Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1888, p. 4

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T m 4 THE V L i: S H E R T O N ADVANCE U THE ADVANCE. ll lMlli|i»lUMl t^ij'I'nliiDii SIrtil, - - f'lfalirrliih, <hit. TKIOIS OF KntSClurTION: tl pcT niilnuii \sImmi pKhl ^trii-tly ill uilviilic« 1^1 M per miiiiiiii \s liiMi ni't hu piiitl. A. R. PAWCETT, Editor iiuil I'iiii)ii)l(ir. FLESHERTON: TUfRSOAY, FKP.. Id. 1hk8. I'.ni'ntniM. .\t>ri:s. It is iiiliT<-stiti;i til liraf u 111:111. "li.i ImrriinK nil his ri-iulirr^' iiiiktti.'i', iii.sti'iu-l- iii<.; iiii Kilitiir in l\w urt nf onitliictin); » 1U'HN|III|I('I' HUlTl'.Ssfllllv. If Wt: Htri- lllllv Hwiiiiiiiiiiij ill till' "iiiiit iif all I'vil.' «f liii>;lil aiiHisi.- niirnt'lf and tlu- |iu)ili<- )>y nlliiwini,' micli wisrai-n-»t tn riiii Tiir. An- { v«M K alMiiit t wii «ciliH â-  |uili' niilliciuiil. to liu callfil in<lL-|ii-iiil('iit I Allliiiiii;li liri'ffiiHudly n Lilu-iiil I'liii.ii'rvativu iia|iii, TliK AnvAMK lilts ofti-ii Im-'CIi clitiscil as inilrliL'iiitolit mice, iinli'cil, liy nil luait an iiiitliiiiity than tlif .\['iil Ailvcrti«iii',' A;,'oiicj'. Why waH this thunly 1 N.iw that til.' (Jraiiil Trunk H.H. hxs sfcuivil Cdiitinl iif the Niiitlnrii A N.W. Ky.Httiii, llicrt; in lo.tK lilii'liiiiiuil than ovi-r, that a liiiu will ho run ikcrnHM cnuiitry fi'niii Diii'liaiii til 8111111' ]iiiiiit nil (i't'ori^ian Hay; hut tlirir in a .stniiii,' imsnihility that llio Niiilh (ii'cy hiaiich will hu ciili- tiniii'il nil fi'i nil M call nil til I twt'ii Siiiiliil. Till' I'l.it Hii|if railway iniijirt. mitlineil ill fi niii-r 1.-..SIIIS iif 'I'liK AnVAXiK, isnallv the iiiMst iiii|iii|lanl nf all the ninti'iiii.lat |>(1 srllilllfS llnW lli'fnrc till' lifii|ih'. That wuuhl b« .\la\>V4-ll. t'ritiii I'Ur ntr,i I '>nri.ifHniil''tit. Tlu' ciirri'S|niiiih'in.v mi Silimil iiiattLiH ill tliiH |il.'U'i' has oaiisiil coii.siclrrahh' cmu- iiiL'iit ami vmir om riNiMiinUiit is iiinrf than iiIimisimI ti) kimw that thr luniur par- ties liavi.' takiii the ris|ii.iisiliility in tlio iimttir. Ami tin: wnrlil will now ho ai- i|iiaiiil('d nf tlu' fact that tliriv are twn Hill ll llntfd |)i'isnli.s as .M<s.«l>. l!llfkil|i^'- Haid all iiidiviihial tn Thk AnvASrK tln^ l„„„ ,i,|,| 1,1,111;. '"SnllU' nf Mill frllnWS tjit tun lll.lliy nf thrill advii tinriiiiiils in yniii JiapiTH," POSITIVE CLilF CATARRH. «;ivj:.s Immsdiala Relief Cold in Head, HAY FEVEa. K.l.MY TO LSi:. Not a ?r.n(I, I'ljwilcr or Irrit.illni,' U'jiiiJ. I'ri'J jiii-ij. and fl.iH). \t uot obtaiuaUuiiliour dru .•• !.•! H, ^iir.t I.rr|l;l|il (III ri-(;i;!;it nf jir!. â- '. .K-\:t â- ! PUUFORD ic CO., Drockv;;io, Ont. 'I^lM* iliaii<!;e in CIIILDREx^S Itiisiiiess ! HEALTH., WANTED (Jimntitv nf Wlirri-; ash ti.r IliilIiT fiili- ^ for wliiili CASH «riM Ihi pjiiil iiii ilulivi«r\. JOS. Ml fOICMIIK. ri..:.li.-rt.iii. . (hif. 0/ X'ltiir,-* tiiinliMt (I'l/lf it 11 [ Ifinhht/ C'lmntitutton. (j'lKJnl it ngaiiul' i tlitfllSK lllj KnilliJ ; Siamese Worm Powders. â-  n'»r/;M iirr thr huil/al aiutf <</" mniii/ ,/M..,,/,r» III t'liihirni. Sl.Wh'Sk W'OICM J'OWDJ-.'/i.S uill 'â- r/.fl »'i,rm« 1(1 fci ri/ 1(1*1' irhirr liny t.ri»t, will nyu- lair the Stiimnrh mid Kiiurrl* at thr t'linr tintr. lie thrill, yiH irnn t rnjrel it. ,.nl.-r F»**fk'H t( BELL" 1 *l«*Sli<SlIlf i^iiis : The mull rsii;iieil 1i»miiB Umiu'IiI "lit S. .S|Mrit» lliililiiTin-.; Iiii»iii.ii. in KIi-liiTUiii. im.1 •iiKlif'i up Willi u nriH -link uf o>«tiT«. S.ilumo. ^ur iliii.-i. Kri'-ll A Driiil -Mnati-. Kr.-li a: riult l-i-r. Snui-uai-. Itiiliiyiia. Ac . :uiil iliviu - tin- iHi.pIn t.i ihII mill Uit «i'lil»iii't'' "'"' '••'"" ^ "'*' Iijr ulivthiiiu ill tilt; atujvu llll.--. .los. MiroNSKl.I. ^•l•â- ^ll'Tt(.rl. Ki-t> 1-t. |K>*. The Uoss Itai'ber, il.iitouf Slic'llinrBri A'n.if I'li'ir (11 <7.M/fi'/i'< Sh'ir Sh"fj. l..ilMi:S' IIAIK <'l TTIX; A si'Krm.TY. Sh'tiilil iilirfii/$ bf vmil fur Sir J.' Urml- iirhc. Tli'ir nprrnliiin in inH'l nml S/niriin;. >'/i"i<i^'i'"iiv/. •! â-  ill-. I'rrriltlitlr' nthor day. lU-ar fellnw-iunrtal, wo Imiu' ynu wiiii't fhivati- yniir »|iiiial cnluinii if yrv iksHiii'u Vnu, thai adviTtisiiig pays ymi as Well as tho ftdnrtisi-r ami puhlislu-r. Mnw ( Simply hiciiiso it rriliiccs Iho jiiilxtoription prici' nf tin- inwspapcr tn cynt. Thf iidvoitiscr pays a share nf the t-ndl of prndiictinii, fur which, nf coiirso, lio is amply ri-iiiiiiii'lati;d. If tluiv wi-in iiu advortisiii;; ilniu', tho piihlislior wmihl lie ohli-jed til nii.li' his milwcriptioii rutos in nrdor t<i iiiaki- his ]>apcr |>iiy. As it in, >i>u Kt't cheap reading ; which, ffiiii an ivniioniical staiiilpniiit, nui;)it to Halisf) yoil. Then the advertisim; i-nliiiiiiis fur- IIIhIi ynu with a lai'i^e aiimuiit nf prntitalile infnriiiiition in iiiaiiy instaiioes itaviii<; Villi the i>rico of Huhscriptinn » dnxeii tunes over. Wide-awake |H-opl(t consult Mr. Aledler (illy passed the ayi; nf Kaclieliirdniii hy taking tn himself a wife in the persnii of .Miss tirey. nf this place. Tho happy cniiple are away nii their llniieyniiHin trip. They liave the K-st wishes of all fur their future happiness. .\iinther pair made happy at Kt:ver- sham, drnve tliinu'.'h our village nil a Very cnld day last week. IWit tnn hajipy tn jiay any atteiitinii tn the weather. l{ev. W. Kill rier hist a valuahle li»rse a few days ai;n. supposed In lia\e died frniii indiu'estinii. It is re|Hiited that a new stnre is In In' hiiilt hy Mr. K. Itrnwii, nf Sii|i.{haiiiptnn, adjiiiniii!.! the hotel here. Our mails were a.;aiii delayed hy a se- vere htnrill nf last week. MisH Klla KiMT whil has Ikmii verv ill (he advert iseiiielitH as zealmisly M 'hey j f..^ „„„,,,„,„. j, .,).,„ [j. r.vnverini-. Wi w ill U- ple.'ksed to Nee her amund ai;aiii. Well tn do Hn. .lust think it over calmly «lld you will Kvc the furcu of (lleHe itl.ite- ineiitM. ThiMi, let \in whisper nnotlier little matter in your ear : The siilwi rih- erit and mlverti.sers reap vastly nreafer lienelits (riMii newspapers in the a'.;i;re- i;ate tluiii tl» the puhlishers tlieiiiselveii. This is it«>U-erideiit indeed. .Mr. .In)in Haiiiliii has ai.Miii returned to reside in mir \illa'.;e, and luM eii^'.-vijed til Wnrk the farm of fir. Kerr. Kim«'nln. FriiiH our oirn t*orrr.^fniniiriit. \ cow iHlniinini; to .Mr. \. Smith, which h.iM iK'eii iiii.ssiie.! for alsiut a wei'k, was fniiiid ill the river the other day. Thi> is tile .secmid animal that has heeii drnwned in idsiut a week. The w.iter in the river was never known In Ih' lower than at present. The falls are cniiipletely fm/eii nviT and present a '.â- rand a\>pearance. (•11 Saturday, Mrs. Wri'.;lit, of t>uray. rohirndii, whose hiisliand is eii>„'ancd in the niiniii'.' hiisiness. paid a visit to this villau'i- and inllecteil a few speeiniens of What tnvfii nr vilhine on the eniitineiH j ^,,^.^ „,..^,. ,,,,. f,^„^ „.„,, .^ ,;,>„. ,,, ,,.^,i„._, lins a lire reemd like Kleshertmi ( Since â- ^^ ,„|,„.ral pmperties. It is U'lieved hy thepUce had all eji-teiice, we under- ],„,,„. „f „,^. j,,,,.^,,;,,^,,,, ,,,„ ,1,,,^,. ,^ lr„„ Ktalid that <i<.^ (..i-' llnHnr has Wen |.Hid 1 j,, „,^. ,„,i,^l,lH,rl,.,.,d, thmieh whether it hy any insurance cnnipany for h'xncs hy | |^ j„ |,,,,.|,„^ i,uaiitities is imt definitely lire I .\iid there has niily lieeii line Imild- ll^,„mi, K.vtk. iii^ destrnyed liv lire in ri^jlili-ni itmrs .' and even that »iis imt covered hy iiisiir anoe ! Nnlwitlisfainlln'.; this fact, iiisur- aiice rati'S are just as liii;h here as they ale ill places where they liiue finin niie tn half a dn/eii hiu lires every yea;. Ill ntlier words, l''leslierliin deliies im spe- ciid lieiii'lil frniii its iiniipie and hi;!i HtaiidiiP' ill iiisiiranee eiicles. .\ cnlileiiipiiraiy cnniplains hecaiise we advertise its to»n nr, ralhi'r, heeaiise we do lint advert i.«e it ennu',;h. Is that It I Well, it would take a laruu anioiiiit of udvertisint{ to hnnni that town itnylmw ; and as we have iml chariii'd them acnpper iii this matter nf advertisiie.^', we see im reason why they slimild i,'ruiiihle. "t.tnite the contr.>iry," as Sairay (iaiiiii wiuild inil it. 1 JrFoUJA, Unapproached for i^J^ ^^. â-  Tone and Quality. CATMLOGUtS FREE, BELL&C0.,Guelpli,Ont. James Sullivan, The Tiusmitli, - Flesliertoo. lli'puirinu. r.iiv,tiiuinliiii;;.iiiiil in lin-t eviTy- tiiinu ill till' liiipiln...ii will ifceive my priilupt suit esltifiil atti-iitiuu ttl 1 1'u^iiiiiililL- piict'i. Iiiin revoliitintii/eil tli^ worlil â-  liiiiim the )ii«t Imlf eeiiturv. Nut jf'HKt Aitiiilii: 111!' woinler^i of llociilive iiroi.Ti H* in a iim'IIkhI mill ^^~tlâ- lll nf wiilli llisl eilll U' pilforliuil ftll iiVer lIu- e,iillttr> lUtllnllt s,.piirtitill;; the witK- crn (riiiti tlii'ir iiniiH-.. I'u> IIImtsI; uiiy mu- run llll I lie work: litlier i.t\. Miiiiif or ulil ; no HpiH-iHl aliilitv r,-i|uiri*4) I'upiliil not lu-inli-il ; villi lire >tiirti'.il Iri'ti. Cut thi^iiut hihI return to UK ami WI- will sfinl ymi free, Miinelliini,' olkTmt Miluti iiii.l iiiii«>rliili<'e to ion. Ilial will ~tiin tou in iMiHincx. wliicli will l>riiii,niiiliu inor«i iiionev riiilil iiwn), ttmn aiiytliini: oNc iu »h«> worlil. OniMioiTKiT irMKi:. .iililrenN TiiCB * fo.. Au- t^ustu. Mnintt. \ jtlriin'iiit. Thry firiltr home enrli time i irhrit usril for <i I)iioril>rril I^ivrr. A'l: \ fur thrm. lilt th'in. Don t /or'jtt thr I /i'//*i.'. I*e«;lv'is l*l**tif^nni iI»illH. I Ij i/iiur ilruqijint has not thr nlmrr pr- â-  \]..tr.it;i„i in Stork. W. \Y . STKl'IIKS ! <(- 4^)., of Mriil'ord, irill urnd them In I you /irriHiid on ncrijit of'l'ic.f'or tith<r. â- > of nirh, or ant'irted for SI.'HJ. (Kt Olh. 1HS7. Jir»t-r0i,(, \\\.\\,m.\mm. CLAYTONS IIAUMISSSHOPI t'LESHERTON. , fjl.iri, il-i I /'l l(i/i;i,«f», U'ltotrfilli- <{• Hrlilil, A< f/e' /iliir- III ijet Hour lloi inO'l^ lifi m ij***ii *fy''. 'â- .S/ii>/< 11. Johnston' f Lie- r'l I'j/i â-  frlon." Fi. .A - GREAT RUSH! What For? Where ? fa I ^ -1^. As ft toilet iirtlelu, .Vyer's Hiiir Vinor stands iiinivah'il. It eleiinsi's the sealp and removes ihimlriitT. eiiri's itcliine Im. mors, restores the orieinal color to faded ami nray hair, am! prninntes its nrnwtli. 03 Q HI â-  I â-  05 »iU! To W S CHKlSToi: SM.«lic,il H.ill. Kl.»li<rti>li. for tlie .â- .l.l.r,it.-.l Mii'.liciiie-. .lOHNsuSM IVrtl.in.l. Mmne, TONIC lUTTKK?^. .loliiiniiir.. Tunic l.iv.-r Tills. JOJINSONS \l.l..|lK.\l.lNt, Will IK Ol.ST- I Mi: NT 1 frti'i? vrraij i- fur tiw hit reus »< it i. lUXJ AUOn l.ni.wn in Im. the U -t (or All n,'r\i>UHilt-vA->e... Hi.«ti'ri.-|. Dnhtlitv nf Hti . Rort, 1-'-- cl Apixtiti . l-iiinl.' I oniplnint-, anil ]*rtlt-tif>..* nf Cnnipleviiili mill all ili-ionliTii iiri'.. ill*; friiln pmertv nf the lIliNiit, Tho Piiah i- fur the I'll.I.s ». ilnri- arc XliO IVUOli iionc iM'itir tliaii tln-x- (»r I.iver Cmiipluiiit anil ilcrttli;;cui«iil nf thciliRcit- ivc uricsii... THK IIISH i« for the HINTM KN P i>- it r»nk< ftist in itn lienlilit.: iin.ililii-.. for all Skin l»i*.-.%*e« of a vrofuluiei ni%ture. lUiiin.. s^-.iM-.. & c. Xc. .Niiil it is to Ik- InumI at the Oiiti; Mure t.f w.s, cnui>roK. Hi -lierton. Ciillle iiimI lr> ullil •ee for >i,in--iUe«. KK W.VKDl'.l) nr. tii.-e »hi>i«>.' tliis anil thin act; th' . Mill lliiil hoi.- .irahle iiiiplnviiienl that will not taka them frmu Ihiir hunnii. ami fiiiiiilii'.. Tim proflti. are larije and Mire for , ler) iniliiHtrioii'. p».isun. inaii\ have iiivltf an.t an- now iiiakin;: *«veral hiiinlred ilwllar^ a liioritti. It ir. ert^l for an> one to make ^i arni npn.irili. |H-r ilai, who i» "lllini; t.. work. Kitii » r -• \. vouii:; or ohl ; capital not netslad : w^ «lart v.iii. KverN tiling 11. w. N.i ^p.cial abilil . i>tpiiri-il: I'on. rea.ler. can ilo it an well m* aiir one Write to U.1 at once for full (larllcular*. which we mail fn-e. Aihlre-n Miusoo A. C«i . Agents, Agents I EARTH, SEA AND SKY - 1111-- Marvels of the I'nivent Iteini; a full anil (graphic ilixcriptioii vf all I', if 1 i« nonilerfiil in everi Contineiii of tliu liloli^. mi I the worht of water., alul the ..l.irrx Heaiin«« Containini^ thrltliiie ail vent ure« 'ui hiuilauil »*-«, 4 reliowiiril ili«co\erieH of Ihe worlil - '.'rrati tt 1^ iiloierK in alt aue... ami r^iimf kahh' plienoiu«t;«% III every realm of liatiire. V;!iilii acin;; thfi *trlji» (I ' II I) I <l I () II I ! 1111: pliviciil l.ature.ol tin- earth the (K-cullai t li;irHrtcri>lic. ol the lioniaii r.ice, of auinia'if. liii.U iii^ect^ etc.. incliiililit.- .1 \iii.! ilt'iK-iiptiwi U I (I i o -â- -^.- ,. « V- 1 1\ r* 1^ ril ^ . Iiit.l.. itl^eCt^ etc.. incllllllllt.- .1 Ml I'l lIl'lK-llptHUl ^I'll L ^'1 I If U LI V ol the Mlnitlic. I'arilix anil Imliiii Ihiatii atl 1 11 L lU ii lllV li 1 U, I ;•!.<'';â- .':;•'": r.-;-: 'l'-; :";.:â- '.:'"-, .:;'.fl': trt <l FLKSIir.llTON. t'lifff'iillf/ I'ttrrrrtrd hUtvh Jlrrl, Flnnr CO ; Fall Wheal ... ?() 7S • Siirini,' Wlicikl ... 78 r.-irlev .... tdl Oats ... t» ;w • IVas V r»M ' r.iilier .... •-" ' F.nos, fresh .... 17 1 I'olalot'S bush .... t) w IN.rk f, 7''> i I I:i v.iicr ton ... H till : Hiiies .... 1 :>o 1 Wool i.-< j Sliee|isliiiis ... .'(1 ! ( lecse .... ti« Turkev.s .... ft m ("liickeiis per pair -i.'i l)iicks per pair (1 .Ml R. J. SPROUL, hciiulifnl Kt a..hetN alul l-laiil-. -ili;;ular fl^ln aiitl ilwi-ller- ill the worhi ot iiiiui .. re]iiarkal'.<i iM'« all ciirri ut... etc.. ti.»;eilier with thv ainaxlffu.* phciioiiiena of th,. ..olur ariil «tair> ^1 uteiiin. L« 11, nri HiM upon Sorthmp. l>\< . eiiilirllif h,«! ?l (HI to 4 ^t) â-  Willi over ;a«i tin, 1 etieraviin;^ l.iheral terin* u> II ^.11 a^ent.^. il^foni Ptlhli^hiliK t'l'iup.iui , 5 .loola^i '" ••'" M Toronto. Out. .I16..*l> II S<| â€" â€" â€"â€" ^â€" â€" ^â€" ^â€" â€" 70 ! !»H1 . iJ."^ ' ^'l'"*hrrtou. ( 'ohrc,M*#rer, .^/i/o'i'i" r. I"(j/- „ |_.ii<if<>r <i»o( Moii'ii l-fd',. /»,../,<, Moi'f- ,_ i/iiiKi, /.ii.i/'.i iiiitf Will* ./r.|i/(i iiji itu' â- * I'll/Milfl'nil.l Hlild.; 1X1 .«A"rf> <( linfi'iY. I JuDt- jI'M -A' '>â- '•!' '-"•. â- <pf'>f ♦•• /«• ./ â- ^/'/i'"r/.t-. 6 (â- >( I'o.ttmiiatrr. F'rjitrrlioi. : ,'â- â- â- â€¢ SKA \VOSl>KU!( eiiKt in lho»-aml« sf .1 of IIK Kr ''*riii''. hut are nurpa.>.!.»-il hi the luariel.. .)] I U|jy| of invention. TIiom- who iire in |iriwl -i "^ ' I prnl\tnh)u work that call he ilolle whim \ DC ! living at home hholiht at nine iiiii.l thi-ir ail „ . I lire..* to llalli'tt .1 Co . rortlaliil. Maine, anil 1 » o I'll ceive free, full ilifiirmatioli how eitlier -,'X >£ 1) 1 (I I iili i^l-'c*. can earn from ij-'i t,, M*'> |H-r .lay anit 1 upwaiiN wliyrcvei thi'V live, ^oIl lire >tarte t iUI'fiee. Capital not reijuireil Sonu. hale luaitve 'Ver t^'^Mn a ^iu^•hâ-  il.iv at Ihi., in.lk. Alt ».i»*- .-eeil. I) till A Positive Cure. A Painiess Cure. A m-ulhino editorial .irtide in last week'.s Collinownml /-.'nfi ipii.ic, headed, '•.V .Miiilern Kyil,' cniitaiiis many pulp- iihle Iriilhs. ll is eviileiitly aimed at a certain Sinienc cminty jniiriialisl, whoso strictniiis a emiple of wei:ks le^'n VNeie nf a ninat dis'.:ustino|y personal charaeler and eah'ulali'd tn ilivelnp a very low and de )iiaviil taste aiiioiio ii.i readers. Kdilms, such as those desiiihed hy lliii 7'.'<if, r/iii.*', nU'„dit to hi' sternly tatmiMil liy ihe res- peetulile |inrliiiU nf the l''<iiirlli Kstate. Kiist tirey is to )iti isinoraliilateil iipmi l'ell|o t!ie pnsstissnr of iiiie iii the iimst V i^'ilitnt and ellieieiit License liispi'clniii ill thu I'rnvioce, ill the person nf .lames t'liinplndl, Ksip We h.iM' lieell persnlially lu'ipiaiiited with Mr. t'nmplHill for many years, and can say williniil the sliolitest dc'ree ot tlatteiy, that he possesses i an â- Miiineiit decree nil tiiiwiK nilniindilo ipiali' ties of mind itiid luiart uhicU am to he found in ihu true ^vntleukaii and the linn, u|iriuh^ I'lnl lioiiorable lUliciai, Tim Toronto WorU ofMi di»conrsos aiiei'l thi^ "I'liifc/K'iiifciif pin»," Will it kindl> toll us what line of acliiMt tlui fol- liAwin)( uiU i>( which vnlitlcH a iK«i>p»|>«.-r Photos, Photos, Photos. I )!'(â-  irri iioir turiiimj nut in>rl; j'nr unjitrinr iit ^ti/lr mid finish tn iliii/ rcer pro- diirrd ill yimhi rioii, \ COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE j RATES. I PICTUEE FBAMING- ' </(.iir in nil it» l,rniuhr». A ijond utock nf' yjiAMKS and MOl LDI .\'(iS kept , couHliintly on hiiiid. Will nhi. intr^ulurr thr luir liliOMIDE I'OliTliAlT, ,1 \ piftUTC thiit ii gieinif lutlre tiitin/iielion vhrrerer introduced. SA.\fI'LKS run i fcf tmt at my Uiilleri/ when: nil pixrllruliir* <u to I'rtce, Style kr,, ran he nscrr- I taivvd. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES, DISEASES or MAN. Til*; unr.AT ur.^i.ru ny..vn%vt:n, Marvrl ol Hitaling. and Knhinoor ol Mtilicines, ^^â- â€¢Â«^SD«^fc»^=j tile lerril»li» roilsii|ii«.|ieeH Af I n(llaC4-4*tl«ill, â- s-oxTiTa-, 1v<cii35E.e:--^o-ex> .A.2:Tr> oxjId i^cESir \S hit uru brokt'U ili>vi n ttdiii the oil* i ih of txlxino will Mnd iti Nn. H a TtitltCHt i uro (i<r uervvus iluI'iHiy, or,'i»inc Wfukiit'H'", iTnoiuutavv vita) K'Stt*-*. cU-. Sv^ti'ToMS roH WHICH No. s Siioi in m: I'simi. â€" Wnul of piifrjjy. \»'rtiL:(t. wuiit of iiiir!»*»f;e. iliituu-Hi* c»f sl;;lii, u\irsion to K>*ieiy. want *>f coiit\>ioiu*t*. rvoi-Kmci' cf t i>ti\oriiiiiu>i). Uithiru for solitlhli*, li>ilos^iies>t iiti>t liititMlity to lU tlu* Httutiliou tm a purtuuliir Hiit>jii-t. eowftrtliro, iUii»ruhHi.Mi of Ppiritr", ^'iiMiiuss, los-* of iiioriii»rv. e\oitAl>ilM v uf tomiH r, t*i'« r- iiititorrlui'A, vx li>ss uf ilii» si'iniuiU tliii-l â€" iliu ro^nli. of solf.iiliu-io i>r nuirtwil f\c»j>!»â€" itin<»»- ttiucy. iniiutritioii, tâ- llllU'ilt^ioll. bftrrnitu'-.-*. i'ali«it»tn>ii uf \\w lifHrt. tl\^tl lir ftn Hu^v in fiMnivles, troriililtiii.', iiiol'iiu-holy, ili-«iMr)>in.{ ilreatiis I'tc., nro nil !4>iiii>tuiM4 of tins tt^rribU- hiibit. ofUMttiitica tii'ttKTt'tittv in-.niinil. In »hui't. llio Hprtittj t-f vit-^l furec Imvitii* loitl Ws Itmsioit. i-vory fiiitctio'i watio^ in iMtiHi*i|tii-iicu. Solent ifto wnforsuntl iho ^ll|nâ- nllttâ- ni^elll:* of iiiHiMO u^yliiiiH uniti- m iMrribiii- \<\ tho ott.H't-* m' Folf-nl'ii'iH lli. i;rnat nmjorily of wii.>t««l livof* whii'h ooiiio iin.l r iinir ^ioti''*\ If y»Mi ur-' im-orupftt-nt lor th.- tinlu(>its ilutio-t of Imsin*'.-*-*, ini'tipavUiio I (or t)io tMiiityiu.nt^ of hfr. Nu. r* oMuim nii o-i-apo (loni tlui i'lTt'cta of tuirly vioo. If >oii aro intvuni-<>'t in ytwir-*. \i», » will j^ivo yon fnll \i:,or iiu«i (tlFtinctlu Ifyounni i»rnki'ii titiwn, i'lt>*^i'nllv untl inonilly from t'liily intlt.scntiiui, thu ri'Hult of it,;uuriiuci un>l fi>llv, i^nul yonr udttri-'irt uml nk«:«nt4 lu Htunip-t U^x M. \ , la mtx'M TroatisM in |liH*k roriti on !hs.it-**'tt of .Man. Svultnl 'in. I M-vitin frnni ol'>*rvnti*ni. Atldn^H-* nil c<nnninnii-Htif>n!i to M. V. l.l'UI»>f. 47 M'rlllM«fot% St. V... Toronto* A Manwithoulwiidoinlivet in a tool's par;iili&c. CURES CUARANTCEO. HEAt Th£ SICK. FLtESHBRTON. A Permanent Curct Hh A Pleasant Cure. \

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