Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1887, p. 5

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HALES - In Artemesia, on the 21st Feb., the wife of Mr. John Hales, of a son. Gone but not Forgotten Death - "The King of Terrors" - is always an unwelcome visitor. Nevertheless it is true that "it is better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting." Recently we were called to mourn with our friend and neighbour, Mr. Joseph Pedlar ad his family, the lloss of his son Josephe, who was in his seventeeth year; having been an invalid for over a dozen of years and unable to walk, he was seldom seen outside, unless on the 12th of July, and at Salem tea meeting and pic-nic. It is needless to say he was a great favorite with all the family particularly his father and mother who feel his loss very keenly. He was a kind hearted boy and had such a nice ear for music that if he heard an air 2 or 3 times he would beat it correctly on his little drum which to him was a constant delight. During his illness he suffered very little pain but needed constant attention; indeed all through his trouble he was seldom an hour out of his mother's sight by night or day and this makes the bereavement much more severe to her. The whole neighborhood and all who knew Mr. and Mrs. Pedlar sympathise very much with them in this time of their affliction. r â- f»»^ "11- T, -"WSefSA,, TWK THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [Mar. 10, 1887. ^^vv SELLING OFF AT COST ? In order to clenr out my present stjck of Mens, Worn- mens and Childrens BO OTS & SlIOKS, I am olfo.-ini^ Three or Four Hundred pairs at very .Ljreatly reduced prieeiR ill order to make room tor Sprim; Importations. Wfm. GLAYTOItf, - FlAsherton. Birtn. Halus. â€" In Artumusia, 011 thu &apos;ilst Fub. , the wife of Mr. .lolin Halus, of a sou. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES" IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN&apos;S, Inistiotte. From nnr (iwn Correaixiiidriit. Tho excitement over the electioiiH liaH abated conHiderubly lieru since the 22nd. Miss .K. Scott, of Anf»nM, in Hpeiidin^ a few days with friemis in this neigh- borhood Mr. Win. Williamson has sold his farm contaiuint" &apos;i&apos;H) acres to a ^^oiitleuiau iu Orangcville, for the sum of SS.uOO. Mr. J. Thompson, of Manitoba, is visitiuf^ hi.s daughter, Mrs. S. Wakely. Mr. R. Cornet, of Dundalk, has been engaginl to make the cheese in the Iu- istioge factory for IJ cents II). Owing to the iuelemoucy of tho weat- her there was no service iu tho Metho. dist church here last Sabbath. Bk o.s- Vouii GiiAnii. -Don t allow a cold in tliM limiit to sKiwly and HUicly nm into t&apos;liturrli, whrn Vducan Im (Uired for &apos;iije. Ijy iisinK Dr. Oliiiw&apos;s Ciitanh Ciiru, A few appliciitiiins our« iiinipii-ut oaluirli ; 1 to 2 lupxcs c&apos;Uri&apos;H unihiary ciitiirrh ; 2 to "> boxoH in (.MiHraiiteed to cure chronic caiurrli. Trv it. Only &apos;i.&apos;i ronU and BUrn cure. Sold by all dealers. I^On DYSI&apos;EPSI.V loii I.iver Complaint. vou lmv(! ii printiul uuiir.int( if nu every bot- tU; of Sliilol.&apos;» Vilidi/.iT. It never fallB to cure. Sold at Medical Hall. GET YOUR MEAT -i-FRO.«-t iNBW ADVERTlSEMKiNTS. Petcli S. Mitchell, GENERAL&apos; BUTCHERS, t FLESHERTON! lis&apos;Casii paid for fat caiilc, .tc, .vf. TO RENT or FOR SALE CHEAP. M aero farm, U acres cleared. Apply to n. RICHARDSON. To Farmers&apos; d Millers&apos;. FOR SALE. pctUal DR. CARTER, M.C.P. it; S.,i)NT. PIlYSIt&apos;IAN, i»rR«EON, &«&apos;. FLESHERTON. OffloB. Sti-ftiuH lilncik. Iti&apos;siduiici., Win.Wriglu * W;:S T ^ "f 1:1. Ciiii. &apos;.I. .Vrt.&apos;Umsiii. .Vlso TWO lill.\ND WATKR I&apos;OWKHS in I&apos;.mjcniii, mill II iimiibiir of Tnwn L<itt* Writci tu Oil. I&apos;l&apos;llDY, l&apos;..\l. ui liUBt .Solkirk, Mini., or to lt,H will I bo K I . i«:s 1 1 Kit^x >>&apos;- FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AI.I. KINDS UF L. I&apos;l&apos;ItUV, Ekii.. liuMoiiia, uiul aiiHWor liiuclu ut uucc. ^TO~RENTy THl" iilil ftuii well known I&apos;ickoll farm niljoin- int,&apos; I&apos;-lnsluTiou, t&apos;onKi.stiiiu of 100 auron, oiKh- tvllvii cli.urud. iwiiiity fall iiIoukIiucI. SpluiKliil i uf i,i„ lu-ofossloii bank liai-n with sparimiB liorsii stal)ll^ stone ^^^^^^^^^ i:&apos;iw htal)lu. luiil niivor fuilim; wi&apos;ll unilurni&apos;Htli 1 "H^^^^^HH barn. Ilrnliard of oni. luimlrcd tliiu vouni! tr<&apos;<n | buariint i^ooil variittv of fniit. t&apos;onitortaliU. lot; lioili-u. Koi- tuims apply to \VM. llltOWN, V.M{., Markduie. or on tho pruiniKoH, tti W. (1. I rU&apos;KKI.I. Mil li Mo&use&tal W:rl;s, Such as Moiminent.s, Tomb Tables, lleatlstonos Cuuntor and Tabb; Topsâ€" in Amfricaii and Italian Marble and (tranitc, and made f)ii siiort notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and Maibleixtid Slate, kc kn. Fluihcrton, Auu&apos;. 30, 1883. Hone but iu»t Fort;o(ti>n. Death â€" "The King of Terrors" â€" is always an unwelcome visitor. Never- theless it is true that "it is better to go to the hoiiw; of niouruiug than to the house of feasting." Recently we were called to uiouru with our friend ami neighbor, Mr. Joseph Pedlar and his family, the loss of his sou .Joseph, who was in bis seventeenth year ; having been an invalid for over adozei&apos; of years and unable to walk, ho was seldom seen _^ _^ t~i k -r , outside, unless on the I2th of ,Iuly, and | IVT ARE lOr SALE at Salem tea meutiug aud picnic. It is needless to say he was a great favorite with all the family particularly his father aud mother who feel bis loss very keen- ly. Ho w as a kin.l hearted boy and had I such a nice ear for music that if he beard an air "i or 3 times he would beat | â€" -av-. â€" it correctlv on his bttle drum which to | /-^ 17 Vf-p OT^ CtRW him was a constant delight. During | ^^^^ *^ *^^ o^ *^ ^ * his illuess he suffered very little pain 1 i.iii>KK.sh..ii.> but needed coustaut attention; imleed ! ROBERTSON AX l» MOYRE. all through his tr.mble be was .seldom | Will a.Ulr..^» a public mn<.tl.m of tim alwve in- an hour out of his nioUier s sight by Jeutisitni. J.P. .MARSHALL, L.O..S D 1: N T 1 S T , GIUVnCATi: of Toronto School of DeutiBtrr will bu at .Markdalu the Ist and .&apos;Ird Wwlnt-- (lnyof oach uiontli. aiui at I&apos;lesluTtoii on tlie Ist anil :iv<l ThurHday in each iiiunth lor thu practio ^cgul. i ArlUST ri.A.&apos;^S drivini; mare iatelyowned by W ci. I&apos;b&apos;kell anil known «k tlio Wbittun Tiiare. with foal to Wooilbille fllluf to foal IlrHt cjf.Vpril. ToruiHcaBh or bankable paper. D. K. WllIGHT. PitMinxsiiTiri&apos;l night or day and this uuU»es the bereave- ment much more severe to her. The whole ueighborhood Mu\ all who know Mr. auil .Mrs. Pedlar sympathise very much Willi them iu this time uf their afflietioa. Kl. Ai 111 FOU ALL. HOLLOWAYS Plt^LMOINTMENT THE TILLS Purifv tho Hloatl, correct all Disonlorn of Ilia Tjivev, StomaoU, ICicln&apos;yw, unci JSowoIk. tii&apos;V iuviKoratu and rostor*> to lu>Htth Dt&apos;liilittiicd CoiiHtitiitiuitN, mill «io invninnblu in nil Com jilalntHiricirioiituI to I-&apos;unmluN of all ii;,&apos;i-n. Kor ChilurtMi uikI tliu u^t-*&apos;! tlioy ajo prict-lvbh THE OINTMENT »â-ºâ-  .hu mliLll&apos;blo reiuuity for ItHtl I-ejjH. I&apos;nui UriMist*. OM W-miii&apos;Ih. Si>r»*M himI ricci*. It jk faniiiUhfor (tout Htiil Ultuiimati.Hin. Vqv dinurilurH uf tho Chc-.-tt it lum no ui|itftl. For SOUK TH/WA7. JiHOA&apos; CNinS. COUGHS. COLDS iDundular Hwolliii;;4. and all Skin Pl«easm it hm no rival ; an I for coutracte<l and still joints it acts like a charm. The extraordinary popularity of Ayors Cherry Pectoral is the natural result of ita uso by all classes of i>eui>le for over forty years. It has proven it- .self tho very best Si>ecilic for coUl, uuughs, and pulmouary voiupliiiuts. AiictioiTsale. U I) (• K I, V N . T H V it a U A Y , M A 11 C 11 1 U r II . A N O AT K L K S II I&apos;. U r O N . r II I 1> A Y , M V H I- I I 1 1 T 11 . &apos; Suviiral local iiuMi will road papers on snbjecta of intt.reHt to Karuiors&apos; at b*>th iiiuatiUfiH, Tho .\iiniial Mi&apos;otini; of the Inxtiiiitu for tho oluotiuii of oIllucrH .Vi: , will be held at Uucklyu at lU o&apos;- clock 111 the blth March, l.ectnieti wiH benin oacll day at I o clock. Our niectini,&apos;!* havo been very siiccoK^ful in tho pKHt and wu eordii Uly invito a larKe attendance. THO«. OILUAV. A. TIMINEU. t>r«f<ident. .kiuretary. FARM to RENT. 1 no .Vi;UKS. Lot ;i,l.&apos; 1. North llanuu, Coii. .1, IV/v ()„pi,.y, about 1&apos;, aeii!" ikuvi&apos;d ami In uo.id Hint&apos;- of ruhi vat it&apos;ll , about le iicl-i-&apos;- Hm-ded down , voiiii^ orchard, abmit tio trouo, coiuiiteiiu* .iUft til &apos; iiBw t .. ifanMl luntaa. ntouti mllllhouw*, Ntablet.. Kood water. Privi]i<i;o of outtiii({ niiil J ^elliti; Wfiod allowed to toiinnt. I&apos;&apos;or ternlM and farm stock, iinpli&apos;iiients, \&apos;C.. at Lot > paiticulars, aj.pl) lo. .... ,. .„-.•â-  , . I WM. HK.NDKllSO.N, vtl, &apos;lud Uangc tiast, 1. & >>. Koad, .\r- I -Jt. Wmuhum p.o. temesia, at one o&apos;clock, on Friday, (to- morrow) March lUb. 10 months cre- dit ou sums over 9.&apos;>. J. (i. Carson, Proprietor ; .\. S. Vaudusou, Auctioneer. See&apos;bills. J. W. FROST, LL-B., lUtrr\Htin\SoifiCitov, (.&apos;Qurryamer. OlBco,â€" strain s UnildinK, FL.shm;»xoM. A. A. CHESliKY, Solicitor and CouvcyBncBr. Itcijideiit .Munatjer. Mil. FIIUHT will he fonuU at tbo Office on ThurK<lavs aa herelttforo. p. McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor^ <&apos;jrc: \ OMco. «vt>r Mffi&apos;arliiiurs Htore, ! Markduie. . Money to Lotuu ~ MASSON & MASSON, Bi^HillSTKUS, SUl.HlTDllS, otc Officbhâ€" Owuu Koiind, in Vickur&apos;s bloiW Iv.ulott St.: Ilranch olflco in ^^arkdBIp. over M. Karlaiid&apos;B .<to»e. .-.11 Kriduy and Saturtiay ever/ wtiek, J MAiiHONiQ.C. S. MASSOJi. W. MA8S(&apos;N N.U.-<.l&apos;rivatu ife Company i<.hiuda to iuvohl a: from Six to j-liuht per coui. M ui&apos;ifa .&apos;lured only at I&apos;rofeaaor Hi>f,fX)WAT&apos;ii RatabliiihraeM, 7S, Xcw OvforW Str^&apos;t&apos;t ( late 533, Oxrord Strt- et ). Londor. Hind are Hold at U. l^d.,&apos;iH. ;jd.. U. ild.. lln., -J:JH.. and :tlK. caeh Hox or Tot. and may be hail of all Kf« d cine Vondora tllroiii,&apos;hoiit the \\&apos;orld. y^&apos;ff Pvrrh&apos;ifrrf tlinvlil liink U &apos;/b&apos; LiiM on f/x" /&apos;r,f< ii)i(< Hii.r<:i. Tf Ihi&apos; iiililrf!Ht is iiof .â- ;.?.;, Or/oril Sti&apos;-&apos;f. l.:iti Inn. th:-<i &apos;tn- .«|>iiri&apos;o«.v. LITTLK FALLS Saw Mill ! IN FULL OPERATION. ^ Special attention ^ivexi to. cu.^toni work, so that pariii&apos;«:.s>; tlelivering lni;s to be sawn> can &apos; have their Lumber for .rt.CuTn loads. SAW LOGS iJCJivCirU&apos;r. WM HOGG. l\;l)^2.-nJ, 1887. _ XB. SLOAN //ihs anji qiuinlilij oj Sliin- gli&apos;s, ^(&apos;.. on hand at- • EuQenia. liheap lor OaHh* J. W. BATES, Furu/Uare. Dealer aud Undertaker, Kf.MpHKllTli.N, - . ONT. FARMtoRENT. A DIOlM.Nc; Holl,.y t, fariii...\rtoui.-Hia, .About ** SO acrc.i uli&apos;iircd and in i^ood .^tate of mlti- vntlon. l-&apos;raiuo lioilxc. fruMic Ijarn. fl !iliic i-liihlc. SmaJI orchard. Well watered. I&apos;lowini- ncmlv .n!l duno i-i tb,&apos; fall. For terms and full pai ticn- â- am apply to Ui.KlKH i.KVKK, Klc^hci Ion. .fU.so a Farm for Sa.le. ~"for~ s ale7 , OJa&apos;Tc^ tj milej from KIcsherton. tlooil warm , A Wo.sbiiUKri, Oiio.v.s&apos;. Tlio lurKOst organ aM!!;-m&apos;^OM„&apos;If;MrVo&apos;?&apos;!".&apos;&apos;&apos;r&apos;^&apos;i&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;;"&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;""&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;V&apos;&apos;"&apos; f "">&apos; "»" l-&apos;"^&apos;&apos; plavaa coMlrulli»« pailol the a nuter-fallinu spriim (O&apos;cek. lerliiMensv. lor 1 ,,1 t.i 1 : .1 r w. -i uartioularH apply to W ,1. HKLL.V.MY, Kleahc^..^ »">"&apos;â- " o&apos; tlio body is Mre liver, If torpid or ton, or toC. W. HELIj.VMY, Markdale. | iniietive the wh,.ie system becoiiU&apos;S ciisoa.seil. Hr, C&apos;liHMt&apos;s Ijivcr l&apos;uio i.^ ma.lo specmlly for Liver mnl Ivnin -y ilisi.ases, niid is gi nr- aiileeil to cure. Ueceipe i>ook Hinl niudicii.u | SI. Sold by uU Jeahi.s. Take .\yers .SarsapariUa. iu the .spriuf{ cff till" year, to purify the bloot&apos;. iiivi-iorate the system, excite the liver to actiuu, aiiil restore healthy toue aud vi({or to the whole physical meehauism. Keoii&apos;inlier^hiit iiuality, not quantity, constitutes the value of nietliciiie. Correct AiiHwers, Tlie fidlowiii!^ iiUjiils of Flesheitnii . Public .Sclu>i>i(t have handed in correct so- I lutioim to the cpiuHtinn in antliiiietic pul.- Iislled iu la.st uceli&apos;s Aliv.vntk, viz., \);.- vid .M:illhcwsi)ii, (Jei)i);e lloliuiin, l<"red. | .-Vyoi&apos;*, Rubert Keefer, .M.irtlia Beattie, Lizzie Swaiit(d). Miii.i Hunt, Frank Van- | Duseii, licit Anustrono, Willi,; Helljimy, \ Willie Sinclair, Bradf..id Powell, Mary | IStiiin, >l;iy D.iniiiclc, Lizziu Riclianlsim, Tlio.s. Ciiluluist, Lou .\rni.striiiio, J.ilin i Bradley. .\iiswcr, f2.78 and fraction. .•Vny one in need of Watches, Clocks. \ .Jewelry, Silverware. Spectaclijs, Violins, 1 Pipes, Purses, &c., will do welt to call at Kussell&apos;s noted jewelry stoi,e, I&apos;lesher- ton, « here they keep the tinost stock at the lowest jirices iu this Comity, the only place to get your watch repaired pro^ierly. "H.VCK.dK l&apos;A&apos;&apos;Iv"&apos; .1 liistiiin iOhl frii;,&apos;uiiit &apos;perfume. Price 2,j itiid .JO ueata. Sold liv .Meaicid H:U,l. A !!.;••, vOi; MAI>K uiisei.il.il l.y ru.liKcat. 1 iou, Ci&apos;Uitipation, Diz/.iu.&apos;s.s, I.o.ss of iiiipe. titc, YuUuw .Skin.&apos; .Sluloli&apos;s Vitalizer is a I puHitiYe cure. Sold at .Medical Hall, { James Sullivan, ., The Tiusmith, - Flesherton Ucurtiring, Kavutrotifjluif^.. and in fact yvery- tning In the biiNijiest. wilt rfH^oive my prynipt KOd carvfnl- aMciitioii %\ ra^noDkblu priA«B. Halt Uiik m CriiKi).â€" .Mctl.i.Kor A Tario&apos;s (&apos;arbolio Cerate liaK been tricil and foiiJW to bi- the only positive euro lor Salt Klieiii.i. l&apos;fui]),w«, lilotoheR oil the fane or haiidH, CiitH, I&apos;nriiK, I Hruiaeri, <ir any Sore that notblnu uIhu w&apos;:i\h. al. Trj( .McOrejjor * rarko&apos;s (.&apos;url. olif.feiatu, i^. per box Hi tbo Urui; Store. I M:nev to Loan. . Al o&apos;i I&apos;lr &apos;Viif. hitt-rral . n Stianjlit Lvnu- WITH liiS.rost paid yearly, not in ft.lvaur<».No <!omn.i:4..ion ch.&apos;v.&apos;^cd, .Appiy to A..4;KIKK. TIIOKMMItV Sore Eyes Tliee\r.s .&apos;ire ;il\\;tys in >\tiipulliy wiUi the body, ninl alfonl uu e.\. , iKnr iinlcv of its (oiidilioii. Wliiii llii-i .&apos;» liiTonie Weak, and the liiN iiillniiiiil :.i.il >oro, it U an eiiiliiiie that the Njsleiii li.ii l.,&apos;eomo illsorderril l.y .&apos;^erofiiln, for » lilell .Vvii&apos;.h Sar«uparill:i i..( the l.e^l kinnvii |â- elllcd^ . .Serofiihi. w lii«li produced :i |i:iiiiful iii- flnil.lllalioll ill lll\ even. <&apos;all>i&apos;ii llle lllllell Hiill&apos;ei&apos;iii); for :i iiiiiiiliei of \oiir". Uy tlie iiilvii&apos;e of ;i pliy-ici:in I eoiiiinciieed Uiklii„&apos; AycrN .&apos;*nr..iip:irill:i. .Wfer ii^iiiL^ tliia lUuUlcinu a ^llorl lime 1 u :i.« roi..|.ietvly Cured My eves ;i re now in a «|.li inli.l eondillon, niid 1 :uii ;is v\eil Miel slro;..&apos; :.^ i.\(;r. - Mrs. Williiiiii Ua;;e, C oueoi d, ,\. H. l&apos;&apos;or ;i iiiiiiiber of M&apos;lirs I wiis troubled Willi a hiiiiior ill my M&apos;h, ami wiis iiimble to ol>l:iiii uiiy reliei; mil 11 I r.imiiieni&apos;i&apos;il u^tHK Ay. rV f>ai-:>ki:irill;i. &apos;I lii» ineilieiiie lia^elli&apos;.:!&apos; &apos;J 4eoirji|;cie .ure. ami I lieli.&apos;\e It to ho tile lii".I of lilo.iii |>ui&apos;ilier.i. - ex. Cpt..ii,,Nasliu.i, N. 11. Prom cliililliood, .&apos;III. I iiiilil (\illiiii a few m<(illli>. 1 Inn.&apos; b.&apos;.&apos;ii .&apos;.llli.&apos;l.&apos;.l wilii \\ ...U ami .Son; V,)&apos;-&apos;. I ha v.; ii>r.l b.r ili.&apos;«e v.iiiipliiiliN. ivilii b.ii.Hiiial r.>iill«, .\\.r&apos;< 8ii|&apos;Mi|iiirilla. anil ..&apos;oiiriilir il a ;.&apos;r.&apos;:.t l.i..i>.l purifier. â€" .Mr.i. (.&apos;. I&apos;liillips, (i lover, \%^ I sulfi&apos;icl for a y.eir uilli iiillaiii11l:i- lion ill my l-ft .â- >.â- . &apos;riiriViili-.r" fiirnir.l on III.&apos; ball, .leprii iiiu&apos; III.&apos; of ^il;llI. ami oansiii;; tnat pain. .\fl.&apos;r trvlii^&apos; many olli.&apos;r ri&apos;iii.di.>, lo no piii&apos;ii. >.<.&apos;. I «ii,< liiiiilly ilidueed to use Aur&apos;n .Sai^aiarilln, and. By Taking three b.illles of llii.s iii.dii ir(.&apos;,,liave. iiia&apos;ii fbiiiely .â- i.r.-d. .My si-lil has. l.&apos;.ieu r.- sliirud. ami lli.&apos;io is ii.\.sii.&apos;ii o( iiillainniii- lion, sore, ..r iile.r in iin eye. Keiidid T. Houin, Silj;ar Tree Itiii.ice.&apos;yiiii). Wy .lauiililer, li&apos;U years okl.w.*»iJnicted Willi .&apos;&apos;iTofiiloii.s .Sore jOv.&apos;s. Uuriiii; tlio lll.st two M.ars sl.|. .|,.\|r saw U;;!|| of ;ll|y Ulnil. I&apos;liy^ieians of ilie liiirliiist slaii.liiii{ e.virrl.&apos;il tli.&apos;ir s|<il|. inn w in. n., pcniiaiiciit Mi.u&apos;.&apos;ss. (In Ilie r..&apos;oiiiiii.i.iliifioii of a frieiiil I luii.liase.l a.i.oi.ii.. of .&apos;M.ir&apos;s .-sar- Itaiiiirilla, w liieli ni,\ .laii&apos;_&apos;lil.&apos;r eoiiiineii.ivl taking&apos;. Mefor.; slie bad i|....l 111., iliir.j bollle li.r .sjulil Wll^ ii&apos;si.ir.&apos;il. .â- iii.l sli.&apos; .:aii MOW look St. &apos;...lily al a liiilllaiil li;;lil wHli- oiil pain. Il.r inre Is eoiii|deli&apos;. W. K. , Sutheiliiiul, Kvan^,&apos;eIl^t, .Slielliy (.Uy, Ivy, Ayer&apos;s SarsapariUa,^ Pri&apos;parrd hy Dr. .1. C. .\.y«r 8c Co., Lowell, MiuM. eo|)| l>)r ail iJrutgiaui. I&apos;rivu %\ ; tix tutllts, #«. John W. Armstrosf , FtraiiBrtTox. Co. Gm:r. DIVISION coi.&apos;UT ci.KUK. r-oMM rsRiosn: in H. K.. <&apos;nirvt»yanc©r. tic«. Ah&apos;*tit for imrrhuN- ff(Ml&apos; niii*) :uf IftiiiiH. ApprMiiHir&apos; for (*. I>. (&apos;. (.&apos;tin and !•â-  I&apos; I*. *V S. S.Hi, ty. M"ucy to Lomi on th.» nioKt riJu-^ouAhlo.tfrrtiu. lKwi;K>t ur MAUillAtiK LICKNSKS. NOTAHY I&apos;LULir. " I ^^â€" W^H II 11 l^^^^â€"^^^^^B^^^B^H^ AiniiiEw mcgieh. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Jf&apos;EVEKKHA.II. . • ONT. VV. J. BELLAMY. TWI&apos;, (^I.RIIK AnTKMKHIA. &apos; Vi.V f â-  A&apos; )&apos;. I .Vf &apos;AV;, < &apos;VMMI^itK tSLH. I.\SVIIA.\C£: AilT, dC. D;;i;i)s.MoiiTi; \(ii;s, i.i;.\sr.s. .ve.. prepar- •t.l an i prt.pei Iv ..\,..>. ic.l. IiiHt.t.iii. 1. nfftj. &apos;â- â- Iin tlrst-elapH companicH. Mon.-v tt> laad 1^ ewest ratt&apos;H. ^EwTlVERiT! (PHK iinilnrninnoj bi»Kft to annnnrire tlmt lni lm« *â-  Htartetl a Ili&apos;Mt-clftsM Livnij in tlui Rluiiil op pusiU) Muusbiiw rt Hotol. I&apos;loKhurtun, whore tho trAycIlitiK iHihlic can bu aoconinio«1iit(Ml with ;im»d I ij;s and hnr«PB nt most rL-u^oniiblit inici » Try in»? himI l>o C()nviiicutl. Ucspi&apos;ctfnily yourn. \V. H.JOHNSTON. Flesherton. Nov. lOtll, ISHfi. PicluiT FramiiBs^ Xeatlij, Cli.eaj)ly tV&apos; Quick- Ijj Do tie, })!! J. K. MOORC Dnrhain St, Oppoaito ClBytoii> HnrnoKH Bhiip MOiSEY TO LOAJS. ^t t! I&apos;ei- Cent. ^>ll Town or l-&apos;aiin Pr&apos;.ipyrty, S. UAJtUDK., Klonlmrton. BELL" CJtrapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREK. BELL&CO.,GaelpIi,Oiit.

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