The f l e s h e k t o n advance. >*• i â- lait) r&riuOt y, tu,^euin^tv~-wtpaui:t A )»enUln«Bur«>«u(lUSprlli;i)bl.l, whrre i«ttT«»rll.lna CuaUKU uft/ U ua** fM U U HKVT XOMlC TUE ADVANCE. lb Iiublialiuil Kiiou TUK UrriLK. K'i'iiiiiiwuod •'Street, - - I'lediertviif Out. Tl'.KMS OF SUlWCllIl'TION: f 1 t>i-r aiiiutiu whuii {>«iJ litiiclly i» advauce ij ; <(.< pt r ttui.uiii u ut^ii uot su i>al>i. A. E. FAWCETT, Editur and Pruprietur. some further tcstimoii)' in this con- Jiectioii, vi/., (1) Fools aro uot the only porsoiis found smoking cigars, or pipes eitlicr. (2) There are quite as many fools (perhaps more) who do not smoke lit nil. (.S) Many of the in- habitants of hujatic asylunid are earn- est and (uthusiastic nnti-tobhaecon- ists. Its a poor rule that won't work bod I wavb ! FL.ESHEKTON: TIlCllSDAY, MAY. lU. 1S87. jcnrroiii.i i. \<>ti:s. Somebody sent n.s a story printed in (itrmun. The piisuii forijnt to en- close an interpreter. We di"l manage, I. v.Lver, to read tiie title. 'I'lie angler for speckled beauiii-s L-' ts lots of bites when be goelh forth I .1 a fishing ex}»fdii.i()n at this season ef the yeai'. It is worthy of note, l.ijuivcr, that it is eliit/ly mosijiiilo •l:irs be gels. lis a mighty bard thing to steer ilrar of lightning ind agints, book |i (Ihus. "yellcr " dogs, "contidencc null, iiiof'iuitoes and dead-buats at I his sea.«oii of the year. Tin .\dvaiici i~ of the opinion that there's a bonan- ; 1 awaiting the man who will iinmit u reverBible-doiihlc-baekKc tii>n countenance ! â€" to be put on ami <i!l' at will. One of our Khsheriun youths, whih- V di lishiug the other day, drew a trout I , tliu top (if tb(,> water; hut tbo tish ( i,:iptil. " liy (ieorge ! " he txelanii- III afterwards, "I wish 1 hud biuihd ( It that lish : it would have weighul tv.i) poundsâ€" I /.(K'lc it would ! " The iiader has no douhl uhsirvid, thiU llio.'-f "big" !iiv lan ly, if ever, ' hauled out " oil li rni tirma. .\iK)ul a year ago we had a controv- ersy with the member for South Grey in the House of Commons on the now defunct Riel questicui. The M. 1'. in question at that time stated quite pos- itively thut Gabriel Dumont had been amnestied and couhl at any time re- turn to Canada and claim the rights of citizenship. Wu, at the same time, objected to the assertion as questiona- ble. We were right. In fact we usu- .'iliy are. The following appeared in the Toronto Weald's parliamentary rei)ort on the 1 1th of this mouth : "Mr. rrefonlaiiie has a notice on the' |iaper wiiieli in substance eiKpiires of tlie (ioveriiineiit whether Gabriel Duinont is included in the amnesty, and whether he will he molested if he returns." Tia peddhirs occiisionally visit l'|. -ijirrton, altliDUph we have no use I II- 'ein. Some of tueiu are resixcta- I. if ; s)Ui« are not. Uiii^ fellow, who \i.-ileil this town last winter, i.s likdy I ) (le Invested with a neat suit of ta'r :iud filithers shonld he lepi.i'. his vis- ii. InTexas tliiyd shoot hini insight ; '.'•re we are good samantaiis and cluthf : ullians in uami suits- (specially if a .'natch i.s applied after tin \ are put ( :i. It is scarcely necessary for us to make the remark, that an elevator at ( ur lailwav depot would give good reneral satisfaction. We have said MiiUK'thiiig like this several times away 1 lick in the remote past. The reason \.c rejieat it is because we ixm bi coin- ing iiKue and more impressed with tiie iiectssity for such a structure. Of course we have no idea of trying to hi'i/;i' people think as we do in this iv- -jiecl. They can think and act us lliev choose. Sir Clinilis Tupper's budget speech hist Will, outlined severnl importaiil I liaiigi s in connection with the tarilV, liif juincijile ones being the entire re- moval of the duty cii anthracite coal iiiid the increased protection of our Iron industry â€"yeiJ ill its infancyâ€" by laLsiiig tli(^ duty. Biuce the iiii iioiiiicement of these tremondons cliau- gcs were made, it is reported that a .â- ^yndieate of New Yorkirs, with a ('aiii of 85,0()0,(i()(), havi! landdl on our .shores with the object af developing liie licii iron mines in central Ontario, 'i'lie present Government bids fair to hold a life lease of the rcinK of power ut«iVtt. A elev'jr geiitlenum of ilup (doth, \,hilst addressing a number of Sabbath htsliool (diildreu lu-re receiitlv, said ihe.siectacie -tf a man goin,-; alimg liie streets wMi « lighted cigar in liis i.iontli reminded liim of a suggc^tiem Le once heard, that "tlie cigar iiad tire at (uie end and a fool at the otli- cx^". We are in a position to add ^\'e often hear people dismally re- verting to the middle iiges and .some- tiiiu s to pre-nudiaeval limes, iis thoiigi) we had imieh to lie thankful for in living in th(' "full blaze of nine- teiiith ceiiiiiry civilization." We (hui't know about that. It is true tilt-re are miiee L,'Ood |u-ople now tlmli tliiic w- I 111 11 hut i'l is equally true wr ai-'- rapidly iippriiaclnng a crisis ill the wiu'hi's history. And this crisis - a si-iious (nie â€" is being accelerated by the nu.vements of such fanatical crank.s as socialists, nihilists, eonimunists, itc, Ac. ml i»/in!tutn. Tlun we hive woidd-he .social ii form- ers runiiiug away a century or so ahead oi publie si ntiuunt. Then thi-re are about a thousand creeds to distract and inaddi n humanity, and blas[iheniiius infidels raking in tilthy lucre fidiii ii*ople who wire foolish enough to pay iiioiiry to lu ur •â- glib little whitfels " rant the " .Mis- tak. s of Miisi ^," ( le. We are crush- id t,ii|i|iiiniiig societies for this pur- pose and soeii-tiis for that. Thous- ands dl' )M ii|ih .Si 1 111 lo lia'.i f'oue mad nil this su'ii-'.y (lu.stioii. They will jiiill evi ly nil â- of thi III ami |m1-:-i I !.i I'.iv then- liaki r'.: and Imteher s hills. TliL-ii they "hght nut" and their ereil- il'iis ^'i-t ahuiit one cent in the dollar. Can this (iveiwln Iniiii;,' Niagara ol liii- inanity he sti-iiiiiiid in time to prevent the awful crisi.s ini[iciiiliiig '.' Can lull, we will leave the balance over for some hitui-r issiU! of The .\dv.liice. IHcarorU Itoiid. Firm HID- oi'-ii ( 'iinvsf«/ii(<(-iif. Win. ItiK-li.'oiaii jr. le.-il niio nf his 8U.S last wuek frmii iiilliieaiiutiuii David .lllllll^tllll had a v.'Jiiable enw u1ii> gilt lier li â- .; limKiu l.i.U, Suiuhiy mi'niliis,' liv lu-ini^ i-lmsiMl ovi r a |iiiu- (if bins liy a Vuii.ll.s lint;. S|irin^' «ee(liiei i.s pirlty well tlinii;},'h »itli, fall wheat ImoKs ttuli, .AibiMir il ly v.ns (Inly iilinervrd liy tin) teai lu-r aii.l iiiiiiils. Souds wcTe .snwii and III cs [.|;.fi',!,il. The Tiustees shcuild lunv I'll the iriiii'H and i,'att\i i-e]>aired. \\ Ml. (liliiert i,'(it (iiie (if his haiiils liailly cut wliilo wurkiiii^ with a InittiP'^ Haw in tliu Ktoaiii mill. Ho bad tu ^'ei pal t of oiu! (if thuni aiuiiutalcd. **4irlp" rreiiiiiiiii I'Inle. (!iip, t'iumda s IJnuiii; I'ajier, lias just iHsued a very fine litliin;ia]ilied gmup i.f Ktifiiriii I'nlitieiaiiH iii Caiiada. Tlii.s i.s a cuiiiiiaiiinii t;riiiiiio to tlie ('im.Hcrvative Loailura i.Miiieil frmii the same (illieu liLst year, ami is the .naino .sii;o 18x'J(> iiiolie.H. W lieu framed they make ft liaiidaonm nr- uaiuent iia- niiy library, diuiiig-rooin ur rcadiug-riKiii). The portraits aro well ex- ecuted, iuhI the plates iiie a credit to Cau- adiuii enterprise. Thoy are sold separately fur 20 cents eivcb, or a copy of either plaio is sent free to any 'Uie vmying ^'3 for one year la ivd- voiieo to Grip, or subscribers seiidiiig fl. 10 will receive (hip for j»i.v nionllis and their clioiee of either Ueform or t'on- servative groups. .VddriiR/i Qfip^ Toronto, (hit Tliis lulu siiiiihea, in! In- tjvt i-rrMij frUihteiied irltUf lintenimj to Hrv. M'lJwod's talk tut sriiiikinii fhi' iith'-r 'luij. N.Ii. â€" <)ur urtiat is sick. Horse BrtMMliiier. I'll tn Forest an<l Funn. We wouUl aL'aui urjre upon the fanner the necessity of improving the breed of horse.s upon the line laid down in our re- cent article upon the subject. It is an- iiounoed that the Itritish <!iiveriiiiient has (iivfii ordei-.s for the pmchase of three hundred horses liere within the present year for military purpose.!!, and Col. Oul- die is at present cnjjaged in taking; stock of our resorces in this respect. It is true that the amount at present involved is not enormous, but it is a begiiinmi; that may lead to yreat endings. We cannot see why Canada shouM imt become the horse mart of the world. Fodder and land are cheap and all that is n'ljuired is yond aninial.-i to breed. Keco'.'i jziii;; tlie import- ance of this subject, the depaitnient of Ai;ricultiire at Ottawa, has just issued for distribution a pamphlet containing a letter by Col. IJaveuhill, U. .-V., on the coiiiiilioiis atfoiilcil by (."mala forthe sup- ply of horses f.r tJie British c.avalry .ser- viei-, and an aihire.-s to the horsobreedeis of (iruat liritain by the same authority. Col. Kaveiihill advocates the establish- ment of fairs at central points, as in the present state of tlie Douiinion no Kniihsh or European dealer could aH'oid the time or of iiiiving about the country and takim; the ehance of pickinj; up animals Rt hum intervals "f distance, while the arliiU-iy puriha.siTs were in Canad.i last year they exainiiied 7t>74, out of whiih they pureliased only Ki. Col. U.'Ui'iiluU also suL'iiests that the lioverimient should appoint all iii- inspoetor of horse-breeding o|ieratioiis with a view to the imprm i-iiieiit of the cliuts of stalli'iiis in use. ' >ver seventeen th'iu.^aiul lim-hi's are iinlv I '^h1 into Kn;(- laiid annually, and Mie %ii>->|>t<aii lunrkuU beiiii! elo.seil, she will have tolooliturther abioad for lier vupi'ly. H>-re. then, ."eeiiis to us Canadas oppoituiuty if she will t'lily avail lu-rsi-lf d it. SKKILS, SKKliS, SKKltS! Ueeiivvd tliis week, a lar^e su|)ply of first Che's Clover, Timothy ami Oardeii seeds, which will be sold at buttnni prices at It. '^imhlks. itl) „ .». -» . liiii.v -Sniu 'li-iun. Don't allow a enlil in Uif i t-ail to .-Imvly lunl ann-ly run into (.'atanli w liuu v iu eim lie cured for '2.")e. liy usin;; 11.". Oiasci s Cutarili Cure, A tVw appliea'.ion.s euro jnsipiciit eutairh : I to 2 lio.ves ei f I'S iirilii! irv i-atarrli ; 2 ti .") boxes is ^'uara Ueeil to I'iU-H i-hrouic catarr... 'I'rir it. Only 2.-) rents Mul sliro cure. Sold by all dualeJS. .Miviri -rii SloTiiKiis Are you ilisturliuil at liit:hl 1111(1 *iriiki'n .if \iiilr ilihI i>\ it sick ctillil HiitTt-riia; tni<l l-i \ iiiK with imin ut ('(itttlit; 'I'eutli / If no sciiii iiLiuii-.' itn.l )^i't .1 Lottli' of --Mrs. Uiu slows Sofitliinn Svnip- (.â- !â- CluMrfll 'reethiiitj. Its vain. I 14 iiK'iiUului.I.-. It will reli.ive tlii' V>><'r lilile siin\vi;r iiiiiiu-.eiiOtiI V. I>»'(ii'iul uium t^. iiiutluii s . tht'ii- Is iii> iiiiHtaku uliiiiit it. It 111 res 1>\ si.itttM-\ iiiiii liiio-rlueii. vi-j^iiltite^ tltti M.iiii.oli uii-l l;i. Willi ill., . Winil I'ulii-. f.,*ftiiis llif ( iilins. t-isliii-us lulltiiuiiialuili, ahil «ives tolli) mill ein'ii;\ tu Mki wlm!.- s\sti-iii. '.MrH. Wiiis- luw'K S.-utbiiii.; Svnip- f.>i cliiMren tci'thtliii is |ili'a-.ioil tuiluMiistu .111.1 is the iire-.-riptJuii of onu uf till! ul.U' t (iMil i.,.-st funiiile iiliysu-iuns aiul iiursi-s ill till- rniteil States, uiiil is "fur sfiln liy all ilriinj!i-ts tliruu..;li,.iit the w-urlM. I'rii-i. twenty IlViMii'iiis a iMtt!. He siiro anil usk fnr ' Mas. VVlNMl.uw's S, SVULC." uiul taki) 11(1 other kiiiii. Sore Eyes Tlie (>yos are alway.ij in .si iii|ialliy w-illi the bwly, mid all'ortl an r.-in'tliiit iinli-x of Its euudiliun. When the eyes bci-oiiio weak, mid the lld.-( Inllanied ami mire. It ii an evlileiiee that the I'ysteiii leu heeonic disordered by Serofula. forwliicli Ayei-'i Sarsaparilla is the best known remedy. Scrofula, which prmlin-ed a paiiiful iii- flaiiimatioii in my i\es. eaiisi-d me luiieli surteriiij^ for a iiiinilier of years, liy ilie »dviee of a pliy>.ieian I eoniiiii-ni-ed laliiii-.< Ayer's Sarsapsrilla. .\fter nsjni; this mediciue a short time I was cuinpletely Cured My eves urc now In a .splendid eonililion, niul 1 am as well and slrua;.' n* ever. â€" Mrs. William tiaire, (.'oneoid, X. H. For a number of years I was Iroublcd with a liuinur in my "eye», and was unahle to obtain any relief until 1 eomniem-eil usinff .\yer'.s 'Sarsaparilla. This niedieine has ettected a eoniplete euro, and I believe It to be the best of blood puriliers.â€" C. E. Upton, Nasliua, N. U. From childhood, nnd until witliln a few months, 1 have Itrcn alllieleil with Weak and !>urc Eyes. I have used for these complaints, ivitU beiielieial resiilt.s. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. and eonsider it agreat blood purifier. â€" Mrs. C. I'hillips, Glover, Vt. I sulTeifd for a year with inflamma- tion III my left eye. "Three uleers formed on tini ball, depriving me of si.;hl. and cuusiiii? ^'leat pain. After tryini; many other remedies, to no purpose, 1 was finally luUueed to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and. By Taking three bottles «f this nieilii-iiie. have been entirely eureil. My si„'lit has been i-i- stored, aud there is" no sir^ii of liillaninia- tion. sore, or uleer in mv e.\e.â€" Kendal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree llid^'e. Ohio. My dauj;hter. ten yeari olil, was nffliclid wttti Scrofulous Sore Kyes. Hwim; the last two years she never saw lii;'4t of any klDil. riivsiciaiis of the hi^'hest •landiii;< tx»-rted thi-ir skill, bin wiih no permanent sueeess. On the reeummeiiilutioii of a fri'-nd I iiun-liasisl .t Imttle uf .Vyi-r's Sar- sat>arllla, whieli my diiULrhter eoiiimeiieed lakins.'. liefore she had useil (he third bottle her Bi;;ht was restoreil, ami she eau LOW look .steadily at a brilliant llnht x.ilh- oat pain. Ili-r eure is eoniplete. â€" \\ . K. Sutlierlaud, Lvau^elist, Shelby City, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prtpurislby Dr. J.C. Ayir S (-o , I.owill, Mau. t><^M by all Druifguu. I'rice $1 ; aix Iwtiles, ii. THE MAilKETS. K. J. SPROUr., Fli'shfytmi. ( 'oiirei/fnircr, Appriiiser, Vul- iiiilor II ltd Mi/>'rii Inider. JJi'id.<, J7('j-'- (/(ii/e.s, I fauns utrd Wills itrawn iiji iiio/ Vahti.itions iiiiidc 'i^i f-/turfe.sf i.iitif''. i'Ln. - iji's rijTij Uiir. Apiihj III 7i'. â- /. Sl'lJJl LI ., Piiiit master, Flexln.rtvn. CLAYTON'S lL4I!:^ESS.^II0I*r l-'LESHERTON, fs Ihi' pl<":e to get ymir ffaniess Ciilurs, <£c, mio''' lip ill iiiiixi stijU- .ilinp ill yy. Clay(im') Boot Jb iStot Store, FUslmrtim. Fl.HSil ('tirt/'iitt;/ t'orrr Kloiir Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barlev Oats i'eas Iluttor rotalots bush I'ork Hay, per ton Hides Wool S!iee[>skins (let so Turkeys (Ihiekeiis per pair . Ducks per pair KiiroN. rfcd lUuh n\eh. 84 00 to 4 20 ?tl 8o to II 85 85 H5 (I CO ... 2,-> -17 I) (1 .10 h To M 00 (i 00 18 40 (I 0(> 10 Ih') .M) t) 00 2f. 47 â- i\ (I ;2A o" •» ."^0 5 75 10 00 7 (K) 20 50 06 10 Hii .â- )() HARNESS HAEIESS. ...If you want Harness, Single or Double, "or Horse Blankets, Trunks. ISells, Vali.>;es. Curry Combs. Urushe.-i or the eeh-hi-iited llarncsB Oil, call di" s-2aiiiine hi fore puichasing elsewhere. R. J. WATSO^ . 1> 1! I U K \ 1 1- I, l". - PHOTOGRAPEL MRS'. BULMBR. Plioto^raplier, Flesherton - Ont. Having' spent sum* tiinii in the stuilio of tin famtiin ruiulitii I'l-utunrapher. Mr, S. J, Di.Xul wliern I Kr.|ilireil vshialilu kno»li<I|;e in liito. â- â- ehii-l;, I feel asMir<-il 1 i-nn (;ive Kimil n.-iiern." suti.-'factiuu. .\ cull respectfully soiicitfd, Miis. r.L-LMi-:i;. !•â- knhertun. Sept. 17th. lUtifi. ^ -•>!)" CHASES AT GORDOIU'S IIAIINESS SHOP Y<nt wilt l\tii.l au assi^.rtinetit of Heavy and Liffht Harness, Whips. UiLishwH, ('urry Combs. Swont Tails, aiid tlto fflehmtuil â- liMiu-.'-h Oil. ' :S!&t'OLL.iKS .1 Sl'Et'I.lLTY.^"* CheavforCftsh. Cull and rxaiiiinc. Tendors Willi. Im rui'fivc<l ii|i 1(1 \Vbdiu>H<Iay, .Iniio lat. lor tliis (ii'iH'tum t'f 11 ill ii;k Srlu t)l IIoiim' a« I'li'sliwi ton Sttiti(>ii. S. S. Nil 10. riaii hikI Si'uci- hcalious to h\i nui-h at It, li (J(K>k's. Lowest t<niii>!r not iU'Hi;--*Hiily ai(;i'|itrtl. ,1 V\)|.S MrMll.I.HN. Tniatff.s K it COOK. (.( \MItH .\SHKI)0\VNK. (if superiiir (|uality , fur Oiaiiue and other Sueieties Order early. W. M TECrAKT, Thoriibury. Ont. Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. A. »hik<>ly, Cayria^i^e and Wagon Maker, Fainter, &c., &r. WisheH to aiinounce tu the pulilic that ho hai( Btarted ill the ulmve hiiHiiiHHH. AH unlors liruinptlv aii.l niiiitly attuiidud lo. Itepuirlnc anil I'aiiitinti a nk^ialty. Shugi next door to J. Little's blacksinitli Hhop. wtiii will do all \vork in euiniuutlon to the above "liop. THO». A. ni..VKKLY. 1- NATURE'S .REM&DYV"' iFOR(iOUGHS',COLDS,HOARStNESSr 'THROAT a LUKfG COMPLAINTS Instant Relief Positive Cure I South en N ASTHMA cure! Ll.VIILi. t., r\1A AND bronchitis! :i t>r^ RECtilPT CF PiV.CZ 1 r.'-..-.; Heci'LAn Cizr., •Si.ooi "" ' Co., r-l^'CKV-.l-K. PNT.l HAVE YOU i.iv«r eTO!).; I>l^•,•~lâ- ^i.~.. I t!it-<"»ii. 1 ;'iuii> -w'i. J,»un.l^ IK-iiia..>«, l>iiui Uw- in llic U«e'k. C..S.OV. tat*s, iir kii-y .! .«*â- >« iii,i::*n frjni a i.tri..Atu. liver. Da. C.H^-h^ I ..6.-. 1, 1 lu. w.ll U- I'uunJ a Xire and tc/Tain re-ii!- I'v riATurff-:; rimedy Tb» iiniiwilil'i<-.l mi.j:.-..s ..f I It ( Livir fu'i! in !.ivi;r (Jisiip:.iiiil ic.l... s.lci> »vith Ihr lact llii.l .1: i- cotr-pimniteil ti wi ^i.! r-'-. ... ll-k i.iwti nicr rr){ii:.t'ui., .Misi'iiMii'. iM. 11 is^'l '. 'â- ., ,...iil.iii-'l »:ill i.iMiy oili.:r iiivn'.n .!•• rs.i-. >•'.•! I'i'l«. Ii:e.i,i .i puwerlul cfictl '^i- I".; ^ i : .%-. .-s ofnacii, IIowo .»im 111.....;. COO, 000 SOLD Ch'ff i^iii-^t.r,' >,i .â- .'.( . ;â- /-.. ( 'i^iiti .C- ii-t- A-i*!-' wt*e iiihi It I .1-1.1.^.1 II ."..-. J' t :i"i'i/ (.-, y man. Wt> ,!'-,/, :...! :Wi,> .-. .'•â- â- ///â- ,./ :is.'( /.imr Ciif*- /â- tain: tc .'IV I't i C-iUi\H't 'I'lrUiiy. SntLTHIMr! fJiSVK. O'VtS AWAT FREE Wmp[.ciliuoii'.tl cv.Ty .stlllr i/f I lr.(-!'^ Mvi-r (.'mf is a vahialili;!i.>M , (.iiiilc aiul Kctilic Uuuk 184 l-a^c-), ci'iiriuiiii.:; over -.-.>^ ustl'ul ret H'C*. prcmjuiiicil liV^.il â- Ji.Tit an. I â- ! u,;L;i'.ls hsinv.ilu alitc. ami W'.rOi t-Ti limr-* iSe pri(.L. of tin; iiitsiicnie. TRY CHA-:E'3 CA'ARHH Cunt. -^ sale and p.) ilivr rcm(--.!y. I'lici:. .- . L-u: .. TRY Chase's KiiNiYAio'.'TEi Pit'-3 'â- "-. i<-rifx. f;OLD QY ALL OEALERS T. KPMANSON • CO., Solo Aganla, Bradford iH^lesherton Meat Market. .S. SflKIT, rilOl'KlKTWl. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand foi Ciisli. Orders pnuiiptly filled. â€"EUGENIAâ€" Real Estate Agency MONfiY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and oi.' terms of tc-paynient to suit borrower. 1'\>\K\TS l)ou(.;ht and sold. CONVI'.YANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMIS^IONF.K for taking' affidavits in H.C.J., Asent' - till- Norwich Iwre Insurance Societv. All busine.s.s. tor promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Oil c. Corner o*" Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MELDEUM ASENl i â- f \ V '% '•1%'