Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1887, p. 5

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T R im i^^ THE F r. E S H E R T N ADVANCE. [May ig. 1887. •«!»-!- CHEAP # AND •# DURABLE THE \V E L L - K N O W N Fleslierton vs. Markdale- GHT WAGO Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale r.s usual iMrst â- class V aku; in every department. Agent for VICKER'S EXPRIiSS. A II parcels left with him will be pyomptly and carefully attended to. .1 Jtattlhuj Game of Liu-runHi' Hi'- tiveen the A bore Teams. £ui>hi-U(iia. SEIUOIS UrNAWAV AX El'PINO. OOTS & s HOES ! jil supply on bii ublo to wiiti.' Imt littlu iiioro f'lr imbli .- Iiiforiiiiition. IV'iluips ;i iiuiro computtiit corresiKnidcnt will bis fduiid who will tiiko my place. It is but suldoiii 1 feul .v bi!i-." imiiud iif itiiytliiiii; like eusf. Huwovu! , Having recoivL'd large aadilions to my Sloek, 1 liuve u luuid of Summer (ioods. LADIES' \VEA1\. â€" A lini' assortmcht in Pruiiflla, Fieiich Kid, Goat, Polish Calf, Buff and Heavy Boots. MISSES AND BOYS WEAI!.â€" A large vaiiuty of Luce 4 lUttton Boots, Shoes and Slippors. CHILDREN S WEAK. â€" A very large assortment of all sorts and sizes. JIENS WEAK.â€" I have Buff, Calf aud Enamelled Bahnorals, Oxford Ties and Strong Lace JBoots. FOR PRICH AND (>rAI.ITY, CANNOT BE SCHPASSED. Wm. CLAYTON, - Flesherton. ' FLESHERTON. ' MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, hiid all i;ot reiidy U< j^o to Moaford, in- tending to umke tlic jouruuy in ^ deujm-i'nt drawn by a .s|)un of young colts. Mrs. and Miss McKiiight had ^^ot seated in the ve- hicle and Mr. McKniglit was hoUling his c<dts by the heads bufoie taking Ins place therein also wlicn the cults became fright- ened and laii away, knocknig linu over into a waggon rack standing in the yard, and dashing on in the direction of a deep gully only .i few rods distant. Before reachnig the gully .Mrs. Mclviught jumped out of tile vehicle and was seriously in- jured. Mi.ss McKniglit clung to her seat until thrown out down the gully, the domoorat having capsized. ijtrange to say she escaped injury, but her mother \V!i8 attended by two iihysienins on Sun- day, having sustaine<l very seriipus injur- ies. The rig was badly snuished liuc the horses were uninjured. A N.\S.\Ij INMECTOU free witli o(»oh bot- tle of Sliiliih's e'atnirli llcmeuy. I'llcu ."lO cents. Sold at Medical Hall. ALL KINDS OF MarUfi d MsaimiBiila! M '^-^ >w*r***S«!r- â- - Such as Monumeuts, Toml) Tables, ILadsionrs CijuntuL' and Table Tops â€" in .\nnnicun and Italian Marble and (iranite, and nnido on slioit notice. Also Manth.'S in JIai'ble and Marblejzed Slate, Sn:., kc. Klushertoa, .Vu .'SO. JH,s;5. HEALlll IiOU ALL. HOLIOWAYS PrtlS&OIMIMENT Last Friday ufternoou «ne of the hot- test and most keenly contested Lacrosse matches wo ever witnessed was played on the agricultural grounds, Fleshurtt)n, be- tween the Maikdalii and l"'lusherton jun- ior Lacrosse teams, resultiiig in a hard- earned victory for our liomo team. Tliu game cumntenced at IS.liO and last- id until 0.45 p. ni. The Umpires were Messi-H. Hill and Benson, for Markdale, and Messrs. Bates and Fawiitt for l'"lesh- erton, with ^Ir. Stevens, ,.1 .^larkdale, as referee. Air. J. Wilson, captained the Markdale juniors and .Mi'. Will. !\I. Sproule captained the home team. There w:i» a fair sprinkling of epeotators, who, of course, took a lively interest in the game. They always do. Sometimes their interest is 'oo intense, however. \L IJ.oO the ball was placed between the sticks, "Readj â€" l>l*y ' " shouts the Keferee and olf they go -Imth teams cau- tiously measuring the stroiintU of each other. Frinik Sullivan was pl.aying check to an e(iually sturdy young man from Markdale, Diiisinore, ami the triids of skill â€" and strengtli 'â€" Intwcen the two was amusing and .sinnetiines viry'exciting. Once Unisiiioic, while rumimg fid tilt af- ter the ball, smldenly came against Sulli- van who â- â€¢idriitly gilt in ono of those sci- uiitilic "lun-hes ' known iiily to players of the national game â€" and the foinier waa shot up against the fei.ce with such force as to hurl one of the boards friun its ])liu;e to the ground on the other side. Capt;iin« Wilson aiid .Sproule indulged in some skillful iencing, both making dang- erous goal shots Hut it was reserved for our young tiyhting editor, .John W. Field to make tlio lirst .successful goal shot, which he did in a neat manner, thus scoring the lirst inning for Flesherton. Time ten iiiiinitua. Thi! second inniiii; was a remarkably stubbornly contesteil one. T'le ball wav- erol around one goal, then t.Hik a wdd haruniscarum trip around the liehl - K;u>t. \V (..St. North. Suutliâ€" il.cu around the other goal, and then Imck to the place of coiiimjliceiiieiit. In tins inning llie iiiagnilicent iilaying of Cupt. .*^iu-oulc i uiuloiibtedly the b.;«t iilaver'ii ibo L,'rouii(l -w.-i.s seen to .^..od .advantai,"', while the close uoal shuts by Ciipl. Wilson attract- ed goiieral iintico. Ilu! Willie I'ellamy ; guarded the Flesh eitoiv^oiU m Uiivuliiul j l-'n.m style. !;\hilllle«S, Ihi! nvo Colmans, I Ni;H;> .scalje. Itlake Anderson nn.l T"Ui liens f the | Mr. i 'U'linsand his pupils spent a ] re vi^itlllg t*)aiii, got in sum. I smart clean ( .ible time on Arli'Mir ihiv in cle.uiuii; Last Siiturduy morning about ten o - clock .Mr un.l Mi^. Samuel McKnigl.t ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^_^^.^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^_^^ ^^^ _^ ^^^.^^^ __^^ and Miss McKnight, their daughter, â- "^â- t | |^.^.^^,, „. ,,,„ „„,ue'r of •Spin,^ poetry ' with a seri.ms accident. It seems they , ^^^^^^ fe„ling somewtiat easier at present, I will try and console you a little. Wish iiig as ever prosperity to The .Vdvaiic [Musperity to your readers, and peace and luosperily tu the whole Dominion ofCai. ada, "my own and native land.' Kxylaiuttvrii nmiiiL<. The lolloivn,^ appeared in the Nor' West Fanner (\VI:. liipe,') copied from Tlie .Viiiericaii I'oultr.- .Journal, and thinking it bi.'ttfr iliaii . dose of physic for the Dyspi;psia I copu,. it for The .\dvaiice, alsoc-omiiosed aiiotlnr for amuseniuiit of your renders. "THK ilin'KK.N's .soi.Il.oyrv.' â- â€¢Tiiru tmckwuril, lliin liuckwanl. i>ii ilin>: i. v<Mif flight, Miikt' iiKi (HI vtiti atiaiii. pinoiall. clfi'.niilni *lnt- . I'm hoiiu'r,ick tiiul Uauiv. iiiui hU' s lint a on till I'm . puor cliieki'ii born m a â- â- Hatclmi;; uan.'. \i:v- ' i\nn\>vUvd in tins cold world to rottiii - Ni) uiollior to :*li«iltur. llU plltri' to tilil lltiuit;. Nu aiothui' to Ua«:ti iiif Lo .icratili or to cluck. I can Imrdly tidl whctlKir liii cloikou or duik ' .\.S'OTHr.l( CMll KCN'h ^ol.ll.'yt V Ori'iiaul. (jo forwurd. not â- â- Imcku.ird. oh tuiu' in • oi.r lliKlit, Don t "nuike nio Hn «^k â- i^;Hiii. .-iiiootli, i.ini. uiid wliito." Noi tlnnk Ui« "L-hiikun hoaitud. 'â-  .^olt shull. ' â-  r ur.'iii, nuciinsu I wati born in u liutchin;; Muclnnu. ' , 1 1< II you I'ui Hind, ami tliink I'm ill luck, being pushed for- i llj Im'viiiK no inotln'i to .-cold mc -t ilmi And .av. now uouic tliih \vti\ . \.'U iiuiM tiol that, .\nd il 1 dout mind llcr, ivtdl. hit inc II ..[ittt :Ust Biitt. Kifit' MaUli«'s Arraiigcinents are ward for the annual uiatches of the ISlst Butt. Uitle .\ssociatioii, which will take [dace in .Meaford |Udl)iibly (Ui .Iiiiie '.tth. \ Very good prize list is being prepared and a successful meeting is anticipated. The matches will be : llegimental .it 200, 400 and ."lOO yards ; E.\tr.i S>uies at 20(t yatxis. Team at --'OO. 4(111. .'lOO yards for the Clelalid (.'lialleiioe Cu|i and Civilians r.i. -MilitaryatL'OOand 400 yards, when a team 1 Wininpeg May. 1.S.S7. W.M. IM KDV from the :llRt Hatt. will meet a team of | p^ -Doiiiostic f'ovls of various kii.ii do e.xcoedinuly well iii tins country. IU\; . Hlcb'. the liHtchuiM mucuoic. II..U I-.c :i;> o^â- . , WH \ . I'm not tuld to scriitch ltd' my Uiod iiiiiom^clH'. So 1 ; ;ll. ttliout sini;ili(^. cjijoxiiiu Ihc »^ood. I'"oi' MAS IK my hui'viim. and io; nwoh tliu food. No foulik',1 old rooster, no silly 'ild )ii-n. To tntik'.- me ttfrunl ot lnlwk^. foxi's, hut wlie?' Vtis. tneio lliny aro comili].;. I know v.hal th. lUeHll. Oil tor a lIKN ilothcr. Ithiuie tlo. Hatciuni; Mi lLii'\'ei*, THE TILLS I'm-ifv t;K' Jlluod, uurroLt ull ]JisorUu;'rt o{ Uio iivy iuvitinraU: .iinl r))-*ti»ri' w> htniUh Di'lMlitiiUti <''m;-titntioii>i. niiti a it invnhinliln ii> all pluiiil.> itioi'iuutUi lu I''uiiiul<fM of nil mnis. h or (.'hil'irtii tilitl the M;;tMl tliuy uiu pMiiuit-hh T H I^ I N T M E N T Is an idfnlliW.v' •ini'tly for Mail 1-ouk. Ilii'l Mrt'iirtt>i. old WniunlH. Sanw niiH riccr*!. It is fii:iioiu for 'lOUt U1I<1 IClUiUlllilllr^UI. I-'oi •llMtr<Ii'l'H i<t Lllt> ('))<'. t It htt.s tM> i'<|lial. For SOUK Tlino.LT, lUlOA' CUIUS. COUCIIS, COLDS UhiiuItiliLV Ssvullin^s. fiiiil 111! Skin l>iKi>ii-«i!:4 it liti'* no ri\al: liii't U)V uoutvartfil ainl ^titf joi:.tH it nuts liku a chiinu. M iiiufai.'tnroil niily at l*vof)'.ss»>r 1Imi,:.o\v.vy's I^stuliHsluiuMit, 7H. New Oxfonl StriM't < lafc .>:&:(. Oxioni Slret'l K LoimIop. \m\ aroHoM iiC U. lid., -Js. Oil., Is. (Vl.. Us-.^'.'s., nihl :vi««. mcli l;.>x nv Vnt, nml may In- lin.i i f all Mr eiiii' Voiiilors throtifjhinil tho W'orjil. T-fr I\t nh'isrrs shuuhl Uuh t'. thr Lih,} <„i fhr Fnfs ,i}hl ]'<...;:â- <. If fhe ,nhln.-is i.< iinf .7J.»\ () rhtr'l Strfi't, humhia, ftfinn''' •"^fmri'nts. * FOR SALE. ~~ i be iMnlorsiunod liat* Wliito Ash I'uttor Ti:1j-. ati>1 <JKurn.-» fur stilu. JOS. McCOUMICK, :;iil-:Vi(), KleiOioito-i. FARM for SALE TORKNT. BVASCt T.at 170. CiHi. 1 Wf^t T. iV S. Itoatl, \rtf- T.ii!f*ia. C'tiiainiiiK â- '>() tiurtM cliMirdl aiul in j^utui statH i>( ciiltiviitioii. W'ull witt-ri'd. ()v- i hard. Ahutit J^ niilttH fvoiii K)u.-(hortuu. h'ui i.ill piirtiuulars aiiuly to tho uiultii-<i';rM'tl, ,K)HX (VMKI.IA. Klf^li.'iton, ""FARM FOR SALE.' BKINti l.ut l.">8, l-st K.'l". A- .S U , AtWiiicwin, dii.' mile ficiM i'idshui toil. (jDiitahiin*,' .*â- (» nof^, i.II i;N'aro»l arid in a u''^>od Ktat,r of i-iiltivHtioii. .Vi.'vor-fnilini,' strouiti of watn- run* acrosM fann ; iilso a tii.'VtM'-failiu^' .npi iiii^ of watnr. Ni-\v Uutik It-iiii :\'\\Mi. with '^tftnt' siahlin;; full si.io of biiru. 'iiifU'ru.'Htli \j<m HoiiM'. (iood soil and frn; iroiii fi-o.<<u I'tirt pnyiiHHit down, timu on bal- aiuo. Koi" full particularj*, anph to I). U. WHITK. AKt.. Klushfrtou. ^J. B. SLOAN "^ Jlns any (/ita iitilj/ of Shin- gles, iSc. oil, tiaiid at Kii'Jcnid.. Cheap tor Oawli. M^nev to Loan. A* '-'i P'l- Ci-iil. [nt'if.^t ,.,i Sti'iifjlit Lixin. WITH Intnrust paiil yunrly, uot in advance. No conmiission charged, .\pii1y to A^tiRllilU. THOtK>iBlKV ten Civilians, .\iniuuiiition will be sup- 1 |ilie<l at one cent a round. .\iiioiig the donatimis to the pri/.e fund scj far receiv- j ed are 811) from Lieut. Ci.l. Telford, Oweii : .Sound, I'lvsidei'. of the asHociatiiMi, and *.5 from 1). ('ruigliton, .M . I'. 1'. Od. I Telfmd, Lieut. .1. 1!. .McLean, Mail statl', ] Toronto, Sec-Treas.. or ("apt. II. K. Cle- I land, .Meatord, will bo glad to receive further diUiatiiMis. I'Oll liV.'<rKI'.sL\ mi.l Liver I'omi.laiiil, - \ou iiave a priuleil ;;Uapoitec on cvfiy In.t. ' lb- of SInlol.'s Vilali.-.er. It lovei (nils to cure. Sold ;ll .Medleril Hall. l»istiiiu<*. great care is rei|iiiied to kee\) them frdi^ freezing to death in the winter. How ever, aliout thirty varieties it wildfowl and birds, reiuain lure duiinu the winte; seastiu. Thaws, ram, or sleet seldom ..; cms, C'lnseuuently the atmosphere is I'.i . and exhihiratmg, W . 1' Sllll.tlH'SCI HI-; williiumeiiaUly rel-n Croup. U'liiiii|uin< Cougli. ami flroiiciiil'. .S..ld at Meilieal llaM. .\ W OMiKiari.Olio.V.-.. Till' lu^l;e.^l o! .-H!. ami oui^ tliat plaNs a eoiitri'lljlii; inot "I tii" hcitl o[ tbf h,..|v In III,. II. iimeiiv,. ibti wli.le sy>teiii li I'r. ("h..si-''s I.ivir I'liie IS f'T L.\' r un i Kiiln \ it-* .i.- itit- "I' atltee'l 1" t ;;l. Seel '. If.' all dr. I.,, If lot, ,1.1 . >•> lues lii.u.usi-, lit.itie ' J.e Ull' >. .iliil ir ;: It . I '^ 01 1 li» ilo : M'l.el' It i.T uniler ilie supen i.U'jIi of ^!â- illâ- â-  folin latloli Llllilel' :is i.nii. J. W. BATES, Furii.Uure Dciilov and C hiicvla kvr, KI.KSUKI; rO.V, - - ONT. FARM to RENT. Al>.li>lMN(4 llolloy's fiirni..\rtoniosiii. .\l)oii so uclMH olournd iind 111 ^'ootl state t>f ulliti- vntioii. Fi'ai.i, house, fraiiut barn. Ir;>iiie.s!able. Siiiall orchard. Well watered. Plowiiif^ loiailv all ilone in tlio full. For torlns and fnll )>u> tie..- ou's aijply to Hud Kit l.KVini, !• "ie»linrtoli. .'lino (I Fur III, for Sa.lf,. FOR SALE. 04 anroH 1,^ loilnt. from Kle^hert'di. tio,,d warm franiH dwellin({, 7 rooniM.^ood cidlar, tioiMlKtatiln II novur-failini,' sprint; creek. Terms mi.^v, Kor iiartienlarsapiilv to \V .1 1IF.I.1,.\MV, Kleslior- ton, or to C. \V. Kl'XLA.MY, Miu kdiila. work. Tumbles wei'<.' of freipieiit, occur- j .iiid beiuitilyiog t!ie suo'iol '.'itonoU heie. ance. No''edy nuinled ''em with yon. The lariiiei's are pieity «ell ihroii-h goal and victory 111 vie«. W'e.s. .\iii|. Milli then .seeding .ii'diiid here .oid n;i- strong was here, there iiid every wlu'ie | 1 me .si ems to Iia\ e come tu hie a..uii wi'li and niiide some of the (iiiest sheds id' the | all ilj< be.iuty. day. Finally Toni H.'ii.soii mad.' a mar-; I lie riiees.- factory i^ in runniin velloii.slv lucky goal slel .iiid after - hi.iir 'iihl fv-hhi o^o.'(^â- Â»' o| the hottest 1 .Mr. I'oiuel. lacr.is.se work e\erdom' 111 Fleshert ' .Mr, T. Talbot Inei placed a inniiig No, '1 V, oiiiid up ill i.ivor 'd' .Maik- dale. j The third iiiiiing wouml in .somen Iial abruiitly. Mr. Heiisoii 1 laiined a o,,al shot f.U' M.'iilidah'. but Mr. liates olij,et ed. The Keferee decide. 1 liial the nexl iiiliiii'g should end the '.^ame both teaiim to be now coiLsiilcicd as liming w.ui .111 eipi.'il number of iiiimi'.'s. Tos lu-eisioii Has .'icceile.l t'., and se. 11 the clasll of .sthk.s tolil ll;at the deei-ive encdilit.'i' had commeiKeil. .\ lu'idi.iiit goal sh.it, .'it l.iiig tielil, by Wis. .\nii.sir..ng, termiii- .iteii this spleliiliiily I out. .ted game 111 lavi.r ..f Fl.'shei imi, afl' r '.vhicli both teams s.il dnui; to a line ^j'O'.id at .Mini sh.m s hotel. |iie|i.oi'd by Mider ..l' the home team. !'-(l|{ (;l,!>'!'lIlNi;. Sim slIlV. >H S r.oilv tl.' fill ' I'.M I I 1 n.U. Soil II! .Ml l>'i I !i, I 'i|.l lo 1 .i . '.Iniliul llad. il \i KMi';-|'\i K," 11 lii'ifiini' , I'riee '.'."i unl Me Ileal Hall. 'I luu; an.i fia.Tai. "lO . -I Ills. S. Ill .' . Some of the Fleslieiion dress 1llal^el^ has been making fi'ei|'.'fjnl visits .'.rnund liere leeeiilly and Man,', us ua'^ii.\ w.ot MIL' lor ihe lesiill. M U |i, si,r.!;r;.i:s.s nkihts, maiie i,iise-,i .le b' ih.'it leilllile .'..il-h, Shdilis T'li,- i,s tioi rem.Mli l..r % m. S,.M ,n M.'.liid H..)l, I 11.tiiii(»i»:i. "W inler liii,i;ers 111 ll.e hi]) " Sniishine .mil shuHe:, I'lost .-i w arm and lold. iiind and diisi thi.sisa :.oi' saiii;.le of < hil.'O III II fills is til â- â€¢;iiin^. 1 snow «ell, 1 Ith \''.'i ,( S]i| ill;;.s 1 lliit fi'lir "eidojiUl isllielll. 'iiieri V hmiil h of M:iv, bill KAIR rii'.'isc call aud irispect iilll' lUe.V stock for spring .tiid siiiiinu'i'. I'liiiiitiftil pat- terns ami ,it a.sti^nishiitr. \ low prit:es. U. 'I'm .M 111. 1:. (tf.l .>l:6\\V<Ii. /'Vo»:' o'O" oirii f 'tuf. <,.-'»./(.../, Sec'diuK operations wil'i i;ii mers is pret- tv well advAiieed and a fe \ ;ue about lin- islicd lip. We iiregbtl to see Win. I'rrnor aioimU Ja mes Sulivan, TheTiusmith, - Flesherton Uopairintj, Kavutrouh'liini,'. and in (act every- tninft in tho bUHiiioi«s will rticofvo niy prompt and carnfiil ntt«tiitiou a( roasouable priitib. again .'inn .seemingly none the worse of the dose of shot received twn weeks .-igo. Thus. lilakely is at wurk a'.;aiii .ilthoii^ii his arm is si"<iiewhat sore from the gun shot. Willie V»m4;, one of the yoiMig men '.lllllid sie 'lln.l'i' tile "niel'IN ii'llils 111. 'lis, ui; lia'l some line spiiie; weaiiier in .Mareli ami .Vpril, but with the exirpledi of ,'. Illy iiowing of spriin; wheat. I iliinl; aliiiosl if III t unite all nMier li iii.ls if '^i ,1111, garden si'ecls, pol.iloes eic. , aie ,i.',,i.ting favorable weather for iilaiiliiiL; Ci.nipositoi , in one of my aitirles ri;- celltly. made nio .say "Wuslern a.'laiis' ' iVc. in.st.ead of " \Vi;ATIIi;iiatl',iir." an- lee. clone by halve.", in the Noi til West ,^^e. I don't think ilnlaiians would hk.- those eMrlast- iiig (') limine «iiio.s» espoeially in cold weathi'i. â- 'i'ur ,': ".e went up a mist from the earth wliicli water the f.'iee of the whole ground." (uuiesis, II chap, b verse. L>iaiight8 are not .so very nijurioim to vegetation in this country, where so little rain falls, because the earth freei'.cs by the I iiit.iiiise cold, four, to si.\ feet deep, solid '. | Soon as the surface is thawed a few inch- ' VIGOR, ae who went to Mitliigiiii soinc months ago ! , hn« returned, haivUiK been sick for some j es,..by the warm, drying snii, .seedin.!i is | time. Wo hope sixm to see him in his ] attwtded to, and as the frost slowly melts , iiuii)ernciitli, there a.sceiids a "mist,." or usual good health, Mr. V^ni. (luy is again gi'ii*j< strong in- to tile y*e busiiioHS having lately pur- oliasod \ number of hives. Mrs. Uicliard Maxwell li.is bmsu laid u^«ucy il'.'tfor sonie days , dampness '^jeiierally sulticieiit to noafish th» fHriiiers crops in the drye.st time- In CQUseipiencc of cnNTI.NirKn ILI, IIE.lIJiH and other hijidiwioes, I don't expect to For Toifet Use. .\ . , r s Hair Vi;;iu l.e.psiiie lia.r .sofi i.iiil pliaio. Iinpai'ls to it Ilie lustre airi i.i^bness of yoiitli, eaiisi's it to grov iuxiruiiillv. erailieates I>idiilrnir, 1 iin â- , Ull â- â- â€¢ ai|i liise.Lse , allil i.s tile mosl eleall'.y ol all '.lair preparations, • YPpJO Hair \'i(,'or has tjiven iii" M I tn O perl-'i'l -atisliierion. 1 w ii's heailv iinlil lor -.ix \ inrs. ilnMiiu w liieli time I u-"ii lunnv liuo preparaiimis, tiii. Wllhoul sill less. Indeed, what lilti. li.iir 1 liml. «as i,Mo«iii;; lliiiiuer. Miiti: 1 uie.l ,\>ei' Ibiir \i140r. I 'i.se.I tw li. .tt ies 111 I lie \'i'.;in', ami !ii,\' bnwl is iio\\ «.i! Ill, eie.l \\ lib M n.'u 'ti'i.rt lb of bait â€" .Iiiilsoii U. t Inn- 1. l'eiiliii.l.\ .\la.ss. Miiit liicj bei'Miiie 1 *iit, gray, iiuil liiileil, iini,. have new life Ull -iii.'i' restorifl to it by the use of \\ .'1 's Hail \ itior. "' Mv Imir was thin, la'ibil. .oiil <hy. anil tell mit in larij.i iiii»niil'.«s, .Vvers lliiir \iuijr stiippo.l I I'l falUm;. aiiil resloreil luy liair 10 it-. iirn;iiial .olor. .\s a clrosing tor llm l,.iii, rh.s pi'i'paraiiiiii has no eipiiil. ,M.(iy .N. Hummoiul, Stillwater, Minn. voiitli, anil bell ily. in tlio ipeaiaiiee of liie tiiiir, ina,v !„. |ii.-si 1 v . il 10, an imleiiniie penoil b.- liie use ol .\yer's Hair Viuor. '*.\ <\\â€" e,ise of the ,seal|i eauseil my hair to be- eiiine harsh ami ilry, ami to fi.ll .,iir Ireel.v. Nolliiiii; I irieil si'oiiie.l to ilo an.i L'oo.l until 1 1 oinnieiieeil usiin' .Uer's Hair Vi);or. Tlir-ie buttles ol this prepamlioii resloreil my hair to .1 Ih'altin loiiiiiiioii, ami it is Mow; sof* ami lifinnt, Mv sralp is eiiieil, ami it is also fi,'e from ihtiiilrutT. -Mrs. K. It. Kiis--. \lil'>aiil;ee. \V',.s. Ayer's Ha-rr Vigor, ,suld liy I>l;ll!{!;iBt« aliil,l'i'i7uun'r«. I KiiFKi T H.visitTV. proni|H .i.'tie^l. anil Wdiiilerfnl iiH'Mtivii pi ipnrlies, easily place .\TTi « I'm* lit the hea<l of the li«t 1)1" popular remedies for Sirlc and Nerv- ous IIeada»lies,<'onstipatiim, aud all ail- mi'iits uri^iiiulmg in a di.sordercil Liver. I linVH been a great sufferer froiA Jlleuoaehr. .uul Aver s t'atbaitie rill.-i are tile oiib an ilieino that has eviit rfiven me rujlef. One dose oHhe.se I'ills will nuickly move my bowels, and (rco my beail from pain. â€" William L. I'age, Ufehmom) \ a, Ayer*8 PilU, Prip«rcil hy lit. .!,('. ,\ycr .»i Co., I.owoll, Ma«»^,, Sold b> i>U UoDlort to MtdlclOf .. ^ A

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