Tmmmmm^^ h 6/ I ' i y - â- n < PLESHERTON ADVANCE TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, NOT ME J^.' â- ^ .>i^ 70L. Vin., NO. 370. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1888. A. R. PAWCETT, EDITOR* * PROPRlETOIiV^ REMOVED! ^rV^-'--"^ E .1 :• t3 K/n g ^ ^ o >i E « ^ • Hi^ JM *â€" ^ p3 c 4;) ^ (u O O) CO Tit « Bits. Telling rrhat g»eih on iu and ar- ound Fle»hei'ton. Mrs. Bryson, of Toronto, is visiting »t Mn. J. B:rt«s. Miss Ada M. Sproole is visiting friends in Flesherton and Ideality. Dr. Henderson, dentist, will be in Flesherton Wednesday and Thursday, Ist aawl 2nd of Aumst. Call oa MoConneil, & Blakely, General Butchers, where yon will set No. 1 Beef. We don't deal in ft beeTes. Miss McGill, of Qiatewnrth, returned home from Mr. A. & VanDusen's, where j she had been visitinif 'aat week. The Standard Bank has established a j branch in Flesherton. Mr. George I Mitchell, of .Alliston, is manager.â€" Dur- ( ham Chronicle. ; Mr. Creasor, Q. 0., and Mr. Miller, iTJovemor of the County Jail, were amoni; the delegates to the Grand Lodge, \. F. it A. M., at Toronto last week. Tlia boys have taken kindly to the ad- vico of S<|uire Armstrong, and now dun tights when bathini; in Flesher's pond. It "is a healthy exhileration and it is right to enjoy it decently and iu order. Some mischievous boys broke off cherry tree branches from trees in village gar- dens on the nights of Saturday or Sunday and after patinu the cherriea threw the branches away. Where ^ the police force thdfie daya ( TJuit Dntin. Aiwttu-r Markd<ile Item. The attention of the Commissioner for 1 One (( friend, the License Inspect- Ward No. 3 is directed to the drain at the or for East Grey, paid his usual weekly East side of Mr. Flesher's Park. Priv- visit to MarkUale on Monday, in time for ate parties havo gone to the expense of the meeting held in Mr. M.-irsli's roller completinR it as far as Flesher's Mill Re- skating rink, with Mr. Win. Bniwn, .J.P. serve, and now ask the Council to con- >" the chair. The audiSHcc not very tinue it on to the Boyne. The matter large but quite nitcrested in the proceed â€" requires immediate attention and will not ings. The lirst case on the list was thty cost more than 81'i or tl3. j smiling wine and beer License hotel- keeper at Eugenia. The Inspector said a Destructive Fire. ' few words to him, and Mr. Hoy apologizeil About half past four o'clock last Friday fcr not putting in his appearance a week morning, the 20th, inst., Mr. Robert J. sooner, saying he had taken some other Carson was aroused from sleep by the j people's advice. The L. Inspector crackling noise of the burning timbers of i exhibited some very small pliiala, two his dwelling-house. He opene<l the door, j with the pure alchohol and tho other two y. â€"A I I 3t but a rush of ilauies compelled him to close it. The entire east side of the build- ing was enveloped in tlanies. The only with the residue uxamined by an expert. Of (Miirse Mr. H. apolugiiied .vid said he ould pay the tine, and asked that it be means of exit was by two small windows | made as light as possible. Tlie next case ni a "lean-to" on tho west side of the on the list was Mrs. C, but for the time main building. By the time the mem- being the Inspector's -'lady friend" iiatl bers of the family were phiced out of dan- ! skipped out. She was partly represented ger, tho riumes had spread with such ra- | by .a legal gentleman fnnu the vil)a|;u of pidity that there w;u no opportunity tojDuudalk. Tho Inspector and his legal save the h<iusohold ett'ects beyond a few friend had a few words, the legal i^entle- trifling articlesâ€" the entire fanuly left man wanting the former ti> chaiiuo his in- without either slioe or stocking and only formation. It w:w then decided to adjourn a few scanty articles of wardrobe. Xo the Court for half an hour for let;al r.> insumiice. Thu origin of the fire is a i frvshinent.-*. When the Court resumeii, mystery. The cooking stove stool in a the lu-spi-ctur was tiriu and would n^t cook-house at the north-east corner of the main building and there waa no tire in it change his infoniiation. The Inspector seems to bo an early riser, aa he was ciim- Birth. ^ " . In I'1eshert<.>n, on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr. Walter Booth, barber, of a daxighter. after five o'clock on Thursday evening. I ol>served looking for telephoft^ Mrs. Carson's son had been from home I muair^ation. ijr something else, early next and returned about twelve o'clock and morning at the Markdale suition. Mrs. C. was in tho cook-house some time later and no sign of fire. Our deepest sympathy is tendered Mr. Carson and his family iu their loss. This is a case- in which Christian philanthrophy resort . might tiud scope for exercise. H.' was next Keen making his way towards tho capital, supposed to be after infor- mation lui til the price paid f<>r boarduiu lady visitors at the Owen Sound aanunpr Died. WiLKOK.â€" At the residence of Wm. Kradloy, Es<j., Fle.iherton, ou Tuesday. July 17th inst, .John Wilson, .aged 95 years. From Ilatnilton. Mr. J. D. Clarke, of the Hamilton Times, and wife, visited friends in Owen Sound last week, and are now the guests of S<]uire .Xrnistrong. A yeu'toHville Item, \ largn nunibor of parent-s and friends of the S. S. schools assembled in the Methodist church on Sunday in to an invitation given by the teachers and ' officers, til attend tli- â- niaiterly review. SluTt â- aildre!<.'<03 were delivered liy t!ie Rov. 1). C. McDowell. Me.s.-r». Ritcli and Reid, after which llie reviuw was taken up by the superintendent, Mr. 1'". .\. Leitcli. The cluldieii entered heartily into the aH.tweriiig of the (|uestioui< .is they were bmuirlit out, witli reiiiark;ibIo prt>TnptiiesB, which spoke well for the teachers, iiul in fact the S. S. is to be conimendwl in general fir it-s appearance, and tho eieelleiit beliavinr of tho sclielars. â€" [Orono Xews. [Rev. Mr. ^IcU'iwell mentioned in the fiTegoiiig item was a very esteemed p.oator of the Methodist church here some years ago. He was elected President of the Ouelph Coiifereiico in 1885.â€" Ed. Advanck. 1 Dud lioyii ill r'lrslii'rtoii. There are several pretty bad boy.'j in I Flesherton, who will have to '-o brought I up with a sudden jerk if their parents or I guardians do not wish to seo them secure j lodgings at tlio of the public. The worst of these Ikivs could be vomit- leii on Olio hand. Several of them rcceut- ; ly broke the Editni's boat aw.-iy from its I niooring.s and have since paddled it about I on the pond pretty imicli a.s they pleased. The boat was locked at the time. Firing I stones on the streets, stealing fruit, and ! throwing rotton eegs into spriiiu;s of water. I are also among tln>iv miiiierous pastimes. Boys, stop ! or else look out fur squidlii. We mean businesa. If you want to use the boat, come and us for it. ITorite TlUef Sentenced. (Joorge W. Potter, lUins Beard, the un- grateful employe of T. Motfatt & Sons, Markdale, whose ilecampini: with tho horse and harness beloniruig to the form- er was n.iticed in TnE E last week, i w;is tried before .Judge Ijine at (.tweii Sound on Saturday. Accused [ileaded guilty to taking tho horse and outfit ami selling them to Mr. Whitten, of Klesher ton, from which place ho went tn Duii- dalk, where (leorge Noble captured him. Tho prisoner seemeil to feel his position keenly, and protested that he never meant to become a vulgar hi>rse thief. He had merely fallen in a moiiieiit of temptation. TheJudsie imposed a sen- tence of 23 months in the Central Prison. Thereupon. Potter earnestly ])leaded (â- ' he sent to the Peiietentiar>\ He .ussertcd that while .leeupyiiig a good position ni Toronto bust yar. ho hadvUiteil theCen- trnl I'rison as iiii evangoli^t, ;um1 ui-:id tlliit it Would bo very humilialiu^ to hiiu now to .Hojourii in the establishment as a horse thief. He would much nitiiei- pre- fer to i;o to Kiiiiiston, for in tlie ]Hiial est.alilisiniient tlutro his brother was .a guard and it might be that under his in- tlueiici! he wciuld become .a better ii;an. Indeed, he would rather take '_' years iii tho PeiicteTitiary than ^.'! iiionths in the Central. The .Judge .acceded ti' tlie le- quest and re-sentenced the ]iriHoiier to 'J years iu Kingston. It is highly pn^'oable that the rejusoii why Potter prefened to go to the Peneteiitiary instead of to the Central Prison, the well-known fact that in tho last naiueil iii.stitution the work is heavier and the fare lighter than in Kingaton. ^F. «C A, X, J . â- ». â€" uxt'year. accordinf; in the vote of t]ie (!raiid Lodge in Toronto w.H'k, the (Jraiid Lod'ge of Canada, .\. K. ,t A. >L, will be hehl in Uwuu Sound. The visit of tins large and influential b.dv -• •' ey ' Coulitv is largely dtib ti> .JmLre .\l^,Iur son. who IS an enthwiautic -.altsmaii and stamls high in thu esteem o| his brethren. .An earnest eiideavqr w!us nude to get the next sus-iii 111 of the Grand l.o'l'.,'e lutld in Ottiiwa. but .Judge Macpheis.n ably com- butted the proposition and Owen Sound was selected by a very large inajorify. Fj-relslnr Il(4f Scale, Messrs. .Mieicronibie iV Slarshall. of (Iriersville. aro out with the nciU'st thing in tho shape of an automatic ba.,' h.'lder and scale coiiibinoj, we have ever seen. The "Excelsior }>ag Scale." as it is called, i.s ileaigiied for fanners, business men ami othci's liaving to weigh grain or other liroduct ill bng.s, and is a most useful invention. No farmer, who apiuvciates the value of a l»boi--Siivini; apparatus .iiieh as this, will be without an Excelsior liat: Scale. It is sure to sell like "hot cakes." Messrs. Abercrombio it Marshall are the proprietors as well at the pnteiitces I'f this invention and are now selliiiL' Towii- <hip and County rights. Why You Feel So weak and exhausted is Iwcausi- your liloo.I is impure. ^Vs well expert the sanitary comlition ol a city to be per- f,-. I with iletlled water .md .leteetiv.' s. werage, as to expe.r such a .-ompli- eaieil pi • of mechanism as tlie linmaii fraiiii' to lie ill good ovLr willi luipur.. lihi.i.l circulating «veu '•• Us lumutesi, viiiiM. Ilo you know ili.u uwry ilro[. .if voir two or tlir.'o gallons ol bl'ioil p;issrs through tlic h. .irt and liint;s in al'oiit two and a half niinutcs. iinti tlia'. .Ill its way. it makes bou.' and uiiisele, liiain aii.l nerve, ami all othev .solids aii.l lliiiils of the body,' The is till, ureat, nourLshcr. or, rw lli.- L'.ililo terms it, "The Life of the Body." Is it, any wonder, then, that if 111.' lilo.i.l lie not pure and perfect in its .•onsti- tiieiits. you suffer so many in.l.'seribalib' .HN mptoiiis '.' .Vyei's Sarsaparilbi " h. i.l and slionhlers" aliove .Mtry oilior Alter- iilive and Blood Medicine. .\s pisi.if, vea.l these reliable tcsiine ni.'S (i, V. Itvock, of I,, Mass , says '* Knr the past 'i.'^ ye,ir-- ! Im. .â- sold .-Vyer's Sarsa|>Brilia, Iv. mv .ipiuioii. the liest remedial i«;;«)n< i. - loi tlie cur.' of alt the di.Ht> an^iii^ lomi impiiri. lies of the blood are ,:o:iia,:u;d in this medicine. ' Esaene I. Hill, M, IV. â- >l <ix'h Ave . N.nv York, says : â- .Vs ,i oi' .i l-iiiiritie and general biiildei-iip h,a^*'. never found .â- Vver's Siirsa pari 11,1, saiwlactiou," .Vycr's Sarsuimriila prees ..(iiialiv ellieiu-ioiis ill all f.'inis .if Scrofula, lioils. Carbuncles. IC.-.'riii,i, Iliimors. Lumbago. Catarrh, &c,. ,ru is, there. for.', the very Ix'st Spring and Family /ledicine in use. " It boats all." se Mr, Cutler, of Cutler Btothors .'c Co,, ist"ii,"liow Ayer's Sars pariila Prepa â- I teiii. I ii\r:unj; to ei|tial U ;:ives perfei't does sell." Prepaicd I Or. &. C. Ayftr & Co I'rict; 41; six bolllvs, J.''. well, It] $j a bguls.