Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1887, p. 5

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THE 'FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Feb. 3, 1887. sm^ <(uc<-n's Jubilee. Owing to tho fact that there have been so many entertainments in Flesh- «!rton tliis season, the Sons of Tenipor- Aiico have couoluded to po8ti)0iio thoir ;innnalconc(jrt until Monday, June 20th, IBH7 â€" the Queen's Jubilee day, which will bo very ^euerally obHerved 'as a pnblic holiday in every part of the British empire. Ma^juificeiit tableanx â€" forcibly ami vividly illustratiuj^ t^i'tat moral and social evilsâ€" ^oino {^riail, riu<;ing Teiuperauce choruHes, a stirrrii;» and \iBorous Temperanoo drama, and t-loiineut and patriotic kdtJresseK, are ivmongst the features of tlSj coining on- tortainnicnt. which promises to eclipse anything of tho sort ever attempted in this town. Tho Sons usually do things in first class stylo, as allthcir past en- tertainments eniiuently prove : but this will be the beat of all. Further partic- ulars in due time. In Hlie ni'iautimu, all members are urgently 'asltdt' to at- tend meetings of Divisioa as regblarly as l>ossible in future, iu or<Tcr that proi>or preparations may be made to f.nstaiu tlie committee in the work th^y have undertaken and carry it forwlbd to a successful issitf^. iTimbcrley. i From 01W oii-n t'oiTenjxmdeni . Dr. Sproule addrnS*;d a very large» en- thuaiostic and intelligent audiencu here t»n tho ovei in? of the 26th, inst. The Dr. i;Rve a very elabor.-vte review of tho great ixiliticil t<ipica of th^ daj-, Bhi)wini< clearly and fi^rcibly how successfully the Ciovcrnnient had carried out its pledges to tliu people. Even the few politicil 'ippunents present, had to confess that they were well jjle.ised with Dr's speech. One interesting feature V)f tlu; meeting was the questions answered by the Dr , refuting and exposing someiif the charges tuado by the opposition. All sliadcs and classes here, entertain great esteem, much respect and perfect con&deuco towards the Dr. To the Editor of The Advance. My Dear Sir, â€" Permit me to congratu- late and thank you for the supplement to tho last issue of the Advance; for it furnishes a valuable epitome of the growth and prositerity of our country for the post 4 or 5 years. It is also valuable to tlnwe who want to study carefully and impar- tially the political affairs of uur oountry. Youra respectfully, M. R. Hammond, P. M., Kimberley, Kimbcrley. To the Editor of the Advunce. One of the most plen-siint atfairs that ever took place in Kimberley, was a cnn- «.ert held in tho Methodist Church Friday evening Jan. Sist, the proceeds of which was appropriated to the aid of the S.ib- bath School. The day previous being very stonny, <ioubts and fears were entertained wheth- er the following evening would be a suc- cess or not, but Providence smiled and vranted most favorable weather and a good attendance. Tho iHjrformers on this occasion were tirst-class talent from Thornbury who had kindly offered their services at any time chosen to call upon tliein. Tho proceedings commenced at 8 o'clock when the Rev. Mr. Corcoran was voted to tho chair which he occupied in his usual pleiusing manner. The first-cliws programmo consisted of •choruses vocalduetta and solos, violin and <agiUi duetts and mouth organ solos, all of which were vociferously and deservedly sipplaudcd. Mr. Henderson, has a fine nmsical voice and his solos were beautifully ren- dered. Mr. H's. mouth-organ solos elic- ited a storm of applause and special men- tion might be made of the ''Mocking Bird" soh', parts of which so nearly ro- KiMiblod the warbling of a bird, but ones jMjwers of description would utterly fail ill this particular. Miss M. Youii'.', possesses a rich, well- < ulturod voice of great compass and pleas- <'d everyone by the clinriiiiiig niaiiiier in «liicli she aciiuittcd herself, as also did J^Iiss Dickin.Hon. MisM Young presided at tho orijan. At the close a hearty vote of thanks WMS extended to the 'nuirnbury friends who contributed so much to ihe evenings «iijoymonr, and so iimtcrially aided in a £[ood cause. Their kind olfiT to return again at some fotiiie time will no doubt be gladly acci<pted^ and a f>iost cordial welconie granted. BY romliitioii of Art«ini'Hi:i C'immcM. I will re ctiive ai»pliuaUoii4 inr th< o.'flce o'. AHseHrtOi lip to 10 o'nlntik, a. in., Krvontli dav of Ffibriito" , ISHV-apjiIic Mits 11' tt t'> inontfnii Mfllftry in H)'pr- •iaUiii, Kt ttii* Coutioll CAiinot appoint ollicoib '^.11' tbu lownsi ti-ii(l«r. „ W. J. BEM.AMV, , 'â- mj'ia. ntli, 1887. Twii. Clerk. 'â-  â- > 892-S. t=rT?he best, cheai/jst aii'a^.iio8t dur- able Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Clotho'.s Wringers, Sewing Machine Noodles, and Supplies, for sale at C. Treadgold's, next house to Mr. Will. Strain's, Kleshertoii. 3m SIIILUH'S CUIIE will immeJiulely relieve Croup, Whoopint; Couuh, and Brouohitis. SulJ ut Medical Uu I. A NASAL INJEC'TOB fr«e with eaeh bot- tle uf Shiloh's Catarrh Uemeuy. I'lice RO cuntd. Sold at Miilical Hall. MotillEOOH <t PaUKK's CiKUOLlC CkHATK.â€" Hiivo you an old Soro. Out, HruiKu, Corn, Itiiu- iuii. Halt Uliuuni, I'iuiplo, liiutchus, Itoiieli UandR or Focu '/ If so. thoro in but ouu cnre, iiaiMoly, McCirngor i3c I'arko's Carbolic Corate. If you I'lit try it, it will tfuuviuco you. It cotttti but 2.'H:.at tho Drugstore. Huvu you evor trlod Mc<iresor A Parke'n Car- bolic Coratn fur Korea of any kiud? It is be- youd (lo.ibt tho vory boat preparation in the murko' for hoaling and curing' Sori'H, Durnsi, Ci!tr, i*iniple!», lllotelii'rt, anil i» tho only prfp|H.'r method of auplyinu Carboliu Acid. Sold at the Drutf Store for ;i.'>c. per box. A liivER CiBK.â€" OnH HiiiKic timl of Or. Chase's Liver Curi' will c^'uviuce the most iskepticul and cunKrm bottt-r th.in thousands kl tHutimouials that it is a suru cure. Med- ciiue aud hccipe Book SI. Salt RnrtM CiiiKn.â€" McClroRor * ParkeH Carbolic Corato has been tried and found to be tho only positive cure for Salt lihouni. Pimples, BTotchtrs on the face or hands. Cuts. Iturua, MrulBuB, or any Sore that unthiiiK else will heal. IVy .McUreifor * Parke b Carbolic Cerate. 25o. per box at tlio Uruu Storo. Ladies trotHiled with Pimplei. Hlotchen, Koutjh liauils or face, or Sores of any deacrin- tion, should use McOri-Kor A: Parke » Carbolic f'orato. It will leave thi! skin in perfect health, smooth, clean an4l uood color. He sure and get tho uoiiuiiie, iiiado by McGregor iji Parka. Prloo '.Uc. Sold at the Drug Store. Anvici; Tn MnTiiKasâ€" .\ro you divturbod a iiiRlit fcud broken of your rest by a sick child onfteriotf and cryinK with pain of CiittinK Tooth ? if BO send at once and get u Injttle of "Mrs. Win slows Soothini; Syrup " for Children TecthinR. Ita value is Incalculable It will relieve the poor little snlferrtrimimuliatolv. Bepend upon It. inotlur*'. there is no inistakv about it. It cures Uyseiitory and Diarrhma. reuulalea the Stoiiinch and Dowels. I'uros Wind Colic. Hotteus tho fiuniB, rndiii-es Inflammation, and elves tone and eoersy to the whole Bvstoni. 'Mâ„¢. Wins- low s SoothinR Syrup ' for children teutbinR It pleasant to the taste and is tho prescription ol one of the oldest and best female phyBiciauii and nurses in the United Stntea. and !« for sale by all drunKists throuuhout the world. Price twenty Ave cents a bottle. He sure and luk for ' Mas. WiNRi.ow's SooTHiNo Syhvp," and take no other kind. The Appetite Mav be increased, the Digestive orf;ans Btrcngthencd, and the Bowels regulated, by taking Aycr's rills. These IMlls are purely vegetable Iu thoir composition. They contain neither calomel uur any other dunf^cTous drug, and may be taken with perfect safety by )>ersous of all ages. I WHS a grcst sufferer from Pjspepsia and Constipation, I had no uppetlte, became greatly delillUateil, biuI was con- stantly alfllcl«l with HcHdaolic und Dizzi- ness. I consulted our family doctor, who prencribed for iiie, ut vari^nu limes, w Itti- outslfordlng morolhuu temporary relief. I finally commenced taking ,\yir s Tills. In a short lime my digestion uud appetite IMPROVED niT bowels wero regillated, snd, bv the time I flnishMl two boxes of Mii'm' ftlls my tcndeney to hcadRclieH hiiil (timippearcj, and I became' strong sHd well. â€" Darius M. Logan, Wlhulugton, Del. I was troubled, f-' over a vear. with Loss of Appetite, aui '.eiicni) Diblllty. I comnienoed tnking Atei's I'HIh, and, be- fore tinishiiiif h;tlf a box of thitf medicine, my appetite and strength were restored. â€" C. O. Clark; Danbury, Codp. AVer's PIIU arc the best medicine known to me for regulnting.the bowels, *nd (or all diseases causmi by R disordered Stomach and Liver. 1 s^tfcred for over three years with lleaihUlic, Indigestion, and Comitipation. I had n6 aiipetite, and was weak aud nervous moH of the time. -BY USINTQ three bo.\es of Aycr's Pills, ami, at the Bttinc tlnifl clleting myself, I was com- pletclv cured, )ly digestive organs are now hi good order, and B am in perfect licalth.â€" I'bilipLuckwood,Tupcka, Kans. Ayer's Pills hnvo benefited me wonder- fally. For months I sutfcrcd from Indi- gestion Slid Hcadftclic, was restless at night, and hml a bud taste in my mouth every morning. After^takliig one box of Ayor's Pills, all tliiso troubles illsup- pearcd, my f^oll (ligcsft-d well, nm'iniy sleep was refreshing. --<leury C. Ilcm- mcuwuy, Itockport, jlaas.. I was eiircir'of the Plies by the use of Ayer's Pills. Tliey not only relieved mo of Hint painful di.^'order, tint gave mo iii- f reused vigor, stnl restored my health.â€" Juliu Lazarus, St. John, N. 1). Ayer's Pills^ Prfoareii bv r>r..T.r. Ayer fcro.,l/5weli,MaM. Bold Ly alli)ru||t,'iata aud Ueulara iu MvUltke. TiK)r()iij,'li-Hred BERKSHIRE BOAR! WITH Miiod PediRiee will stand tor soaaon cf isstl 7 at Lot No, 111 liist UuuK« Ka»' of Tor- onto .^ Svdei!iani Uoad, .'VrleniuKia. Terms on appliention. VMI.ar,) .lACOn A. LKVKR. f! T CORDOIV'S HA I! N' ESS SHOP H-"*r and Li?ht Hirness, \f hliirt. M hi.hofl, Cnrr^ OomhR. ^rf^nt Pads, aud 'III' cplt'brn:^! "Jffir!:!'^;. il " '7h'.ap for (Tttsh. Call and Kxamln*. FOR SALE. fl^neni.i i; iinli'.-- froti4 l^'lchrrt r (Inodwami fraineiiw-.dling, 7 rcji latt.Hood t^llnr. gr.od tnhle a nev.ir fulling apriu),' ci:ii:k, Temj! .ja»y, !â-  partlci'Uirs M>plv te W. ,' 1I.;i\I,.\.\fY, Flesh ton' or to (.. W. IIBLLAMY itarldi id. !'-nr esbnr- SELLING OFF AT COSTl I n ortjer to clenr out my pr esent stock of Mens, Wtrm- mens and Childrens BOOT.S & SllOLvS, I -Am oiTeriu^ Three or Four â- Hundred pairs at very greatly reduced prices in order to make room for Spring Importations, WM. CL.AYT01U, Flesherton. Largest), Cheapest., and Best stock of -STOVES- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, K I^ V^ H H K 1*^ T O rV iMM -FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT,, pdiat. DR. CARTER. .M.C.P. &S.,Omt. rHYhll'lAX, iilUCiEO.X, &r. H.E.SHKRTOK. Offlc*. Htrain'H blocif. Itesidence. Wm. Wright 4 Jcutiiittij. J.r. MAKSIIALL, L.U..H UKNTlb-r, GlUljrATK of Toroirto «<!hooI of Dentiitry will I).! at ^rarkda)e the Ut and ;*r«l We-lne^- dayof each mouth, and at Kh*hert<'n on tlie Ut and ard Tliumday in eauh mouth for the i'.iactlc<> of tlis profehsiun. .^fgal. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. Uarruiter, SolicHni; CouveyHiirfi: Otflco. â€"Strain's Uuildiiif;. Fi.k.sukhtun. A. A. CHKSLKY. Solieitor and Cuuveysncer. Ituiii lent .Manat;er. MK. FKOST will Iw fouud •( the OOcs or. Tburadavs as liurutofore. P McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, cfc: Ofllfc, over MrFarlaiid's Store, Markdulc. .Honey to Louu. ALL KINDS OF Marils: -d MmM ^crks Such as Moninr.er^, Tomb Tjfek's, Ilcadetoncs C luiiter aud TikLle Top-s â€" in American r.d Ituliau Marble and -(-Granite, and made on short notioo. Also ituntlcs iu ^ittiblc aud M.iiblcizcd Slate, itc.Ac. Fleahorton, Aui,'. 30, 18*5. HEALTH FOR ALL, iMKiTLLb I'lu-lfv tho ir»j(l. onuct nil DMjrdcri of tho l^ey tiivi^'<)rAte&iiil ro^torn t(> health UubiKtati'd CoiihtitutioiiH. nnd aru invnluable In all Vein rl&iut^ii:ciiloilt'«^to FoiiitLk-s uf all iinin. Kor Chtldruti ami thu u^utl ihcy urti p^il:olv^t•. MASSON & MASSON. BVmilSTKll.S. S'.JLUITOlt.S. ie, OKricKHâ€" l)w«u Sound, lu Vieker's Mock Poiilutt St.: Ilraneli office In Markdale. over Mc Karlaiid's store, on Friday and Saturday evui y wttek. J ilASSON.Q.C. 8. MASSON. W. M.VSSON NH.â€" Private * Company k funds to Invest «•. 'roiu Six to Kixht per cuut. giisiuciiisi (tards. John W. Armstrong, Flksukbto.s, Co. Qiiey. DIVISION COUKT CI.KUK. COMMISSIONF-I. .cil>. R., eouveyancer. ita. Ai;ent fur purcha.- K«d sale oi lauds. Appraiser for C. I.. C". Coin aad F P. II A S. Society. Money to I,<'an on Ih" mnst reaiionalile tenn<< Iskokii or M.\BUIAUE I<U-ENSKS. NOTAKY PCI.ILIC. ANDREW McGIRH. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, FEVttHeiiU.iMU. . . 0.\T. W. J. BELLAMY. TWr, ri.KllK AllTEUKHU. mxvEY \yrEl:, ('i)MMi:<sroyEi; iy.HyiiA.\t'E AOT, clC. •rVKKI)S..Mimr(iAOi-:s. IJ:ASKS. &c.. prel-sr â- 'â- ' ed and piopaxly ettfoiitsd. Insurance aftis ed in n^«l-clas^cou»|N>nies. Money to lends'. uwest rates. r H F rN T M K N T Iaantufallibloromofi*'*fir Jtml Ko^'H.llart Uroa*itt«, Ohl Woiuiu .. Sorc"* mu\ ricerp. U Ufaniuupfi t ] (rout ai>£ UhoiiiiiatiHtu. For dlnorfh-rn of th* ('hvit It hah nu oqual. | ForSOni'J TIIUOA'I ,'B110j\ CH ITIS. COVUHS, COI.!)^ aiMhdularKtvelUiiKs, and all Skin niseaies it lia< no rival; and for eoutractud and alitl joints it acts like a charm. ^EW LIYERY! 'Pin: uud.TBlLMiod l.itt;s to aiinoun<»j that heha* * "lartml a first elaiK I.ivery In the .';tand op â- HI ico .Muushaw s Hotel. Klesherton, where th« IrarelliuK pulilic eau Iw accoiuinixlated with r-r. 1 ils» and horsen at most Kasonable irUcs l.j i. to .ind be convinced. lUispuotfiiUy yours, W. H. JOHNSTON. ?;*»(«' «»n, N«v, 19tk,.l'Mi Manufacttired only at Profeisor HTi,;,ow.iT's Kstfthlishiiient, 78, New Oxftoril Street ( late 5:t:{, Oxford ,Str4«4>t >, London, and aro sold at Is. IJd.,2». Od., Is. M . lis.. 2i!« . mid ;t1« raeli Box or Pot, arfci'may bo had of a) I Sled cine Vendors tlirou(;h.riit the World, JHf Purcluifert nhould loot: U. '/le TjoImI oh fhi'i'ot* iitid llnj-es. 'If the ailHifM is not .';.'>.?, Oifnitl Str"'t, f^iH'Inii, thiuj (ire .i/'iirin'if. Canadian Paofllc Railway; Owen Sound Branch. Tahin:) Eject, Monday, Jiihj 27th, ISSC. (aoiiix North. BTATIONS. "Mail J. E. OOREr. Carpenter. Joiner, <y- Cnii net Maker. All repairs promjitly ,t neatly eicrutcd "hops, Duiham St. next to I.eiich » Tsiiriuij. Plans aud Sj>ccificalious on shortest notice. MONEY TO LOA^. On Town or Farm I'ro|)erty, H. DAMIU)!', Klesherton. "BELL" Toronto Loavo' 7 4riaui 4.'iipLU Curdwoll Junction U»j 'â-  f.liO ' Charleston | 411 " OraiiKe- 1 Arrive 100.5 ville. .' 1,.'HV0 11080 " OrauKovillo .luiicMon lo.tU " Slielliuruu lOM " Diin.liilk 11122" Kl.KSIIKIlTOX..,. 11 47 " Maikdale 120B " Williniiisifnrd I8£lpii Chiitsworili \\i:» " Kxp. I Mixed. I „!' II 4S ' 1 7 03 ' â-  728 ' 7 34 ' H04 ' KDO ' . B .Vi ' aio ' u .w • U 4'.) ' 10 50 ' 25 = 3 Owen Sound ..\rrivc' ! Oft <;oiii» South _S'i'Vnfl.'*^t l_^x|>rrMal'l7j"Mix«i Owen Sound. T....Vlieavel a4Uaii'ir24bpn) Chatsworth , 610 " I 8U7 " Wlllinuisford I 6(15 •' .130 " Markdalo « 47 " 3Sa " Fi.KmiRiiTON 7 08 " 4 06 •• Dundalk .. , 786 '• 4)11 "• Shellinrue 7 51 " 1 4 «7 " ()i'au»!oville Suiictioi S'Jii " | 5 23 " l1i,itit;o-( Arilvo *!») " 6M " vlliu. I LoAve B4(l " SM "• Charleston >0B " j 6)3 "• Cardwoll Junction | 45 " | 6 30 " Tor onto. ArrivB 10 M " I R lo " I D.McNIOOLil. Gkn'lPa««.Aqt _.lUiliSkp,SlaFis^Frgn o W.WHYTK. Gkn'lSup't. Mmey to Loan. At i:\ Pir (V)i(. I,.,.^^i^.â- ,l „n Str,>i'jHl>{„mi. WITH In'orest paid yearly, not In ail v.aiif • . No eoiiitiiissioi: G^aiKed'. Xpply to A.VKIER. - THORN BVRl. J. W. BATES, Fur/iifnre JJea/er and Undertaker, FU.:sUBltTON. . . O.NT. , ^ 11 .il^v^M V. Unapprcachcd for Tone and QuJiUty. OATALOQUES FREE. BELL&CO.,Guelpli,Ont. New Butcher Shop in- Flesh â-  ertou ! ; Fetch i& Mitchell. I'J.'UV'KlKTq^lS. , Tjs inrt AM ' (?S« 1 1 â-  a_^ m^ I THf<"'nl<'r«ii;noJ ri>ii»cltnlly take this onpri TheTiusiQith. - Flesherton Ret aniuR. KayetrounhiiiR and in fact every- lliiuD. in the busiiiass will reoeiyp my prompt aud earefnl attentiou at reasonable prlcua I\ FLKSULltTOS. TO "BE LET OR SOLD. The unTfirKleiu'd offers for mle hii Illaek smith Sli. », Stable and I'D^^^iKeB adjoiiiint!, at | a reanoiiuUe price, or will le;i-i- the hsnu' to a | (^ood man at a fiiir relitii). This pioperly is well sM'inted on ("ollftinuetid street. Kleslii-iton, near it-o pliuiioK faolor;.'. ' j Kor *4iiiik and pu»iiiilavf. apiily in the pio- i prietor. noiiruT ciAHK. ! • JuiymHh. IBHf.. S&Vtl FleMierton. I ett.^si ilhii surro'iu<tii'» oountiy.lhas thi y hare .*ar««d s Hulcher .Shi p In the stand iie\t door to the Marble Woiki". Kl.KSHKKTUN, where tMifv will he plea"<tl I" meet with all who taver tiM»in with their )>atrona«« Fresh MvaU o( ill Inada.aud Kish,>t'e in Iheirssasous Rtspeottulty yours, PBTCH*MITCHELifc

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