Ma\ 10, loSS.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Reason Why Aynr'.H Pills aro so popular is, tliat wliil« ahrays rcliHblB us a catlmrtic «n<>iliiiiu-, they never leave any ill flTnct.s. This is because they are purely "N-egeiahle, and outiiuly free from calo- mel or any otljer dangerous drug. In aill cases, therefore, whether the patient l>o ohl or young, they may be oonti- <luntly ailniiuistered. In the SiiutliHru and Western Status, -where dcrangeinents of the liver are so geimral, Ayer's Vills have proved an in- <'stiinalile blessinj:;. D- W. Uuiue, New Berne, N. C, writes : " I sulTered n long time with stoniaih JViiil liver Iroubles. I tried various ri'Mi- I'dies, l)Ht reeeived no buneflt until t coiinneneed taking Ayer's Pills. Tlns« pills benefited me at onee. I took them regularly for a few muntlis, and my health was eonipletely restored." Tlirongliuut New Kugland. next t* lung <lis('ases, Stomach and Biinel Couiplaints are the most prevalent. Dyspepsia and Constipation are almost universal. Mr. (iailachcr, a piactioal, of Uoxbury, Mass., who was long troubled with Dyspepsia, writes : "A friond iuduced me to try Ayer's rills, anil, after taking one box without iiiueli benefit, T was disposed to (piit tliein; but he urged perseverance, and. before I had finished the seeoml box, I began to experieni-e relief. I coutiiMu'd taking them, at intervals, unlil I had used eleven boxes. Suliiee it to say, that I am now a well man, aud graiefiil to your clutiuuitry, which outstrips mine." The head am! stoniaeh are always in Svuipathy ; hence the cause of uu)st of tfiose ilistreHsing lieailai-hes. to which MO many, especially women, are subject. Mrs. Harriet A. Marble, of I'oughkeep- «<ie. N Y.. writes that for years she was a martyr to headache, and never founil anything to give her more than tem- porary relief, until she began taking Ayer's Pills, since which she has been iu the enjoyment of perfet't health. Ayer's Pills, PUBPAUBO OY Or. J. C. Ayer db Co., Lowed, Mati. Soid toy all Drutuiuits. Advanee Stock Register. Sn >tSS «« KJli CO Iâ€" ( 4j 5 â- 3 «=^ . 0- •H PC? ^; o " •rust in Time." This pure bred Clydesdale Stallion is tlie picipiu-ty of Mr. Aiidrew Beattie, an euteri)risin<,' Artemcsia farmer. ".lust in Time ' is a c,'ood lepresentativo of his class aiul, like Mr. R. Paton's " Hai'oii," has created uuicli interest wherever ex- hibited. The followini; letters from the Judges at Maxwell and Flesherton spring shows explain thom.selve.s ; Maxwell, 24th, 1888. NVe, the undersigiu'd, ,Iudges at .Max- well ."-ipring Show, have awarded Mr. Shaw's horse. " Lord IJoidou," 1st prize owing to the wording of the bill placed in our liaiids. Had it not l>een for the wording of the bill. Mr. Heattie's horse, " .lust in Tinu!." would have been award- ed 1st prize at once. IU( H.tllU V. BrKKE, .loUN DfNr.v.N, .\. (J. SfTUi:UL.\Nl). Flesticrton. April '.'(ith, 1888. We. the undersigned. .Judges of the above (Fleahertou) show, do liighly recn- mmeiul the horse, "'.lust in Time, ' own- ed by Viidiew Beatty. of the Township of .\rtemesia, in the County of drey, and c uisider the horse worthy of the prize liad there been a class to show him in. Wm. H. MiMPiti;. (>KO. W. Hawkk. H. .1. (.jL.VS.SKOKI). For fuller ptirticulars, see colored bills issued from this ottice. corner to his own stable. Above route will be continued duriu;; season , health aitd weather permitting. !>-â- 0) GO Flesherton Tliw uinlt'iKij^iieil hoi!H to ivnijnniico tohi.inmii- oroiiu cusluiiiuiH that liu has i^oi, thu Mill (u <i4km1 Kiiiiiiiii;; Ordrr Mltl luiVt' iitti ill tliu Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT Aiiil Lapablii of tnniiiu: oiifc Kirbt-ClnHS [''I.OUU uiiil utii pinjianid to |.{ivn my ciistoiUttrH GCOl) VIKl.US AND KlltST-CLASS KhOUlv, Hi)i'iii(i to locoivi) anliaru yf yaijf imtroimKo. ft.-* I mil i»i'oparod to pluiisu. 1 Uuuiaiu \oi\rii Uof^i)., WM. BRADLEY. WANTED. Load and TtmrUinu SaU'stn^H. To sull "ur L'hoieu viiifoties nf Nursery Stock eitliei C'l. H,*lary or conutiission. Peinmiient <'miiki> the riijht men. No room tor lri7.y ones, uiir.'Kh'* and honcNt, ^ro the ones wu am k jlilat te'r. .\<ldru»» with loforoncei", M. ,. . MAY lillOTHK.KH, ' "^ ^- •'' â- Nurtiprv'rion. Uocljoatcr. k*. Y. " Young Lrtthond," Tins stallion, the i)ro[)erty of Mr. John .1. Magee, Artemesui, has been travelied in this section for a nudiber of years and has ;u;(|uired an excellent reputation am- ongst a large suction of stock -raisers. He will make the seasmi of 1888 as follows : Monday will leave his own sUible, Lot 17, Con. 11, .\rteniesia, and proceed to Leonard Uett's for noon, thence by way of gnivcl road t<i .lolin Kerton's for inght. Tuesday will (iroceed to Hudson's iu Osprey, for mioii, thence by way of town to John Linley's. I2tli line, for night. Wednesday proceed to F. Thompson's for noon, thence tu ICiniberley for night. Thursday i)n)ceed by Tth line to Hicks' fi.r noon, thence by way of OOth side mad to lull line, Guphntsia, to Fred. Taylor's for night. Friday' will proceed by way of OOth side road and town lino to Holland Centre for n<n)n, thence by way of griival road to .Mien's hotel, Herkoley, for night. Saturday will proceetl by w.ay of back line to Marsh's hotel, .Markdale, for noon, thence by way of town line and Vande- leur home to his own stable where he will remain until Mond.iy morning, when the above route will be repeated continuing throughout the suajioji, health and wea- ther permitting. '• Yoitnif Xiiycnt." This representative of the graceful and elegant rercheroii class of stiillions is the property of ^Ir. .\rt!uir JohusUin, of .\;-l- emesia, and has already attracted a great deal of attention. He will nuike the sea- son of 18*88 as folloWM :â€" Tlunsday will leave his own stable, lot 20, Con. 11, .\rtemcsia, and procifcl by way of Little Mill to Samuel Badgerow's. Friday will jiroceud down Fourth Lim^ two ^lill^s and a half iu t>sprey, across to .Maxwell f,ir injon, thence to iStli to .lames Magee's for night. Saturday will proceed to Eugenia for nooii, thence across Valley by Cainpbell's and VaiideloMr to his own stable. Aloiiilay wil go by way of Wm. Hill's across n|i back lino to Foster's Ciuner, tlieiico by gravel roail to Marsh's Hotel, Markdale. for noon, thciico idoiig town line by SeweH's comer and home. .' bove route will be continued during thu season, health and vveatber permitting ^' I.tuiqf /Mil," This Heavy Draught stallion, the pro- petty of ,Mr. .Andrew Beatty, .\iteincsia, is well spoken of in various (piarters, and will make the seiuson of 1,S88 as follows : Momlay will leave his own stable. Lot 12!>, 1st West T. A S. R., Artemcsia, and I)rocced by IlOtli side road to Wm. Hut- chinson's. Vandeleur, for noon, thence to Wm. Cameron's, 8tli line, for night. Tuesday by 8th line, (>sprey, to K. J[c- (iirr's hotel, Feversliam, for noon, tlience to Mclntyre for night. Wednesday by ;5rd line to ,1. Winter's for noon, thence by N\ areliam to T. Tay- lor's for night. Thursday by D. McMullnii's to J. Par- ker's, 2nd West T. it S. U., .Xrtcmesia, for noon, thence to I). McMillan's, Lot 10. Con. 3, JSontli, f(U- night. Friday to .\reli. McOnaig's, Lot 28 Con. 2 S.D.R., Clenelg, for noon, thence to J. Beaton's, Lot 25, Con. 3 N. D. U., Ciloiielg, for night. Saturday by 2iid Cou. t,p (1. Pattersons, town line", for iiovii. i.Ji'jj)c« by SnoU's JiUllH. " Valley Cluef " is thu name of a line tlmrongh-brcd Short Horn Bull owned by the noted stock-raiser and agriculturist, Mr. .Fames Stewart, of Kimberley. This splendid animal has taken tiist prizes wherever exhibited, and will stand for service at Mr. Stewart's Euphnisia farm, near Kiinberley. Mr. Isaac Sinclair, of .Vrteinesia, pii- .ssesses a grade Diiihani Bull, which will staud for .service this seiison. .Many Indies admire gray hair â€" on some otlier person â€" but few care to try its effects on their own clianus. They uecd not, since -Vyor's Hair Vigor restores gray hair to its original color. Sold by druggists and perfumers. \V.C. T. U. Uupai'tuiuuW. Teiiiperiince. " It is good neither to oat flesh, nor to drink wine, iiiu- anything whereby tliy brother stuinbleth, or is oti'ended, or is made weak." -lioin. lie. 21v. 'I'lie Huron Expositor says : â€" .\ gener.d prolnbitorv law. fmmed by the Doiminou (iovernment and enforced by tliein. would be respected ami ob.Herved if a inaj(U-ity of the Dcoplc declared 111 favor of it. Let the people have a chance to speak. Place the .s<|uare issue before them and if they do not declare in favor of it the signs of the times have no meaning. .V law of this kind, sanctioned by the people and enforced by the (Jovernmeiit, would be observed. In the spring, hundreds of persons suffer from boils, carbuncles, aud other eruptive diseases. Thes^ aro ovideuces that tlio system is trying to purge itself of iiuiniritics aud that it needs the powerful aid which isall'orded by the use of .Vyor's Sarsaparilla. Kimberley. ikhool Report for March in Order i>f Merit. I Depabtment. IV Class.-E. Dynes, A. Thurston, J Statford. Jr. IV. Class.- S. Magee, P. Dynes, J Howell. HI Class. H. Fawcelt, J. Hammond J. Carruthers. Jr. Ill Class.â€" V. Oilburt, A. McCon- ucll, G. Lawruiici;^ II Class. â€"E. Mugoo and H. Dynes even ; N. Laivronce. K. Baker. II UkI'AHTMK.ST. Jr. 11 Class. -T. Dynes, H. Kllis, C. Ellis, L. McConnull. Sr. 1. H. .McLean, F. B.aker, K. Law- rence, W. Dynes. Sr. I.â€" J. McKcMizie, W. McLean. K. Bowenuan. Jr. I. F. Burritt, M. Kindt, T. (ira- ham, L. I'lewis. .Vveiage attendance, MA. I. E. tiAIDIN, y'lilli-l/Hl/. .Mlss.M. .Vni'.Hriio.Mliil'., A.-xiftiinl _ m lia n i^ Hon. G. Edwards Lester, Late U. S. Consul to Italy, author of "The Glory and Shame of England," "Anierica'a Advancement," etc., etc., etc., â- writes as follo-ws: - New York, .Vugust I. ISS(|. | I-.'-.! K. â- -'Vlli St. I Dli. .T. C. AVKU& Co., Lowell, Ma.<s., (ieulli'incii:- .V si'iise of graliliide and tile desire to render a .serx ice- lo llni piildic impel me to make the following .sialement.s: My collige career, at New Havi-n, was inlenupted by a si-v ere rolil wlocb so enfeebled ine ihat, lor lea yeiirs. I had a linrd Mnigiili: lor life. Miioonhiigii from the bronchial jiassages was liio result ot almost e\ery fresh cxpusiue. I''or years I was under In^alini'iit of Ihe ablest piaciilioiieis without a\ail. .Vt Inst 1 leanii'd of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which 1 nsc.l ( moderalcly :iiul in small doses) at llie reiinrenc! of a cnld or any clieat diHiciill.\ , and from wliich 1 invariably fouinl iclicf. This was (iv(u- â- -'.'â- > years ago. Willi all .sons i.f exposure', in all sorls of climates. I Iiav.) never, to this dii.v. had liny cold nor anv afrei'lion of the throat or Inngs wliich did iKJt yiibl to .VvKU's Chkuuy I'lcc TOUAI. within LM bouia. Of cmiisc I have ucvci' allowed my- self to be without this ie|ii,.ily in all my voyages anil liinels. Under my own oli.sci wilion, it has given relief to vast nuiiibiTsof persmis; whili' ill acute ca.scs of piilmumirv â- ::iliiiiiinalioii, such as croup and diphllieria in children, life has been lueservrd Ihniugh ils idle, is. T reeomnieiid its use in liglil but fre- ipieiit doses. rro|ierly administered, in nccordaiici! with your dinu'lious, it is A Priceless Blessing in any I speak eaniustly becan.sB 1 feel earnestly. I have known many of ajipareiitly conlirnied broucliitis ami cougli, with loss ot voiie, iiarticii- larlv among clergymen aiijl other public speakers, perfecil'y cured by this medi- cine. Faithfully yours, C. KDWAHDS LESTEU. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I'rrparod hy I>r..I.O. Ay«r .t Co., I.owpH, Mim«. Uela \>j itU lltu|l8>>t* out! pMlura iu Moihciiii), I giUtUcal DR. CARTER. M.C.P. AS., Ont. PHYSICI.i.V SIIROEON, &r, FLESHERTOK. OtBco, .strain's lilock. Uosidence, Wm.\Vri(;bt »' J. E. MQORE, ^ DENTISTRY. Funeral Director. Flesherton riiriiitiire Wareroms, DURHAM ST., IS THE Mill hm\ hMiii En- porii in Eatt Grey. Everi/lliiny in conntc- tioH i$ li'irst-Vlus*. Our Thomas Henderson. L.D. S. SfKliiXlN IJKNTIST OdUl .\feil<ilist and UtiKor (Inuhiute 0/ f/i« lU'.D.i^., Will visit KLi;silKKT(IN. iMimKliinvs Hotel 1 and 2i)t each iiiuiitb. Teeth extriictod. insert- oil luiil rtlluil ill the highest styles uf thu art, aud at uieclerutu rates. Hkao t)pri<i:,TiU Voxok St.. Touoxto. JiUJill. J. W. FROST, L.L.B., Office,â€" Struin's MuiKliii«, Ki.kmu:uti.s. A. A. CHKSLKY, SoHcitor hiuI Luuvfyaiicoi'. MK. KHOST will liu fouud at tlio Office on TluirmiavK iin iu-ruiufurt). p. McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, efc. OIIi«-«-, ov«T .UcFarlaiul's Storo, IHarkiialf. .lluiioy to Loan. dBusiucjisi €avrts. i%.r^M HEARSE in the. bi'st in the section mtil tijui/ipcU icilh clant <tnd wcllinttte/ictl Itoriet, A r'lill iiml covijihte. line a/ Uiiriai Cases, Robes aud rriiii9Bi3$!}<rs rwy. John W. Armstrong^; t'l.KhllKliro.N, Co. UllEV. DIVISION i-ui.'ur ci.r.itK. commiskionkh i u H. 11., Convojaiicui. ,V:c. .ti;ciit lin |mrclm>- ttoil Mkiu of lands. .\|i|iiuii>er loi (' L I' fou;. ivnd V. r. II. ,V S. Society. Money to l.oau mi tha must rtiasouable teiiiis. Issi.i;a ok M.^ltltl.^CiK blCKNSKS. NOT.\ltY I'L'HLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOWEST II RK£.\T IMTES. On Town or Farm rruperty, S. UA.MI'DK, Klesliorton. W. J. BELLAMY. TWf. Cl.KllK .\KTKMI.M.V. coy vjiYjyt -Eli, ( 'OMM I ss i < >y£i!. rysfujycn .iirr. dc DRMHrt, MOUT(i.\(ii:S. I.K.tSl.S. ,vc . piepiir- ltd iuid inojierly cxeeutod. Ilihiiriiiuo itlfec- ml ill Diht-cluhs cemiianies. Mouev to lend at lowmil rates. R. J. SPROL'L, ~ Mi'jiAi r^ofi. ' 'iiiiivi/iim< r, .l/>/'i-.ii..t r, !'«/. uiifor iiio/ Main II /ciii/rf. Ihiiif, Mi'i'. i;iii;i.i, /miwji uuil ll'ilU ilnmn t(/> (lo.i r'i/iiii(ioii.< imidc 1,11 .sliin'test ui'tii; . ('Inn- ;/is ivrv /ore. .l/'/i'» f" Ji. •/. SI' l!t)L' LI!. I'uilinitnter, F'.i.'hi rlim. James Sullivan, The Tiiisiiiitli, - Fleshertoc i;cpaii in;;. I'lux ft.niti^;tiinj;. niul in iiu-t oveiy- tiiiitK in thii l>iisitU'HK will rm i-n it uiy priUMpt iinti riui-ful atiftitii'ii at rouaotiublti i>I'K'mh. I*nnn}it\ittiHti<m <jirrii to nil (/nfern rn- fruatnl (n us in thig Him ii>ti/ or night. Hal)}' ('arraages ! BABY CARRIAGES ! i It.VKV 1 VKCtlKiLS: ! j l'\'r elegance ;iiiil liiiisli i'lit fur lliol Kiiyal llnurtciiold iiinl at, {)iici'< witiiiii | till' i-eiich (if till! liiimlile'sL ot Her Mit- jisn's .-.iilijccLs. Call ami SCO tiicin. Aliio j I Exp2*ess Wagons; for Uie bovs iiiul ;.;irls, fiDin Sllc. eaijli ii[i. 'A I' liave a l'i;\v inure of tliose woiulofftil ^HiscrllancauV'. Till- 'I'hvrtnuih-ihi-'i I'liiiitun Hull, Gray Champion ! n'ii/sC,ifn//;,r .(iinri- 0/ L.^l :M i H'..,/, .lid i/ii.-jo uii'iiil iiif )ii,/c r'i".;i I'lefhirlur Stiilinn. 7'/i(.< 1.1 (I rirft-eliifit •iiiiimil nn.l Uiniiii.< ill slnms ,1/ liitpinnii't tin ir stiif, leitt liii le'll III liriini tin tr 1 inr.i ;.. /ii'i;i. !!•â- is ill jiritiii :'iinilitiuu. ri'.UMS. t=llieri;im. liiduc â- ! riue^ aceoldit.;; tu iiuiiilicr lit , ows ln-,ninllt l»\ iii'v "lu- loan. JOH.N .\I)A.MS. I', .piuli.r FARMl SALE. Bi;lN(i I.o: 'i!, C;<.li, ;i. Alteliicsin. contaimil,; UiOaoies mure el- Ics.... I',rv ('ftrtlculari a|i|ily Ui KOVEK LEVER. i'lcj<litMlon, Union Churns Agents, Agents [ i',\ Ui:ai)V Oi K Nl;u to soil im thoif own monts. .\ four _._,_, , „ _. . ..,,^ oiy 1/ cu.v CImm for «7.ll(), tlic wonder imd tAn I H, otA AND oKY ilelitjiit of tho diiirv. 1 J. E. MOOHE. Marvels ,1/ till Universe I MciiiRn full ami j;ri\pliic of all tlir.t I i» wondiirful in nveiy I'linliiunt id llui Ulidio iti I tlui wiiild of vnili'r> loiil tlio stio I V Heiivciit,. J 0' Ml tain ins tlinliln^; advent in i.-s.iii lioid and Ren. I'lMiowned disi:o\i'lii'S of tlu, \vin :il',, t;rortlobt ex jdiners in all ajir^, and rciiiurkalde idieuonid ;\ ill livery realm of nfl.iiire. I'.mbraciiti,' the strik iniiphysieiil leatiiicM lit the onrlh the pccidiaj' M'hiiraclcrislics o( till! linninu nice, id aniicKlK, hirilR, insects, etc., iiudndiii^' a vivid doM« iidii ii of tlu' .\tlantie, I'ncilic niul liidiiui (U-oaii» ai(i 111 the Polar Seas, tlio ministcis iil tho dcii|\ luiautitid soa-ihulls and pluuts, siej^ulnr IIvJu-h aiidchvuUeis iu thu werld el watmi. nuiiuknlilii iictiali currents, otc, tnpotlier with tlui alim/illi; |iliciionttin.\ of thu Hidar aiul starrv svsti ins, liy Hciiiry Dftveiiport Northrnii. 1)1) i ci'iibolliiJiml with over ,'WU fiiio (iii):rftviii||s. Liheial teruiH to atiiinUi. Oxford Publiihin^ (Jouipany, 3 .Inidi.ti St., Toronto, Out. 31CXS 'â„¢^,;^|f- ...^flSik. » â- >