J THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t ( THE ADVANCE. I9 publislicil Evei'y 'riiiii'sday, t'llOU THK 0FFIC:E, Uliiieuham Striid, - - Fli^ihertun, Old. TEKMS OK SfUSCHIPTION: SI per annum wlinii pai'1 strictly in advauce f 1.00 per tuuum wliuu uut ko paid. A. K. FAWCETT, K'Ufiir and I'rujrriHor. FLESHERTON: XnURSUAY. MAY 17. 1888. T/rfc rOLITICil. PETS. call. Mossra. .1. Gordon Mowat and Ilobort Cilray will be i)lca8«d to luaru tliiit tho Tliornbury Standard does not considur tlieni a "|)air of blathenskitod." This will act likobiUia ujion tin- auvuro wcjunds in- flicted by tlu'ir brotlicr iiolitician, thu edi- tor of the Orangovillo .\dvertiaor. Tl)e twin politicians will dance for joy and c.ill uixiii tlio gods to blcia I'ro. Farewell for comini^ to their rescue so opportunely. 15ut, ala.i ! there are <jther witnesses bc- ttide the editor of the Advertiser, and t hesu corroborate the Htateiiienta of the latter in every particular. They point ( ut, l>esides, in ein|iliatic terms, that tlie '•political pets'' worked tlio Scott Act racl.ct fur all it wils worth durini,' the I)o. nimion electionsâ€" distinctly and unre- bervedly telling Temperance people that they were with theiii in the {^reat question of moral reform, of which the Scott .\ct vv.ui a forerunner. Here in Fleshertou (idniy certainly left the impression that he was an out-and (mt Teui|)erunco man. We have good reason t<j remember this latter fact, as several ({ood Total Absti- nence Reformers came to us and gently hinted that it was our duty, as a cham- pion of Temperance, to support (iilray's candidature in East Grey ! A few month's later we lind the precious pair -- (idray A .Mowat â€" flghtiiiji; the battles of the Licensed Victuallers in Dutierin ! \Vliat a pretty pair of canting humbuiis they are to be sure -Mr. Uobt Myles â- •md the Tliornlmry Standard to tho con- trary notwithstandin'.;. Uut tho Standanl's defence i>f Muwat t\; tiilray, -or Gilniy i jMowat, it doesn't matter which way you reail their nanies â€" i.s not half so gloriously lidiculous, as the statement that it was owini; to the .t] I'eches nindc by .Messr.s. <!ilray, Mowat and Myli^s that the Scott .\ct was repi;di(l ill Halton ! In leality, siiys the Stand anl, Uiey "diij all the ti^hliiii; in this <J"unty (Halton) ami were nppoyed by the ^i<:at Sam lllake and about forty minis- ttis of the (iospel. " The (ilobe. Mail, Kijpire, World, and all the othi'r papers liiivu been ransarkini; their brains for < iinses to which to guicrilM! the defeat of 111 ' Scott .-\ct in Halton, and after all it ii'iiiains for Ji rural newspa|ier to enlii;ht- ei. the public as to the "real" cause ! • i.lray, Mowat and Myles did the busi- ness, and till! Thoniliuiy Standanl wa.s th'^ tirst to discover and publish the a.^- tonlsliin)^ circumstance ! Wo were not aware, until we read it in the Standard, that Mr. Myles lussi.sted the pet politicniiis in their iickrobatic per- lorniances in tlie interests of the Anti Scotts. Itut it is not at all surpri.iini; a kindred bond unites the trio : Myles was defcatetl thrice in Kaat <irey puiliament- .iry conte.st.s, (iilray onci', ami .Muwat well, he may m'.* a chance to "win"deb!at some day, too ! The Durham Chronicle issued a supple- Oient week before last which contained an article relloctnii,' very severely upon people of tho lioniaij Catholic persuasion. It was full of rantini; rubbish, such as no intelligent I'rotestant would care to pub- lish above his own name. Of course tho ("hronicle ]iublished it in avjiplmunt form for reasons very readily understood. Amonust other things, "Hard-to-Holl" â€" the defender of the Hadgcros outrage in a recent issue of the Dundalk Herald â€" threatened to "straighten" another writer, because the latter ventured to ex- press his righteous indignation concerning the "eviction." When it cumes to threat- ening, wo beg to assure this defender of rutlianisin, that in some parts of the world people h;ive been sun-.niarily dealt with by ".Judge Lytu'li," who were guilty of lesser crimes than those TJadgeros marauders. We merely throw out this hint to show people like "Hard-to-Holl," that they have reason to ^'e tTiankful, that they live in a country where "Judge Lynch" does not "hold court." Mr. Vanzant is not going to remove his marble works from Kleshcrton to Tliornbury, as intimated by the News and enilorsed by the .Markilale Standard. Mr. Vanzant never dreamt of such a thing. He h:is been urged very strongly to start a liraurh of his business in Clarks- burg ; and he has been solicited at the same time, to locate the said branch in Tliornbury. The Ne«s evidently knew all alxmt it ; then why did it not state the simplo f.icts instead of publishing a palpable untruth ? It seeiii:i to come nat- ural to the News to lie occasionally â€" es- pecially when it Inus been hard hit. .Vrchbishop Lynch, the veiiendile pre- late uf the Roman Catholic Church in Ontarii', diid early on S.iturday morning last, in the 7-nd year <f his age. For over a ipiarlir of a ceiitiir)' the name of .Xrchbi.shop Lynch liiw been almost a household word throughout tho banner proviiiie. Now ho is no more. "So earthly glory passes away." JiDITOni.lh A<> TKS. Some follow aniuiid Dundalk. nick- naiiiod "Kggs," threatens to lay in wait for the Editor of the Herald some night and knock his brains out, because the latter 8|)oke in somewhat vigorous laiig- najje concerning somelxidy who fell into the ImkI habit of stealing his (the Editors) Wood. The Herald wonders what "Eggs" will do when lie reads wliatTiiK Ahv.a.m k said alxjut the same mutter. Well, if he lays in wait for the Editor of thi.s paper he will be lalher apt. to lind it an unpro- litable business. N.H.~\Vo feed our bull-dog on "scalps" and other tokoii.4 of tho •'layin-wiiil" bu»ines». It in souio weeks .siiicu tho pleasant .•ounteimnocd of the DuHerin Advertiser, lloeton World and Chesley Enterprisu liavo illuminated The Advak.k sanctum, t'liiitlemeii, wnuiight worry along with- out y.jn; but to tell tho honest truth, our lalxirs wouhl be considerably light- ijnail by yiwr.geuial presenco. Give U4 », "ItLVE 111 IS' 1\ K.tXS.tS. A Kiiiisiis h'ariiK-v Cttintishs thr ()il!/-'r<niffiirtl /.ami SlinrK.i. |.\ccording to promise last week, we now gi\e tho following extracts from the "Kanmis Ijettor" referred to, addressed to our townsi pie, Mr. and Mrs. Uei.l. - En. .^I'VAMK.l THK WKATHKH. "Ill the lirst place, we bavn had a very cold winter. I iit not a '_'H-at ileal of simw from the l.iHt of Noveiiibir until the niidilh' of .liiiiuary. Since then, a day or two nice and warm, then mid, then warm again, aid so on. VestiTibiv it WiW nice and warm ; l" day we are li.i\ iiiu' a bliz;;ild. These siidileli changes laiisr a greiii ill il iif sickness nearly everybody is laid up with a severe cold." Till; <iioi's. "Will, .'Mr. anil .Mrs. Keid, we are real glad that you have struck acmmtry where ymi can raise soiiietbing. In fact you raised moie on your two lots (in l''leHhi r ton) tliiiii a ilo/.jii of IIS Kansas fanners did on all our land. For ihe last two years ciop.s have been a total failure most farmers have not even raised eimiiijh to feed the little stock they have. We had HI) acres of corn, Ac, aim all the iii'.ney I ^ot fioin the place this year w.is Ip4 for peanuts that my wife sold. Out of (it) acres of corn we did not get eniiiigh to feed a chicken a week. There was not a thousand bushels of corn raised in Ford county last year." VKIIKTAIII.K.S. "Vegetables were also n total fuihire. We have had no iaillsh<\s, beans, iieas, to- niatoes, beets, calibago carrots, nor any- thing in the vegetable line excepting po- tatoes and abiiiit a biisliei of sweet pota- toes. We had good prospects for melons ; had out a large patch, and they were hanging full, nice and btiguâ€" just com mencing to ripen -when a liail-storin cut the melons and vines all to [lieces ! To tell the truth we are all niSur.sTKIl WITI! k.vssas and il this year provu.i auuther failure, we will all pull out for some other coun- try Tlioiisaiids of people have left tlio country. Lots of empty houses." Wu have two railroads, there is also another runiiin!{ Weston the bead of the P.iwnee crook,, but what good are all these road:i to us. wliun we cannot raise enoiigli.tKi livii'.' We are all spending our bust years hero anil are not getting any- thjiigalieud tur old ageâ€" in fact are Hoiiig back. Yuu cannot sell land at any price. I forgot to tell you that Zetiscorn failed in raising oven feed enough for his cattle the last two years and where he fails you know that the country cannot be much to brag alMJUt. " rrKi,, Ar. "We are glad to hear that you are where fuel is plenty and clioaj) and can warm uii on cold days. Coal scarce here and hard t.i get .all winter, so wo had to fall back on the old cow chips, which, you know, is a very iioor fuel for cold weather, e.specially with the theriiioineter at .'(0 degrees below zero, as it was this winter ! Yes, wo often talk of tho pleas- ant times wo had when you were here, and would like to be together again â€" but would not wish ynu back in this infernal country, where disappointments and fail- ure of crops are the only recoinnieud- ations." uuieV k.\tr.\ots. "There is gofng to be another hard year unless seed of all kinds is furnished the farmers. There are very few who can buy seed There are four or live railways heiuliiig for hero but they will do more harm than uddiI to the faini- ors, as Dodge city and tho gang vote bonds on the County, thus over-burdeiiii.g tho people with tfi.Vis Money is scarcer than it ever has been Lots of Cows sold at auctioti on the streets of Dodge at from 8!» to 812 per head. Where one good mule team was once worth ^l.'iO, you can now get mules, har- ness and w.aggiiii complete for $40 or g.V). I .saw a team sold for i^'.i'>, including an alino.st new set of harness and a waggun ; the s;ime man refused iS.'WJO for tho team of horses alone liust summer! Settlers must have soiuelliing to eat and of course they will sell their all riither than stiirve.'' I.ANll Nn.\UKS. "The land sharks senil out circulars blowing how the country is prospering, and getting people to come here and spend their money to buy lots in towns. tVc. ; but if over I leave Kansas alivo 1 shall give n true history of my ten years experience." '1 ll«' CIIILDRKKS IIKALTII. Oni' of Niitiirt'i Kiiiilitt (liflit in (I Jlfdllhi/ CuMlilaliiin. Uminl it iiyniiisl ilittiitc by tisiii'j Siamese Worm Powders. I'ormx ore ihf fruiljnl ruimc uf iiuiiii/ iliminfrrx in (!hil(/iiii. SIAMESK WOliM J'OWDKIiS ir.iti ,.ri,tl Worms in ivirjj ivi.si; ir/iuc thi'i/ i:risl, iri/l rrijit- bill tilt: Slont'ith iiml lioail* nl fitc smnc tinif. I'si: lliiin, yiin irant rnjrct it. I»«'«-lf' I »l«'si!-i::iit J*illsl Sluiit/il iilnui/s lir H»ii! fur .S'lV/." JIkiiI- iiche. 77/' o' iipi ration /« niilil and jili'iS'iiit. Thiy itrike, liovii: iiirh timr nhin iinitl fur n Dignrdirid Lirer. Aflc fir tliiiii. (let them. Don' t Jonjit thf nmnr, l,*»»«'li'j«» I'leil i- lllll //' )/o/(r ihiujijint hii.% not the. ii/mite pref l,or„tion in Slorh, \V. W. STEl'IlEN if- do., of .)liti/'or<l, will »rn<l them to i/on /in/ioiil OH receipt iif'lhc.for either, nf eiieli, iir iiuorted for ^l.t'U. W.W.STKPIIISN&CO. Dniifiiat:), it'/iolrmili' il llrtiiil, Mi{:iVi^"c>i^i3. Ill .) { I 1) I I I U M) I U I U I THE MARKETS, l^LESHERTON. Cai'ef'nili/ Cori'ectvtl ICarh tyevk. Flour «rt H.'i to !) i)5 Fall Wheat ;?() 78 toll HO Spiino Wheat 78 80 iiiirlcy 50 ,';.5 Oats :17 !W Pens f)H 60 Mutter !5 15 Kgos, fresh 11 11 i'DtiitoesbliBli 40 1)0 Pork (1 50 C 60 HiiV.lHu-ton 7 00 8 00 Hicitis -1 .50 5 .^n Wool 18 '21 Slioopsldna 50 1 110 (leo.se OC. (l(! Tiii-koyH 10 10 CliickeiiH per pair 25 30 Ducks i^er piiiu 50, 00 Photos, Photos hotos. ]Ve are now turning out icork fur xnperior in uti/le iintf /inink <» any ever pro- duced in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLA IMPING at MODERATE RATES. PICTUEE FBAMING done in all it.^ brunches. A good stock of FRA.MES ond MOl'fDTXnS kcpf connOintln on hand. Will also int-odnce the neir liliOMIDK POtiTliAir. ,. picture that i* (jininrj entire mitinfiiction irherever intnnlnced. SA.MFLKti cmi be teen at mi/ Oulleri/ lehere all particulars as to ['rice, Sti/le iir., can be ascer- FLESHERTON. -EH EA R D'SE^ Carriage Works, PLE SHE ETON, .M.i.\IFA«'TI REUS OF THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMENT Bug<li('s, S/}rifW' W<i!^(>n.<i, Ltinihrr ]Va<Jnns nvd Ivov Harinir.s. PnintiiKj, Tri mining' and Ixciniirin^ ])roinj)tltj (tftchtled to. Iitir.sr-Shociii'J tt Siicc'mUii. ORIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE Tho only catarrh romc'lv ovor olTorud to th« jMiblio on 15 day» tiial; a wrltUm KuarKiiU'u kiv> n with tiK-ii intitruuitjiit. W. T. liAJUl ft Co*> 156 Quuuu Struct Went. Torouto, Out. ACTIHA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER Actina it not a madicine or a digutting lotion or powdor ball, tiut a 8elf-i;ener*- tuit; Vivtmr, I'iisilv odiA pluii^mutly ii|ii)ll>'<l &t all bour^, uiilus atid jilacus. Aclina No. 2.â€" Quickly roUovea uud iliorouybly euros oil Throat auJ Lunn tlisi'Um-s. Aetna No. 3.â€" I'ositlvoly ciirus all iIIbibbos of tlio Eyo, Cataract Gran iiliktuil Kvi' liilB, Iiiilamtxl Kyus, uuur uud far nightoiluciui Tuu ^%U TUKATEI) WIIILH CI.OHKU. TlIK .\CTI.NA IS HOLI> DNUKU oni WaiTTI'.M nCAn\XTKK ON 15 DATS THIAL. Knrloflo BtHmi> (or hniiiliiuiiu'ly illiiHirtttiHl buok aud liuaitU journal. W. T. BAliU & CO.. 1 ji guoim Strout West, Torouto. Out Til* Grtattil Diseotenr ol the Age. Price - - $3. Medicated Electric â- MHiBELT^^ Medicatt^d for all disva^cu uf Lhu blood and uer- vouB aystoiii. Laiheu' llolt £i fur fouialu com- itaiitt*) ithHSDui^iual. Mtius'13elt93, couibiaad WUtind 8usp€usury ;95. Si'iuiDal weaknest. tirrurs of youth, loet tiiiiiiluH'il, iii^h 1 1 y I'-t* Tho only appliances flivlns a direct current of Electricity O tho parts. <-'*"i ''« wtmnit^ht or day '• Hundreds Of Tea* d hiiiH. Ill ,,^,^,^ ^,^ ^. , , artuKi (iii«Mo"Tf tlu"kiduoyH.'(il"uiaI diHoaso. U>rpidhver. guut. luucurrhuja. catarrh of tlio bliuldor CURES .. itlumt, iiu'ouvfiiioucu. tImonlalS on flip (Tom tliomi cured o( (oiiialn iliaiiiiaiii. jiaiua in bai:k alij '(iliility. KoiuirtU di'Wility. â- ' ' UuiliH. iitirvotm do iiiiu. lioad and luinl>iH.'o. rli. uuiatiHui. jiaralyBiii, iiuuraJj,'ia. sciatica Kxual oiliauHtiim, Boiiiiiial umiitBiuin. astlmialnan iliiwaflo, dyopej^iii, coustiiiation oryBi^- olaa. indiKuHtiiin. iiupot.iiicy,, |iiloB. uiiili^pRy. duml> aKua and dialuiMs. S..nd Btamu (or haiidBomuly illu«trate<l liook and lioalth journal. INirrcBpoudouco etricily cimftdontial. Coo aultaliou aud oluctriWki UORtiucut (too. Aijimw wanted uvurywhoxo. i'at. rob. Ii6th, itS87^ Cures Guaranteed Medicated Eleotrlo Belt Co.. ISSQueonSt. West, Toronto, Canada. Positive Cure. A Palniess Cures FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. im:. DISEASES OF MAN. _ Marvel ol Healing, anil Kohinoor of Moilicines, ^^M-«<^^«|C^^m£ ihv lerrllil*' ci»ii*«4>4|iirii<*i>M orinill.crctloii. i:s|M>aur« nu<l Owrwurk. -sroTJisro-. 3s4:i331dij:e:-jSv.(3-:e2d j^itid oajiD j^^rrnsT \Vho aro bruUuu down Ironi tbutilTectu odihuso will (Indin No. H a railical cure fur uervoua dul-iility, organic wimkueHs, iiivoluularv vital Iorhus. otc. SrMPToMS FOB WHICH No. 8 SHoi 1.1' nii DsKii.â€" Wiiut «( cinorgy, vortitio, want o( purjiOM, diniiuinti o( siF^bt. uvorsiou to society, want of cotiHdoucu. aTOidauco u( coiiversatiou, di'Hirufor Bolitudo, li4tloHBnoH-i mid luuhtlUy to llx tliu iiCtonfiion on a pai tictiltir Hul'juct, QovvardiiTQ, doproi^loTi d( BpiritH, f^i'MinctiB, Iohh o( luuuiorv, excitability ol teiupiii*, 8|>ci'> niatorrbioa. fir Iobs o( tbu B'liiiiiial Jl;iiil~tlio vobiiU o( Helf-ulniKO or tnui-ital oxoohhâ€" iiiipo- tunoy, innutrition, oinuciar.ion. barroiiiiiiiiB. iiali>itAtiou of tbo heart. liyBtt-ric (oi-linK^ iu foinaloH. Irund'linu'. inulancholy, dintiirliini{ droaiiia otc, aro nil syiiititoniB o( tltiB tt>rriblik liatiit, oltontinioB liinoctintly iici|tiirtMl. In bbort, tho spring i>( vital (oicu baviui; lout it4 tonmnii, i;Vory fnnutlnii wanoH in coiiBuqiiuiico. .Scioiitiflu writers aud the hiipeiintoTuiontri o( itiHiino luiyliiiiirt uiiito in iisoriliin^ lo tho efToctB of Holf-ubu'm tho i.'reiit xniijorlty of waHtud liven which come nniliT rOcir uotioo. It you aro iuconiptitctit tor the arduoti.i dutio.Hof huBinnBB, inoupaoltato I fur tlie unjoytnunti of Ufo. No. HofTurBun &..capo(roiii tho elTucts of early victi. If you aro ailvaucul In ywirB, No. 8 will uivo yon full vhornud Btruiinth. If you uro hroUon down, I'liyiiiuidly aud morally from early indiscrotiou, tlo roBult of IffDoriinooand folly, 3«nd yoiii' addrKSS and IU cunts iu etaiiip.i for M. V. IiOHON'a Trcatiso in Jlook Koriii on IiisoaHci of Man. Seiilml miuI Bcciiro from oliHorvation, AildroHB all coiiinuiiiicatlima to n. V. I.UUON, 47 WiilliiieloU Nt* K.. Toronto. A Man without wiidom (ivei in a looi'i paradUe. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. A Permanent Cure« Pleasant Curcu