Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1888, p. 5

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w< fxN. 12, 1888.3 *'< THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .6; i: THE FLESHERTOn Wareroom's Last Aunouiicemeut for 1887. WE WISH A Hijw New Year T: All And in order to »iako it so in every home ill Artciut'sia mid Surrouuding Towiisliipd, we have decided to make still further EEDUCTIONS lu all the Leading Lines of Furniture. For the New Year FcBtivities we have a most COMPLETE STOCK /To select fi-om nolwithBtauditig the .<;rcat rush of the past weeks. ^Ve were so fortified with reserves of stock that our Hhowroonis are again full and must be cleared (in order to make room for Undertakers Goods which will shortly arrive) at a Very Small Advance on Cost. We are satisfied with the policy upon which we have commenced Busi- ness and shall continue to use the same Motto, viz., Ml FrcSi: d M Umi Our Stock is all new and being; almost daily replaced. To (!lose, Cash Buyers wc would say cull and see us before purchasing elsewhere as It Will Pay You. Wc manufacture and buy close for money and SeU Quick on a very small Alargin- COME AND GET PRICES. SAW LOGS -AND- LUMBER of all kinds Wanted for which highest *^ price will be paid. J. E. MOOEE'S t^miiun Wnreroomf, Durham St. Fleth- ertvth ' InceriioratioH. To the Editor of The Advance. Sir,â€" One paragraph, or rather, sen- tence, in your "IiicnrporatioD" editorial last week, caught my eye and sent my "niiiids eye" revulving back into the past. The sentence suggested that iiicurpuration was considered a kind of "panacea for all the ilk Flesherton is heir to." Pardon tue, sir, if I dispute that opinion as er- roneous. What are those "ills"? I know of but one, namely, the mile and a half of road that separates Flesherton from the rail- way station. And that "ill" has been talked about and magnified until outsid- ers beaiii to imagine we live near the North Pole, where there are no railroads Ht all, when the truth is we are only 1^ miles distant from the finest system in the wiirld. Why don't Flesherton people talk up the atrsiii^ht road you have writ- ten so much about, and gat it established without wasting so much seiiseles-s jab- berini; about railways, incorporation and other tilings ? But no : they vr.vtt a rail- way throui;h the place, with a 8tati<pn at evt'ry man's front door 1 Then they grum- ble and abuje their busiuess men, and run down everytliini,' and everybody in the |)1«LV, and deal in other places, and then «2.xpect their nei}<lib(irs to deal with them ! 1 tell y./u, Mr. Editor, it makes me sick til hear some of th«*se poll |iarn)ts B|iuiiiiii!; their craay yarns into the ears of ready listeners from rival places, and tlien t)einoaiiin<r a lack of enenjy when they are the cause of it .-ill and a good bit more. Why don't they shut np their clatter and unite with their ueiRhbors in betteriiii^ the condition of thini^s, by uni- ted action. Things are alright in Flesh - ertou, and with a straight level road and a few minor improvements, we could soon distance all competitors, notwithstanding the growlers and snarlers. There are men in the world, who, if there were enough of them would kfll the best town you ever saw. The reason they haven't killed this place is because it isn't of the Villins kind and is bound to overleap all stumbliiigblocks. It can't help it. Its built that way, you know, sir. Yours for the present, "FlBHHKKTON FOK EvBR." We can easily lay claim to doing the business of this section for 2d miles around, having soklfrom Oct. 81-d, 1887, to Dec. 29th, 1887, eleven fine gold watches, thirty-two eUver watches and twenty-uino clocks, against another dealer's blow of twelve watches and sixteen clooka. There is no doubt about it, that the people will come to us to buy as they know they can do far bet- ter thau elsewhere at Russell's Noted Jewelry S^ore, Flesherton. What Beeaint' of the Xlssiag ShirtM. Man (to colored washerwoman) â€" "Look here, .^uut Millie, I gave you ten white shirts, but you have only brought back eight." Aunt Millieâ€" "Dat so, honey? W'y how come dat ?" Man- "you are the one to give the ex- planation." Aunt Millie â€" "Yas, an' it's plain ernuff, too, sah. I washed de shirts dis week in rain water." Manâ€" "Hut why should the rain water cause two shirts to be missing ?" Aunt Millie â€" "W'y de shirts shrunk, dat's why. Ain't yer got jogerfy an' rif- niertic an' edycatiun ernuff ter know de shirts shrink awful wen yer washes 'em in rain water ? Business at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Floshertou, has increast^d .so large- ly durinj{ the past year they have had to add new nichol show ca.ses, &c. , to contain their niaguitiuent stuck of bne Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, i&c. Wo have also added a fine burglar proof safe from the well known tirni of CioUlie & McCnllough. Fevershaai. Frimi ow ouiH ComtptnuieKt. Everything has quieted down after election. Mr. Geo. Mitchell, whool teacher, has left, and Mr. .John Parka hits taken his place and is giving complete satisfaction. So far the pupils all seem to like him. Feversham L.O.L. met on Wednesday, 4th, inst when the following otticers : â€" Br.). James Elliott, W.M. " Im Perigo, D.M. *' " C. K. Neil, Chaplain. " 8. Colquet, B.«. 't' " A. McGirr, F.8. " R. Kernahan, Treasurer. " R. T. McCirr, Lecturer. " James MuUin, D. of C. " C. Edwards, jr. First Com. Man. Mat. WtHid drove the stage a few days last week. It seems to make a man of him to get away from home. By the W'ly, Mr. iUitor, you have a Bi«s Barber in your town if we should judge by the way he ttimmed our post- oSice otiiuial. Some of the Maid* in this place are talking of making the best of leap year as if It were their only chance. I think Auntie will run her ctlAuce with the rest. Wishing them all a Happy New Year. Thd dealer that amiy sells twelve watches and si.tteen elocks in three months, must have large profits to be able to pay taxes, rent, &c. It is quite different at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. i'lusiiig Exercises or K. t». No. T, Arteiuesia, 1887. It was the pleasing privilege of the writer to be present at the closing exer- cises of the school above mentioned, and presided over during th« last three years by Mr.D.Currie, whose aucoes.t in mould- ing the minds of his pupils according to a high moral standard, as well iu imparting a rare fund of intellectual worth, stamps him as one of our foremost ii'structors. The examination of the different classes in the various branches of study exhibit- ed that profound thought and the spirit of investigation were principles deeply implanted in their youthful minds. As a token of esteem the pupils pre- sented tJie teacher with a number of cost- ly and appropriate presents as memenlues. Mr. Currie delivered a few well-time<l re- marks expreskive of his sentiments to- ward his pupils, all of whom were visibly artected â€" even to tears. Such are the conditions which should exist between teacher and pupil the country over ; and it is reasonable to believe that sucli a happy consummation is largely in tile power of parents and guardians. Mr. Currie baa given up the profession for a short time, in order tn take a further ooursA of MiMly at tlM Hi;(7i Bch-iol. If you want a first class Gold or Sil- ver Watch in Ladies' and gents' sizes, Hussell's, Flesherton, is the place to go. Warrants from three to five years cov- ering all breakages at lower prices than el.sewhere. KiMi»erley. -Vccording to announcement, the Sab- bath Schotd .'Vnniveraaiy come off on Thursday evening, 5th and was a unind success. The speeches by Rev. Mr. Bug- gins, of Markdalc ; Rev. Mr. Corcoran, pastor in charge ; Mr. D. R. Ellis and Mr. Wni. Stuart, J.P., short but in uiest- ing. Music by the children v/m ,'ood, under the leadership of Miss S. k. 'I'lionip- son, as also Were the recitations and dia- logues by the children under the leiuler- ship of the superintendent, Mr. S. D. Gaudiii. Mr. R. D. Carruthers roused the feeling i.f the audience in his f.uewell sernion. .\t the close of this very so- ciable meeting the school made a present to their supoiiiitendont, Mr. 8. D. Gaudiii, to which he replied with mucli feeling. .\i>i)K]:s.s. Whereas in the providence ot God we are sihui to part with you. You will be missed both in Sunday sclnxd and clinrch Photos, Photos, Photos. We are now turning out work fur suparior in style and finish <• tiny ever pro- duced in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FRAMING done in all its branches. A good stock of FRAMES and MOULDINGS kept conslmlly on hund. Will alto int-'oduce the nets BROMIDE PORTRAIT, a picture that is giving entire satitjUtction wktrcver introduced. SAMPLES c'ln be seen at my Gallery Ufficr* tM fartivulars as to Price, Style &c., can he ascer- tained. FLESHERTON. work. And as fa token of our esteem and gratitude and appreciatitm of your labors with us, we wish to present you this toil- et set, as a token of our esteem and trust- ing that while you are absent in the body you will be present in mind. Wo bid you God speed. Signed in behalf of S. S. Kimberley. Mrs. Ellis, H. J. Ellis, T. B. Carhuthbbs. Stop that cough, by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral â€" the best specific for all throat and lung diseases. It will allay iufiammation, aid respiration, and strengthen the vocal organs. .\yer'8 Almanacs are free to all. Ask for one. Our Watch Repair trade in increasing every day. Thirty-nine watches in to repair at the present tmie, and the peo- ple over twenty miles around come to get their work done at Russell's Flesh erton, as they have proved by expert, ence that is the only place to get them done properly. If you want ti fine Wedding Ring, foil 18k., yon have to go to Russell's, Kleah- erton, for it. No sufferer from any scrofulous dis- ease, who will fairly try Ayer's Saraap- arilla, need despair of a cure. This re- medy pmrges the blond of all imparities, destroys the germs of scrofula, and in- fuses new Ufe and vigor throughout the physical organization. X POSITIVE 66RE toa CATARSH. CITXS Innnsdi^ihliaf roa Cold In Head, HAY FEYEn. EASY TO CSE. yot a Snua, Powder or Irritatlns; Liquid. Pric 3 :o ctj. and $I.0O. It not obuiinablo at jroor droT- iT*fts, fH-nt prepaid on receipt of prlco. Addrcsl F^JUFORO & CO., Brocliviile, Ont. The GLO THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF CANADA OAILY OLOBC. Morninc EdMlen. " •• 12 o'clock *• WEEKLY OLOBE, •ATURDAT DAILY OLOBE, •8.00 S.OO 3.00 1.00 1.00 The different editions of The Globe can be procured from all News Dcakts throughout Canada. - - - THE GLOBE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - - • between Toronto and London, which has been running daily since 3rd March last, will be continued throughout tSS8. This train arrives at London at 6.40 a.m., making connection with all the early trains from that point, securmg for The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours in advance « all Toronto papers. - TO ADVERTISERS As an advertising medium. The Globe has no equal in Canada. Its circulation, which appears at head of its editorial columns daily, is far ia advance of all other Canadian papers, and it ia the intention of the maa- agement to always keep The Globe in its proud position as the LiAOtNC NEWSPAPER OF CANADA, hoth in point of circulation and influence. THE GLOBE PRINTING 00. TORONTO Commercial Union ' Has nothing to do with the Big Sale of- mm t3 < ^ f ^^ 50 S a 2 o -Id -â-  zi .2 ^ OS O 3 Ir-I, m o 13 a .-â-  o- ;y « :-. 01 ?J E-t a o -mi . CO o Jo a FROM TEN TO THIRTY PER GENT. CHEAPER THAN EVER. Below I quote a few prices to show I mean business : Parlor Suites in Hair Cloth, Sofa, Ladies Platform Rocker, Gents Bftsy aud J small Chairs for S«8.00. Bedroom Suites $8.60 to 880.00. A beauty for «1 1.00. Bmeaus $5.00 ; Cupboards 85.00 ; Louuyos with springs SJSkOO, ; Spring. Beds *l.'25 to 34.50 ; Perforated Seat Chairs 75c. ; Perfaraied Stjat and B4eifc Rockers $1.25 ; Wood Seat Bent Arm Rocker 81.35.. My Hollow Seat -t Spiudlo for 40c., canuot be Waies.. \ Hand Sleighs 35 to 75c., and in fact anything jx)U; want in the Fliruitnroi line, price and tervBs to suit you. See them at m^, Wararooiua. F*ictTire Ifra.minsff IV eat and Oheap, J. W. BATES, I ' 3f w

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