Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1887, p. 1

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We understand Mr. Fred. Ryder was recently united in marriage to a Miss Wright, of Durham. The young couple have our best wishes. [In column 4:] Our esteemed friend and citizen, Mr. Fred Ryder, returned home on Monday. Having joined the noble army of benedicts recently, his many friends are of the opinion that married life agrees with him well. We tender our congratulation to friend Ryder and his charming young wife. Our good-looking young friend, Mr. W. L. Smith, Editor and proprietor of the Shelburne Economist, was married to Miss Garneau, of Drayton, week before last. We wish the young couple every success in their matrimonial alliance. Our good neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. N. Campbell, have the sympathy of the entire community in the sad loss recently sustained by them in the death of their dear little girl. Only ten months ago their eldest little daughter - a most charming and beautiful child - passed away to be forever with Him who has said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me." BELLAMY - In Artemesia on the 28th Jan., the wife of Mr. C. W. Bellamy of a son. SHARP - In Artemesia, ont he 22nd Jan., the wife of Mr. Wm. Sharp, Councillor for Ward No. 3, of a daughter. CAMPBELL - In Flesherton, on the 28th Jan., Annie Hilda, second daughter of Nathaniel and Margaret J. Campbell, aged 3 years. \<- -iVrr&apos; .V &apos;^:^ â- a A 1 * â- u / AWANCE. aj*^ .-:r : "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRI.YCIPLES, XOT MEK." VOL. VI., NO. 294. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 3, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, "&apos;^^^p*^ PROPRIETOR. ^:sf Hampden i Tit - BHs. I Copjirfi&apos;iij t)/ Liieid and Other Interestimj lUmt yaUurM by The Advance l{eporter$. VALENTINES for sale at Medical Hall. Fleshorton. Monday next in Cattle Fair day in Flcsherthn. BOOTS A SHOES SELLING OFF CHEAP AT W. CLAYTONS. &apos;--&apos;tX I t >-\ Watches I keep the only complete stock of , ^mcl•ican Watchw, Clocks, Silver, â- ware, .Jewelry & Specks in this bco. iioii of Grey. Can do bettor "casli or <redit" for the public, thau any Jew- eller within 15 miles. SPECL\LTIE8 :â€" Wedding BiHgB. . Difficult Watch Repairing. TV. A.. BROWM, The Hanover Post ha» jo&ped off the foDce and in no)r a Grit orntin. There is som^ talk of three candidates ID Kant Orey fot the Hoiihc of Cotunioiig. Winter Gooda, FurH, MantleH. Over- oMts, Drefts gooda. RobeK. Blankets, at grtittly reduced im{W9.t Ricbardson &, Co&apos;s. Mr. .Toho Gilchrist, Reeve of Orange- villo. is Warden of Dufiferin for 1887. An immunRO ntock of clocks arrived this week at UushcU&apos;h noted jcwehy store, Flesherton. 2 t A RHiabU J^tcMtr, MARKDALE, I Master Williu Griffith, of Owen Sound. 18 visitnii; friiuitU in thiii village. I Gospel Hymns consolidated, Nos. 1. ia. 8, 4. for sale at the Medical Hall, Fleshcrton â€" the same with niusic. ONT. fl OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mil THAMS ! in thanking my custoTners for their liberal patronage in the past, I have mnch pleasure \a being still able to •apply tbeni with the folkrwing cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky liake. &apos; The Massey Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolteu Pea H«,rveBter. The Fox Pea Harvester. â- â€¢Hamilton&apos;s Combination Plow. pollen&apos;s Centre Draught .lointor .i&apos;low. Hamilton&apos;s Scufflers. Hamilton&apos;s Boss Gang Plow. &apos;Wisnor&apos;s Spring Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of Repairs always on &apos;baud. IParties requiring any of the above ^ill do well to call and inepect Mach- ines, which will bo found in Sproule&apos;s ^arcbonse. " &apos; A. 8. VanDOSEN, Flesherton. r- â€" â€" â€" â€" - oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Smith the Markdale barber, will be in Flesherton, next Monday, cattle fair day. Richardson & Co. are preparing for their Annual Clearing Sale, which will be announced next week. %Ir. Epbraini Shaw, of Collin$:wood Tnwiiship, was viutini{ friendH in thii ucighborb(Mid, Inst week. Where can I got Plonr and Feed (the cfaeapact? At G. Keefe* &apos;k, FlcBherton, of course. Mrs. Henry Chccseman, of Stayner. is the guest of iior daughter, Mrs. T. W. Wilson, of this town. If van want your watch rcpaiTod properly, take it to RusHell, Flesherton, â€" the finest watchmaker in this (^^un- try. 2 t Lieut. Edw. Rorke, the handsome Clerk of Collingwoml Township, g»ve us a pleasant call on Friday last. LADIES&apos;. MISSES & CHILDREN&apos;S BOOTS SELLING OFF VERY CHEAP AT W. CLAYTONS. 2 t. Members of Fleshcrton Brass Band are requested to meet for general bus- iness on Saturday evening, at 7 30, in Town Hall. W. P. Crossley Secy. Capt. Rorke, M.P.P. for East Qrey, was in town last week. He kioked hearty enough and good-natured enough to go through another campaign, i^&apos;need be, with flying colors. WATCHES, C^lodM, JeweleiV, gilvei&apos;wai&apos;e, ^pex, Sl6. The finest and best stock of Waltham, Elgin, Spring- field, Hampden, Illinois, & Swiss Watches. New Haven & Seth Thomas Clocks, weight and spring. Jewelery, (Wed- ding Rinf^s), Spectacles, &c. to be found in this section of country^ is at RUSSELL&apos;S Noted Jewelery Store, Flesh- erton. None but Genuine Watches kept in stock which bear warrants from 2 J to 5 years. Just received a very large consignment of Clocks which were bought for cash, so you may expect bargains all of which bear warrants from i to 3 3&apos;ears. A very fine stock of Silverware, Ladies&apos; Rings, Chains, Necklets, Brooches, Ear-Rings, Cuff-Buttons, Bracelets, Scarf Pins, &c., of the finest qnality, at lower prices than you can get them for elsewhere, and also rcmem- "(jer the only place to get your Watches, Clocks & Jewelery repaired properly is at liasseJJ&apos;s; looted Jewelry Store, .;. ., : &apos; Flesherton, Mr. Q. L. McCaul has been appoint- cid Rotnrniijg Offlrair for South Grey, Mr. A. (JrioR for East Grey, and Mr. rhoK. Gordon, for North Grey. The Mt. Forogt liffreuntitiw has en- tered the third year of its existence. There are few better country papers in the Province Mian the Rep. At the carneak requost of his old con- stituents in Cumliorland, Sir Charles Tupperlias decided .to re-eutor Canadian polities.. Put away our Hurry&apos;s trinkets, For he ncvur more will pMde ; O&apos;or hifl jfrave fix lii« toboggau, Tilliu({ bow and wheru ho cliad. Our good-looking young friend, Mr, W. L. Smith, Kditor and proprietor of the Shelburne Eeoiu>mi*t. was married to Miss Garnean, of Drayton, week be- I fore last. We wish the young couple succ< auce. IVIass Meeting. The Cuiiscrvatives of Artemc«ia will hold a M.iM Meeting in the Township Hall, Flesherton. on Thursday, 11th Feb. inst., at 2 o&apos;clock p. m. sharp. EliKiuent speakers expected. Dr. Lanperkix in- vited. Bt/ order of Committee. Mr. Wm. McGrufher, Hiid oldest son, of Nottaivasaga, was viiiitinK his bnither, Mr. Robt McGruthcr, of this Township, a few (lays last week. Mr. Wm. Quinn, of Kincardine, has been visiting his sifter. Mrs. C. Tread- &apos;.&apos;old. Flesherton, durieg the past few da vs. Our esteemed friend and citizen, Mr. I Fred. Ryder, retarnod home on ^torlday. j Havint! joined the noble army of bene- ! diets recently, his many friemts are of I opinion that married life agrees with &apos; him well. We tender our cougratula- 1 tion to friend Ryder and his charming &apos; , young wife. 1 We understand Mr. Fred. Ryder was recently united in marriage to a Miss Wriglit, of Durham. The young couple have our best wishes. It is a faet^aiid facts are stunners â€" tliat people come &apos;.20 miles to buy their watches, clocks, jewelry. Ac i «t Russell&apos;s noted jewelry store, FlesWiuun. Pricv^a must be riyht. 2 t No family iu Art«inc:^a should bo without the AnvAHCK. Live local nov^s items and editorials, e<irrcHi>ondcuc\j, family reading matter and full (.&apos;ouur.il re{iorts are leading characteristics. rrofes.sor Morgan and Fairy treated ; , our citizens to 4, rich musical feast lust Wednesday evening in the Town Hall. 1 The place was crowded by r.i, enthusios. &apos; I tic cuidicuco, although tun irhcutings I were in progress in other parts of cjir,&apos; village at the same time. The selections : &apos; were spicy and wel&apos;t rcndere<l. Mr. I , Bunt occupied the cliair iu a pleasing ; maunec, : The 81st Battalion will iu all proba- bility go into Camp this year, and will withqut doubt give as good, if not bet- ter acuount of itself than ever before. It will soon have a better corps of in- structors thau any rural regiment in Cana<la. Already ten of its non-com- missioned officers have taken short courses at the Infantry School. Eight are there now and three more will enter in April. Of those present in attendance three are from Meaford, two from Flesh- erton. and one each from Owen Sound, Annan and Durham Com])anies. The &lst Ritle Association expects to have a verv s&apos;.,>ccr.ssfiil taatch in Meaford this year. A meeting yfi.ll be held in Owen Sound shortly to arrange the prize list and other matters.â€" Oioen Soutid Adver- iUer. Wh.v and how is it that Russell&apos;s not- ed jewelry store. Fleslierton, does the best trade in tl>>s section ? Because their goods are bou(;ht for cash and the gooi(s are sold at Inwer prices than elscv(!jerc, and the puliic know it now. "Oh, ujaa>r»sba(t«t random sent Ij&apos;iada mark thearchor Ktyo ino&iit; Ad(1 mauy a word at ra;it*oiii fi])oken, May Hootb or vouud a l)6«H that&apos;R brokoQ." â€" SOOTT. Our good neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. N. Campbell, have the sympathy of the entire coiuinnnity iu the sad loss recent- ly siistaiued by them iu the death of [ their dear little girl. Only tci months ago their eldest little dauj^hter â€" a most charming; and beautiful child â€" passed away to Ik; forever with Him who has said, "Suffer the little children to come unto mo." The AnvANcr. office taken the bun in the neat, rapid and clioap o.\«!Cutiou o^ general j<il> printing. If yon want to be thoroughly onvmccd in the matter, just give us a trial order and see. Bov, .1. K. Dowers, the genial New Church missionary of Toronto, was in town Thursday last and gave us a very pleasant call- We like often to meet such uuf«,tio:i*atious, whole-souled clergyiucu o-s Mr. Bowers. Ctoup, whooping; cough, vpro throat, sudd.ui coh), and the lung troubles yie- cnliav to children, are easily controlled by p.tomptly rj,d!iiiiiistering Ayer&apos;.s Cherry Pectoral. This remedy is safe to take and certain ill its action. Mr. N. Reid. the popular and talented Deputy Reeve of St Vincent, was elect- ed Warden of Grey last week. We con- gratulate Mr. Reidâ€" the sound munici- pal legislator, the clever i_ioct. and the successful farmer. The Mt. Forest settlement in Florid.x, U. S., recently sent over a dozon cases of delicions oran;,&apos;es to the JIetho<list congrcgiition in the first named place. A grand social was the result, the pro- ceeds amoniitiug to about SCO. During his stay here. Professor Mor- gan will give lessons in voice culture. and those of our citizens contemplating advancement in that direction, cannot do better than avail themselves of the services of so distinguished and talent- ed a vocalist as the Professor. The pastor of the Methodist chnrch here. Rev. Mr. Ayers, delivered a rous- ing speech in connection with an Orange Soiree iu the Town Hall, 0;angeville. on Tuesda.v evening of last week. It was couF.iilercJ the speech of the even- ing â€" so much so, that the Dufferin Fntt roi)orted it more fully than that of any other gentleman who addressed the large and influential audience on that occa- sion. Reply t« Mr. Wm. Brown. A very cleverly written letter, in ro ply to the re<loubt«ble Mr. Wm. Brown, of Markdale, received too late for thiti weeks Advancb but will appear in our next. Wednesday evoning of last week a miniature conflagration was observed Koing on in our school-house. The alarm was at once t;iveu by the la<lies who noticed it, and Mr. .luliu Bellamy happening to be near by at the time, soon affecteil an eutranct. when be observed that some c«&apos;dar which had been placed on the stove to dry hail caught fire. The blaze was speedly extinguished. The Krand sacred cantata "Lost and &apos; .Saved," will he given some time this&apos; mouth, under the direction of Professor .MoBgau and Fairy, iu connection with the Ladies&apos; Aid Six:iely of the Preshy- toriau <&apos;,lHirth here. Inis with tin? "Red Riding Hood" CRutata aud Miss Mc(hir- ry&apos;s visit to our town ounht to make February a red letter mouth in the his- tory of musical and intellectual little Flesherton. PriKon Labor Etiiior .idvance : Are g,)cd8 manufac- tured by prison labor allowed to como into Canada free of duty ! Frkb Trade. [They are strictly prohibited to be imported at all under a penalty of $200. together with the forfeiture of the par eel oc package of goods in which the same may be fonnd. â€" Ko. Advance.] Loss Wanted. Aswillb«KoeD by iiostcrs. Mr. Wm. Bradley, Flesherton, is i)repared to pay cash on delivery for 100,000 ft. Birch Logs. 15 iu. an 1 up ; 50,000 ft. Bass wood Logs, 1&apos;2 in. and up ; 150,000 ft. Hemlock Logs, 12, 14, 16, 18 and &apos;iO ft. lonf; ; also a quantity of Black Asli and Cherry Logs taken. Also for sale Rol- ler Flour and Oatmeal of the very best brands, at rea.sonablo prices. Sec bills. A Complaint. Kditor Advance : Of late some persons have found it very convenient to dump their old rubbish in the hollow on Church street â€" near the pump which suiiplioH an entire iiei(;bborltoo<l with water. Have we a Board of Health in Fleshcrton ? If we have, then it is to be hoi)cd this will wake them from the profound 8himl>er into which they ap- IKiar to have fallen. PtJRITY. "It is worth it.&apos;< weight in f;<>ld"&apos; is a common expression. But, while the value flf gold is (>asily effected, the worth of Ayer.s Sarsaparilhi, asablood i)urifier never depreciates. It will eradiate scro- fula from the system when everything else fails. Something like forty of the pupils of our public schools are to take part iu the splendid juvenile cantata "Little Rod Riding Hood," to be given shortly in the Town H.all, Fhsherton, under the direction of the .iccomplislied mu- sical instructor. Professor Morgan, and his talented little daughter, Fairy. We understand that the Professor â€" with his accustcmied g(M;ernsity â€" purposes donation i)art of the proceeds to Mrs. .Tames Hopps. who is in rather needy circumstances through the death of her husband. A Taffy EpUodr. Editor Admtice : The other day sev eral Fleshcrton young ladies made some taffy anil put it out in the back yard to cool off. A certain woman informed her husbaud of this iuterestinK fact. when the latter cooly appropriated the taffy for the benefit of himself and spouse. Some days afterwards the dish . Whiufa had contaiued the taffy, was re- turned to tlio owner â€" xiiuraiJifd] How is that for simou pure, downright, un adulterated hoggishness &apos;? Drcr.NCY . â- ^â- ^,, :&apos;: i, ;â-  The new Toronto daily, the Stamlnrtl, contains red hot articles on the present political campaign, and quite a resjKiC- table array of current foreign and home newsitoms. Mr. Louis Krihsâ€" late Otta- wa correspondent to tha^oroqto MaU â€" is Editor and proprictOrr .. i,:.i„--u; .&apos;.4 . . ;; , ^,- - &apos; , BirtliK. Bellamy. â€" In .\rtemesiR, on the &apos;.28th ,Ian., the wife of Mr. C. W. Hellamy, of a son. Shaup. â€" In Artcmcsia, on the 22nd Jan., the wife of Mr.Wni. Sharp, Councillor for Ward No. 8, of a daughter. Died. Campbell. â€" In Flesherton, on the 28th .Ian., Annie Hilda, second daughter of Nathaniel and Margaret J. Campbell, aged 8 years. A Question in Arithmetic. Editor Adryxnce : A. engages to work for U., liis wages to l>c 1 cent for the first month ;viid the amount to he doubled each iiMMith for a period nf 24 inonlhs. (1) What Would be his average wayes jier month ? (2)W&apos;hat wi^uldhis wages be for the last month ? (.&apos;J) What would his wages amount to altoucther ? ARITHMETIi&apos;IAN. [(l)-$t),07;{.82. (2)--88;5.i8tl.0«. (11) â€" 81(17, 871. 85. We would like to stand in .\&apos;s shoes about 24 months. â€" Ei> An- VA.«;cK. ] "HACKMKTACK, &apos; a lasting and fracntnt perfume. Price 25 »nil 50 cents. 80M if Medical Hkll. â- t J •-&apos;MWwaB*:&apos;^

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