y ./"N '^- '. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. la publlslicMl Every rriiiirHtlay, Fbom TUii OrKire, i»';;ii<.iJkiHi &trtei, - â- FUsherlon, Unt. TKUMS OK SfliSCKIPTlON : #1 por attuiiiii whou paid strictly iu advauco 91. -^O l*ut auuuiii whuu uot so puiii. A. R. FAWCETT, HJilur awl Frupriitur. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. APli. 5. 1888. li.i iL UA Y cuossiyos. During the i>aat year puoplo driviiii; tliii>u^;li tliu Station and acroaa tlio \iAi. tiMck wcru frc'iuuiitly siibjccted to aiiiioy- Iit4 dttiiitiuiis by fruight tiuius, which the coiiiluclors thuruuf permitted to ob- btruct tliu liifjhway, fur iwrioda nmgiiii,' :ill the w;iy from ten ti) forty laiuutes, in thicct violation of Hfction â- /'>â- > ,>f i\>,: Act rc.->|iectiiijj Uuilwuya. < >n one occiiaion the writer «iu» detained for more tlian half an hour, and had it uot been for the huid and enerj^etic aurvices of our vi- teeiucd friend, U. .Mc(!ill, K^{., we mi^lit have oat in the bui;L.'y iitarin'^ at the ob- Htruetiun and inwardly ble»Hin({ tliu ob- btructioni.'ita for another thirty minute.^. Tlie nection of the Uailway Act, aljoic alluded to, muRes this point »o clear, that a conductor niiuit bo very tliii.l; headed who can !>ee enuu;:h in it to Jui>tify him 111 olMtructin)( public highwaya any luii'^ir tliaii five lainutcH at a time. Wo (juote the clause fur tho benelit of the public u'l iieially : â€" "Whenever any railway crosKes any public hi;;hway at rad level, the company uliall not, nor sliall it.s otticem, servants or H^eiitH, H dlf ully permit any en;;ine, tender or car, or any portion thereof, to stand in any part of such hii;hway for a longer (leiiod than tivo minute.') at one time ; and if iu any city, tuwn or village, a train 1.1 wailinx for muru than livo minuteii, Huch waiting train nhall be cut .so ha to cie.ir the highway." A penalty of ^550 i» atla<:hed for viola- tion of the Act in this particular. Of coUtHU thero aru vxcuptional ciiHe.-', but the .Vet takes coi^nii'.ancuof Hueli. Tin- c^mes in I "int, hortever, wuro duect violatioii.s, III eadi of Hliicll the abovu penalty wa.s t;iidoubtedly incurreil. El Hunt I A I. ^ <i n:s. Till' Duiidalk llirntd ban biM;..iiie sud- vl< Illy Holenin oii the incorporation ipicH- li II. \ fi:w weeks iiyo it was ipiilo kIH' iii.il imrry in poking fun at .M.irkdale ; I lit all at once it occurreil to the lltfill lii.it Dundalk i.s alio an iiicor poiateil vil- \i^v, whereat its visii;;u lunu'tliened visibly. I I i.s scarcely neee."(.siiry to add our "pet pioverb"-a.s the II: mil teriii.i il "sour i;..ipcs !" Kvery time tlni Ihi'ilJ writer stumbh's f\ IT that iiiipohin^' public strmtine, yclept llio "|jeiiilentniry," ho must l.e forcibly I. iiiiiidrd of tho fact that |)inidalk is in- I ijKiiated. It will al.so draw forili fmni t(i.> .loiil liio pieces of sympalhy for other |,!.itu.i .iiiiiil.irly situated. Alisery likis i,i/iiil .my, you know I A VEDARVILLE SCARE. Attt'iupted Miirtlrf tind i( Hot Chase uf'ttr tlic. Fugitive A young man whoso correct name has not yet been a-scertanied made his appear- ance in this village hist Friday in charge of two constables. Ho has of late been making tho house Ziichariah IJrown near Cedarvillo his temporary home and on Wednesday night, about 10 o'clock, he, with another pursun, being the worse of liijuor proceeded on tho highway to the residence of John McLuhan and began to wako up that hou.sehold by swearing and shouting "Here's where the man IItcs that was going to shoot Brown's in- former."â€" It is supposed that he, tho cul prit was "IJrown's informer" having been connected with some Scott Act case in which ho had acted the part of informer at (iuelph. Mr. McLuhan hearing tho noise jumped out of bed, opened tho door and ordered them oil'. Thi.s they declined to do and began tiring at Mr. McLuhan. Two of the pistid shots went through some clothes that were hanging on the line and em- lieilded themselves in tho woodwork. .Mr. McLuhan thouglit thero was no fun about thi.s and took down his rille which had not been u.sed for some time and pointing the muzzle at them inilled the triiTLjer, but it nns-tired and no aiiiiniiit 'f pulling would make the gun -^n oil. .Mr. McLu- han then went to the bai-k of Ium house and called tho neighbors to his a.-i.-ii.>>tance u|roa who.ie ariiv.d the mi.scnanis do- camped meanwhile, llu' culprit who .some- times gives his iiaiM.' .la' ^iif lllowii, threatened to go iiit'^ ilir lioii-e and mur- der the whole family. Il<" wa; tliiii fol- lows! to I'lte. -Mi'iii^' hou.-.i' ami allowed to ri'iiiain nnlil the morning, ulieii a war- niiit was pliced in the hands of William Woods, tho county coiislalih's hands for his aiiest ; He, W. lloyde, W. Tiyde, and Uavid Prydo armed ami eipiipi>ed for capturing him went to I'ete Morris' house and ,'is soon its Jac'|Ue saw ids purauers he ran upstairs and e.scai>ed out of tho nable at the end of the house to /.achar- iah lirow n's, and from there to the swain|K Here was a pretty li.\. The recent thaw made the swamp almost impassable and tho outlook fir capturing an arnieil man in such a place was not vi^ry briuht, luvertln^le.ss nothin',i ilaiiiilcd tin; pursu- ers kept in the swamp all day 'I'hnrsday, evuryoiie of theiii beiny wet from head U< fiHit. Towards evening it lugaii to fri'eze and the clothes on them froze stiH' with fl'ost. Knowing that no m.-m coiild stay in the swaiii|i all niLdil willioiil In ing fro- xoii to death, th«v WMit to (/'udarvillc ntid cliani{('d their clothes and h.tviii'.,' heard tliiit. Ill the niiantiiiie .facipie hail come mit and stole mtn Xachariiili llrnwn's llu'y .\ I for I'h .shertoii well, she has wisely piiihted by tho mistakes of iiiMnhboring \ i!!.igiis ill thi.ii matter of incorporation. ."-^he w.itches their iiiovemeiits with a keen .ind discurniiig eyo ninl lluueby avoid.H llie iJitf.dls into which tiny tumble. (t i:i true we dnl publish an artich^ in Tiii; .\in.\.V( i£ III reference to inciupora- tioii a .shoit time ngo. |!ut it j.s le,/ tnie that the reasons therein as.si^ned in fa^or <f tho same worn our own. We coiisiilte<l a porLioii of the minor of public opinion and then publi.'.heil the iciilt in edilwrlal fi.ii.i. This tiick of niisrepnsi'ntiiiL; what people say or wiitn is ipiile popular in soiiie ipiarter.i. POSITIVE CUl'h CATARKH. «;ivi;.s lir.metliatg Relhf T .1 Ccld in Head, HAY FEv::^. 51 ii.xsv TO t m:. Nuta.'^iiiitT, I'avdiir or Iirlialiu;,' I.l iv.W.. Pii.'i , I â- . iii.il JI.Cii. 1." li'.t i,l.l.iiii:il.Ii-:i'. year (Iru .• : , ^. .1 i)!r;:.ilil (Ml maliit ci ji;.i-. Ail.'.r. J .'i".f.OHD ii. CO., CrocUvillc, Ont. immediately scattered and surrounded tho house. Mr. Brown did not like tho idea of having his house searched and de- nied having seen the man. But in spite of his protest it was done and Jaciiue was found iu an upstairs room under the bed. The handcutrs were put on liim and he was taken to Cedarville. where, on the f(dlowing morning he was arraigned before Don. Bell, S. Rodgers and Mr. McPlier- son and coniuiitted for trial at Owen Sound. [We are indebted to the kindness of Mr, Spur, Editor of the Dundalk Hrrnld, for tho above report.â€" En. AovA.NeE.] Xcwspapcrti in 1888. From tho edition of Geo. P. Rowell & Go's "American Newspaper Directory," published April 2d (its twentieth year), it appears that the Newspaiicrs and Periodi- cals of all kinds issued in the United States and Canada, now number lt>,310, showing a gain of 8'JO during tho last 12 months and of 7,LiC in It) years. Tho puplishers of tho Directory assert that the impression that when tho jiro- prietor of a newspaper und,,'rtake8 to state what has been his exact circulation, he does not generally tell tho truth is an erroneous one ; and they conspicuously olTer a reward of 8100 for every instance in their book for this year, where it can be shown that tho detiiiled report received from a jiublisher was untrue. NBW ADVIIRTISI-MKNTS^ FARM lOE SM Bi:iN<i !,<t il. O.ii 11. .\rtriiiisia. miitniiiinK IiKl ftcii-s iiioro or le!,s. Kor |>Artictil&r8 iU'lilyto K04a:i! LEVKU. Fh'Rherton. \OTICE. ~ SHlN(il.KS co?iHtiuitIv i'li liimt! nii.I fctr mhIo t Iu «ii. Jii-«t put III flr^i ( l.iH!* now DiopiMiii; Mill- now Initio nUiiik' >oui Kiaiii ami tiel it clu'i-iMil up ill hhurt mJcr. J. n. SI.O.VN. i:ii^i;iiia. Auction Sale VALUABLE FARM UMiIlK all. I I . liltia' .>f llie l".«..r i>f «nle in II >-â- rtaiu 11. Ill V,n'^v fri'tii .M(<xtiii<ti'r Mcltean t" till' \ i-iuKiri. will! h \.tn 1k> pic. Inc. sI At tl.f tlllll- <.f Mile IUhI on lli-fH^ltt ll. ih^ IN.'llUt 111 l'H\ liu'tit.''! till' liuniu>« Ihi'i i-liv s.'turi'il, llieli' will 1... nil >•!,.. 1 fi riiiil.i In ri.l.'Ui- .\mti.iii Ht I.IN- 1 i;\ s IliPl I'l,, ill llnmllniie.if .M.WWm.l,, 1>> •hOlN >l'i;i us. .\ueti..ii>',.i, o:) Tin KSUAY, APKIL l*,>lli, 1K8H. nt \2 oi'unU iKion. 'Ilio Ii>Il(>whi({ property. tUUlltlv ' I.ot iiiMiil'i r :'J'. ill tht» Sicoml llniiyo or Cou- i-i-Moii N.Ttli Mf ttit' lititliniii U<)m].lnthi*Ti)mi i-liip of ( i-pir> , ioiilntnin^; .'lO fti-ic^. iiuivti i<r It hh u( will, li ; (I Hft' cuiil t(i \tv clcaiL>ilin.>li!nltlviitu>r Oil tl Hoii-i'. i» pic?iii-iw HI*' wni<l to he rt (.'ctlRr Loy Also u l.t'jit ItArti rtuil SIimcIi . 'ri:ltMS. T.ii pttr 1-. la nt tinio of Sttl.*. fr r till' linltviMx i<'iiii» lilniitl and will bu iimdo l.linHII lit tlliio t>f MlliV t t'l fiitllii I piiitu-iilnrpf apply tit Md^S. IIAUWUK A I UANKS, Viuiiloih .^ulii-itui.s. â- r..iiMit.., MuK-li •V.th. ^•^'^ Photos Photos (»ii behalf of this town, we extend our lieuily tliaiik,s to our nieinl.er for llie '.loniiiioiis. Dr. I.anderkiii, for his ell'orts 111 behalf of I'lesherloli, re the Wii^teni Ontario itailroutl. .\Uh<iii'.,>li we are not haiilieiilig awfully for eoiinectioii with chat projected. I'pe of wiihvay, yet wo fully appieciato. iinr member's eiiergi'tic elloits in oiir beliaif. Wo mi;^lit add fjir- tjiur tJiat v,v liave strong doubls us to Aliether tlui Hcheniu i^ question wUl ever .^f^icuiuo i* i%'.i|ity. Photos. Wt: tin- iiinr luiniiij lint unr/,' f'nr sujinniir ill .â- ill/!)' iiitil jiiiish Id inii/ icir j>ro- iliiri d in Fli shfitiin. COPYING and ENLAl^Oli^G at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FRAMING (/owe in lilt ils hninchiii. .1 ./ooi/ iilork of' /'AM.I/A'.S' nii,/ MO/'IjI)! XiSS krpt i-onstiinlli/ on hiinil. Will nl'sn iut-od : llw new HROMIDE rORTRAIT, ii /lirluii- lliiit I'd ijii'inii (Htiir. Mulif/'iiiiinn whnrver inlriidiiciil. SAMI'I'KS cnii At' srrn <(< mi/ iitilUii/ wliiii: nil i)nrtiiuUir» iis In I'rivc, Sli/lr Sic, ciiii he iiscer- FLMSHEKTON. I 1»« CIIILDllEKS HEALTH. FAEM for SALE BKlNd Lot r,. rou.7. Oiiproy. lialf inilu frrti .Maiw.iU. liiiJ Here.*. lU acrun cIiiu-imI, wdl I waierti<t. aii'l uuil.ir v,i>3\ fet»t"j of ciltivatiun. i Wl-U fL-iice,!. Ltti-^IO truiu« baru uiid atablr. ' fiaiutt boudi;. Fur furtllur iiarticul&is aptily to ! JOSKI'H U.\bLKY, 17^ Spttdiiia Aveiitia, 34i-371. Toioiito, One nf Xutur,'! Kindest Gifts in a £^\\»\ntttk I tl Ilcallhy Constitution. O'uitrd it oguinit diseiise hy using Siamese Worm Powders. Business ! Wnnns (ire the fruitful causf of vumin â- ^â€" ^^â€" disorders in Childrtn. SlA.\JtJSL\ The uiulersii;ii«l haviiiK IxiiiK'nt out S. Spirit s IMy/i.u / l/n ur.mi "- "• '^•'7'*^' " '"^"" ' up with » (Iub nock of 0.vr.ti.fr«. rialmon. Sur- Kl'oiiKi Kieblutrtoii, has opcntJ ,. „ „ ^_ _/ Ovftyrs. riahiion. Sar- in iririj case irlure tlifii cxisi . trill rcr/a- 'ilmcn, fresh .v Uiul Mo«»». Kresh A Salt Fish, ,,,,.,, , , ;; ; , .1 ; Sausage. ItokiKlia, ic. an.i iiivitos the puople to iilf the .S^/HllIt7l una Jimctis at the sumr i ^.^u ,j„,i ..^t ac.iaaiiitu.1 itnd leavo a trial onkr time. I'tc thein, yuu leon't regret it. ' f»r au\thiuK in Ihu alwTe liiiti. ' ' JOS. McCOXNELL. I Flesliertoil. Feb, Ut, IPW. Should alirrfys Le used fur Sick lUnd- iiche. Thtir (tprrntiiin is viild and pUasunt. Theij ttriki' home mch time, when used for a iJisonlired Lirer. Ask for tlirin. (Jet them. Dun t forijit the If i/uiir druggist hns not the ulmre pre- ' par„iio,i in .Stoe/c. W. W. STK I'li KX' <(â- fY>., of .Meiifiird. irilt send them to\ i/oii prrp'tid on nciipt or'-ll\i\ for either, 5 of each, or assorted for Sl.l'O. w.w,s'm;\ut lhâ- |lâ- |Ji>l.^, l^/lo^s<l/â- • (I H't'lil, GREAT RUSH! W, W. TRiWBLE FOR First Cla.^s ROLLER FLOUR. Uo. 1 Etono Flour, OATMK.\L. itOLl.i:i> 0.\TS. GU.vH.vM iLori;. CUACKK!' WUE.\T. Sf'iorts, Chop and IS ran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC V^That For? lATherc ? vvhere? (iV^TriK PUP iWV T..W.S.CIIKlsrol.SMe.ll,.ilHall.Kl..<ih.-rt..li. Ulljlrjll^ lUIl Oilljl;- (ur the .â- .•Iflirati'J liu'.lnoii-*. JOH.NSn.N>i ' TONlr lUrt'l lis, Johnson » T. mil- l.ivur Till JDMNSONS .Vl,l, KK.Vl.l.Mi Wlllli: DlNf- MKN r TIJl? PrTQTT i" for tho lUTl T.ltS as it i« lazi nuon kiuiwu «i. i^i tuo host tor all Iitii voiis iliM'a^eH, 11\ 7.t>.Miii. l)(>l>tluy of any Hurt. I.o..st>f .Vppotitf. Kftnitl.) (olnplHiiild, and l*HtclieKa of roinpU'Xloii uii.l all .ti..oiiti?ra arls- JM:; lioiM punTl) 111 111.' Hlooil. TllQ Dlicil '"'for tile I'lI.l.S A* tluTt* sit' lUO XvUoU i„,ii„ ln'tt'T than tlli'.o (iT l.ivi-r CoMipUiiiit aiul ileraiitjuuii'iit of Ihu Ui^ctft- hi' "iiiaiiH. rili: ItlSlI ii (or the OINTMKN r as it raiiku rtrft ill it!* liealiiii; 'HiKlitio.* for all skin l)ii«t'a«f» u( a ..L-rofnloU!* Iiatltn*. liiiru^, Si-al-t^, A *-*-. Ai". .tiij It in I J bo luiitul Ht till- Inui; st.'ie of \\ . s. I llUlr.loi;. KK'Hlierton. I'oiiit' anil trv iiii.l mh' for \oiu^el\us. THE MARKETS. I'Ll'.SllKUl'ON. Ciirvf'ulhf Corrvctcil Each Week. l-'lour *l 10 to \ 10 Fall Wheat .71! 7S ;o <» b'll Spriiio WlieiU l» 78 8() i'.arliy il.". I) 70 Oiitrf US HS Pons tl o.S t'lO lliiUer tl '-7 II 17 H^'^'s, fiish VI •! l-i I'oliUofs bush H> 10 I'ork (! .')•> 1; f'tl Hay, per ton 7 00 AW lliaos I rx) .') fill Wool IS 1>1 Sliocpskiii.s 50 (iceso 0(> TiirktyH 10 Cliickfiis per piiir . . 'I't l)ncks i>or )iair ... oH '.V. W. TKIMBLi:. Fltshcrton, Deo. 1st, 1887. U BELL' â- » J Ur.?pproached for Tone and Quali'y. catmlosuss free. BELL&CO.,Gueipii,0iit. KK\VM:nri> am tliosi' »l:o niul tins all, I ( lut. the\ will Illul tii'Il- titabU' eiiil'I'i'liU'llt that Moll ;.o& t:lU0 tlUMii 1:111 tlUiir lu'Ii:.!! nit'l faiiiiliit. 'till' pn'htH iin' laii;e aiul i:iu' n.r «'vi'r> ludii'.Uiiiiit^ pi-i •i<e. liiaii> have tiuble aiul am lu'w iiiiikiiti^ ^vV.'IhI litiiidreil il,>l'ai.t .t mniilh. It IS .â- a',> f.T am .»iu' t*. uiaki* ?;> an, I iipwai'iU pi-r ilav, \rlu> 1- wlllini* t,> work Kitli- ei i^.-x. voiim; el" I'M: nivital lu»t lu'i-.li-il w.^ start > "11. llVfrvtli;;!.; 1,' 'V No !«|vr;.il uiilllty ii-'|tiir."'l ; vi'ti. rea'b I". i"aii lie it art \.A\ as airy I'll,'. W riti' ti» U". al .lU, I for full p.ii iicu'ai'". wtiu'h Wvi mail I'lii". .VtUlleita Stiuboll .t t."o , rortlaiiil, Maine. SK.\ \VONl>l:l!S ,Mnt in tlioiisauiN it Ii'llus, I'll! ail' >\u\ a'*(*t'il hv tlu' l"ialveU of liooiitioti 1 iioM' who aif in :iri"-l t f protUabli' w">'ik that call be ilolu' wlilio 1 01) ' living at lioiiu' slioul.l nt otH"0 fetul tV«;ir a.l I iliiss til llulli tt .\ I" 1 . l"c ulalul. Maine, ali.l r< tl fit) I <',.|\,. frcii. full iefonnatiuli flow .-itlier si'\. of hM iiKos, ran i-avu from #.^ to i*'J5 prr day ami iipwal'H witi.li"M'l tlu'V li\o. \oll liie (.taltwvl lit) fieiv t"aiiital liol u 'luiii d, Souui liavf iii.;,!.' 1" f.'iO 111 a I'int;!!- dav at this woik. .VII nii" il. lOl 30 j 00 A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. s. niSEASES or man. Ttit: untutT ut\ti.ru k #;.»*; Wf.ji, M.ir» I f.( Healing, and Kohinoor ol Medicini-n, ^^â- ^â- w Tr»xs3»,«cr! tht' terrible coimrniU'iieeM nl InillNrmiun, ^:£JkS:.^}:.J^IS.. l-.mpourr nml Ovi rwork, â- 2-OTJ1TC3-, i.4:ix>:5£.iz:--A.a"EiD .aToitio ou? 3^-rEiT Who ftvobiola'ii ImMi from tho 1 iVitih of ubiino will llndni No. ,s a vadical fiiro for iuivo".iiJ lUibilily. or t^ .01 10 \vtmKi:ttSfi, mvoiunlary vitc. 1 lohsos, etc. STvrTOM. van »"nu'U No. K siioeii' »i: I'.smi.â€" Want of liiu'rcy. v<it;i:o. want of inirvone, .liiniuisH of Rii,'lii, avoraion t^"» sofii'iy, want cf oontViunce, avoutaiioo of eouvor^atiun, cii'Kirotorsolini.lo, li<tlosHiir8< loi I inabiliiy to Hi the alieutioii od a | attioutar iiubjo^"t. cowiirihro, doproHHio'i of Bpirits, piililmosi, lofl.< of iiuiniorv, oxeitabihty oi teiiiv*'i, Kpor. iimtorrlio'a, or Ions of ibo sftr.lnal llnldâ€" tho losuU of sulf-alniso or marital exofsiâ€" impo- toncy, lunutntioii, iiinuciatuvi, liaiiiniiu'sfl, v>il|'itAtiou ol tlio loan, loetirio tei linji- i:i toiimlos,lvoin!>llni:, iiii'liinoholv, diiiurbiiii! droaiua utc, nro nil m\uiiiIoiiib of this tirriblo habit, olti'iitimos iuiiooiinily io"i|iiuoil. In bliorl. tho upriiit; of \ital foico bavini; lost ua loniion.i very fuiiotlon <vaiioH in ooimiinioiico. Si'iontillo writers and tho MnioiiiitniiiliiiitH of ins 010 asylum 1 unit- in lombinn 10 thu olt..it."i of 80U abusa tlu> i;roa» nnijollly of wivstodlivoi which ("oiivii iind. r iinir iiotleo. If you aro incoinimtrnl lor the avduous »lutioaof tniHiiiosii, incaparitnto 1 for tho enjoyments of lift', No. HoiVi'iaun uscupolroto tlio otToota of eaily vu".i. If you aro nilvaiu-o-l iu yoarn, No. tiwill j^ivo you full viiorra-l 1 troinilh. If you am bnituui ilowu, physically auil morally from early imliaciotioii, tbo result ol icuorancc and lollv, i.i'iu\ your adilroas and 10 oonta iu stainps lor M. V. l.vi ox's ';"i"eatis" iu Hook l-'onn on l>iauas«i of Man. Seiilnil mid sui-t.io (uim obst'i\ation, .\ildroHii all eoiuiiiuuiiatioiia to M. V. l.l'ltOM. 47 M'elliii|ctuii S«. V. , Torowta. A Man wilhoul wisdom li»tJ In a loot's paradlto. CURES CUARANTEEi). MEAL IHE SliX. Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure^.