Mar. 15, 1888.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. LOOK *r.* HERE! For the Next 15 Days AT GORDON'S Harness Shop, FLESHEETON, »'ill be €Hteit a LARGE DISCOUNT nn all Cash SaUs over One Dollar. A Full Stock on Itand of ilAllNESS, wiiirs, TllUNKS, SWEAT TADS, CUlUtY CUMIJS, ilOliSE BLANKETS, irAUNESS OIL, HUL'SllKS, &c., Ac. W. C. T. U. DupartmoutJ. Cauii«8 for Defeat of Scott Act. From Globe. Milton, March 1. â€" To-day'a result was a great surprise, not only to tho support- ers of tho Act, but also to thu Antia. The Rev. A. K. Runs, after the result was known, proposed the followin)» reasons fur tho defeat : â€" First, the voters' list was prejudiciid to tho Act ; second, tho illejjality »( the petition, causing people to l)a less interested in the contest; third, the late Haltun Dominion election alien- ated .1 lar<;o niiiiiber of the supporters of tlie Act ; fourth, probably less interest is taken in tho Act at present, as there is an increased desire for general prohibi- tion. .•OJUTCII COLLARS A til'MClALTY. ik ♦^K- S^l â€" ii â€" ii Sentiment Stronger than Erer. Dujff.rUi Adocrtucr. The Temperance Sentiment in Halton has not weakened â€" it is stroii^^er to day than ever it was. The vote does not show any revulsion of feelinij on tho tern- peranoe ((Uestion. It merely shows that skilful interference aided by money sup- pliuil by brewers and distilleries may snatch a venlict ((uite contrary to the sentiments i^f the people. L.iST NOTICE. N.B. â€" All outstandiug accounts must be settled withiu the next 15 Days. If uot tlie books will be placed in otjjer tsuda for collccticm. 1 Streetsvllle View of It. Strn'tsvUlc lievUw. This much is certain, the defeat in Halton is the severest blow yet dealt against the Scott .\ct in Ontario. It has been tried in thu balance and has been found wantini;, and tho "banner county" i.s the baniior county no longer. There is a growin'.; sentiment in this country in favor of teniperancu, but no terrorism of tho churches, no bjistard le!;i.slation such as the Scott Act contains will ever bring the cause to full fruition. Other and better methods must bo found, Ix^foro tho great object of tcuiporance workers can bo acconiplLsheJ. Where Will the Public Come From. Lhtiidiilk Iltrald. Tho Flesherton Advance speaking of Markdalo e.\tends its profoundest and most reverential oonf^ratulations on its recent elevation to tho dignity of a town or town(8hip) and wonders who will bo Lord Mayor/ In this there is no reason to wondei", the only wonder is when they get their mayor, town clerk, councillors civic officers, registrars etc., where tho general public will come from. A Leup-Year Proposal. Tho opportunities and joys which leap year bring to tho fair sex are not un- attended with misery to unprotected mas culiny. Here is a proposal just received- by a Jordan, N. Y. baclielor : Weedspot, Jennywerry 20 â€" Dear Cir : I heor that you want to net a wife. I'm a widow with fore uhildren and si.xty-fore akers cjf land niongaged for .32,200. If you can pay oil' the inorgago I will name tho date. If knot don't answer; rite soon. P. S. I'm thirty ate, how old are you ? Bro. Tuwnsends Opinion. (}rey Reviein. Some temperance journals ascribe the cause of defeat to one thing and some to another. Some say tho vote being taken on tho Dominion Voter's List allowed a predominance of Tory vote.s. But wo think the true cause was that after a trial of six years in Halton the .\ct was found to be unsatisfactory and not reaching the end desired by the Toniporanco men who voted for It. The great trouble with the .\ct is this, that it is a Federal Act, and all license :ind dealings with tho Liquor tniHic, should be under the Local Govorn- iiicnt. <tuulifled to Learn. Farmerâ€" I'd likj for my son Jimmy to lam y<mr trade. Telegraph Operator â€" So you think ho would like to manipulate tho lightning, do you ? Father â€" Of course I do. Tho blamed fool can raise thunder now, and I guess he can soon lam to jerk lightniu'." Bro. Spnrr'14 Opinion. DmuUilk n.rut'1. The repeal of the i^cott Act in H.ilton County is tho gi-eatest blow the Temper- ance Party have receiveil sinco tho Do- niiin'Mi alliance lUganized and will do nioiet^i .'4hake its power in oilier parts of the IVovince than all the lemHlation and lecturing of tiMiiperaiioo wurkers can remedy. Halton was the pivot .m which success or defeat fu- tho whole Dominion restcil ami now it has turned nothing short of a miraclo will reverse it. A \ew Order of 'Uuhhs. t'hiit.iioirlh S'l ii'n. The time was when cliihlren in our coiiuiiMii sehoils were lautjht reading, writiiiu' and arithmetic. N^w tho time is taken up in teacliing them prayers, .fiiii;iMU', drawing and deportment. It will Hooii be that every well-regulated sclinnl will havetoemidoy one or more diiliciug masters. If Decency in Stealiiiu. Ihfii.htik 11,'nihl. There i.s a decency even in stealin the person who liaR r<d)bcd tho editor of half a cord of wei>d sinco the last snow storm had iK't been so alxuniiiably greedy as to tal.o too l,ig arnifuls, dlxipi'i'ig ^Uickw of it on tliOsiilewalk at every few- paces in their hurry to get home, wo might have lieen more lenient in our censuix". .\s it is, tho boggain, thieves, .â- (coundielH or whatever they be, only deserve our nii'St seoriiful reproach for theirMunderiiig, di..gracofulaiid unchrist- ian conduct. \ Philosophical Youth. .\n old peasant was at tlie point of death, but tho last stage of his ilhiess was of long duration. One night his son left a candle burning near tho dying man and went olf to bed, sayin^; as he left the room : "Pa, when you thttik you're ((otpi;; y" can blow out the cnndlo I" Where They Wever Feel the fold, 'Yes,' remarked the .St. Paul man to a friend from Chicago a.-* In' stood arrayed in Ilia blanket suit and aujuated a couple of buckskin chest protectors ; 'yes, there IS sonietliiii){ about the air in this North- western climate which causes a person not to imtiee the cold. Its extreme dryness,' he added, .as he drew on a pair of e.\tra woolen socks, a pair of Scandinavian sheepskin boot-i, and some .\laska over- shooB â€" 'its e.\lremo dryness makes a deureo of cold, reckoned by tho mercury, which would be unbearable in other lati- tudes, siiuijly exhilarating here. I have suffered more with tho cold in Michigan, for instance,' he addeil, ius ho drew on a pair •)f goatskin leirgings, adjusted a double fur cap, and tied on some Esqui- maux ear-muUii â€" 'iu Michigan or Illinois, we will Hay, with the tliermometer at zero or above, than I have hero with it from 45 to 55 below. The dryness of our winter air is certainly lemnikable. ' he went on, iLS he wound a coupio of rods of red woolen scarf around his neck' wrapp- ed a dozen newspapers around Ins l)ody, drew on a full cloth overcoat, a wintor- clotli overcoat, a light bullido-skin over- cost, and a heavy ]iolarl>iar-.'»kiu over- coat ; 'no, if you have never en joyid our X'lorious Mimie.'iota winter cliu'ato with Its dry atniospliere, its bright sunshine, and invigorating oz(uie, you cinild scarcely lielievo .loiiie tilings I could tell you about It. Tho air i.i so dry,' lie continued, as he adjusted Ins leatlier nose protector, drew i-n Ins reiiuieei -.Jkin mittens and carefully closed one oyi-hoK' in the .seal- skin mask that he drew down from lii.i ca;'-- 'it is so dry that it actually seems impossible to feel the Cold at all. Wo can hardle rcalizo in the spring tli:it we have had winter owiiiL; to the e.xticiiie dryness .i| the alni'spliere. My the way,' he went on, tuinm^ to his wite. '] brim,' loe a couple oi lijankets ai:cl ihn^e l)ed-i|Uili-i and lliio.v them r.ier iii> Khoulders. ami liaini me that imii_' with the â- ioa|'.-<tone in i'. ai:d now I'll t;ike a swii; lit tins ju'.; of braiily :i:id wlia!, .•in.l then li' you'll liave tlio i^irl bring my snow shoes iiiid iceberg .>.-aliiig stick I'll ste|i over and see them pry the woikmen off the top oi the ice i^alaee who were frozen on yesteid:iy. I tell you we wouldn't be goiiiu' out tlii.s WMV ."lOO miles I'urtlier south while the .iir is damp and chilly. Nothing but our dry air makes it po.fs- ible.'- -CViii-.(.(ri Tiih'iiu. CANADA'S COiaiC PAPEIl. J. 'W. KE.Nt;OL't;U, Artist and Kditor. l.HSUbl) WBKKLV. $2 a Year; $1 for 6 Months. ORIP i» increBjinf! in uillucnco and popDlirily every year ! U i* ;i •.uprenic tluasrhold favorite, whi!e every .iiiu Prufcuional .^nd Husilteu Man enjoyi ihc tlever hiu whitli appear in every i»»ue. Subscribe now • See .>ur Ptcmium an.i i 'lubbing List. Circulan giv- ing t'till i.irliciilars sent 'rce. MrLook out for Grip's Comic Almanaa ft>P 1888. Price 10 oenta. A.'lJNItSS, 6R1P P! liLlSHnr. CO. Martyrs to Headache Seek relief in vain, until tliey begin to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Then they re- grut the y(!ars o( suffering they might have iiscapeil had tliey tried this remedy earlier. Tho trouble waM eoustilutional not local ; and, until Ayer's Sursupa- riUu did its ufTeetive . work as an Alterative and Wood Purifler, they were compelled to suffer. The wife of Samuel Page, 21 Austin St., Lowell, Mass., was, for along time, subject U) severe liitada<:lies, tile result of stouiacli ami liver ilisorders. A per- fect cure htui been effecteil by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Frank Uoberts, 727 'Washinnton St., Boston, says tliat he formerly had ter- rible hi!adachi!s, auil until he tooic Ayitr's Sar.saparilla, inner found any medieinii Iliac would j^ive Permanent Relief. "Every SpriuR, for years," write* Lizzie \V. DeVeaii, 2li2 Fifteenth St.. Broolilyn, N. Y., "I have hail intoler- ahle headaches. I commenced the use of .\.yer's Sarsaparilla last March, and have not had a headaelie since that time. " " I suffereil from heada<!lie, inilines- tiim, anil debility, and wtis hardly able to d nit; myself ahoiit tho house," writes JIis. M. "M. Lewis, of .v. St., I-owidl. > " .-Vyer's .Sarsaparilla has worki-d a marvelous ehaiik'i: in my etuse. I now feel scruiiK ami well as over." Jonas (larman, Esip. of I.ykins, I'a„ writi's: " For yi'iirs [ have sulfereil drciiilfully, every Sprinij, fnun hi^adatdie, i-aiist;d by imiuirity of thti blood and biloiisness. It seemed for days and weeks that my head wcuild split, open. NolliinK relieveil mo till I took .Vyer's Sarsaparilla. rhis medicine has cured me completely." When Mrs. Gencvra Belanger, of 24 Bridge St., Sprinntleld, M:uss., l)e(;an to use -Vyer's .Sarsaparilla, sin; liiul siilTered for some years from a .serious alfectioii of the kidui!ys. Every Sprinii, also, she was altlieted with headaelie. loss of appetius ami indiuestion. -V frieiul por- siiaded her to use .\yer's Sarsaparilla, which lieiietitod her wonderfully. Her health is now perfect. Martyrs to hcad- a<:lie should try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'rfpnreil by Itr. J. »'. Aver Kio.. Low.ii. Mfta& i'rico 41, Biz tiutUtt. #A. Wurib $^ a itutUu. ^Udial. DR. CARTER. M.O.P. JfcS.,ONT. PHY!i>I€lAN, Sl'RCEOIV, *c. FLKSHEitTON. Offlou, Htraiu » block. Ue»idBne«. Wm.WriKbl • JleutiiJtrii. DENTISTRY. Thomas Hendsrson, L.D.S. SIlitiKON DKN'nST (toUl M11l11li.1t ((?!(/ Hdiior iJraduaU nf tht H.( '.D..i., Will viiiit KLKHHKUTON, iMunsbaw's Hotel 1 luid 'Jot .iiieli nieiitb. Ti,«th uxtrnitoil, iimcrt- ixi iiMil illliiil 111 thu liitjhtiHt 4tyl»s of tho art, ami at [ii>iii(,nitL* riLtus. Hi-Ai> Office. TBI Yonok St., Toronto. J'pgnl. J. W. FROST, L.L.B., Barrintet\ Solicitor, Convt't/ancerm Otllcij,â€" Sti-Hiu s Huihiinji, KLEHnitUToN. A. .\. <.liK.SLKY. Si)liciti»r aiul Couvoyaucor, Kuhiili'iit Miitin^tir. MK. I'KOST will l»t) found at tho Offlco un TliurrtdHv. (i« iu'itHufore. P McCULLODGH, Burrinter. Solicitor, <Sc. Oltii'e, ov«*r NcFurlaiid's Stort'» .Harkdalt*. Money to Loan. business (!^atrts. GLEANINGS OF TRUTH Gentlemen, re<iioiring neat and allTdctiVG Horse Bills ! John W. Armstrongy I'lkshekton, Co. QitBV. DIVISION CDl'UT CLEHK. CDM.MISHlO.NKIi in It. U., l'uiivcyi»u;cr.,Vf .VKioit fur puiclUf.- aoU sill,, of liilltlh. .\ii|irtiiHur fur C. I.. C. foin. »n,l K I' H. ,v s. s,i,;i„ty. .M.iiuiy I') Loan oil th., llloHt riittHullublu ti^nuH. iHhfKIl L>ir \l.\itKl.\C'10 LK.'KNSKS. NOT.VliY I'LIILIC. MOIS EY TO LOA^ • AT LOWE.ST CIKRE.\T R.iTES. On Town or Kami rropurty, S. D.V.MVDK, Floshurt^iij. ,yccit ficarcelij be lold, that rtii' Fleshertoii .Lilvanc of- lice Jiil.i the bill exactly- W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. OLISIIK AltTKMr.SlA, tV *.V V E YA Si 'Eli. ( •( iM MI.'<t!IOy Kit. ISSVUASt'E ACT, diJ DIJKDS.JlilltriHOKS, LK.\SKH, Ac, t>rfi>ar- ',il itilU prniiurly u.xecuteil. lliHUrttinu; allui • eil ill nrnt-irlABM L-uii)|>Aiiiun. Mu»uv to Tumi as low,, til rfitl'H. GET YOe MEAT t-FKUN-<- BLAKELY BUOS CENKRAL BLTCHER.S, FLESHERTON! tar'Casli paid for fut catllt?, Ac, â- 'tc. Th. rUai'.u.ih Hvd Jhnh.nn Oulf . Gray Champion ! Wni s(<ind fur „n-u: .,t b.t /.W ,' ir.,v/. Art' Ufsm lihimt -hh- utile Ji'ini hlc'^lit i fc, Stiitu'ii. 77i(.s(.i'j lirst'cl<t!.* 'Ui'ntn/ â- >,,•' fftninfH licsirnifi "I nupvintnif tin ii- .s,'«" ' H-ill in irull to inin'j th'ir 'â- mi-.-i to hmi. 7/ id ill inline, cundttiini. Tigi.MS. .*! per. to riuiril't'i- of I•u^^â- ^ I'l Ittillli-ri] I'UtC'w fU'l'Mit] ii;ht li'. iii)> I'M)' ffiiin. .UMl.S .\1).\MS, l'i'o|.,ul( r ///. all kinds of FINE PRmriNG T//C Jdrdiire Ojpce has a\ inusl eiiriabw- Couiitij \ rrpiitatioii. James Sullivan, Tlie Tiusmitli, - Fleshertou K'')'air in^. l-'iiv«:tr">iii;liiii^' TJui in fnt t uvoi 'â- tiiinu in tln» lMisirM'(.s will r*>e<'i\i) luy I'l'ijiiil't 'iiiil t'uiiffiil fittuhliun itt litllHUlHlhlu prici.'H. When it coined to SALE « BILLS We 'J.el tlicve with botlijeet a/iead o/ all rlvaU^ 1 iMUrH i I itJ '""">"!^ "^" '""t lialf miituiv I il 1 Aill iUll "^"^ ''^"'^ iwnou^ won.l.^i s ix I invfutiv.) I'loyirhS i.s ftiinllinit ail'l â- ^^ 'ti'lil I'f woik Ltlll 111; pt!t foriiii'tl ii' ovisr tilt! i;oiiiiti V wiriii'iit ^^»'l>arlitin^; tliu WciK oisfv.'ui tlirir 'liiniii'*. I'liv lihrrHl; aiiv «tMf uiiM (if till! work ; i-ithm- f-c.v. v.mnj; or nlA ; ti> spuuial iihiluv n-quiifil. C'aiiitnl not ncctlcil . Vi»n fill' starr.i'cl fn;o, ('lit thin 'Hit. iiiiil vitiii ri {â- â- us an 1 1 we will -^rml \'<\\ ficf, .utTH'thii'i^ uf :ji cut, viilint miil iiitt'tirtufiii- to von. ihut will vtiut >(> i ill biisjiii-sn, whii;li \m!! *«iiiK.V'>n in in(ni' nioiii'.- ) i^;lit. iiwiiy, llian aM\tliiii^i flsti in thi» woiUl <iHAM> "I'-i f\ I iMti:i:, Uldrusrt Tni.K it Co.. Aii- i;uMta, Maine. Farm for Sale. xitKit.fTo, oyx. 1/ ijau. are deairoas of se- curing the leadiiiii iwics- pa.fjor in Greij, Just send a doUar lo A.B.FAWCETT ADVANCE OfFICl'^ FLliSHliJlTON, ONT. Heiti(i lA" 'â- ''''''''' '" ^'>" ^' ''"d .Ird Hin'i;,-^ 'â- t. W of T iV S. Iti'*'l. ,\iti,illeHiiv, coisislilii^ nl ."Kl flCit'H nlorn or Ie«H. A fMuit •i'i i,<;rofl eleai iil OC in ^â- l>l'â- l 'tiivto "I lultivrtticn. .Vdjoininx l'Ii-> lier- l.ou station. ItiicW '.eliouUuniBi) on I'ljo cmitT '*f thu I'ltic,?. lOio.l Ii'iiiK! lu)iiN(>, nitiniDH uit't k lOiil iii'viir-fftilinn <iii'i)ly of sprinu wsliir. l-'nr Itiilliiarticiiliirs a|>l'lv to MUS..I..\NK. UATIMKll I nil til,' pi-oniihes. or Kli-nliwrtoti btatiun 1* O. FARM for SALE BKINd I.otO, Con. 7, OH|iroy, trnlf tnito frriu Miivwell, 11X1 norns, (io itetKH oleiirpil, well WAtortvl, and dikIiu' Kood htat« ...£ <4iHivHti,in Well fenced . l.atKu fiiiujo liarn and stiibl,>, frauiuheusu. For fiirtliin- luirticulars ftioily tu , JOSIU'H H.MILKY, IW Hl«AiD» Atoiiuo, 344-371. T.o)jouA«w,'