Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1888, p. 5

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f i 1 ' •f . Jl-lv 19, iSSS.] THE FLESHEkTON ADVANCE. THE FLESHERTON 0) Osprey Items. Maxwell. VISITORS FROM MWTB AMERICA. Alias Juliit EL Mikie and Miss Agnes Milne â€" dau!;htera of Rev. Andrew A. Milne, Metliodiit Kpiscupal niinigteratl Buunog Ayres, South America â€" are tlie ' , . ^ , , . ^,-, T, m 1 â-  cathonui'; a. sUiiia was erectud in a grove guests of Will. Milno, Esq., Township 1 '' *' * Clerk of Oaprey. The youni{ laJiiis were born in Soutli America and speak the From our ow»| Corretpotuient. The annivei-sary of the Battle of the Boyue wa.s celebrated here in rii^ht Royal style. There were five Lodges of Orange- men met and made a very respectable lH^J -ON- Durham St. IS THE LMis Fim m:e -IN- South and Central Grey. A FULL LLSE OF House Furniture at Friat that will attoniih ttw rlotrtt biii/ers. Our ttork contiitt 0/ CHAIES ijf' txcry dcicription in Wood, Cunn S<:nt, Ferjornltd. Hint, Fohhntf and h'lmj Stuffed Hfit -ind to tmt <tll ngri fiom the baby chair to the old gcnlt chuira. TABLES in mdUsi vnriel;/. Some very pretty Kxttniion Tabki of mv> deiiijn$jmt in. SOFAS, LOUNGES, WATyOTS, SIDEBOAIWS, CUF- liUAJiDS, Bi'IiKAUS, Sf^CJiF- TAlilES, niJW VAGFS. FAFEU RACKS, HAT HACKS, LOOKING GLASSES, SEWING MACHINES, ami aiiythmj und eoerythimj you re- (jiiire iiitide the houte. In Hecl<lin$*' our stock win never so large unil varied u» at prrstitt, riiimistinf 0/ Wool .\tiittre»u», Sprimn, Iied*tead$. Cott, Crib», CradUi. Etc. Every artivlu marked low to suit the E&7Sid'sWraieikSiwifls me: To, be teen at my Wareroom*. Funeral; Outfits a Specialty. J. E. MOORE, Spanish language very fluently. They have been attending the Weiileyau, .\cademy at Wilbreham, Mass.. U. S., acquivinsi a thorough knowledge of the Englisli language. Tliey will spend the two mimths vacation at Mr. Milne,8, after which they will return to the Academy. Mr. Wm. Anderaon and Mr. Chas. Sutton, of Rochester. U. S., are the guwts of Mr. George Milne, Osprey. Mr. Mitchell, Flesliertou's new Bank inaiia^r, spent Sunday laat with his numerous friends in Pavenham and neigliborhood. The new School Section set apart iu this Township (Osprey) by the County Council Committwe, compoaed of Dr. Christoe, Wm. Ferguson, Esq., ox- P. S. I., and Judge Macpherson, has already sent a number of pupils to the entrance exams, at Collingwood, and is a great boon to the ratepayers living within its borders. Seventy-tive pupils have been m daily attendance during the winter months, which is substantial evidence of clear-sightedness vl tlie County's special Committee aforesaid â€" particularly Dr. Christoe oud Mr. Ferguson, who actually did the bulk of the work themselves. The best bell in the Inspectorate is to be found hung up in the belfr}' of this school house. The Township Fathei-s met at McGirr's hotel, Fevershain, on Saturday last. Members thereof were all present, Reeve Douglas in the chair. Mr. T, A. Blakely, an old Flesherton boy, is doing a rushing business in the carriage making line at Maxwell. Very few Township Clerk's in the Province stand higher, in an official capacity, than Win. Milno, Esq., Osprey 's clever Clerk. His books and manuscripts generally are perfect models of neatness and order. His work ia never slovenly done. Clear-heatled, intelligent, quiet, unasHumiiig, dignided, and gentlemanly â€" ho puHsessus all the (]ualiticatiotis which entitle him to a place in the tlrs'. ranks of the public ofticials in our numerouH municipal ''leginlnturcs" in this country. .=Vhvays conrteoua and willing to give iiifoniiation in coiinectum with tlio duties of his oflici', he reminds the writer very much of our own genial and popular Clerk, W. J, Bellamy, Esij. j on the farm of Mr. W. Long, when addresses were delivered by a number of Rev. Gentlemen, when they sat down to a splendid dinner got up by Mr. E. Linley. Everything passed off harmoniously and thus ended one of the bent conducted 12th of July's ever held iu this place. Mr. J. Can, of ColliBgwood, has open- ed up a factory here for manufacturing ginger pop and all such innocent drinks. Dry weather continues and farmers are complaining. Hay ia mostly very light, all other crops ar^.very short and pasture for cattle is getting very scarce. Mr. W. Paul has returned from Mani- toba where he hoi bought a farm and in- tends to more there in the near future. lying lazily upon the aiirfaoe of the water. Laud i.s now lo.st sight ul, tiio hills die away in the distance and a world of wat<n' is aronnd ns. \Vp arc plough- ing out way across tlio broad .Atlantic. After a deliglilfiil pu.s.sage of three (lays iLi; Lord's own day arrives. Deeply impressive rcligioiw .services twice which were heart cheering and by some will never be furgolteu. Continued m-xt week. Who Does it UelouK to ? To Tfli; DEAF.â€" .V PoMon curml of Pusfiiosk anil nolHurt in thu houd uf ^i yuurH' titaiidiiii^ by a Himplu roniudy, will suiid a duticriptiun of It PUUK Iu any PurHuii who applios to NiciioLsos. JO St. Jolju St., Montreal. The Reason Why Ayor's I'illa are so popular is, tliat while always reliable a.s a cstbartic medicine, they never leave any ill tffects. This is bci-uusc they are purely vcgetablp, and entirely free from calo- mel or auy other daogorous drug. In all cases, therefore, whether the patient bo old or young, they may bo conll- dcntly administered. In the Southern and Western Stato.i, where derangements u{ the liver are hu general, .Vycr's IMIls have proved an in- estimable blessing. D. W. lialnc. New Heme, N. C, writes : " I .^uflereil a long time with stomaili and liv^-r troubles. I tried various rf m- tdies, but received no b«n<iflt until I coniiiieiieeil taking Ayer's I'illn. These pills benellled inu at unco. 1 look tlieiii regularly (or a few luouths, and uiy health was completely restored." Throughout New England, next t« lung diseases, Stomach and Bowel Coniplalats arc the most prevalent. Dyspepsia and Constipation are almost universal. Mr. Callacher, a practical eheinisi, u( Roxbury, Mass., who was long troubled with Dyspejwia, writes : "A friend induccil me to try Ayor'n Pills, and, after taking one box without much beuetit, I was di»|)osed to ipiit them; but he urged ptirsevi^rance, and, before I had llnisln{d tlic second \>ox, \ bi>Knti to experience relief. 1 roiitimircl taking them, nl intervals, nntil I had used eleven boxes. Bnflico it to s.ty, that I am now a well man, and Kratefnl to your chemistry, which uutslriiw mine." The head and stoniaih are always in syiiipalhy ; hence the cause of most of those dislressinK headaches, to whifli so many, espeiiuij.v women, are subject. Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of rmigbkeep- sie, N. Y., writes that (or years slie wiw a martyr to headache, and never found anything lo give her moro than tem- porary relief, nntil she began takiri; Ayer'.s PilLs, since which she 1ms been iu'the cnjuyjneiit of perfect health. Ayer's Pills, rRBPARRD BY Or. J. C; Ayar & Co., Lowtll, Maia* 8«<4:l«7 all Dnieglsts. PrIcevUle ItcMs. From our otf» Correspomlent. The fair on Manday was rather dull. .\bout 20 head of fat cattle and a few milch cows, were sold, prices ranging from H'2 to 80O for steers and heifers, one cow and calf brought $30. .A. Flesh- erton bntcher bought a "Beef critter" for $7. Rev. D. McLeod ia home again from his extended holiday trip through the Maritime Provinces. Mr. K. Watson ia taking his holidays, visiting frienda in Buffalo, also in the vicinity of Niagara Falls. Mr. Jainea Mcliityr« ia home on a visit to his friends. The diaputu between .\lex., Johiiie, and Malcolm is about endotl . We pres- ume Pathinaster Coukey will not be sorry. He must have been tired of hearing such trifling complaints a.s ''Please Mr. Path- master, make Malcolm keep his waggon off the sido of tlie road," aiid, "Please Mr. PathmaHter make Alex, take the comer of liia fence of the road allowiuice. ^v^ Letter from W. Suggitt, Esq. ^edirnl. To tlie Editor of The Advance. Mr. EiUtor,â€" I with other residents of Flesherton have been trying to find out thu following : â€" Do the strouts iu the vicinity of Heard's carriage works behuig to that firm or to the public '. If thu foriiier, traffic should be directed into soinu other channel : if tliu latter, then the street.s .should bo cleared by the proper authorities of thu nuisance existing to the annoyance of ovury one else in the noighlK)rhooil a.H well as lliu travelling public. Ynurs. Q.K. The congregations of Cluirleston and .\lton, at a meeting yunterday presided over by Rev. W. A. Hunter agreed to extend a lieaity and uimiiimons call to the Rev. .\. Wilson, of Markdale and Flesherton. The Stipend promised is 9800 and a manse. Messrs. Clark, Bell, Macdo'mld "lid Dick wore appointed delegatus to prwocute the call before tlio Presbytery of Orangeville which meets on August (i. â€" [Dufferin Advertiser. B.IKN UuKNEn.- We learn that the bam of Mr. John Hamilton on the Garafraxa Koad, about six milun from town, was bullied together with a number of imple- ments oil Sunday luorning last ''utween two or three o'cU>ck. It ia thought the liarn iiiiut have caught tire by a s|>ark frtmi a imssiiig train, as a portion of fence had been biirnud a short time previous from that caiue. The barn, which was a large one, was insured in the Sydenham Mutual for ? 1, 500. â€" (iweii Sound Times. The Model Farm at Guelph is a remark- ably well managed institution. It is a model for our Ontario farmers to imitate. An Egremont farmer a leasoii or so ago purchased six bushels of seed grain from this jlodel farm. He sowed the grain and iu due time it oame to imitnrity. Now the honest yeoman is roadv to swear that ho aot full value for his innnoy, for out of his spi-ciniuii nu less than six varieties spraiiu' forth. But f. r all tliat ho buys no nioro seeil grain from the same sen rce. â€" [Durham I'hroiiiyle. No Universal Remedy lias yet bcuu discovered ; but, as at least foiir-tlfths of human diseases liavij thnr Hciiirce iu Impure Blood, a medicine which restores that tluid (iiim a de- praved to a healthy condition coiue.s as near being a universal cure as any that can be produced. Ayer's SarsaiiurtlU affects the blood In each slatje of its formation, and is, therefore, adapted to a greater variety of complaints than any other known medicine. Boils and Carbuncles, which defy ordinary treatment, yield to .\yer'« Sarsaparilla after a comparative- ly brief trial. ' Mr. C. K. Murray, of Charlotlesvlllc, Va., writes that for years he was af- Hlcted with boils which caused him much suffering. These were succeeded by carbuncles, of which he had sever!>l at one lime. Ho then Iicgan the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and after taking three bottles, the carbuncles disaj). pearcd, and (or six years he has not had even a pimple. That insidious disease. Scrofula, Is the fruitful cause of innumerable coiu- plainls, Consumption being only one of many equally fatal. Eruiitions, ulcers, soro eyes, glandular swolllnRS, weak and wasted muscles, a capricious appo- tilo, and the like, are pretty sure iudl- cations of a scro(ulous taint In the system. Many otherwise beautiful faces are dlsllgnrcd by pimples, erupti<iiis, and unsightly blotches, which arise friun impure blood, showing the need of Ayer's Sarsaparilla to remedy the evil. .Ml sufferers from blood disorders should 1,'ive .Vyer's Savsaparilla a (air trial, â€" avoidiiiK all powiliTs, ointments, and washes, unil especially cheap and worthless comixjunds, whiili not only fail to effect a cure, but more freipiently au^ravale and conlirin the diseases they are fraudulently advertised to remedy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PllRP.VRKU BY Ayar It Co., Lowell, Ma$s. Dr. J. C. Sold bv all Druggiata Pricttl; atxboulci.ti. DR. CARTER. M.C.P. &S.,0>iT. PHYSICIAN, srseEON, *r. FLE.SHEKTON. Offloe, atrsin'a block. Rei.i<louce, Wm. WriK 1.1 »- IJiutijJtrii. ^^ DENTISTRY:' Thomas Henderson. L. D. S.. SfllGEO.N DENTIST Hold Medalist and Honor Graduate of the H.r.D.S., Will viBit FI.ESHKUTON, iMunfhawa Hotel 1 and Sof each niontli. Teeth extractoH, Hisert- ud and fiUocI iu the Uit'husl b-tyles of the ai-t( so'l at moderate rates. Head Opficb, 7fil Yonoe St., Tor<into. %(^^l J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. Barrister, Solicitor, Vonreyaitrer,- Offloo,â€" strain's HiiilflinK, FLBSHEltToN. \. A. CHKHLKY, Solicitor and ConTeyaueeis Uesideiit Maua^vr. MR. FROST will be found at the Office oa Thursdavi ai berutufore. P. McCULLODQH, Barrister, Solicitor, 4c:. Ofllce, over Mi-FarlandS Stwre, .Varkdak*. INoney t«* Lean. Killmm, .June 15tb, 1888. Aflcf an ab»e«p« uf forty-seven years from tlic laud of my birtli, iiB yoil know, 1 left Fleslieitoii on tiie •>'Md of May tor a. visit across tlie ocottii, tiikin'g tlic C.IM!. to Utaii^'o- villc, fiiMii tlicic to Jiiaiiipioii, Cooks- ville, 'rniliilgiir, spoiuliug pIoii.^Hiit times amongst old fiieiids, also 'I'orou- to, Luviiig messages to frieiuls at honw. Taking tlie G. T. 1!. on •fiK-Hiliiy •JDtii, leaving I'oroiito ut !•;;«) for .Moii- trtitl and arnviiig llio .same evening at 8:00. Spent, next day viewing llie sights and places of interest such as the Metlioilist cluiicli (U. St James street, wiiorc 1 licanl tlie liisl sermon in Caiiadn iireaclied l)y toe Sainted Win. Suniies, on the death of the lute Lord Sydeiiliaiii, the Governor-dener- al, who was lluii lying dead. I may mention also that the late llcv'd John IJorland, of blessed memoiy, was sta- tioned ill the same circuit. As yoni g man, llev. .^Ir. Scjaires, t'olleagm , visited rroncli clnircli, the r>ridg( . Well, sucli is life, as a panorama, the world is jiiaiigiiig. Frieiuls dear to the heart pass away. Well, Heaven knows no changp. lleyoud this vale of tears 'Miere it, u lifo ubovo, I'mocii^iu-eil by tbo iil|{lit ul > ears .Vnil nil tli.it 11. u is lovu. 'I'he daybreak of Thursday, Muy 31st, opened bright and clear and with it the Dominion stoamship, Ore- gon, Captain Williams, carrying her living freight of %)nls, all hoiiiiil for the snores if llio Motlierlaiid, 'I'he run down the .St. litiwrence was as pleasant as could be expeetiii. Some making new aciiaaiiitaiices, others re- viving the frioinlsliii)s of past year^. t)ii the evening of iiiir tirst day tlie oUl walls id' (ibu'hec are lo.ioheil and whilst the ship rides at rest for sonie 12 or 15 lioiiis. Many a.Mil 'lietn- selves of terra liriu:i Lo liiiil Imsiness snspoiided and the inhabitants k ei>iiig a general holiday. Her woik done, the ship lu w wends her way down tlieCiulf. .Ml on iiouni with anxious eyes longing to get the i first glimpse of the iniglitv do p. ami ; soon i^iu' liopes are reaiized. The cry is heard, "icebergs alieao !" ami f i r some two or three hours, sinw cniiped ; nioimtain.s of ice a:e ilotto I heie and there. No sooner have t esc been nil J O l passed than a dense foosti in. mdj/^Q^^ Cdttid ctnU 01)660. our ears arc amused wit i the slirill j voice of liie whistle, bu; fo; tmiately j qtu.vvku rii>ni tii.. i.r.iaii-es of the un.ior the mist .soon passes, the Heavens a.e i f5 Mtine.i, i„.t :..•,,(â- ..>, -., .vrteiiL-sia. ..mh mo . ., , , ' . 1 (Itiini -i/i) ri'l unci wlnte \.'iilllii« beil.>r. »ui> Visible and paSSellgelS an.- aglllll l „„,. mimll r.ul mel white v.iarlinaboifcr.iilRoonu ding lo the vessel sidn lo se(! the I «"-"» >"""« "«" '""' 'â- "'" "*" '"'"'• -^"^ '""•"""â-  Mil W. ilrmtlrttngy. Flisbkuton, Co. Gkkt. DIVISION COVRT CLERK, COMMlSSIONElt i u H. R., t'oiiTcyaucer. Ac. .\i;eiit for purcba*. B«d Mia of laada. .^pprslMir fur f I,, t'. CnrT-. and V. P. U. \ S. Sueivty. Money to Loan iin thj moat raoMiuable tonus. Ikhckh or HARHIAtii: L1CBNHE8. NOTARY PL HLlf. MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOWEST i'l'KREXT RATES. On Town or Farm I'roperty, S. DA.MIDK. Klusbertvn. W. J. BELLAMX" TWr. CI.KUK AIITKMKSIA. IXSU /Li XCK AilT, dC DKKDS. MOUTtiAOKS, I.E.\SKS, Ac. iTipn: Bd and priiperiy executod. Infiirmu'.' bTi c ed in tlrst-elaiiM companiui. Muuev tu itbdna lowuiit ratal!. R. J. 8PR0UL. Flesherton. ('oiirriiaintr. .l/iyoui.M r. I'd'- lotfiir (iicii MoU'ii 'miller. I'.iJf, Mor'- i/aijr.i, leafe.i and fl'ilU Maun ti,t ami ^ idiiatiun* iiuiile on .dmrteat notice. ('ha'- ij'-3 wry low. Ap,itii tu Ji. J. .'â- d'LoCLA. I'oitmaiter, Fl r.ihi rtnn. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertou Ri'pAiriii;f. Kifcvi'ti-nii(,')iitiR. mid in fnirtitveiy^ thinft in tho luihiiifF* will ncciv« iny (*rouii>t tknd on.) *<fnl ftttentiun at ruiiKiinnblo prices. FARM 1 SALE. B'l ''.lN(t Lot 23, Colt. U. Artu^^t^r^;*, tt(*utAiniiii{ 100 tcrott more ur \v.v»,. Vor paittcula.-i apply to R04;ER LEVEKj rtehhuitt'n. \OTICfc\ SHINtJI.KScunsliiyitlv on hand ftiid for -Mtlo ibenp. Inst i>iit In ftrnt-cla-i' new flinpiili' â-  Mill MOW brine nlons vour ijraiu and yet % cboppud up iu itbort urdor, J; n. SLOAJf. e.x.^KU'.*,. Tub lIioH lliiKi) Dur.HAM T>v\^., ''KING BILLY," The lUiijai (.:i,iiinf,',*n .' Will be for service at r,ot Ifii^^Cs,';'. •ind West, T. ..t S. It., .\rleuusia. larTerms .IU oeuis. Come alot^-. boys ! I'rices to suit the times '.â-  W..C..P.\l{KHIt. LOST CATTLE. TffWKD from niv prrii>iHL"», T.ot 'J4. Con. 17 P.frrt'nirtitt. rlM-ul- lAm Mnv In^t, oiiu v« t Hniftir witb whitf Atrr .^u fon-ht-ml, ttni* rr I Ht'^oi . (kUj) »Mii|,r<».l tiU'l v,]iit(0 Stortf, all yearling «. Any ]ti'VM(in flltt'i^lll»t' infn- nirtiimi Ioa<Mnu '» till' r»»<''»v*»ry of iho ii»«*>vr« wMl >»«i Hittinlilv r- - wnriUul. MK)!4. AUU'OltN. Druiuorv 1*.0. S^ crow JOllg tiiriiu,^ . I 1 1 1 ; KivinK intoriiiatioii lea.liiiK to tbu rocovury of wislied lor whales bv dozens, iii«Bi»,ve will bu »uitiibi.v mwHid-.i. ItUNHY IIDWN. their ponileroua bo.cU'.s or t - J ) i Tins PAPER rrJ^:iiT^s?s}r,.rL:^. A'W^rti.lnn llart-am H».Sl>ni4;e SI. vwh«r^ iMl^rilaigH •oomau Bwa ba la/uiuim t'.UOUKVI! IWCUGit. .1 t. .^

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