Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1887, p. 8

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Inistioge Death has again visited Inistioge, its victim this time is Mrs. George Glazier, who died tat the age of 62, the cause of her death was intermittent fever. her remains were conveyed to the Methodist cemetery here last Monday followed by large concourse of friends. Mar. 31, 1887.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE s â-  \ V.&apos;rittuu for &apos;liiK AiiVANCK by T. \\ 1 The Jubilee and The Advance. I^&apos;ur tliiH our dear tilui>ted Uiid, l,et brighter •ctsouB iiuw beoiti: Kiiritli bcr b) Thy RrKcioim liBrnl; >illiob\ lu-r from ilttUKer olid frolil sin. ||otiori).l Willi l.llmrty uiid IViico f^acli ruilini; yB»r inortiHun thy store. Uuled liy till- Ijim of IliKhtooumcKf. &apos;fiiy uiilui; btrmictbcui&apos;d ijiorc anil more, (^ur loyal miuili predict for tlioe ^&apos;o 111 this year of U>, al .luhilcg. \»akf thiili Uiyai hearth and tnii&apos;. |^eci.le ou u ii&apos;doiji&apos;ii words to ivait, V&apos;ttuc atid l(i«ht and Truth iiurmio \nd all t)iar)}iiu)(e(i a nation crcut. \o lack <.f roods wt then Rliall ficp. Onadiaii life l^yall rhall be £uJoyud tliia year of Hoyal Jubilee. SIX YEARS AGO TO-D^Y! Since the I&apos;rintiim I&apos;ftss ii-us I&apos;lantvd in t&apos;tvshrrtim. Six _vt:iri a:,&apos;" to-iLiy tlie Kditwr of TilK \i)VAN<t iirrin-il ill Flcalitrti&apos;ii, Imviiiy !iir llli« <il)j<-ct tllf fhtllUllslllilelit uf it jnli |diiitiii^ iiml n-ws[.;i|rer fstalilisliiiitiil. LtHH than lluvu Wfcks piiiir if that time, he ina<le a brief visit to tliu |ilu.;».-, iiitui- vit-w&apos;ed Boiiu! of tho |iriiici|ial citi;iuiiH, Mid, without scarcely taking |>aiiis to count the coKt iiii«l anxiety mich iili eiiter- jdise »i>uld entail, cuiiie tu tliu (.iiiK&apos;liiaiiiii to &apos;utteiiipt tile end luid lieu-r stand 111 doulit. " He (lid .SI) 111 less than three weuku till,- tuyof w.ir coinnu&apos;iiced in eaiii- 1 St. Alwrut four o&apos;clock III the .ifteiliooii he wa.s driven into riesheit&apos;iii hy liis i.tolliei-, .Mr. .I.iliii Kiiwcetl, now .if Uran- â-  loll, Maiiii&apos;ili.i. That Huine moriiiiii! lie walked from Th&apos;Tiilmiy to Ib.h father&apos;s !.iliii, a distance of (&apos;i;.>ht inileH, tlil&apos;oii;;h a niixturv of niud, hiiow uiiil water. It «:« nl.so on a Thtiiuday, for he well re- meiiiberi uoin;; into the Thoriibury Stnn- i/unf othce that inoriun&apos;&apos; to miy hut ndietix t&apos;j his i.M friend. Mr. .1. Farwell, and othels. While in that I&apos;tlice he waa haiul- »-\l u nundnT of c<>l>ii&apos;ii ol the St<iwliii<i rontainin;; nutice.t of hiiiiftelf u<i<l the en terprise he conteMi|dated eHtahlihhini{ in thii« |>luce. Kilt We must return and re- >uiiie the thread of mir "diecoorne." When we arrived in Fleitlieiton that par- ticular evening, just hix years ;k;{o, h>i;;e tlukus of soft siiow were fnlliiio, but the loada were in that very uii|>lesiitaiit <i«ii&apos; dition called "hut wtxt and iHjtwwn"-- a hltle uf mud and snow ami not niucli <<f < itller. Neiertheleaa Hu deteriaiiied to L&apos;o to the railHay Mtatiou and ascertain uhether our |i.oiieer printing; plant hail arrived yet or not. Mr. U. .J. Matliew&apos; •"â- on was tenniiMi; uraiii to the Ktatioii for .&apos;dr. 11. .1. Spioule lit the tune and uo ac- eoidiin4ly en&apos;.;.i;,&apos;ed Ilia hiuvicos fen- the re- iiinitnp. tin arrivini; at tSi! dep^it we v..Me a.&apos;reealily surpri&apos;ted to llini that our • &apos;plant &apos; li.id arrived t!ie ]>roeudini,&apos; eveii- It ni.iy lie iiitereHtiiiL; li;^lit here to^ive I &apos;.ir readers Home idea of the iiifnnlilt&apos; /l.iut vhicli v.as Hocin in develop into a liealthy and htiirtly fur. || eoniiisloil of i. I&apos;otter lieiulle I&apos;ower I&apos;less- the only one of the Kind, wc helieve, in ( tntai&apos;i&apos;i at the time ttvo founts of l.oiiiueoih, two f III » of l.revier, one siiivle ea.so mnnll pica, cue houiL&apos;eois Italic and a i|uaiitily <if ji)l) type, rules, eiita, chanea, etc. We f incliased the lot from an aiiiliitious .iikI hkilfiil amateur, Mr. .1. Cliapiiiaii, of ltidi{ town, and recently (and |M]liiipH iiow^ uf London, (Int. The liai){aiii and h.tle u;ui uccoinplished ahiioKt entirely liy I lie a&apos;.&apos;ency of the telej^iapli. I&apos;lirt of the puiclia.ie moiiuy waa |iaid lit cimh also l>y nioaii.1 of the useful and rapid tele- {.&apos;laidi and t!.u ]>laiit i,hi]iped aliiniHt hiiiiulliilicoiisly. We have lii:Ver keen .Mr. (&apos;Iinpniaii and liu liHH iievei seen us. t.i that ull tliruugli it wits a leiiiailvable caoe of mutual uitnlidellce. We (oiiiiil type, preH.H, iVc. «&apos;Xactly as lepiesunled. Mid i;otnitIistniuliiiL,&apos; the dai I. toruliod- lii&apos;^.^ 01 some, w>&apos; iiiaiiai;ud to pay Mr. t&apos;. one li.iiidreil ont.s on ilnlliii a -cording to liatiiaiii \&apos;-&apos;uli, we Indued the afoie.-.inl iiialen.d I lit if the freiolit room and HtoWed it ne- riliel^ Within the pi&apos;uciliti of .Mr. Malh- t&apos;Wsitns wai{}{oii lni.\. Then > •inimuni.&apos;vd iMir joiiniey to ,,iir future lioine â€" Klesh- eitoii. \iu ;;ot aloii;,&apos; nicely until wo liu jjaii to (hiaceiid the hill at the (haiiLie llii^i, which w».H coveieil partly with ;.&apos;ruut hanks of juntially melted snow luid ice hlidiM. At the worat plncis on this hill the wi\;,&apos;i.&apos;oii Nuddunly ..lid and only aupur- liiiiiiaii i.llorts on the part of tiio driver and oui&apos;sclf pieVeiited the I&apos;otler piess luinliliii); out on Home JH|t){ed Rti>n(!t hy tile loiidsulu. We havu never fully ru- eovured tliu rtfuuta of that truinundous strain on the "inusculur tiHsiies" from that day to thiM. It was with a ^reHt siffli of ruliul that we liiiidly landed our uinter- i.tl anfuly ill the little ihnp liuw t)CCU|iioil by Mr. Thos. Duncan, through tho kind liennission of our catuenied lri«iid, Mr. R. J. Sproule. Next nioriiiiii^«>ur neifjli- hor, Mr. Sept. (iood, canit lip Mid help- ed lis til "transplant" our piontiur jirint- iiii; press to the office now occupied by us â€" the scene of our struijjjles, and all tho trials incident to the establishment of an enterprise such as ours. Friday â€" "all fool&apos;s day"â€" we unpacked eiiouoh typo to print our first job, which wiui a sixteenth sheet doditer ordered by Mr. Fred. Sarj^eant, butcherâ€" then of Flesherton and now of Markdale. Our siroiid job was tickets for the Methodist Sabbath School Library here. .*ecordin.i; to tho opinion of many, ours wiLS a fofithftnlij undertakiiiKi and, no doubt, the fact that we conimeiiced oper- ations on "((///oo/ .1 r/&apos;ii/ "- and Friilini at that (<), honor !)&apos; wan considered as a remarkable co-incidence and presairer of a direful future I And when we did pause to consider the nature of our undertaking&apos;, we frankly confess wo were for the 1110- nieiit pos.se.s.red with tile feelini; that i* was a foolish venture. Ihit the hearty, united and iinskinted support accorded us by the people from the very coninience- nient, brightened the prospects and our forebodings passed away like a suiiiiiier eloiitl. W(Miii(ilit say, in conclusion, that there is a lot of hard wurk in connection with estnblishin<; n printin!4 press in a small country villa&apos;,&apos;e. This j^&apos;ocs without say- iiiL&apos; as far as those of the fraternity, who have pa.ssed "tliioiii;h the crucible," are concerned Don&apos;t be nijiL&apos;tirdly iit sup- liortiiii; your local pafiers ; for jost in propnrtion to your patrotia&apos;.;e will the iii- duiiltial and jrene|-»l interests of the cmii niitnity be proiiiuttHl. Uemeiiiber thuco.st of the undertaking/, the amount of five adveftisin;.&apos; iriveii tu the village and lo- cality. Uemember the local jealousies, the Sl•lti^hne.ss, the petty anibition to iiioliiipdli/.e the local and e<litorial col- uiiins, and a huiidnd other tilings which tend todistiact and discoiira^&apos;e the coun- try journalist. HeinenilHriiig all these thiii&apos;.&apos;s, don&apos;t fori;<&apos;t tl1.1t it is iinpussihle to run the p.iper and job department on air or empty prouiiie.s, but do all ymi tan to help it on by substantial patroniiijeaiid by speaking a kind word for it wherever and whenever you can. Voii may not always a&apos;..;iee with the opinions advanced by the Kditur, but what of that I Hosuni frii-nds often disik<.>Tee, but that is Uo rea- son why they should i|Uarrel "like cats ami doijs. " No! life is too short to he wasted ill senseleiut disseiinioiiH ; and, af- ter all, it is but natui.il (1) that the Edi- tor of your h&apos;cal p.&apos;iper slmuld have opin- ions of his own, ami (&apos;J) that he should L&apos;ive expression t.i them occasionally. If he hasn&apos;t, tli.ii he i.s truly a subject for state protection. Ctarlcy ami itetl Uiii!«-r Wheat. .\t a ineetino of the drain .Seelioii of till- Hoar 1 of Trade of the City of Tor- onto tlu- (olli>win^ resolutions were ad- o}ited, niid it wuh ordered that copies of the Kiiiiie he Kent to the (trnin and I&apos;rii- diltc dealers lhruti;;liuut the country, hop- ilio thiit they would eoiisider tlie subject uf Hiilticienl iniportanee to briiio it be- fiiri,&apos; the fariuers in their vicinity with- out delay. IIAni.KY. WuKiii&apos;.AS ; Owiuo to the suiiorior ijiiality of the Hurley ^row n in Canada, our farmers have been enabled to uoiii- l«t(i succi^BsfiiUy with American growerH ill the inarldits »f tlie Ciiiled .Slates, i&apos;\ en with a duty et&apos; 10 cent.s per bushel aoaiuiit till) Canadian )(riLiii ; .\;.ii \Vili:fir..v8 : .\n attempt diirinj; the la.st two yejirs lias been iiiadc^ to in- troduce new seed, and uf ;i variety that doim not tind favor with .\merieau Mnl- Kte&apos;.&apos;s and lircuers ; .\Nli WiiiciU&apos;A f : It is essentially 110- (â- (• isary in order to inniiitain our iinisent rt>;iiitatiiii> of f;rowiii;^, in Canada, the best llarh&apos;V 0:1 tins eoiitineiit, that only t!. â-  niost di&apos;siiiible iiiatiircd seed, pro- pi riy cleaned, .sliuiihi lie sown. lirsoi.vrii, Tlint tliis (irnin Section of tlui Hoard of Tra.le of tho t&apos;ity of Tor- onto iii^o iijioii tlm (lealorK tli^ou^hoiit the Country, and fanners (,&apos;oiierully, to (liHeontinne the f^i-owtli of Meiimiiy, Uxu- si.i.i or [miii&apos;tiiiJ varieties of Harley. UK.il WlNTllU W&apos;lIHAT. Iticsoi.vF.i), -Tlint tho ittteiition of dealers and fariuers be called to the no- i-.e.-isity of more care beiiio exercisiMl in the seleetimi of the lied Winter M&apos;heat send used, that it bo well luatured, and not mixed wUli Wliitu Wiiitor Wheat, iH tho niixtiiro, althouoh producing a Hound healthy grain, makes it unfit for orading as Unl Winter H&apos;luat. and coli- >ioij[Ueutly dituriorutcH itn value. A t&apos;upitul Ideu! The Flenliertmi Soim 0/ Temperance IHvuion Introduce! a Neie Feature. "How can Wo make our meetings spec- ially iiiterestinij to the youie^yr luembers of our Society V is a (pieivtion which luus a;;itated the Sons of Temperance Division ill this town for soine time past. The question wa« partially snived wlie!*! the idea of a regular montlily open ili.risioii was coiice .rteii and sucxcSsfully carried out. Hut on Wednesday evening; of bust week the climax was reac&apos;Aed, when it wa-s deeidi d to devote the first and third Wedn«Jtday eveiiiiij^ in each niniith to purely literary purposes. The evenings named will be occnpied in debates, spell- iti&apos;,&apos; matches, and all kinds of proper aiimsenieiits. In s&apos;.twrt it is intended to make them evenings of rare social enjoy- ment and recreation. Biitperhapsthe moat important feature will bo the readiiiu ta- ble. &apos;J&apos;liis table will occupy a central portion of the hall and will be ample enoU&apos;.jh to place on fyle a lartje number of the current newsjiapers and periodicals published in Ontario, which have .ilready been secured for tli*t purpose. Of course the usual monthly i^ieii divisions will bo n-vdarly held as herftofure. and altec%ato I nights will be devoted to the traii.saction of the leyiilar busines.s of the lodge. liiiKli«>t;e. /â- Vi/ia oil;&apos; â- f" II (&apos;iirirsiii/inli&apos;Ut, Mr Tli&apos;iinas (iarrett lias purchiuied the pii&apos;piity here r Mitly owned by Mr. F. .Arinstioii&apos;.&apos;, eoiitamiiu; lot) .-icres for ijL&apos;.iJon, Mr. (j. Kirby is about to remove to I&apos;rotoii Station to his new store. There has been a temperance li)di.&apos;e or- i;aiiized here with about lifteeii nieuibers and a i;oiid pnispeet for an increase. Mr. Iltiudi Ilou&apos;ins, of Holtmi, is visit- ing friends 111 tliis !..c;ility. Master >l. KoseboroULdi has left here to attend the (&apos;••llinu&apos;Wocid Hil;Ii Sclioid. .Miss ,lennie llames is at the time of writiiiL&apos;, Very low with a si^vere .attack of inttamniatioii. There will be .1 fruit social held here in ooliliectioii with the Sabbath school oil Tuesday, .\pril .&apos;&apos;•th. l>eHth liiw .1^&apos;ain visited 1iiistio;;e, its victim this time is Mrs. <jeors;e (Ila/.ier, who died at the a&apos;4e of (>&apos;/, the cause or her dentil was interniitteiil fever. Her ru- inaiiiH were conveyed to the Methodist couietery hero last MomUy followed by a larife coiicoui-He of friemU. -Mr. Will, .\rcliibalil, of Toronto, is Hpendin;^ a few days with relatives in this placu. A Lesson in Kxehnnee. It was in the days of the early railroad, when it was yet new ; the days when the journey to New York w:us less uf a little jaunt than it is now : when ureenbacks were not popular hero, says a San Fran- ei.Hco. One summer niovniiii.&apos; a man, walkini; in liappy and feverish lia.ste, with wild exeileiiKiit beannni,&apos; all over Ills face, stepped into the othce of a well known banker. &apos;&apos;I want excliaiilje for this on New York." &apos;All ni;ht. What is it .&apos;" The man looked fearfully around liiiii and then broii;;lit out a packet. "Its $L&apos;r),t)t)0 in ureenbaeks. " "I i;ue:ts, I can doit. (Joinj; east T&apos; "Yes. I III noiiiu&apos; to-morrow. I ilon&apos;t want to carry all this with me. Couldn&apos;t doit. Sure to 1,&apos;et rohbeil. So i;ive iiie a draft, llow much ? "Oh, heeiiij; it&apos;s you, one \>vv cent ; i»-&apos;.5(l &apos; "It j;oe8." So till! banker iii.ido out a draft on New- York and liHiU the money "You&apos;re i!i>ini< to-morrow are you ?" "Yes." "Would you iiiiiid takinu a little parcel for 111" and handilin it to my brother."&apos; &apos;â- Certainly. I&apos;ll ilo it with pleasure." The bankur went into the other room and presently came back with the par- cel, "Just put it in your valise, and doi, I lose it, will J on?" "I&apos;ll tiiLe tho best care of it." "Thank you. Good-byo. !&apos;lea.sant trip." .Vrrivinn in Now York the Califoniiati went to the addiv.is and delivered the jiac&apos;iiitc. Then he presented his draft. 1 The iiiaii opened tile package and >;ave I him the i leiitical 825,000 in tjroBnhicks ! he hail in San Friuicisco. Ho liiid carrieil them all the Way himself. McllKKoou ,» I&apos;AiiKK&apos;s Caunoi.ic (&apos;rn>rF.,- H.IVU villi (in 111. 1 Sore. Int. Hiui»i&apos;, Corn, liiin- iiin, tislt Hheiiin. I&apos;liiiplo, llietrlies. Uoiiuh H â- noi&apos;or K«&apos; 1&apos;&apos;^ If no them i" bill one ciiru, tminely, .Mi&apos;HreKor 4 farko&apos;s Carbiilic Cfratf. If yon but try It. it will X&apos;liiviucii >ou. It costs but &apos;Joe. at tliu Ui uti Htoiu. Extru Tit-BitK. Messrs. Jos. A. and Guy Hlakely have gone to Street.svillc. The Ai..\A.NCE till Jan. Ist 1888. for 0.5 cents cash. .Sale bills printed on hom one to two hours notice â€" neatly and cheaply. Free notice iu TilK Adva.nck. tret estimates for route and stouli bills at TiiK Advance office. It will jiay you. liemeniber social in the MethodiHt church here to-uiorrow (Friday) evening. THK KKV. (iKO. H. TH.\Vi;R, of Bour- bon, lad., Kays: &apos;•Itotli myself mid wife owe c«r lives to Sllll.Oirrt CONSUMI&apos;TION CUKE." Sold at .Medical Hull. Ladies troubled with riiiiples, Hlotahes, U<iil;jll hand.-, or lat&apos;e, or Sores ,,f hii> doscrip- tioli, should use MclireKor tSt I&apos;liriir&apos;s Cin-bohc I&apos;erate. It will le,ivi! the ^kln lU |iertect hualtli, Klooollt, clerktt and »;ood l&apos;ol<.&apos;4-. he cui&apos;e ullU ^et the i^eiiuiiiu, iiiuile l)v .Me(i3eyor A: I&apos;arke. Price i&apos;&apos;«. Sold at tile Uru&apos;i; Htm. SLKEPLESS NUiHl&apos;S. made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilidi&apos;ii Cure is the remedy hir you. Sold at Muical Hall. A WoxDKiim. 0:ii;as&apos;. The !ar;<e.st orRuii and one tli.it plavs a Ciuitri lliiiK |i:irt of tli*" liealtl; of the body is the liver. If toipid or inaclive the wii.-le Hvst*&apos;iri becomes diseitseil. I&apos;r, rhiise&apos;s l.iv.r ».&apos;iiie is miete spei-jnHv for I.iver and Kidney di-eas- s. imil is guar anteed to ciii-e. H-reijie b&apos;»&apos;k rind medicine 91. .Sold bv all (hid. i>. ^ttfrtUa&apos;^. *#- DR- OA TITER, M.C.P. itS.,()xr. PIIVSI€IA.\, SIK<;E0>, &e. FLESHEUTON. Offlce, Strain&apos;s block Keiiilunce. Wui Wriclj. â- Â« gcutiotvij. J.F. .>IAKaSllALL.L.O.!v D K M I S T . GU.M)i;.VTi: of Toronto School of nentisti y will l>u at Markrlalo thu Ist aii<) :}r(l We^lnc&apos;i* rtavof tiHch month, an<l at I-&apos;leshertuii oti the \*-9 tiiKl :irti Thursday in each tnoiith for the iMuct.f <- of his prafesttioii. ^rpl. NKW ADV ISKMKNTS. TENDERS WANTED. OKfi l-&apos;Illl.VU Stakes tor tiie M."ll.TtollCeIllf- I UU\J lory, walite.l TeiiderN uii; Ihi ruceiv,. I | lip fill uecll .»•! Wrd&apos;.f.s&apos;lnv . Aplii r.tli .\pplv 1,. W rl.AV I&apos;liN. Se,->. ine..bei;i,ii -t &apos; LOST NOTES. AM. [-[I&apos;tic* Hii- Itt-n 1m ((I&apos;lti" I.I >i i;^: linst lit&apos;* (;«ttiat:hji fi»r two imtt-s- «iiiu h<r ?h JD.Uiawn in my favor t»y Mr llillt-nk, miuI thii uthur for .^l."j. ilruwii in m> fivvur I&apos;V Ilttniy I)i&apos;Wii. I>.»tji iM>w <hH&apos;. an tho saini) liavt- lu-etii l.ist t>r iius- l.laetrl l,y inf. J W HulXi.SON Morniiu&apos; - MilU, Miiriii -l^t. Innt 1Iorl«;ase Sale, (»&apos;.&apos; VAi.r Mil 1; r\i:M vu(ii-i:u! Y&apos; I&apos;ndiT puwer it Sale cuutainetl in u oertiiuj iiii>rti;iM;i- niaUu b> oiiu Wm. Hnuilv tu iho Viiw!»irH, whitJi wiiM>i&apos; i»r<t.huTil at tho tiiiu; (i^ »*a1(&apos;. will K* MoM hy riiMii&apos; .\ii(tioii ut t!ii* i&apos;lloWN HdTKL. in the VillaKe of lltl^K- VlI<hK on &apos;ni&apos;.Sn.VV. Al&apos;lUL IJ. I^^7. .It 11 o&apos;clock a.m., Iht! following; vahial&apos;k- propus&apos;ty, I*ot mtnihtT thirty in the Ut uonrtMtiimi iumth of l>ui ham Ittiad I&apos;lMilaiuinK fifty ut-ruH utorv or h)T>b. and aUo tht* Sttuthurly tliirty thr«n* iiixi a- thii&apos;l atTt)&apos;* o/ l.t&apos;t thnty iathftiri-i coti. ni>rth of the iHirhiiMi llnati ill thw Tovnixhip of Arti&apos;- muMR in th<* Ciinnty of (ii i>) . Thvru wilt aUo U* sold uimIit Mort^uKu uuidt* \)y AiiKtm Mf*|,nan <hit wlfn I*lUlan MuLuau. /uiii- int; Ihtinun tn bar hvtr dowurj at thu »ame tftuin and placet, tb.- &apos;ollovin^ urufwrtv. L<i>ta luitn- horn thrtM* i%n&apos;l font . on tliif Houth -^&apos;An ol the (ollin^wood Uoad in tho VflU^f i>f Ti icuvilli&apos;, I&apos;fttij.&apos; part o>f tho Town plot nf^&apos;rireifiUi&apos;. Ti^rrni ohkv and will Iw nnido kn<rwn ou l>fty of Hall) (or furtluir i)artii&apos;u]ar>* nppl> tu M..I, Kl-:\T. l.<Midon, Ontarfo. TO RENT or FOR SALE CHEAP. ,"il) acre farm, II acres cleared. .\|&apos;ldv to .W. KiriliKDSO^.. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. liarrtttter. Solicitor, Conveyancer.. CLflco. â€" Strauj&apos;fl Htiildinft,&apos;. Ki-KfiiiKKTuN. A. .1. CHKSLKS". Solicitor and Conveyancer, JLU.&apos;ti*dunt Mauai^er. Mil. KUOST. will ho found at tho OQco &apos; i» Thursda\ s as hf rctoforo. P McCULLODGH, Barrister, ISoUcitnr, ^-c. OlUrc. «»ver ^l<-Farlaii<rK Store. .Uiirktliilf. .MoiK^y to Louu. MASSON & MASSON, BAitui^^ ri-a:s. suLiciTdiis. .;.â- . OFriCK . Uvou S.&apos;ind. \n Vickor*.&apos;* No* k J&apos;uiUuti St : Itrancii i^fl&apos;U&apos;Mvis Markdulo. over Mo KarKm r.i sturv, on i-&apos;rulay anif Saturday t»vei y W(,&apos;ek- J M.VSSON. Q.O. S. MASROX. W, MASSON , N II â€" Trivam A C&apos;omianys funds to inwHt u.) roul Six to Kiijhl p<r coiit. John W. Armsfrong, rLKSIIKUTo.N, Co. OllKT. ntvrsioN- cofur clkuk. i-om.M£Ssio.ni:i; ^ ill H It , Cinveyuucir. .Vc \)(eMl for piirch.i.. lied siile of IhhiU. .\piTTai»cr for I&apos; 1,. <•. Con liU.l V . V. \\ A .s. Siieietv. MoQev to Loan on tin uio.t r.&apos;HkoimbU&apos; terms. Issira&apos; or M.\ltKI Vlil&apos;- I.ICKXSIS. .NOTiUY PL&apos;Ul.IC. MONEY TO LOA>i . ^^t <!. I&apos;er Cent. Ou TuMi jr raii.i Property, S. nAMl&apos;UK. KK&apos;-ah«rtcn. ANDREW McGIRR. Issuer vf, Marriaf^c Liccusis, Fi:vLKsu.i.ii, - o^r. W. j; BKLLx\MY, 7WI&apos;. CI.KIIK AltrKMKVl*. COXVKYASi lUi, CO ]tMIi<SI(>.\j:i:. /.NNfAM.VCA&apos; Stir, .tC DV:i&apos;.I)S.MiiKTIi.\<iKS, l.KASl&apos;.S. &c.. pr»i (o ud luiil properK executed liiMo nneu iif^i i ml in llrst elBsscoinpanieii Mpiiev tu lend ai u west rittes. Sore Eyes GET YOUR MEAT Tliecies are always in ^viiijialhy with the body, iiiiil attord an e.xci&apos;.leiil iluRs of its coiulitioll. ^\ hell tlleejes ineonia Weak, and the llili inllaiiied and s&apos;<r<&apos;., it i^ tin eviileiiee that the sjslein lia< !•> •.timo disorilereil by Sernfiila. for which .\yer"s ^arsaparllla is the liesi know ii renieii\ . Scrofula, w hit&apos;li |ii&apos;<iihiceil a piilKdi! iii- flamnialion in m> i le^. caused nie niiuli kulVerinu&apos; for a niiiiiln r of uaiv. ]&apos;,\ ihc uih ice of a |>li,\ &apos;ieiaii 1 i iimnieiiieil laKiie.; A.\er&apos;s Sarsaparilla. .\ller n-iii-,&apos; tliis medicine a short time 1 was eoiuiilelely Cured My evc« are now in a spleiuliil cniiilitioii, ami I am as well and stioa:.&apos; «»e\er. â€" Jlis. William tia^e, ColiconI, N. il. For a mimher of years I was lionMeil with a hiiiiior in my eye>. .iml ua-. iiiialile to obtain any relief iiiilil I couiiiieiiei d lisiin; .\yer&apos;s Sarsaparilla. Thi~ iiieilieine hus ellecteil a complete < .01. ami I lielle\e It 111 be the best of lilooil purifiers.-- L&apos;. E. Iplon, Nashua, N. II. From clilldlioiul, and iiiUil willilii n few lnoiiIh>. 1 have been alllieleil v\ illi Weak Ulid Sore Eves. 1 hiue ii>ed lor thesir compluiiils, Willi heiieticial nsiili>, .Nmi&apos;s Harsaparilla. and I&apos;oiisjder it a ureal blood luirllier. â€" Mrs. (&apos;. I&apos;liillips, (llover, \l. I MilTeied for a year Willi iiillataiiin- tiou III my I&apos;ll CM . I&apos;ll lie illeers tvHineil en the ball. iU&apos;|iri\iii; me of sl&apos;^ht, and cailsin:; i;reat pain, .\fler llviii,&apos; many ether remedies, to no piiriuise, I iva- lin.illy illdnced to Use .Vver&apos;s Sarsaparilla, and, Cy Taking throe bottles of this meilieiiie. hive been eiilirely eiiieil. -My si;.lil lias b.eii n- I stored, and Ihi re is no si;:ii o( inlhiiiiiiiii- tlon, sore, or nicer in mv eve. KeiiUal T. I&apos;lowcn, Sil;,Mr Tree Uidnc&apos;oliio. My danu&apos;hler. ten years old, w as iilUicteil Willi .Siiofiiloii^ .Sore i;\e». Dnriii;; llie last two MiuNslie iicMi- saw lixht iif any kind. rii\«iiiaiis of the lii-he>t Maiullii!;_ e.xerleil their skill, tml wiih no perniaiieiit" Miecess. On llie lecoiiimeliilalioii of a fiieiiil ( I&apos;llielia^eil a bottle of .\yci"s Sar- haparilla, w lilell lliv ilan.:liler eolliliieMeed taking&apos;, iii&apos;fore she had used tin- third bollle her siulil was restored, anil slie can now look sleaiUly 111 a hi&apos;illtant lii;hl Willi- out pain. Ileniire is coniplctc. W&apos;.K Sulhurlaiid, Evaugelkst, Slielhy (.liy, K\. Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla, Prcpurpd h\ Dr. .T. C Ayir (It ( &apos;o., I.ow.-ll, Miut. BeU by >ll Drug||i«u. I&apos;llce (1 ; aii^ ketllM, «i. -t-FKOn-t â€" Fetch So Mitchell, (iENKUAL UITCHKU.S, FLESHI]KTON! !-=::?&apos;( &apos;iisl I [i.tid for fat cattle, Ac, .&apos;ic. M.\\ LI VERY! Till&apos;&apos;. nmh&apos;r!ii;:m.&apos; I I&apos;t&apos;i,^ t«» announci.&apos; tlint hf lui-&apos; htartoil rtil\rst class Iiivory in tho ntnnd v\ po^itu Mun«LAw&apos;ti Hu&el. KloHherton, whuro ;iu* travoUin^ public can bo accommodated «itM t;ooU I iti^ am) hotbca at iri>Hl icahonahlu pi\(>. Try uio and hu cunvtnccd. Uuvyectfully yourH. W. H. JOHNSTON. Kleslierton, Nov. UHh, lH»Vi. PiefiiiT Fraiiiiii<>:, Xeiitltj, Cli(&apos;(( i/lij <V- fjiiic,&apos;:- /// J)i)iif\ hu J. K. mookh:, I>nrhiim St , t.>ppo.site (.laylvu.-t I&apos;au uc.>t4 i- ii*.&apos; BELL , Unapproached for Tone and Qucdity. CATALOGUES FREE. BELLA CO., G!ielpli,OnL

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