»» . • f / > a^.; May 12, 1887.] THE F L E S H K I^ T O N ADVANCE Fleshertfll Carriage Works! W. A. MILBURN, .I*i'oprietc>i'. In returning thanks to the public for the patronagte ez- tended to him during the past three years, the unaersigned wishes to inform the people that he is in a better position than ever to turn out all work in his lines of business, such A8 Carriages, Democrats, Wagons, &c. on short notice, in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable prices. All kinds of Repairs, HOBSE-SHOEING, AND GENERAL JOBBING will receive equally prompt and careful attention. Works, next to Planing Factory, Flesherton. Respectfully Yours, W. A. MILBURN, ^ » Proprieloi Flesherton Carriage Works. KIMBERLEY! Till- AgriruUurut E<UUtr ./otM Itown a Ffiv Jfoten hi/ tin: Way. "Tliu Rouii'liuK cataract Hauiiiud inn like a paHHion : tlif tall rock, 'I'ltv uiuuiilaiu, aud thv tXovit anit glouuiy wufid, 'I'liuircolom and tboir fonii>^, wore tlion tu inu An appoiitv ;" â€" WoBDKWOBTII, Sutiiti two and a half inLlus Niirth i>f the KettViT river's "»<jiiniliiig Orttaract" at )>ictiiri.-8riuu itiul roiiiantiu Eui{uiiiii, ths traveller coiiios to the brow of a lofty hilli • iverlodkiiig an iininuimc tract of land uf < 'i\e of the faireat p«irti»iig of thia (treat I'roviiicc. To thf rii<lit is "the tall rock, the iiioiintaiii niid the (li'c-p anJ i;li«miy woixl, " formiiii{ a striking; picture ill theiu- .selvea, hut of Hucoiidary iiii|iortiiiice when L'oiitraiited with the iiiaiiy lieautiful and well cultivated farina liiiiii); the Kently Hlii|>iii){ U[ilaiulit to the left and Htret<'hiii|; awuy to the North until io.Ht in diHtaiice. Aluii^ the banc (if thenv fertile ii|>landB nieanilrm tile Hiiiver rivei untilâ€" aonio «ixta«n 'niilu* dintant. us tiio crow itiea-^^ its ivaterit mingle with those of the Ooor- •^'iuii Hay at Tlionibnry. At "lie of the iiarroweHt |uiiiits uf the iininciihe V Hliaped lieaur Valley, and nestliii',' cosily at the foot of tliu "tidl rock," which 'towem liundiedK of fe«t alioiu it. in the pretty httlo villu|{e of Kiliilwrley. Sitiiat.d m ilie inidat of a fi|iU!iidt<l ji;,'ricultural diHlrict, with liii- iiieiitu water jiciwers all around it. n well uiioded Country adjacent, a pouuli.irly f»A'orablo cliiiiati!, and the |Kiuibili(y of a lullwav iniiiiiii>! tliiouu'h it at no dintaiit date, it does iiotrei|mre much of a ttretch iiftlie iiii;i){iiiulioii to foix-Mie a briifht, l>roHperoua and |inj|;reuive future uiat<ir« for it. Even ikiW Kiinberley ia I^UITK A ruil UUllllMll ri.A(IB, with a 8tea<ly annual influx of "uewcoin- ept," to u»e u lioniely pliranc. Several neat nuw buildings have been coin|iluted durini> the pant twelve inoiithx, and al- ready the village Ixiaala of h Kidew.dk- KUi'e precursor to futuie "iji'eut oxpectjt- (ioiiH"--trtwii council, mayor and all the lett (if it. Tim only objiH^tlon wu liad to tile aiduwalk in (juebtion was that it was too brief, or, in other worda, not \u\i\f eiioui^h. Evitii in that fact there Ih Koine comfort to be derived viz., the corpora- tion will not have so iiiiiny repairs to make when the HJdewalk beuojiiua old and cranky ; and iiedeatrinns will not find so many up(ioituiiitie8 for bi'ejikiii}( their limbs iiiid nei^ks in trippiof; over brokeli planks and fruitlessly eii(leii\driii|{ tiilrluk u hole in llie sky ! Wf lnne lately liod- eli the Tlioriibiny .sidewalkH (so-called) and speak with authority, iiiil onetliiii^ more than any othor has drawn the at- tention of the outside world to Kiinberley oflato. It is the fact that the TOTAL nulHIBITION Of I.IgUOH prevailN here ! The very mountains seem- ed to have been raiseil u|i aniund the ]iretty village and peaceful valley aa bul- warks a'.,'ainBt the aKuressivo advance of Kiiix Alcohol and' his forues. Hut the li(|U(>r trafhu did i;et a pretty Dnn footing even here, although the Tmnperance Ho- tel fiiriiislittd all tlni accominodatiun iiec- esaary for man and beast and rendered additional travelling facilities quite unnec- essary. Hut the traffic often tiiids fi-iands aiiiiiuint t^we who should he ita greatest eneniies and tiiint(s soon came to a pretty jNiss. More than once the Toni(>erance Hotel has bejn made a target for bullets aud un uuu ucuasion suvetal paues of glass were broken in one of the front windows. People never the worse of liquor before were now observed reeling along the streets and hii;hwayR in a beaatly state of intoxication. Things at length cunie to such a pass that the people aniae in their misht and petitioned the Liuouae (Jom- niissioiiern not to ^aiit a liquor license in the pliwe. A counter petition was yot up about the same time lUid of course excitement ran high. Ainoni{»t those most concerned with the first named pe- tition (to cancel the liquor license) the names of Mrs. McConiiell, Mrs. Thos. Klli.'*, and Mrs. T. Carruthers stand out in bold relief. They worked with that vim and (•ariiestnesa for which women Temperance workers are characterized the world over. The result was A most liKiisivK VUTORV ill the cause of Temper- ance reform, for mily the other day the License Coniiiiissi< liters iimt in Kiniberley and decided to tjraiit the prayer of the pelitionei's fur the iil>olisliiiieiit of the li- (jiior license. An opiiortuiiity was alfordod Ixith sideii to argue their lespuctivo ease* la'foie the comiiiinHioiiurs. Thia was iloiiu very ably and eloquently after which came fhedecisioii above nioiitioiied. ('oiii- iiieiit is scarcely iiuuessniy, Viij: jtujiuli f»/r </«' The people are laiT^ely in favor of excludiii;.' intoxicutiiix liiguor from the lovely valley and their will should Ih- liiw with all li'iiK.'st people. If the boot were on the other font, under Kiniiliar ciicimi stances, it would be the naiiiu. It is not the niiin who deals the liquor over the counter whom they oppose : it ia the ac- cursed tiatfic itself. Tlic liquor dealer is en|.'af{ed in atrattic, wliicli TUOldH Mokal- i.T WRONii is, from a purely lej^ point of view, as le){itiiiiutii as any other business. But just Its H(Hiii oa he tries to No un un- authorixed business â€" contniry to Ihw and the will of 'lie pe(i[ile lie Is en[;a);i'i| in a trafhc lliat is both legally and morally wrong, and should he held aceuuntable forliis actions buforu the proper tribunal. One thing in coiinuctioii with the mat- ter IS much 111 l><! regretted, namely, that the liotel-kieper should have sutfeied himself to be induced In locate and spend money in a place so liu'<>ely opposud t» siiuli a bnsineRK. l'orha|iM, like liiaiiy other men, liu bad cnmited the cost and was prepaied to take his ehanoes. Tliure In a certain ainount of risk in connection with every business, but in none more so than in tlint which cnilinwes the saiu of intoxicants - especially in this eiii of the World's hi.story wIkmi the trrowth and lU;- \elopeiiieifl of Temperance selitiuient is alniost pheiioniuiial. THE TK.VirKllANl'K UOTKI., owned and niaiia<<eil by Mr. <las. M. Tliiiislon. Would do credit to jilaces of greater preteiisiniis than Kiniberley. We put lip at this exci^lleiit liostlery on Sat- urday last and louiid the acconiodHtioiis foi i,i;in 1111(1 liciwl all that could be ilimir- ed. .Mine bost and hostess we foiiiiil af- fable, genial and courteous and fully alive to and prepared to satisfy the wants of the travelling public. The house is a niiidel of neatness flirouijhont, while the muala would satisfy tliu desire of the most fatitidious. Such was the verdict of ye Editor and his yijuni; com- pany on that occasion, Master George Treadgold, who with nurself, visited the place for the purpose of flshing foripuckl- ed beauties in the Ueiiver river. Nor did we ouine empty away, althouMh the water was yet tiKi high and murky to ensure a suucessful catch. While heie we niet Kini- berley 's affable iiiaLcistate, S<iuiro Stewart â€" an (dd friend, a straightforward and up- right gentleman and an honest man : â€" "Princes and lords luc l>ut tho lin-ath of kings. An lioiiost man's the aciblcH work <if Ood ' Wo did not have an opi»inunity to call on the excellent postmaster Mr. M. U Haniniond, and ntlu-r respected friends. We'll imite time to Jo so on the occasion of our next visit, it spared. The Sim was just goin;,' down behind the lofty Western hi^hliuida whou we drove away from Uautifully situated and (pi)witig Kimberli-y. In iiiiauiiiatiuti as we i;a/ed liack fioiii the rising ^'roundand tiM>k a hut survey of tlie valley, we could ]iicture the snortinit, puHlnt» iron horse thundering aloiii.' the banks of the leav- er, through a laive and populous manu- facturing' town, and un to where the wat- ers of that tortuous stream mingle with those of the Ueorgisn Bay. Who knows but tluit our vision will sum* day be re- oliKcd 1 Time alone will tell. At length, we reach Kugenia andâ€" •Now cBiiio Htill cv.i.liiK (.n. sii.l twillKlit Cray Hail 111 bur koImii */ivuf i all tiilDK* olad ,' hiloliM* H(*C(ilii|J«ii,r'il. tcr l>«<o(l and t'ird. Tliuy tu thuir crannv coucti. tli((».e to tliuir nests Were slunk, all but the nakcfiil niRlitinualo: She all iiliiht lone her ninoroiis (l((M(>uitt nwuu , Hllellce WHi4 |il«nsu(l ; i1(iwkI('W(«I the llrnialiellt WItli livllld sapiilllnw , Hesporus tliat led Tliu Ktarry hot, rode l>ri(!ht4j»t. till the moon. IttHhiK III clouded uiajexty, at looKtli Appal elit queeii urivell'il h()r jhmiiU-.hh ll|{ht. Aad our tbe dark kar iilvsr mantle threw. " NKWADVKRTlSEMKiMS. Tenders A N.\SAI. IN'.JKCTOIl trse with escli bot- tle of Sliiloli's Catarrh Uumedy. I'llcu M cants. Hold at Medical Hall. ARK YOU MADK uiiKemblc by IinfiKest- inu, (Hiiisiipation, I)l7./.iiiess, Ijosa uf appe- tite. Yellow Skin? Hhlloh'K Vitalixer is a positive cine, 80IJ ul Medical Hall. ar.KKrLKSS >I(fHTS, inaib' miserable by that terrible ooiigh. Shilcb's ('lire is the reiiipjy for yon. Held at Medical Hall. HlllbttH'S CUBE willimiuedialcly relieve Croup, WluKipiuK Cuuijk, aud lliouchitis. Sold at Medical Hall. WILL ho rcciMved ay to Wednesday, .Tune Ist', for tbe er(.'ctioti of a Hrick Sclitiol House at Flusbartoii Station, 8, K, .No, 10. 1*1110 and Hpeci- Acatioiis to b(i seen at H, H, <*'rM>k'K. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted, iJAMF.S .MrMlLLEK, Trustees J h. H. COOK. 1JAMK8 AKHKDOWNE. >Vuction l^ale VALUABLE FARM IN THE Township of Artemesia. Under ftiKl \ry virtm? of the jjowen of sale in oerltoin Mnrt^i&tfifa vaiuh- bv John KiHher ttJid Dftvifl Wbito, to th« Vmidur h which will be pro- duuotl Kt thu tiuio uf tiult* liiiil on default in pay- ment of the inonuy's tht^rt-bv fiecur'^i. There will be oflTui-txl for JtAlt> hv Piihliu .Vnctir>ti nt MrsSHAWrt HOTEL, m the MUugv o! KLEB- HEttTON (Ml Monday, 30th day uf May« A.U.t IMW. at S o'clofh. pui,. hy A. ». Y.tNUt'HKN. Auctiouuer. tho foUowui^ prujM^irty, vir.. : IaH tnuuhvT ItiH, in C>Jtxev>»HUiu 1, N .K.T. A S Road, iu tho Towniihip Iff AnrmeKm. eontainiiif; SO acTe** niuro or 1««8 tioaxly All uf which aio itaid to be L-leare<l. On the prvimlfeit art^ Kai<t to bt> a Ii'kiue harii iicnrly new ami a lo^ huuNe. LaikIb are well wftttTt'd, by a OTTiall •*[»riiit,' /'nttk There is a suiall orehanl on the pr<'rniHet« which are well fencett Aiid arc on n ao«"l gravel ruad wiCbin about uue mil* of Flwhertuu. TERMk» : Ten por cent at tiint> of Hale, fifteen per cent. within one month. baliiiK'c to roinain oti Mort- H*titi for hro yearn with intorest at r^ per cent. yearly, or nuoh otbtr ti-rnitt a« u.ay he arranged with the ptirchAHer at iiiOM of salt*. For furtbtfr partuiuiarv apply to \V. J. BKLI.AMY, K*iq.. Kletberton . or to MOHS. KALa;ON1UIID(IK * H.XKWICK. Vendor's SuUuitor'a. Torouto, Uay lOtb, lHs7. MAIL CONTKACT! SKAhFl) TKNOKHK. a.MreH*»e.l to tlio Po^it- nitt^ter (Teuvral, will bo received at Ottawa uutU u<->«ii.on !27th May, isoT, furthociink't-yaucti of Hffr XfajeKty'H Matin, on a proposed (.'outract for futir vottiH. 3 tllufi* |>er week *tich Wrt\ . tus- twr>en Uiindalk and Maple \ulley from tho l»t Ju\v, IlVlt. The L-oiiveyanco to b« made in a vehicle or titherwiBU viii . HttdjeroR and Shrigley. The MafU to tpave Maptu Valley every Mondav. Wad- untday and t'riday, atHa.tu . anil tiaveUiutf via.. Ihuljerod and Hltrit;lvy, arrive at Dundaik at ll:lOa.m.,or in tiiiio to conneet with Che Mail train pantdnff North. To leave Dnndalk un aoon aa posdMn after exchanffH uf Mailx aitU arrive at M'tpli' Valley withiu thriH-' U'lUia and ten uiiimteK afterwardti, Printed (iotie<i» rontaJntn:; fnrther intnr\i\iv- tion aH tocon'lltfoMH of pnn>t>N««d ri.>ntrait iimv be tKMMi. and blank (orin» of Tunder uiav bw ub- tained at the Vo»t Ofllc-e** of DuiulaU, Maple ValU-v, Hadjoros enil Shricley DANIKI. krUY, r<.>Ht-<>llli)e luppeetor. Poat-Offlce luKpttctor's Ultice. Darrie, April IHth, law. THi: nCADSTElt STATXIOS'. ^ gUdical. DR. CARTER, M.O.P. &».,O.NT, PHV.SK'IAN. SIKGEOX, &c. FlESHERTON. OfBce. Strain » block, Itenidenctf, Wni Wii;;ht'i JfittiMru. '< J.I*. MAttSiHALL^ L.U.S DEXTIST, /IR.ADl ATK of T(jr()a»o Sehn«l of retitlrtry VJT will |>„ at .Ma.k(l«l(. U>e 1st aad Jid Weilues. day of each mouth, and at V'lurdiei Viu on thu l^t and ^ird Thursday iu each Uiuntli for clu' piuctieo of his profession. A \Vi)Niii;iii'Ui,Oiia*>(. The largest iirgan ami one tliat plays a coiitrolIiiiK pntt of the hualtli of the liudy Ih the liver. If torpid or inactive tliu wliole Hystrm bu^-(>iiie« dlwased. I)r, Clsse'H LiT«r t-'uie ia made Hpeoisll.v for Liver bihI Kidney iliseaseK, and ih guar- HUieeil to cure. ){e<'eiiie book sud uieoisiue •1. Hold by alt aealcis. 8HII.0HS CATARKH RF.MKDYâ€" a pnsitivu cine for Catarrh, Ui|>tlieria aud Canker MonUi. Bold at Medical Hall. 'â- HAI:K.MK r ACK," a laatiuK and (raerant perfume. Vrice itfi and 50 oeuts. 8iild bv Mediosl Hall. Bhon Yoitb (fvaw). â€"Don't allow a e(dd In tbe baud to Mowly sud surely rnu into Cstiirrli, \v bun you can be cured (or S.'ic. by iisiuii Tr. Chase'k Ciitarrh Cure. A few aptdii jitions oure inslpient catarrh ; I to 2 lioxeri ciireH urdiuxry i^atarrh ; 2 to .'i hoxes is ^•UK'aiiteiid toeiire (shronic oiiturrli. Tr â- ii. Only '2.S uonts and sure oure. Buld by all dealers. KOll IiYSl'RPHIAsnd l.lver Comnlaint, yon liiive h printwl (iiiarmitc,. on every bot- tle of SIiiIm1,'s Vitaliznr. It uever falls to cure. Hold at Medioal Hall. BILLY v.! \Vi1l leave hitt own *itnbl« in FlexhertoD, ori MONU.W. UAYSiul, 1HK7. at 12 o'olock noon. aud proeeed t4t t.iuley'H hotel, Maxwi-ll, whoru he will reiimiu over nixht. TTKHPAV, will prooo*Hl to Jonathan Irtsh'H, Warebani, for m^ou, theiiuo to Jobni^ton's hotel. Uuudalk. wheru hu will rumaiu till Thnrwlay morning. THt'HHDAY. \un rutiiru to Flushorton for the ulKht. FHIUAY. will proceed Uy AtkiutonS* hotid, IhicevLlle, for noon, aud rcmru tnliittuwuHbable for the niuht SATrHl)A\. will procee.l to MarHliH hotel, Markdiile, for noon, and return t(»hiii own stable ill I'loHhurtun, whuru hu will ruuiuiu till tUu lol- lowing' Monday Tbe abovo route will be eoutinned difrlng tbe Reason, health anil woather pemnttiiJt{. Description and Pedigree ; lilbLV V , foaled Junu iHtb, iHKt, ik a dark dappled bay, AtandH l-'i haitilH ;i in, wvi^hn UiU punnds, aua for hont". niuHcle, Ktvlt^ and notion. cannot bo nurpawtted. wai* Hired hy Char Orit Jr., dam bv Konnett. 2nd daui by Uoyal linage, 3rd dam by llluor'H MuHhen^ur. TEKMS: To insure a foal *10.(X), payable Manib iHt. IHWH. BeaKon mares #H.UU, payatde laHt roinni of borne, or not later than July Wth, 1nm7, if not U\eu paid Hatd niarett will t)e charged aH iiiHurerl ni%reH. Single lfH}» i?fi.{X). payable at tinio of serviee. All inareH not rettirntMl reunlarly to liortut will be (-harh'tMl an InsuriMl inareH. .-Vil lUH-idents to niaroBatriak of ownerM. OwnurK tiyiiiK their niareK to Haid Itort^u aoit Iliiuwliik theoi U> ln\ af- tlirtud with aiiv eontaf{lonsdi)«eaR(>, will lH.*liablu iu dauiatfuH. itruoni'ii Fee &5 contti. A. S. VANOUSRN. OKO. ObASSKOUO* Owner, Urooai. PUBLIC NOTICE!! Tm aU hIioiii it inuy <'oiicei'u. Know ye all men that 1, W, S, ('MllISTC)K, tho Drui;L'i>>t of FloBhurton. liavo tho iii>enoy for .lOHNSO.NS caluliratud TONIC BtT'lKHH and N1;KVINE. JOHNSllNS Uttldl'iiiU rooioLivur I'illK anit tho .\U, nK.VMNd WHl TI'; OINT- MKNT, - THK- TONIC BITTERS am conf\fl(intly lunninmeiidecl hh tlm VKKY BKKT ill the luiii'ket for Norv(iu"hf»», Hy»t«rls, (Idiicral Debility, l.aas of Apuutitii, ('oiiiplaintH cnniiniiii to tho foinale Hti.x P.VI.KNKSS of coiii- tiloxion an(J for (IIhoc,:-. â- . cauHvd bv iK»verty of bloo.;. Iu conjuurtion with tho Tonic. John- ho.s-'h Iiitile l.ivor rillu aru tho vory i>oa% for Uvor coiii|ilaiut aiul uaiieral <liisHnnn(,'eiiiuDtii of tho Htoiiinoh. Tho .\il Iltialiog White Ointniout in tlie very boKt for akin 'tlHuaKftR uf a aerofiiiouy nature. MuriiK, Hoalda, dslt lihouiii, Bairben Uch.Chilliliilnii.iVo,, Au. Von have only to try these ijreat remedies to be satisfied. Hold oy W. 8. OHRISTOB, Tbe OruggUt, Klueburtoo, ^Iflill. I W. FROST, LL-B.. Bitmtttet% Soiicitar, iJonveyftnret\ Olfiee,â€" Straiu'B Hulldinf;. Flfshebton. A. A. CHKSLKV, Kollcitor aud Convejaucer, Kexident Manager. MK. FUOST will Imj found at tbe OfBce CB ThunidavK aH heretofore. P McCULLOUGH, Ban-Later, Solicitor, ^c. OfHre. over McFurland'.s Sture, nurkdale. Money tu Loan. MASSON & MASSONr B.\lVHIbTKKS,Sl>UCITOBS,4c. Ofkickhâ€" Owon liouiul, in ViclierH bloch fuiilvtt St,; tirancii olUcu in Markdalu, over Mu Farlaud « store, uu Friday aud batiiidav every woolc, J MAS80S,Q,C, 8, MASSON. W, MASSON. N'.n. -Private ,V Cuiupaiiy'ii fuuda to iuvebt at from Six to Kinlit \>ut tout. John W. Armstrongy Flk.siikhto.s. (Jo. {iur.i. DIVISION- CUIHT CLKlUv. COll.MISSIONKK Iu It. K, C'on.cyancor. Ac. Afieiit for (lurclla^- »vA Palo of laiida, .\|i|>raliit'r for C" L, 0, C'oin- aud F, 1* H. it S. Socioty, Money to Loan on t)K- Di(»t reiUQDable toriim, IsKi^Kn uv MABKIAUK LICBKBEB. NOTAKV Pl^BLIC. MO^EYTOLOAN A.t « r»ei- Cent. On Town at Fami Property, 8. DAMIDK. Klosliorton. ANDREW McGIRH. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, W. J. BELLAMY. rwr. cutaK A«Tii>ii:Hi,t. COyVKYA M'EH, f VMMlSSIoyi-:};, IXSUH.tXCE AU'T, ,l('. TJKKDK. .MOKTfiAOES.I.KAKKK, Ac . prejuir A' «(t ami pmiiorly oxwnteil. Inaiirnnce aSec «d in ttrst-ulaHiicuuii>aiiiet. Mouev Iu Isnal si^ owtiKt r uteN. 6ET YOUR MEAT i-FROM-i â€" Fetch & Mitchell, tJENKR.AL DITCHERS, FLESHEKTON! tCCaahpaid for fat cattle, kc, it. ^EW LIVERY! THK uiiiloraluiied bi<|p to annoiincu that hehai' started a Urat-cIaaH Liv»ry iu tliu htaud o|i- liositu Miinshftw's Hotel. Hloshoiton, whero tin- truvullinij imbliu cai> bo accouiiuudatud wltli good rit;B and honeB at uiut ruasouable priui!) Try ruti and ho convinced. KcKpuctfuUy yourg, W. H. JOHNSTON. Kleiiberlou, N«t. IMh, ItilKk Picliire Framing, JVeatly, Cheapltj tV- (Juic/c- lij Done. 1)11 J. B. MOORS, Durham St., Upposltv Clayi. n-. 11 i hush Sbai "BELL" Ututpproached for Tone and Quality. OATALOQUK8 FREC« BELLA CO., Gnelpb, Oil «â- â- j I