Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1888, p. 1

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VOL. VII., NO. 359 ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FjirOR^-" PRLYCIPLES, jYOT ME.Y. FLESHER'TON, ONT.OTURSDAY, MAY 10, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITOR tt PRCPRitTCR. i AT Tit - Bits. Russell's Noted: Tetiingii'lKit iii>i-4fi «>»» '" mid (tm- tmiul Fteshi-rton, T-ocnl S'otii'os inttiided to Wiii'fii iniy iT»<U- viiliial. Kiuirtv or Corvofiiti'i'i. < lmr!;e(i *t ttiu riktuorinnnnU liur !ilixfln>t ili^.'itinu. ?Co li) 'Hi iniHirtnil (ur \a»a tlian IS ceiitH, tn rauulnr ftdVortlKorn. F(Sr sale.â€" Two ayeat^iija Colts for sale.â€".). H. Hearil, Flesliorteii. "it -iJewelerjc;'- W. E.RlehartlKoii herps me Iw'st â-  Sevdt* thnt ran br i»n»rur*d. />/.iiV Tin it Iti,ii< y> ^ IT- r- f,i , ^i-«.. AllviiK 111 ^^(.â- TM^Uls. -\ri! you ilisturbed "t IKni t UO IT. lioi/.s. (;„f /f,g Fnuje.r Talcin OJt. ni^ht una hrokon of your i.»t l.v a sick ciiiM Tliorn iu .1 TnwnJin. l.ilnv winoli / \ ^ .l i i ^ -n , . i BulTeriiK; ami cryiiiK with iiniii of CiittiriK Tcf tti .â- â-  mere ma lownBliij) i>\lin. wiiu.n On Saturdav eveuiuj; last Mr. (my l< so«tmil utoiicouiid wt a lKittl..of •â- Vr«. \V!v, probihite Imll nS^iiif,' on nulilic streets niakelv of thu tirm of Blakclv iV: Mu- ;^'»«'«^"'\<'''i'« '^y".]. • ^.i- chil.ii.ii TcttLii.i;. 1 I -T? r^ 1 ; umivciN , oi uiu urju oi I3iuivi.i\ iv -ui, i(^ value u incalculiiblii. It will roliovu il.o ani Wf,'liu'avs of Arteiiuisia. Don't for- Cnnnell butcLtrs licrc mot with ratlior iioo'i'ttlesuffor'Tiuiniudlatelv Octmml ni'o:! , ^, . , ," , tf 'i • ii • i I.- ' ... It. mothers; tliero is no inUtake Ht><<'it it. It «et this fact hoys, for It iHtheiiitentiou a bad accideiit. Ho was* backiiif! his i-nn-s Dvaentory mui i)iarrha.«. rctnliu.- iho (â- .. <mfr>i-<-f> ti.i> kw.lRw ii. .iii<.uti,.ii in i i i i r ^i XT It Stoiiiacli ami llowels. curoH Winil Oolic -.oftths to cuiorcc llic Dy-iaw m (iiiesUou m l,urso and biiijoy out of Mr. Huard s the (ium».ii«lnc..sluilaminBtiou,ar!.l i;ivostoi;, future. . ciirriaL'c f.ii'tmv ttbiMi in >inini. nci-uliir ""'1 t^'i'^Kv 'n the whole uyntnin. -Mi- Wiu- i^ carria^L racioi), \Mn..li 111 soinu pnuuar i„„ sSoothiunSvrup ' for chiliircu leetliiun < 'H'' i inaniier thu httlu fiiit'er of his rijjlit liaiid ph'aKHiit to the luKteiiiul is the preset ii.tion i Will J1 ttt Vtlitltltltl 1 . . . , , line of the iilileU and heat foinule phvHlciHrs .r HI r I. ti/ xyii^f/i«M<t. I drolipixl hntween the "Oliclo and au- iiruInurBis in thornitud Statw, ami is for h.ile 111 a few \V(oltH,Mv Suo.ntt. of iMiooniti ' .,fl „..* ,.f n... 1 1 ,..„. „ *â- >â-  «" '!'"«t;is<^ throutihoiit the world. Til.- Ki^itt. of Ku^cuia other part of the buKjiy a»'^ was com- , ti„„ty flvocoutsai...tth.. Bem.rennd okk â€" formerly Towuship Collector of Osprey J plotcly severed from the baud by thj "^UJ'jj^^'^j^J;^''' '^""^""'" '*'""''â- â€¢"'' '''â- 'â-  â€" will sail for England, where he will ; sudtluii jolting of tlie vchiclo over a plank. | â€"â€" spend some time visitiiio Ids many old I We may add that tlic -eircle" is the .QxJ^_ I Mr. Chas. SarHeaatiB p; yinX: highest friends there. May he have a pleasant : round pieeo of inutal connected with price for wool in comioctipu with Flesbettun Woollen Mill. See circulars. FLESHERTON, :„,Il! Yuii (fill fitiil thi'jimst itiul In-st dimAty nf Watchos, Clocks. Jewelery, Silverware and Spectacles I'.i ihm set-li'iu uf the iunnt\i a>idJHltai0fUii t 25 PER CENT. LOW EH SALE â€" Or would excliango for no Democrat. Apply to McGon- iiei & niakely, ButchoW. FleshcrtoB.' Jlr. F. G. Karstedt, Fleshertoii's new tinware aed stovo man. liaK Heciued tliu contract for mannfacturinj; thecraamera for FlesbLTton Station Creamery. .V ^uud Ktraiglit, level road to tu Station and a neat siilewalk to tlio same point will shortly be eonmdored in a practical iinuiner by Flesbertouians. trip and a safe return. i „bat is known as tlie "running ^ear" of 7 a bnygv uud is located niidwav between Tormit,, To.„HHhii> Ilrard /•>'"»«•• the twJ, fn,ut wheels of that vehicle to In the matter of prolitie stock, the facilitate the vaiioiis inoveinents iieces- ' next we bear from is -Mr. .las. Carborry j «my In p:tssino otlitp veliicles, etc. of Toronto TiiwiLsliip. .\ sow belouomy i '__ * to him recenny ha(l a litter of If! iiigs iind all doin;.; woll ; also r_' l.-iiiibs from ti ewes, and .ill doiug well. One of the 'owes had three liuubs. NPAVADVERTISEMKNTS. Notice to Creditors. Kan-^HALi-ttrr. Mr. :iud Airs. lWB> "' tliiti lown. re ceutl\ ri'ii-ived-.^4^ w)io lives ijD Rnni .1 H%-ll fintiliirtfil liiiHlneHK. \ One of the most noted establiBbiuonts ' in till' county of (irey is Russell's noted jewelry store, Flesherton. The manager I thereof does not need to blow about his '• lionesty " u" " reliability '' liecausi^ iter fiviin :'. frieiiil, ! thesi' f.-icls are !):ite!it to all. No siidi 5, from which we splcinlid wori; liiia ev.'i- liccii turned out In the M.iitor ni the Eblata ci N-.-.l I Keime'-iy, dooensocl. PKKSl' W'l' to I'roviKiiiMKOf the revis,. 1 ^t tutes .,f itinurio. Chapter 1 10 Nyli. e hereby ;;iv>i; :ji;ii ;-.Il erediiors and citiiei- r .â- ous havni:! ;in. del'ts. eiaiina .r .h-r-iun ni^alMHl the i;inu',i-v>t Nell Kunnetly. ^ute .d â- . Township of \i t.'inesia. in the ('"un'.v ,-( 'mi. ^t•llo^d teaeh' r. leceuse.l. who died "11 .»l ; I' ' ; the l.-ith ilay â- â- ( .h'lino-y. AM.. IK'-s. loe h.i.i . ^ required on or l)..U", the l,",th day of .1,1 . ti> ^etid h\ jto^t pvep;ii.:l to Krederi,-f. Kciiii. . .tfthe huiil Towni-hip of Artelin siu, I'-ui-v â-  P.O., the adnnnistrator ol the r^tiitt. -d t'le .. I ieeeased. '['heir idlvistlun ioi>l -tnliulti'-- • ilossof^ and di...eriplioiis. the fud ];ii t;e': •• i". : Itlieir elaitns iilid staien.erit ,â- ! liuii . -â-  â-  :â- . . uud thu nature uf thu buc'MMttes ' d .:i'. .'.i . ' . ^Ivni iiUi'i- U-iU'TS tvM fU iiou them- fitr. iTliir -4)11 iican itiul (('•((r/uim H-'dfeiirf Cattlo fair . di Maudav was not a.s well PropoKe to take a few extracts next week ,itf ended a« usual. owiu« to til,, fact that '''at will open the eyes of peoj.le who the fanners were too busy fctllin" the soil tt) leave off work ami come out to town. Win. Ricliar«lsi>n i.s one nf tlip /rwii $il..'ii' VI). tcarnniUilnoni />' to .'> yrar.', i oldest Sordsiliail 111 tln' <'oilllty «»f iitul the p.'oi>ief<jrjijteenmUr.i(iri)iin'lal- Urv-y, aitd S»M'it.s i>ro<'iir«>«l from Have Kansas and otlhr Westi'iii States on the bniin. Ill this district as tliat daily <loue at ; '"'"Jj „„ti,.„ i, „„ther ;;iv.-n ih:a .a th. Husseir-;. It is suspicious wlicu a liâ„¢ of thnt tnn.. the ,hM .idiuim--;. â-  ' proe.led to Itslllbute the ;tr.*.etH ,-f -fit lowellei- has t<i hawk his wares aroiuitl euns..d anioni; the pam.-^ emitUl ir:. .. , , .... .,, 1 11 '"« recai.i oiilv to th. luilii> ..( ,i.m Inroiit;!! nelj;liiiorino villiioi^s «inl sell ilien have noiiee. und tliat lu williw, ' 1 1 .. . .1 1- I .III for the assets or iiii\' part thiM •! SI, .â-  ibc'iii li\- auction to tile lushest hiiUlers. ;,„,,„, p,.r-oii of wiio^.- .1111111 he -e.,.; • inavt tfikr Wii/r W'lteke*. Okieh nuti Jeietl it;/ ii'c'jxiiii til liutDeJl, Fluihirtini, nn tJify iMie/iiutul by ejrpKriftice Itf is thf niily mmt thiiH fiH ilo them i» « sutiajinttinj nultiinr. AU uvrk pirsonitlly ntfnulfd to at ^ KUSSELL'S NOTED JEWELERY SfOKlS B-JjESHERTON; tilni biivv y;lv('ii sood siitisraclioii. .V ineetiii(j of tlie patrons of Flesher- ton Station Creamery will be hekl ut McInuPH Hotel on Saturday, May li!th, to appoint auditors fur coming st-a-son. B. H. COOK. Mr. U. Forsythe. of Uxbridije Towa- .^•itip, id tlii»f|aeHt of fi^t iTftiigAtcr, Mrf>. •1. KoHtor, of this place. NotwitliHtand- ino his four score years, .Mr. Forsvth is a GET YOUR MEAT >V K » 11- b.ale, hearty old geiitluinan. When _\ou find the wciilher warm, nothino is more delicious than a dish oi Ice Cream, which can be obtained at .Miss Hind's residence, just oyer the I'.iiyiie Ididoe. Flisherton. lt«-iiii»iislralH»ii (irovcs the Tarf (hat ill Sc<-«ls von t^fl tlii* Im'sI at \%. U. ICicliar«ls<»irs. I'ifsiici'toii. It shows iditber that he is tryino to ' '"'^" >""' """" I'orce hudiiess by ipu stionable means, or ' M Assi Mut 1 thai he has an inferior ilass of k"'"^'** V M.USSON. Stilieiturs for the sjui ; Inuiit^trator, Kennetiy. which lie is deteniiined to <;«t riil of at 1 Dated at Owen Somi.l ihis Ut day •? Ma-. Judicial Sale ! Scott .let litistfil. The Sidtt Act Ib ^ad, and now the lie7;t ihino will lie Hjfnethiiio el. none of these thiugi( move Hooth, the Moss Harliur, FleHliMtou. He leads the ' ^^'iv ''""t. At Kus.sell's business m | procession m the barbenii;^ business as j 'tarried on quite differently, ami, from , (ignal. , ) the constantly nicreasitio imtronajto, we [ ,. ^ . should judf-e the peopU) are much better j Srvettt^. J-'oJn SiliU So. | .sali.sfiiMl. I'euplo don I careâ€" the better j O'BKIEN V O'BRIEN. "Do von kn.,-\^ " .salAftcurtiviu iudivid- 1 "-'''"**' "^ themâ€"to de4 Mdtb.traij li M M | t)uu»i;a.nt *o tb« JiKtemmit in fhfs .a.- :, .^^ â-  ^. « •'" â-  1*1 ill "» ' C rhM-e will he sold in one p.'ireel uitl â- ' ' nnl accosting :v member of Tiik .Vdvanck [jewelry peiKuers . api>r.d.»ti..ii >t the Mast, r .d the siiproiiei : ^ ., ^, , , ri 1- 1 ' of .fudiraliire tor llntailo at ( Mv, n Soi:i e staff the oilier dav. "I lulieve voiir boss '... ^-..zziziiz --' " ' j \iui \1I.VM s. \ \.Nr>l'SKN. Vie.tioi,, ei. m M. ' sliaws Hot, I. ,11 the Vlllm;.! .11 I Itsheito.i . r/ns IS roi! vol: (.oumy .(.,,..>•.. Hatiirday. ''iitl day oCliiiir. i'^-i'<. and von Blal(elv d McConneil. UKNKKAL I'dTCHEUS, The Toronto Mailliad an article aiieiit Flesherton recently, in wliiidi mir town i.H (lepicti^d in olowipo i-,iloi-s. The writer has a level bead and can tell a l^ooil thinj.; when lie sei'> it. I It would be a sensible idea to biuld I a sidewalk .^ilouo Bivcliel street, also . ., _- -j-s f .) I I I .1 1 "> T^ / ~V TVT I : ""e' from the corner opposite Mr. l'M\>. r Lj li, O 1 I Fj Iv I O JN I , Whitten'8 residence to the corner of ilir i same street and Colliiiowood street. r^'Cash paid for fat caUle. kc. &c. ,»•'«»; l*;'<'«'^" V."':Vl*'i".'''"l'"''« '""V' ' all kiiidM oT licld \ <>ar4l<>n Seeds > < KO to Kirliarilsou's Oi-iiu Store. \0Tici;. I LIME BUHNER WANTED to burn lime in thekiln at Little Falls Saw Alill, ' 1(1(1 cords slal) wood now on hand and SI!l^•(;I.I:^.•nsl„^l(lv ..n hand and for sain ploiitv of limestone convenient. Mouse i-heap. Just put 111 lirst. class new ChtippiiiL; ^ - MJlh now Pnni; aloiin your uralll and net it aiiil ijai'den land Convenient. - \V.H(.)(1(1 <;hoppud lip in siiort order. 1 . J. M. Sl.i'.VN. /% ... 1 t » 1.1 Kiif^.inia. Quite a number of trees were pmuted â- â€" "^i^â€" â€" â€" .â€" â€" ^-â€" ^.^â€" ^^ on our beautifiil Public .school oroniids on T? A lC>l\/r -F/-ni Q A T TP '•\>'""' '"^.V- l'''i''^'il'iil Irwin, assisted by J? i'LJTo.LVl iUi O.A I 1 Pi nmny pupils, also by Mr. \Vm. Ned, worked hard in connection therewith 'd, well i and aceomiilished much. A iiumbei' of wateii-d. and under t;ood stale of cultiyatioii. . , , ,, , , w.-li f.'iK e.l. l,ar):.^ fiiune ham and staide. Citizens have mutually aoreed to plant frame house. I"'u' furtlu'i- piirtieiilais apply to . • c .. t .\ •. ' .• j,,Ki.;i.|i li Aiiidiv, 1 trees in front of their respective proper 17U Spadiua .â- \voiiiio, Mft-Wl. Turoiito. in notliino but a dow iirioht fool can tell liiiii so from nm !" "Vi'S, " replied the iiieiii'ior .il "ur staff yawnint;, "sc\eral iools liiiM- told iiie the same tliiiit; â€" espivially smee the Imss wrote that article about »u|iportiiio hoiiie !'' Stftiin ISrii.H. Tlie Moriiiuu' Kusller is tl e name of a smart little daily paper piibiished in the town ol Miiiot. Dakota, L". S. Nearly half of one |Mioe is taken ii|i by Stniiii Bros, sons of .Mr. Wm. Strain. Kleslud-- ton to advertise their liiisiness. Sti.iin Bros, were formerly in Mr. JI. Kichard son s store here, where tlicy .acipiired a llioroiioh kiiowlrdoi' of tho iiud'chaiitiii' business, and- -\\o liclieve-- the happy knack of judicious advertisino. Lon;; may they llonnsh! h'dfiiiivs. l.ooli out for .Strindli'rs. Friiiii th. Si'ifihiinn- /'V- <• I'n-ss. .\NiiTin;i; Swisoi,!-:. .\ii mhtiit swin- dlid' has luidi workiii}^ a ipiK.-t f^anie by which he has reapi^d a rich harvest. Me circulated aiindio the farimu-s and boiioht I at Ki,i .doek a in. 'i'lu l.rlhiwmi; projiii 1 , . Jl Mi'.l I'inl You to llrilil /iCfl-l/ [ l.ol^ uuniheiK lii uu.i l-JH m ;]i,i Jn., r.m,-. . Itont'iii This Irti.li. ' h'","'-,',:"'' .iihe lor,.iito ,u,,i s;.oe.ui,on :. Ill the I -â- wii.tup of .\i teiiie-ia ill ; h. t.'i:,: , I (ire> contniinei,' one In i mile, I a<'res, 1001 . I There ale iilioiil iweiity aeres ileiir, d au-; â-  ; \'I''\V l il IllhS Mr 1{ 'I'rilllble ,,,.,,. eiillivatloli. I'h,- properly is .listant .1 .^l.^^ Viiuili.l. .ur. U. 1 Iimoil , !,l n villait.s ol Mark mle and Fh.st,..,ton ,v ,; eral nicrclialit, Kleshcrtou. lias pleasure nules ami tin. ro,„ls leK,llii« iher. t.. ai. fount r> rouils. The pmperty \vill h,. ..oil in ailliolllicllio Llial Ins stock of New ' jvs 1 10 a r,'ser\.sl lu.i llxed hy llie sail \li..u ^. - , ^. .. , • ' rini.MS III'' S.M.H : l,ot Pi. II. piilei,!- I spnnt; and Suniniur (uods is now itim- , „,|| i„. ...uK-h-ar of nil ineniiihraue,- :..: . iililo ill everv deliiirtlilellt iUeiited with a Imlaiu t al.oiit s.msii. |il(U, iniM.iy 111 pill tint 111. tl,,. rr.iwn. in p..r e..nt. .d the puiehas.' ;.o NP'.W DKKSS (iiUlDS. A coniiru te , â- â- ' 'â- '' imh.i o. u,,. \ eiidor - Solniiots at th, 1 of sail . :ind tile halaneu williin thai- r.iiiof in black and colored ('ashnicres. 1 theouiiei wiih.iut interest. 1 lie oti,,.. t. , , ,.1 1, 1 I anil . o.rllt i, ,ih .'f sale Iiltiv he use," •ri;:,, liainlsoiiie iicvy (. oliiliination I Mess ootals | n|,|,||, „;,,,,,;,, n,,, y,,,„i,„.; Solicitii~ .,1.., and I'liii'i and l''aiic\ CliiHiks, Niiu's, \ \'eililio. .'iTscy ( 'becks, >yc. | j W.VSIIING FABKR'S. I'lints and j Miisliiis. Ilio-stoek is .oiiiplcte ill all 1 ihc Lalost I'.'itlei'iis and Colors. CKKV (,'(1 I'TO.N-s. â- 2.-:a> yds. ex'.ia licayy tiray (^'ottoii, :!(i dicln s wide, ioNLY .â- Â» <'E.\TS PKK VAltli: 1 IIOSIMKY .V SM \I,L WAKES, ihir I stock is the laroeut ever shown ui t'iwii. , (iJjOVb'.S. .\ line assorlinciil of La- I dies and 'ielits' (ilovi.'S. ' C(1KS|-',TS. Complete ,<toeii. Be sure to ask tor our I liiisy l.'ic. C'orsct. I , .IKHSl'iVS. Ilaiidkercinefs, Kdiibroid- ' cattle, lor which he paid in checks which cry. l.ace CnrUlins, Waterprool's, !>ul- were boualidr and were honored In' the tons. I''iillinns and Idiccs. .\ lull raiioe. lie alilloiuueil 111 tilt. sale. .M.ritKl) I'llllslV I.o.si M, CUCVSOlt, MOIllllSlIN ,V SMiril, N'endors >oli, 1 Ow.ii ,-.,. teil :'.t Owin S.iuild. stli May. !^-- Auction Sale Valuable Farm, III till Tmi 11^111/1 <if <!lr)ii!il, or' tiri 'I. tl.. C ! local banks, where the sharper had' ll.\TS. ILCI'S, II.VIS.- The laru'isl iiiouey on deposit. But ho never calleil and best assorted stock ol' Ladies, (ients BlilNti Lot Ip, (on, 7. Osprey, liiilf iiiilo from Maxwell, IDO aures, oj aeres cli stale of cultiyatioii tics some day this week. RE MOVE n ' I^'TT '"' ^7'T ' ______________ IJ Flesluirt<.)ii, selecting A certain youth has boon in tftc hiiViit business places in some article, and istructino those who have waited on him n n / to put it to one side until called for. .\s BOOtll tne bOSSlDdrber, ain.atteroffaetheusnallycallsasecond : time, but not for the article selected. if the shiijii Wm. Ho makes Bomo uxohbc and selects a hiif ri'nuiii-'il lit "III" ,.s'(;-iii)i'!i /)/«i7,' »('((i- /r„i, liiiiiihiiii.-^i'n limit â- .. 1, 1 â-  1 1- , , , •!• . . I ../,. .„< „.)..,,.„ ;,.. fresh article with tlio usual lustrnctions sdiii .s/iiii; .vmp, liiiinitii ntnrt, Hhcii: he, M'iUlii' Imiiiw t(i.wc thvxinitiiid/iicfs uf all to "keep it fm- liiiii," Ac. 'I'hc youth lliis iilil CHstiiMitrit and an manfi iini' on<:.^ 'W ' in <iiiOBtion has been spotted and will haw ciiiiiluiU.I to ijin me <i chani:i:to main- i,triijo a snafj the next time ho rojieats tiii'ii mu iciiitt.dion Its //n: noM nurhvy â€" 1 , . , t* • r iu 1 * "',â- ;,','' 1 I t.i f r ! hiH iKirfomiaiico. It is for tho uood of iwlunl<iotJ'l<»hat(i)i,l»diifthcadiiidKH- J ,. , , ,„,,,... tridfor twudii mi/cs mound. j !"« heal th that wo publish thiH item. Thopatioiia«oi>I tho ladioa roBpoctfuIly so-! If voH Wftllt U IhurOIIKll «lltHt ,,.,,,„,,,, „,,.,7,,, 'Of FtslihiK Tackle so to W. E. Kcb, mh. ibss. U ALrLli BOOTH, i uiclmrdsoii. LTNUiiK aiidhv virtue of the pow.r ol s„ > eonliiiin.i 01 a liioll^.i^e from Uic- .: . llnle> to the Vendors wliii h will he pio.ln,. 1 â-  ' the time of Side ami on iletault of ih, ;i,..;i.', theri'in s,., ur.si there will he otfero.l :oi .,,1; l'uhlie'\uetioli Id Ml'NSH.WV S lluTHl.. t.: ' â-  I Vll.l. Vlil'. til-' I'l.l'.SllKUTtJ.N.on Friday, tlu' Iltli day «tr .1!ay. TSSn. for his cattle. On the contrary, about the time the fariiud's wen; lookini,' for him to come after them tlley received notice that the little receipts tlley sionod when their certified cheeks were hainled them had orown into notes about live times as lai'oe :is tlic cliecks. Iiiintij>toii lirfiiioii.ii'dc. It was really .a lulialile siolit lo see Hoys an.l (iirls Hals In town. , (IKNT'S Kl'HNlSUlNtiS.-'riiis de- ' parliiieiit is coiii(ilete in all tne uoiiliicst Shuts, Culls, Collars and Tics. , CLOTlIINt!.â€" ,-|(l(l men and boys wanted at the leadino clothiii'! house at â- Jo'.-lo.k p.iii, hy A, S. V.v.sllisi s. \tu-:,..ti The follow im,' luciperty. vi/. . hot luiini', 1 ' ttie 7tli t'oms ssion of the 'I'ow iiship ii ;;li"i r.iiitiiiliiiii. IIM lu'res more or less .â- ; v.hteli It, 711 iieris art' said to ho eleii red, tin tile piei.. !iii '.;i:dto be a Kraliie house, l.o:; b..iu Stalle. I'llliMS: per eeiit at time .,1 1 'the biilivne,' teiliis liiajinl niul will o,. I known ai time of sale. '.(Ul'I'S .y SHOP'S. Dnr stock of! For further piirtieiihiis ii|iplj to .Viu Ladies and Cents Boots ami Shoes is e:;cci!diiioly laroo. (;KOc'l-;Hll';S,-.\iiotlier lai-OL' stock or to Mess. u.\i;\vu;k ,v fhan! : \cn.iors' ' Toronto. April '-'Ist. IsoS. lettle Charlie liUison beiii); taken tooaol of that famous uneolored .laiian Tea at' yesterday to enter upon a month's inipri- 'ioc. lb., .'id boxes No. I Layer Itaisins at] .sonment.tlieresnltof lusstealino^ll out SLod jud' box. of ilohii ilcffers' till last Kriilay. What I'KOVlSKlNS.-.lust recoived 1 case , a terrible bcKinninn for a yoiiiiH boy. It Lon^ Clear 15aciin, l.'iOO lbs. sound Oat- j all comes of idleness and bciiio out lato at ' nieal, Corimieal, Dried .\pples, \\'hite nioht. Barents who are allowiiif; tlieir Beans. j children to stray away from school and . SK.1'',I.>S, Sl.'.lODS, SI'lb'.DS.- Timothy j run the streets, are iiLTikiiiL! of tlieiii the Red (.'lover, .MRike, Caiden Scctls, Tnr- 1 Intnre occupants of our f^aols and peuit- nip Seeds, Flax, Vetches. entiaries. It is one of tho tluties of the ' BUTTER, bXKiS, niid Farm Broduce | Public Schools Trustees to see that ' takou in exchange for goods. Highest' ehildrou attend school, hut they dou't market price allowed. attend to it.â€" Peel Banner. 1 R. THIMBLE, Flonhertou. BELL' Unapprottchcd for Tone and Quality. catmLOqu^s free. BELL&CO.,Giielpli,Ont. SSX^ V .--<4w< Jis.-' ' -Ns., \ • â- ijtWtrf C -1

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