i^erte, tchaU U&oOTJ PLESHEETON . ADVANCE. 'TRITH BEFOJIE FA\'OK.'-~" rilLXCIPLES^ XOT MEX.' !â- VOL. Vn., NO. 347. FLESHERTON, ONT.> THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, PSCrS'ETCB. ,K1Hâ€" Tit -Bits. ,Cilnn^iiuf •>/ I^ir,rl .1;./ Oth-r hil'vlting . , J(fui* •j'llk'-rrii hit Th' Afimtii-t I^>citl Xofiru. iDt«>D(l««1 tn benefit anf iadi- ' irlduil. ^-ivtv or CorpnrntiAn. ebanitNi tt the r«l in^.Tte'l (or lf«« tUau £>cvut*. Sp.^ial rmie4 .Swet.'pin;4 rt^loctiotis in Fiipi. Myen-i tire stock of Furs must be cleared oat rexardletw of cost. IL Trimble. { ~ MiMK CowMi Ls TJutin*; at Mr. Junes IWcroft's here. .\ sun« little (arm cIohc to Flcsherton StatiiMi is oSereU fur aaie iu tliLs week's ADTi>'ce by Mrs. Jane Latimer. H.VRNESS FOR SALE.-l set new Single Haroess for sale. Will exchange fcr wood or fnmitare. K. TRDIBLE. t Dry woixl wanted at tlii-s office. .\ few cordii iu exchange for Thk .\dva>ce. I 25,000 IbH. of Com 3leal, RoDer Oat- meal, Standard Oatmeal, jnst received at K. Trimble's. Brin>! in your wood niiile the good »lei>ibiug kusts. It uou't la>>t forever. Green wood preferred but a few cords of drv wooit wanti.'d. How it it that theri> an- so few con- ,cert.> iu Flesiicrton Uiis wiiUer ? IS'l' i t Large quantitieii of telegraph poie«>, Wood, &1-. arc being shipped at the C P. R. depot. Mr. Gibbons, of the Gatbrie Home, LonJou. was in town on Monday look- ing after the interests of the prot«gei> of tliat institution. (^I^tk|«|njy ^ii>. ^*llfk f CorrespoQtleots wanteil at PriceriUe ICilllll)^ ^ â-ºJttIC • ,^,j p^^jj^j, Station. Write this office 'for particulars. nSH, FISH, FISK.â€" Just received a coosigument ot No. 1 Salmon Troat, Fresh Water Herrin((, Labrador Her- rin<;, at R. Trimble's. Mr. Frank Porterâ€" late Principal of Markdale Public Schookâ€" ha.s bought •â- Ye t>lde Booke Shopiw." S.'>3 Yonge street. Toronto, frcw Mr. David Boyle. We wish Mr. Porter succesi* iu kLs new -venture. /,/M First- claAs station hooae and freight akeds will be erectetl at onr depot as soon as spring opens. - - - t \t ^^- ^'^'^^^*^° ^*** leaoeil his blacksmith Ii, rmv (;oo.Li to select from. >'««' j ^nj carriage shops to Mr. D. McTavislx w • , ,"* " •- -ii 1 "^ T. I and Mr. R. P. Legat« respcctivelv. March 1st. 1 Iw sale will be "geumiie ^ . _.^ ?_ . ' jiud carr'ud oat on the following basis : Flesherton and Markdale Brass Bands Une-Fiftii of all j,'ni«l*-s Watches aud will give a union concert in Ha.skett's I'lodis. ^of Silverware. Hollow WHljhall. .Markdale. to-worrow iFridavt ev- FL»t. i of (huiiis, JewtUry, Pin». Unttoii:^, S(M X and iiiiigs, 18 k., plain f.\copt»'d. 1 " iicliangc<l prices in plaint tii;urvi4. If yon evtr intend iiivestuij; j .V new xuouttdy niagsaine has beeu re- ceived. It is called tlie 0>,i.i.<um» iVr.- »ii' and contains thirty -tuu pages of matter. It is published in Montreal at the rate of M cents i<er aiinom. euiug at 8 o'clock. children 13 centK. .\iImissiou 'ii cents .\ toad of hay got upoet just iu front of Thk .\Dv.tNcB office ou Saturday ev- ening last. .\ number of cattle sooo swarmed around the wreck and from tlie manner m which they acted one would liave thought they bad struck a gold ume. > Mr. C. Treatlgold is agent for the best Lamp ever introduced into this seetion of country. It gives a very brilliant aud steady light, requires no lamp glass burns th» same ainouut of oil au ordi- nary lazup will, gives forth uo offensive odor, aud is simply iuvaluable in a sick room or where there are chiklreo. Wo bou;;ht one from Mr. Treatli;<.ld aud found it just as represented. T.«]<4RACâ€" Is not an ordinary mixture â€" iu fact its projierties are entirely diff- erent from any prepa.ration used for Coaghs. Col<Is, Throat Jc Lung Troubles I have .W pairs BooU. which I will exchange (or wood. Come right along as this chance will not be oj^en long. • Wji. B.iiisHt.i5E, Fk-sherton. Xo other spring medicine has won (or Itself such universal confidence as.Arer's Sarsapanlla. It is the most powerful combination of vegetable alteratiren ever offere«l to the public, and is ac- knowledged by the medical professiou to be the best Mooil porifier. Farm for Sale. ' Beiac M< Lot 130 in the ico uj.l tr,! r.»2i;M S. W. Of T. A S. Ito*>l. .\rtm!<-«i». rvn.iniar rf ' 5P a«i«a BtMV or lanii. .\ba<ic S .ores ek wed * ID ;;cM3d ^tete of caltivmcioa. .Uljoiais^ KlM^rr- u>u Station- Bri^'k *cli«<ilh<im ua «m corner of the |<!>c». Goal (rkmahoaas, roaoioK cnrk sad D<fT«r-f>ili<ie "uririv o( «(>rifHc vMar. For full iMTticulan «|>plv Iu M!;s J KSr. U* fiUTlt OB lb* prciuiia*, ur f'le>ii»r*.uti Sutiuu P O Tlu Thorot^-Brtd DurUm BoU, Gray Champion ! WiU ittiwi for ttrrtef nt Lt-t ISi , 'I ««{. ArlrmfMaâ€"ahiiut uu- mU* rromt FU^irrti-.^ SttitivH. nis M a Jirtl-rUut amtrnui aixl farmm dninitu of imprvrif^ tkeir fto-L •rUt liu umil to briny tJtetr eo\n tv Ann. //•- ii in prim* omiftfiow. ^ TF.KMS.â€" flpercow. Rdloccd Ate* icconiisi; to Qumtttfr of COV9 broui^t by %a]r no« auB. JOH.V ADAMS. Pt^r"*-'- Next Sunilay moruiug the pulpit of . ill aiiv of above uieiilioiietl gotids, this' the Methodist churcli la-re will bo occn- oi'tpiirtunity to get them near rrnl, at, fiist aud hflow euMt is the hc-st ever given in this section. No foolisU blowing. Adjectives very sniaH. lljr calling vo« will find pricos so low as to leml vou to buy. TKUMS C.\SH. ^iy wutch work i^vec satisfiitiou. pieil by Rev. Mr. Huggius, of Markdale. ' Iu the evoaing. Rev. l>r. (iriffitli, of ' Uoelph, will preach in the same place- A team of horses, attaobt^l to a double euMer and driven by Miss Martha Stone, j Warrants as osiuJ, signed \V..V.Bro«n.i raa awav uear Flesbertou Statiou the) The People's Jewell ^^ ^ ^ W. A. BROWN, other day, aud maua({od to ui>set the oocapauts into the suow with very little •ercBiony. The horses were secured oobotly got hurt. MarkUalr. Ont. $350 Bt ^p w w . Kditar mmI ivopri*- , tor of thi'lhjudalk H-iM-i. spent Sontejr , last in FleslM-rtou. Uc was the gneak I of yc .Vpvam'k Editor ami wife durioK his stay. Mr. Spurr was much (>lca.se«I ! with what he saw of our town aud its , iuhabitauts. It remiuded him. he said, < of the old land. Great Sweeping Reductions i*-- * AT TmLI. BVY I.»)T i-. IN lull CO.S.. ARTEMKSI.^ chAUUts li.iMn.N. aBI.44. I'oiUncwoatl. i t'»v«*tjt. Uw-t'«Htit'(< and Triute-.MArks '^H.-urt**!, ftTtil %X\ (*U)i>r p»t«iit c*u*«« iu the TAtent OdK'o L p«>is recL-ii'C of ni<Klvl or »koicb ot invention. 1 iu»k«> c«rt lul t.<\Aii)iiimti<»t). aud A()vis« ms W ptttootAtiilitv Krf«' ••( ('li^n:^-. V'HK4 Moi».iL\TM. ftoU I inak« no caAnoK rs- ijian patknt i^ ^Ki'Vfui*. IiifuruiAli' •u. advic«< «iiil ftivvcial re fert-urt*'* Mitit oa appli4'«iti«»it J K LITTKM.. \V»4uii*.twu O.r Oj'l*'***^*' I" S. I*at«*iit Otfict>. W. W. TRIMBLE .\ paragra|>h ap|ieare<i in last week's Markdale Sl.iwltrl to the effect that Squire .\rmstrong had re-jgned his po. sitiou as Trea-surer o( this Township. This is somewhat luisleailiug, as the S«jnire lia.s merely askwl onr Township Fathers to place his vdary ou a (>ar with th.it of ucighloring Treasurer*. J. RUSSELL'S NOTED JEWELRY STORE, FLE SHERTON. Foil /7/-.y^ (7(f.v.v ROLLER FLOUR. Wo. 1 Stone Rour, 0.\TMK.\L. lUll.l.Kn (>.\TS, c.iuH.vM iKon;, I'll.VlKKP WHK.VT, Shorts, Chop and Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC. OlSTfiiloR SALE. W. W. TUIMBLK. Fkslwitou, D«c, 1st, Iti^t. A gronp pliotograph of Mr. \. M. I Gibson aud tlie vouM^ ladies i-omprising that gentlemau's >>il>le cla.ss iutho Pres- byterian Sabbath School here, was re- , ccntly taken here by our excellent artist Mrs, Uulnier. F.very face and feature iu the ]'icture is clearly aud beautifully defined. The photo is ouc of which any I city artist might well be proud. ' .\ meeting of Centre Grey Farmers' I lustit\ite will be held in Markdale on Mon(\ay next. *iOth inst. The .\gricul- tural K.dit«.)r of Thk .Vkt.wck has beeu ask»Hl K> c»>ntribnte a pai>er for the »h-- casi<.>ii iiud as he lias lnvii uoticeil scrutcliiug his head the j>ast few daysâ€" • as if ou the hunt after ideasâ€" it is not unlikely tliat somithiug will come out of it. Stirring sermons Averc preached iu the l*res|iyteriaii and Methcnlist cluirch- es. Flesliertou, ou Sunday last, by i>as- â- tors Wilson ami .Shiltou. The congre- gations wfre large. Kev. Mr. Wilson , had lnvii ill £»>r several days, aud \va.s far from l>eiug well im the iKfa-ision re- ferr»><I to, but the spirit vvivs strouj; ui.d a uiuiily, fearless disixmrse â€" breathing pure aud lofty seutinicut-'t â€" was the re- sult. The Presbyterian pastor ucver fails to resiK)nd to the call of duty . .\ tHi-incideuco iu tho sermons by bi>th I wiuistiTs, was tho alis»>iKV of sect.^riau- isui and a pleasing uuanimity of senti- ment. It is a gratifyiug evidence ot tho progressive ami earnest spirit of Chris- tianity, that the dividing linos between tlie various iKs:t:i are raiHtly twcoming 1«)^ marked. 1 Wo have decided to j^) out of the Fancy Gooils businc?? and for the future liantUe only Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spex Sec, NEXT so \YK WILL SKLL FOB THE SIXTY DAYS Our whole stock of Ikrlin and Zcpher Wot^ls at Sc jvr. oz. wurtli 12| ; Filloselle 6c. a knot w.>rth 10c.; .\m*»ue at 10c- now worth 15c.: I'huielle at So. yard worth 15c. Fancy I'lusli Goods Ac. nil below cost as we an.^ bound to clear tlieiu out. Macraiiie t'ortl all colors at liV. l>all or .S for i'K. W(j will al.st^ clear out our entire line of PIPP'.S . at iiwiiy Wlow cost. Yoiir choice of 1 lot of rii>«.s worth from jt> to ^oc. for 2.">c.: your choice of Pipts w ortli 30 to lH>c. for 2*K:.: your choice of Pipes worth 'JO to .S'K.* lor liV. .V lot of I'TUSKS rHiiging iu price from .S,"; to S5o. your choice for 25c. Wo have also dividtil to dear out s<^iiiie lines in DnXK-lies. Karings. (."uft-Huttons. Your choice of I beautiful lot of T.nxiclies vaiuetl Imni '.'5 to 4<K-. al 15c.; your clioict> of another Ivautiful lot valued fioiii 10 to 60c. at 25c.; auother lot valued froiu Wc. to 81.0i> for 50c.; Karin-js and Cutf-lhttton:* at the same terrible ISeditctious. â- . ^ Come alon^ and get First Choice as they will go like Hot CaKes \s thev are all Fine and GimkI, \VarraiitiHl to Wo;ir ,iml Koop t'olor for ytars. Fine Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Sil- VI I wan, .'tc. still Si 1> I*ei* <Jent. lower in prices than elsewhere iu this section. ' Tkt dfltr who fnV« rkf jKVi>le to «/itn ubimt kis hoiuatif, &•-.. mutt havf come In the njnclii*!on th'tt tkfjf are r»»ry '$hs- i>iVu>tf« ufliim or he itouUl »«/ iitf</ /" •idrerflte hi* houfttif instetut of i*it yooth. IF YOV \V.\ST A G001> .VKTICLE XT A LOW PKICE AI.WWYS GO TO RUSSELL'S NOTED JEWELEKY STORE, FLESHERTOI^.