Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1887, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [Mar. 31, 18S7. V> •sBs^fsm Mew Goods! I have received a large assort- ment of Spring Goods, consisting of Gents, Ijadies, Misses, Boys and Childrens Boots and Shoes. I am oifcniii^^ them at prices that U r quahty cannot be ieat. CALL AND EXAMLXK THOL â-  WIVI. GlaAYTOWr, - Flesherton, Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of TOVE IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S. 1'^ I . i:.s II Kifi'ox FLESHERTON. WORKS E. YANZANT, ALL kINDS OK Marole d Mmn\ Mi "^- '^ i ^^m f^^ Such as Monuiui'uts, Tomb Tablfs, Ileailstoiirs Counter and Tablo Tdijs â€" in American and Italiui Marbk' and (iranite, and luaile 011 sliurt n )tico. Alsj Mantles in Marble aud Miirbkizcd Slate, 4cw. I'irc. Flojjicrtop, Au-. TO, 1883. HEALTH l\)ii ALL. HOtLOWAYS PlLiSS^OIMTMtNT Tji'>'ei* ill E TILLS Purifv the nioot.1. coru'cl all Uihov'Um;* uf tho u-> iuvi^.iititi-aii'l rentoro to hi-alth Ueltilial .L"l CoafitilutiuiiH, ninl aio luvnlunblu iii ali Coui l>laiutHiiictiloitlal tu tViuulcs of .ill a^ttH. Kur C'hihirt-ti tiiul t!ij a^^'>l llic-y aiu iincclc^.^. THF OINTMENT " *t\\\ in 'alii 111'.* rt« III •'.!>â-  for Iliul l-r^*. I'.d«l r.rc(i-*t>. <M'l \V«tiiurN. Son"* ami fU-tTs. It U'#l mens for Gout ami UhfUUiatiHUi. Fur (ti-»oitlfi-.H of tliu Cliu.-t it haw no i'<iuaL 4'orSOni-: TH />•(). n. BUOM'HITIS. COi'UHS.,€OU)S 'ILimJalar.Snclliiisi.aiul »U Skill PiwuM't it lias un rival: aud for coiitractol. '^lul utilf )uiiU!4 it act» like a. cLiarui. M mufa'turt'il imV. al^T^ flâ- ^s<>r H«'^.-OW.\Yâ- s INtaNt.Ai/^Ufiit. 7H, >>M UxforO Street ( Inte 5:>:t, Oxford Ktrrvt). London. >( itll Jlid .11; J nr AiX at U, lVil.,'i.<. W.. IH. M.. \W., 'lin.. an.l :i.1s. eai-li »n\ or I'ot. ami iiiny hn bad i elm* VuuilorH tliruUKliout tbc World. r.if i'iicc/i(i.«'/« shiitild /"/>/.â-  ti fif LohA t))i till' Pfil.i iiii't Bii.ii-A. .',':.:. (i,i',,,-il Sti--''t. Liiiflui. tlu'i III'.' -)<i(ii". ini'diiLfr-M i.ihiit LITTLi; FALLS Saw Mill ! IN FULL OPERATION. Special attention j;iven lo justoni \vork|, so that parties lelivciin^ lev.;'; to t)c sawn, can lave their Lumber for return .(i.iqs. J. W. BATES, and Orange Farewell Party ! Tu the Editor </ Th>: AdvilMe. Oil 'ti'ediiesdiiy nii^ht the :23id inat. the Officers aud Brethren uf L. O. L. No. 883 together with a number i^ friends assem- bled at the residence of Brother Edward Stone to bid him farewell i^revious to liia departure fur his new liuun|r in British Columbia. Ample justice having been done to the good things provided, auJ tho wHiits of the inner man supplied, die mietini; was called to order by Bro. T. >rcArthur. On the unanimous vote of the meetini;, Bro. Wui. Rutled;.^e, W. M.. occupied the cliair, and in a brief but appr-iiriate speech alluded to the exemplary chanicter of Bro. Stone, both as «n Orangemiui and a Christian. A farewell address was then read by Bro. Ashdown on behalf of the Lotl^e, in which the Brethren expressed dieir rei^ret that they were called upon to bid adieu to so valuable aiid worthy a friend. They felt they could ill afford to I<j<<e one whoso integrity had ;,'ained the esteem and respect of wery member of the Lod;<e, but they sinw rely wished that their loss would be his g*.n, and that his future career in his new home would be a happy and a prosperous one. They also bej;;^ed to convey their best wi.shes to his estimable and amiable ['artnet in life, prayin;; tliat she may lie spared to him and his children to enjoy many yeuis of hap- piness and prosperity in tlie land of their adoption. The fo)lcrt\iiig is the luidres* ; â€" Kdiranl ^t<itii\ Eiii- De.\r Sik & BUOTHEII, -It ij witb sentiments of niinjed piini and pleasure, tliat we theOtticersandbuJtlireli of L.<>.L. No' 883, do meet with y^u to-nii;lit to bid you farewell previous to your dei^rture fi<- you new home in Jistant huuls. We iX'L'ret tliat we have to bid adieu to so valuable 'iiid estimable a (rieiid, and whose integrity has '_'ained the esteem and respect of every meiitberof this Lodj^e and we feel that '.ve can ill a'i'ord til lo.se you but wo sincerely hope that our loss will be your gain, .nul we be'.; to assure you that you will cany with you the best wishes of not only t!ic Brethren, but of a lar;;e circle of aieiuls ;uid aci[uaiiit- anees. Wc would also tender "or best wishes tu your estimable and anii«bie partner in life, and pray that she may be spared to ' you and yours, and that you may Voili live to enjoy many years of h.ippiue.ss and prosperity in your new home. .\nd should we »iit meet a.;aiii in tliis v/urlci, let lis hope to lijeet iiKaiii in the Supteme Oraiul LoJ;4e above, where partilii,' w no more. A'^aiii wisliiiiLty u a jafe jouriie> and hoping tiiat yiiur future career may be a happy and [irimjierous one we iiow couli- ally bid you farewell. Sii^iicdoii behalf of L. O. L.', N... 88:!. William UiTLEnoK. W. M. .Vrteinesia, Mar. L'^iril, Itf^'T. The lueetin;.; w:u thcli ad>liesscJ bv several of the Biethren who eulot,i;;iil m the waniie.st niaiiner tlie cliariicter of the Brother who is about to leave thoiii. 8onie L.ceelleiit sinaii.i; was rendered by the ladie.><, of wliiiu a Ui'o'd.V I. umbel Were present, which added niuu^i to the enjojment of the eveniiii{. The (tieetim; closed about inidiii;,'ht by singinL; "Cbd save the Queen," after which a neiieral hand-shakiii',' and leave takini; wiiaf eii- j;a^;ed in, and the pait^ dispersed well pleased with a well spent evenint;. We m.iy add that Mr. Stone located a homestead near New Westminster, B. C, last summer, letiirnint; to Arteiiiesia ist fall, and having lecently sdM liis farm, he intends goiiii; back to li. C. '*s soon as cit'euuwtancei wili' permit, takiaej with him his family, also the well wi.'^hes of a lai'i;e circle of fricin.Lt and anuaiiAaii- cos in Arteniesia. F. Ok::. British t'oliiuibiu Letter- T-i iliAi UlUif »f Th: .1 /ri/i.'t. Mr. Editor,â€" I have nothini; uf any importance to send you at this time only about the weather. Fall very wet. Sii.iw came on before Christmas and has kept on until now. Mar. 1st. We have bad .t or 4 days of a | down pour of rain wh^;.li is likely to make | a tinish of it. i Theriuomoter fell duriiii! the winter t" | 3 decrees below zero, and mind you it | was cidd. Don't laugh. There was si.x \ inches of ice on the Fniser, a large quan- ; tity h;is been stored here for Salmon ^ packing to the eaat. There is sard to be j 25 feet; of snow in the Selkirk Kocky Mountain Range. Mails very iricertain ' in consenueiiee. Settlers iwiticipaliiig im oveirtow of the Fraser, should it come warm in April ami May. I I have noted your editorial, .idvising j people to stay at home even if half conl- fortable; my advice is the same. \\ e have wiiat is called a temperate climate ; yet it is Very disagreeable when the rainy season sets in. I believe :is far ;is f.iMii- mg is concerned the advantage is very greatly in favour of Ontario. Here it is , a long time before you can live by the j land. You can live on it, but not l)y ii as 1 in tMitario. A man reniaik'.'d the o;!u'r day, that it would not do to tell all tin: truth about British Columbia. We are only some Vi or 14 miles fioi.i the W. Territory boundary line, am! to all api'earance and account:^, it is n.> bet- ter th.m this. However, we live in lio[e ! that it will prove all right in the future To say tliat a man reijuires brains and pel'Severancu for a new country he needs that, a good deal of capital, and a strong constitution ^is well. These are all want- , ing here and l.e will tir.d l.e needs them all. Fh^ur 1 â-  icVA- coming fo.iu Winnipeg and Qiia;i|)elle. We are paying the same for It as for t»regon Hour. C. 1*. R., rates are excessive and great complaints are be- ing maJe ab»int them. The Ijovt. slnuM see to this. 51ar. 4th is election day, and 1 have tohl the candidat-' that none but a gnnj »nd true -tMiipirter â-  ! the Oovt. need a]'ply, ami we are ',":i.g to send him all ri;:ht. There are some far-n.-! bn-a s.'Id lately (so I hear) f.r 8--,Ut..il , but mind you they are exceptions. Land i< held very high, that is, ,'oi>d l.-viij, I'c-r the reason that it IS scarce. Hay scarce and selling at .'Jl.^. Potatoes -*:i per cut.. Wheat ami oat>! .*l..ji) per cwt. Fi- or .ttJ.Odbb!. E'ggs oO ct.-i. Butter '.'I'K. T,i.\es iliile- liendi-iil of land ta.x, there i.-i Internal Uevenue tax $'.'<. payable b> all males L'l years of age, ami n'.id ta\ ?'_' ei-llecleii by miiiiieipality, the fomn'r t-j <M'Vt. .'Vlways [ileiiseil to see tile Mew^t ''loin -Vitemesia through the .Via.v.M'k 'which comes pretty rcjular, exee| t wl.f.i •â- I'c vented bv mountains of siicw. V»ii:l's \c. it were civili'.ced it woukl not keep Mr Mowat m power '.vuh siii increased luu- jority. Where ire They? LinndMk ILndd. On Tuesday afternoon of last wce~ when Mr. Donald Bell of Bell's Corner, was returning home from Dundalk, he g< =• out of the sleigh when about a mile fr the village, and Iii.-<hoi'ses. a spirited youn, span, immeiiiately started on the run. A. though followed by Mr. Bell he soon lo.^, sight of them, and has not been able t get any tnu'O of thuJii up to the presen time. The oountrv has been searcho and inipiiriw made but strange to sa nothing has as yet been heard of the los icaill. Bort Hanev, V. C J. Ma .M. r. 1 W:;;;sTKK. t !'s8r. Strietl.T OrJaiii.il. >55e( ill fi/jd' i'i.r')i((tHi ct tiurntuni. Klesheu..ii y..ii- \:) Dear Sir pleas imblish in \ 'in ueikl'. [wper a.-j folloMs and you h.II i Mi^e .i â- jon.itaia reader .'•''tones settlement di.sastir .\i tenible runaway occured bett«\-e.i \\ iiliam Fletchers rnd Kichard S'. lies of the 4 and ."> eon of .\rteiiii.sia on Satuwliiy the I'Jlh iiist Ml', .John Mcplieisou of t;nelg was rtturiiiiig home iv-tni tlii.i viiliage to diiy Feeling ,i little isitoxc-iteil and his lioi'Kes feeling good Sa^/ :i team drive at fare soed beheld him thinking they Were .iboiit to iiK. bv liiiii tor a 1,'irk to lu.s Fufiiituic J>e(i/rr Cnderlaker, VLKSHliUTOS. ONT. FARM to KENT. An JOI.SING Holloy's (arm. .Vrtomor W.' acrus cle.o'od and in e" SAW UHii> i5<>M(^irr. Ahtni .1 Ntiite of culti- vation. Kraine hous.-, fviuiu- b.it ii, fiaimstablo. SimaU orchard. Wi-ll WHtend. I'lowim* iioarly all (lotK* it) t)io fall, Kor u-niu aii<l full purticu- l.u-:* ttlM'l> tonati];K i,i:VKU. flysluTtou, .-ILso a Farm /or iSff/c. FOR SALE. -r-T'TTV T X3"/^/^ /^ ^l^R'TCi* IV iniliis from rlt'sluM'tim. Ciiwd wann YY lyj. _LlL\_/\J\jr fraifufdwi-lliiiR. 7 rooms. KiuiJ ci-llar. i;ooil -.tabic ^^ ^^ ^â- ^ â-  a iifVer-fnilinKspriiiK oret-k. Terms oasv. Kor ,, , , _„ partieuhu'sapplv to \V. I HiaX.'VM Y, Klosbel'- I'eb. 2^ru, 1607. i Uu, ortoC.W. liELLAMV, .Markdalf. J. B. SLOAN tids nil J' i/nanfiti/ of Sli in- gles, i^c, on hand a I Eui^'enia. 'C^ieap lor CunU. I James Sullivan, iTheTlusmith, â-  Flesherton H«i>iiiriiig, KavetroiiKbiiiK.and in fact «very. I tbiun tn the buaiiK^ss will rttcuiva tuy ' promjit and cavtdul attoiition at ' r«a!iouablu priuus. C'ouiuienriiis: to Ileax-. ll<:„.h,lk H.fdd. The public school building whii h was only a short time .igo ero:ted in Dundalk at considerable expense to the ratepayers | f .1 • ,. , ; , f n 1 , ,' , 1 I reed .some .â- >el lous iniilit'S lint be 01 tins section, M not tlie siiKst.irtial â- ' building that 1'. should be. In examining it we find l.'irge cracks in the wall fwm the cellar to the roof, and one of ilie j foundation walls under tho centre of the I building '.as heaved several inches making the floor in the primary depart- nui.tr. very uneven. Whctlier this is due to imperfections in tlie hroilding or the swampy state of the gruwid on which it is built, we are not prepared to say. When, by roasqn of a cold or from any other cause, the Hecretoi y orgaUK beiJiiue di.stirdereil, they may be stimu- lated to healthy action by the use of Ayor's Cathartic Pills. Sold by all doijcrs iu mc-diuiuC| team he divl aply the wliiji. It took those 'jjillant team of bays to do jm tliay ware kd, SiU s lie get i^at here and Mt- plierson and his old sleighs were left a spriilliiigiii the direli. Walslies team taking in hot iiersnit to catch them Inn did not suceid a.s one of their horses was lame. But tliey left Mc- pherson tiiriiiiig back his |iair of old bob- sleigs the old man was not hint niivSl'li exceidiiig a sliver rniiing in his U'ft thy from the fall .ejaiiisf the I'l'ir.-e tile horses ig taken ill time I'V a \tiv foi\o!o!^i.s man .James Sullivan of tineig who soon stopeil the over How of bhuul tliey are still under his treatment and is to believed to be mend- ing From The Iri.sh Lake Brother hood. liiiitrisuiiiiieat tor l>ebt. Tixtilitii IViirll, The Mall taunts Nova Scolians with ]'C>. petuating iniprisiiuiment for debt, "abivn (loned Ih ainio.4t every civilixed country. ' Well men havu been andean be imprison- ed in Ontario for Mot paying their debts. Of course the Mail can .argue that Oiitaiio M not a country but a iiruvince, or that if .1 l'oiit-l>!ttcK Oiuittion. Editiif Advixtu-.c . Are tUoso who ge". their letters, papers &c. at. Flcsherto post-othce, supposed to wait patiently fo, thoir iu:iil matter uit.l th..- matter fo^ other post-otlices is distriliuud and di>- poseJ of, befote getting their own ' Sevkr.al Citize.n.s. [We I'.o not know : :tsk the Postnniste:' who is alw IV 3 ready to furni^h ilifornia tion in matters pertaining to his office. Ki). AnvA.vi E.] Day and Night During an aeine allaek cC I'.i'unchi':-. r ceaseless liekliiiif in tlie l!ii;")iit, and :oi exhausting, dry, hacking oaigli, atlli'.; tlie suH'enr. Sleep is baiiisbeJ, and i,re:;'. prostrallijii follows. Thli dista-e i> al.-i; attended with lloarseiie-s. ;ui 1 s<,!iK-tinK-i Loss o( Voice. U Is liabl-i tJ becoi:: â-  cUrouie. involve tlio lungs, au 1 teri!i!::a: • fatally. .Vyer'.s Clierry IVe'.eral :i:'.'j;'d, speedy relief and cure i.i ea.-ii uf Uro;.- chiii.'. U controls tlie <i:-;o-itioa t .1 congli, and induces refi-e.«Uiiig .sleeji. I liave been a praetieing jili; siei:::i for twenty-four }e:ir-, iiiul, for lie pa-' twelve, liaxe hUtti-red tiom aimuiil uITaei, 1 of Itruiicljili*. Allir e.'i.Uuus'. :iig a.l t!.e usual reiiieiiies Without Relief, I tried .Vyer's cherry I'l'i-tora'. Itl.eloel me iiimiediately. hiiI .11. .'Ud a >i.>.-o euro. â€" (j. stovealL.M. I)..<- arroilloii, J.i^-. .\yer's Cherry I'e.'toraj :â- > (leeiil.-,l!v ;'u! host' I'eineily, M iiliiii niy Unow.ed^.', f. ' elinmlc Hronebitis. and all iiiiei oi'iaik-. â€" M. .\.. Kusi. M. I)., >iHii;i I'aiis, ,\: . I w as atlacUeil. last \\ .a:* r. w ith a -evr Cold, vvliieli. from e\;.ii>i:ri'. nv w w./i-.- und Ihial'.y seiili.l un my l.iiu;,-. 1-. ui;;lit sweats I was reiliieed ailii..-t to i hkeleli'li. My C"Ui;li wa- i.ui'«»ai.l. and ; fl'eiiUelll'.y spit lllimd. .M> liij^iiiaa toil I me to ;;ive up business, ir I woii.d n. r live a iiionlli. .\fler lal.iiiu v o ioi:» r^ni.- ; dies witliuul relief, 1 was Uuuily I Cured By Using two bi.itles of .\yrr'^ Clien V I'e. :or:,'. ! uiil now ill I'vrfeil brailb, ai. I :.!)..• ' â-  r. slime bii>iii,-.H, a;!rr liavin,' b.i u ] r - iioiiii'-i.j iiieural.ie w illi ( .'ii-niii|'i:oa. S^. r. ll.'ii.lei'>oii. Sawlshni".:!!, I'...... I'.jr \. ;u • I vva> .11 >. .e- iji â- . I Im , «• al\ leiii;", and 'tub ri-il (r..Kii ll.'oiiibiI;.s I Hiiii'al.iirii. .Vvir's ( III ri y t-i'Cloral r. • st'.'Md me to luMlili, .old I iiave buiii lui , Ions lime eoiiiparaiively \ i;;iir>m.. l.i i".ii>«i 'f a siplu, II col. I I :;;\va.vs iisort 1 . O.e J'ei'toral, and liiid sperily nllLf. Kdw-iird K. Ciirii", K.itland. \:'. Two vears a;;o 1 Mill'erid from a sever.- Hi'iilielifti>. 'I'lie )iliy~ieiaii alleudiii',' lie. * 'beealiie fearful Unit the disea.v woind ti i- j iiiiiiale 111 riieunioiiia. .Vfti- r Irv iui.' v ai .- oils ||li'dieilli">. Willi, illt llellelil. lie tinallv I pii-seriljed .Xyer's I. berry reeloral. v> liieii relieved me at oiiee. 1 eoiilimn-d l.> t.ik- 1 this niediciiie M sli.irt lime, aii.l was ear. .1. â€" Lrie «L C'llo'ii. L.' ,au.-.por', lud. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, I'r.i»»r<sl l.vr>r.-I I' \ v.r. Si Co., I.ow.-ll.M..-.- iSuU by all lircKiflM'. I^^'>.' SI i •ii l<unli>, «... O .1 ) )OOi)i)00O00000('iioniiil00(>OOOiloiKin.»' I'liii) OF wm ! Di lili.iiiliiiig luy eiislomers for tl...)( lib'r»l patronage in tlio i)ast, I liavi' in;',cli plea.-^nrt' 111 boiiig still able to si'.l>[)Iy litem with th.' following cc'.i brated machines, \i/.., The Toronto Light Binder. The Torvmtii M iwer. Tiie Sharp Siilliv Hake. T.ie ^Ll.ss^'y Uarvestor. Tho ^Llssey Mawer. Tlie Tulten Tea Harve.ster. 'I'lie Fi>x I'ea Harvester. Uamilton's Coinbiiialioii I'low. Tolten's (.'entre Praiigbt .loinli 1 riow. '^ainil^on'.'^ {^ciilll.'i'K. IViij-ilvii'ii JSoss ti.aii^ rioAv. Wistier's Spring To.itli t'idlii','.'iUM >. Too (.'lialhain F.inniii;,' Mill. .\ full stock of Uoi'.vip.s always o.i liaiid. P.u'liis roiiuiiiiig any cif tli3 abo\i will do wi'il til imU and iiieptct Mueli inc.s, wliieli will be found in Siu'onle .- warehoDiJO. A. S. VaoBUSEN, Flesh EUTON. O •>'11.JO000OO()f»00O0OOO0O00OOOOO0OOOI Hiney to Loan. .-it l>\ Per lVn^ Interest on Strni<iht Loan- WITH tu(ur«Ht paid yearly, not in aUvuuca No oomiiiiaslou ctiargod. .^I>p'y to l.iiRiett. - TU09(i<«JBi'I^V.,

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