Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Jan 1887, p. 5

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k THE FLESH ERtON ADVANCE. [Jan. 20, 1887. --5W I MTTt a «â-  ««* "T MEDICAL HALL*S COLUMN. -Vr THE- ilii HALL! VOU WILL FIND A BEAUTIP SELECTION OF >-*^.' Wall Paper AND- Handsome Borderings ! AT REASONABLE PRICES. COME AND LOOK AT THEM. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS, PRESBYTEEIAN HYMN BOOKS! IN Different Styles ! BIBLES, WITH AND WITHOUT PSALMS ! TESTAMENTS! TOO! ALL CHEAP. "Atlantic Sea" Salt! foT' Invalid'H Oatli! (^OI<f)i<K OII<! -IMPl.OVLD- tlierry Pectoral. 17VORIVE SYRUP, ALL PREPARED UPON COR- UHCT TllEKAI'KUTICAL RE- CEIPTS ANJ> SELDOM FAILS. STATIONERY! AS USUAL. UF EVERY VARIETY NEEDED. Ijltid ketter examine New Geo- graphy i. -nvM wiu Barney O'llare's Eloquent "Uis- coorse" 011 the Subject. MidliJir Bililhtr, â€" 1 promised yo' a leth- er oil the tapic av Home Rulo an' here it is. The otiier iiijrht I wiiit til me own do- mestic foire.sideiiii'ci>iiiniiiice(l discoorsiu' to liiddy an' the chihlher 011 Misther Gladxtuiie and the lri.sli Home Kiile que8ti<in. As I prosaded I bekem quoite ileqiiciit, and sphokeuv Miwther ParneH's spliiidid ell'(prt.i for his counthry'a i!"od, and the grate sjiache.? av that foino ould Kintleiiiaii, Mistliur Gladstone, wid gialu fervor ah' persuasiveness. '•'Fwhat does it all mane ?" scs Iâ€" ad- dhre8.sil» uieseif til ine ouldest boy, Michael, who in quoite a politishun. â€" "Why, it niancH that mo downthrodden couiithry ia cryin' for actual rii^lits an' priviluijes wid the other depiiidcncies av the British Iinpiro. It niants an' Irish parliment at Duhliu nn' down wid hi^h riiits an' fiirren landlords, who Bpind their uoney out av the countliry. It manes â€" ' "But, father," ses Michael intherrup- tin' the iloqueiit flow av me discoorse, "why not ^ive Scotland an' Wales Home Ilule as well a-s Oirland I" "Now, Michael," ses I, "yo' shudn't iiitlierrupt a gentleman, much leiis yer ould father, when he's thryin' til iii- sthruct ye' in what ye' don't undherHtand. As I was savin' Misther (iladstoiie has spint the wliole av his loife in devoisin' ways an' manes til interojoo.se Home Rule iiitil Ireland. Av coorse Mistlier Paruell hiis helped the ould man a lot ; but betwixt thim they're doin' purty well, an' who knows but I may yet Bej the day whin an O'Hare will sit on the throne av hu ancisthiirs !" "Faith, father, I'd loiko that," sea Michael, "an' thin I'd be a prime minis- ter or a jook or somcthin' or other." "Michael," SOS I, yez are altojjclhor too shniart for yer age an' exparience. Whin I was a lad av yer ago 1 wa.siit half as shmart as ye' in the way av iutherruptin' an' divartin' the aqual current avmeould father's thought." I jist thought, sor, that a little hiit av home rule in the way av saygonable and comprohinsive advice might do Michael good I was jist on the point av prosadiu' wid me discuorse, whin Biddy comes over fominst mo an' wid her arruiuM akimbo ses she : â€" 'Arrah, Barney, mauvoriiPen, don't ye' think now a little ta."!te av home rule at yer own home wud bo more insthruc- tive an' iddifyin, than all tiio flowery spache yer Rivin' us about Misther Par- noil aa' Misther Gladstone ? Don't yo' think, now, wudint it I>m betther til lay in yer winter's wood than to be sittiii' ro.ist- in' yer shins at the lire an' talkin' illegant noneinco about yer ancisthors an' a par- liament at Dublin ? Away wid yer fur- reii Home Rule spaches an' let ui have a little iiMaro pi'ivate an' binitlcial domistic home rule. There's Patsy wants a new shuto afore lie can attiiid school ; an' Bridget Ann wants a (lairav brogues ; an" Cormy wants a daciiit cap ; an' I want some clothes pins an' hiii pins an' I don't know fwhat. Wuddint it be a good iday, MistJi'i- O'Haie, for yez til lave alone mattheri that dusint consai 11 ye ; ({uit bildin' castles in the air on the ghosts av yer grate, grato gnuifuther's aiicisthors, an' give yer undivoidcdattintion to lagit- iinate homo rule I" Well, sor, til tell the truth I was duni- berfoundort'd I cud hardly belave nie siven sinses that it was me own wife Bid- dy that wius .addhiussin' sich rayiJiehinsi- ble siKiche til me. Til think that all mc foine idays wor til be pcatthered til the four winds av hivcn, an' all me woids av counsel an' advice til .Michael loslit cii- toirely ? Wurra, wurra, wirrusthrew I But there was no use attimptin til con- tradict liiidgct. She do.wn't spake much but when she docs â€" well, sor, the resht av us hev til hould our paco. Ye' cuddiiit get a wold in edgeways or any other way at all at all. Ye' might jist as well sthrive til kape baik the? watlieis av the mighty Niau'ara as thry til put a stliop til the clafthiT av Bridget's tongue whin it gets stiiartud til wag in a scoieiitilio an' bus- ine.ss Inike manner. Otherwise there's not the loike av her 'twixt ocean an' ocean. A friii<l av the friiiillos.s, an ang- el in sickness an' wantan' disthrcss- God bless her ! But, thin, ye undheratand, sor, that the besht av min an women are apt til miscoiisthrue an' misundhcrstand a Mian moved by lafty impulses. In fact, sor, they sometoitiius do not aitliur un- dherslaiid or .ippniciate the glib utther- eiices av iiitilligint, high-minded an' ad- vanced politiHliuiis an' statusmin. Obailieiitly Yours, Baiuiey O'Hare. P. S.â€" Af yer can't niaiteoui, mo wroit- in' duft'.t, prenV this Ic^lior, , lu I cati wroite ye' another quite aisly. â€" B. O'H P. S. No. 2 â€" Correct all misUikos i. any. But sliurs I don't think ye'll tind any so it doâ€" t't matter in the luHte wlietheryo' correct it at all or not. â€" B. O'H. WKLL WHITTEN LHTTEK MiHs Kilitli lilcUiirdton'M l,<-tlrr in the '• Christian fJiianlidu." [The following ably written letter, by Miss Kdith Richardson, of Hesherton, appeared in the Christinas number of the ChrLstitiHGtutrdiuii. It is certainly thu ablest produ'ition on llie subject of "Fic- tion" wo have yet read. â€" Eu. Advance.] FICTION. There is one phiuso of this quesfioi, which has been overlooked by your cor- respondents, namely, that which takes in- to account the iimigiiiative side of man's mind. 1 have heard people dohcient in the imagination say, "I never caro to read any stories but true ones. " My dear brothers, take no credit to yourself for that : it only shows that you are doticient in that which makes the poet, painter, musician, orator and autor, ur at least without which they never could succeed. And then they mistake as to the full meaning of the words true and truth. I apprehend there is a wider, fuller and deeper meaning of truth than that ex- pressed in the word veracity. To my mind sheer fact is not neccens'arily truth. Hiid Scott fabricated every incident in his no- vels and poems they would not have lost their value aa worKs of art and real in- structors, provided he was true to the »pirit of tlio times delineated. On tho other hand, he might have piled fact up- on fai-t and yet leave his readers with no true conceptions of the life and spirit of the age. It is this w hich has made books purporting to bo history, such barren pro- ductions. Without the play of his imag- ination Macaulay's History could never have been what it is. But I go still farther. It is not neces- sary that a work of the imagination should be even true to nature in order to be a valuable literary production. -As, for in- stance, Longfellow's sublime "Song of Hiawatha," no one needs to be told that vould not read works on those subjects, but are ready enough to take their medi- cine in sugar until it is no longer medi- cine. Scott certainly produces a hunger for history. Dickens teaches the lovely law of charity, or hndiii< the best in ev- ery manhowevergruti'hisextenor. Thack- eray shows up the fashionable follies and vices of society in a manner which no amount ^f pure fact could iimke so really true to the leader. McHai'ris Knight's notion that Scott, Sliake.tpeare, etc., should have given their ftiagniticent ge- nius to history and biography is very like the farmer, who having l>ought the wing- ed-horse Peu'iusus, harnessed him to a plough. But it was no use. Pegasus would not do the work horses without wings could do, but fretted and fumed until one day ho Hew away. My brother, when a horse has wings you must let him Hy. EUITU RK'UAKPhO.V. Flesherton, Dec. 11th. The Weather. KOK THE FIRMT TUttGE MONTHS OV 1887. Frmn ' ' The Pn>iih't. " The year will open with keen January, cold weather. Slight snow falls duriii'.; the first wfek with heavy snow storms on the :iUth, 'Jist and '.i2iid. Thursday, the Kith, will bo the coldest day of the month ; chiUireii and aged people sliould not venture outdoors that day unless especial caro is taken to i>revent such parts as the ears an<l nose from becomii g fmst bitten .lanuary's annual thaw- will occur during the closing week (lui the 2l>th) and will be ac;;ompained with rain. Only one bli/j'.ard will strike Ontario during the month and it wib arrive on Sunday tho ItJth. Cold stormy weather with February. blinding snow, w ill usher in the month of Si. Valentine, hutting throughout the fir>(t wrck. This will be follow-ud by clear, cold and brac- ing atmosphere until the l!>th. On the 8th the thermometer will take a sudden dip away below tho zeros. After the IDth, however, the weather will moder- ate a:id like Janu.arv this month will exit amidst the !>lop and slush coiise(|Uent this is not "true to nature,' at least as i upon a thaw and comparatively warm far as his hero is concerned. Uut what rains. is best of all, it U true to 'Ote'tt. Tlio j - if „^t weather can be cidled poets iiii.-igination showeii him a picture , March, lamblike .March will come in of the ideal -which after all is the true | s!iee|.is!i!y, for tho first thieo life -a picture which no one can conti-m. i ,l^y, will bring a heavy down pour. No snow will fall from this until toward the plate and not be beiietited. Ami fnrtlie still, it is not necessary that a work should conline itself to the possible, in order to be truth. "Hiin.s .Viiderson's Fairy Tales" are but beautiful fancies. Xo one will say that they belong to th.it which " lov- etli or niaketh a lie," for a lie is always wicked, and there is nothing wicked about these tab's. There will be found no one who would wish to ndi childhood of the joy derived from tlieui. They are i otitis in their simplicity, and thu child who stores his mind with them is tho better for it. To the romantic heart of child- hood it leaves a rich legacy- a now beauty in every tlower and shrub, a message frohi eviry bird, and even tho meaner things of nature possess a new interest. The magic story-teller has given them all a personality which seems to speak of the good God who made them all. Schil't-r says : "Thou livcrl to me vnrU Itowor and troo, Bwout ftoiii,'H ffavu out uitcli riiipHuK brook, .\ f^oi.l ill all tliin^mtci'iiiL'fl tu I>e, I.Ite'rt oclinus canu' from every nook." Der Lifitl. Was it wrong for Victor Hugo to paint the good Bishop of D before a Tid- stoi had made such a creation true to na- ture ? No, the great poet and novelist had neen his ideal with prophetic vision, and gave to Hctioii the tiiiest character of all. Poets of all times and peoples have sung of tho ideal (Imagination) or lament- ed her loss, recognizing tho truth that he who esca|ies from hcrsweet inspiration luvs lost the best <if lifo. "Kxliiji;iiishcU are ihu suns timt shniic. And nil my yoiitlifiil pnth illtmiud, The brl(,'ht ideaN. nil nn* liciic. 'I'httt unco my Ijiu-Htiiij^ heart coii.*nnu''f.'' Her Hoar, But again it is said that thu rt'adiiig of fiction saps the mind anil unfrta for more solid reading. This is true of x cert«ui class. The person who will aidulge in that kind, hius not been traitvcd in liis childhood to despise it by havii»g liis at- tention called to the t.'loriouii banquet where lioinay indulge without injury. Ho must have food for his iinaginatioii, there is no use ilisguir-iiig the fact. And I say, deliver us from that abnormal croaturo â€" thu child who do«i not want a story. But there is iMrother class which, instead of enervating tho mind, stimulntes it. George Eliut's novels Iwget a taste for philgAophy and inetapliysics iu aom«. who 19lh, when We may look for «n "awful spoil o' stormy weatlnT." The second week of March wiil be tine and mild but cold winds will visit us aliiioHt coiitiiui- ously from the I'.Hli to the entl of tin month. -March's most frigid d.iy w .11 bi the irnh. The spring will be early but w.-t. The sumiiier of 18S7 will also bu- acterised l^y a precipitation of t!:o ous. cli.il a .111 Arteiucsin Connril. The following is tlio peisoimne ol .Vrtoinesia Township Council for t'.ii y«!ar Iby? : - Dr. Cliristt-c, Roovo. .lol.n Bolard. » ,. , ,. .robuMcArtbur.; Dopi^t.v laevcs. Win. Slmrp. i ^ ... ,, ,. â- ' CounciIIoTs. Henry C an its, i It «ill thus be observed tluit wo have no less than three representatives to tl.e County Council this year. Il.\(ra Tit-Rlts. We regret to learn tliiil Mr. Jaiiii'i- Hopps is lying very ill ut Mr. H"'!iy'.s Meafoi'd Uo:;d, wheie he luul giiiic to do i some work. He was t.iJ\eu tlowii \i'r> iddeiilv. Fiu' the first tinio this wiit.t«r Mie C. P. R. morning tr.iin g<'ii>g South \\:\% a few bouts late yesterd.ay. 8I.KKI1.KSS Nlulirs, nm.l,. niis»ral>l' liy iluit leirlMi- I'ongh. .Slii|i.h'« ('iirc ii. tlio re inedy for y"ii. Sold at .\b-ilical Hall. .\ rilvINil yi'K.STIOS.â€" Qliostiov â€" "I>. tl.i> life w.nth living?' Aiikwitâ€" 'It all do- |.i 11'Ih upon llie liviT '.'" If 'iirpid or iniic- tivo it i-.i'liPs a dull, tonsil, languid fcflini;. I'r. (.'liasfl's Liver C'nie Kivi'S health and buovanoy. Sold by I>r. Clirisloe. "NKWTl)VF:RTrâ„¢iRNTSr MTDREW McaiRR. Issuer of Marriaf^e Licenser, Â¥E\vAisn\rt; o-vr. NOTIGi:! BTrosolittioii "' Ari»iinep.ia ("ouiicil, I wRli re- etdvo uppMentlond for the oUice of AHScftO. m- tai l(>o'eI.'ck, K m,. wevtinth dftv of I-'ehrusry INH^- AP|.ffriititK not to lUftiition nuliirv iu a(>|iU. t-Rtion an tilt) Connctl e&nnut appoint ott'uawi for the lowt'Rt tuuitor. W. J. UKI.I.AVY. Jan. 17th. Iti87. Twp. (.leik. sa:-.i. Cat "The best, cheapest and most dur- able Piano", Oi-gans, Sewing Machine", Wii»hiiig .Machines, CUithes Wringer*, Sewing .Machine Needles, and Supplies, for sale -it C. Trcvlgold's, next house to Mr. \\ 111. Strain's, Fleshert'iri. 3m WHY WII.L YOU cough when Sliilob's Cur." wdl K'V" immediate relief. Trice I') cts.. .50 ds., and 81. Soil at Medical Hall WHJj YOi: SI'KKEH with Ilypppsi v and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vlmlizer i.t guaiaiiletJ lo cure you. Sold ut Medics; H&ll. McUBKoon * PiiiHES Cauhoi.ic CEBATT.- Have VOU an old Hore. Cut. Bruian. Com. Bun ion. Salt Kheuiii. I'iuiple, Hiotclio«, Uougl Haiidn or Fai;o â- / If no. there i* init one curt Mntnoly, Mcdroisor A Pirkos Carliollc l,'er«t» If yo I but try it. it will coKTiiioo you. It co«'.« but lae. at tho Uruij H'.orc. Have voM over triud McGregor * Parko • Car bolic Cerate for sorei* of any kind? It i» b* yomi tiouht the v.^ry best preparation in tl;e market for lieitlinK and <:iirlnc Sore«, Uurn" Cutn. Pimples, Hlotrhes.and is tlie only propci method of applvint.' Carbrtlic Acid. Sold at the UrUK Storu for •2.'>c. i»er box. A I.ivKH fcBB.â€" One siuKle tn»l ef Dr Chase's l.iTiir Cure will convince Ibe BiOkt skeptical and confirm better than tboukand* of testiraouials thnt it i« a sure cuic Med- ciinc and litcipe Book SI. Salt Khkcm Cibedâ€" McOrosor A Parke » CarlKilIc Cerate has been ti ie.l and found to Ixt ibe only poHitivo euro for Salt Uheuui. Pilnpi<*^ . Itlotchus on the faco or llalidfl. Cut*. Hum . llruiBca, or any Sore that nothinc ulne will htnt! Try McGrecor .t Parke'ii CarLolio CsraU'. 25c per boj at the Uruu Store. I.a''.iOfi tronl>le<l witli Pinitdes. Blotched. Ro-i(t'i liands or face, or Sore* of any dt««rir tii'ii. '.Itonld n«e MeftrcKor * Parke'» farljoli- Cerat.t. It will leave l!ie «kin in jierfert hoaltli «niooth, idcan and t/ood color. I'e sure aD<l B.-'. the K< nulne. ina<le by Mc(lr(.gor&- Parke. Prica 2.'>c. Sold at tho Drug Store. Humors, Erysipelas, .\nTtrn TO MoTTlKHB â€" .\re ; nu dlntnrbw! ^ nij'hl ftod broken of votir rp*t hv a "irk chil-' f«nff«rin(f and rryinir with pain r»f Ctittfri,'Ti^th ' If **o wud M nnc»» Mid cct n lK>f t V of "MtH Win tik.w'n Srtothiiitf Svrnp" (or ChiMnn Toi'tbinK lt« valio in inculr-ilAblo It will rcllfv-n tli** fM>or li*.tl« Buffon-r i'lmimllAt.tlv pi-poii'l upon t. mothers; there in no niiHtaku alvtut it. It rtirpa nvtient<T\ Hnd PiarrhTa. rpirulate* tho Stomach and HowfU. nire^ Wind Tollc. Roftec« th** Otinm. TfldiicoM Inflnmmntion, and ijivi'ii ♦one and e'lMrk'V to t)ie wliole ^yttoni. "Mrn Wiup low'* SoothincS\rii}i" fur cliiUlion towthtnif m plfftfiant tothf* tantf* and i« th<» r'n"=cnption of one of tho ohh'-t and h«"*t ffuiiil'' phv»iciai:« an-l nur**'* in ihn T'nlt*>d Stiit«*. and I* for ajilo hy all dniCKit*t*» tbroneiiont tho world Pric* twt'ntv '*ve conta a l>ottlfl. P© aurc and a»k fo*- • MBa. WissLow'a Soothiso SrBfp," and taks no other kin<1. SCROFULA I I ilo not believe Ihsf Ayer'n .'^Hr<apsrilla ha» Ian equal in a I'eiucJy for Scntfuluu* Hu- mors. It Is pleasant to liikp. Kiw's ktruiigth and vigor tu the boily. ami produces a more pcrmsnent, lantine, re- sult than any niiillcino I nvir u'ned.â€" K. Ualner., Nu. LiiiUale.O. I have used Aycr** SsrsHparillu.fn m.v fam- ily, for ."•crofiils. and kiiow, if It It taken faithfully, it will lliorouglily ' eradicate tliln lerrilile dl«ca>.c. â€" W. K. Fowler, .M, D., Oreeut llle, Tenn. For forty jeari I have suHoreil witli Kry- Blnehui. I bate triitl all sorts of rciiudica for my coiiiplnliit, but found no relief unlil I CO in me need u<hig AVer's S;u -nparllhi. .Vficr tiikfng Ion bot- tles of this niedlilne I mil comidetely cured. â€" Mary t'. .\uicsbury, Uockport, Me. I have siilTercd, for yeari, from Cslairli, which was ^o wvcre that it ik'itrvvo) air appetite and weakritril my system. .Vftpftrj-^ (ni; oilier rcin»<ilc«. and getlins; no teller, I be^iiii lo take A)cr'» Snr^iipurilla. and. In it few llionttl4, W:l«CU|-e.l. â€" .><ii>an L. Cook, «0W .\Hi.uiy sf.. Uo»lou niglilaiid«, yitwf. .Oyer's .'^arMiparllla Is sii'iierior lo iiiiv blotxl purifler Unit ( liste ever trietl. I tara lai.in it for .^crofiiln. Canker, .aix} ,<ull- Uluum, and reoelvci much briieSt fi-cm it. It is good, ato, tor «. wc.ik stomach.â€" Mini<» .lane IViic,', South Uradford. >I:lh.i. Canker, and Catarrh, Can be cured by parlfying tire blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Preparfd l.y Hr.I.C. .\yer S. i o.. I .ivdl, ilwa. Price •! ; alx buttles, SS. Tlioroueb Hri»< BERKSHIRE BOAR f WITH K?(>d Pod iuTec will tin ml for teawin o£ l.s-<(i-7 at Lot No Ml tlrst Uhukc Ian' of Tor onto .& Sytlonhum Iload. Aiti-r.ie- ia. Tcinin on .â- PI lication. l->ii.:iv.( .TACtni .\ I.IIVPK, AT OORDOra'S HARNESS SHOP Tau win Oud au aut rlmtinl of Heavy und Lieht Harness. Wfltps, BniKhex. <'i.rr» <'nnii>«, S»-e<it Pailn. anj the rek>l»akll 'Hariieas C>tl.' A'feCOLLlKX .1 SPKV.I.VLTY.^ife cheap to»C<i»h. (ail and r.xamine. FOR SALE. •lacreit 11 miles from Flenbertt.n (lood waria frivme dwelliiMt, 7 rtKnti*. iieotl cellar, tfoodftabia *Hevorlaillnii»prlii(( creek TetniF eaur For partlculan. apply to W J HF.IJ.AMY, Fletha*. too' or to C. W. BELLAMY, Mkrkdale, .*r.

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