Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1887, p. 8

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MNaMnm«i««- airtMMo.^ THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE [Sep. zg, iSSy. \ /; Tit-Bits. (V)iiMntic><i /("Oil* Fitft Pnge, Mftstor Kd. Thompson, of the j!bi»ui<irW office. Thornbury. is hotur for his holi- daVf>. Colta, ono -Pktki Hol- WANTKD! Two Mare ycAr old and one suckling. - MAN', KleshetUiu. Mr. WillHsrt Caswell ami his hrothor, of thi'^ U>wiis.bii'. s'lot a l>ear ami her rub at the cranberry marsh, on Monday last. -^ Nuiiitoltii. h\-om Kill- oir»» Corrtif»»<iify\i. [The foUi'wini; should liavo Hpi-oarod ni June, but failed to ro.idi u» until tlie other day ; however, a» there are several items of interest will publish now.] WINSI-TOBA. Editor .\kvam-e,â€" your excelsior paper contuuu^s to liiul nie, ami I would bo re- ] miss in duty were I to withold news items .to. interostin).' to your n-aders concerninsj this city and prxonice to which the 'alf i and alf IiVphen connecting alvive capitals refer to. \Vc>ley Smith was thrown from a I i supi>ose .1 " b>in Cin.idiiin " and liorso on Mondav last nliile riding the t;r»ndson of an old st,iuiuh l'. S. l.^nalist IvAst to water, and wa> trampled on. He wa.sn't hurt much. Mr. Leavens and Mr. Charlie Grif- fiths, of Owen Sound, formerly of FU-sli- crtou. were lu town sliowing harness on rxhibitiou dav. Married. BuKKLT â€" Lkvkr.â€" .Vt the rc«-idonce of the iri.h > parents. Kleslierton, on Tue-iav. L-sth inst.. by lUv. .\. Wil KHi. Mr' Thos \. Waliely. of Max- well to Mis-s Ma>;uie Lever, of this tiiwi. .\ l.-\rj:e nnui1<er of friends and ac ,iuaiut.*nc«.s \vitiies.sid the interesting ccreoiony. The bride was very hand- stiniely dressed, and of course both bride iud groom li>oked their best. The young couplt have tlie very l<ost wishes of a lirpe circle of friends and Tue .\i»t.isck takes this opi>ortunity to throw its old slip|>cr and a few grains of rice after the «vtiniable yonng jx-ople. accom|Uiuie<l by the hearty will\vishi-s of the entire staff. Price* llle IMrklniKK. /"row our cir/i Vormf>:nidtHt. Methom.st Pi< xu- is Pbohjii. F'lr* luctunithe v.iriou» apiN.jntments < [ \hv l*nc*Mlle urcuit of the Metii-»'list \ Church liave l>een Tiein); with each other fur the hon'ir of subscribnig the ni.«»t money t^' provide for the rL-uiainint( debt on \]xe line bnck )>arBotia);e erect«'d in this place l*»t suuuufr. < »ne young lady was ch.«eii at each ap|«Mntment tt> at tend t > tlie canvassing, and the victor was {'I be pre»ciil«d «ith a lo^ cabin >{uilt, Would alin>«t W suspected of disloyalty wt re he not to i;ivo ]>roiiiinence to the gn'at subject of the day rii., the ylKKS's .n niLKK. Therefore I will remark that 1 am heart- ily in accord with the iniiveraal rrjoicing and cominemor.vtion of our beloved sover- luns lifty years swayiu:; the sceptre (iver a Dominion upon which the sun never sets. .\hhoUtfh too ill to i>artioipafe in any â- â€¢Â£ the public festivities, or demon- strations ci'inu'!-fed therewith, yet I men- tally unite with the millions of the earth in returniiii; thanks to the KiM* "f KniKi-i Ki>r k:ii.il> k.cn>1in(i Uft, .,.Ktl> t^JKix VJCTuKlA. • H»iii\> and glnrinijs. Ix»ti|j Uy reii^i over a*. litui Save liu- *^lU'rll " l>oDA. ]<-'!-.iler vit uift> HoAVfU ^l•are, Otir niiKli lovf.l Onotii. Ih' tlii« i>ur iirayiT. Kn-\ CTunt Hrr »till His f-iiccial care, litxl l'ie!4> atir t^tin-n. ( Great prrpanitions are lieinii nia«le here | for celeliratiiii; the .lulnlee, coiioeriiiin; j which you will proUibly l>e informed in ; yoiir "exchange.'. ' i I was ple^uied to karn c f Pr,~irc$rirt /'irjJ.frroii .1 Teiii;fraiui- .hibilee Cilebra- ; tion. and Iiojk- your tonii will continue [ to be .ictive in every ;;o"J work. [ THE CKtsHVTKllUN »\. Noll j Keoeiitlv convened in Wiimipeir consisted ' ofatn.ut thr'< hniiir.;! (1rl.-ii.it, f .' Rev. Father Ciiiiiiipjy K-iiii; one of the luniiber. I pre-<ume rimr rraders have hoard of his nomewliat Min:nl;ir conversion from Rom- an C«itlu.'liasni to Prut«st^utisiu. . hoi- rRlxPRiTN .\re cropping out vvry i-ncournijiir^ly to the 'Hardy tilhr •( the soil" but, jack lVi;>ra plentiful in the north of .\niar- antk TeiiiBhiy. t »weii Round has added a Ixiotblack to it.s ofhcT ptrcat enterprises. 1* will soon be a city. Th.'hy law to r.v;>i> S8.<H>(Vf(,r the con- rtrurtioW of Water Works in Winrton waa carried by a nwjority of 09 on Mon- day last.â€" OiPCfi Suuiiil Timet. Rev. Mr. Kleniini; w:is inducled to the Presbyt<"ri«ii church, Thornbury, on Thursday of wo«k heior* lust. Kev. Mr. Fraaer, M-ilerator, of Lcitli, President. M«ssr3. ^. A- E. Uiieu of Efli^enia recently sold a pair of steers to * Thorn- bury ctttle buyer wliicli turned' the scales at 4.0)15 lbs. Mr. Seneca G. Ketchuni has returned aafely to l»iain;evil!c a^:iin. It is report- ed he wdl wield the .jiiill on the i'orf once more. L«»i»g liie to y<>u, "Sec. Mr. J. F. Kennedy. . f the Oranireville .4<fn.rfij.'i', was marrn-ii on Wednesday of week licforo last to .Mi-"' Hattie .May Da- vis. dauj:hter of .Mr. W. A. Davis, of Saltfleet. Thk Aio av i: tcnd-'is its coii- gratiiliiti 'IIS Having opened out a' lot of Fall & Winter Goods Pei'soimlly sekolod by myself, I can coufiileiitly recoujmeud.Shem. I havo a lai'ijo assortiucnt of Mens. Ladies, and Childrens BOOTS AND SHOES 1 .\l.so ;i full supply of ilens aiit^ Ladies IIUDBERS. and Meits FHOST PR<;n.)F FKLT UOHTS. 1 hope to receive a libcn^J slinre of the trade in this vicinity. 1 will eiuloavor lo satisfy luy ciistMiioi's in QUALITY anl I'llJCKS. " 'â-  lATM. GLrAYTOlM, * Fleahcrton, CHEAP AND TII E WELL DUKABLB ! K N O W N .^'â- 'i %* NF.W ADVKlM'hKMKMS. FARM for SALE OK TO Ki:.\T. SPEIGHT WAGON Call and -;ct Priccr., &c. from undersigned. ST0VP:S, tinware. &c. for sale as u.sual BEINTi i.'.-.s Th tLtA' »tf .\lU'llu-s.ii*. '^Ol.'.tii 111. a. in the Totriiship iTig 100 neres man* or le<i«. luaire* >.li-»red a:; 1 Ml Koott *»nto of ciiUi- v»ti.>r]. .,Mi-i.l«'r»W»>.r ii'.iiiowij. KorliUli'ar- tu-ular* •I'l'l'- t.' T < H1SLI:TT. f..llintKCHi.l r O Out . i.r to H. IK)U'N Klf shiTtoii I'.O. t.f B^ FARM FOR SALE. KIN(i Lot 'X \-9T, Con !«t SDR.. .\rtenie«ia' niiit«inin_ sou am- i. ^-ro or li»i.. liS aores cK-arol and in uixxl «:»'.» of cuUiratioii. 35 Hort^iM (.'ras.-. and ha\ (Joo.l Uotisr ai:! fair I. am Small voiiuc • i fi*r<I. Nfvir faiUiiB >l>nn;,'c.f wator. For full i'i»rtifu?»r!> api'ly im l>l«.•lllllHâ- ^. or U> sU..\lr; I.KSI.IK. Nil.- Tin' proprietor i< <Uacni.ln>'<t i" »ell ivoli at a t-a.! illco. J^-'SM). AUCTION SALE! 0^ iMrsc-tl.iss value in every departn^ent. Ai:cftt for VICKERS F.X PRESS. All panels left with him icill be promptly and carefully atlf tided to. Si i«Ai>'^. - l'^.l:r-iIl^-I^^<>^r. VM.l -Mil.K I'M: .!()«|'r>v. I'lul.r.. ,-rs of Sail- lu lv*H> coata; ('o!.|tui 11. >w »ti-cej*w^ '. l>e pr<kliu-oil at tli« tinn bvcfti in«U' in payuit'-.l ii«.-oii:vl Tli«io will U .\ucltou at McUlRP. 3 HOT£Ii. - Ii ih. VILL.HiK of IKIEKSHAM. JoHV sI'!:k.«'- All iios; i.n. -n ' IN 1 It' >. i\\ N>Hir I I l>> virlue »'t tiio i>ow- Morttato-. liy Win H tiio V,'iitlor)i wliK-h will III Mklo. lUfaiilt Itavinh' ( Ihc iiiolivvs tliorobv if en '1 for »ttlt' by I'ublic ''•/ Friday, the 14lh day of OotolM-r. frost, that e^'ld hs-artcd. unweleonie-in- summer dr.rl. has Wen '•atiiani; in takin' c-.m]«-»ed of silk, satin, velvet sad plush. I ">'«''»" â- " ""».v "^ I'lrcwiveJ by the ellecU .•VI. d i:ott«?n ui> bv \»<Jie» io sU parU of the I Vroducwd in unrtUns and \uH»t. v jatches. At l« o'clock ii.«>ii, Hit. loUowiiiu pro|ierty. vi« • Circuit, who M'litnbuU'd "bluflfcs f^r »«^«. .''^â- â€¢Â« '"•""'"""'' '^ *"">'•"â-  j ti..' -a^.i r-wnMoi. .jr('i.|'r.>. ron-aiim? '.») . , , »,, ^ â-  1 â-  . .1 â- â- â- ^U UIL' Vf UllilrV sUUlUii-l ' Mill in," *aid <]uilt. The uffair culnunatsd in a. ^'i.ui, o ,.r th.- rraot.' roar :â„¢,d .....1 |.i.-.« .1. Mr .i.m« T,m 1 '-s.'r;;";,'.'.'?-™™'.':.';.'.- i M.VXWELL CAERIA6E WORKS ! ^.\/ Little Sc Blakely. \^/ MAMl'Airi'ltKHS IIF ^"^^ Carriages, Deiiiotnits, Wagnns iVc Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing,, i and General Jobbing : Done on Short Notice and at Keasonable Prices. : JOHNSON LITTLE. ISIttrh.iiiiith, Mavwoll. May Xtli. l.'vT, THOS. A. BLAKELY. II inion- ITiih)'i' .1' I'tiintcr. I hen KAIK KAIA. ' '•7- iii>lu-« durii!.: the woek »iidiii'^ ^ .lune IStli. ' S.1 R.iys St J..J.jn4 Cilleije ( wt-atlier ri|"'rt and this is i-iily a 'ViTiiik- | liijl^" < f "liat has fHlloli Mlii'e Wh)U.-J I.Ukh, I'rot. 11, on the :iOth inst. llie re»'jit« «ere niadt- known. Miss Ker- ii>. of Pi..!. 11. was the successful canvas- ker, haviii)} rajod the liaiidiiuine sum of Kxj. .'vv,.n,l ..ther y.ung ladies aU- j i.,,^,'- . f „i,,„ [, ^, f„)]^.„ ^„„.^. whiu-r. It raised lar.-.- i-uins. W'h, ii these sums j j^^ ,,„„^.,] ..^vt-ry othor day fco <o «l*ak wore .ill added to the pr-co-ds ..f the pi.- i __,.,„, „._,i, ,.,.»],, »t a fl.--I had it nil laid on nic soiuethini! .v.^ $ls<l was realixed ' d^,. ^,oimJ at oiu-o. II wover. it is s i Th.- pr ..'ram c .nsisted •â- ! .;«-t-che»by Rev. | ,,|,^,rbi-d «v.k'^ t^ last tuiumers (ji'ouxht •.t<-».-II, of Pricville, and Rev I .^,„i ^^.„,„.r, ,-,., n.^hos ..f ..now. WISU. rilKMKMM.l* W'lMi." souii Lycl..lie fi«<il hHre| '!' â€" . I A'-rvs in.^r*^ or U*a» of ahi.-li nlxott ''. an- -.aid to I ».,- , ii.ar*-.! an.l -.iii'lcr C"l:i\-alioii. Vu the pro- iiiu.-auri'-ai.l t. I .' « 1- ii.;ii.- H..ii"o an. I Itarii. I.an-U an. wntuT-od l.v a S|.iiiii; CriH-k TI.U.MS lou jirriM 111. at tlno- ..1 ^a^.. ftflcc'i tM r 1,-nl uiUliii ouo Hi.. mil lliou-iifUT. l.ttlaiu-t -. . !â- .• -,i iiiwt l'\ II iii'>rtk'.ii;" of til.' i.riinl«o» for ". V, ,ir< Willi tiiioi I ~» at !'•* por ooiit yn aiiiitiiii or .»uvli otli.T ion... AH may i>v arraii^oU with piir<^astr ivt liiio t.f sale. K.>r(iirtlHr i ii. • loulms api'Iy to \V .(. HKI.- I. \.MV, K»| , I l.-M ..rt.in.or to .MOSUL l-'AL«'ii.Nlllill)l.i; .V PAIIWICK. Von lo.-\ .Solicitors. T .ronto. Siptrn.beriBril. l-t-T \\ 111. i>:tf»t-II, of I'ricoville, and Rev Dr Stroiieuiaii. "f Diindslk, Uttfethcr witha feadiioj 1 y Dr liix^i. of Priceville. ami a tlioicr .Mii-ctom of excellent musi. by Ebeiiexer church f'hoir. I NKW HF.II.<iK. j The now town line biid.'e over tho Saugeen i* now r'.mi.Kti.d and tVie coii- I tract. .r», Mi-»si» .Aus^nni and Tuck, havo done tl.v'<r woik ne)l- liatmi; built u struct are that proiiiiM-s t.. ataiid not only the fprlu;^ freshetji but als.. tin- wear aiol tear of dajly tmUK- f»r ihai.y years. Con- tract l<rice aUiut 81M0. AH lI.ENT. Whde vrorkmi; in a woll (about t«vo veeka »t;.i) at .Mcl.rtiuolilaii x. North Line, (iletie!;;, Mr. Thos. llawM.n wa» Rtru.-k I II the he^ by a Jieavy plank of curbin;; alwut three feet i*i leiii;th. which was K â-  jiig let down iuUt till, well with a rope. It fell a duitaiice uf leuifeet l>efure strtkiiu liini. lie was ijuvtR unroUHcioiu for awhile, but by careful a'.teuil.uice is goA- tially re;,'aiiiin;; health. Hu now says that itlth<iu;;h able t<i converse with his friend* a few hourti after the accident, he was •â- ii- tirely unable to recall thi; iiouli-nts thai transpired for seiem) days iifurwards. AlfH'.Vp TOWN. K«i«££al citiceiis visited the Toroiit.! Ex- 'liibitiuii The HuilJini; C.<niiiiitleo of Uia St. • 'oloiiibo l'r»a)<) terisii church have liceii very kijc«essful in obtaininif subscription) for the nuw briiJt: church which is mjvr an .<«tab;isli»<l.uiidttcUkiiii;. Several loads of stones an., iioH on (he (>ruund, tbo|>lana mid sjMMifioaki >ns are l*iii(f piejore^ by Mr <irei;{, architect of Toronto, and in a Jew d>yt we may ex|»ect^ij »«e work bo cut ia eaniMt. The new liakerjr, with brick froat, in neaiiiirf completion, and will, it is ox|>«ct- •ed, be occupied in a few weeks *'V )lr, Alfred Watson, who will sup(ilv the I'ricevilli.in* with cliojoe bread and cake*. The i'nceiille I'liblio Hchixils held ttheir annual picnic in KiirKuaon's gr"T« /l-p the 17lb ii'iil With souii Lycl..iie fi«<>.l huieii iv.vo.w the )>uUUilleM/ liraitii., f..ituiiately do OXFORD & NEW GLASGOW RAILWAY. PLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS: E. YANZANT, but liftlf oainaat" eXKi.t t.icinsuhMaii- I ..'casioiially upsetl: tli-.l buildlllL'S. luiiiWr pile .lie. I Tbrre alo 10. tall tieen to be uprooted, ' \<ut so ii*.li wind ia iiieouveniriit- -an- ' ii'iyiii'.'. li..\vever, 1 niint ii..t niuriniir as \ thiB •» not a teiiipestu..ii.H,cvclonec.>untry Voiir*. June, bSs;. WiN.Ml'Ko. i *^ ^IHto.l at.l fii lo»-awl"J*-to ^ I N,» lila.f-i* lUjoiay. wit; l.t ;. ! fJlK-o III' i". ;' ...ij .jii .Muiola.'. ti t..l..T, IW7. 1.. atiN nloi 1 4'4»iiii(y 9i«-W'<t. The roller mil! Ihihus by-luw, to raise &;{.O0O, »ii« carried in Durham the other day. whereat the local papers are jubi- lant. \ C'.lliiii.'wo(>d brute knocked his wife d.iwn on the aidewalk recently, because the jHHir woman xuid Koiiietbiii'.; which displeased his lordship. His iiaiiv is Hutk. (i rave fears are eutvrtaiix'd that Mr. ThoniHH l.'anipKell, Kon of t,luilitili Canip- liell, oj Ih'iitinck, was ii'owneA at Tmoii- to daring the .collifii.iii of three fony ateaiiitra on the Wy, which wore carrjini; viaitom t'. aiii! from tlm exhibition. Dr. Cilu-nt's horse and liv; disnj.peared fmiii a street coruer in Toronto last week, but hat since turned up, the liorsu one place t)i« harness on the street and the biii.'1/y liii a carria^fe shop ill niiotlivi' part of the.city. Mr. tieisel lost n ba',' of chojiped stuff near MiiiuviMid, and Mr. I'eltz, the Walk- ei'toii bru.411 man |iicke'l it U|i and adver- ti».-d for tin; owner. Mr d'eiael suooest- id that Mr. I'eltz " j.ohably lulveitised " the ntutr after roceivi'i-,; a certain |Hint- card sent him by the foiim-r. Mr. Pelta denied the insinuation by feeling his ac- cuHera wiiidpi|>« in a rather foicihle ninii- nor, for which be paid ff, 10 aftorv»aid» wlu-ii he K(S|>e«tuJ Udore the cadi. It waa a case of Oirultli: and pot one of jwUi ! AJ»eui- lit)At.l -MlNOO U..Al.»ol'm-l. .1 Ti.WN. lUl.VMH of I. C Jl. 2'.„J.f/../' th.- HVW.i./''o/.-<(;'.ofo.(.. SKAM'.l) rrSIH-ntS. ail.'r<-^.*.Uo ll.o imdor- ^icto.l nu'l <-ii lui-swl "V'«-tol«r furtlxf.iriliiiiii M om I ut tliia 1 'l!i .l.w ,,f Ht- rfahi wi^rkn ..f r..ii«Mii.-tion. ...r>'.>»«ill l.o .(.,11 ui i!.-|.i...tion at tl». ot'K»...J tito Clilof l.»i.'ii:o.r ..f £i..v.rii- iiioiit Iltflhva. ^ ..I Ottawa, hi: I n!-., .it tlio dthcu ill 111.. (Ixf.if-l mill Naw (iLi*.:..A\ liailnfix. i;t I J^ivvr -Job II. I'M t HI Co.. Nova s, uiia. "ii aiii! iii- toi tin- Ut .1.4 ..J Oi-tolwr. 1HM7. wIh'.i '.ln'^.. iioial M.o,'in<'ati<.!i .oil form of ti-ii.U-i' ii'.iu l.f <.\.iiaiii t-<l lip.. II fr|.p)i. -avion. .No t<-li(|.'i \vill b«ollt«l4aill..<l Ulllosv <iu ttiit ttt thi- piiiitM.I lorjiiv aad .ill tho 4-oti.litiuiia aiw coiiiplii-(l vitlt. lly ordov. .\. P IIHADl.KY, " Socnitary. Dopartiiieiit of U^ftirayi. ami ranaU, Oltana. itth Ssirteuibtr. I(«i7 STRAY SHEEP. CAMK V. till- prunliiwaof tllo illilorniKui'il. Lot 'J, I'oti I'J. Proton, two llwo Klu<-|) Owner i-aii lian- kaiiio Ijy l>ro»liiii pri.poriv an.l pHVhiij exi..-ii«.-». UultKlir I'ATuS'. f'lotoii. Sopt nth,.!*^. :i-X-H To RENT or for SALE. Bl-'.lXlfl Norlli lutltOt I*t :i|. C-an 1(1. T.TOimliip of Alt. iiK^ia.Oftscru^. 'lO >l uliic'h In oloareil aii.l III K<>.. I >tnta a( eiiUivatinii (ruid liarn. Iioii'u. nil I I'.iiiiu at thu ilo..r k or liiUt-r pnrtic- /t.i W.M WILSON. on tliu pruiiiiiioH. Aia. Kixns ov !&rl]I: d Mm\i\ Wsrks > Siic'ii 113 >ft)nitmonts. Tomb Tables, Hcatlstoni f . O.nuitcr !iii4 Table Top.s â€" in Ainoi'icau and, Itiiliitn M:U'ble i&ud (.Iniiiite, and iuud» on .shijft iiDlice. Also Mantles iii, MiuWo and : Mai'bleizcd Slate, Ac, Ae. Flesherton. Aui;. :J0, 1883. HEALIII FOR ALL TMil Till:: TILLS Turifv the UluiHl, corruct nil Uisi>nWni of tl)« Thui iuvi);oratti ami rvMtoru to health DiibiUULU^'lCoiiNkiSutionH, uiitl »-<«• inviihuiMu in all Coui- pl&ints liiuiJtinta) W KcunileM o( all a^us. Kur C^hUuit-ii aiiO the i«;i»l Ihuy lu'u privcluits. 3i£J- liii. THE OINTMENT (or )\a>\ I.'T'*. l^tt'l HrHftMfcs, OM Woondf. Soi-th ttfuV I • I lOuMnitiitiHiti. Kur tliHordurs ol Ihi- (.'hu.tt tt hiiK ii For SOUK TilUO.i'l. JiHOXCJrJTIS. COUGHS, COIDS Usniafa!!ibleri>itt«ily lor Ita.l l..'i;«. llnl lirna^ts. Olil Wooiids. Soi-m aiuV I'U'pvh, It la fiiiiioiisfo' O.Mit iii;.l Ulu.initiitiHiti. I'ur JiHOi'dors ol llio ('liu.-.t it hiiK iioiHinal. nisxdularSiVulllii^s.auJ an Skin niKR.\aoa it lino no rival ; olid tor oontraetml and stiQ oliita it acta like a uliarui. Minmfucturtd oaly st l»rofa««or Hor.T.owvT's Kstnl.li-liim.nt, TS, >'ew 0»r»r«l Stp«"<'« < \Mv %'i\\, Oxford Street ). London. sa4 arc Bold at la. IJd.ta. •».!., Is. Ril . IIk .<»> . ami :««. oaoli Itox or Pot. ami may l.u liu.I clMi' VeniloVH llirouulioiit tllo Worl.i. .1 all Meil FARM for SALE CO.VTAlMNti Wacnia. liriiii; l.oi lT»iii tlio iKt (on Soiitli WeMoftlio I oloiito luiil Sydoii ham Il.ia.i, 111 th« TowiiHliip of Arti^iiiuiiia : l.'i acrua woll c'IouxkI; aliout i of an acru of i;«<^] Orcliaril; hploiidld wull; Kooil !..({ I».ii«i- ln.xiJA. alMiloij l.Kiii ; iiosr the thriving villas, of HohIi- tirioii. Jluskonubletuiuia. For full uartuularn, applvlo THo.VfAH O'.MKbLIA, IWldj DolliiiKwooil P () ,, Out. * FOR SALE or to RENT. LOT :iti. Coil 7, Art«uitiMla, 10(1 aon.H; alKiiit 6S Bi'r(.iiL'loaro<tsnd liiffoixl atatoof {.iiltivatioii. hitiiati'.l all.. lit ball way l>otwt*4}ii FIcHtiortoii and Mai.oll oil tliu CollinijwiHMl ri.a<l IIoikI woll, t('«"l M'l'nK â- 't r«sr uf lot; liarii, i.tal.l8 auil otlmr arcoiiiiiiudstluui. Kor full iiarticiilsra siidtcriiiii. apply to JAMIiH KKHTKH, Akk jtftli, l(*f7.-) JO. Kloiili«rtuD. y:<r- PurcliiitotdiOtJ.l liinh t,. l]ir L,i', o.i.J^ ihfnrd .'^tmf. nil tlif fiitn mill, Hoxen. If the ad<!r<'i«t ii >'"' iiiiildii, thr\t iirr .<^>i/imit». Euxm .. NATURE'S REMEDY,.: FOR COUGHS^COLDS.HOARSENESS THROAT SLUNG COMPLAINTS Instant RriiiFd'osiTivtCuiih OOUTH E R N "* â- ''^^ '•ACAoc ASTHMA CURE ASTHMi) AND DRONCHITIS BY MAItON BECEIPT OF PR'CC SAMPLES, SO..; NCOULAR SlZK. t1 00 aooaia* FUl^KOnD a CO. , nr.ocKVli.LI. < .t. J. W. B.ATES,, Fiu-nUiire [)^o,ler aniM, FLKSHKBTON, esT ^1 ft ri

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