Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1887, p. 1

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WILLIAMS - At Inistoige, Artemesia, on Sunday, 20th inst., the wife of Mr. Williams, of a son. LUDLOW - At Inistoige, Artemesia, on Sunday, 20th inst., the wife of Mr. George Ludlow, of a daughter. * ^ â-  ..,:.-r&apos;-.. -..-.-tM.J,i. â- /^;-"&apos;*^fl -1 * TON ADVANCE. &apos;TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" I&apos;RIMCiriES, J^VT MEJ^\&apos; VOL. VI.jNO. 301. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. MARCH 24. 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, CDITCR & PROPRIETOR. m?m \Ci» t/ fiicnl nvil OtIuT InUrtitimj I ijailwrml by The Advance m^^^m^^. &apos; -I J. ".or 1 p/oad of nails just received by M. Riel/ilson ft Co. no vvithont » mother is a place wIj/b the rattan ia substituted for a No. &apos;â- > /pper .- /â-  â-  hat is tliy&apos;flWoreaoe lietwetai truth â-  ,..:Jt cems"? frnth cnwhoil toeatth will irlfc again. /Eftis won&apos;t. 1 Sprluiyj&apos; wecila at Richardson & Go&apos;s. , ^jnntopi/io&apos;l auplpndid langc of patterns, .fiiood yylos from .&apos;50 cent [or yard up. M/. D. Olayton, our pop&apos;-lav harness- iiKcior. »ont a set of doiibk&apos; harness to a MAniti)l)a cutitoiner this week. How&apos;a I keep k only conipletc/tock of tfeSt foe Flesherton n.-inrfacttire ware, Jeju-y i Kpecks iJ.i. ,^^vio/ Cev^atcrv ^iU uoii ot (jjy. Ciiu do h,;ttY"ca.5!i »t?flr " t- ,, . \t. cro<lif tJtlie public, timn/uy Jc*, â- ^&apos;^&apos;" ^&apos;"&apos;&apos;^ •"^«-&apos;>&apos;^^" olier \vit|i 15 miles S1&apos;EcIlT11::s :â€" WWing KiujfS, jJifficulti atcli iiepairing. bo I&apos;.eld iu the ediiosday evening. J Cth, at 7 o&apos;clock. 2 t. Spring DryGooils Clotliing, Hats, Caps, The open Conneil of the Royal Ten-, Boots, &o, , arriving vt JI. Richardson pl.ars, Tuesday evening next, will bo ad- 1 & Go&apos;s. dressed by the Rev. James Ferrier, Max- i „ \ : , I well, on a popular Hubject ; also addres- 1 Foniin. â€" A banio; owner can have v -i ..â-  i ,i ,„ , â- " â- ;.• _ . seB, readini&apos;, recitations, vocal anu in- ; .amebyproving p*t*-ty and paying ^,,^^„,^, „„,,^ ^ i„,^i t^i,.„t. .V expenses, by applyin«.to J. B. Sloan, , .â-  . i i /^ i 1 1 J ir- J -ir^ good time is expected. Come! Eugenia. i -, A social will ho held in the basement Mrs. G. S. Bowes and Mrs. W. A. Brown, of MarkdaWC^veru visiting in Flosherton this weeta Tlioy were the guests of Mrs. J. W.\;&apos;j.riiiHtrong during their stay. of the Methodist church, Flosherton, on Friday evening, .\pril Ist, under the | auspices of the Li&apos;il^es. Besides re- 1 freshnionts, a good jirograui of vocal 1 and iuHtrumcntal nii&apos;sic, Ac. will be Miss Lever is stilling off her winter provide<l. Proceeds to be ax>l&apos;liod to- ^ stock of Millin^rjk aaii Dress Trimmings wards fitting up church choir gal&apos;.ory. very cheap in order to clear out for ; Admission 15 cents, cliildren 10 cents, j spring goods. Remer&apos;l&apos;er place, Strain&apos;s ! Doors open at 7 o&apos;clock. | block. Fl eshertou. j ^^^ Symons, wh^.i^^e^spendi^ | .Auction sale of Stem stock, fcnple- the winter in Fleshertou. together with; ment.s, household, Ac., at Lot 24, Con. 9. itwo of her uhildren, will shortly leave TV :.tr- "Lost and Raved" v.-as rendered in &apos;Maxwell last Friday cvcnjing to a fair takidience. nmler the auspicift of Flesher- tM Bra.ss Band. I I i» I ; old cnss. I „,„ I ,^r^^_ J ^J^ III tukiug my customers fgr tiieji- liberaiali-ouago iu the past, I havi; uiuclioasiire jii bciir- sLiU &apos;Jtdppltheii «iwi tii &apos; &apos;â-  bratclaachiues, vii;., ThiToronto Jjiglit Binder. Th^Tofoiito Mower. (Sharp Sulky Uak<?. Inssey Harvester, [iissey Mower. Ti^Tultou Pen Hiirvcstcr. TliFox Pea Harvester. &apos;Hijiiltoii&apos;s Combination Plow. Tofeu&apos;3 Centre Draught Jointer Plow^ Hijiiltou&apos;s Scnfflcrs. nAiiltou&apos;s Boss Gang Plow. Winer&apos;s Spring Tooth Cultivators. Til Chatham Fanning Mill Lucky. â€" M. Bichardson & Co. pur- oliased ovur 200 l;ugH of nails, jiwt be- fore the advance l>y the manufacturers of 20 cents per lieg. First tramp â€" "Ualloa, Bill. I see von&apos;vo just been over to Hawley&apos;s farm." tramp â€" "Yes " "He&apos;s a &apos;Stingy I bet yon didn&apos;t get a bite. " 1. He keeps a dog." j WANTED.â€" A good steady man, to &apos; work at- Framing and Carpenter work. .ible,ttv m^st 1 _ j; â- Â» Jh-T.uusrt. /\p£iiy to Jons VVurrxEN, Fresh- crtou. 2 t. Arteniesia, on Weduesday rti^xt, March | 30th. ( ormneuoing n&apos; &apos;"&apos;V&apos; "^^ &apos; J. VV. iloath, proprjj&apos; . S. Vandu- sen, auctioneer. Sotl^ifi^. "The Loral A(lioi-<. f- Alcohol j»its Ef- fects anf! t,&apos;uro," will j^. the .subject of i an address to lie ^^Tered in the.| Towu Hall, Fleshevtou, on Tuesday I evening next, "iyth inst.. by Rev. W.F, ] Ferrier, Maxwell. Tho pubjic cordially I invited. 1 AiiHurun TlitJharp TIJMasse TijMasst la old times a liar was legally pun- ished by having a hole bored through bis tongue. If this were the custom now, some politicians&apos; tongues would resemble a porous plaster. SEED.S. SEEDS, SEEDS! Roceive<l this week, a largo supply of first class (."&apos;lover, Timothy and Garden seeds, which will be sold at bottom prices at R. TaiMnLB&apos;s. (tf) Anotion sale of farm stuuk, imple- ments, 4c., at Lot 14«, 1st Â¥.,^. & S.R., Artemesia (near Flai&ei&apos;tou) coitimeuc- ing at one o&apos;clock, on Tnesday, .\pril 5tli. i For f&apos;lU parOculai-s sae bills just issued ThoH. Graham, pniprSetoi&apos; ; A. S. Van dn«en, anctinnoer. for Victoria. British Columbia, and otlior points on the Pacific coast. Duruig her ;tay here slio won the universal es- teem and respect of our peorla by her kind and winning manner!-, ami gentle demeanor. Her home is ni ()r<;gon, U. S. She desires us to tell the pco])le of this locality that she will never forgot their kindness and Christian courtesy toward her. May she have a pleasant joiu-ney across the continent to the "rock bound shores" of old PftciBc. Bun coy agt&apos;. QUB^STIOyS AyD ANSWERS, Mathematics. ASSWEBS TO LAST WEEK&apos;S PIIOBLEMS. The following answers have been f<ivbn from W. Irwin H. M. P. S., Flesherton. Solutions will be given in full if neces- sary. (1) Amt. of sinking fund each year, $130.25 -I- (2) Depth of pond, 5 feet 7J inches. Fourth Clwss. 1. â€" i(t) 13 lO-fl seconds (t) 09 0-11 seconds. 2. â€" Loss in transaction 816?. 3.â€" 10 10-11 minutes past 2. 8.-3 15.1!) days. Fish question, ans. 32 feet. Circumference of bucket, 30.470+ in. Feiico roquirid for an acre, KiO rods long, 1 rod wide, 322 rods. For 10 acres. 40 rods square 100 rods. Several simi- lar answers may be obtained. Tiio following Fourth Class Papila have sent in eorrectauswers to the num- ber of questions indicated by the tiguroH placed alter thiir iiaiiies. Fred Ayers, 3. Robt. Iveefor, 8. Wm. Sinclair 8. David Mathowson 8. Mar- tha Beattv 2. j Hugh Muir. from Flesherton Station, stiut in a correct auswer to the Fish problem. Willie Sinclair solved the j fence question correctly. [Note.â€" Judging from the few aus- I wers sent iu we presume the last week&apos;s I (piestious wpre too difticult for our j fourth class^H. While wo do not ilecm I it advisable to publish more than ("> t BirtliH. Williams. â€" .4t Inistioge, Artemesia, on Sunday, 20th iu.st., the wife of Mr. Williams, of a sou. Ludlow.â€" At Inistioge, Artemesia, on j names from any one school wo will give Mr. Wm. Clayton, Uic noted Kleslier- ton Boot and Shoe m n, has a niaguifi- cent Sprins; sto);k o&apos;^ loots and Shoes i r.vjiiit ftUBtuia*- i^j ers&apos;. ;\rr. VIa;,t&apos; " â-  . i. &apos;.,i I&apos;L-iiii-.-s here ovci; a quui.i.. .;; .i cuntury uud is one of tlio most straightforward business men w() ever knew. The ;,&apos;oodB hsbdied by him will bu I&apos;aund just as represent- ed, and will be sold at bottom prices. Sunday, 20th inst., the wife of George Ludlow, of a daughter. Two lads met on the "field of honor" one evening recently in order to settle a trifling dispute. Cht! place selected for the combat was just in rear of the Meth- odist church hero. The clialleugor was confident he coald make his opponent "see stars&apos;&apos; in no time ; but, unfortuna- tely for him, the "stars" wore nearly all observed by hiijisclf. Yuu can&apos;t most generally always tell how things will ^^Come and spend a profitable and , , ,, , I pleasant evening at the open council of A lill stock of Kkpaibs always on ,, „ , „ , m , , ( â- &apos; ! the Roval Templars, Tuesdav evening , . , , , liang i • n m tt n 1:^1 u i. tum out Oil "fioldsi of houor (?). T next, in the Town Hall, Flesherton. ^ &apos; Ptjlies requiting any of the above; Good entertamracut will bo provided iWill jo well to call and incpect Mach-j Admission free. which wil&apos; be found in Sproulc&apos;.s FOR CLOTHING. Please call audjinspwttourpew stock terns and at a.itoui.shiugly low jirices. R. Trimble. (tf.) Mr. the full number of {mswers received from eauh. Oii^ the questions a trial, send in your answers and keep up an interest in the Lohiiiiu which we liave FricevlII* Mr, Joseph \^&apos;ard will give one of his popniiir .Magic Lantern jp^^l t;^for TMfiMjBy) ittj![^&apos; i,â€"ilATt ... ?^&apos;^ in I&apos;riceville, on Monday evening next, Marcli 28tli. The viijws will be inter spursed with a number of carefully sel- ected humorous and latliefic readings by A. U. Fawcett, Editor of The Ad- VA?ccK, who has promised to assist. Doors Qxien at 7 o&apos;clock, entcrtaiumunt commenecs at 8 sharp. Admission : â€" Adults, 10 cents; ami children 5 cents each. lUes, Ware lousc A. S. VanDQSEN, Flesbekton. Have you a cough &apos;.&apos; Sleepless nights need no longer trouble yon. Aycr&apos;s Cherry Pectoral will stop the cough, al- lay the inflaniation, and induce repose. I It will, moreover, heal the pulmonary f) 00&apos; ooooo QOO ooooooooooooooo oooooo | organs ami give you health. FOK^ Watches, Clocks, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPEX,dG:, Go to RUSSKLL&apos;S Notkd Iewelky Store, I&apos;t^esherton, Builders Hardware of every descrip- tion, lowest prices at M. Richardson k Go&apos;s. 10 owes belonging to Mr. James Ste- wart, Aiiicmesia, had &apos;22 lambs this year of whicli 20 are living an<l doing well. Mr. Stewart has "20 more ewes and if they do as well a^ the first be will have 00 lambs. .\- remarkable fact in connection with the lambs is that 10 of them are suckled by a cow which Mr. Stewart drives into the pen twice a day, as ho finds this a much better and more prclitablo method than "spoon- feeding." i where vou will see the finest stock at the lowest prices ir i rt • _ â-  I ii i &apos; i r > r i I i &apos; i this county, and notwithstancWft? the verv low nriceS, thev . 1 I m i &apos; i • II I I I r II ,, are determined to sive a discountiCif 15 per cent, on all casi;. V":" â-  .<ales of $i.oo and over come aifd secure some of the bar- â€" â€"^ ^ ijains an d don&apos;t torgct it is the oiily place to ^et y our Watch- es, Clocks and lewelry Repaired, Propcrlv. BUSSIi!.LL&apos;S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON, .^Saturday last a Huwbw of little bovs and girls entered the Advance ofiice,&apos; threw down a l gentleman in fjm three-cent,portltoge|; |.out of&apos;thd lip- tf< . . ,,^ , .\t,•ric.lllturaliEdito^4^fh(^*luo to iatoWu Jem that he didn&apos;t run the post oflice. 3wc\er the letter was promptly ijoslod or â€" addressed to a &apos;est Indies- and a im^ Itdd &apos;V^ni^jied Eust Cilrcy N|>rius Show The bills are out amioniicuig E.ast Grey Agricultural Society&apos;s Spring Show, which will take place on the society&apos;s grfjuiids here, on Friday, April 2"2iid. it is purely a stallion show, and in this respect we think the Society has cx( r- cised wisdom. All other sire stock will be found properly classiliod iu the Prize Lists for the Fall Exhibition. In this connection we might add, that it is the intention of the directorate to spare no pains to make the forthcoiniiigfall show ecliiise all former cxhibitionn. For par- ticulars iu regard to tho Spring Show, 800 bills. MATHEMATICS FOB POnilTO AND FIKTH CLASSKS : 1. â€" The Flesherton Advance is &apos;27 by entertiiinments { ^^ &apos;&apos;"-•&apos;"&apos;» *»&apos;&apos; &apos;"•"&apos; i^&apos;K"&apos;&apos;"&apos; weekly issue I is COO copies. How iiuiny acres, roods. &c. , could be covered by a whole year&apos;.-* issue ? 2. â€" A rectangular piece of ground contains one acre !5 roods 10 per. If the width bo 4 chains, Vo links, how long is it? iJ. â€" Water in freezing expands oiit&apos;- ninth of its bulk and a cubic foot <ti water weighs 1000 oz.s. What weight of ice can hv put iu a building )IU feetlon^; &apos;24 feet wide and 12 feet liigh ? (.\us i:t »8.) 4. â€" \ ship and carfjp are worth MH.OOO. Two-thirds the value of tlu- ship equals tlirec-fontths the value of tht) cargo. Find tho value of each. (In seudiU)^ answers give solntiocs also.) % the A. E. hii«^. 4Q\i\y two previous a^bni^&apos;it, tfttki bey called ] <^ocin!H&apos;l»as(iil at our ofiic;^ii^&apos;ij|.^^.! for a {.Villon ^f coal .oil 1 . V iit ..&apos; COW TOfe SALE One good cow in calf cheap for cash. R. Trimble. I^rttiun Station. Th.uii^diiy eveniijg, liv.t, an iuter- i*ociftl &apos;Ain»^»Ml>!Ut Clio rcs!<&apos;.<-&apos;ico W. CrfM||h|ifi».«earlW5W) ],ersons assembled, au(}JjU||Ct •Jiijpviu^ an excel- lent tea, llKton««^&apos;rtj[»^»r(k!ialivoly to tho Vs 1&apos;n-rtH.^tHe jBj-ogram. One tan- p result of tlip gii^l>jjvin&apos;!, wa>;, that haiidsiimo cash Ip^Csent v.rh made . T. W.-itsoM, wlvi) Btt.&apos;vclies there y , alt^&apos;rHii{(t) Th.ursgi^j|HT;f«fl«^ing f. If you re<piiro s. spring medicine, if you are suffering vitli languor, debility, pimples, boils, catarrh, chronic soros, scrofula, or loss of ai>petite. or any dis- ease arising from impure blood, take Ayor&apos;s SarsapariUa â€" the safest and most economical of all blood purifiers. .rtn(Tcr&apos;&apos;Cl\^i^ iutqiirq uifti>aijjiii and pure ideals : ahdM one dayfiSfvcillaljb foHiitl that those wlld&apos;H by haiid.&apos;braih .ahd t&apos;oil^yp have so wit-l&apos; lingly helped in promo&apos;ting them, haVfi&apos;f&apos;l not labored in vaiu. Tlw Toronto "C;iobt>." The Toronto D&apos;lihi (Uohe can now b.) obtained by subscribers at the low sub- scription price of 80 per annmii. L&apos;nti! receiitly the price was 87. This is a bi}^ reduction, ami as tho Gltibt is certainl , ono of tho most progressive and enter - piling journals on this continent, its Sphere of miefuluess i.i bound to bo widened by Uio wiso departure alludoil to. But, besides this groat stroke of en- , torprisc, a special (Hohe train leaver : &apos; Toronto at &apos;A-Sm a. m. and Rrrives in&apos;^ London at 6:40 a.m. â€" simply for tli.i conveyance of the paper to subscriber i at that place and eu route. Thus th.- Glohf. is placed on the breakfast table.. itf thousands of readers between th<i (^froi&apos;.i and Forest cities. Such enter- i-j. deserving of the highest coir iiKlatloii at the hands of all section:* ho t&apos;aiiadian jiross. Culonisil Exiiibitioti. .James Stewart received last weol. igniflcent award for tho excellence v^i.i.tnin i-iA.....,.:! V. I Ma i"/3us houev display .at the Colonial and ioUHtnln l^imi-U ^o. l-iO, 1^^^;^,, ,.^i,-ibilion held in London, Kng., IC. T. Of 1, I lijst Year. We presume the award is An open council of the abovoyWiJl be inteiided as a Diploma, and it is to bi.- held in the Town Hall, i Icshei-ton. on f<*llewed bv a Conuueniorativc Meiial. theevmiingof Tuesday the 20th hist ^&apos;&apos;- Stef&apos;irt &apos;» J"«tly proud of l.is treas- ,^ ..r..,^ , , , , -. uro, and we are cortani the citizens o; Doors open at (:<JOoolock.- Oood enter- Meaford ami vicinity will congratulat... taiument. Admission free. I him on his success. -^il/ert/orrf Mirror, /

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