Kov. 24, 1887.] THE F L E S H ER " O N ADVANCE MiW ADVFKThKMKiNTS. 1 COUNTY & DISTRICT NEWS. Mortgage Sale ! - -(.y â€" Valuable Faiin Property lo the U/wzibUiy of (H}>iu>. in tb«t Couiitv of Orcy. Vu'itir tb« ^nm(*r> oX taiu coxitaio^d in a , ccrtbiij uiun^btfc to the Vt:!.'jor». wbic-b will b« I'fXM^^c'i] at the time of scie. and iu ]t«rDieut of which <f«f&<ilt ba« bttcu niA^'fa. iIk e wilj U; ftuLd brl'ubiic Auettou luX.ISLnV'h HOTEX^. iu the VILLAGB OF MAXWELL, in Xh* C'r>untv -f (»r*'v, on WtMliii'silay, ihf 14th Uav of De- rrmbcr, IHHT, •t I r-^ .thefoUowiu;; v •luable property:â€" Lbt Number £2 in the <th C'onc«M4oii of th« feald t'iwii^hiij at Osprtiy lu ta« Cooiity of Grey, ItitMB AXU C'j.\j;rii' >s OF Sale. The property will be rtff rdfor "alemibject to m ref^-rvo bid. The |Mjreh^-er must •! thu Uun: d tald pAv on*4iBuch of hm } iirciiiu^ uiouey Uj the Vt;T;;krf^* their to!ii:itor^ -.t i^.'ei>tf Uid »nA- cieDt v.ithln •Vdaytt thcrt-af^or vrth interest «t 7 per •:ent to rvlocv tb** h^iuaoe of {mrchtt^v â- UNi'';- to $.^U0 'which ajj«wtK iu«y r«iii*uj 00 .^ ^ortf;«f,*eto tii« v«u lor^ I >r o >e&rk With inter . •Stat 7 p«r cvut. p&yabi^ ycar]> The mort fi&^e to coo'aiti a covei:;ir:t for tnaarmnc* in the TkOxlL Bntifth and U«;rcantae tc^crauc^: Cou. |i«0> to tJi« /t.11 nuumb:*? \Vut:{f tu«UciMlii;;s. Thtt V«D<iorK wiU act b< tx'und v> accovat for. prodoc*.- or Khuw or t>rovt- thb cotitenta erf a^y aeedt or t-vjdence of titl« Tti.it iu U)«u- \>t>n«a^iaii or furnish c'^pivt uf the fau»«t. TIm yurcban-r itiufct invi.-MiL:)fct*.' th£ titU at hU owi. vx^^nrte- The Hlier <;du'litu>twof -aJc Tr^M h* L.'ade known at th*- '.iine of sale or itn an^'Ilcatioa to the un- * (U!ra4fnv.*d at Tui-of:tu. For further )>4krti4.ui:UH ^k^^i•}\â- to HO\\i-ANl>. AXINOLM d: M.'rKEN7rE. Vendor* Solicitors. Toronto, X4»v. Uth, lf«7. aJS-7. \ew Oiv. i ourts ! County of Grey. IIOTICK }h hereby i^vc L.t a u,"* ::n« wiXJ be held at 2 of tbf Clock p Ui- on Friday, the L'.'e::ng 1 Ti Frida' Ninth dav r.f D«cewh*r. i«^. at J:id£«« Oham ber^ 10 rarker« bkwk. X'^ulctt Street. Owen Sound, to tAku into ooiisJ'-<'rati<-n tu« formatiou of two lit'W DivUion I'o'irts iu the County tf Grey, ouo of which it Is mopoit«d to 'oriu of the West parts of the Towiiahlp- >A J>eiit:De]t and NoruAuby.aud the utii-cr yt i'«rt'^ <;f tie Town- ithip* of Holland, Ktl^^ra^:a. Artviii'rcia. and Gleneh;. In tin? laid Co'inly Of w:ticri all pen»ons inUr>'Bted arv required to UJi««iotii.-« ai: i ;:'jveru tlicuiavivv* according- ly. By Orderof Hi-.Hoi:or. COl'NTY JCIKSK UACPREBSON. WM ARMSTRONfr. Ckrk of the Peacv. Cojntyof Orey. D«t«d at Oweo Souad. the fKh Nov.. l*0f. J3*-7. FAEMtoEENT. BBDiG Lot ^ Coo. 4. Artifmesis. coutAiniuc UO Kre^ •V acrec clearedâ€" 7S »cr«i at for maBlDKMlf-bin<Un8inschi.'ieoT«r; in lkrtt.cl«<a MM* "f cultivation. Fair dwelliiHS and out- baildiiiK Tiro «ell> water. E^aajr term>. Oood raapoiutblr uiati can have !:•« of Imi'lementa. Iiuiu rliate poaaaaaion i^v«n if miulrwd. For fall particolars a|>|>Iy at Ai>va.\cb (XBee. Flaahertuu. or to .\ tKiWN, Nov. IMi, IM. ou tho |>i SM-T. Stray Horse. CAMF. Ki tbo prenil-.'i ut '.lie under* weed. Lot M, Coo. T, Alton miiia, ou tjuudav Stti, I Horaa. Owner can haT» the hjik I'V (.rovinii froparty and pavius eii>«u»ti. ISAAC S5IITH. 384-6. â- Flesberton P.O. Stray Earn. CAME to tbo premiMK ot tlio an<lprÂ¥ii;iied. Lot 13. C«n l»t S.D R.. Arteuieaia. one a<:<^l Bam. Ownar can kava same br tiroriu^' prupt-rtv and iiavlag oiiwowii. JOBS' W4VTK. Nov. »tb, l^.-333-i. FAEM for SALE • BEING Ixjts a; A S7. iFt sun. Artraiciiia con- taiuii4: IWacraaiuoreor l*«»,4ja«.'re« cleared and iu a ttixxl ncatts u( ciiltik-atiou. .U acres iu Gni* and hay. Go-jd liousc wnd fair barn, suiull VOU114! Orchard XtvorfailiuK ipriae of ivatfr.' The ptopriitor i« â- Utcniilned to «ll even at a Muinfioe. For (M<i>anicular< appljr on prMuiae*. or to SlL.ib LKte].lE. Nov. Ttb. ISK-JJM. Pricevilla P.O. ^'^STRAY_HEIFEH. 0.\ME to the preuiisc. ot the aubscrilier. Lot ' 10, Con i*i Osj'rey tow-iabip. ouc >earUnfi Heifar. daik red witli tlack strips and larva wbita vpot. Owner can have HUiie by proviu«; propertv am! I'u.. iu^ exiieases. ' " GEO rcorsK. Keversihau: 1* O. ~'~STRAYJTEER. Qtrayed from the preipiies of the subwriber. O Lota JT * >. K. T Jt S it . .\rieun-8ia. on or about October Ut, IWiT'ouo â- .ea.liu^ Steer, black and wblte. Any per* ti u:%-ii:gin(oriiiyion lead- iuc to ibe rvcovary of vh-- aN»ve *lil be rewarrl- ed; and any perbou k«>('];u: the aU'UmI v-thout civiu^ iueii notice â€" nflei \^:i\ Ucati*'n 4»f this no- ticeâ€" will be pri.secutcJ as t;:e law dirtcti. J W SHOKK, Oct. *lth l»fl. Kleshertcni P.O. STRAY CALVES. C\MEtothvi'rpiiii*esof;ii.- undei-sicued. Lot la. Cob. lilt N. D. K , .trtu:i!e«a, about Oct. aotb. four Spriuti Ca!ve.<- â- - hejfars and two •t««r«. Owner can ha%e same b,- proviuj; proi>- erty andi«yiii« eM*""** ^.^^ ^^^^ I'ilcetiUe I'. O. Artemeala. Oct. Slst. l"*:. r'8TRAY_GATTLE. C\ME to the preiui-*e^\>f t^e i::idei^i*:De-l. Lota " "t * ::. I'o'i J E.T V S r. Arteuesia. aUoiit a month acir four v««r;iii« Calvea. Owner can have same by proviUR yropany and i-ayaig ex- jiensett. >; B â€"Since above wn-« in SjT«. all the cattle but a dark browu Hcitor have either strtvetl or U*n atolcn from my rrei"i«« •< ""e latter the i-artvor iiartios will uot be prosecutod if they refjru them at ( ;ko. HECTOU HOLTON. Kleshcrtou P. O. ArUmcaia. Oct. JPth. ISW. CaveaU «ei«uei> Mil Trnde-Mark« aecired. and all other patent cnocs in the I'aUnt OIBce and Iwfore the courtd promptly and carefully * l^iiou receipt ot uio<'cl -r 'ketch of invention. I make careful eTaniintiou and adviw a* to t>atentabilitv VieeoH liit.v Keks MonKiivie, au.l i .ii.'--> no chabor rx. uaa TAir- r i« (•KcviurP. I-ifomiation. advice and macial rvfatencea sent on application. J U I.ITTELI.. Waihiugtou. D.C Oypwtta IS. ratcut OtLci.. f'lipprtt atul ('otnten$ed from, thf t'olunitts of Our Ejcclumgen. The Thornbury Standard baa a libel *uit ou liAod. Jamea Johnttnti, ot Dimdalk, had hia bi'.' ii* cut off by the machlner}- of a !ii'r»«;-p<.wer tvcenlly. Rfj. Patterson of the Meaford Mim/r, liiis lui'Ved hii plant iutu the old Diaciple church III that tovn. Mr. R. J. Wickham. of Walter'i FalU, ha* beui eniiamd aa Teather of the Or- auae Valley l5ch<»>l. Artemeaia, for l-SSS. The Thornbury St'indard ia of (.pinion that the uieiu(<era of Euphraala Council will all be elected In- accUtuation next j JiiUiury. I People wonder at it. bat atill we give ' the Kiut-st article for the least money in { thiK >«c-t:ou of country at Rossell s Noted j Jewelry Store. Flcaherton. ' 20 toiis of cheeae were shipped from the Mt. F'irest fact<rr%- last week. It wa« sold at 11.^ cviiU fier tt<., realizing alto- i sether ab<iut to,>]t)0. j >Ir. and iVm. Saoioel Uorton, of Owen I Sound, celebrated the aiiniveraary of ' their fifty -sixth weddiiiij day on the 31st ult. IVuth are iu excellent health. Call at Rusneira. Fleaberton. and se- cure sotue of those bargains they are offerinK- They are doing the buttineiui of thit* County. Tlie ^farkdale SttrtKUtrd warns farmers to Vjewarc of shixldy peddlars, who. in order to make sales, tell how "they have just sold so many hundred dollar* worth to ttunskeepers iu the locaJity." Recently Cliatsworth buaiaaaa men aip^ed til close their res[>ective shops ev- er>- eveningâ€" Soturdaya-exeeptedâ€" at sev- en ii'clr«k. It is now urged by one of them tliat the agreement haa be*o brok- en seveml times. Thoa.. son of Mr. Andrew Kreebom, of Holland, returned from Manitoba recent- ly bavini; broken hia ami aocideotally. This is the second time he haa had tk* miafortuueof havinz the same arm broke*. â€"Mnrkdaif l^nnd'ird. Remember our Grand Offer of Fine Eugagernent and Wedding Rings. A beautiful plush box with each one worth tl.OO. .\ grand as.«ortment of Rings to select from at Russell'ii, Fle»htrton. While in Fleshertvm last Thtrrsday we had the pleasure of calliiiv; i^n brother Pawcett in his new premises, and found him very O'mfortable indeed. We sin- cerely wish him the succeas which his ''Pluck, patience and peneverance," mer- it. â€" il'trkJ'tU Sbtudartl. Mr. Justice Rose has pmnounced the Courthouse at Woodstock to be a diamice to the C'unty of Oxford. "Nothing." he said, "marks the prozrees of education and refinement as does the appearance of public buildings. .V stran^r standing in fnmt of this Courthouae would form a very jK^or opinion of the progreaa of the conuty. The n-oius are most unwhole- some. It is the worse Cotirthouse in the country."â€" />iyr«)U Sun. Miss Bertie Donnelly, eldest dauzhter oftheCP. R. asjent of this town, who recently returned from Bowman ville, where she han held a position as telegraph operator for several months, has under- gone a sinsuLir experience. She had bei'n tniubletl for some lime with a lame knee which kept zraJiully >;etting more jiain- ful. The cause of her lanienesa could not be acocounted for uijtil a few d.^ys ago when a needle came through the flesh attheliiiee ji^iiit. How the needle cauie to S; in her lez is a mystery to herself and patents.â€" .V(. F<^r^*t Rrprtnut.xUrt. Mr. .Mfreil Bi.:i;er. of North Grimsby, has been an unusually unfortunate young man. meetiiii; with several accidents and troubles of one kind and another through life, but, p.xir fellow, the culminating |viint wa^ reached last Ssiturday forenixm when he accidentallyshot himself, while getting over the fence near his fathers house. No one saw the accident occur but it is supposed that when he was get- tiui; over the fence, he must have let the butt end of the gun strike the grv.iuiid heavily causing it to go olf. The charse entered bis head at the temple killing hiui insUintly. â€" (Vi?<"»ivir Adrerivftr. Tlie lan^e-st cMigrezation ever acciini- UKKlato*! by the Guelph Dublin-street Methodist Church gathered into that edi- fiTC ou Sunday evening last, to I'lston to a semioii by Mr. W. K. Snider, a well known O. T. R. conductor. As Mr. Snider related the incidents of his con- version, which t«ik place a short time ago in the town of Walkertfn, he was listened to with the closest attention by those present, ainjng whom were many of his former aifociates, who came from Fefgtis, Faiuierstou, Harristou. Walker- ' toa an J other phtcea along tke line oL ths old W. G. * B. R.â€" Orofifesiife Ai^eHi ter. We cannot help giving the people bar- gains. We have the aoods and are bound to sell at Roaaell'g Noted Jewelry Store, Fleshertoo. tributable to the use of the mails in car- rying merchandise, which, owing Uj re- cent regulations of the department, bai become very popular. â€" L. WASHINGTON LETTER. ( Fn/m ovr Regular^ C'tmtpondent. ) Nov. 18th, 1887. The qiKMtion of the election of officers of the House of Kepreaentativos Krows in interest and imp<.>rtaiice as the date for the assembling of Cougreos dram ntsar. Up to the present th«e is no avowed op- position to the present incumbents of the offices of clert(. senceaBl-at-arms aa«L p<jet- master. though now and then a whisper can be heard that some person will be brought out 1<K one or the other of these places. The fight is over the du>.irkeep«r- ship. It haa been claimed anxmg the present oomtietitors of Col. Doaeison. the present doorkeeper, that be would not have the support of his home delegation â€"that of Tennessee. In support of this assertion Mr. J. E. Washington, one of the members from that State, has been mentioned as opposing C<.I. D>.>nelii<>n. In a letter received yesterday, Mr. Wash- ington writes that al! rtp<irt« to that ef- fect are false. He states tliat he will reach Washington within a few days, and that he will do all in his power for the success of Coi. Douelson. There is no doubt that Drmelsoa will have the i^tate delegation, and, as an indication of what is thouzhi of the outcome the bettint; is now alt4)gether iu fa*or of his election I'nlesa something now unexpected shall occur to upset preawt calculations the officers now holding will prnbabiy be re- elected. There is some complaint among democrats that all the offices of the house should be held by States almi«t in a group, Kentucky harinz the Speaker, Tennessee the d<.>orkeeper, Ohio the ser- zeant-at-arms. Indiaaathe Postmaster and Missouri the clerk. It is perhaps now tuo late to make c.irabinations iiir the break- inz "f the "old slate,'' as it a sailed, and 'or the election of new men in place of the old ones. Bat there are democtata enoozh willinz and ready to enter the race for either of the subordinate posi- tions â€" below the speakership â€" if any pro- s(>ect of success can be discoi-ered. It remains to be seen whether any combina. ti<^>as to wwrk a chauge, attd that in the caucus the present incuml^ents will all be renominated. .\ surtey f'f the field now looks that way Speaker Carlisle is here to stay until after the first session "f Coiiijress. He is hopeful of passinz a tans' bill this session and ha.<) devoted considerable en- ergy to that end. He hat had several talks with the President since !iis arrival here. Members are cniins: to Washin-.;- ton in numbers now and mtiiy have mat- ters to discuss with biiu. He has to think about the formation of the committees of the House, and there are many other matters to occupy his attention, s<> tli.-»t he will have as much as he can doat^aiiist the opening of the se«ii<n. There is some idea that he will tv able to announce his committees bef"ie the holidays, but it is hardly likely that he can. The ruVs h.ivc to be adopted, and there is likely to he a fight over them that will take up s<>me time. Besides a hundred new members makes it difficult t. tix the c<'miiiittee». Mr. Carlisle wm witli the President some time Wodneviuy. Si>eakinir with your correspoiide;!'. yesterd.ty. he said that, of course, no one c<iuld tpll what Congress would do. He ihou<;ht. how- ever, that the chanoe* of pavtini; a tariff bill were better tli.^t during last Conzress because the exigeiv.M-.-s are greater ii.'W. \N'hen asked if he thought there wa.s a disp<.«ition auion.; the democrats to wme tojfether »>u this question, lie said he thought s«i : he knew nothing to the om- tr«r>-. One of the features of the Postmaster Oeiieral's annual rev'rt, which is now nearly completed, \vill be the statement that the Departmen*. by the end of next year will probably be •self-supp-irtiiiz- The deficit has lesjcued nearly three mil- lions during tl'.e I'vs" year, and with a continued increase in the revenue*, which last year amounted to about 10 per cent, and a decrease in the expenses which was about 3i per oe'.U.. there is ever)- pro.ipect that the revenues will equal the expendi- tures by the end of next year. For the year ending June 1st, 1886, the deficit was oVer eizht million, and for the year ending June l.^t. 18^, the deficit was over five million, iiicludinc, of course, the amount creilited to the UnioP Pacific railway for the tmii.»portation of the mails,. The large incre.ase iu the revenues is tW i«sult in p.trt oi large additions to the p^citttuMi of the country and the ac- tivity in,W<inesa. But it is Urgeljr at- a^rdiral. IHspoted BosA. To Ou EdiUir .jf I7ic Adviuce. Sir,â€" As much unnecessary talk is had rezardms a deviation for road on the 10th Concession and erroneous opinions formed â€"the writer deems it expedient Xt> ex- plain : â€" Some seventeen years ago, the deviation in question was established, by the Coun- cil then in office. .Vfter the usual form- alities demanded by the statuteâ€" the By- law receivini' the signatures of the Reeve and Clerk, and the seal of the corporation. Somewhere about ten years ago a bridge was built ou it and since then private work and pubUc has 'oeeu performed ou it moK or Mas. and was used by parties for whijai it was establisLed. Doe Smith, now deceased, bouzht his Istrn with the imderstacding that this r<.«d afforded an out-let. For many years nothinc '^ery imp'.>rt- ant transpired to draw particular atten- tion to it. The same Smith zoing in and out over land belonging U> one William [ Wilj»i>n, up<>n wnditions purely their own. j But suddenly difficulties arise and the ' road becomes ot great valueâ€" Wilson de- 1 maiidiiig $50.00 for one-half an acre. I whose value when tali en seventeen years | ago was hkely more like $5.00. Ap- | proaches were msde pi the Council by both parties. One to demand an exor- bitant price, the other to he assured of hu right to the rt.«d, un moisted. The Council repudiated the claim, upon lezal and prudential considerations : Pruden- tial, because if tUs claim were paid then, every other claim for those old deviations for which nothing was ever intended to be inven â€" whose value was m' re than met by the convenience afforded â€" would be presented by the doien â€" Legal. 1st â€" Because this WiW'U purchased four years after the road was established aa4 therefore hia claim, if any, was anaiiiat the person fr >m whom he bonzht. Slid â€" Because 17 years ago. the debt if any, vas incurred, and by the statute of littitatiou, could nut be rect-vered after the lapse of six years from time of ia- eurred debt. i 3rd â€" Because undisputed po » B n»to i> of ', lands of private indivyjials for ten years is equivalent to a bonafide ownership, and I against which the law is powerless^ I Ignorance of these transnctioos. is plea- ded as an excuse and therefore the Cour.- cil u called upon to spend the people s I money for extravazant demai'ds, rvckin- ' inz the present value instead of the value I when obtained. * The Council refuses sue^ demands ! and because they do this, Wilson â€" ad- ' vised "f course by a very great authonty on municipal law â€" has taken a sh'>rt cut : P) com;^>el all and every to sabuiit to h.t decision. He has put obstractions uj^'n the road t<> prevent the Ingres* and ! e-.-rvss of the said Smith. Bat uufortu- ' iiaieiy P'r Wilson, the municipality has J other laws touching the case, and any Council would fail in their dignity and I duty if they permitted oii» i»«iu t" treat ' the By-Laws with ciititeiupt. and there- fore they concluded that lie must remove the obstructions. It is a i;Teit pity that rashness to bliuducas chasacterized his actions. It will l>c seen I thiuk tkat he pre- cludes, and shuts <jd auy cousidc-rations the Council were won't U:' show hiui. No man or b^-dy of nirii will submit p.i bully- ing. Let me m.-tke these st.ttemeiits in con- clusion, tha' of I am correct : 1st â€" Wilson has no claim whatsoe^e^ against the To»ushit> in law or in justice. If auy claim it mast be by the laMy wh.i sold him. 2nd â€" Tile extreme ignorance and folly of his advisers oi whom I may lukve â- tuore P> say herc.tfter, are aHtouiiding. ortlâ€" The Councillors are sworn to ad- minister the at&urs of the Township, not in accordance with sympathy but accord- ing to law. 4thâ€" The publit: should not listen to thi.>se meddlersâ€" for a puti.'ose â€" but to men, who at the ex^iente of friendships, hmz enjiyed, will carry out their behests acoonling to the statutes and by-laws of tike Cotiucil fearlessly. 5th â€" This igui'rance, when facilities for knowletlge, were ojieii then as now can be no p\«siUe excuse. .\ man must grin and bear it. StKh is the ordinary prac. tice of Mk. W. S. Chbistob. Call and have a look af RosaeH's, (Fleshertoni display of Watches. Clocks, .Tewclry. Ac. It will do you good to see their imnieuse stock of Watches, Clock* aud Jewelry. DR. CARTER. M.C.P. 4S.,0.'«T. FBT8ICI.4X. SlEiJEO.V &e. FLESHERTON OfUee. .Strain » bJoek B«iJ<:n««. Win Atr:i;;-: ^fntistrii. DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L. D. S. SIKGEON DESTIijT GM itedaiut and Bmo/r GruduaU af tii-r R.C.DJi., Will visit FLESHEKTON. Muoakaws HottI 1 and aof aach month. Ti«tb extracted, insert- ed and tU*^ in the highest k^ylea of the art, and at moderate rate». HXAD OmcB. T"51 YoioE St.. Toaosrro. i'rgal. .J. W. FROST, LL-B.. ! Barrinter, Sttliritor, Con if yattfer, I Offlee.â€" Jitraio > Boildinc. Fui-hebtok. I A. A. CHESLEV. Solicitor and Conveyancer, I Heaident Manager. t MB. FHOsT will be found at the Office on Thar^davi aa heretofore. . P McCULLOUGH, Barrister- Solicitor. Sc- ' OlUrf. over â- rFarian4's Stttre.. Markdalf. Jiun«>y to Loan. MASSON ft MASS0n7 B.\HJIISTEBS. SOLItlTOa*. *«. Omrti»-Owea Sou ad. is Vicker'a block. PouI,!-.t >-.- Uraccli olSce is Uarkiiaje. over Mc- FaTiait.i'., stora. on Fridav aad Saturday ever^- week J MA8SON.Q.Cr. S. MA»603». W UASSOS NBâ€"Pri rate ACompajiT'sf sod* to invest ac frois Siatu Eiabt |.>«r eeae ^usiufss Cards. Jehu W. Armttrong, FlXsHXETC.V. '.'j. G:JiT. T\IVIBIoy COUKT CLERK. COMM165IONBK i* In B. R., Corveyanetfr. Ac. .Igent tor pnrcha»- aad sale of lands Appraiaer lor C L C Con. . sad F. P b. a S. iMciety Money to Lean ot the iDost raaaooabie tertn> lascaa or M.^BRIAGE LICENSES. NOT.IBT PCBUC. MONEY TO LOAN- At « F»er Oent. Oe TowB or Ssrru Sropessy, S. O.-MtUDE. F!e*her!o- W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CLEBK ABTrMRSIt. VoSVEYAyiBl:. roMMI^SIi >SE1: lysiIUSCE AUT. d< nEEDS. MORTGAGES LE\SES. Ac pr-r.-r- *' ed aijj properiy executed In.«uracce alftc- ed in flr^tclaat companies. Monev to lend aa loweatrato. GET YODR MEAT :•! KO W-t Tsizh. S, Mitchell, GENERAL lUTCHERS. FLESHEKTON r t^s*Ci«:li paid :Vr fa: catUo. i:., .^c. \EW LIVERY! THE u::-t«.-r*ii;tie.l N-i;s :o tuiiounce that beba. ^tarlvd a drst-cla-.* Livery lu the stand op !<o»it« Munsiws Hotel. Fleaherton. where tbo travejliag. (Tiiilte can be accommodated with (pod ri^ sod horses at most rcaionable piicii Try me and l>e >.«avii!ce«i. KesiiecsfuUy your*. "* ^' W. H. JOHNSTON'. Fleabertoa. Nov. 19sh. ISMV. notice! GRAY CHAMPION! ATHDI'.OIOH BRED DfKH.V.M BILL, with i:,:ied uediiiroe. will nan.l f^r service at L<it Iti Wost T A- s h . Artencsia Terms, jl it paid on cr ftefore Jan Ut.l***: '^iherwi*e, #1 i^. Also :l:orou,#b-br«i BERKSHIRE BCUR at same phuie. JACOB A. LEVER. BELL" ORGANS Unapprcacbed for Tone and Quality. CATMLOQUfcS rRKE. BELL&CO.i6iieipii,oiii, t^ /jwiK \