Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1887, p. 5

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â-  "4^ i *A?S t- •# % THE FLESHERTOl^ ADVANCE v^ [Feb. 10, 1887. \ ArMHH>.>«lu CouiK-ii. Feb. 7th, 1887. The Agrfiultunil Editor did not |iut in «ii iippeartliiuo until after dinner ; but the UMov/iiii> was the busiiiuss transacted during the Kussioii ; â€" Moved by Mr. Cikinis, seconded by Mr. Shnlrp, 'that the Cotinty Tivisurer be in- stt'Ucted to erase tlie taxes ni 1880 auatlist Lots 7Cit77, 3 N. D.R,, the same hiiviiij; been paid this day to the Tijwnsliip Treas- urer. â€" Cairied. AccoHiiU -Froui W. G. Pickell, $2, ;fi)r l(5ltinn and ir.spcctiiig bridge on Val- ley Road; M. Uichiirdson & Co., ».'J ; C. W. Kutledge, $11, printing. On motion they were ordered paid. Applications for tlie office of Assessor wore received from Messrs. Win. Mc- L<inifliry, John McKee, .sr., John Whitliv, W. G. Piokoll, TI108. GrunRer, W. J. Ekins, \Vm. L. Wright and C. W. Bel- lamy. Uoland, McArthur- Tliat petition r» (ICorge Binnie and others be left over 'for further consideration and Clerk notify parties interested.â€" Canied. A petition fr«ini Ilev. J. S. Corcoran and 44 others, ipraying the Council not to grant to any hrmse or person in Eujjenia a License for tlie purpose of nellinu intox- ieating liquc/rs, <a';ui presented and read. Cairns. Sharp â€" Tliat the sum of two dollars each be paid to H. Cairns, \V. Sharp and J. BoIhikI, for inspecting Val- ley Road. â€" Carried. Messrs Muldruni it Boland, Auditonj, â- presented Auditors' Rti|x>rt. Christoe, Bolandâ€" That the petition presented to us and to bu presented to License Commissioners, and over which we by statute have no control, this Coun- cil wish it to be placed on record, tliat we entirely endorse it, believing that for any public or private utility a public house at Eugenia is not necessary, and d<i heartily recommend the License Coniinis- .â- iioners t<« refuse a License for the said village «f Eujjeiiia ; and that a copy here- of be apiionded to the petition as set forth and forwarded as aforesaid. â€" Car- ried unanimously. McArthur, Bolandâ€" Tliat the Reeve and Mr. Sharp bu appointed a Committee 't<> finally audit the -Vuditora' Rcjiort. â€" Carried. Christoe, Cairnsâ€" That insomuch as » mistake occured in the Auditors' Report reirardin? work under the Commissioner of Ward 4, wherein Robert Genoa's name m'curred for 810 twice, and it was suppos- ed tliat Mr. Genoa had received the same, we find upon his statement, that it could not have been him : and notwithstanding any charges by the Reeve or any other person, we believe he is innocent of any suchcharge and do hereby ezonenitehini, entirely therefrom. â€" Carried. Sharp. McArthur- That the acct. of R. Campbell for repairing soraf>er, 00 cents, be paid as certified by Vatlmiaster.â€" Car- ried. By-Law No. 409, aitjiointinf; Afisessor, introduced and passed, in which John Whitby was appointed A.ssessor. Boland, Cairns- That A. Can- Ixi paid 385 on ooutrsct acct., Valley Ruad. â€" • 'arried. Boland, Cairnsâ€" That Joseph Wober be paid 824 on contract acct., V»ll«y Road, â€"Carried. Cmnicil adjourned. Letter rrom IHr. Keiley. To ihe Editor of Tlu- Admuce. Sir :â€" I noticed in your last weeks is.sue a letter siijiied the Teacher. As this appears as a new corresiK>ndont or the old one in a new form, and as he makes several false statements, 1 ask yon as a special favour to re-consider your dr- cisii'ii in closini; your columns and also the patience of your rcadoii! to give 11s an • opportunity of refuting tho.se unjust charges that he makes against so many respectable business men of this place. ilr. Ed., now there was a day when iion:< of God came to present themselves themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among thcni. Mr. D. says in his letter of the Stitli of Dec. 86 how that he taught the yonng mind. The introductory part of his let- ter in your columns of 3rd Feb. 87 goes to show the public his great teaching ability. He charges mo with haviii!,' the clique's assistance. Now Mr. Editor, I write my own letters and not like this wonderful Second Class Normal School Ac Teacher, OopyiiiR from Mr. B's. Ut- ter, using the same words, he is not the model wo care to copy from. He pities t'oor souls, well. Sir. a smaller soul than bis is ti> be pitied. He also says that 1 had no means of kiiowin'.' the iitteiidanoe of his department. Well Sir, who should know b.'tlcr, fori lind the Registers in my fo so.ssioii. His iissistant did the '.Tcater part of fhe wmk and that lady i>nly r.'ceivcd one half the .salary, I might .-ay that w.is jmid to Mr. D. He had n very s nail | roiiortion of the work until the Trustees sa\v the injustice and sent some cif the jr. pii|.ils to his department. Hi- attendeil the Temperance mei'tiiifs for one quarter in this village and piiiil his due.'f, but resigned before the second fee was due, for fe;ir of the nhnighty 2.") cents. ♦ He makes a great adoof supportiiiaone 'â- f the resident niinist.'fs of this place. Whv, .Sir, I I. ever nientioiied in any of my letters aV'oiit church matters, hut it would bo more intcrestiiisr to the public the amount th.at he pays flinn this won- derful deploma ki\ If the heathen iibroad never heard the milk-sweets of the word only through his small pitaiine, we Would not i.eo tlie aye of maifv con- verts in print. He .ilhules to the jietition that WHS eiieuhitid on his first enB.a<;e- iiient. I still maintiiiii it wa» ai^ainst him. I will onlv (Ilk him if «ouie of the three faniiliis that he refers to when they bc- (wnie nnrsonally aqiminted with him, if ♦ hey did not sign the petition for his re- lapval. And as to the Trustees endeavor- ing to keep him in i'ricevillu. It is not BO, IS he jiigaged in a school in his own section where he lives in Nov. 1885, for ^400 least he should not get Price- ville school, and for the paltry sum of J20 he inconvenienced himself and bothered people to board him for itl.50 per week. Now ,Mr. Editor, you or I wouldn't ask a respectable person to wash sheets or make a bed for the amount, and as to his persuasion, his nearest neighbors do not know to what church he belongs. I would iievi^r have touched this subject had he not refered to it himself, as the poet said a man's a man for a' that. He speaks of me V)cing like the little boy who spent his money for candies. Herein, him and I agree, as there was very little value when the candies were eaten and the same in jiroportioii when he was gone. Mr. 1). refers to an Auction Sale in this place and how he >vas taken in by a false representation made about tea dust. There were four lbs of tea and it was stated so ol.d all particulars about it. When put up for the highest bidder, Mr. D. wanted soniethmg cheap, so he ex- pected he got it. He has no ro<uii for crying, for what he lost on the tea ho made up on the one cent tie and then got a reduction for cash. When oVr ynu mcrt su errinR on^, TliatU dnnmalilebUnicleKBani'. thouRfatlesii; ConKider tf'er yell caHt tliu stone, If yourself lio pure and faultless. liTnoN. Thanking you for tlie space, * I am. Yours Respct. IMii-H.vEL Reiley. Priceville, Feb. 7th 1887. SHILOH'SCURE will immediaii-ly relieve Croup, WhuopiiiK Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold at Medical Ha'l. MdiaKnoK & Pabke's Cabbolic Ckiuitb.â€" Have vou an old Sort'. Cut, Uruisu, Corn. Uun- ion. .4alt Khi'um. I'imiile. Iliotchos, RouRh HandH or Faoe? If to. there Is but one cure, iiainely, Mc(iroKor A l*arko'« Carbolic Cerate. If you l)iit try it, it will couviucu you. It costs but li.'ic.at tbu l)ru|j Store. Have you ever tried McGri*gor & Parke's Car- bolic Cerate for sores of any kind? It is be- yond doubt tho vory bewt preparation in tb« marki^t for liealint; and curing Hures, ItirtiB, Cuts, Piuiplei, Itlotebtjb, and it the only pro^iur method of apptyin(,' Carbolic Acid. Sold at Uio Drug Stom for iio. per box. AT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESIIERTOy, Yoawill find an asscTtment of Heavy and Lisrlit Harness. Whips. BruflheB, Carry Comt>m Rweat I'cilit, aud tho cclobratod "Hariiuhs Oil." ^%^OLLABS A SPE€IALTl'.^!fe Cheap (or Caab. Call and F-xamina. Humors, Erysipelas, Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by purifying tlie blood with SCROFULA i do not bcHcvw thiit Ayer's .'4ar«ii4>ariUa bna sn cqaal as » remedy for ScrofVilftm Hu- mors. It 1» pVasiint to take, rIvos ^'rcnetli and viKorto the body, and produces a more periuaucnt, lastinK, re- sult than aay meAlcine I c VI r used.â€" K. Haines, Ko. LinJblcO. I have usrj AyorS Santaiuirilla.inMy fam- ily, for .Scrofula, and kuuw, If It Is takp« faith folly. It wffl tlioi-mi({hly â- eradicate this tarrlble disease. â€" \V. F. Fowler, M. D., <;ireeiiville, TeMi. JTer forty ji-ari I bnve aulTered with Ery- •iuelaa. I have trleil all sorts of remedies Tor my complaint, but Tonnd'no relief until I commenced using AVer's .Sursaparills. A/ter taking ten botr tie, of this niedk'ino 1 am completely rured. â€" Mary C. Amwiburv, Rockport, Me. I have sufTcrei', for years, from C;.lsrrh, which was so severe that It destroyed my appetite and wi-akcneil my system. After tr\- Ing other remedies, and ^ettliiK no relief, I hcRsn to lake Ayer's SarsaparlUn, and, in » few months, w-iscured. â€" Susnii I,. Cook, 009 I Alliiiny St.. Boston IllKhhiiul:!, Mass. Ayer's .'•iirsspsrllla Is superior to any blood l>urlfier that I have ever tried. I have taken It for .Srofulu, Canker, niid .S:ill- Itheum, luul received much heneflt from It. It Is e""d, nlso, for a weak stoinai'li.â€" Mllllii .fane I'elrce, .South Ilraiiroi'd, iMass. Sj SELLING OFF ^ AT COST! In o rder to clear out my present stoc k of Mens, Worn- mens and Childrens BOOTS & SilORS, I am offering Three or Four Hundred p airs at very greatly reduced prices in order to make room for Spring; Importations. WM. LATTON, - Fleshcrton. >) Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLBSHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT. o<^ f . ( r^. Peairal DR. CARTER. M.C.P. &.S.,0:«T. PHYSICIAN, iflBCEOX, dr. FLESHEKTOX. Offlco. Strain's block. Residence. \Vm. Wright t Jfutiotvy. J.P. MARMUALL.L.U.H DENTIST, flK.\l)UATE of Toronto School of Di.nti«tr,> " will l)u at Miirkdalt) tli« tut «ii<l JrJ Wetliic" day of each month. snU «t Flesln-rtou on thi' U: and 3rd Thurxiay iu uacb luouth lor Uiu practitv of hiH prof<.Shion. ^fgal. J. W. FROST, LL-B., Burrlnter, SiUicitor, COHveyanrer. Oaicu.â€" strain a Buihling. Klks-hebton. .\. \. CHESLEV. bolicitor and Cuuveyaucc. . Resident Manager. MR PKOST will be found at the Offleeon Thundavti aa heretofore. P McCULLODGH, Barrister, SoUcifor, ^-f. Onir«, ovrr NrFurland'.s Storr. .Warkdale. Money to Lonn. MA8S0N & MASSON, B.VUHISTKKS. SOI.lriTOKS. .tr OFFirK.*â€" Owen Sound, in Vicker'ii blo.'k I'oulutt bt.: Urancb office in Markdaie. over Mi harlauU'K itoro, oa Friday auU baturdfty ever/ week. J MASSON. Q.C. 8. M.\SSON. \V. M.tSSOj: N.B - rrivate & Couipany'ii tuada to Invctt at from Six to Blcht per cent. ALL KINDS OF M\\ li Mo&uxs&ia.! Mi^ Saoh ;i3 Moumueius, Tomb Tables, Ileadstonra Counter ftiid T»Ul« Tops â€" in American and It;iliau Marble and (Iranitc, and made on short notice. ALso Mantles in Murbic and Marblcized Slate, Sec, kc. Kleihertoii, Xne. 'M, 188.^. HEALTH FOR ALL p-r=rr/. HatLOYimiMMOINTMEMT iRy: TILLS Purify the lUood, coiiect nil Di>oi'der4 of ilio ILiiA'er, Stomacli, IClclu'yw, nn«l UoMeli«. I ey invi)C»rateau.l restore to lienltli Debilitate 1 .•onrtitutiona. Aud are inraluable in aH Coin plaiutbiuuidmital to hVuialea u( iili 84(04. .''or Cbllureu ntvl tliunut'd tbey aru priculvaa. ^EW LIVERY! TUK iintlertignad b^RH to announce that bu h«* Htarted aniat-clkaa Livery in the ittand <'| po^ttLâ-  Munihaw'a Hotul. Pleiberton. where the trayollioK poblic can bo accoiiiniodated wITli .'ood I ii;> and bortes at u^ost rcaicDable ] ticir Try luo and be ooovinoed. Raapeettullj youra. \V. H.JOHNSTON. „.,,,, , nvlicrton. Nov. 19th, U«. For SOIl/C THU0.17, IiI?OA'('HITIS. COUGHS, COLDS \ - â€" ^^^ Pictnre Framing, A'ooUy, Cheaj>hi ^- Otiick- h/ Done', hij J B. raooRB, Durham Rt, Oppoaito riayton'i n«rBciisfh*i THF OINTMENT IiaDinfaUlb|«r«mrdv (or Had \^;;«. Ilaa nrpa.<t4. Old Wminda, Sorw and riceri. It " liout and Hbenuiat' -m. For diaordMn ul tho Cbott it lia« no ,.qual. is fainniir fc I John W. Armstrongs Klkshkbton, Co. Orrt. DIVISION COLRT CLKKK. COMMISSION tit in M. It., ('onveyancer, .tc. .K^entfor pnrchas aed aale of land*. Appraiser for C 1.. C. Con. and F. t*. h. ii S. Sociaty. Money to Loan on the moat ruaauuable terina. IsaiKH of MAKlilAOK IJCF.NSKS. NOTAKY ruBLtC. ANDREW McGIRR. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, FEVERNHA.V, . . O.^T. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. (U.KRK AHTKMl:aiA. COXl'FYAyCEi:. fV).U3//^•.s/0.Vi7.•, jyaviijyrE agi; dc. DEKUI«.MOUTOAUK8.1.EAH£8. Ac. premr e<l Hiid properly eiMcntcd. InHurance affra- ed in ni'Mt.claiM.cowpauie». Mouvy to lenJut oweht rati'K. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'repared by Dr. J.C. .\yer & Co., I.on-oll, Moas. frlcp •! : alx bottles, SS. aiftnJalarSw«U'.ug<.aii<l&ll Skin I>i<*<u*a ft hn% no rival; and (or contracted and stid Jointa it MM like a chsriu. Mao ifactured only at Profon.^or Hor.r.owAT'n KBtAbllHlimont. 7S. New Oxforil .Htrcft ( Inte .1S3, Oxfortf Ktrert ), Loniior , and arc sold at Is. ll<l..2i.9d., *i, M . 1U..«9»., and .'B«. each Hot or Tdt. and may U' bod of all Med elae Vendom throuxheot the World. .tlr- Purckii$er* AavU look ti. ih'. TAtbtl on Iht Poh and liuxn. If the aJJrtu it iint .ViX, (h:fiiid Street, Tymdoii. tJin/ arr tfmnnut. Canadian Pacific Railway. | Owen Sound Branch. . ' 1' I M il: 1\V 13 l., k . Faking Eject, Monday, Jidij '-.'Ttli, ISSO. iiolng North. " _»1\\l'I0X'ir I »I ullj^ i-.xp. ~M I'jii.d. Toronto ...!.7..'.r^niieave'"l4.5ain 4"»)pini • nrdwcU .luncttou t)!i^ " ' li ao ' ' CImrliiston U 4;l Ortmh'o. ' .\u-ivu lOO.'i villi'. .â-  Lciivo loan OrHnaevillu .lunction IQ^Ci Sliiilbnrno 10 W Dun.Ulk Ill <u Fi.Kiiif.UTox .11 47 Mmkdnlu ... it! IN Wililanisford tiiiijipn! w:!a ciuUKwortb ,ii!«8" y in Owon Sound .\rrivc' 10.1 " lOiO MONEY TOLOAIS. At « r»er Oent. On Town or Farm l*rpr»»»r' B. D.VMUPE. Fleabertou. r. 45 ' ' 7 U.I • ) 7 '.'i â-  â-  7.14 ' , B04 ' h:ui ' H.15 • 1ft ' li If J. W. BATES, Fit mi f II re Dnilcr and Undcrtdkcr, FliESHKUTON. . OKT. tioiuK Month. Thorongb-llrnd BERKSHIRE BOAR! WITH Kood I'odinroe will slioid (or scaHon o( inm-l at Lot No. Ill first i:iiiit>.i V.aei vl Tor- onto A* Hydonlmui Uoad, .Artcjiujsift. Tcrina on application. VJXI-Xi.',) .lACOIl A. LKVF.U. FOR SALBT" (>J»cio« U iniloBfromFli'rihorton. Ooodwarm (rami) dwolllnK, 7 roonia. f'od .Millar, i.'oodKtnblo a uiiviirfftlllni? spring creek. Terms nnsy. For particulars apply to W.J IIKI.LAMY, Floshef- toM, r to C. WT BEI4/AMY, Markdale, STATU^NS. ] Kxj.T"" Mall. MIxml Owen Soiuitl Loavo'iTlnain' â- J46piii ' Cbat.*wortli I 9 10 " I :i 07 " | %, Willlmiiaford j 6B5 " ' »S0 " I S Markdiiln „....' B47 " | HSU ' FLK.mi-.iiTirx ' 7 0arf' 4 06 Dnndiilk I 7 85 "' 431 Sholburnn , I 7 M " 4fl7 Ornngxvilli! .luuctiou R2)l â- ' 5 93 ' Oranyo-i Arrivo H :i(l " ' ."1 .Tfi villo. i' Leave 1 H tr, " ' fiM ChiirloBton I BOS " , (I l.S ' Citidn-ell Jnnction • OSB " 1 flJlO ' Toronto Arrive 1055 " S 10 ' i_|!la:lisiiiiiliSl:j,5lall85iP:(fflis85 /.v FL /;.s // /; ti TO .V. TO BE LET OR SOLD. "BELL" r Tbo nniliM-iiit'iii'd offerB for snip bis Rlack- ' aniith Shop. Stal'lr sntl Prpntist'^ ndj(uniii^, at arcs"on«liU' prlii;or will Ici'itlic katno to a uood man at a (air rental. This property ia i Will situatod on Culliiitwood .^tin't.l'lcahurton, I iMMirtlic plnniin.* fnrtorv. I l>'or teriiiH and pnrtictilar«. applv to the pro. prietor. ItOIlKKT t I.AIIK. : July 'JStb. low. 1X7 tf Fleahertoi). Un»ppTO«ched for Tone and Quality, CATALOGUES FREK, BELL(S[CO.,GuelpIi,0nt. New Butcher Shop lu Flesli ertou ' W.WHTTH. (IKN'I, SlJP'T. D.McNU'DLL, Gkxi, I'Aaa.AOT '. Money to Loan. At lik Pi-r ('ml. IiitfriAl ..11 Struiij/it /,(kiii. w ITH TiitiTOBt pnid voarly. not hi a'lvfttirn.Mc ooiniiiii^ion chnrfted. Api»ly |o A.UKICR. THORNBIKY. James Sullivan, Theliusniith, - Flesherton, KmiairinK' Knvrtroiicliiiig. mid In fftct ev«ry- thliift in thp himhieft^ will recMtWn my j>roui]*t ADil cKri'fnl AUerittun %\ r«iuonftble (>ri«rB. •â- i<?L--' Fetch 6k Mitchell, I'ROl'MKTOKS. TftK nndnralRne ' respectfnily tak^tbia nppnt. tunity to announce to tbe pi«oplu of I!e*.t>. ertou and «urronnditi|{ country, tbat tbey bave started a llutcber Shop in tbe stand next d.^->r to the Marble Vork«. FLKBHKKTON, wbera tbey will be pleased to meet with all wbo (avot them with tkelr patronsKe. Krcab Ueatt of a!! kluda.and Flab. Ac. In Iheir leaaoni Keii>«etfully youri, PKTCB ft MITCBKLIk „ i / «?»i.. <V I fii.*"

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