Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1888, p. 8

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\ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [May jo, iSSfH. % Re-Opening OF SPllOULE'S BLOCK, "%* \^^ V'*\\M â- ^5C-T'>'* â- ^\\\^ m II ^-H^ I I ^[1 HAS OPENKl) OIT A NevT Stock OK Itools iV Shot's, |]tc., IN THE WELL-KNOWN STAND SPROULE'S BLOCK, FLESHERTON, And will be in Uic ininkid to Imiullu All Kinds of Farm Pro- diice. J will ciuU-avor tlirougli iionoat dealiiif^ with tlic iniblic, to cstabli.Hli a y""'! trade. Goods will bo sold at tlio Lowest Possible RiacES And tbc Higlifst Market Trice will bo paid for all kiudj of Farm rroduco. Kemember the Place, J. G. ANDERSON. Uproule's Block, Fleshcrton. County and District News. Clipped and Condenned from the ColitmuH of Our JCjrchanye.H. Curling on tho Meaford rink on Wed- nesday of last week, May 2nit ! The Thonibury Standard's libel suit has been postponed until the fall assiiibB. .Slielhtirno is to have a brass band. IJeuts all how Fleslioiton leads tho way in these things. Mr. Chas. E. Drury, M. P. P. for East Sinicoo, has been apriointed Jlinister of Agvieulture for Ontario. Mrs. Watson, of I'ricovillc, died on Monday cvenini;, 2.'!nl. She died gud- deidy while sitting in her chair. Heart disea.se tlio cause. A brisk nortlieast wind on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday packed the ice on tlie south shore, and tliese appears to be more ice vi.'iible fioni Meaford than at any time during tlie winter.â€" [Mirror. A Markdalo boy was fooling with a hicnisao stick and a stone one day last week, anil nianayed to break a [lane of plate ;.'!a.ss in Itenson's shop valued at i!4."i. He evidently bi'lunys to the "Hust- lers ! " To give some idea of the amount of twine aiirl tlie e.xtent of nets used liy the .Meaford ti-sliermcn, we have imieured tigures and tliey tell us that if stretched in one continuous length the nets would reach 114 miles. The value thereof is about »l(J,()00.--[Minur. A four-year old son of Mr. David Olm- stead, St. Vincent, was kicked on the breast by a lior.se on Saturday afternoon last, ami for a short time it Wius feared bis injuries would jirove serious. We are ple.'iaed to blati) he i.s now almost entirely recovered ami will sillier no ill ellects from the kick. â€" [Meaford Mirror. \ young man of the imiiie of .Joseph Webb, Hon of .John Willi, of Websterville left his home on thu afternoon of the .'lUtli ult., and not returning the .tame evening, was found dead next day in the neighbor- hood of riaverleiiih, with his face in about three inches of uati^r and his hands in his pockets. He was subject to fits which was supposed to be the cause. Some crazy, drunk, or otherwise de- mented galoot on Wednesdiiay night lunt, about 11 o clock, tired a number of shots from a gun, either on Itaytield street or in a lot beloiigim; to M. I'atteii and im- mediately north of his residence. What the critter was tiring at is hard so deter- mine, unless his imagination pictured d.niiiiis in the air â€" probably a new phase I'f "snakes in the boots. "[. Meaford Mirror. .\t noon last Thursday all the iiicn ii. the employ of Mr. Hanliury (reeve) num- bering about twenty-tive struck for lSI.,"i(l per day. ISiisiness was wholly suspeiideil for a few hours during which the strikers wero diviiled not knowing whether to re- Hiiiiio work or not. Some threatened violence to those who started Working but did not carry out their threat. The inoHt of the [lien reMiiiiied work during the afieriiooii and the loading of ties still con- tinues at Ci'ombie's crossing. [I >iiinlalk Herald. Mrs. Sweet, of Shelbiinio, got on the trock of her recreant husbaiul, .las. Swi^et alias William .Shields, a few days ago and had bim arrested on the charge of bigamy he having married a young girl in the vicinity of Alton. He was brought before magistrates I'attiillo and .Stubb's in .\lloii oil Satiirdiiy hist and coimiiitted to the ItraiMptoii jail wlure he will remain until he gets bis trial. Thu prisoiuT says his riiiht name is .Shields. His first wife who lives here w.is married to him in IWO under the name of Sweet. Shu was pres- (iiit at the trial with her two children, and al.so wife No. 'J was on hand. [Shel buriie Free I'ress. IVasliiiiKloii Territory, Wo gloaii thu fidloning items from a letter recently received from Mr. W. (i. Duncan, of Washington Territory : l''ebriiaiy came in with mud which soon dried up and has continued dry ever since no rain since the 28th of .lanuary to wet tho dust. Hut, strange to say, the crops are growing well. However, pres- ent indications call for light crops, but all de|iends on the amount of rain wo get in iliine. Notwithstanding the discouraging ap- pearance of the season, tho building and other iiuprovoiiients continue in full blast and the loads of lumber are being drawn hither and thither over tho prairie. Very little sickness here this season, emigrant* coming by tho train hiad. Land icarcc and going up in Tnlue, CLIMO & The New Store. Wright's Old Stand. Have opened a New Stock (;i(0('EBIES, I>KV <;OOI>S, BOOTS & saOES, C1.0THIX;. We extend to all a CordLal Invitation to visit c:s. "Wc will be lu the mar- ket to handle all kinds Barter -Wool ancl Hides, Cast Metal, Sec. CLIMO & CO., FLESHERTON I have received a Very Large Asscrtmeut of BOOTS & SHOES Several Hundred Pairs of Meus'. Womeus' and Cliildreas-' which I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON, - - FLESHERTON, Fleslioi'ton CaiTias*' Works. McTavish & Legate M.iMF.\CTCUr.US 01' n.toaoxs, slkkhis, jk aancs, in:Mo<^it.\TS, av. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO Also TIllM.MINdS iti great varitity. HDliSK snoi:iN(i inoinpLly atteiiaml 5o. t^l'cchil AtU'iiiiorx Kiveii to I'uiitractud ur 'I'cinior fc't'ot. I>. lIcTAVISII. IJ, l». LK<;\TE, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, AI.I. KINDS OF M\\ wi Moiiiiir.5!ilal Mi > Such a^) Jloiuiuu'iita, Tomb Tables, Hcidstnu ft Comitor and Tabic Tops â€" in Aiiierictiii itiid Ittiliaa Miirblo and (Iranilc, luid imide cii slioft notice. .\lso Mantles in Marble u):d Marblci/.cd Slate, Ac, &e. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. Tll)^ TILLS rmifv tlio I'.looil, corrcot all Pisuidoirt of tho T^iA'-er, Stomiieh, lilcln'^VN, ivntl ISoAvelM. 'I'lioy irivij{orat«iaii 1 roBtoro It) iH'iiltli Di'bilitiitod CotistitntioriH. nmi uvt* iiivHliuiblr in nil t'ljiii- liluiiits iuciiloiital to Kouiiilus of ull ti^ju.s. l-'or C'hildroii uuil Hit- a^uil tlioy aro i^ricolfhit. THK OINTMENT u an iufalliblo romnAy for Had Lowh. Hftd Uroa«t«, Old Wniunls. Sdro*; ftnd l'I(>or.4. It !.â- * fanK;i;i» fui lU>ut and Uhoumiitisui. l-'or tlisurdoiH ol t)iu I'liu^t it lia.s in> equnl. For SOKE THROAT, BUOJVCIHTIS. COUGHS, COLDS UlaniluliirSwulliii|{ii,nii(I all Skin DiHonsuH it Im^i n» rival; aiul (ur coulractoJ aod litifl oiiitii it actH liku a vlmnii. Maniifacturod only at Professor Hoi.r.ow.w's Kstnlilisliniont, TH, Nov Oxford ditrvet ( late 53:t, Oxford Street ), London, and aro loUl at In. liil.lis. 9il., 4s, M., lli., !£>4., niul Ms. nach ]lox or Put, and luAy bo had of nH kf«i) otni! Voiidors throuKliuiit tho \\'urld. pir Fi^rtkattrt $hnuld look ic Oie Luhel on Iht I'lif* and 7Wo«. // the addrem in not 55.', Oufvrd Strttt, London, Uny are si>>trwu». A

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