THE FLESHEkTOiN ADVANCE [Dec. 22. 1887. 09 O Q O GO CO W ^ W O H DC LiJ I CO LJJ _l Is still open and Old Customera will tind it Stocked with Carriage & T «* a. m HARNESS! \Vliicli lias become celebrated llirougli- oiit tliiH vicinity for Riipcrior quality, finish and durability. All guaranteed us here- tofore. At Reduced Prices foi* Cash. Also a large stock of Winter (ioods in the line of C0!EE5! of HU{>eri()r quality, at the lowest prices ever offered iu Flesliertou. A tine selection of Kleigh ^ Itells ! at a slight advance on cost for the iiusit M) days. If you want a tii'Ht-chisH WHIP! Hiaio^ •ftMJad at Gordon's. Also VALlSRtt, HOUSE DRUHIII-.S, CVilUY COMHS. .SWJiAT PADS and all other Horse FurniHliiugri found in n lirst-class liiuneHH Shop. Tlie Csishi^H Imi Cil ! Kept constantly (Hi linnd. Itnt tlii< Crowning' S|)i'(:iMlty is ihe perfect litliuj( Scotch ^^ Collar! %Van-anVc(j[ not to gall your lioix'c ami for wliieli Ihis eKtiililiKlinieat )tnii become m» well known throii,!{ii- out this County. licpuinng attended to jirouiptly, care- fully uni itilieuply. J Call i« lir$j>cctfuUj/ hviled <U GORDON'S J14RWKSS SHOP, PLESHERTON. Tli-BHs. Continued from Flrnt Page, LOST POCi. â€" Any person or pirsoiis giving iiiformatiou wlucli will loail tu the recovery of a liir^je black Newfuuiid- land ilog, with curly liair. wliite throat, HM(1 white tip cm each foot, wbicli wont away from my i)remiHos on tlu! evening of tlie 14th iiiHt., will 1«' Kuitably re- warded. â€" A. UoWN. FlcsliiTton P.O. Or inforniatiou may be left at .Vuvance Of- fice. .\11 the leadiiij.' lines in Tobacco's and Chea)) iitM. Itiihard.'ion A C-i's Tohacoo Counter. Mi-DoiiiililV brijjlit Smoking Tobacco oiilv ;!ri cents per 11). Mr. W. T. Paul, late Postmaster at Lady Bank, Osjirey township, has re- moved to Maxwell. The vacancy i^annc d l>y bis rcmo\al lias hec 11 lill<.!(i liy the appointnjent of Mr. .lohu Pool, who, it is iK'lievud will prove an ifliciont suc- cessor. Mr. I'aiilwasari excellent of- ficial and niailo many friends in the uoiohborhood of Ladv Baid<. The latest, the t^iifcst and the bust Liniieru on the niarkut la the Klectric Lightinu' Lantern. No matches needed. For sale at M. Pichardson & Cos. The first number of The Daihj A'm/<iif will J)e issued on Tuesday u«.\t. Tbo weekly edition of Tlir Kinpitr will be issued on Thursday next. Now is the time to .send in your dubbino siibsiiip- tions to Thk Advanck and cotrunence with the first numlxu- of this truly rep- resentative Canadian journal. tidier partioidars in refcirence to Tlir Einjiiie in next week's AnvAXCK. He sure yon call and see my immense stock of Ladies Dress Goods, Plushes, Vidvets, Velveteens and Cashmeres at K. 'frindiUi's. <'<»iir<*r(ioM4>rv »ihI Xiifs lit tlir Medinil Hall. Fl«-sli«>rl«>ii. Mr. AVill. Campbell is now operator at ItryFiul;. Montana. U.S., on the St. Paul. Minn<'ap(dis and Maiiit(d)a It. K., at un incrca.scd saliirv. He says; â€" "1 eau't say I'm in love with the country KG far ; altboui^li the land is saiil to be good- There are no settlers li<re, this In-ing an Indian reserve The near- est town of anv importance is Kort Iten- ton, which is 'iH miles West. 'I'mk .\i>- VANCK is a more welconn; visitt>r now than ever." Don't have yotn- barns and stables burned by uaiii',; matches. (iet one of those Electric Lejlilini; Laiitt-rn's at .M. Kicharilsoii it Go's. On Thursday last, au Osprtsy farmer had an upset whih^ ilriving a t<!ani of hor- Hcn attached to 11 wagon with a load of gram, down the; hill opposite the HpiHtt- on mill roail. H scienis tlnit some |ier- son li^ft a slei<{li and a load of wood <ui tlu^ side of the road the iiiolit before wliieh took np nearlv all the road, and, while drivin<{ |iast, tlic hind wheels of thi^ wa;;on sliil ilown a stt'cp einbaidi- ineiit taking with theni tlw, waeoii and the horses Kortunat<lv. nothing but the Hgiring seat and one of tlit! horse's inontliN were damaged. Th<! largest, eheaptwt ami Ix-st select- eil â- 'tock of ;;eiits Fine Itoots, ladies Fine Hoots, nuil Childrens Hoots in town at It. Triudde's. Mr. Wni. Ward, sr., was in tlie act of riding out of tow n last Thursday inoriiino mounted on his Wfll known t;ray mare â€" when Mr. Colo came ahum and eot 011 the aiiiiiial behiiiil the former. The old mare strongly ohjc^cted to this iiu- usual prO(e(Mling ami iiiiide several fran- tic' eftorts to dislodj^e the intruder, liy kicking h(^r hi ids up in the air. lint it was no use â€" iUAv. stuck to Waril and Ward stuck to the (dd mare like a burr to a sheep's bnek and linalK tlii^ ani- mal started oil for lioiut! with her don- hie hiirden, miieli to the amiiHeineiit of a minibcr of spcctatnis. M. liichardsioii iV' Co. otfur extiaorili- iiiirv llaruaiiiH ill Ladies Fur d'ond.s anil .\sliiicliuii Mantles this and llt^\t neck. Call and see. .Mr. Will lircxm returned home to Klesherton from the N'(nth-West on Moiiilav evening last. He lins grown fat diirin(; his stay in the f^ri-at loiii^ land, and sonio scarcely recoonized him at hrst, so t;re:it was the change. Will has seen considerable ser Uo ou the Mounted Police fiuecv Thosi who should know say he w.-is one of the sturdiest and mo>t splendid s|ici'liiien." of luim, lihy.-ciciilly, oil the fcu'cc. His visit lioino was a pleasant siirpriHe to his esteenuHl anil respeetod parents, .Mr. and Mrs. .lobn llreen, as well as to a large circle of friends and acquaintances. I-argc l»n's«>iits «iv»'ii » illi Miiv- ells Italiinir I'oMtler, von mIIIIIiiU tlieiii at the .lltillcal Hull, Flesh, t^rton. Mr. llanton. the, evangelist, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist (diiircli here last Sunday evening. He delivered an interestini; dis(»)urse to a largt! cougre- (•ati(ui. He is a fluent sjioaker. does not hesitate to call things by tludr proper names, anil deals with the question of a nuiteriul hell without tjloves. His re- marks ini the evening in (piestu)!! secur- ed th(! close and enaiust atttuition of hiH aiiditnrs. Mr. Ilaiitou is n tall, slim yoiinx jjjaii, with very fair c.onipleNioii, |ironiiiuiiit unset, ktMiii, clear eyos, light curly luifr. and with a very ptitasing ad- dress. Wo nnderittand that he is a nienilxir of Havugt'i* iM<Iobr»to<l hand of uvaugehstM. .-Vu attempt was made to break into M. Jtichardson \' Co's stnre here late last Saturday night or early on Sunday niornine. TTie burglars broke the lock and bolt but an additional fastening on the inside rendered their efforts to ef- fect an entrance abortive. Next time tlii.-y visit premises their ardor will probably Ik; cooled hy a dose of lead. The time has now arrived when the services of a Vigilance Committee or a good hharp detective will have to In; cal- led into reiiuisition, as it is evident the burglars are located 111 the immediate neiehborhooil. Sns|)icioii points strong- ly III a certain direction and we dou't think a smart detective would have intich diiliculty working up a clear case. Immense Bargains now going on for the holiday trade, such as oents Scarfs, Silk Hdks\ Fancy Ties at U. Trimble's. The children of the JlethcKlist .Sab- bath Scliocd. Fleslierton, are undergoino a thoroiieh drilling at the bands of Sipiire .\riiistroug. in view of the ap- proacliinn New Yi-ars Anniversary, which is so ctagitrly loolveil forward to hy young and old. Tho Squire has for many years been a prominent timire- head at these pleasant annual reunions, and under bis careful and exi)erienced manat;enuiit the childreu have made rapid ]iroeress in musical culture and in that more important branch of Sab- bath School training, viz., the study of the Word of Cod. The .\iinivcrsary will he held on the evening of the 'iiKl .laiuiary. Tea will he served in the basement of the church, and the pro- gram w ill bo presented iu the lecture room. •R HOTS & S HOES ! KvervthiiiK ehoau for rash at thi- Medii-al Hall. Heshertuii. Kev. .1 olui .\. .McDonald will preacli the Anniversary sermon, in connection with the Presbyterian Sabbath School, Fhsherton, on Suuday afteriUKUi next (Christmas day) at 'l-.'-W o'clock. On Monday evening; follow m;;. •Jiitli inst., the Sabbath School .\iiiiiversary will he held 111 the same church. Tea will be served in the liaKenu lit from 4 to 7 o'clock, after which a carefully prepared program will be preseiitol in the lecture room. One- of the features of the .\iini- versary will he the rendering of a charm- ing cantata, entitled, â- '/'/e- Stni- <>/ liftli- liliriii," 111 which some twenty persons takc^ part under the etiicieut leadership of our popular tenor sinyer, Mr. .1. (i. ItiiKsell, whose servicc-s in eonnoctioii with the now famous ••Fleslierton Cilee Club" have cditained for liini a widtt and wcdl-ileservod i>o|iiilari ty. See bills for [larticulars. A choice iitock of New Fruits and Christmas (Jrocerios to suit everybody at .M. UichariUoii & Co's. Over two clozoii Kleshertoniaus visited frieiiville ou Tciumlay uveiihi^ as K|>ec- tators of and contributors to the enter- tainiiient hcd'l in Watson's Hall, under till! iiiispices of flie Methodist church in that place. Our popular Band, nnder the excellent leadership of Mr. K. Van- 7.ant, turned out almost iu full force ami furnished a ^;reat variety of choice niii- sic, which was rendered with a faultless ness of execution that won for them the hearty and iiiistintcd praise of all pros- ent. Itev. Mr. Ottewcll, Superintendent of the circuit, occupied the chair. His ipiaiiit and droll sayings, his brief and appropriate ccunmeiitH, his untiring pa- tienc^e, and his dignitied manner, formed a most pleasing contrast when compar- ed with thc> loiiy winded, tirescunu ut- terances and lack of tact displaycMJ l>y some chairineii we Wot of- 'Ihe Flesh- ertoii (Hee Clnb t;ave a splendid acvouiit of tlieiiiselves, wiiinino giddeii opinions on all bands; so also did the l*i-ii'eville (Quartetteâ€" with .Miss Delia Christoe and Mrs. Dr. Hixou as organists res- pectively. Miss Christoe's solo, which was most chariiiiimly renclerc:il, was a feature of the concert. Her lu^ceiitiia- tioii was clear and distinct â€" not a word hewing lost to the audience. Uecitatious and dialogues by .Mastitr (irier and oth- ers created yreat aniusenient. Mr. Itraiider read well, his selection sliow- iii^; Kood tastc!. Miss Hopkins recita- tion was so exccdieiitly rendered that Vein could almost have "lutard a i>in drop." This splc'iidid recital created a iiicist profoiiiii! iiiipiession and elicited a hearty hurst of ajiplaiiso. Dr. ChriHloc> deliveied an eiierj^etie and strikingly ori^;inal impromptu address. Hev. Mr. McLeod inade a iicat little siieech. Dr. Hixoii. in a few well clioseu words, iiiov- c-cl, and Mr. IJubt. Watson seciunled, a vote of thanks to the various porfor- nicrs, which was manifested by a vigcu'- oiiH and hearty dapping of hands. At the close of this most enjoyable even- ing; 's eiitertniiiniont, Pev. yir. Ottewcdl inviteil tUv Klesherton visitors and oth- ers to thc^ parsmiaKe, where a splendid sprcNid of ccdd turkey aud other sub- stantial viands had been prepared and to which ample jiistieo was dime^ To say the least, the visitors were treated ill a most rovally hospitable manner by the kind people of Pric^eville. The pro- ocK'ds of the concert aiiuuinted to some- thing over f;U. rerfiiiiMM-y in Kreat variety at the netlical Hjill, Flrshcrtoii. lia.s rovohiliuliizufi iho worUl ilii'inK tlin lafit lml( ctfiitury. Not li'iiHt ninoliK the woncU^rs c'>f itivmitivi' procroHic iic a tiicthocl timl KVHtum of work tlmt i-uu ho iierforiuutt all uvcu- the) coiiiitrv witlidut sujiarattiiK tho work- CUM from tlicar honuiH. I'ay litwrnl; any oncj can (111 tlicMvo) k ; citlicr sex, ynun^' or obi ; no s|ii'ciiil iiliilitv roi|iiiruil. Capital not needed; \(>u am Htartiiil frciv Cut Uuh out and roteru to UB anil wo will sonil yoii fmo, Bouiothiiif! of xruat valiici and iin)i(ii-taiioo to you, thai cviU Ktart you in liiiKinciKii, wliicdi will lirUiK yon iu more umnoy "' ' * " .... world. 1 have a Full Suppl// of all Lines of WINTER GOODS! KUBBEKS, OVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS anu FELT STOCKINGS SELLING CHEAP. OTM. CL.AYTOW, Fleshcrton. HEARD'S! taniage Works, FlesheitoM, )I.i\LF.l(TlKERS OF CUTTERS, SLEIG.iS, BUGGIES .LVD WAGOjYS. RPFT'I A I A TTFN TION *'''^'-» '" '"^'^"-'^' "'"^ (.'arrjaue paim- orLUinL n I I LH I lull /.vo, rhiMMiNG and job wdkk. MannfMitnrura of Iron HarrowH and Farm Gato. HOBBE KHOKINCi prsuiptly attended to. Call anil Hoe. Durbain Strot^t, fltibUurtou. CHEAP # AND DUKABLE [ THE \V E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual I'irst-class value in every tlenartment. Agent for VICKERS' EKLRESS. All parcels left mill him ivill be promptly and carefully attended to. H'lMi A.1>}'S. i^"r^i«:?i«ii Ki^T'OTV. rt^tit away, than niiythiiiK olito in thu CiucNiiocTriT VHY.V. .V'drc'H Tbcb & Co bUttA, .Maiuo, .\u- MAXWELL CABRIA6E WORKS ! Little 8c Blakely, .M.VM I-ACTIKKIIS OF Carriages, DuniiH:rats, Wugona Ac. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE. Ularksmith,, Mftv a.tli. law THOS. A. BLAKELY. H iiifon-MtiKrr ,(â- l'aint)'i\ PLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS: E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OK s 3.2(1 MoBuis&ia! Wcrk: iSncli as Mouiiincnta, Tomb Tables, Headstone* iViii '^J luiiter ftiul Table Tops â€" in Aiiieriean and -WV-. itiilitiii Marble luiil (iraiiitc, and inadu ujj sliort notice. .Vise Mantles iu Marble and M;ubloized Sliite, &c.. etc. Flcsliertuii, Aim. 'M, 1883. ni:ALTri for all I HE PILLS Tlio.vhiviKuintraihl rosUiru til liualth UnliilittttiMlCoiiNtitutioiiH. and «i»9 \itvnlutt>>lt) in all Cwiu- l>luitit8iiiut(luiitul lo l-'uiiiiUuH of all a^u.H. fur ChiKiruti uml thu aK*-'d ^wy ai'« pricvluus. THE OINTMENT I an infallihlo loincily for Uml Lo^'h. UtuX Hrtmst-). Old Wound*, Soitoh and I'lc^n. II }h lauioin* to^ (ioiit and UluMunatisni. Kordisoidt'iH of tho Cho.-^t it has ntivtjval. FuvSORKTHUOA'l, BliOJVCHJTIS. COUGHS, COLDH Olandiilai'HwclliiiKfl. and all Skill OlnoanoH it has no rival; and fur ooittractud auil atill uiittH it ttctit liku u charm. M tiiiifitctui'odoiily at rrofiwmv I1i>i.ia>w w'h KstuliliHlinunt, 7H, \v\\ Oxfunl .Street ( lute 53:t. Axrvrd Street), L»n4*n, ftiid art) sold at Ik. IJd.,'jH. 'Jil., Ik. IkI., Ms., •£!».. and :tlii. OBch 1l<» or I'ot, and may be bad of all Mcil cini.' VoiidorH tluuiiKtaoiit tlio World. fiif I'^unhitttri thintlil Umh U. >hr LuIhI on the /'«*» autl Buj-rs. 1/ th* (xUlreM it nnt iiS'i, (}f/wd i^irtfi, Loiuhiu, ihry me npiirivHt. \ k**' rt >. , 1^1 ^tvi'y