\'l â- â- > \]\hi May ig, 1887.] I'HE FLASH ERTON ADVANCE Flesherton Carriage Works! W. A. MILBURN, I*»'oi>i*iet<>i- In returniii;^ thanks to the public for the patronacje ez- tcncled to him (lurint; the past three years, the unoersis^ned wishes to inform the people that he is in a better position than ever to turn out all work in his lines of business, such NEWADVEIlTlSEMEiNTS. AS Carriages, Deiuocrats, Wagons, &c. on short notice, in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable prices. All kinds of Repairs, HOESE-SHOEING, AND QENEEAL JOBBING will receive etjually prompt and careful attention. Works, next to Planing Factory, esherton. Respectfully Yours, W. A. MILBURN, Proprietor I'lesherton Carriage Works. Methodist District Meetiucr. o ^liiiistrriiil oiul Imji Itrrthrrn in SfMHioii at ri< sUertoii, 'I'^iesdiiy mill W. .iiicsday (if tliiii vn-vV 111' Mttli.nliRl DisUict uiucting- aiinntiiit'- â- il list wtM'k WiiH lu.lil lifie. Owiii" fn â- 'ii- < XI«TH-lnc ;ilul :iliilit_v i(f tliosi- wlio iiu:tlly Uku piirt (it, 8ucli iiU'utiii)i», iiiiicli .iitcredt it cxcitud and considernMe i,'ihh1 acoiiiiilislli'd. Ejiinoiiilly w:i.s this iinticL- il>li' ill coiiiKclioii «iili ilm g|)irite(l din- iisMiiiiiH, .iiHiit Sundiiy Sclinol work, mi I'lll-.tduV ttftcllllrtyll- IlltlllMlj^ll tllO Wflll- • r w.ia curtiiiiily lint .f a imturi! tn iin ;:iit ilsutiritv i.f Hpiiits to Uii.- v.-iiioun -liciikurii. TIKsIiAY MdRM.MI «iui iKvoled |.. till' Kfttluiiieiit of ooiiiii-\- iii:il iicioiiiits and buHirii'sn of ii tinaiitml r.iud gi'iu rally, T'KSIUY AtTERXOO.t.l .\fter dttv'otjoiiiil uxuicim-B, coiiductutl y kuv. W. ,\yt'ia, DiKtiii,t Sucivtary, a .-'iM.it liiit |iriu;tiral addios» W(i» di'livered 1^ K'V (i, II (' niisli, Cliuiriimii of tlir |ii!-Mi.!. Ill till- loiirsf «f hi* txivlli'iit :i'Ii'.iUK» the K|ii'akt'i ,'<aiil. tliAt "iliiiin;,' ' ,1 l.tit loiiferciiie yi ar tln.re wim an in- â- i.,i'<o l!,roiiL'lioiit ihi' coiiiu'xii<ii of W'l - 1 "ill, \ ,'.'ii'.i i'Wu.vn mill leacliLMH, iiiul IK.TH.") HclioUrs. lint llial lato of ].in. Jll.^s tiii;;lit Im' L'lcally iiiciviuted, ' "()iir " liiu ill, '.siiul ill', "lias already iiiori" Sum- ,iv K. !i,.ols. iiioii- tiaoluTs and luoic \' ;.ii,-. tli.ui ill ill.' othur Pl-ut.'Slaiit ''iuMxlu^ III lllr l»ollllllioll put to',il'tln'r, ';,.• K.'i duty lo |!ii' yiiiiii'_' pi^ojdc t'ojiiliiil- • 1 t.r It.) t.iif \!^ iioi fully ai-c-omiilialii-d ,^!,i',i- :!iir<- it a siii;,'l<' .Mi-tlioditl \ii'»a<'li- i.i.; a[>P"i"'"i''i' " lu:ir tliefi! Ih not also .a .Hi. 1. lit .'Mrtl...<li,^l Suiiilay .Sdioul," Th.; work V. aa n.it to und lii-rf, lioWav- ' ', I'lil to ;„'ii oil and on until all an- I'li.ui'lit to a siivilr.^ kiiowludi! of llni tiiitli 1,4 it IS Ml .Iiau,H. Tliiuii witro IWl Nal)- liatli Sulimil hc'liolaiH oil Ills iiwii I'irciiil I i<t \«ar. while tliia year tln-y had 'J(i4 III iii<.-ri'.x.'(u of Hit. I'liiaiicially hiioci'hh- til 111 fact pl'o^ii'N.s was IxMii'.' nmdi! all .dii.v; till- line, UuT, .\. .1. I'aikiT, of IVicevilli', iiiaili' .'inii' apt iiiiiaikfi rulalivfc lo tlio fiolliy Viiicrii.aii litiTaluii! now tiiidiiig i^R way iilu otii' Sunday ScliooU iiii lU'i'uiint of 1 li<! chcaji nijotaliona Ki*»n by .\iiieiicaii lu'olL^huiH. tHiiown litiiaturu wuh ko juri!. that I xcullont nrlii tioim loiild id- moat be made in the dark. He tliou^ht lliey mn{lit look forward to n mieeeHnful future in conneition with l'rii;i.viMo Suli- liatli School work. Rev, A. 'I'lllbadeail, of Hojliind Centre, n.'iiorted projiieaa, and in the louiso of liia KeV. A. ThibiMlenu noxt Jelirerud his addreaa on "Home Influence mi Sunday School Work,' Sabbath School work was calculated to make the home better, and it often ti'aiis|>ii'e<ltliat home intbjeiice was detrinieiital to the work of the S. S. I'arelit.s sh.iuld 8yiii|iathize with and as- i.st their ihildreii in lliin ;;ieat Work, The iiildlea,H wan short ,iiid lioiiiteil. I>r. Cliriatoe tlioUL;ht the old methiid of Sabbath School teacliili',^ was a eood one. It neiiied to him, tliat when that Hvatem was in jiractice there wa-i more eii<|inry and resfikrch uiid li'sii fonnaliHm. (^iie.><tioiiH and answers are now liivcn so fully, tliat tliele was not tiiu Hiime inooiitives to atiidy there oiicu wiw. ed by townspeiiple and others, liev. (i. H. Coniiah occupied the chair in a moat creditalile maiinir. The District Chair- man tilled iiis [in^iition tlirouj;hout patient- ly and with true dignity occasionally iii- terlardini; the e.\erci.se8 with brief and fittinu' remarks. The choir, under the .able leadership of Mr. C". J. Sjiioule, fur- nished vix:al and instrumental music for the occasion. Kev. l)r. Stroiiijmftii read an elegantly Worded address on "The llelation of the Sunday School to the Church." It was a inaaturly prndiiction, full of spicy gums of thought and well nmnded periods. .\1- thoii^h acarcel) within the ken of juven- ile imiikN, it lieKI the close att«ntion of Kev. C, H. Cornish replied to Dr. ii'i'tiii''<l iiitell.rts tliiou'.^liout NOTICE. Cunri (if Hrviiioii, 'J'litriishiji cf (Mpreii. -aiPil Tim first sittiiifis of tlio t'oiirt I'f Uevuion, itii tl.n AHsi.ssiiiciit of 1887. for tlio TiiwiiHhip of ",;- lirev, will be liolcl at M.WVVKI.l. on Tl"i;SD,\Y, Ihi) TliittyFirbt Dsy of MAY, Ifi-T. .\11 piirMHis iuteresteu will govern theliiselVMS »('conUlii,'Iv, \VM. .MU.NE.Tii. Clurk May 1-Jtl). IW. Auction Sale VALUABLE FARM Township of Artemesia, I'lulur aii'l by vtrtiif «jf tht- powi-rs of salu in CL-rtHiii MiJit;/iij;i-s inadu bv Juhii I'i»bur auii Diivid Whitii, to the W-ml.ffs wliiih will bi; pro- ibici'ti at the tiinn of sale finl <ni (U'fault in pay- iiictjt of tilt) iiiMii«>'(* thort'bv scoured. Theru will bu offtii'i-fi (or t'ale bv I'ublic AuL'tion at Ml ysHAWS HOTEL, in tlio Vina^;e of FLEfc>- HKKTON. mi llonilav. aotli i\i\\ of May, A.O., IHHJ, :m7, at 2 (.dock, ji in , by A. S. \ ANDl'SKN. AuctioiiiHT. tliH fnllowini; uropt'rty. vi/.,: I.<'t uiiiiibor 1 ".M, in ConccfiKion 1. N.K,'r.\t S Uoad. in the Townsiiip »»f ArtenifHiH, fdntuiiiinj; 5*^ iicn-s more or l»'ss ih'arly all uf wliitii an- said to hv (â- Imin'il, on the preiui.-^ns an- s-iiiil to bo a frauio burn nearly im'W ati'l a hm hoii-^f. l.ai-ds aro well wateriril, l>y a KimiU i-iprint: Creek. Tln-re i.-* u small otehani on the preiui^et» ^bicli are well fenced and are on a ^'ond uiavel luttd within about one niilo of Flesherton, TKUMS: Ten jH'r cent nt tin)'' of sale, flfteen i»er cent. within one month. t>a)ance to rotiiuin on Mort- tia^e for live y«.-ar» with interest at I'i |>er cent. yearly, or niuh other ttirnis aK nay bo aiTantji^d with the pnrchaHer at time 'if >ab*. For further partienhirH ttpplv to W. .1 . inCLLAMV. Kstj.. Fle^lierti>u. m u, MObS. FALCONiaUDCiK A HAUWU'K. Voudur'u SulK-iior'd. Toronto. May 10th, IKs?. ^ttdifal DR- CARTER, M.G.P. &S.,(7!(T. PIIVSKI.W. SI i(4;eo\, &<•, FLESHKHTON. Otlleo.Strnin's lilnrh. K(!<filuiice. AVin.WriKbT'.' â- laRaaMn^BB^BiBHHaaMi^Hi^^iBBaanMMB J.I ('hristov, lu Inturiiational LeHson leaves, which he said had tjivcii rise to a \ast amount of bililical reseaieh and critical investigation. ftev. A.. TMImrt^ati wnd lip did not think Dr. Chri.stoe intended them to swhIIow tlie whole pill, re international leaver, (lauuhtcr) Kev. I(. .lidinBon Raid many teachers Wo lib! cany out their own res; live modes of te.'icliiiii.', no matter uliat les.'ion helps iiii^dit be provideil for them. The Itei'ean l.iaf and lianner oflPii confined teachers .IS wi'll as |iujiil.s on aociimt of the iiiulti plicity of divisions iiiiiile in the lesVoiis. Kev. .1. W. .Mahoods.iid all iireat minds were ii'n'ii'cd tl.at the Intel national Ia^s- .Mins wee '^le.it helps - only to be ilmiI, be tlioU'^lit, at lioiiie, while preparing; h's- M>n, aiirl ou<>lit not to bf^ brou'.;ht to the Sabbath School. Kev. .\. .1. I'arher tlioiii«ht they liail drifted away .iiii.iidorably from the sub- ject, »iz, , â- â- Home influence on Siimlav School Work " He thoii-ht il was th- iiilluelivu lit biiiie that niailellui Salibnth School. You'll not have much of aS, S., said 111', if the hiinie inlbielice is iiiilavor- able. Dr. CliriHoti thought he oie..;ht to con- L'ratiilate himsDlf on the lively discussion which had iiii,<eii from his lemarku in lefereiii'u to the ]iresent sy^iteni of S. ,^. tca.'hiiiL'. Me was slieiii.'tlieiied in hi.H position by (ho di.scii.^iiiii he had listun- ed to. .M.^HS mkktim;. t,)iiite a fuw chiliUtn, as well as ii fair hpnnkliic.^ of iiilult.H, att.-inled the niiuis niietini!, Sipiire .Ariiistiont;, the Super intcndciit of the .MuthiHlist Sabbath Si houl, iiuirtiiilhxl the littlu folks of his ou 11*11(1 tin: I'lesbyterian church S. S. lis Well. Several pieces were siun,' by the cliirdicii, with Miss Cliristou iiccoiiipamj'- Uit! on the â- uvaii. Kev. Sfr. M.ihood dulivurud a Very I. •marks sntd that when he tiist went on I aptly Worded add re.ss tii the children, tak- iiis present i;irciiit he found onu Sunday | inu fnr his te\t the single word " U',il,lt," whili he divided into live "heads," thus . U'.Kc/. )o'>V Wiirds. irufc/i your .\ctionii. ll'dlih your Timu. Il'iid/i your (Jompany. I('(if(7i your Heart. The spuuker put his tlloll^hts in such sim- ple, ({facuful laiii^uaoe, that the smallest chlhl could have vory little ditliculty in uiidurstttiidiiig every word lie uttered. Kev. K. A. Hhaw, of Montreal, next delivered a brief but excellent address - also to tile childrun afttr which came aniiouncenitmtB by Kev. \V. Ayers, ninx- iiig by the children and the benediction by Ilov. Dr. Stroiiijiuaii. Tl'KHllAY KVENI.NO. The eveniiix aesaiuii was largely atteii4 ' Rev. Mr. .\yers piijier in "The .\iiii and results of S S. Teacbinj; an found in individual lAperieiice," was delivered with iiiiich Vim and earnestness. It aboundeil if, f^actical suijsestions and bristled \vitli appropriate Sciiptuial (piotatioiis, such lis ".Sillier the little eliildrcn to come unto Me and forbid tlielii not, lor of such is the Kinedom of llcsvcii ; " 'â- p^xcept ye become as little children," Ac. The Lord cares for the smallest child as inui^li its he does for those moieadvaiucd in years. Kev. (;. I*. Cornish delivered a good addieiis on the "Kssi'iitials of a successful Teacher lu our Sunday Schools." It was practical and edifying. Constant and persistent etl'ort, unccvsin^' effort and niiwa\ eriiig fidelity to the .Master Were amoni^'st the essentials necessary to ludiieve success. Sii also wa« comiiion sunoe, and |>ei!<oiial kmiwli'd)^e and experience. Mot- to of every Teacher hliould be: "All my class for ,le«us." No S. S. Teaclier will be sua c.-isful unless he recognizes every- thing' from (ieinsis to Kt^velalioii as the reve.ib'd Word of (iod. Ilupoit of yesterday's proceedings will be piililishijd noxt week.â€" El). NoTK, ] NOTKS. Incieas(\ (if nienibership in District diiriiij^ past year 177, Also an increase in all C'liinexioiial funds. 1)1 . ( liristoe was elected Circuit Kep- resent.itivo to Conference for Flesherton. .Mr. M. Richardson was elected Dis- trict Kepresontativo to Conference Mis- sionary t'omniittee. Itev \V. Ayers will go to Conference this yearas District Uepreseiitative to the Stat lull iiif Committee. Mr. \V. A. Drown was elected Circuit Kepreaeiitntivu to Conference for Mark- dale. MAIL CONTRACT! ShAI.i;U TFNDKKS. n.bircss.d i«. tho l\>Kt- nia.-<ter (reneial. will l»e receive*! at Ottawa until iio.Mi. on -JTth May. l.-^T, fur tbo couvevaticu of Iter ^taJ<>^tyV Mails, oil a proposed Contract for four years, :i timns jur week each way, bo- Iween Unmlalk auil Maple \ni11ey froui the iHt Jtil>, next. The convoyanco to be matlo in a vehicle or otherwiMi via.. lUuljcroft iiml Shrijch'V, Tho MaiU to loave Maph' Valley every Montlay, \V"*mI- iierttl.iy au>l Friday, at h a.m., an<i tra^eltinu via.. UadjeritH and SliriKl*-'y. arrive at Dundalk at ll:lo a III . nr in time to connect with the Mail trniii puK-iinf,' North. 1'(< U>«ve Onndalk ai* Hoon art pohkihle after exc)iaiiK« of Maila and arnvu at -Maple Valley within three hourM and ten miinititrt alterwariN. I'nnted notici>s containing fnrther inforiini- tioii a» to condition-* of proitorit^d Contract niav h«' v,.,.n. and blank forin-* of Tender may be oh- Mit.,-d at the I'tt^l 0(?ices of Dnnthilk, Maple Valley. Hadjuror, and Shritjlev. UANIKU SI'UV. roHt-OtlWu hiMpcctuk, roKt-Ofllco Insjioct^r'a Offlco, IJarriu, Afiil iMth. 1H87, ILtUSIIALL, L.IKS DKXTIST. GKAI)L*.'»TK of Toronto School of Centirtry will he at Markihtle th« 1st aiirf Ad Wedneti- (hiyof each rnonlh. nnd at Fh-sherton mi tlie Uf and :Jr<l Tluirrtday in each niuntb forthe inacticu' of hi-i profession. $C()Hl J. W. FIIOST, LL-B., IiavrisUt\ Solicitor, CoHveifatirer. (illico. -Strain> Ihiildinp. Fr.KwHFitTcN. A. cni:sLKY. Solicitor and Couvtyaucer Ueftident Manah'ur. Mil. FliOST will bo found at the Oflftco on Thurndays au heretofore. P McCULLOUOH, Barrister, Solicitor, i^r. Offlrc, ovor IfcFarlaiuI's Storo, Murkdale. .Ilaiicy to Loan. MASSON & MASSON, BAKUISTKUS. SOl.Icn'HUS. ^-e. OKKH Ks -*iw'e;i houud. in VUkcr's block I'oulett St.. Branch ottlcu in Markilale, over Me Farluud'Hbturv. on Friday and SutuiUay everj wtek, J MASSON*, Q C. S. MASSON. \V. MAKSON N.Hâ€" Private .t Company's funds to invest at from Six to Ki^ht per cent. John W. Armstrongs Fliishkiiton. tVi. Un£v. TvivisioN' rofUT rr.EitK, eoMMissiosm-i A* ill H. II. roiivKvmuvr. Ac. .VK^iit fur imicims aeil ««!.- . 'au<'... .Vpiirtiser for C L. ('. Omi- aiid K. I II. iV .Seciety. Meiiey to Loan uu tii» most reaKoiiuIilv teniiH. IjisiKii of U.UtltI.VliK LIfKNSKS. XOT.\ltY PLIILIC. Till-: ItO.\DSTEll ST.Vl.I.IOX, MONEY TO LOAN At « l?ei- Cent. On Town or I'urui I'roi'cvtj. S. D.V.Ml DK. Floshcrten. AITDREW McGIRH. Issuer of Marriage License;-, FEVkKSIIVW. . 0\T. School run on the oldfiisliiomcl principle of selijutillK lessons iinywliere throui^liout the liiUe ; hut a ditlcrent older of things luevailn liou', l;.;v. 1{. .fohii.soni, of Walter's Kails, I epoi ted a coiisiderahle increa.se in Sah- hatli iScliiiol Work during the piuit year. Kev. J. S. Coiooian. of Kiiijenia, re- ported pro|>roM8 on his circuit, hoth linan- eially Hiid iiunierieally. At this juncture a spirited digcu.ssioii tiiok place on the suhject of Union Sah- huth Schools, in which Rev. It. .iolinson, Kev. A. Tliibadeau, Hev. («. IJ. Co.viiish, Kev. Dr. Strongiiiun and Kev. W. Ayera took part. All present then joined jij aiiiging "I Neud Tlwo Every lltHiT." Ill .ll«'iii(>finiii. [Tile fiilliiwino verses were handed us fur piililiciitiou in iiienmry of the sad uiid Buddi'ii death of the youii!; man, Connell. K.1.1 lli-luuinlMM, itdtltti liiii>' nnd you Wiieii .von" fi voiiiiu: Knr fvliitirls are often wutipdil,', .\iul hfnrs llu'ir wsti )i uie kieiiiiii;, O i:r tfliu Kriivii wlieie t.liiuiiii>|j i,l« tllil )ollllK O, uiak tlin imtli to ijloiy •». Wliile your yountt; .\ii>l .IiiHiis win tiefriiiiiii you, .\a(l pusne divilio will Heiiil \n\\, .Mill from rtiiuner will clureiitl Whilu you ru voiiiig. Voliintc<^rs. No. (i Company, 81nt Hatt. will meet at the Orill Shed, FleHhcrton, on Satur- d»y uveiiin^^H for drill, until further or- ders. 26 young men wanted to fill up tlie ahovB eom)iany. Ajiply to ,1. J. Field, Limit. , No. OC'onnianv, Flusher- tou, ' t,f, BILLY v.! Will leave !iis uwn stahlH in KleshoTton, on MONDAY. MAY Ai.l. Ihh?, at I'io'cloik Hoon. and proctetlto l.inley';* htilel, Muxwtdl, wheru hu will ienmln over nif^ht. Tl'KhOAV.will proceed to Jonatliaij IriKh's, W'arebani, fur noon, thence to Jcdinstoii s hotel. Itiintbilk, where he will remain till ThuiMlay morning. TUrUSDAY, win return ti» Klehhcrton tor the niiiht, KltlDAV. will proceed to Atkinson's hotel. l'r)<-< vilht, for noon, and luiurii tuhU uwn stable Ii>r the hi^ht. SATlliD.W, will proceed to Mftr»h s hotel, Maikdalc. tor noon, and return iti bin own stabht in Klesherttni, where ho will remain till thu fol- lowing Monday, The iilitive I onto will be continned during tho Heation, health and weather perniittintj. Description and Pedigree: niLI.Y v.. fiMilod .luiie iHth. Ik.m.1. U a dark dapjdetl ba\', stands l-"» bands ;i in . wei^ihs U.'U) pi>uiids, antt for hone, niuselo, ntyle and action, cannot he mrpartHett. watt blred by llear (irlt jr., daiu hy KeiMiett. -iiid daiii by Huyal Uuurge, Unl dam by FMoor's ^tes^en«er. TERMS : To inMireafoal iJHuM.iiayable March l»*t, IfiSS. Seabon niaroH fttt.Oll, payable lant roiiii J itf tiortto, or iht later than Jufv iLitli, lh^7, if not theu paid Hfiid iiiKiiM will he chart^iHl us insured inaroH. Single lea)) c'lttlU, payable at tiniu of survf<<o. All niart:^ not vwtuniod renularly to horse will .)>« char;,'ed kn iiiMU'eil inai'ut^. .-Ml accMotitti to inarc-* at 1 ivk of ownurH, (twners trying tliuir mares to Haid horite and knowing tliein tfi bo af- llicted with any conta^ioiiH dihuaMf, willbeUablu in daniRguK. (Iroonih Kce '25 cunts. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLKUK AKTKMIU^l.l. ( .'OjV VE YA AX'./i7i'. ( V >MM issi ( )S El:, lysuuAxcK Aor, dc. DEKPS. M01tT(l.\(;l:S. I,F.ASi;s. *e,. prel.sr- ed Slid pioporly rieciitud. IliHiiiHiice afteC- »d ill tlrst-cluHS ccni^uiius. Mbiiev to l«uUiit. owi'st rates. GET YOUR MEAT A.H. V.\.NULSBN, Uwiiur, liEO. (lL,ASSPOnD. tirvoii). PUBLIC NOTICE!! To nil whom it uuiy (onrrrii. Know ye all uicii tluit I, \V. S, CHlllS'l'ilK, thu DruKL'ist of Kleslii.iteli, luivi. ili,. uijeiiey !««• .lOHXHo.NS loieyiiiitiMi 'loNu mrrKHs »nd .NKKVIXK. .KIHNSO.VH little I'ink Tonic Uv«r I'illa and tlio Al.l, HHALlNti WIUTH OINT- MKNT. TONIC BIlTEllS are coniuieiitly ruoofnnioniltMl as tlui VKUY IIKST lu lliu umrlixt for NorvonHnuss, Hyuteria, OeiHiral Diliility, Loss of A|>iiotite, ('uui)iUints cotiinioii to tlio foiiislii sex. I .\t.KNtCKS of ooiii- pluxioii iind for disuasim caused i,v poverty of hlooil. In conjunction with the Tonic John- son's Little I. Ivor Pills iinr till, viiry host for liver t'linipliiint and ut'ninal ilo.sarrHiiiieiiieuts of the stoinaih. Tho All Himlilit; Wliltu Oliituicnt Is tht* vory hest for skin ilsoHsos of a scrofulous iiatiirti, hiunt>, Hoalds. Halt liliuum, Ilarhurs Itrh, l'lillhlillnB,,te., Ac Yon hnvu only to try those ijroat roiuudlui to bo satUAud. Hold oy W, 9. CHRISTOa, Thu DruijKUt, Pltwiiertou. Fetch &. MitcheU, GENERAL UrTOttERS, FLESHEKTON! fcE'Cu.sli paid for fat cattle, kv., ite. ^EW iJVKRY ! THK nndersi^'neil hp(,'« to announru that he hu â- â- startud a arstclass Livery in tho stand vy lioiite Munshav's Hotul, I'lcshertou, whore the travelllnij iiublic can be aeeuiiiinodatud with Kood viK'K and hornes at most veai^onablt' prites Try nil" and ho convinced. Kohpectflilly yours, W. H. JOHNSTON. Flosbertou, Nov. 10th, 1880. Picture Fmiiiing, .h'eattij, Chf'dplij cV- Quiok- hj lh)H('', J) 1 1 J. £. MOORB, Durham St.. (Opposite ('la\toiin lUiine>s>h«p BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality, CATALOQUK8 FREE. BELL&CO.,Giieipii,ODt. 7 9 . >> ^O 84' \^. I -.• '.>r a V: .i/ 1, i S» I