Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1887, p. 5

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Aug. i8, 1S87.] THE FLESHER''ON ADVANCE ri* - hie: Medical FLESHERTON, HAS F(m SALE, COAL OIL, TWO GRADES AND TWO PRICES. ONE BKl'TEil AND THE OTIlEll BEST. ALSO MAYELL'3 BAKING- POWDER It needs only tlie uanic for its recom- meiidiition. Any iiuaiitit.y sold from oiic-foiutli of a poiuid to J-O pounds. Try it. ^»<»» %~^ MIXED SPICES! â€" ANDâ€" Spii*es Iniiiixed. ALSO For The Adiytnn'. lu a Fur Off Laiitl. Tire hoanty. tho Krncb of a snunnor's dsy lu puarly twiiitilit wuk fa<tin« iiway, And over thu bri^htuuha uf Egypt's hhiwI Tho ilurknoss lay , ami tho joyoUH, grand Trinuiphant strain on tho ni^ht-air foil â€" 'Twas tlio victors nitLrching tho news to tell. Oli tho blood voii rtanil of tho battlu-pluiu Thoro wore yhL.JtIy facos and ciius of pain,â€" Voicos pleaflin^j in broken prayor Fur tho tundur touuh of tho lovod onuH. there; Phiintivo loiiuiiiKs. with huu'iud ^asp, For the dtMir honiu-facos â€" tho niotiior's clanp. Thoro on tho stained K^yptiaft Hand, Dyinu alouu in that iar-oif l^and. A soJdiur lay ; and ho raided his head: "Trll them at hoino," hu faintly -'^aid While tho blood oboed swift, "that it all sooniH ii«ht, Vov, uoiiirado. I'm j^oiny Huuie to-niyht," "I had fondly thouKht to view oneo more My dear old lioinu on my nativu Hhuro; To march witli tho victors, yon undorHtaiidâ€" To kisH tho lovod onusâ€" to pVohS uach huiid... Hilt toll thoni I said that it nil m-ouih riyht, For I (•o to a bettor Hoiiiu to-iiij^ht. " "Toll her," ho whisporod. "I kept hor ti>kon... Ah. (iod! must that lovinR hoail bu broken? Comrade, you'll toll hor when all is past, On my dyiitK lip.s ht.-r name was laut. liut co'mradtt. >>uy that it ;ill sooins riulitâ€" Oood-byeâ€" I'm -'t^oiiii; Homeâ€" to-night I" In that tiolciiur'H homo in another ]an<l There are swuUuit; hearts, now they nndor- staud H')W then* on that htirninc, ^nndy plain Ho bravolv fought for his couiitry'i* liain, .Vnd the a^iud uiutliur hows low her lioati Au she vainly i>rayH fur the dear lobt dead. A brotlier conifortrt a sifitor there, Ami weeping tails ou the druamy air. What is thti cunlight â€" what the yraco Of th<( smnnior dn>''.' Fov a dear oiio'h faco Ih inissetl at homo by that loving hand Who monrn their duad in a far-olf laiul. -Ediih B. VnnDiisen. Flusburtun, XiiU- W. Chocokite and Cocoa, With the usual assortment of Coi)fedtioi\ei^y. THEN WE HAVE IN BOTTLES AND BULK. PREPARED PAINTS! Linsoed Oil ! RAW AND- BOILED. Tnrpenttue and the Best White Lead. >fSCSl.Ki< OII<, GOOD AND CHEAP. â- V ^v^-^K •-« We kccT3 'SWtist's PAINTS and BRUSHES. Fruit Salt I .1)1 dnjiint it}':! nisiiig jjnpiinilion ad- (ijilcJ /hi- .summer diiiikii,/cvcrs, and cu list Ijni lion. WE ARE INTRODUCING Aim Stent ,Mcdi(ii»8, Cheaper tban lliu ordiiiiuy I'loprictoiy Medicines und we know ttic drug's of wliicli tliey lire made, iiouk out for tJKm iu a week or so. Books, Stationery arid a Drug- §is(s Qeneral Make-up. Jlp's First Sermon. Wes.sy (his n'lil imniu is Cliurles Wesley Haviies) liiis a little dog Jip. Hu also Ii;us A "minister iinpji.' "Dijipy," he often says, "wo niubt bu dood, we's inin'ster's chirreii.' One Sunday afternoon uiamnin said to papn, "Cunt you take Wessy to Church with you to-day ( 1 â- have a headache, and he has been so noisy all tlie inorniiiij that baby couldn't sleep. You can take him up into the pulpit ; surely he can't do any mischief thorei" for Wessy was very apt to j;et into miscliief. "All ri'^ht, old follow," said papa, "we'll have a tine time together." Wessy waa very ({hid, and ran off to Knd Jip. "Dippy," he said, "we's doin' to church ; we's doin' into the preach-place. Will 00 be a dooj boy ?" "Wow, wow," said Jip. Now if papa or niannna had only heard thin IHtle talk ! But they didu't ; *u Wessy tucked Jip under his overcoat, for Jip wa.s 80 small he could easily go into jiapa's coat-pocket. They not into the blei^li und no uno but \Ves»y and Jip knew that ho wns there. They wei-e a little latu in reachin;{ thu church, mi papa hurried into the pulpit without tjikinj; off Wessy s wraps. Wf.s.sy Silt very nuiet at (iist. and looked around. Then when papa beu'an to preach, ho ijrew tiied. .Jip too, w.is '^et- tin<^ ((uite uneasy, so hu unbuttoned his ulxtur and took the little fellow out. I'ajia saw that some nf the people were smiliiii; more and more. Ue bei{.'iii to be afraid Wessy was in uii-tchief. Pretty siHin ho he.ird a sharp, (juick bark. He turned nroui'd, and tliuro, on thu sofa, sittini; up slraisjht, and lookinij; very sor- rowful, wa.H Jip. V!y his side sat Wessy, his hat (Ml the back of his head, and a lead pdicil stuck in his mouth for acinar. He had fastened a string; to pajja's coat button, and he and Jip were drivins^ to Boston. " Papa laughed, too, if lie was in the pulpit, but hu stopped tho play very quickly. And Wessy t(dd his mamma that night that the preuch-place wasn't nice one bit ; ho never wanted to go there no nioie, and Dip didn't never." â€" lUiptinl Wakbj. whutitis.' Wall, sah, 'bout two hours artor dat dum trains run tuijuder. Look heah, boss, I tell yer I smells cotton. Look outâ€" wliut's de matter heah ? Good Lawd !" Then he began to snatch off his ."hirt, which waa about ready to blaze. He threw the burnnig garment (jn the grouml. and as he stamped out tho tire remarked : "Ain't no man ken beat me sniellin,' lemnie tell yer. Knowed dar wiiz tire in dis heah neighborhood, an' 1 do belebe in my soul, sah, dat it has dun burnt er blister on my back. " . New Bakery. The undersigned begs to inform the people of Flosherton and iifighliorhood generally, that he has leased the Flesher- ton Bakery for 11 term of years and re- spectfully .solicits their patronage. Bmul, Buii.i, Cdic.s and any other kind of Bak- ing that may be required by any of my patrons will receive prompt and careful attention. Libend estimates for large supplies. I intend shortly to add liuiHe mode Confixtiuiicnj warranted pura and manufactured on the premisi^s. .JACOB STKPHEN. Flesherton, Aug. 17th 1887. Farmers .ittention. If you want to save money buy yonr Meat from Fetch & Mitchell. Wo are now selling IJeef from 4c. up. .\hvays a good stock ou liaiul anil the best Meat the country cau produce. Special reductions for largo quantities for tlira.sliiug. Eggs or salt ixu-k taken same as cash. FETCH \ MITCHELL, butchers, Flesherton. 'it. By DisseiiihliiiK. "My dear old friend, how were you able to acquire such an iuuiienso fortune (" "By a very sinii>le method. " "What method is that ?" "When I was poor I made out I was rich ; aiid when I got rich I made out that I was poor." Why he was Polite. Two men on a street car. .V woman enters and one of the men hastily gives her his seat. The other "im looks on in astonishment and when the woman gets off" says . "You aro growing strangely polite." "How 80 y" "VVliy you gave that wiiinan your seat just now. I never saw ym do anything of tho kind before. You must have been struck on her a|ipearance.'' "Oh, no. You see, I owo hor hustiand and she knows who I am. .ill I'lifortunate C'oiiieidenee. Bhiiiienthalâ€" â- â€¢Did you hear vat pad luck hash happened to Levi Cohen !" Rosenburg â€" "I have noildings heard." Blumenthal â€" -"Levi had clioost coin- pluted all his arrangements tnfail in I'isli- iii?ss at tervunty cents on lir tollar ven a riuh oucle died in Shermany and loft him torv.'iity tousand tollars in his vill. Vat you call dot for pad luck, eh ?" "Too pad ! too pad ! V'y couldn't dot old oncle liavQ vaitud a luedlo vile V Xo Gooseberries This Season. "Waiter," said a gentleman in ilie ilin- iiig-car, "have you any ';oo8el>eiiy pie I" "No, sah ; hain't carryin' any dis yeah, ludi. "Why is that ?" "Well, yiiu see, sah, doy's scarce dis season. Las' winter wiis so cole .'ind stormy dnt it was mighty tough on do geoue." Young, old, and miilillo ageil, all ex- pcrioiico the wonderfully beniticial uf- focts of Aycr's Sai^aparilla. Young children sulToriim Iroio sore eyes, sore ears, scald head, or with any "crofidous taint, beconii; boalthy and strong by the u.se of this inedieiue. Six bottles. 80. A Great Suielicr. "Cotbiii buriiin' 'round heah siuumerg." said a negro employed at ,a Little Kock cotton shod ; "cotton burnin' smnmers, fur 1 smell it." "I don't smell anything," said tho man- ager of the shed. "I does, sidi, I does. 1 reckon dat I'm er little de bes' smeller 111 dis heah coun- try. W y, sah, I ken smell o' de atmus fere an' tell wen it's gwine tei; rain.'' "Tiieii you must be an expert." "Dat's whut 1 is, sah ; dat's zactly whut I is. Yer know dat railroad accident de udiler day ,' Wall, I kiiowed dat gwine hapiieii." "How clid you know it ?" "Ijnelt it." "â- f^u are fooli.sh." "N«»,-sali, 1 aint. 1 wuz atandin' talk- in' tor Jim Taylor, an' .all o' er suddent sez I, 'Jim. thar's snthiii' gwine tor hap- eii on dat railroad ober yander.' 'How yer know V sez he. 'I smell it,' sez I. He flunsr up his head, hil it up or while and den sez, 'I smell er littlo trouble merae'f, but I kaiu't zackly inaki^ out t'lider Proteetlon of a HlKher Power. .\ darkie, being bioiight before the magistrate, was ;isked : "Haven't you been in jail for stealing chickens, once before "No, sidi ; no indeiil, I hain't. I'raise (it Lawd for his infernit mUBsy, nobody hain't cntihed mo yit. It seems iis if I wuz pertected by de hivlier powers." Ue Blew Ui^< 0.>ii Horn. Ho was 4 years old, and had received his first trum])et Ho enjoyed it im- mensely. When he was put to bed his mother â- â- Uiked him to jut tlie trumpet away and say his prayer. "1 tell you what let's do, uinmnia," saiil the young man. "You [iray, and I II just keep on blowing." PiiYSKUNS. â€" .\ro usually averse to proprietary niedici^ies. Nasal Balm is a spccilic for cold in tlr head and cat- arrh, and having faith and ovidcnce that it will euro those troubles, wo ask and court a fair trial of the discovery, and a full investigation at their hands. Kiiiued By Sueees.s. Some one ;i3ked a photographer tho o:her day how ho was doing "Not any too weil, " was the reply, "you see tho trouble is, m^w that I'vo become well-known, people say to them- selves, 'That follow must be overrun with Work,' and go souiewlioi'u else." SHILOH-3 CATARBH BKMKDY-n positive cure fur Catiirrh, Piptliir'a and Coiik'jr Muulh. ijuld t^t MuJiu,tl Hud, Tamarac. â€" A cold will often cause an irritation, dryness and sorciu^sK insido tho throat. The first doso of Tamarac Elixir will afford relief. SCROFULA Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying the blood with I ill) not helii'vo that Ayer's SarsapariilK lias an ei|Uiil as a remedy for .Scrofulous Hu- mors. It is ijloii.tunl to take, gives strength ami vls'ir to the body, and pniiiuces a mure periniuient, iHstinir. re- sult tliKU any meilklMi! I ever u » imI . â€" K. Ilahiei, No. Lindalc, U. I linvu used Ayer's Sursaparilla.in my fsni> lly, for .Scrofula, and kiiiiw. If it is takeu faillifully, it will thoroUKlily ° erndlcnto this turrilile diseaiie. â€" W. K. Kowler. M. D., Ureeuvllle, 'remi. For forty years 1 have BuHered \vlth Ery- sinelus. I have tried nil surts of remudlet for my eomplaint, liut found no relief until I c (inline need using AVer's Sarsupnrilla. After lakini; ten bot- tles uf tills medifine I MUi cumiiletely our<-d. --Mary C. .Vme»burj> Uuckpurt, Me. I have sutfei-ed, for years, from Catarrh, which was »o nevere that it dcMroyoil my appetite and weakened my system. A f ter try- ilii( oilier renieUIca, mid K'ettini; no relief, t lieKuii to take .Vyor's ?>nriiu|iurilla, and, in a few inuiitlin, was cured. â€" Husnn \j. Coolj. 908 Alliiiny St.. Huston lllglilaiKis, .Mii««. .Vyer's .Sars.Tpiirllln l-i superior to any bluod purilier tliat I have ever tried. I have taken it for ScrufniH, Canker, .'uid .'Suit- Itlieuiii, and received iimeli hcnelit fruni it. It is ){oo<l, also, for a weak stomach. â€" Millie Jann Pelri'e. .Sonlli Itradford, .Ma^s. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by l)r. J.i-V .\yer ,Sc (.*(>., I.owoll, Maw. rrltM) 81 : aix buttles, 85. PcUial DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S.,O.NT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &«. FLE.SHKRTON. Office, Stiains blr>ck. Uosiileueo, Wm.Wriulit s gcntisstvi}. DENTTSTRYr Thomas Henderson, L.D.S. SUllGEON DENTIST, OM Medalist mid Uuitar Irnidiuite uf tie' R.C.D.S.. WUl vihit FI.KFHKllTON. iMuiislinws Hotel) 1 Kiul *Jof imeh iiiuutli. Toeth extrftcttitl, insui-t- od und ailed ill tile liiKhust stylus uf the alt, sud at iiKKlerate rates. Hkah OFrieK.'fil VoNnr. St., ToiioNTo. Jrgjll. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. BarriHtet\ SoHeito>\ VourfffOftret*, Olflco.â€" StrdiH'!* Huildhi^. KLKSiintTdN. A, A. CHE8LKY, Solicitor Hiid Convoyaucer, KcKiiluiit MaiiHKur. MK. FH08T will bo found at the Office ou ThiirBdavH as lufrutofuru. p. McCULLODGH, Barrister. SoUcifor, ^c: Office. ov«'r Mi'F.-irland'.H Kturt*. .Varkdale. iWoiiey to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, B.MlHISTintS, SOLICITOUS, .ve. OKi'KKK- Owuii Souiiil, in Viekur's lilock, I'oulutt St.; Britueli oltlcu in MarkdHle, ovur .Mc- Karlaturs btoru, uii Kruluy and bKturiiay vvury wiwk. J M.VSSON.Q.C. S, MAbBON, W. MA880N. N.n.-Privato .t Cumpaiiy'ii funds to iuvcbt at from Si.\ to Kiitlit pur uunt. $n!9inro<i (Earrts. John W. Armstrong, Fl.KSIIKnTON, C(l. OllPV. DIVISION COUIIT CLKHK. C0MMIB8IONKU in II. 11.. Ci)nv«y»ncor.,ix .\(jeut for piiii:lmi.. au.1 Huie of Inildt*. .\)i|irAiKur fin (' 1.. C. Com. and K 1*. II. (c H. Soc'iutv. Meiiey ti, I. nan on the iuut,t ruastuualilu tuniib. Ut,i l.li uf MAKKLMtH LICENSKS. .NOT.'VMV I"tlU.lC. TIMBER AND LAND SALE. CKItTXIN lotH ami Mill tuiiUnr thonioii -^itmitu ill till) T()wii8hi|m of Alhin, .\KNtf,;intu k. \'<U\- \Milt. )iilliiiK'<< <'iiriiurvon, CtunphDl), Howltintl, S)it!;.,'iiiii[i<liih, Tell I; u nil null uihI MilU <>ii tlii; MimiUnilin IhIuiuI, in tho Distrift i»f \l;,'oniH, lit t li.. IMiiviiuu- of Ontaiio, wil bt nifiTtiil fur SuU) at IMiblii! Anctioii in lilot kr. of 'Ju iifii'H. nniro or Iohj*. on tlin lirst .lav ot S»|itfnibor ii«!.\t. at lU o'uluuk, .\.M. at Un* Iniliiiii Ltiinl OlUuc iu lliu Vlllatju of Muiiituwaiiiii^. Ttirniri of SaU) > Uoniis for tiiiibor iiayablo in oaHh, iiritui of laml payalilo in iuikIi, a litiunsu fou alho iniyahlii in canli liinl •liics to bo {laitl accortl- inuly to TarrifT iMM>ri tin- tiiiiiim- uiioii out. 'I'lio land on ivnirli tho tinibor i^rows to bo Holil with tho timber wiMiout conditions of sut- tluiiiunt. .Vt tbo saniu tinio and placn tho Morcliantal>lo Tiinbor of not Ioks than ninr iiir.lu's in dianintor at tho butt, on till' Sjmiiiuli Kivor U«Horvi' ainl 1- rtiinh Itivor lowoi Ui :-orvi) will bo otTtjro.i for salo for a ua^b bonnti and annual armiiul rinit uf .m.tK))a*r Nijuaro niilo, ami .bios to bo paid <in tbotiinboraH cut. according to Tariff of this Dupaidnont. Kor full particularh ploaKu apply to JaH. C riilpp*'. Ksi|., Indian Supt. Maiiitowaninji, or to tlio uiitlorHi(jnod. No othor i)apor to iitHoit this advo»-tintnnont without authority tUrou^^b tht! Quoun s Trintor L. VVNKOICHNKT, iJopntv of tho Snpt. (ion*!. oftmllun AITairs. Dopartmout of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, -ind Juno, 1HH7. Agents, Agents Now Ui'.Aiiv Olll Nr.w r.miK. EARTH, SEA AND SKY -onâ€" Marvels vffh'' Unhersc Itoiim a full and qrnphi(M]tv«oription of all that iH wondorful in uvory (.'oiitjiuuit of tho (4lol>tf. in tho world of wators and tjio starry HeaVHUij. Containing tbrillint^ advonturuH on land and Koa, ruiiownod diHcovorioK of tho world's ^'roatttst ox- plororn in all a^on, and ruinarkablr phenouiona in ovury rualin of uaturu, Knibrachix thn atrik- iuM phyftical foaturoH of tho uarth tho pucuHar characturifttios of tho human raotn of unliimlfi, bir<ln, iiiHuctH, uto., includiiiK a vivid doHoriptioii of Miu .\tlantic, Pauillu and Indian Oooana and of thu Polar Sua^, tho inonHtor» of tho deop, boaiitifnl HoaHhidlH and planta, ^in^ular tlshoH and dwellui'H hi thu world ot wati>rH, roniarkable oconii ourruutH, utc, toKHihor with the aiuaziuR phoiiomnna of the Holar and ntarry nyiitoiufi, by MMiiry Uavenport Northrop, D.l>., oinbelliHhud with ovur -100 flnu oni{ravhiijrt, Liboral toriiin to atjoatM. Oxford I'ublinhiiig Company, 5 Joi<lan aVi Twoulo. Ouk. 31<K)G8 MONEY TO LOAM. ,A.t O I»«r Cent. Ou Tdwu or F&riii I'roimrty, 8. DA.MUni-;. Kl(*lloltoif. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr, nl.LIIK AI1TKMK8I.*. VONVEY.iyi •EH, ( -(iMMtSSloyi:!;, rxsvH.iyc/-: Aur, dc *^ ud and priipurlv exeented. liiHuiioift' anic- >m1 in rtr^t-idnsH c(>lnl>unies, Mene\ lo tt'liil lit liiwt) (it rates. GET YOUR MEAT â€" i-FKOn-: Fetch & Mitchell, OENEKAL I31TCHKKS, FLESH EKTOM ts'Casli paid for fat cattle, i^e., lU". HEW LIVEIIV! THK undcrsi^nod bo^A to announco thflt hehao Htartud a lirst-rtasH l.,ivoi y in thtt .stand op. posito .Munhhaw> Hotul. FloHhnrton, where tho travuUint* public can bu accoinniodatud with Kood rigK und borsoK at nioitt reaEoiiab^e piici !i Try mo and he convhico<l, KoBpuctfully yours, W. H. JOHNSTON. Fleaberton, Nov. 10th, IKiiG, Pietuie Framiiig, Keaiiy, Choa-]>Jij Sr Quick- Ill Dohr, hy J. E. MOORS, Diurhftui St,, OppiMito na>toii's Iliii iic^s Shrp "BELL" TJnapproached for Tone and Quality, OATaLOQUM frkk. BELL&CO.,6oelpli,0nL. .. i

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