiuii Toutli IJai- Ji(ike.i, 1-OH-ll, IVwfijons, Iron Hurrovis, Hiiyyic/i, Tfi:i>-}<'ur,-mo Qati'i MeU/h.i, Ht.w, ( ''Ut>;r.i, P'.cm, ^'diininy MiJh, .Sci-iflors, i<priH<j Tooth Vulti- T'lmip llrilU, vtitors, Laud UulUrs. SALESMEN WANTED '>?„'„ t^:. j;lftiid Nurscrie«, et^tabli.shed over 30 vears. The tilcl '.diabUj nursery, Men with pubh, onor({r, ^•ofxl habit* aud clean character always succeed. ^'« 0an giTe yon unnd pay and iteadT work M'rt^o tor teruia to CHASB BBUTHKJlfi' COM- I^IlNY* Nurflorymeu, Colborus, Ont. COUNTY .AND DISTRICT. •• A Hciif H'aiir Amon^ Our pf V £xokano'es- ' \ â€" ih-iltord la calliuy loudly for .-i high .SCllDiii; « , "^ - UiiiiiHoville is to have oighteun uk-ct- ric Jiglita. 1 Thu Durham Chronicle niiin s.iy8 tlie (editdr of the Keview goea fishing and sliooliiiL; oil Sunday. The Nuws says tliat if there i» one thill;,' more thau another that Chutsworth e.\(;uela in it is the "youiii^ hooJUiniH, Rliamloss girls and young women it pro- duL'ua. Diirhaiii is bccoir.ina; depopulated. Thiui' of its "eliterpriaiiiL; ' citizeua left for the Northweat lost week, one for Hritish C«i!uinbia, and one fur England. Tt um:tt be somewhat loiie.soine in Dur- hiiiii ijo'.v. A »pociu.l ollicer of eustoiua has seiisod the .Aniericaii tut; (iladiator on thu (ieeriiiaii Bay for havino towed a raft of log.H from French River, Out., to Mid- land, and not reportini; or clearint; at either place. Thu vessel is in charge of the aub-culloctor at .Vlgoma Mills, pend- iiii; a lieposit of jilOl) .ir release l)y the deiiartnioiit. - [Culliiigwood KnlLriirise. Mr. U. McCorkiiidale, of .Sullivan, met with a serious .ucident on Mnuday of laatweek, resulting iii tliel...s»o; i.ne of Till hct. While driviiii; •m the horae- powcr of a threshing macliinu he acLideiil- ally t;ot his foot caught in the cogs of the port'er.and :iIthoui;h the horses were stopp. ed almoat instanlly by two men close by, his foot was s« badly cru.>>lied that it had to be amputated. â€"[Chatsworth News. They liuA a "yreen corn and onion" festival in H.aiiover lately. The Poat says it w:u« financially a fadure, which was jirobiibly owing to the absence of some pei>ple who should have been tin ro. Our cxpiauatiuu uf its failure would bo thu presuncu of the onions. Onion fest- iTftls are nice thiiijjs to stay away from. Uiiu c.au enjoy thain bettor about & mil* oil'. Therefore they don't pay tinan- ci.ally. Thu infant child of a woman named Hunt, wliu livua in Markdalu, died on thu train Saturday night week. The niotliur noticing something wroiif^ with the child, called uii a lady near her, who took the infant iu her arms, ahortly .after which it died. The strangest part of the story i.H that thu inotlior cijuld not Vie in- ducud to take thj child alter its death' Thu corpse bad to be taken off the train at Marlcilale after thu imithor left thu train. The pedigreed cueuiuber which the Pickering News man dissected last week knocked the poor fellow out. His iiiind and stcin.ich are still weak, anil ho has begun writing cucumber poetry. H«re is a aampio of his |iueni: Ki.x ctiuoiob<ir*i But, on a Ranltju wftll Invitiiit^ th(i siurn torrid rays; And the old Iddy who i>lncud thorn thoro >V!vt(med tboiii witli kindly yazo. ,\ bt.iy cbaiiCtid aluiitj oriu mouuliKht uight To where tbey wuru apruad uu the wall; \[o liai.l vuni, villi, vici and I'huu :>ul u|) u. lurriblu squall. It was an unequal struggle, doctors could do nothing, the unfortunate youth diuil. Thd ludy found hiui a imrrow yravo. And i.iiiooihod uut hin funoral pall; Anil all thu year tninnf, his ^liust uiuy bo found .\>triiiu of that ijardeli wall. Fit soiiie ijii^hts past vandalism has been rampant in Thurnbury. The oat- meal mill here wai bid y (laiuagud. The sp(nit where fanners put in their oats wa.s chopi>cd away, and alao cutaway ia- sido, and wero it not for the fact that Mr. Hood had taken the prucautinn to put in a stop pin at the end of the spout a lai'.;u i(Uantity of oats would have gone down the river and been carried aw.-iy. On l*'riday eveniu;^ last a large nunilierof windows "I thu mill were smashed with ston.js. Other du[uedatioii3 were carried 0:1 such a.s bieaking into Mr. Thornton's barher shop and carrying away his sign over to Mr. Hnnil's residence. Largo sticks if \vo(,d wuie thmwii against the hoiLsus of sleeping residents, N^w fun is fun, but such rowdyism as thi-^ should be severely punished. â€" [Thornbury Standard. La.it i^aturday iifterm ion it was rum- ored around town that a bear was trapped in John McLKjwull'a bush about a nidu and a half from thu village. Clias. Me- Coiincll, whoso trap it was, had Iviit over a siiuUl tree distuning it to a hii'gui' one, hanging on thu ''end thereof acow's head. In endeavoring t.) leiioh tlie head Bruin stopped int<i the trap which Wiu pl»ced below, .\b.iut 50 of our citizens went out to bring the bear to town alivu, and as the dark ii.i^rht WA') just closing in when they left, a tire was lit for theia to carry out their programme, oiico on the scene, the bear was lassoed and dragged down to the grcmnd. Then three poles were got undone placed over the neck, another over the body and the latter over the hind lugs. Tiiu fi^rc and hind logs were then Ijound with cords and ii pole run between them. The bear was thus carried out of the buah haagiug to the underside of thu polo, where it was put into a wagon and brought to t<jwn. The bear was th^i driven to Chas. McCoiinell's aud a chailij pl.aeed anmiid his neck and fiistened to a post in a pull which was surrounded by a boarding about four feet in bight. The cords were cut and bruin released from his uiiooinfortablu position. Jleing full of rage he seized a hve foot [lig trough in his mouth and wielded it a'oout as though it was a stick. This was left hiui to play with aud the following morning found him on the other side of the fence hang- by thu neck ipiite dead, having uo doubt tried to jum[i to the gnmnd and failed on account of the length of chain. The re- sult was a post mortem examination which revealed that Brum had died in good health, was very fat and weighed i"'0 pounds. â€" [Dundalk Hearld. lion. Peter Cooper, the philaiiShropist, once said; â€" •'In ail tow ns whi-ru a nows- ]iaper IS [)uljli.sheil uvuiy i.i.m sl:i:ald ad- vertise in it, even if nothing nnue thau a card staiiin; his name and i!iu bik^ineas he is engaged in It not Jiily pays t!:e ad- vertiser, but it lets the ].uu,iie ui a dis- tance know that the town y^U live 111 is a prosperous community of busiiiTD^ men.' As the seed is Sown su the fruit reconi- peiices. Never pull down your sign while you e.ypcct to J.j business, for it often indicaliM tli.it business is- poor and you are losiiif^ your grip OThmiercially speaking. Thu judicious atlvufliser will receive m return ten dollars for every one invested in thecolunma of a live news- [laper. " To Assist Nature In restoring diseased or wasted tissue is all tliat any medicine con do. Iu pul- monary alfections, such as Colds, Bron- chitis, and Consumption, tliu mu"ons meiubraue first becomes inllained, then iccumiilalions form in tlii! air-cells of the lungs, followed by tnboreles, ami, finally, dusiriiction of tliu tissue. It is ilaiii, tliuruforu. that, until tlio Imcking 'oiigh IS relievud, thu bronchial tubus •an have no o|iportunity to Ileal. fVyer's Cherry Pectoral Soothes and Heals 'ho inllanieil membraiiu, arri;sts flio »a,sting proci'ss, aud leaves uo injurious results. This is why it is more highly csteiiieej thau any other piiliuouary speeiti<\ I.. U. liixby, of liarton.svillu, Vt., writes: " Koiir years ago I took a se- vere cold, which was followed by a terrible cough. I was very sick, and contlned to my bed about four mouths. My physician linally said 1 was in con- sumption, aud that lie could not lielp me. Ono of my neighl«)rs advised mo to try .\ycr's Cherry I'uetoral. I did so, and before I had takun half ,1 boltlu was able to go out. Dy the time I had finisliuii the bottle 1 was well, and have remained so over since." Alon/.o 1'. Daggett, of Smyrna Mills, Me., writes: " Si.x years ago, Iwius atra\ - pling salesman, aud at that timu was suHuriug with Lung Trouble. For mouths 1 was unable to rest nights. I could seldom lie down, had frequent cliokiiig spells, and was often coni- pelluil to suck the open air for relief I was induced to try -Vyev's Cherry ructornl, wliidi liell)ud me. Its eoii- tiniiod us(! lias oiitiruly cured me, and, 1 believ e, saved my life." Ayer's Gheri) Pectoral, PBE1'AUKI> UY Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Lowell, Mass, Sold by all DrugglaU. l*ric« 41 i six bulUta, ti. STONE FLOUR! STONE F liOUR! Deslroh to inform the pnblic in t.vnf ral that the rinnor lately clrcnlatetl, to the ufTeet that he has bi'oii ssollinj-' mllor tlonr. i-* titu-rly falne. Mr. Lo-.iok-* wnnld itifuriu tho pnlilic that ho huR ni'vcr sold roller llnnr. and ticver intends to: also, that bu has fthvavR hurl '.tcnc (b-nr on hatid and for sfth* nince Inst winifi . all rumors to the eotitrary notwithstandinc. Try The A dvancc o)ic year JQT %i or six months for ^o cts. Photos, Photos, Photos. iVa iin- Jiua- taiuiinj out worlc/iir superiur in style and JtHuh to any ever pro (litcfd i» Fltsherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING 'lone ill all its brunches. A gi„„l Hur.k of'J'RAMES iiid MOI'LDFNGS kijtt coaatanthi on hand. Will aUo iiU^ducc t^e neic BKOMIDE PORTRAIT, a /ilcture tltiit is ijicinif cntirp. satisfaction wJtererer introduced. SAMFLEIS "lu hti seen at mi/ GallcYj where all partic^art at to Price, Style i^c, can be asirr ^ FLESHEHTON '^ HE A R D ' S ^^ Carriage Works, FLESHERTON, â€" .lIAMF.iCTlEERS OF Ba^^it'.s. Sjirin^ Wa::>ons, Lumber Wa.'ions and Iron Ha /•loirs. PitiiUimJ, Truumln0 ninl. It t^ pairing /iniinpUij attettdcd to. irorse-Shi>ein<J (V Specialty. Flesherton Carriage Works. McTavish & Legate MASUFACTURBB9 OF ;;.!(. ^•o.v.sâ- . sleioiis. nruoiEs, dhm(k hats. .tr. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO .\1 u Ti:i.MMIN(.iS .iM;i<-'iit va*iiit.v. HOUrsi:: SHOEING pr<iin].ii v uttcmiud to. Spucial Atlvni â- .; j,'ivijn tu ContructuJ yr Tuudcr 1 * i.-v â€" ; : K. |». LE<;U E 5S. .M« I iVSSII, BOOTS & SHOES ! ALWAYS ON HAND. A LARGE VARIETY AYM, OI.AYTON'S, - - FLESI1E11T(L\ . A Positive Cure. *h A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGE«. s. DISEASES OF MAN. THK 4mM'UlT SiJE^LTU MlSC.T^H^Kll, Marvul ol Healing, and Kohlnoor of Medicinos, ^^"â- â€¢w-^ •^fmff-^aeq* tZio torriblo c'onH4H|ii<*iicc>M «f IniliHcretioiit -z-oTT^sTo, :LXiz:)ix^s-.^ca-EX) jLi^id oxjd iv<rE2sr Who org bioli.:u Juun ironi :h<t tifcvts ot nbuse will lltid m Nn. h a radical uuio for Uorvt,U3 doNJlitv, ort^ikiiio wu.iknesv, (nvoluulmy vitiil h>iieuH. tjtu. Stmpti'MA vor wh)ch No. 6 Snot'i-n ftrc Cbku.â€" Wnnfi of tincrgy. vorti^o, want of p«riio»9. dnnnuHS u! ^-iglif., avorsion co (K}cioty, want of oonfldunco, iivuithmco of convorsatinn, d^'Hiro jDr .soiitudu, liiitioH.incAt) iiud luubillliy to Hx the nttuiitioii i>n a parheuliir nnl jo.;t, c >wtudi''.o, dupro'^Hiciii of HiMtit-R, j;iddiaoeii, Kms of nimnory, o.xtntftl'iliiy ol tiinipnr, hpor- iiiiitovrhiru, or ii^flsol iho aiMiiiniv' Unid -tho robult itf solf-abimu "r uiuritai cxi^thsâ€" ini;'.>- Ivncy, Innntrifcicti, * inaci.itioM, barrrnnofiS, j)ftlpit»*liou of thn lit art, hyBti;i io foelint^- tn fuiUAlOH, tToiMb!iM|^, niulanchuW, (l]HLt;rbin^ dreaiuii, eto,, aru rvll eyuii'tuiuif of thiti it rrii>i'^ lir.bit, oitontiiiius iii'iucontly mupn!-';d. In cljort, tho yprhi}^ uf vital furcn huv.uti IobL iti tuiiBion, . v<'vy function wunos in tOii.T'iitioncG. Sciontiflo writory and thu fiijx'iintoMiuuts of insiLno asyliinit* unit-' m i*,vriJ>ni); lo tho e0r^'!t« of self-ubuwe tho Ritmt niftjoiit/ of â- \viittLod livoa whicll ooiiio nnd'jr iii ir uotioo, If you arn incoinpwtouL for tht! oi-duuits duQia+oi" busiims^t, iLen.pu';ii-iitod for thtj enjoyuiuntH ot lifu, No. Hollors un oncapo (loqi tli'ioffoctaof 'â- aviy vito. If y"v, i.ro u.ivaucod in ytiavR. No. ti \7ill ^ivo you full vi^;oii'uJ Btr*jni;th. IfviMiar** biok«n down, rhysiotvlly and uiorally from early indiscroUion, tho r.'.-^nit, oi i'iuoranot and (oily, siMid year a<idr«tM aud lu (lools in 6Wiiijp» f<'i- IM. \. Llimn's Truatt!>'.t in JlooU Form ou Di^CiuidS of Man. Sut^U>d nnd sururo tioni ohNui v iilioo. .\ddr.<s<iall Ci.;.Jiiuuicatir)iw to W. V. LUVOX, 47 \VrllliiK»OU »t. E., Tor«>nUK A M&nMilhoutwisrlom lives inafoors paradise. CURES CUARANTEEO. H£AL 1HE SICK. A Permanent Cure- Hh A Pleasant Cure.^

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