QUEBEC CONFERENCE. 7. Tliiit tti The EeBolutions Adopted by^ theilim"^"^"^ Provincial Reoresentatives. NEW FINANCIAL BASIS. Uiirestricted Eeciprocity Endorsed by the Delegates. DISALLCnVANCE CKNBURED. Following are the reaoIutioiiB atlu|)ted at the rooeiit luter-rroviucial Conference at Qaebfcc : lUapeotlnff AmandmenU of thm Hriti>«la North Am«rlcu Act. Whereae, in framing the Uiritisb North Amt-rica Act, 1HG7. and detinmg therein the limits of thu leffislative and executive powtfrH and f unotioDH of the Fediral and Provincial Le^iiilatureB and (ipvernmentu, the auibura ui the Couutitution performed a work, new, complex and ditlicult, and it w&B lo be anticipated that ex[>erienco in the working of the new byutem would sug- gOBt many needed changea ; that twenty yearn' practical working of the Act haa developed mnoh friction between the Federal and ii'rovincial Governmentii and LeKiuiatureH, has didcloHcd grave onubHiona ill the proviaioDB of the Act, and has ahown (when the language of the Act came to be judicially iiiteipreti-d) that in many re«p*cts what was the coniuiou under- â- tandiug and intention had not been ejiprewsed, and that important proviaiona in the Act are ohticure aa to their tru« intent and meaning; and whereaa the pre- â- ervation of Provincial autonomy ia eaaential to the future well-being of Canada ; and if Huch autonomy ia to be maintained, it hau become apparent that the Couatitutiuiial Act iiiubt be reviaed aud amended; tliereforetherepresentativea and duiegattM of the FrovinccH of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Houtia, Nuw ilrunawick and Manitoba, duly accredited by their rea[>eotiv« (iovernmentH, and in conference aaaemblud, believing that they expreaa the viewH aud wmbeb of the people of Canada, agree upon the fullowiog reaolutiona aa the baaia upon which the Act ahould be amended, aubject to the approval of the â- everai Provincial Legialaturea: MMlTlNb THK FKDKltAL VKTO. 1. That Ljv ttiu Hnti.'^li North Aiiiertca Act ox- oIuiiv« authurity iH «-.\|iruftHly ^ivi'ii lo tliu i'ru- TUiciaJ L«u«iHlatiirL*K lu rulutiun Ut iiul>jvuUi enunii-rateu ui tlii:^-inl tttti.-tioii of the Aut , that ft )in-viuuH iM»ction of thu Act roMrvea to tha Ft'<lt'ral (jovt'rijiriuiit thu Ic^iil |)«<w«;r of dihiil- lov^iug at wlil ail Ai-tH iPiuMttnl by a Provincial Ijf^iblatiiri- ; thut iliiti |>o>\ur ui di'*alloftau(.-u may be i^xert^iMid ttu aa to glvu lo thu PiMlfral Oovtftinient arl*itrar>- couirol i'V«r leKlalt^t<t>u uf thu Provinri'K wlttim thuir own Hphiiro ; and that thu Art Hhotilil bo aiiu- ixletl !>> tukinif away tliiM |>o\M-r ol tlisullowiii^ rioviiii-iiil Hiatutt'rt. IfaviitK ti> the |H'o|iii« of tU4 h l*rovltivtt, tfaroti^'h thrtr rfprthviiiiitivati 111 tha rrt'VhuJiii Ijt'U'Hia- turi', the Iri;i' ( \tiriwf i»f thi-ir txtluMivi- riKhi of luuiBiuiioU uu thu buhjuctb aHMKiii-d tn tbuiil, â- unjuel oaly tuihKtUlu«auo«- by Ht.-r MajcHty in Couucul aa buturu Contuduriuiim ; tliu iiower u( dualUjwuiicK to hn I'Xtircisf d in rvKu-r«l lo thu I'rovincutt uijon tljti kuhk |>i iiiripIrH ah thi- Hauio iK uxrrtistd ill th<' t-«h»r "f i- » 'iiml At:ti*. giTKsnoNH DV niHiT I i:ii jritiHitui'ioN i. Thut it u iiiii'irtaut t > thu jUHluAH-raUon of ourKidcral oyhttin. an Hitl that iho Ki-d. lul rarllaim-nt Hhniild not ii<-HUinuto^ rrUf i>mhiih^'iii« «'xrhihivi-;> t.. tho ricviriciiil liO|{iMla- tiin-H, us ttiut a. rrMViiiciiil la K0*''tli>r4>Hhoul(l not akhllllif to fXiTrlHii |ioWfrH hiiluUKlIlK VXl-UlMVtily t4> tht* I'ltli'iiil I'lirhitnitMii , Uiui i<> itriv* lit any Nuch abhuiuptiuii. linru xhuuld bu l-iiuaI lacilith'H lu thu i'4 drral uud I'lov iMtiiLt' (ioM'ri.tiicniH U>r pr<*ini>(ly ohtaiiiiiiK » jU'luiul d< ttrnntiHin .11 r<' Hl't-rtllit; lIiu viillilily ol htulillt-x "i I'lilh thu Fmh*ral I'arllHiiittnt uiitl rroviiuriiii Iii'MiHhitiiri*K ; ' mat conatilnuunal iiroMhioim t>iiould bu luadu for id'tainiiiK buch di'tcniilniitii'n hufor*-, uh wvU aa aftur, a Miatiite hutt h('«>it artwl upiiii ; aimI thnt any tl«M:iHi<j|i Hhoiild hu Huhjuct to lippriil lui in other caauH.Ui order Ihul thu adjudit-aiion may he Anal. riltVATK ATTACKS UN KKI'KUAI. ANtl PUoVIS<IAL hlATiri KH. 3. That it In in Ihu piihlio tiilorrHt, with a viuw t<i avoiding uiii-urlaiiity, hliKatioii and ux|iunHi>. tliat Iho conHtitutituiiilily u( Kidrral or iTo vtncial Htatut4<M Hh4Mild not lin o)iuii to (|ut^Htlon by iirivato hd^aiitM, ux(Mi|it within a Umiit d tiinn may f||o y«mrHi from tliu paHttniK tluTutif , that ttiuruATtor HiudiuotiHtitutionality Hlmuld only ho iiu«aLtoiit>d at thu iiiHtaiicu of a (iovurnniont, Fixlural or Provincial ; that any uiiik tiui-nt duciduil, aftur till) lapHo of thu hiiiiti^d iniiu, to bu uncoMKlitiitional Hhoiihl, for all other iMirpoHttH <)tlH»r than thn niuni priflioiincint^of thu ilucihlMn. bti tmatudaM if oriKinally unautml hy thu l^u^iHla- ttiru or rarliuiiiui.i which had jiirirtdicilon to enaut thu tiaiiit', and uh huintj huIijocI to ru)iuttl or amundniuiil hy hucIi LuKiitlaturc or I'arliaiiuint. HKKollH op TIIK HKNATK. 4. That a luHdin^ tmrpoKU of the Suntttu wan to protui-t thu lIltiTcr^l of llio rcHprrtivu I'rox inciH aabuch . that a Siiiialo t<i whidi thu lippoint- iiiunlH arc niiulu hy thu Kuticral (hivurnmuut, aud foi lifr, ttifordh no aduqiialu miuurity to Itiu Prnvlncurt ; itml that, in vhm* iii> otiu'r tiarly rumudy ih pruvidml, thu lirlliHh Ntirth Amuiicu Act should ho no umcnilud aH 10 limit the term li>r which tht^KtinutorH hold ollh-c, and to uivu thu choiou, as vueaiieiua occur, to thu rroviitcu to which thi< VAcaiidy IiuIohmh, until, ab to any I'rovinco, niio-half of thu mcndicrH of thu Semite rupruHuiilinu ftiich I'rovincfl arc Scnatorri chiHuii hy thu I'ruviiicu ; thai thnrcufdir thu inoilit of itoleciion hu UM foljowb . If the vacancy Ih occa- Hlonuil hy tliMilcaih, niHi^jiuiiion or otlurwlMu iif a Htiiiator uhoHi'ti hy a Province, (hat rmvliicu to oiiooHu hiN HiicccHHor . mil if tliu vuciin oooaHioiKH) hy the duath, roHt>'iiation wibu of any other Huiiator, thu vacaiiuy tu bu nilud an nowj>rovlilcd by thu Aol, but only for a llniltud term of yuarb. LIKtriKSANT-iinVKUNOIlH' I'oWKItb. 5. 1')iat It wita thu Intention of thu ItritiHh fforth Aniurtna Act, and of tlie rrovnioua wtiioh wuru thuruhv confcilurulcd, tliivl in rc.tpeci of all uialturH an to which the Provincial Ijufflnlaturun havu authority, thu liiciiienant (iovmiur uf uvdry I'ruvlnuu, aH UintApruiieiitalivaol thu Hov- uruiuii in I'rovincinl alfairH, Hhoiild have thu iiamu uxeiMitlve authority an oilier (toveiiiuiH and liieiitdtianttiovurnirii of Krltiith ilithniicH and l*ruvliii-c(i ; itial the Aiit haa praollcally iMwn HO conitrucd and aolud upon In all the l*ri>viiM-(iHi'VurHhicu Confedcratioiii tbat it U of nHHunltal iinnortancu III (he rrovlncua tthut thiH riuht nhoiilii bu maintHined, and 'should be nhvcud bevond dcpuht or qm stioii ; ttial, tliere beliiK ito I'xpn^HH I rovinhin in ti o Act d^tijaihi^ niiOh ri^'lit.aiid thu rif^ht tM-in^ in e iiM<i|ut'iM-e (M^caHioiuhlly ileniiMt and ruKiHled. the Act hlmuld Im amuiffiud by duchuiiiK itb true i-tMiHtrnctiou to ho acuordhiK to thu iutentioii atiA practice an liuruin montlotiud. KKhitUAl, ny.i7.vnv. np t.ocAi, WOKhs 6. That the Kedural authoritiuH nonntrue ihn ItritiNti North America Act hh ^ivitin r.i ilm Kwlural rtiihauiiuit thu power of wlthdraHiiiy /ucancy ia or othur- OoufcrencuoflHfi^andtliat tk|> Act tilfOUld bo axnuDdfd acoord^Iy. FKI.KllAI. 'tel-«flI<>:«X>N rilOTlSriALMHTb. crJ*exlsia'»iii cadi I'r -fliico the r.HjulBitu maclAurv !>* pr.|pari';t; voters' IihIh iindiVviBinn tHTflrtiii.' ror .1. ot.-i.N iJL tl'" I ro- viUoiLAhhcmliy. timi. wiuioui auyWLLnuiiait to either Ku.l«ral or I'ruvincial luturL-utH, iho IihIh »oi»reparcd wuru UHud for twenty ycarK at all Kedcral elusions, under thu express teriim »f the hrtrith North Aiuerioa-Aot auU-of Liui aubau- .luciitstrttiitcrt of tlie Kedcrul Parlianiunt ; tliat rlie prcparaiiuii of s.pjiraie voters' iirt(nfor Fed- eml elecinm« ih cninbruubaiid cunfuBiii«, andio- vuIvoB«ruat lohh of time and neudliTtri expnnRu tX' all cuticernod tlutruiii ; and thatio tlut opinion of thiH conference iho Hrttmli North America Act Khou'd bo bo amended au to provide that, at all electit'im to the Federal I'arlianionl. in any rroviiice, tile (jualillcatioti and livtii of «leetorK Hhuuld he thu ^anie ae for tha Lut^ifllative Aasem- bly of the i'rovinee. I'OWKH OK LOCAI, OOVKUNMKNTS TO Al»POINT ^,« . ^*OlbTIlA 1 Kb. H. That the intention of the RritlHh Ngrth AtuerloaAct aadof thdaoveral Fruviucas thereby uiifeduratcd waK, that thu Provincial authoriticH bhould have the power uf appoinlintt 8tit>undiary, police and other nia^trat«8, and all omcerb who aro under tlie juhiwlietion of the Provincial 'H'fjislatun'fl : that ever since Confedwration all hUch appoiutmeiitb havu accordingly huuu maile hy Provincial authiirity ; that it is just and ritiht in the Kuneral iulerebl that the Provuiceb should iiave lluH power; that a uucHtioii liaH beun ralHud lU; of the Provincial ('ourta ab to whether, by tlie technical ettect of the Act. anch power existH ; and tliat, tu reuiovu all doubt ou bo ini- rtaiit a iiiattur, an amendment of thu Act bhould bo obtaiurfd, ezprubbly duclariug that the juriK^licttt n to make bucb api>olntuioutb dues belong to the I'ruvlDCus. HKVKNUl'. FllOM I'flbVIKCIAL COUUTb 9. That, according to the inteutlon of the liritibh North America Act and its pronioterr., the I'rovincuH are entitled to all feuB paid or pay- able ou ief,jal uruccedingH in the Pruvinclal CourtH : .tiiat trie ProvinccH accordingly have alwayb uujoyod or dealt with tliu revenue there- from ; that, according to a recent dociHioii of Her MaJebty'B Privy Council, the Provhtcuil LegiHla- lureHcaunol luKit^lalu aatoauch feen or apply the revenue to Provincial jiurposeb ; and that the Actbliouldhu bu amuutlod aa lo exprebbly give thiaconbtituliunal ri^ht, POWKH OF IHHUINOCOMMISHIOSSTO ItOMl CUURTfl. 10. That by the British North America Aot thu Pruvuiciai Le^ibtaturee have exulubive junitdic- lion to tuako laws in relation to the admlnibtra- tnm of jusiiou, including thu coimlitutiuu, uiaiu- leiiaiuuand organisation of Provincial Courtb, both of civil and cnniiDal jurtwUctloa; that a iidictal opinion haa been exprutiaud that a lieutunant-Govunior hab the irawur of ibsuing euinmiFibionb to hol(^ Courts of Absuu) and Ni^i riUR, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail I)e- Itvery, but the rii;ht to do bo in cotuiidurud tu bti pell to the question that, wtieu It ib deemed nuccH>4ary to hold sucli a Court, iiitlepeiideul ouuuiiibbioUbuxpreHHutl in the bamu t«rmb have, by arranffeniuul betweun the Federal and Pru- Incial OovermnentH. Iwen ibsued by the Guvur- nor (ieiieral and |jiuutunaut-(tovernor : that it ib fxpe<lient that all doubt bhould he ruiuove*! ami the contrivance of twt> connnlsiifons renden-d unnucebbary ; aud that au aineudiuent of the Act Hhuuld expressly duclarethat the l^iuuteuaut- (iovurnorM have |Kiw«*r to ikKUu bUcb comiuis- siouH, subject to Proviiicialbtaluteb. I'hlVII.KOKH OK I,0(AL I.KOlHI.ATrUKK. U. That it has been found Ijy tlie uxperience of all hgirtlative bodluH to Iw nucussary that tliuy bhould |H»r«w'bb certain privUegva and ini- nitinitiuH to enable ilu-ni efTectually to tlincharge the fuiictionb uiitriiittud to thuDl ; thftt. for ttiib piir]>uF<e. ActH liavu huuu paiibed by thu Parlia- ment of Canada, aiul contirinc'l hy Itnpcrial logiHljfttlun. di-Uumg lUu privilegea, inuuunitiut and powerb '<t fhu two TIoihwh iiitd i>I thu mciii bora thvreof ; tliat ActH in like uianuvr have hoen pa^^cd by Heveral Proviiiciul I.e^ihlatuiub lAfltiing thtt pnvilegtts of their IxH^isiatlve Couiii liH aud l.e^inlativu AhSMuldit h , thitt thebu Arts have ni>t y* t becM Ciintlrined by lii.pi rial tegiitiallou ; Itial doubts have been t^xpri hbcd ab t*i thu power of tlu* PrMvliuial Legiwlalurwt to pabs these lawb ; ttiat a Pro- vincial IjcgiHli^ure ithoulil have the Hainu power to pHHH AutH detlniUK tha piivile|(e« of thu l.i t^;ibbilive Ct-uiicil ;ind l.>-4jJNiat iv t^ A^^l'lul>Iy nml I ( thu iiiemlN't-H thereof, sn the Federal l'uii|iiiii« nt hiiH tu pa^r• ActH de lining tlu' l'rivTiej.*eK . f the SeT.nte and Hoiinu td (".â- 11110. inn uitd of thetiieiidMrM llo re<d , that Uie Proviiit-ial Acts-^h.'Uld be r.Mihiiiied aH the Ft di ml Acts w«>re ; ami that i( f<iii iild Ihi drriitred hy the II Ml ending liMI'i rml >tutute that a I'ttvuieial Itcgihlatnre Iiuh, wiiti rt-hpecl o> itHtvlf. ihehHine po\\erh HH Die F 'Mb-ral Parlminuiii imn with refeniiee tf» t^titdi I'urlliiinuni. AHOI>l'l lONoli UKKUllM uK I.KOlHl.A Tl VB « 0|-N<-|1.H l^. That in two of thu Pruvinceb of the l)uniin lull there ih iiM Mcond chumlur. ihut iii tivu uf thu Provli ee» ihurv is a mi cui>d clmiuber . (hat in one (it tlicHe livu tliu Kiuislative Council is elmtivu and tor a liuiltiMl terif; that In thu oilier tour the iipp> intnirht*^ are }>y$ thu Ijiuutunant Onvt*rnor and for liftt; that tliu uxpurieiicii which Iihh t>uun had hIucu ConftMlcr- atioti MhowH that, tinder reHpoiihildt* i^overtiiiient aud with thu KufeKuarils provided hy the llritiHh North America Ad, a «ccuiid I'rov'im ml clmni her isiinnt^reHHary, and the expuUHo thereof may in all thu I'roviiici'H be saved with iidviinla«;e , that under the Act a I'rovhiciid ljOi;ii«latMre has power to amend thu coiihtitiitloti of the Pro- vince; that thin power iiicluden the abolition of the liUgiHlative CountMl, or cliaiiging the metluMi (d coiihtlliitiiig tht< Maine , that the provit<iun hab failecl to elfect th<t nholitiini of tht! Council in soniif Proviiiceb whort* publir opinion iti bulieviHl to tavtir HiH-h chaiiKu: and that the Act Hhoiild bu Ko amended ah lo provide ttiat. upon an addruHs of th*< lloiiHu of AnHcinldv. tlie elcct4'd repruHuntativuH of thu people, her MaJcHty thu (^iieeii may by nroeiamatiuu alM>litth the hegiH lativu Cooiicil. or change Iht* conntiiutioii thereof, provided that the addruHH ih concurreij in hy at leaHt two thirds of the niuinlH'rH of hucIi lloUHU cf .\stieinldy. tr.itKiuc. n.AiMs ro ntoviMiAi. fUowN i.AMm. l:(. That hy the ItritiHh North America A^t it nt provided that all laiidM belonging to the Heveral Provinces of Canad'i khall belong to the Pro- vincuH rubpeciivuly ill which Ihoy are Hituate . that the claim rocenlty made hy the lAwleral (hivernmeht to all ( rowu landH aH to whicti there wuH no treaty with thr IndiiiiiH before (^nnfeduraiion, ib cutitrary t»» the intention of thu Act and of the ProviiiucH cunfedeiated, in iinjuHt. and is ..1. posed U* the conhtructtoii whndi. iintila recent period, llio Act received from thu Federal aulhoritieK.ab well as fruin thu IjuglHUtureH and (IovernmentH of thu Pripvinccrt. tlittt thu Act Hhoiild be amciuted so ab to make (dear ami indispniable iii itH tiMdinlcal ellecl, as wtdl an itit lu-iiial inteiitii'ii. that all such lands btdong to the Province in which Lhoy areHiliiato. and not i*) the iJonunioii, ilANKUri'ItV INO INbOI,VKN< V. U. That by tlu* hritiwh North America Art thn jiinbdtctiou with ruHpici to liaiikniplcy aud iiiHolvenc> I-' a'-Klgm d to ih,- Federal Parlin niunt ; thHl lhnr»» is no Federal law on that hiiIi ject now III tovcu . that, in (he atiKuiue of a law tor thu whole Doioinlon, It is in tlu- public intorebt thai each i'rovitiru hhoiild bu at liberty to deal with (ho matter, siibj.'ct to any Federal law whiuh may thereafter he pii«Heil ; that it is doubtful how far under the pri'H«'iit provisionn of thu Act, (he Provincial heuUlatures pan deal with the Hubjeet ; and it ih dcHirable that the Act ho amended 1)V oxprobHly giving to the ProviiuuM thu nauuHttary Jurisdiedon, in thualmeiicuof aud Hubje(!t to nny Kuderal law, l-ltoMNi lAI. roWKU TO I'AHItov I'UIMtAMKH- Ifi Tha( It was provldml by the ilth U.-ohition hue Coiilerunce of lw(il, tliaftlut a and piirdoninu nd of conunuting and remitting of sontenceH lu wlndu or in part, whicli beloiigtt of right to tho Ctown. should h« aiimiiiihi«irod hy the I lieutenant (lovur- nor of urtcli l*rovincu in I'oiinoil," Hubjeot as in the naid resotution sot forth ; tliat all Jirovlbieit relating to thin power waH omitteii roni Ibn l;rltiftli North Amurica Act; that I 1.1 I iini II. wrvM |'rii% uieu oy mo of thu (Jm liuu I'oiilerunce of power of rebpiting, reprieving jirisoners convicted of rriiueb, am from Provlmial )iinndh!(i.Mi 1m(u1 wortiHiituatod I thu royal instruotlonn niv» n to the llnvern within any I'lovinw, and tliough bvtlt In parlor (h.neial »iil»siiuuonlU to the pa^Mlugof thu Act otherwise with thu monev ul tin. iTovlnce or iho His Rxcellunoy is taiuonj; otlu^r (biiiKs) " author inuiiiclpsUllus thcfeof ; iiiirt ..f m, withdrawing Jruil aud empoW«ircd 10 niivnl any offend mtii eoinuuiiballiin) by uielo tte for itiu general Hueh local workH iwlthntit merely declaring th ^ Advan(ai{uof <!ftiiada i>r for the advantage of two or nioniProvlnci K, whetherilmt i» nr ih not the true elmracltir of nuch wurkH within lliu meaning and Intoutioi) of the Act, thiit it wan not (ho inteiitiiui that local workn hlumld be so with drawn without the *'.inrurreii< e of tbn Provluftlal liOgiMlature. or that the power of the Fedaral Parliament should apply (o any other except " biicii works as bhull, sllhough lyinK wholly within any Provimo. he bpecially deelaied by tho Acts thum to he for thu guiieral [irebflly meiitionod in boot Ion desirable) the power of the Federal Ooveniment to apply to other cafles; and that tha Act .-i^uld ho amended accordingly. < rni-;, nohtiikiin lfot'^'l)AItIV!l of cAfiAUio'/jAsn'.' . ' ^ 16. That the Provinceb reprcHenldl at ihvcoii- fereiico recogniae thu iiroitrieiy o( all quewunH iib to tho boundaries of ttfe Provinces beinfe spt- tied and placed bt^yoiid dinputu ; Otat the boundariub between tjntario, Manitoba and tin- Domiuiou* bu far ab thu same have bui-ii deter- mine t by Her Majesty in Privy Council should \)u e8tabliBl]e(i by Imperial htatuto, aw reconi- meniied by thu order of Her Majesty , aud thj^l the wholo norlhcru bouiimrlts of Ontario and <^iicbec bhould ho deturminud and ustablibhud without further delay. TUE I'lUibEST AHHANOEMI'.NT A8 TO PU0VI.NCIAL bl'ltHllJiKb. 17. 1'llat hy the Hritish North America Act all thu Customs and Kxciae dulibs,asw«ll ascertAin other rovenucH of the I*roviiiceB.woro transferred fr ni the I'rovinceb to the Dominion, and it whh providud that tlio following sums should bu ptiid yearly by the Dominion to tl-.o several Provinces for the support of their Uovurumouts aud l^tji"- latureb : Ontario «...« fW.OOO Uu-bec » TU.noo NovaHcotIa « M.OOO NewHrunawick 53.0U0 And that an annual grart in aid of each I'ro- vinee bhould l»e made, ecjual U) HO cents per head of tho pouulation as abcertaiued hy the census of IHHl, withTbiM'cial proviMon inthe cases of Nova Scotia and New ItruuhW ick. INrUKAbKO BUHHKNH O.N TIIK PUOVINCKb. (-21 That the revenue of the Dominion, at the inception of Confederation, was *13,716.7H*j, of whicli au per cent, or $2.753.'JOt> went to the Pro- vinces for Provincial purpoacn. HO i>er cent., or *I0,'.>tJ2.H(W. going to the Dominion; that by increased taxation, ou an increased population, the Uominit>n revenue has hoeu raised from ♦ i;i.716.7M«to#;j:».177.U*-0; that while tbibiucreaswl taxation is paid hy tho people of the Provinces, an«l thu increasu of nopulatiNn imposes upon the I'rovincus largely increas«Kl burdens, no cor- respuiiding increabu of subnidy has been granted to thein. 13 only, iiibtoad of -20 per cent, of the increased revenue of the Deininiou. or $iM2..'>'2.'>. being now allowed to the Provinces, while. instead of MO l>ur cent. M7 per cent., or *iS.<»l.47\ ib retained by the Dominiou. OHEATBU COST OF CTVIT, OOVKR-SMENT ASP LEOIS- LATION. 3 That the yearly paynieuls heretofore made by the Dominion to the sev»*ral Proviucub under the Hritish North America Act havopMved totally inad»Hiuale for tho purposos thereby in- tended ; that the actual expenses of civil guvern- meiit and legislatiou In the several I'mvinces greatly exoiwd tho aiiiouut provided ihorefor by Urn Act ; and thai the otlier expenditure neces- Hary for those local purposes whtcb. before Con- f.deralioii. were provided for out of Provincial funda. has largely iucreabed since. NOT RKAlJY KOR DlllECT TAXATION. 4. That several of the Provinces are not in a condition to provide, by direct taxation or othor- wibu, for the additional expenditur© needed, and iu cousi-quencu iiavo from time to time applied to the Federal Parliament aud Goverunieut for Incroaaedaunual alluwauces. UAblS KOR A FINAL HKTTl.KME.NT. That this Conference is of opinion that a basis for a tlual and uu&lterablu settlumunl of the tino'iintbto be yearly paid by the Doniiiiton to tlui several l^rovlneoa tor thuirloc&l puri>oB»fland ttie support of their (iovurnnienta and Lc^isla- tiireb. maybe fouud in the pro{>obal following, that is to say : TlIK ri.AN 1-»4>KUHRP BY TOB CONKEBINCE. i.\) Instead of the auiouutb now paid, the sums hereafter payable yearly by Canada to thu Heviral Provinces to the BUt)l>ort uf their to'vern- meiiis and Legislatures, to be according tu population and as fnlltrws. 1*11 Where the population isunderVAOOO #100.000 i/>) Where the popuUtii n is i60,UUU, hul does no exceuai*X)C()(» liO.OOO 0-. Where the population is JOO.OOO, bat doiH not exceed 4UU,iUi) IHO.OOO idf Where the popuUliou ia 400,000, but not exeetnl KlOtWJ," PW.OOO (Ai Where thu poputiition ia HjO UOO. but doeu not elLViKl l.'-W.f"") . i5».(»fO (ft Where thu |Mipn1athm uxowmU IJKW.OOO 24(1.000 rAVUKST At*oniUN(lTO KoKHLATlON. I li> Instead of aiiniml i;iatit per head of popu- lation now allowed, th.- annu'il iiaymeiit lure atti-r to be at the uame ratu of uigbtv ci-ntb per lU'Kd, but WM the p. .pulHtloii of each I'ruVlllCt*. as Uf'e.rtaincd from liiuetu lime l»y tho last ducuu mill ceuhUH. until Mich population exceeds 'i..'»jm.iiiiO: and ai the r^toof ki\iy cents per head for in much of Hai«l population as uiav excetMl 'J..'biiM'hn, 110 CAHKOF MANtTOIIA ANI> HHITISU roI.lMniA. 'C> Th(< population an ascertained hv the last lU' « iiuiul cen.tub. t-> govern exc<-pt aHioUrilish Coluiubiaand Manli.'hii ; and af t<i theno two l*ro\iiiceH. lUe population to Ih* taken to be that npiui which, under tlm rcHpective suvtutcs in that behalf, the aiiiiusl puyinents now made to them r<-rtpecti\ely by the Doiiuniiui are hxed, until the actual p<ipn,rilion is by the census as- certained to bo gn liter , and thcr*ttfter tho aetihil population, >o aitcertainod, to govern. ToHKl'lNAL. in IMI'KIilAI. KNAClMtNT. • Di The aniouiilM ho to be paid and ^raiittHl yearl> by the llotmnii'ii to thu l'roviiu**H r»*pec- lively to lie deelaro'l hy»iniperial enactment to bu ibial and absolute, and not wilhiu the power <d tbe Federal Parlianuni tu alter, aild tu or vary. KKFr.rr ok tiik piu'Im>sal. i>i That t!ie following table hIiowh theamouiiLs w Inch, instead of thone now payable for govern- nieiit and leL;iHlation and per 4-aplta allowancos, would hereafter bi' annually rayahle by the Ooniinioii to till) btiveral Provinces (the sanie beiiiL; calculatetl ai^tording to the last decennial ri'n><us for tho Provinf*'s of t)ntarlo. (Juel>uo. Nova Scotia, Now Itriinswiek aud Prince Kdward Inland, 4iiid aecordiutj to th(t limit of population MOW fWed by statute for tho ProvinccH of Hritish t'obnobia and Manitoba S Si 5 i§s (3 Ij; "5 V i i S S 3 .1 sii ""'m l_Si__5_SlS Atiiin, IHHI. Oiivi^rntiu'iit and I(>|{tHliitic>r por hoad. "?i 5 §S 5> ij^3d SIS Sr. I 'm. $18 S3 S SSS Ti'IrI ftllow UUCP for (^uvcnutiont. etc... ftiuliulwiily. W, •ubioctiun ll.oitliuK vu'tetl (it liiiv orliO(«, .111 nny onirt, tinfori* any iu<l||ii,]UKin<n or luaKlatiiilii within tlio Dmnln lMi,iip»rili>ii ;" thut liy ri'AHoii «f lliiM lanunauK ami (ilIu>v\MHii doubts liitvo ariHon a<4 to tin* IxiwiTot a<lit<Mmnl(li>voriiiir of n I'roviiuMi to ii'Hiilto, I't-iiiifcvo in- iiartloii piiHont'i'fl r<ni- vli'tril of an ofTinno nmiinxt tlio lawM of tho I'm- vlnri', or of oitiiunnllint anil rtiinltliiiK, in whulu or rart. any nonluiu^i'. tliio. (orrpltiini, imnalty or ininiHhiiionl 111 to><i>m:lof any mivli olfoiico : that It iBiiri'sniiioil lliln wn'< not tho iinrpoKo of tho iliKtriii'tioTiii ; that ihopoworof iloahiiil with all iiiattorH rolatiiiK to thu uiuoiitlnn of I'rovinrial lawR nhouhl liohiiiK to tho l.nuitcnant (lovoriior •loiiu aili r udohillonMuf till! yuiihoo 111 (! Moniil of oaili rrovliic'O. luayUm (If iluouuiil oiiaoi'oil N* llONNIIlRnATION IIY I.0OAI. OOVBUNMRNTB. 171 i'liat tliit Omiteronoo (leoina It ilesirahlo that thi> pr<t)itmal al)ovi> Mot forth Hhonhl bo oon Hidoroil hy tho (lovornniiMitH of thn Hovoral I'ro- vinc'^t) of tliH l>oininlon. and, if aiiprovod of. Hlionlil b© Riihnitttod to tho Provincial liOgU- latnii'ii. nil lY or Till' LKOISIATI'IIKS. IN. That In tli«o|ilnlou of thiH (lonforoopo, tho •t-voral rroviiioua >'f tho Dominion, lliroiiKh thrir I'oRiiocllvo IjoKtulatiirofl. »linn1iY at tlio oHrlioHt praoiloahln uiouitiut tako HtoiiB with tho viow of Hornrlnn tile onnotinont hy tho linmiial I I'arliainuiit of anieiulinoiit* to tliollrltiali North .Vniorlca .\i'l in acoonlaiii-o with thn foroKoiiiR i rnn.ihithniB. llKMOI,Ulll>NH UKHlMU-l'tMl rliOVlNCI.M. t.KtUsl.A TION IN OtMllAIN MATTKHH. Thero havliiR boon HiilniiittiHl for tho cortatd- oration of tho t'onfcronoo wiinu' ntattora t>f Intorl'rovlm'ial hiloront niid oonroni in rospopt whoroof no ainiMulniont of \)w llritiHh North Ainorlia .\ot U iioccxHary, thm Cnnfcroiiro, as to cortain of tliv miiil uiatlom, rimolvea aa fol- pnoTFl'TION op MAIMSTHATllB UNItKH fONKTim lloSAI. Aim. 19. That, in viow of tlio rlonlits whioh nriso from timo lo tiino an to ilio roripot'tlvo |M>wrrB of tho Kodoral Vftrliainont and liovinoial lo'Kiiila- iuroii, it inji^fHlivnt and jnnt that it a^oiilj hb ^^10 ri'upootivo I'roiriDDlarijVKiala tnroH, tbftt no ai;tir>n ihall liti^i^aii.rt any. judK^ HfliiiriKlUry <ir polme iiiaKi»tpito. jilKticu of tlti p«»<;i3, (^ oUi -tT, for any it«t wnrt.r tipe 8LiupnB44 autlicjHtjr^f a atatntor)' pr^fjatou wljK'h liHiy aftucti'ai|k bo iiitfd Co tUvo lM<>n bu- v>JO<i tl^ lo.inIativoSrisaicajn of |Krli«r.ient o{ Xiiii tSe lo'tjbu woSl not m ai;ai||t hiiu i» kh« alatut.ry proviSlon Riul b<)t~*lthHrBnch legUla- tivo jun.-^iUolioii. LAWS Ili:-.1K1 TIMi THK ESrolMKMKNT OF DKBT8 «>. TbM^il ia diwiraUW thai tha. l&wa of thu. -iovfral Provinti'B for the tuforeeuieut of dobta hIiouUI bo aHtiiiiiilatiid ad far aa may he cousiiitvut with tlio dillori'iit lefc'SI nyntcnis provailiuK lu tbe roHpectivo Proviueea ; that this Conforence ia of "Piniou that hUch aaxiniilation Bbuuld iurlude proviHiona a^aiuat iirefirouct-a by insolyent dobtora, and proviaioiih for tbu examination of .lobtAjm.and tor takioK Bpoody noBBesiiion of an iiiholvout Bestato for tlio heuoftrot biB creditors: so far aa ttieau anbjeotB can be dealt with by tliu Provincial Lecielaturt-s. raoIlATKS A.\U I.KITEKS oK ADMIMBTRtTION M. (That Uiia uuuf urunce apuxovut u( thet^ bojiii! K'ljisUiive i-rov tion '" ""' "i'^'*'"'"' l'")- "!"««« ol the Doiuinioiv rendering; olliotiial in all th«ProTlncegf«ubio(.-t to pr.ipor fondHoms) proliateB aud loCtera of adioiuiscratiou Krauted in any one of tlu-in. UIVINO KFITCCT TO IMPKBIAI, I.ROISI.ATION. 22. Tbat tliis conference approves of a similar law bolus passed in all the ProvlneoB isubjec-t to propercoLditiouBi wjth reEpcct to probates and fettora of administration granted in the United Kingdom, to KO Into effect when probates and letters (â- fadniini»tration granted in the Domin- ion are by Imperial leKialation made eilectual in tbe United KiuKdoui. CO-OPERATIO.N OP THK FrDERAL GOVEK-NME.NT INVITED. . Resolved, That oopieB of the foregoiiiR resolu- tions he formally communicated hy the Presi- dent on behalf ot tills conference to the Kederal Cioveruniint, and tbat this conference do cor- dially invito the co-operation ot tbe Federal fvovernmeut in carrying into effect these reso- lutions. KK«ol,LTIOS« TO BK TRANBHTTTEn TO TUE ItKaPECTIVE OOVKHNMKNTS. That cnpioB ot tbe foreuoing reBolutions lie alrto iranHinltteil hy the President of this Con- ference to the respective (iovernments of the Provinces not repreBented at this Confereiice, uaujely. Prince Edward Irland aud Urltish Col- uuibla, with a view to their concurrence in and sapport uf the cODclusious arrived at by this conference. (Signed! n. Mowat, Prime Mlniiter of Ontario and -\ttorney-Ueneral. Ilonoro Mercier, Prime Minister of Quebec and At toruey-Oeueral . W. S. KieldiuR, Prime Miniater of Nova Scotia aud Proviucial Secretary. .\ndrew O. Ulair. Prime Minister New BruDBWick and Attorniiv-Ueneral. J. Norquay, Prime Minister of Manitoba, Pre- sident of Council and Prov jieial Secretary, C. F. Fraser, Executive Councillor of Ontario andCominiBBiouer of Public Works. Arihnr S. Hardy, Executive Councillor of Ontario and Proviucial Secretary. A M. Itosa, Executive Councillor of Ontario and Treasurer, (ieo W. Kosa, Executive Councillor and Mintl- t«r of Education. David A. Kosa, F.xecutlveCouucillor of Quebec. .Arthur Turcotte, Executive Councillor of Quebec and Actiug Commissioner of Crown Liaiids. .loBoph Shehyn. Executive Councillor of Que- Wc and Provincial Troasurer, Charles .\. Em. tiaiini>n. Executive Councillor of Quebec, Ihrovincial Secretary and UeKUtrar, ,1. McShano, Executive Councillor of Quebec aud (Nimmisaioucr of A4,nculture aud Pablic \V..rk» (ioo. Diibamel, Executive Cuoucillor uf Quebec and .Sidtcitor-tieiu'i'ul. F (â- Marohand, ISpeakor of L«gisla*ve Awem- blv ot (Jueboc. J W. Lonnley, Kxecmive rouncillor of Nora Scotia and .\ttorney-OenPraI. A. McUUlivray, KxecuUve Councillor of Nova Scotia, „ Uavid Mcliellan, Executive Councillor, Pro- vincial Secretary and Itoceiver-lieueral of New Hrtinswu'k. I . E Haiitilton, Executlvo Councillor of Mani- toba and At' orney-GentMrai. ' * A pKi i.AiiATios Foil PNicKaTnirTm nKiirnonTV The to lowiiiK additional roBolniioiiB wero also ailopieil at tliu Inter-Proviucial Conference " That, having reference 10 the agitation on llie mibjiu't ot tin.' trade relations bftwcen the lloTiiliiion and the L'nited States, this liiter-1'ro- \iiicml Conference, coiiBlsting o( repnueiitativcB of ail iKilitlcal partlea, desires to record its opinion tbat I'nrehtrici.d liooipncity would bo of Kdvsntage li> all the I'r.vincea of ibo D«imiuicni ; that this Coiitereuco and the jicopio it ropiiBonta cherish f.rvont loynlty to 11. r iMnjoBiv the Queen, and wrrui attaohiuent to ilriti-sli'coiinection . ami tbnt this Contennce in of opinion timl a fair imisnre inoviilmg iimUr prt.por conditions for I lire»lricted Ueciirocal tratlo rolatiooB between the Ooinimon and the I'liitixl Slati'H would not lessen thoBo Beiitiinents on Iho part of our people, ami, on the ctoiiiary, may I'von serve t<v men ase them, and wonld at the same t line, ill coiiiieetioii with an ailjnst- inont ol tho nslierv dispute, tend tu happily Bottle grave dltlhnliies which have Iroiii time to tjineaiisen beiwoou the .Mother Country anilthe InilidStaleB Carried unanilneusly. lUsAI.I.OWAMK OF MAMTOIIA UAll.WAV AITS (ON- I>KMNK1<. That the IjeglBiaturo of tbe Province of Slani- toba at its last session enacted a meaBure pro vidiin; fi'r the construction of a raiUay from the city of Winnipeg to West l^ynne, known as the â- toil Itiver Valley Uailway: that tbe liae of tha proposed railway is wllhiii the original liinilBOf theVrovince of Slaniloba aa deflned hy Xi V , c 3 of tiu) Statutes of Canada; that by the Bnlme* ipniit .\ct 41 v., c, U, tor tho exteuBioii ot tho lioundavieB of the Province, it was enacted that "the said increased limit and tbe territory thoreli> adiled to the Province of Manitoba shall boHubject to all such provisioiiB p.s may have been or shall hcreiiltor l>e enacted respecliug tho I'anniliaii Paiillc Uailway and the lauds to be granted in aid thereof ;' that this provi- sion does not apply to Iho original liinits i<t the Province ; that tho Pnv vlnce of Manitoba in accepting llio exten- sion ot its boundaries on the condilioufl uien- tionoddld not surrender any right, power or franchise which may be exercised by the Pro- vimo within ll» original liinits ; that the l.egls- lature. In iiaasiug Us measure foi^ the eonstruc- licni ot the Ued Kiver \ alley Railway, acted within its conBtitniioual powers ; tbat the Act has, notwithstanding, been disallowed by the Federal (lovernnieiit ; that this conferenco views with altirni this encroaclinient of the nvderal upon Provincial imwer. by which the will of the people of a Province in a matter within Provincial juiisilictlon is subordinated to the will of the central power, ami that this oonterenco desires to expresa Its symiiathy with the people and LeglBlature of Maiiioba ui their struggle for llio riglits of their Province, The dolettates from the Province of New liriiuswick did not concur in this iiiotiim. and wished thoir dissent to be placed ou record. At a Mllaleale, Heâ€"" ShuU I brin^' yon an ioe while Miaa Yellforl IB siuKinK ? Tray take some- thing. ' >Sho (ft rival of Misa Y.)- " Thanks, no. If I took anythinK it would be ether," MrM, Spilkins aayn she believes it now â€" believes that this is to be a year of won- derful phenomena for Spilkins wont to » lodtje meet inn tho other iii(;ht and came homo sober. [t ia stftted thut Or. Moirell Maoken/ie admits that the Crown Prinoe ia sutTerin^ ! from t"\noer in his throat, butiloprecatesaii operation wliioh can do no tJotHi and will bo j I ntfeiidini with ureal danger. A number of Itaptist ('hnrchcB and oler^iymon will follow Mr. Spur>;eon'9 o.\- amplo by withdrawing from Uiu Uaptist Union. The Nottiii>;ham 'rabornai'lo has passed ft resolution of sympftthy with Mr, ' Spiircoon, ; All Kussiftiis resivlent in Uerlin have luen visilod by the police ftnd given a list of iineations relfttini' to the dftte and place of their birth, their domestio nnd biisiiietiB life, etc. .XnsweVH to those iinrstiona must Ki sent to tho Kusbiau Consulate within twenty-four hours. TBK CAKOUN'4. 00\3KN0RS. Wide l^iiie of th4 Ulattirleal Keuiark and the Cirowiiistuiieea of It, .^Hsictaut Secwtary of the Treasury Jhoiiiji^on, wlio as Actiuj.Secrttary of the 'i'i«aaiiry in the abseuiiLof Hecretary FaircbiUi ladt week, issued the JU.OOO.OOO bund circular, is one of tlie handsome mem- bers of the Uoveruiueul. Ue is very well made aud has a very graceful manner â€" a manner that his white hair makes courtly. But his white hair is tbe work of thought, and not of age, for his face is full and ruddy, and *bis step is quick and youthful. He was formerly Governor of South Caro- lina, and might tlierefore be buppostd to know more or lees about that famous re- mark of the Governor of North Carolina. He sajd to me the other day that it was marvellous how far the remark had travel- led. During liis long toiu: among the light hoDsea.and life-eaving stations ou the great lakes this bummer he heard of it in the most unexpected ways and places. -' Why," he continued, "one day Mr, Kimball (the superintendent of the life- saving service) and I went ashore at a little village to get shaved. We found a little barber shop and two in>iaisitive barbers. The one who shaved^ me was even more carious than most barbers. Ue asked me questions about my jonrneyings until he fouud out that I was from Washington, and then he asked me whether I had a place in any of the departments. I told him 1 had, but did not tell him what it was, and he did not think it well to pursue the sub- jaot. He got through before the other bar- ber, and I told Kimball, as I surrendered my chair to an old countryman, that I would wait for him outside. No sooner had I gone than my barber asked Kimball who I was. ' Tbat was Governor Thorn [>• son, of South Carolina.' he said, ' now As- sistant Secretary of the Treasury.' With that the old farmer rose np in bis chair, all lathered as he was, and said: ' Do you sup- pose he would tell me what it was the Gov. emor of North Carolina laid to him ?' " I aaked Governor Thompeoa who those famous governors were and just what occurred at their famous meeting. He said tbat he did not know them by name, and that the story was old when he was born. The tradition was that the Governor ot North Carolina, in thegood old days when prohibition was not dreamed of. journeyed, on horseback of coitrse, to make a formal call on the Governor of South Carolina. The latter had a ju)yul of li>)Uor in the house at the time, aud for some inexplieabla reason could get no more. When his dis- tinguished guest arrived he set the jug oat on the table and invited the Governor of North Carolina to make himself at home. The guest drank copiously, the host moderately, to preserve at ouoe his sober, ness and his liquor. At last he saw with dismay that his guest had drunk tbe last drop o( the precious liquor. Tbe truest was too drunk to know it, but he missed the familiar invitation of his host to take another drink. So leaning on bis elbows he looked across the table reproachfully with the melancholy remark : " Governor, it's a long time between drinks." â€" M'a»hini/ti»t Letter to I'ltiladelphia Htcord. (Sood Mercantile Haxliiia. Never do business for the sake of doing it. Do not be in a hurry to get rich. Gradual gains are the only natural gains. It is not the bubiiuBs that elevates the man, but Uie man who elevates tbe bubi- neas. Never take great hs/arda. for they are seldom Well balanced by tlie prospects of prolit. The man who has not one-half of his stock paiil for is an unsafe ctistouier, pro- vided he has no other available moans. Stick to your business. Let speculators make their thousiinda in a day. Your increase may be slow, but it is sure and safe. The honorable merchant who infuses energy, ability, honesty and oihhI sense in his business with moderate capital invaria- bly succeeds. When trade is dull use every legitimate means to improve it. Some merchants stop advertising when trade is slow. This is just tbe time it is most needed. .\t :i In the Morninic. He was leaning against the lamp-post, and the watchful guardian of tbe night oaaie up very respectfully. '• Kine night, Mr. Jones." " Hootiful." " You're out rather'late, ain't yon ?" " No, no â€" about my usual time." " Are you waiting for somebody ?" " Ne, noâ€" going home. A little tired, that's all ; a little tired. " " I'll walk down with you and see you to your door." " Thank you, thank you, but there's no need. The other side of the block will be 'round this way in a moment, and I'll just pop in wheii my door comes along. Thank you. Good night." Consolation, Druggist^ •• Now, what do yon want ?" Hoy â€" " Three cents' worth of paregoric," Druggist â€" " What do you mean, waking me up for Mionts ?" Hoy- " Why, I had ter git up fer nuftiii 7" Not To-Morrow. Heâ€" Oh, my ilarling ; you will be mine, will von 'I Whon may I talk to your mother â€" to-morrow ? She -Yes â€" that is â€" no, no I To-morrow is washday. â€" Waterhurtj Amfriean. • â- ♦- â€" â- A Prolllnble \Tnleb. " la time money 7" ftskod a gentleman of a jeweller. " It is said to be." " Well, 1 thought 90, and here is an evidence of it. I bought this w«tch here six months ago, and it has gained time enough to pay for itself." There was a severe shook of earthquftko in the northern part of Italy yesterday, but no loss of life is reported. It is announced that Messrs. O'Hrien and Mandpville, on their release, wiirbriiig actions for dftinaops against MnjjRirftti' Stokes for illegal arrest, and Insjieotor of I'olii C'reagh for assault. A pair of Biberian kittens belonging to \\. T, Wilson, ot Kaat Mottingham, Ta., ha\ e eftch a blue and a gray eye, and one ot them has twenty-two toes.