\ The City of the Dead. They do neither plif^bt uor wed In the city of the dead, lu the city where they sloep away the hours. But they lie, while o'er them range Winter blight anil Buiumer change And a hundred happy whisperings o flowera No, they neither wf d uor plight, And the day in Uke the uidbt, For their vision is ot other kind than ours. Tbey do neither sing nor sigh ' » ». lu that burgh uf by and liy, Where the streets have grasses growing, cool and Ion;; ; But they rest within their bod, Leaving all their tliouKhta unsaid. Deeming ^ilencr liutter far than sob or song. No. they neither Pi«h nor biug, Though the robin l>u a-wiug. Though the leavoa u( autumn march a nillUon strung. There is only rust and peace In the City of Surcease, From the faiUngs and the wailings neatb the BUll, And the Wings of the swift years Boat but gently o'er the biers, Making music to the Hloepors, every one. There is only peaco and rest ; But to them it seeiiiuth blest, * For they lie at uasu and know that life is done. â€"liichard F. Burton in the Century. m CURRENT TOPICS. MoNTHEu, Star : Importers are beginning to look apon their bosiness very mach as a game of chance. " Heads '." they win. " Tails I" one-third to the Crown, one- third to the seizing officers and one-third to the informer. Telequamk from Bel|>itim say that the condition of Empresu Charlotte, of Mexico, is now (jaite hopeleaa. Her strength is rapidly weakening, and she ia expected to die at any moment. The unfortunate woman has never recovered her mind, which gave way on the execution of her husband. Tins is gettintj to be a cold world for babies. Owners of tenement houses have a prejadioe against them, hotfll keepers frown on them, and now a New York court has granted an injunction against the erec- tion of a baby asylum in that city. And yet the baby is a great institution that can't be wiped uut. J. A. Vanut^ib, of East Liverpool, 0., was recently in St. Clairavitle, and from idle curiosity visited the jail. In Gertie Williams, a woman oonOned there on a charge of murder, he recognized his only sister, who left home mysterionsly several years ago and whose whereabouts were unknown until the chance meeting. Loud Wol.skley says there is a greater danger now menacing England than the possibility of a foreign invasion - the extra- vagance of the English women. He has noticed, he says, ever since be was a boy an increase in the tendency of Englith wo- men to spend a much larger portion of the incomes of their husbands than they wore entitled to on articles ot attire. Amonu the passengers on the White Star steamer Britannic were live young men from Oxford University, England, two from Cambridge ''_! "rsity, throo from the University of Edinburgh, and one from the University ot Utrecht. They are all on their way tn the College Students' Summer School and Encampment for Bible study, to bo conducted at North&eld, Mass., by U. Li. Moody. A Ukuuin doctor has discoveroil that the mascuUne heart weighs more and is larger in proportion than the susoeptible organ possessed by the gentler sex. This atate- mer '^ another blow for woman to parry and ...(ilain away to her own satisfaction. Bhe has been able to endure the physiolo- gical fact that her brain weighs less than tyrant man's, but when it comes to her own pet cardiac region, she hasn't the spirit of a moose if she submits to any scientific shrinkage of its generous propor- tions t The fungus known as vegetable beefsteak, found on old oak trees, is really nutritious and wholesome. When broiled it is difficult to distinguish it from broiled meat. " There is a slight acid tiavor in the fungus when cooked," says the English Mi'clunii\ " which adds considerable piquancy to the dish ; it is extremely tender, succulent and juicy, and resembles tender steak or tongue in a remarkable manner, the juice it distills being in taste and appearance like gravy from an excellent, broiled rump steak." FuoFEs.fOR Cabteii, in his inaugural ad- dress before the British College of State Medicine, gave it as his opinion that every case ot fever costs the community $10, and that the annual coat of scarlet fever in England is 82,000,000. When 03naidering the ()uestion from this economic standpoint it may readily be understood that the cost ot carrying out sanitary improvements and the labor of enforcing right methods ot living would be far outweighed by the mere monetary saving which they would effect, without taking sentiment into considera- tion. A MECQANicAi, soarecrow has been invented. This new invention represents a man ot " sportsmanlike " appearance standing with a gun in hand ready to lire at the first intruder. The arm holding the gun is made to move by clockwork, whioh is enclosed in a strong iron box at its feet, and at the proper elevation it fires a shot louder than an ordinary gun. After the report the arm lowers. The moohaniam can be regulated at the owner's pleasure by a regulator like a clock, and only requires to be wound up twice a day. Mr. Wm. Mauud, of Shobdon, Hereford, Eng- land, is the inventor. A vouNo lady of New York amuaes her- self with humming-birds as pets. They build their nests in the laoe-onrtaing, and have raised little families in the parlor. There are plants for them to lly about in, and every day the tlorist sends a basket of flowers for them to extract the honey from. They are like little rainbows flying about the room, and thoy light on the hoad ot their dainty mistress with perfect freedom. She has an especial alUnity for the feathered race, and pigeons, canaries and ball'finohes are included among her household favorites. In a paper by Dr. Arthur Ranaome (Eng- lish), entitled " Some Evidences Respect- ing Tubercular Infective Areas." attention is called to the fre<iuenoy with whith groups of several oases of deaths from oonaumption in one family occur in small, badly venti- lated cottages situated on damp clay ooils. It is dampness and want of ventilation that make a house or group of houses dangerous, and they probably do this, in large part at least, by causing or promoting slight in- flammations of the air-passages, soro â- â- throats, bronchitis, etc., whioh lower the vitality of the tissues and so make them fit to support the tubercular bacilli. The most beautiful chamber ever seen was one recently fitted up by an English Duke for his bride. Her favorite flower is the daffodil, and it predominates in the decorations. The ceiling and the walla are of a pale, grayish green and gold. The fringe and dado are of dull gold canvas silk, band embroidered in white daffodils and narcissi. The chandelierc have for globes opaline glass on the Fame flower designs. The velvet carpet is gray-green, sprinkled with golden flowers. The furniture is of heavy English oak, carved with winged loves' heads, and the draperies and window hangings are of Spanish lace, in conven- tional designs of daffodils. Ui' to date the last person who has made public a device for utilizing the current of Niagara is John. E Greene, of Oneonta, N Y., brother of theRev.Dr.Ilnf us S.Greene, of Buffalo. â- His plan provides for a 3'2o,- 000,000 tunnel from South Buffalo to the whirlpool, giving a fall of -ilO feet here, and 320 at the lower terminus. Cross tunnels are included. It is estimated that 500,850 horse power would be provided, which, at a rental of $15, would yield 37,51l!,750 per annum. The subscriptions for the prize for the best device have reached the sum of 910SO0O. Erastus Wiman was the last signer. An experienced and highly respectable physician gave a valaubla hint the other day which others may find a useful hint as I did, writes a correspondent. " I am con- vinced," said he, " not only from practical personal experience bat on theoretically scientific grounds also, that a safeguard against much prevalent summer illness lies in the tree use of lemon juice. Citric acid helps to supply the place of the fluids which are unduly difsipated through the pores of the skin in hot weather. Eat plenty of lemons, and you can stand the heat infinitely better than those who do not make use of the fruit which nature has supplied tropical countries." QcEKN VicToniA has been unusually sue- ceasf ul this year in the sale of her year â- lings. They went at an average price of 175 guineiia apiece, and a very smart orowd gathered at Hampton Court to bid for them. The Duke of Portland drove his coach from town to the sale, and made the two biggest bids of the day, paying 'i.tiOO and 1,J00 guineas respectively for two of St. Simon'd yearlings. Lord Kandolph Churchill was on hand to bid, as were a lot ot other distinguished individuals. Prince Henry of Battenberg did not have the luck of his royal mother-in-law. He sold two hunters at the same sale which fetched 'i'> and 30 guineas each. TuK gentleman who has just succeeded to the Earldom of Seafield, Scotland, wont through some curious vicissitudes a few years ago. He was then in New Zealand, hard pushed to earn a livelihood, and he was acting as a bailiff in the New Zealand town of Uamaru, in 18H1, when his father (the uncle of the earl he succeeded) became Earl of Seafield. The news was brought to the bailiff, who was at that moment "in possession" of a house in bis official ctpaoity, that he was now Viscount Keid- haven. A substitute was willing to take his place, but the bailiff viscount stuck to his post for other two days. Subsetjuently he stood for JParliament oat there, but was not elected. In a recent article on Indian railroads and Indian wheat production, Mr. Samuel Smith, M.P., who is a retired Liverpool cotton broker, makes a statement which possesses some interest for Canadian and American wheat-growers. " It isevident,' he says, " that it ia to England's interest to do what she can to develop the vast capabilities of India as a grower of wheat, since India accepts British goods in pay- ment for her wheat without any tariff rob- bery. The cotton famine conseiiuent upon the American civil war led us to enoonrage cotton-planting in India ; and the hostile tariffs of such wheat-growing nations as the United States and Uussia are in like manner hastening the day when India shall be the chief granary of the world." TuK deleterious effect of arsenio upon the skin was recently discussed in the Pathological Society of London, after a oommunioation had been read by Mr. Jonathan Hutchinson. The skin is the tissue on which nrsenio has perhaps its most marked inflaencv. The poison may spoil the complexion instead of improving it by making it muddy and unsightly. A similar action is exhibited in all parts of the skin, and may lead to the development of soft oorns, not warts, on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, where a roughened condition also grows up under its influence. Mr. Hutcbiuson expressed the belief that arsenio can produce epithe- lial cancer. TuE proclamation of Christianity as the national religion of .lapan will probably soon be made. The question, according to the Japan H'eeklij Mail, is now under dis- cussion, and many of the leailing^ publicists, statesmen and professors are taking an active part in the discussion. It is not claimed that Christian doctrine, in its purely religions side, is generally accept- able, but it is claimed that Christian civil- i/.ation and Christian sentiment are gaining the mastery ; that the old Japanese beliefs are dead or dying fast; that Japanese ethics are gradually giving place to Chris- tian ethics, and that Christianity has, among other tilings, this in its favor â€" that it is the religion of the most highly civilized countries. Kei'obts from Bra/.il indicate that the freedmen have exhibited a steadiness and iuduatry surprising to the most hopeful, and that many of them are in the employ of their former owners. Leading planters are employing greater numbers of laborers than thoy formerly owned slaves, are pay- ing their employees fairly and treating them well, and making better profits under the free than the slave labor system. Mal- contents among the former slave owners are said to be the only disturbing class, and whatever injurious results may follow the emancipation will, it is confidently stated, be duo to these men rather than to tho freedmen. The final aot of emancipation has apparently been aocompanied by much less dirfturbance than was to have been expected. As one result of the invasion scare, ar- rang ments are being made at the British War Office for instructing gentlemen ot in- fluenuo in the counties ot England and Scotland, and who are willing to accept tho duty, to inquire into the extent and ^E Only <t« \ \ atT-omitt.uct ( COl'VUIUIIT, 18S7. ] Tho onl}- medicine for womun's jKJCuliar ailments, sold by drug-fjists. nnder a positiTO (piarantec, from tho manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every ease, or money will bn refunJe<l, is Dit. I'lKucE's Favouite PniiSCKiPTio.N. This (,'uaruntec luis been priaCod on tho hottle-wrjppcrs, and faitlit'ully carried out for many years. ^ THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPERIENCE. The treatment of many thou8.'iiiU3 of cases uf those chronic weaknesses and distressint? aihutnts peculiar to fcmalfs, at the Invalids' Iloti'l and Sursicul lostituu-. Buffalo. N'. V., has alloi-ded a vast experience in nicely adapting and thoruuglily testing remedies lor the euro of woman's peculiar maiudies. A Boon To WOHEH. from pain ntd Dr. Plcrco's Favor- ite PrcBcriptiou isihu mitsrowth, or result, of tills preut and valuable experience. Thousands of testimoiiinis, rcueived iiid from physicians who ha.'' tested it in the mon' uwravatcd and obstinate eases which had balHed tlieir skill, prove it to be tho most wonderful n'medy I'ver devised for the relief and cure of suf- fenuff wotneti. It is not r-ToimiuMided iia a "eure-all." but us a most perfect .Specific tor woman's pv-ciillar dise;L-^is. .4m a potvorful, In- vigorailiiK luiiie, it imparts sireiintli to tlie whole Sjstem, and to tlio uterus, nr womb and ita appcndaites, in particu- lar. l''"r oviTworked, run-down." debilitated te;;c!u.is, niiUincra, dressmakers, seam- stresses, "sliop-tfirls," honwki'cpers, nurs- iM.v nicilhors, and fcHSblo womeu geaemlly. L)r. I'ierci'S Favorite Prescription is lliu jrreatest earthly txKiu, bciii); uiiequaled aa nil appitL2iu>t cordial and r>'stor.itive toiii<'. It tmimotes diiri'Stiun and assimilation of food, cures nausea, weakness of slonmcn, Midif stioii, bloatinif and eructations of itas. .la a Hoothins and strougihciiiiig nervine, " Favorite Prescription " is uue- qualid and isinvalnuldo in allayiiit; and Rubdti- ins nervous ejcitabil- irritability, exiiaustion, prostration, spasms and ulhcr distressiui^. A Soothing Nervine. jj A Powerful i[ TONiC. ' worn - out." it.v, hysteria, nervous eyniptoms commonly attendant upon funuliunal and organic disease of | the womb. It induces lefresUiut; sKm|> and relii'vcs mental anxiety and du- spiindency. [ Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion i» a legitimate medteiiic, ciirefully eoinpimiided by an exiieneiici'ii and sliillful physician, and adapted to wonian's delicate ori,'auL.uition. It is | purely vegf'iublo in its couiposition and perfectly liannlcss in its eflecta in any cuiulitioLi of I tie system. Ill preRnnncy, "Fa- voril*' l*resenptioll " i.s a "mothers cordial. ' relieviinf naupi'a, weak- ness of Btoniach and other distn'Senii; symp- toms common to that con.litlon. If Its usi" is kept up In the laiier months of gestation, it so prepares THE Worst Gases. A Mother's Cordial the system for delivery as to greatly lessen, aud many tiiiuH almost eutlitdy do away with the euHeruigs ol tliat ti-yiuB ordeal. " Favorite I»rc- n sorlpiiou'' iM a UURES THE POfllive cure for and obstinate ca»s of leucorrliea, or "whites," e.\ci«Bivo llnwuic at iiiontbly p<riods, i^ainfiil men- struation, unnatural suppression, prr>lap- 6U8 or fulliiiK ot the womb, weak back, "female weukncss," ante version, reirover- fiieii, bearing -down siiisutions, i-broiiic e<'iiK'estion. itttlaiiii]iati<>n. and ulceration of the womb, intlummation, [laiii and ternlcruesa in oiaries. ucconipaiiud with " internal heat." "Favorite Prencrlp- tion," when taki'i) in <"on- lucluin with I lie use of iJr. jeree's (jiddeu Medical l)i&- eoviry. an«i small Iii.\ative di'nes of Dr. Pierce's Pur- gative Pellets (Litlle Uver I'lllsl, cur*^ Liver, Kidney and llhulder dle- easiu Their eemblned nee also removes blood taints, and abolishes cani-erous a^d scrofulous humorn from the system. TREAXHSTG- THE ^KTROlTa OISEJLSE. Many times woiiioii culi on thtir f:imiij' plivBiciiuiB, sufforinw. iw thry imngine, ono from dyspeTwia, anulher from luiiit diseaso. anotluT Irum Uver or kitlnt-y «iist'iiSL', iiiiortu*r from nrrvmis exlmuntion. or pniMmtiun. anothirwith puin here orthrr**. ami iii thm way tliL-y till pri'Sfiit- liiiko to tin.Museivi-:! â- aw\ tln-ir fiwy->fuiii^ und indifTfreiit, or uvcr-bupy doctor, st-paral;' und distiuft ciiseasi-s, inr which A Voice From Chlifornul Mm. Ed. M. CAMPBBi.r« of OnWnnd, CaU- fiirnUi, writes: "1 IniU been troubled all my life -with hysterical attacks nnd par- oxysms, or spatuiB, and perieUieal rccu^- niices of Bcvert' headache, but since I have 1^^ tieen using \our â- Fa\ orite Prescript iou" I have hid none of these. 1 also had womb i-oraplaint so bail that I could not walk two Mocks without the most seven' pain, but before I had taken your 'Favorite Proscription two uionths. I could walk all over the city without inconvenience. All mj; be prescribes his pills and potions, assuming them to Ix- such, when, in reiility, thi'y arc all only yimiiitimis causitl by some womb disorder. Tlie physician, iiiuuraiit (d the cause ot sulTenni;, encourages Ins practice until Uirge bills are made. The KiiHering [le.tient i;ets no lietter. but probably worse by reitson of tho delay, wronir treatment luid coiis<'queiit cnniplieatious. .\ iiropcr :i',ediiine, like lilt. PiEiicE's FAVOUITE PuESCiiiiTi' i.s, tlirrcUd (<> the cauf(, would have entirely removed the diiR-use, thereby uis- oi'llHiir :ill tiiose distressing symptoms, and instituting eoiutort instead uf pruluiiKed misery. Mrs. E. F. MonoAN, of .Vo. n Lcj-incrfoit St.. J." 1st Hostoii, .UdJM., says: "Five years ago I w:is a dr>':idful sulIer'T from uti'rine troubles. Uuviug exhausted the skill of thrive physi- cians, I was compleb'ly discouniged, and so wi'ak I could with dilBculty cross tho room :iloiie. I bei^an taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pn-scription and iisMiK the local treatment recommended in his "Common Sense -Medical AdvisiT.' I commenced to linpro\o at ono!. In three months I was jier/ccdi/ curnl, aud have had no trouble since. I wrote a letu-r to my family paper, briefly mentioning how my health had been restored, and olTering to send tho full particulars to any one writing mo for them, nnd encliising a ttamved-tnveloae fnrrfiilu. I have received over four hundred letters. In repfv, 1 have described my case and tho treatment used, .and have ear- nestly advisi-d them to 'do likewisi'.' hVom a ifrcat many I have received second letters of thanks, stating that they had com- menoed tlie use of favorite Prescription,' had W'lit tho $1.50 required for the ' Mtidlonl Adviner.' an.i had applied the local treatment so fully and plainly hiid down thereUi, and were much butter already." Relroverted ITomb. -HVa. BVA Konr.ini, of Cmh Orrhard. Nin.,wntye: Dr. Piero-'s Favorite Prescription has done me a great deal of good. I suffered from- retroversion of the uUtus. for which I took two bottles of the ' Fav.irlto Prescription," and I am now feeling liko a different woman." Doctora Failed. -Mrs. F. Cob'Win. of Post Crtfk, JV. r., writes: "I doctored with three or four of the best doctors in the*! parts, nnd I prew worse until I wrote to you and beiran usinif your " Favorite Prescription.' I used Ihnv bottles ot It and two of tho "Golden Medical niscovery," also ono nnd a half bottles of the " Purgative Pellets." I can do my work anil sew and walk all t pare to. nnd am In better health than I ever expected to bo in this world again. I owe it all to your wonderful medicines." tjltnp "ahe wrt^es • " It IS HOW four years sini-e U . vortto Vi^ScripU^n.' and 1 have haJ no return of the lemak. trouljlo I had then." nn<i four ticitties or tno -i-piieMi. -nnoi ...y â„¢-v-'---'^,,.. fi„s^ii disappeand. I .lo all mv own work ; am able to bo on mj foet oU day. My friends Udl me I never looked m well. CtTFamrUn Pre»eription i» SoUl by DruffgUf the World Over! Large BotUe$ $1.00, .Sijc for $5.00. rWSend ten .-enta in stamps for Dr. Phrco's larire. llltistratod Treatise (180 page«, paper covers) on Diseases of women. Address, Wrorld's Dispensary :»Icdieal AHtoclation, No. <"j63 Main Street, BortAXO, N. I". efficiency of local transport and ei|uipment for the Volunteers under the mobilisation scheme, and also as to the possibility of organizing in some way the many thousand Volunteers who have served a oertaiu time in tho ranks and have for various reasons ceased to be aetive, but who, it occasion should arise, would be willing to servo again. It is known that forty thousand men left the service voluntarily during last year only, and the whole number- of such men fit for service has been estimated at over half a million. '" That's What Ny Wifs Says." "How aro all tho folks ?" asked Brown of .Jones. " All well, except my wife," said Jones. " I'm worried about her. She tires out so easily ; she complains of a backache about all the time, and ia so low- spirited that she don't seem like herself at all." " My dear fellow," interrupted Brown, " I'll tell you exactly what she needs. My wife had the very same symptoms a few months ago, but to-day she is the healthiest woman in town. Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cured her, and it will cure Mrs. Jones, too. There's nothing on earth like it for the complaints to which the weaker sex are liable. That's what my wife says, and she knows." Guarantee to give sat- isfaction in avery case, or money returned, printed on the bottle wrapper. • Boars for Bugsy Horses, Colonol Lamar Fontaine, of Canton, Miss., drives a pair of pet bears in a buggy. He has trained the animals himself and may be seen out behin<l his novel team every fine afternoon. The bears run at a sort of awkward trot and seem to take their posi- tion with tho best possible good nature. They are, of course, muzzled. Those who have Tried It Say The best proof of tho great power of Pol- son's Nkuvilink over every kind of pain is obtained by tho use of a 10 cent bottle. Nerviline reiiuires no puffing ; every bottle tells its own story. It cannot fail, for it is a combination of tlio most powerful pain- subduing remedies known to medical science. Nervilino is equally useful in external or internal pains. Try the great remedy. Ten cent bottle at any drug store. Large bottles only '25 cents. » A Hanl-Worklng Girl. Miss Tosa Jones, aged 18, ot Argonia, Kan., has this season broken forty-flvo acres ot ground ami planted it in corn, and intends to cultivate it herself. She attends to the feeding ot a large number ot oattle every winter. By supplying herself with the purest artesian well water, Memphis, Xenn., thinks she has broken tho "best holt" of all oontagions diseases. .JAVANICSE HOIi^BtVOtlEX. Au Interesting Foatttre of tho Spring Baces In Toltlo. A Tokio letter says : The spring race have occupied the attention of the capital' upper and lower oiroles for the past thre days, and the sports and fashion model have paraded the lawn before tho grand stand as thoy might at any race course in western countries. A feature of one day's entertainment was tho riding of six Japanese ladies, and natives and foreigners were eijually interested in the spectacle. Tokio is not behind other cities in a rage tor riding schools, and in addition to the number of army otlicers and men who learned the foreign style abroad, every offi- cial or well-to-do citizen now aspires to les- sons in etinestrianiam. There is a nourish- ing riding school near Shiba Park, and a number of Japanese ladies belong to the classes. They wear the foreign riding dress, and look well in the Amazonian habit, although a Kronoh tailor would groan at the outlines of their tigures, that are largest at the waist, have no hips and the most sloping shoulders. The si.\ Amazons who bounced in the saddle around tho Uyeno race course the other afternoon mounted in the paddock, and the mounting was unique ; bettot, or grooms, clasped their hands together like a cradle, the Amazons stepped on with both feet, and the betto slowly raised them straight up in the air until they reached the level of the saddle. The feat was entirely the betto'i, nnd the man who holds the 100- pound dumbbell or plays with cannon balls hardly equals them. " Doubting Tliomases,'" remarked an eminent divine, " must exist in ratio to the too oredulous." The habit ot cautiousness ia not, as a general thing, inborn, but is the result ot a naturally generous and confiding natnre re- peatedly victimized by the cunning and crafty. So the many disappointments, and often injurious effects, arising from the use ot various vaunted remedies havo induced an undue cautiousness, and, in many cases, entiro abandonment of the use of any. 'We call attention to the remedies of Dr. B. V. Pierce, ot Ba£faIo, which physicians are employing in their practice with the most beneficial results. His " Golden Medical Discovery," tor diaoaaes of the lungs and kidneys, heart afTeotions, feyer and ague, dropsy, and all diseases of the blood, has never failed when put to the test. irCHIMO PILES. Syuftousâ€" Moisture; intense itching an stinging ; most at night; worse by scratch ing. If allowed to oontinne tumors form which often bleed and ulcerate, beoomin very sore. Bwatnb's Ointment stops tfas itching and bleeding, hetis uloeration, and in many esses removes the ttimors. It ei^aaliy eflicacious in curing all Ski Diseases. UK. SWATNE A SON, Pro- prietors, Philadelphia. Swaynis's Ointmmbt can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for oO cents. It is said in London that Henry Irving, after defraying all the expenses oonneotM with his reoent tour in America, returned home with a net profit of 920,000. * .Vre you liiliona and dyspetio '." 1)068 your liver mIuk^ipIi seem '.' Is your Blunibor oftoa broktin Hy a hid»oua, nigluui&re dream ? i-^ioDd, be wise : The Pleasant Pellets Uotlobvlir Pierce procure. And they II bring you book tbe suusbino Of good hoiiltb, you may bu suro. D O K I,. '.>» 88. TIlADKRa gouoral ly. An Unsatisfactory Brand. Boltonâ€" Young Jones is very generous with hia oigars, isn't he? Woltonâ€" Yes (puff); but Ithinkhewonld (puff) be kinder to his friends if ha smoked them him <^ II. MERCHANIS,BUTCH£RS Wo waut a good jian in your locality to pick up CALF SKINS for us. Cash Kuniisliod on satisfactory gaaraut/^ AddrosB, C. S. I'AaE, Hydo Park, Vormont, V. B* Tho Shoe it Leather Reporter, S. Y., and Shoe ii- LtCiither lievt&w, Cbicaco, tho Icadlug trado pai>erHuf iho U.S. in tho Hiuo line, havo seut theic reprosoutativus to iuvestigftte Mr. I'age's buti- QOAB, auil after a thorou^jhu.xauiiuatiou aud ooiu parisoD Ihu Jicpi'^ter gives him thin undorsemenli " We believe that in extent 0/ li^ht-iveight ratm material coUtxted ami carried, Mr, Vage hold* the lead of any competitor and that hts preasnk stoch is the laraeat Jield by any /toiua in thi» cottntry," And tbe Review says: '* After a most thorough investigation of Mr Pagti's biutin€88 as compared with othernimama litw, we }uiv6 become fully aatisjicd tiuit in hi* spcciiiUy, light-weight stocK, ho ia unqit^tiojiabiu the Uirfjest dealer in t/itji country, while in sup&n ority of 'luality he is confeisedly at the head." QuKUv: II Mr. I'aguH l)iiBino8s is tbo largest in itn liuu iit tho UnittiU Htalua, i& it uut tlio bust I>ossiblu proof uf hiB ability to pay highustpricos'/ If ho 'U<i nt)t ilo HO, would hu naturally i;t.'t uioro Skins than any ut Inscomitotitoraiii Lhu.samallue? BAKING POWDFR THHn?v::'3 3EbTFR!EI\|fi ,-<^-Jf.'!A^. . ,