Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1888, p. 5

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w Feu. 10, iS8S.] THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE '^ »+. Why You Feel Sj »v;ik ami ixUau>i<<l is binauiW vnur <^\•Hld i". iiiipnri.-. A.4 will t-xpcct lli« siiui(;ir> I •iiuliliuu u< u <:Uy w ba- p<rr- f.-. I Willi ili-iili-«i wat>r aiiJ ilifrOtivM jM'\%rra*4*-. as to ••xji^-cl yu^-h u i:oiiJi>ll- «-ii;**il |iitrrH of lutM-liiiuism as thtf huiimn irjiiir to lir in â- jftral urj.r with iuiiHire (•:<j<i<I • iroulKtiii;; fVfU to its tuiuutusC \ijiiis. I)>i y<ju kiiuw that every drup ..f >i>ur two or three jiallons ol hIo<jd [Kis-urs ihriiUtfh the heart auil luui;s ia ulHXit tnoanU a Luilf miiiulia, auU that, >>ti it«< way. it luakis Nine ami iuii>"l«;. brain auii ueri'H. anil all otUt-r sajlids HuJ Iliii«l« 'tl thr tiody .' The bl.jinl i.S I 111' griuil uuurisUrr, or, as the Uibto Ti-riiM it, "The Life of the Body." t»U any « under, then, that i( the bl'xT"! h** uot pur« au*l (lerfeet iu its i:cnsti- I'li-nts, yiiu sillier sij uiauy iudescnbablo ».\uiiiti>nis? Ay.r"-. Sursit|>urtUa standi " head anj »!ii,uMer»" ahiivi: eMTV uth-r .Vlter- iitlvo uu<l lilood Metliciue. As |>ri>u(, r.Tid thill ri'liji)>li' li'Stimuuies : li. <". i:rii.k. ..( l^.well, Mas*., says: Fur tile |ia»t* St ;. cars I have sniil Ayi-r's Sar^aiwrilhi.' In my iiiiuion, ^lie best r^'iiieilial a;;oiii-ieH fur the eure •if all the ilisi';ises arisiui: frurn ini|iiiri- ».i.s of the bli>j<i are itjiitaiueil ia rhii uiediei"e." Eiiif. ne 1. Hill. M. !)., :wi SixtU Av.-.. \.'» Vi.rk. .lays : •• .Vs a blixul-puritier ;iMi| ;;i ii-rnl ImiMer-iip "f ilie •jstem. I ha\e n.ver (muni auvihin^ to e<iiial AVer's .>;ar»a|iarilla. "I; ;;iM< i>i.rf«i.t i.ati-»iiu.*riun." .Vvet's ScirHa^tarilla proves etiiiully • ilieaeiiiiis in all forms uf Si-rofula, |;<iil«, I'arbiineles, Iv'zenia, Huiuur«>, I.iitnlw.'ii, Caiarrli, i'.; auj i*. thcrt> fore, the Very U^t Spring and Family Medicine in ii-e. â- â-  It i« ats all." »ays Mr. (.'utler, • •i I ii'li r llrothers i: Co., rK.stoii. â- â€¢ how Ayer's Sarsaparilla .:. .>- '.â- â€¢'.I." I'ri p,ireil hv Or. J. C. Ayer Ic C«.. Lowell, Matt. I'ri'-a (I: (il UiUlrs, %i. Wurtk (i a twti!*. Niixwril Sclioul .Wallrnt. IT PAYS! I Dear .Sir,â€" 1'lea.s*; alhiw niu a nJioct I s|ia<:e in the valuable columns nf your I Kiiicy lie*s[iaji«r. tlnmoli tlie article which ! 1 {iuri<«>!Mi writiim uiay seem at rirst siuht to [iiiMic ii|iiiiiiin ;u one of trivial ini{i>>r- i taiice, but to me it in one of inexpressible j value, bc-cau.se I do n<>t desire U> have my reputHtioii marred iii the eyes of public by a loii',^ e|K.srie. inulicioua in ibs [luriiostf i and I li'iiie inivttit.iciiiii.siii its iimHei|Ueiice ' wrilteii by such a .swaovet .ls Mr. Loiii.', Hlwjrte eX[ire«.siiin i.s untrue ami wlii«e veiy seiitiinent mahciiKis in the extreme. .\ joni; epistle I -..ly tieeaii.se it is tile cmi- fu.siil atiiial of M:iio|;uitic i-areer tor a [ierii<»I ot oier tin. ve.-irs. In the first i |il;icv .Mr. ly le.; has :ux<iseil iiit- i.t utter- ^ I ili'i •li«>reliiltab|i- st.iteiiieMts aU>u( the I Triixtes.'ii : staCeiiieiit.s which I eni(ili.ilic- I ally anil can ..muicieiiti^illy ileiiy. He ac- i cuso* iiie of cxlliiio tliv trustees a liest of | I rotten e-.'-.'i*, wliicli I did Hot. IJut I said ! (lierc «xs a little lie->t "i eo^is wauted t" t he broken un. when :i bvntaiider wlnmvcr- I ' I lie.iril ••••ni|.leteil l.i.s liViierU'.'ical exjin »• . -loll l.y .s;iyiir.' a years nest or rotten v^^i*. ' I He al.vi siivs I calleU thvm a nest of cor- • j rnjitiou but !ie U-iii-.i Trustee .it the time. I I iiiiaoitieil ill soine of his eriiuic visions, , -iiih to lj«.- said ami seizino his corrupt- ; ibie ciutiipy well appropriated to his jieri- ' craiiiuiu put it mi aiiU is still coiniielltil | to wear it a.s nature uiice J«.-stroye»l m ] liaril t<» nbiiild. I He a.sm;rts that I look hiut to t;i.sk | .iboiit two years \-^it for [layini; ti."i much ; Hilary to our teacb«r. 1 did but mi »hal , coiiiiitiolis. I saUl We iiii^iht as «'.-ll liave . n teacher «lio (jmwe.ssed the rv>|uisit« | i(uaUticatiuiis of a s<-c<>ud cl.i.<.s when »e : were ^>ay iii;i suthcieiit saUry for one. a> .uiLiry of four liundre<l ;ukI fiftv dollar*. I .My ide-a< r.c*' run in conformity with I what they did t«<» ytsirs a','«i, I m.'*' im j jiartuil coiiicrsioii atnut that. Uiit I a(u [ Ijlatl to see .Mr. L-ile,' Is •.^ettiii-.; the Ivaiii Jri-.;>.'eU out of )iis ,,wn eye. tor a few | year-' a^o. he wouKl have iiotIiiii-.i but a professional sccoiicl ola.ss. l>i«l he not '. hire a jii.niirifes.sioiial ; Yea he did and ' , yijuir.i men were <irao;^ed uji. Feariin: to takv luure aftace ia ynir valuable paiier, I will «.-iid iD«ire iu my uext letter. .\ Lovkkok .Iistiie. Babies .i.H'D Chilobe.v â€" Tkey are al- ways catchioo colli in the heail. I'lace a small {jarticle of Nasal BaliLi iu each uuMtril at uight, aLjo rub well over the briilt{«.^ of the iKMc. aiMi k^( us kitutv how they are in the uiornina- Oransr County L»dcr Bt S«Bth Tile annual uie-etinx of the ' •riiiiie County Lodoe of South ;/rey was held in the • >n«n'^e Hall, Durham, on Tumtd-iy. Feb. 7th. when the folhjwino were elected otticers for inns : - Hn.-. James Bl^je. W.C.M. • A!.-.\ani!er Chilton. D.f.M. .Alexander Bin'.4b.iiii, • '. Chap. Jaiiies ItriKlie. C. .Sec. \\. .\. .\iiderson. C. Treas. John H. <_'arsoii. C. I). ifCer. â- â€¢ E. N. Bri..d!e. C. Lecturer. Brc*. John .Vidred and W. .•steVenson, D.C Lecturer. It was decided to hold a seiiii-antitial nieetiii<.j in .Mount Forest, ..n the iOth of June. Tlie aliiiiial uie<tile.i will be heli! ill Durham on the first Tucwlay in F'ebruiiry. li^'*'. Com. We lia<l the pleasure of iuakiiij4 the actjuaiutance uf Mr. Lauuiuoan, the oeiiial and handsome C. F. K, station ao^-Dt at DuLuialk. on Saturday. He is a worthy siiocv^.~<.ir lo our old friend. Mr. .Syiuiujftou. LOOK T (J Advertise E IK THK â€" Flesliortoii Advance. C»et 'Vt>iii* JOK FltlMI\<i DONK .\TT11K - Advance Office, VLKiiHKKTM.^. they even hired a third claw for the taut year. Although .Mr. Lon.' wan m-t iiii[>li. | rattsl ill the hurry o< tiic latter (publicly ' he iiiiist h.Mfe bevii \«riv»tcly for he seeiiM , t» bv iht> i^roiniiMsjit spukuaaiaii Trusti^e ' or Kx -Trustee. He must Ui the loader '. of some mysterious clue or why since he it oQt of office Dot remaiti sileut .ind allow ' the .'enthiiien who now constitute our j school Isiiird maintain their own '.^p.uinis and Ai>eak for themselves, iiieii who Mr. I>>iij; knows .src callable of doiiis; so and will Hot lie .illureU hv the Kiit of di^hoti- , . . . • I nly to elo injustice to .my one. 1 have iio coiui>hunt or '_'nevance to , ni.ike aoaiiist Tru->tees, but I do not like . to Iv burietl under f.dHelnHiil by .i uiidi- ci'itis man liku .^Ir. \a<ii.i. .Viiy man -.guilty of utteriiio such diji- rvput.iblc slateiueiits -u .^^r. l>iiii; credit* iiie with. I Would say deserve* iio coiii- 1 uiiiH-ratiiin from the public. ' I E\oi»e me for ii-ciipyiiio s.- niiK-li of; s{i,-we in your |>a[i«.-r. Trustiiio .Mr. Loii^' | I will make no inorw e \a.;'.jerated statements ' {.Mid uillcoiiline liiinself .1 little to f^tct.s. j j I will defend myself a-,'iinst his extcnu atcd iliainuatioiis by reiiiaiiiiiio sileut. JaMKS HltklMIHtM, .Maxwell, Out. Mnxwt'll Srhool Maltrrs. I r.i >hr Klit..r ,./ Tl..' .IdinM.-'. ; Dear Sir, Much lias been said of late I with n-^nrvl t<> our sehool section matters. ; One thill,' I like tbout it. W. I^in,' .id- vLso his friend to stick Iai the truth. Xow ! it" writiiiu the trutli-will Unetit ,1.11. why . iu the nninc of cominon sense don t he practice It himself. Tliinkiii'.; that your readers would come to a fairer ismoliisioii from a third [litrty. I will toll what 1 know aUii.t the artair. NV. Lon,; was tlie timt to start the coiitr\iversy. he wrote Aoiiie (,.iiid saiti iiinrv) :\l>ont J. H. a ve.ir a:"!! (at a lime ti"i) when J. l". »as >ick and unable to defend himself which was .-vii act of cowarxlice. >'.'' found liiiii at his old trick ; I fancy U-fore I vet th^lUâ- .•h ymir readers will '.ict an itlea of the size of the man, if they fait to do so from your l-aiH-r they have only to visit ijje ;i<«t- oltice and see tin- way it is csmducted. The l.1»t Teach«n- w;w discardol for doilio his duty. Ho .*eiit lioine one of the worst boVH ill the .sch»Hi|. one of the Trustees' family, it shock e*l the riiio as J.B. calls them. 1 Houhl su-.-ijest tuiitisl triplets III place oi rill-.; for if ymi step on the toes of one ; tlic whole feels it. Tlie Teach- er'* dismissal »ii.s .i>;retHl upon U-foiv the awitoh was L;r>»»»n which W. I^in-,; nsserts , wa.s the cause. The version of the burn- \ui of the stkk, ic. , only shows the , briUKtuy up or rather the way tlio.se W. I". T f Dupurt-nen:' Triiii»rmnrr. l-UOHIBITIllN TRsTKO BV ITS fRlITs. *>ne of the .Vutericaii papers has tbia to â- ay cuDceniino prohibition in Iowa, where, a few year* aoo the sale of intoxicants, aa a beveni;;e. was forbidden by statute : â€" "The sjij<id fruits of the enforcenieiit of the lav ,ire seen in the increase<l attend- auc-e at the puldic scho<iU, tile elevation <»f the [lublic nioralu, better ordifr on the strvetx, the i;reat .•ain iit the dop<Ktit.s in the saviiio's luiiks. the decrease of the various kiudit of (laupensm and crime, and the '.â- viiersUy iiiiprovvtl coiiditn'*!! of the (leople. Forty-live of the c»'unty j;tiJ» are eniptv, ami in roost of the oth»rs theie is a steady les.->eniu:< in the uuiober of esininiilnietits. In tli6 o'unty, Polk, which has a |Nipiil»tioii ,,f ri,*>.lliD.), many of wlioiii are linnets, there were in the csmnty jail before prohibition went into etfi-et tilly pris-meis .'ii thi a> ernjje ; iiow there .ire but tifteeli. \t the last se.ssioii of our 1,'raiid jury ther» were but ("ur bills presetileil ; lorinerly there were as ni.my ,is siitv . \Viiiiiipei{, Feb. lit, ISA-*. for Th' A-'^iti-' S<*r>lni{ <'hrU(. 11 riMolMV *i . -'>». Yi* ii-rvAut- ,>f J^'ii?* ikrise. \U'\ ha-ti Hi- i-<>ii.tuAij%ls to citi«7 . Itr i-«rut -t iiTiti faitlif'i) i%ti,I \rm. An-l liiUtr wliiU- yet II is Ja*. If the worii of Hi» u-rnce > on W-lifT*. Th'- lit,' I \erU*liitk* pris-Iftin;. Tllfcl liwe oltrs timv i;lfl,llj Ti veite Salvation itiriiu;.'li Je*ii- •> UAiu*. rhi- pleiisuri » of ,'«rth coiifit hilt 1i>#t I'tiworthv vetir -oul to >]vtsiu ; l^iieail to the worlil cbro the Cross. L<c nn HOC vn-luv\< ),»u nciiiu. YiHir I eart. o>i:r liiiinl. itiid >ou; voice. Yeor -ut»i>lAUee .lad time klive to Uilti. Ia lalKir-- niiefM^lli^ rejojo,-. I.e: lK»t >i'Ur"!lue .Jold be Oilce vlinl. ' lttsle,-tiiv-1 lit liM '.iiliriite cost. I'lia-triiiin-il 'o s love sts IHviuu. i„i' r<-,4-ue tl e iTriit.: aUil ki^t ' In iiiaii->i,in-i o: ^W'r} lo >liiue. * yinKrt:,'. !.<SS. T. H'. County and District News. Clipped and CoiutrHiteU fmm. th« Volumiiit til' Our Exrhanijen. The Diajority of the February I fairs held in this ilistrict were pii^rlv at- 1 tended by aelleni. j There Were ij.'J births. "iT inarriai;ei<. audi 1.') deatlts registered by the Division Rei,'- 1 istrar, of Mulinur, for l'«>7. , S..iuebo<Jy stole a h.'-i. weiijhin^ ItVj lbs. fruiii Rundle's butcher shop, L>uii daik. oil Saturday ni-^ht week, .\nother candidate for that famous penitentiary. Joh'.i Manhall, of Norniauby, while; hauliiio wihkI from the bu.sh on Monday i Last had the misfortune to cut his foot! Very- Severely. The wound •* ill lay him i up for a week or so. â€" 'Jciy l<">-ur>r. The Diindalk H-rol.f, JevU h.is found 1 the owner i.'f the ta'.;leS6 duo. He feels I ! Huite discoiisi ilate and has dra{>etl the ^ \ editor s de»k III niotirnin^ asiiio the i ; pniitino i.fhc-e towel for that purjxiss;. ! ' Tlie Liinlsay I'.l-s.-k. Shelbume. - .iccu- 1 ' [>ieil by Skeltou Jt Decatur, 'general mer- 1 'chants â€" was partially destroved bv tire ( t j oil Thurs»Uy uioht week. Skeltoii it De- 1 ; i.-atur's loss was #M.f**l. in c'oii.se<.(Ueiice I ; of which that tinn h,-vs lieen oblioesl to | make an assiuiimeUt. t .V le.ip year couple ran away from their 1 homes near Hrotoii Station clandestinely I and returned to their respective doniicilcs i>n the intervention of "her pa. "-- Ihn,- j ./i<;A H-r-ild. If this had happened iu i DumUIk. p€ople ini-^ht have inia^-iuedl ' that the ^vnial and handsome e«litor of I the H'rnH was the hem of the epi.se»ie .V b|o throng a.sseDibled at the ruller ' rink, Saturday nioht to witness the race l^ietween John WiIKiee, runnin'^ .ind Rud Matthews, on skates. Tlic race was fair- ' ly and keenly contested and considerable' money clianoed hands. Wall;»ce win by j I about half a Up out 'jI thirty. - .>fiirfci.i/' j ' .S<iiiiJ.ir(. 1 j .V lialter was stolen from the front of| ) Thedfords harness sho[i. Dundalk. Sat- : urd.iy ni<.;ht wcH^k . and ;>A«iie'd for a i!la.ss ' of whiskey. Aud yet the estc«nicsl etlitor \ of the H-moi c^intinue.s to talk learuedU ', ' about civilization '. When he wa.< site- I ceeded in refonuia;; the b^irbariaus .around ! j Dundalk. U will be tiuiu- time eu..m;h ;â-  ' J'TjE SHEUT ON ' yive outaiders a few [vointers. j ' HERE! For the Next 30 Days AT GORDONS Harness Shop^ .V sad .v.-cideut occurred on Friiiar last 'on the .<tli concession oi IWntmck l,y I â-  which .Michael Weis. jr. lost his life. He; ' was takiu-,' home a lo.id of hay and with-j ' in a few yards ..f the house the load upset, i He siiw the J.m-.'er in which he was placi d | :«nd uiid»rti'<ik to jump Iroiu 'he upjieri side. but slip[*il and fell .Tith his -t'in.ioh :i«.ross ..lie oi the iipturiied runner- of tie- «lci-.:!i. The j-s-r fellow w.is taken to ih. Imus.-, where he hii-,'eri-si in inteiis<- .»eiiiv ': for aU-ut five !i..iirs. when livatli ; ut Mi V nvl to his jMin, It^-ceised vv ^i» aluiit "J*.; vrars of ao,. //n.-.r^r I'-'tl. Hill he fiimt m LAR6E DISCOUNT (>t* ail Vilali S*iU» vinr (hu IkdUtT. TIIF. NF.W P.'\PER. Tli: nem Con-s-rTaUT« Jounal sbout to &• itarwJ in Torvoto, v> be cailsJ %\\c (t'mpirc, Will m»X» Ita »riw»r»D<» on or »bou« tbo lj«» of Dvc«tiib«r. > < r»"'-'< »re f^'''>« 'Vf**f W luaXc th* pw|»^"r si-iriliy et Causdv ami ol 149 gi«*l i>ar«T of wh^sw via»s is wM b« tho^ex- ;s.>ltv:l»«. 1% will -tArt WTlh s Staff of Brilliant JIMfers, Ana»»*»J(n»rn*l-.>^,ia«i#y ili'NtU"'"'- ^hs pwbMenisT eiiiect Vail y*w fkvM all quarters. AM« K41<*rUU, \crmtmir Reran*. Fair r*aiwa«>Bl*i HrlloM^- t •â- iBirrWal 5«-w«, iBierpMlaa «pMita« lBi<4H«rar<i. AoJ ivll ot^er IVl>*rt»lolit9 well «u-fci»e«l«J|t ibMlX. TuK KMrlHB will lie a lln(;tit, UeaMH^ and UelisbU I*wvs-r. Evtrybodr L^Mks f«r it. All ftiould Rca4 it. DAlI.t VMriKK. I WEKKl.Y KMl'lliE. H i>»r .Vcnmn. I #1 |s'» .\nnuin. SfnJ in Totir Subscriptipot now,».»f<)nip4ni<sJ by th« c«Ah. fto M to coiuinerc* with tb« fVr«4 u«i«. AjaivM, IV cKKH,»nv>N. Maaag,*! BiU'iaa, JorooMk I The Reason Why .\\»-r -» I'lII-* .if- !••• (••â- (•'(iir i-w. T'.i^f ui*>l;\iu*. t1i,v II. \.r 1' Mv â- â€¢ iii;. :il rff* «l«. Tli;-» !â- Â» U . .Ki-i- Ui' > if* \>itT^ly mrl or kitv "Our •! m^' fMii* 'Iru;: I»i ftll cx^v. tin T'l'-'ft . \N(i«flur 'lit p;/'»!i; U- I'M '-r >f'iii_'. \U*-y liikV be 'li;;- tlcnrl) ;i'!in:ti-'w:. r- â- !. lit fli- S..'itli.rfi iri.I \V. ^'.-rn ^t ;!••*. » ht r** »Ur:in.'.-Tn. nt* •â- ( tUtr Invt ir»» »>•» â- ^kIu r:t!. A>' r ^ r-.ll* lia\»' pri»\» •! .fi >m. t>:.iu;i-;- M.**ii..'. \K W It..::... Nv-w Ilcrne. N. r.. H rif t -* : " 1 ^iflFt T'-.i l l«.|t^ 'itl(«» W ttll -*â- â-  Itj 'v li :tii.i I \ t r ir-^iiMt •. ! ^ r . «1 \ nr "i;* 'â-  • - *«n«». l>i.t n-'fUttl i!t» Kiif-rit iiM'i! 1 t.-iiiuirii. itl i.tUif J \><r^ Pil]-. *rtt -. p'iU U li.nr. .1 in. a «-ii' «â-  I u-*-\ tl . Ml r',;ula:l> Ur â- % f«'^ f.i.-n'liw,. i*i't ::â- >â-  1.* ..IlU N\:i* ' â-  tl.|M» t- Iv :â-  w'l.j.-.l T)ir«.'U^ii''i:l N' A V',Mj!.iiL.t. iic\; '• ]'i:\-i tlis.,-.i^. «. Stuiiiii«-li and llont*! Dyspepsia "Mr. (i^tholirr. a [»r;ittit.il .-It. mh^', .f Ko.\*'in>. M.i'»'i.. will' xx:^ lv»ni; rr.^nMsM w iUi I'> -1'«1«:h:;i, u ritt â- â€¢ : " \ trim. I <ti<!ti*-f(l m* i" U\ \\i'a , 1'ilU. :ili«l. :«ft. r Titkiii'^ "in- U'\ w itli.-u' Tilll.'ll Uli.-'if. I «;i> «l}<«|H>w,**tl U* .jiiil ^ lluiu: Iml li*- ur-jt'l jn r*» v. r.m. .-. .iM.t., U ii-n I iiad :hii-»In*.! ;]••' ^i s fii.! U>\, r !•< i;:iT» tl. t\iH li, n. ,â-  n ii.l. I < i>t)r:iu:< il la*\ill;^ lli»-tlt, iT itifi r\ lU. lllll!| 1 l;;i.l II-*. tj »|r^.n )»«.\.-s.. Suih« f i! to »;i\ „ that I am ii*'^^ .1 \\ * II inari. ^iiiil iera:t Ittl iiiiiit . ' The hfilil tiiul "^toiiiat-ti :trf .(l\«.i\^ iit •*>Ill[Ui:llV : lllMl**- iIj. rlllMr ••! Hio^t uf rhii>»- .li-«ilfv?»?*Mi*^ 111 uiiiH'lif?*. N» w Iitt U jti» iii.in X . isj»». i.*I!\ M (lino II. .w* -wiiKn « ». .Mr^ Uarri.-l \. MnrM*-. ..t l*..ii;:t.K.-. r*. '• .'*i'-. N. Y.. %* rit«'» that fur vi ar> ^h- w.i* a inaityr |o ht-ntlaih*-. aiul. ^^â- \• r l\.uiuk iinxthiii^ t«' ui%f lur mort* than t- iii- * I»«'rary r* li» f. iiutit thr- K^hti takirt; \vcrs rill.-*, *iii.t ishitli -h.' ha-* N fu iu the eiii(.<« a»M4i; •>! ^>^rft<t i h.-atih Ayer's Pills, IKBl-Ai.tli BV Or. J. C. Ay«r & Co.. Low*H, Matk im by all t»Tjggi»ta. ^ . A full StiH-k «m Hit ltd m' UMIM.SS, \vmr>, TlMNKs. .SWK.M r.\])S. 1. 1 III; V c<.>.Mi!S. iL<>i:si-; i!i..vNJ\i.:s U.NUNKSS (v>ll.. i!.\/rru 'Mt/.ji.c) .1 .s."t"'7.\; :• > \it â- * -^ >".!{. .\I1 tiiitstiuulih? .locoiiutf (HMlit Iv settled wilhiii the lux; »(V Mhiv*. If tiot the iMiiskM will be l>k:ic<.(£ in other h^w-h for < allfclioUi^

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