Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Aug 1888, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Aug. 30. i883-",. And still there are MORE BARGAINS TO BE GOT AT I Don't forget to ask for THAT CASHMERE, Rej^ular I'rice 35c a yanl, iujw jj 1-2 c a yard. It is a yard and a quarter wide. Those DRESS GOODS We are selling at 12 i-2C a yard, regular price 20c a yard. Beautiful new goods. GEEAT REDUCTIONS IN Boots and Shoes! 30 Per Cent Discount off Men's Long Boots. He Lo8t liiK Bride. Sonio weeks ft(.'u a citizen iif Vanioy began to pay his attentidii to a N<jriiiaiiln- girl, who was stopping at his iiiotlitT's and whoso atttrnctions were lieightciii'd by tho fact tliut she wait an Ikeire.s.s. In about four nioiitlis nho will bo twuiity- 0110 years of a^e, when hIic will come into possesaion of n 8"0OO farm. The Variiey- ite was devoted and perxistent and the young lady finally consented to marry liim. Tho youii;; man waa in receipt of many congratulations upon liia siiccesH. .-Vnd why shouldn't he be? for the winning of an heiresB is not an every -day occurrence. Tho day selected for the tyiny of tho matrimonial knot was Monday, -0th in.it. , lUid great pr^-parutions were made for tlie event. 'J'hc time came around, the gueals weii' assembled and the minister on hand, when the ^room suddenly ''etlKUitjlit himself that a license was necessary and he postud oil' in hot haste to Durliam to procure one. lie waa to have 1 cun ImiI; at li o'clock, when ill.-- ccromoiiy w^is to lake |ilaci', luit was delayi'd ;iud did ii<it niaki- Ins appearance until eij^Ut. Ill tho meiintiine the youni; lariy i.;i-.'W impatient at las delay and a youiiv' man wlio was present, and who wa^ tH |i:i\e In cii "bi-t man at tin; i'-asl. nidu'id In T t" â- _'â- ' :iway wilii l;iiii. 'I'licn followed a .â- -'â- eni'. or rallur a surit.^ of ih.iM. Tlie l.adics.ipf tho hous,' r .llownl, and vainly unpl'-nd lo i ti' \\- uirn, but >!.•â-  ii fuM il to h-t.'!! to th. ni iiid coiitiijuiil on lu-r way with lu-r /ay l.o.liiiivar. Til!.- ivaspiTulod thoui and 111. V deinandiil the iln-ss and shoe:* ^luâ-  w.'L" weaiini;. tthlch they clauncil WlIc theiis. Slir ti ok lluni oil'. AM. ir ' s.. I iii:m at tiikm. \n 1 as the dcW!< of m..dit lia.i lieoiin I. . I.ill and 1! wa.-. -lonn what chilly lof com- [lain.iii v.-ry ^;il!aiitlv to. k oil' his coat and placid it around her and to.^ctlior thfV wiii.leil llii'ir way int.. the intori..r ..I Iv.'n.inont, Tlic iiiliic.'s ..f the V.inu'yit.. on n-acli in„' h. . 01. • ai.il l:inlin;4 that till' brid -anl ot c.^ii'^e her $:ln(Hi [;irm had llown ,niay )<•â-  better imaijined than d.-s.-nbed, Imt with c.miincmlable self-rustraint he n.ithir ravid nor swore. His trust in womaii'Kind has, however, bet n destroy- ed and Ids fav..rite saying in future will b.i "as tickle us a woman's nvod. " â€" lUuiliaiu (.'hroiiiclc. 1000 DOZEN BUTTONS ! S Hill ; at 5c a dtjzon, regular j>rii < s Ircun lor to 50c a iK ECOME soon: In order to socinc Bciit fjaii'ain.s 1000 doz H You Carry A wkn,'« medicine chest in your pock«t| with one box o( Ayer's PilU. Aj they operate directly on the stomach and bowels, they Indirectly affect ovory other organ of tho Inxly. 'When the stomach is out of order, the head is affected, digestion fails, the blood be- comes impovorisbi-d, and you (all an easy victim to any provslenl disease. Miss M. E. lioyle, ot Wilkostiarre, I'a., puts tho whole truth In a nutshell, when she says : " I use no other medicine than Ayer'8 I'llls. They are all that any one needs, and just splendid to sare money In doctors' liills." Ilvro is ail instance of A Physician who lost his mcilicino chest, but, liaTing at hand a bottle of Ayer's I'illa, found himself fully aquipiied.â€" J. Arrison, M. I)., of San JeitJ, C'al., writes: "Some llirro years ago, by tho merest Bcciileut, I was forced, so to speak, U) proscribe Ayor'.H ("athartic Pills for several sick mi n among a party of cngi- iieera in tho Sicrr.i Nevada mouiitnins, my mcdicino chest having bein lost in crossing a mountain torrent. I was snrpriseil ninl lUligbted at the action of the Tills, so miub ho, indccil, that I was led to a further trial of tlicni, a.s well as of your Cherry Pectoral and Sarsapa- rilla. I havo nuthliig but praise to offer 'ill tlicir favor." â- lolin W. llrown, M. V>., of Oceana, VV. Va., writes: " I iirescrllm Ayer's Tills In iii.v practice, .inil lin.I them exci'llent. I iii'i;!' their g.iieral use in tamilies." T. E. lla-stiiiL's, M. !>., of Maltimore, Md., writes: " That Ayer'.s Tills do I'on- tinl and ciiri> the complaints for which they uro ili'siniied. is as conclusively proven tome as anything possililv can be. They are tho best oiithiirtlc and aperi- ent within the reach o( the profisfiioii." Ayer's Pills, iKce.VKKn iiv Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., LoweH, Mass. H..l(l l.y all Druggists. kU.llT AW.VY ! Top price paid in Ca.sli or 'rr.ule. 'J1ic I'\nnous \ew l^roct'ss Khctrie Soap, To be Ciot Only at BOOTS & SHOES ! ALWAYS ON HAND. A LARGE VARIETY 'J'O CIIOOSK I'lrOAI \.'r WM. CLAYTON'S, - - FLESHERTON. Fl«'sli<'i'(«ii ( arriiist' Works. McTavish & Legate .'I \.\ri .\( If \i(;(;<>\s, si.i:i<;iis. r.n.cii.s. in:.->H>ri: tr^. ,[â- â- . CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO L-.v :j ;.i ffulitu't. \'>i"i'- l._r >v.'<.'t. I». M«TA\ I.SII. I t... .'I -..a! W- K. 1'. MU.A : J in: A ill \\m vi.i. illE PILLS r-nifv l!u- I.l.-':l, f.':-i-,,t ...1 l'1-.'rUt.-i-s nI tie Tlu'viMviniinitcRii I roHtoro t'> lit'iilth PcbiUlatftl Cotistittitii'iis. fiini arc iuviil'ml-lo i:i hi! feu. plaiutH itiL-i'lental to Kftualvs ot all (i«i'H. Kor Childrfii wud xhv af.'ril tl:tiy urv i'ricvlt?> TlIF OINTMENT â-  an iuralliblo rMin('<\y for Had Ij<'u'»i. V.tul i;rfa.*;t*:. <>M WouikJk. S<trfH and I'lcorH. It is faii;ouB lo" (itiut iiiid KliouinatiHiii. Fur ilisoi\lt-iH of thu C'hott it liAt» iu.>et|tia For sonic TlinOAJ, BROA'CHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swulliu^..!, snil all .Slilii DixeasuH it haH no rival; and fur coiitractcs] sntl st.fT oiutii it acts liko a charm. Usnufacturcd only at TrofL'.^sor IIoi.t.owAY'a l-'HtaJpli*li!neut. 7K. New Oxford Street ( late 5:t». Oxford Street >. London. and are sold at U. tid.,'i>. Ud , 4h M . tli . ^:k . aii.l ;i::h. oiun Mnx or Tut, and uiay to had of ail .Mad cin« Veti.U.rs tJiroticli.'tit tho World. JHf I'unhaitrt shoxtld lii"k U. thi Lnhtl on the I'nt.t (ind lin.rff. 1/ the address is not 5.7.'?, Oxfiird ^'(r(«f, Lirndott, //ici/ am tytiru'U*. At The Central Store, NOTICE! To Farmers and the public in gfeneral, -r^-r-i-r /^-r7\-^Y~rT T TJl ' '^'"^^ '''"â- ' ''"' I'"'"''"' School? arc J7_bv_L^_^ Pi V I I I I I hi j (iliout to open, I woulil ivspoctfully ' call your attention to our rnprecc.hnted Ihirpoin, in firn, ih-'J'I'H' "«<'' Complctc Slock jmrlnunt iliin'iij the /inffitt vit'iith In (inlii- III tntihi- riinm fjr FaH I'nrcJt'incs. OF mmimmi J. G. ANDERSON'S Mammoth Bargain House. IJoanio McBride. I «ifh t.. inti.vMi [lie l;i(Ues of Vleshcrloli and \iiiiiit\ t but 1 am now piepaied to do all kiiiilK of l>ieHs and AlaiUle .Making. (iiiod lit (jiiariuiti oil. Your attention in especially cnljpil to my syHti'iii of euttiuK--renn\cll« Itnprovinl Helf-littinn Chart â€" for wbicli I am ,.i..;ent. Thosii desirouH of loFirniiiK' lo cut l.> this system can do no at moderato cost by np- plyinn to mn. Shop next door lo J. E. Moore's Furnl. Inro Htoro. Highest Prices Paid for Butler, E^^s, dc. CnH mill iiixptrt our (idints iiiiil cnmpun- jiriris Ik fore iiiiikinj imrchiisis. \ A. Mr(\\P>E. REMOVE Q Bootfi tiw Boss Barber, Sl'llfldli SlII'l'LIES! .( ^. . ;., ir lit. I sh uii'^ './...;. .o'...- H'.ii. /.â- .'r,.;.Mo.-.^ / ( 01.7 ~7o.. .^'.../., Tn-.inl,! sin.:, o /I / ,' /.C inll /..â-  /o'/./o/ /.I .<.. tilt ^m'.lih'i /iii'i-i if nil lii-i i..'i/ ••iixl,iiiifi\i I'nd .!.< 1(10111/ ,eo- I'ins (i.« /one I'rtirhidcil III iiiiv m-- ii >-/oni.v '.. iHOtu- f.'i'd mil ri)iiitiiliii>i (If the I'nfH Hiiihrr â€" ii.d until of Hi.4nttiiii, lint iif lh>: niliit' din- Irirl for licintii mi/es tirorind. 'I'liii imtronaRo of tho Indies riii-i'PcttiiH.v po- fV. 1:111, is.'w. WAliTKli HOOTll. The INlanitidia government has socuieil important niodfiicatioii of it.s ciuitr.act- with the Northern ractiic, and tlio bar f;ain as it now itnnda is much more fa- vorablo to tho Province. Mr. .TauioR, grain insiwctor for tho State of ^[innesota, and Mr. Shelly, in- BiKtctor at Ditluth, roport that tho Rreatcr l>«Tt of thu Minneiim and Dakota wheat crop has boon injured by tho fiost. I.\ il,L < L.VS.SLS. I C.\LL .\T Iw. -i^rcMitDsoXj!^ I DRira STOh'i:. I .!/:-!(i Ln'ificnti Hi! Lardiur Oils jor . Mac In lies, GST YOPR MEAT â€" t-FlIOW-: Blal(ely d McConnell. OKN'KPv.M, I'd'TCIlKCS!, FLESIIEKTON! fcsTnsli piiiil for fat cattle, >vc.. iVc \OTICE. Q^IN^^t.r:s oonstRntlv on hand und (or sale ^ cheap. Just put in t^rst-class new Choi»j'inK Millâ€" now hrliiK aloni; your grain and get H chopiitid ui> in abort oidar, J. B SLO.VN, Eimenia.

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