Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1886, p. 4

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TttE ^LESHERtON ADVANCE Aom4oa me at 0*0. /N*Uo-<lUw| mm H* LAW /VANCE. .I'M -IM OrricB, v f'.J,, ,(.,,., <>,.(. TKHMS OF SU list UU-T1UN : tl per annum when paid itrlctly In advance; 1 ,M IT auuuiu wliuu not no paid. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor aiul Proprietor. KLESHEKTON. THURSDAY. DEC 3'. 1880. \ I il lilt vl.l. TBK NOMINATIONS, The Artemi'sia iioin inn t ions were luadu iu the Tuwu Hall here ou Monday last. For Keeve, tho present worthy officer, Dr. I'hristoc, ana Mr. Arch. El- liott are iu the field. For Councillor*, tin followiuK nomination* wvre made : Ward No 1. Mr. John McArthur. elected by acclamation. \Varil No. '2. Messrs. .lolin Holanil and \Vm. Mc-Lau^liry. \Vuni No.:, Messrs. W. (i. l'kki-11 and Win. Sharpe. Ward No, 4, Messrs. Henry Cairns and Win. T. McKi.-e. It is the duty and pririlt^c of rate- payers to consider well the claims of the various Municipal aspirants, aud on SloD'lay next render an intelligent and InyftrtU verdict at tlie polls. Kvery taxpayer Hhould fed sufficient int. M -t iu tin- administration of tho finances of his Townahip to poll bin OY her vote. Of course the chief interest centre* in the contest (or the Keeveship. Exam- ine the records of the j;eutlt-iin-ii a|>ir- iny for tliis important position. lr. Christoe has been Reeve of Artomcsia for many years. Ho in himself a larjjr taxpayer and haH always manifested a laudable desire to koep the taxes as low a* | -.:!. u- He has occupied the high- est position in the tfift of Orey County Council, aud as chairman of several im- portant committees in connection with that large aud influential body, has re- tii-rti'i credit upon tin County, tin Township of ArU-ini sia. and upon him H.I!, llisnniril is before the |. ..pi. S i i-. also that of his opponent. Mr. K.I 1 .a. who ban tMjveral years occupied i; iiir .-i proniiuent ]Kisitiiiu at our Coun- cil luard. It siiiiply remains for the. rat. :>;iyem to make their choice as ! t\M. :. Uiei*e two geutlt-mou ; and that they will do so in the best iiittrrsU of this HouTHhiuK Township on Monday next, we doubt not. To the polls, gen- tlemen I and select your municipal leg- i for 18t)7. ** " short adilri-McsM ere madu by lieva. I' Argent and Ferrier and others. Mr. Chant left here for his home iu Uuum- ville, on Monday morning. Ketfrt-Ut-d by all who had mode his acquaintance. As this is the Mi-it-oii of the year for feasting, our citizenn have enjoyed both publicly and privately. A social tea meeting was held in the Presbyterian church on Friday evening, when the pro ceods of eating, drinking and speaking amounted to 4O. And on Christmas day about the same proceedings were repeated in the Methodist church, when about $45 worth of the same comnioditiea were con- sumed. But the above are not to be < i >iu p.in-ii to what wan consumed privately. On Monday our municipal nomination* took place and not a few are seekirg elec- tion. After the nominations came what waa called by some, "gpeakin^," but the more intelligent called it ahuaing one an- other for past actions. But, to sum up, there was very little said that was in any way interesting. Mr. Thog. Gainuy being nominated for Reeve, decliued ; Mr. D. K. Preston alto declined running fur the Deputy Ueevfship. L. O. L. No. 844. At the last regular meeting of above Loiltfe, held in their lodgo room, the following officers were elected. Bro. Jameii Love, W. M. " Win. Sharp, D. M. " Samuel Sheardown, Chap. " Oeo. Moore. Rec. Sec. " Thos. J. Stinson, Fin. Sec. " James Best, Treasurer " John Hales, D. of C. " John Wright, Lect. " James Morrow 1st Com. " George Ludlows 2nd " " Wm. J. Henrferson> 3rd " " Joseph Watsw, 4th " " John Lyons, 5th " P P Th I cli ft ^ BfeuMtftf'sV^^ ~*^ auVv Prenbyterian M^.'^.^ fe-hool. Tho twelfth aniiy (naf y O f th above cliol was held JJf Chalmer'a church on i ,t CJfiummM day. 1 ha visi- .fc.''Jkiii-- f a numptni>us tea auVved jn tne buenicnt. adjourned U the church, where, under the presidency of the t-st.-emi.-il pastor, an eict-llent pro- gramme waa gone through. Tho princi- pal feature of the evening waa a Cantata entitled, "St. Nicholas' vUit to the School," under the able leadership of Mr. Kuaaell, with Mias Daiuude as otxatiiat. From the manner in which the piece was rendered, it was evident that the child- i.-n hod carefully studied tlu-ir various i/ rt- It would be almost invidious to mention any particular performer n< all did their part well. We cannot, however, refrnin from noticing the happy manner in which "Long Ao" was represented hy Mr. D. W. ThomiiMm, u alao, "St. Nicholas," by Mr. J. H. Anderson. The various pieces recited by the uoy and trirla weru well received by the audiunce, uotalily tin) dialogue ni ven liy the two Irish and two Scotch boys, and tlio whole not nly reflected threat credit U|KHI the cliililre.n themselves, but aim showed tie i;p-nt pains which Mr. Dlackliurne, the worthy Suuerintcndant mut have hentow- C-^ on them li, order to bring them to such a state of perfection. A splendid Christmas Tree erected at the end of the church, waa Inniii-d wlt'.i gifts for tli vhildieti, which wofe distrli.'uU*d .it the close of the proceedings, with ivhich they nil Hi-eint'd deliglitud. The thanks of the school nru due to Minsf.i A yens and Chriitoo ad to Messn. HuHsell and Karnhouse, for the valuable Hiltlition they mule to the pn^ramii.f in fine Duet'x and Quartettes nin; )<j thvm. It is eitremvly satiifactory to ktviw that the enterUinment was rinanciiiSly uiul in every other rspect a complete -iii-i-.-iH Tho proceeds realized being over 870. XK\\ ADVKIITISKMK.NTS. C>>^en Hound COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE WUtK^N-n o'a UoNDiv. ii'iii JINTAIIT. ism. " r'n-i-lli-nt f/lff of Tnaxlitri. Importer i.m. mil , rr|K.i t ll MM Bunt Ki|Ui|i|ind Hchool iu tin- rrnvinvf. rianaan for Kimt. Sivoini and Thin! I'lani C'ertlAcato, Junior and Henlor M triculation with liuti.n K. ami Law ain\ Medical Ciaiiilnation*. At the Teachora' K imi-MiM i.m In July !at. all the Fir.t Clau CandUlaH* im.l a larco i>0repnta8 ot Hcoml an. I Thit-il Claaa nr* in.-1-tMf ul . KIT". <:i.OO for tli. T>T 1:1- |>n i able at c utrnii.-t> Apply to F. W Ml H( ll \NT.M. A. Principal. orD.lt I HUM. Si-c lloaril of Education. Owu Sounil. lice. 11. 1NM6. Maxwrll. Prom our men Corretpmideitt. A ptiblic examinatioa of our SeluMil, wns ln.ld by our lt Teacher Mr. C. A. ('haul, on Thursday last and it heinu the hist il.iy of th Teaclicra y-nr. tin- Si-lmol h. .in W.IA nicely doc<krtd forthoiH-i'nion. (,'uite anumlwr nf iilnrs and friuiida of bdui-ation ! >-ing|trf-m nt, when the Sclml- nr* acquitted theiuat-lTpiio thesatisfactioti of all. I'ut the nioat iis|xtrtant part of the ii-'tspi-rforinwd wsxs at lu'.'irly the clone of tho Teaehers programme, where the Trustees by private arrMigeinenl took poKs.-ssioii nf tlie pri>ct'i'Ati)*s:iiiil tin- pro irrnnime was changed. A ffwater |>ai-t of the noliolnrn 'n-in-; aim) ntMiMlwto of (' Meih -dist Sabbath Schi'ol nnd'thoy vi.h Teach, rs and Officers of tin- S.-il.l ath Si hixil present presenU-d Mr. Cluinl with a short address oipressini; their attach- ment to him and also their regret at part- ing with one so much i'jtienied hv all. The nddre*s was acciMniwined )>y a nrat rritini! desk. Mr. C?hant replied to the in a very pleasiti)( manner, when jfow.17' Mr. Mowat han t>eeu sustained by an increased majority ; but, considering the means by which he retained power. Ks opponents have little reason to feel disheartened at the result. SHILUH'S COrOU and Consumption Cure is sold bv ni on u guarantee. It cure* Consumption. Sold at Mt-dical Hall. WHY WILL YOU coogh when Shlloh's Cnre will give immediate relief. Price 10 ets., 60 en. . and tl. Sold at Medical Hall. CAPE BRETON KAILWAY. HUTI 'N ( illAM' N'AltHUWS TO TENDER roil TIIK WoKKS or foSSTBUCTION. aEALBD TUfOEM, addrsaasd to the un<ler- pimieil ami i nilorMl "Tcmlur* (or CaiH- itn,-- ton Ki1wn\ ,' will ]> i\. Int lliN nmcn up ton. .MM on Wednesday tlu*)2th .Uy.f January, 1HH7, for 11 tmn wnrkfl of ronntrilrtloil. I'UtiM un-* prortleft will IMMI).-II fur infttiection KtxbttoDlc. uj tli( hief Knidiicrr anil Goiieral >rAiini'> t i) i*io\prnnint ltilwnvs at (HtHwa, aadanoal !n. tiffin- c,t thn fapi- llri-toii Hall- way nt Port lln * li-'lnirv. (' R . <>n and aftur thtt Zrtn 'lay nf DnepYnlnr, "1HN6. when tha amieral spi-rjAcAtinnii iin-l form of touilrr may be ob- tilm-il iipnn sopinwon. No t**nilr will l> I'AVnriainnfl tinli' on nno of thuprinii-l foruit ami All tho conultloni are tOUJ|iliei! With. By enter, A. P. nn.vni.KY, Hecrotary. Defartinent of Hailwayi" nYi.l Canal*, Ottawa. 1Mb Deambsr,UsV. Sale! In pursuance of Power of Ral* eontalnpd in two curtain Mortgage* to the Vendor which Mi-tU'tiKe* will IM- prudllCtidat the tilllu of aje. Thri> will Iw iiol.l by D. McCOHMICK.EsQ., AUCTIONEER, Hy Public Auction at Atkinson'8 Hotel, in the Village of Price ville, - ON - TfcnrAday. January Oth, 1HHT. At thr Hour of 3 o'clock in tba afternoon tin- fol- and* anil premium In the of J'rlficritle, In tbn County of (Irrv I.ein-- eoin|iose<J of I^ot Nunili.-r Three on a plan of Htih-illvlninii of Lot Numiwr Klftr Fonr. in tLe flrt Concculuo Honth of tUr lint-Mlii HoKit in the TowiiKhi|> nf (ili'iidr. in tlii! ( -utility of (Jry, luiulc by Thom- a* II. Oillllam'. Provincial Land Hurveyor. for John Kcri;iiiin ami i Hied In tlie lUwlstry Oftice for tli" mul County of Grey, wim-li al-l Lot Threo ooiitalim thi.-teeii aoriw, bo the same more or 1. TF.RMH if ii VI.K : Thli proiwrty will tin nol.l*tihj>ct to a reiorvn bid. SlooUtobn paid at tlioiitiMiof nftla. tlOO In throe numtlia and the balano* may roiuulu on niortRa^io for thro* year> at i-ifjlit per cout. Intoreiit. Fnrfiirtlirpartlciilr apply t.i O. M<TOR- MICK, Eiu|. Aiictlonaer, PHANCI8 \VA1TK, I'rloeTllle, or to tliu unteridoned, J. W. FllOST, Vuuilor'i Holiolkor. Dated Diic.enth 1HM\ BOAR FOR SERVICE, THllKDI (.11 HUI. ]. lri. Suffolk IW,r whM-i tool IKI I'M/,- at Kaat Ory coiintv tthow fall, 1MA-HA. al*n lt at i ilinn-li: fall hnw 1HNR, will be nr .rvlc t :^t i:**)il Kul T. A H. Bond, Ar Pilcet JACOB HOLLBY. Proprlotor. Day and Night During n acute utUck of Bronchitis, ceuat-U-U tickling In tin- throat, uml an (xhauitiog, dry, hacking cougli, afflict the MillVn-r. Sleep la banished, and ^-n at prostration follow*. Thin dUeaao U also Hi nili-<l with HonrtcneiM, ami nomutlnies l.u-M of Vulcc. It U liable to become chruuic, Involve the lung-, anil terminate fitully. Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral afford* speedy relief ami cure In casca of Itnui' chltln. It coutroli the disposition to cough, and induce* refit-thing sleep. I liuve been a practicing pUyxk-laii for twenty-four yrar*, ami, for the past twelve-, have suffered from annuHl attack* of Bronchitis. After exhausting all the usual rcmedlei Without Relief, I tried Aver 1 * Cherry Pectoral. It helped in.- iiuim-tliiiti'lv, mid effected a npiicdy cure. O.Stonttll,M.D.,.rt-ullton,MI. Aycr 1 ! Cherry Pectoral la decidedly llm best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic KruucMtU, ami all lnn_' ili-i'uc. SI. \. liii-i, M. !.. South 1'arls, Me. I wai attacked, InHt winter, with a severe Cold, wlilrli, from expoMire, prcw worse aud finally trilled on my I.nni;-. Hy Eik'ht sweats I was reduced uluiont to Li li-i<'ii. My i ii<li WHS Itutstant, and I frequently spit blood. My |>liyiiiclan told me to give up busiuv--, or i would not live a month. After lal.inj; varioun reme- dies without relief, I was liif.lly Cured By Using two bottle* of AVer's Cherry 1'ectoral. I ad tiow In perfect In-ulil. and able to rciuiuc hnniuew, after !<! ir.tf been pro- m> i.i,-.. 1 Incurable with Conaumptlou. 6. f. Henderson, SauUbutgh, Hcun. For year* I wa In a decline. I had irrak Inn--, aiulnuffeitd from Bronchitis and Catarrh. Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral re- stored me to health, anil I have been fur a loug linn- cnmparatlvi ly vigorous. In vote of a midden cold I always retort to tli Pectoral, ami find speedy relief. - dward K. CurtU, Rutland, Vt. TV -i years ap> I niflVreil from a aevere Bron -mils. Toe pbvuiclan attending me became fearful that toe dlseane would ter- minate In I'Deuuionla. After trying vari- ous medicines, without benefit, he finally pnicrlbrd Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral, whltn relieved me at once. I continued to take tlii medicine a short time, and w .1- cured. Drin-' ( oltou, Logaiuport, Ind. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Pit-pared by Dr. J.O. Avi-r k Co., Ix>w!;, Uaa*. atekl by all Unia-gMt. Price 1 , u boiUw, $4. STRAY HEIFERS, AME to lb> I iMraof thuntidriiii!nditl>out the und of Jnlv, two vvarling Heift-r*. ,on rwl and whltv. ami the other narly all wliitr. Uwuer cu liave tho wtuu by proving property aud i'.i\ UIH i\pciit(.. M lUill.KV Due fith. WK. I'ncevlll.. MONEY TO LOAJNJ. >Vt O Pr Cent. On Town cr 1'arui . DAMl I)K. Plwherton. LIVKKV! TUT unit-r .itui- 1 li'i,'' to anitounco that he ha" lUrt flrt i-llkn Ijlvurv In tho stand op- i")illMun>iw V Ilntrl, Kl> lieituli, wliuro the travullitiK pulilic tau l- accommodated with good rln anil liortwi at ruvet rtaaoushU pricea. Try me aud be convinced. Kunpi-ctfully your*, VV. H. JOHNSTON. Fletborton. Nov. 1Mb. 1IM. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertoot Rrniirinu, KavetroaglilnR.and In fact vry- tUhiR in th- bniineiie will ri-ouivo my pruuipt and careful attention at reasonable prices. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARD OP THAMS ! In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in tho past, I have much plciiRure m hi in/ still able to supply them with tlie following cele- brated machines, viz., The Toronto Light Binder. The Toronto Mower. The Hhnii) Hulky Bake. The Massey Harvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolton Pea Harvester. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton's Combination Plow. Token's Centre Draught Jointer Plow. Hamilton's Scnftlors. Hamilton's IJnss (lim^ Plow. Wisnrr's Sj)i-iiii; Tonth Cultivators. Tho Clintlmni Fannini; Mill. A full stock of I ! i i'ui. , always on hand. Parties requiring any of tho above will do well to call and inepect Mach- ines, which will be found in Sproule's warehouse. A. S. VanDUSEN, Fl.F.SUEHTON. o (K)OOOooooooooo(X)oooor,,)O( )ooooooono LEITCHS Tailorhig Establishment FLESHERTON! Is the place to get your Suits made in future. THE MARKETS. FLE8HEBTOH. Carefully Corrected llnch H'erk. Flour ?2 26 to 2 afi Fall Wheat $0 72 to 75 Spring Wheat 72 IJarley HO Oats ... 'M Peas 47 Uutter 12 Eggs, fresh 10 Potatoes 10 Pork 5'^ Hay, per ton 8 00 Hides 00 Wool 1C Sheepskins 40 Geese 05 Turkeys OC. Chickons per pair '20 Ducks per pair 40 75 50 -26 48 tti 16 40 5 50 8 )(/ 7 00 16 5i: 05 07 BO u :- R. J. SPROUL. C'onrrt/Kiicrr, Ajipraurr, I n/- wttor <nui .Von. i; Iriitlfi: lbrd.1, M'.rt- lIHijrl, lean's Kiel ll'i//.i i/rii i'- u/' nii'i I'lilimtii'Hii nnulf on shorlnt tuitife. <'har- gtt wry Imr. Apply to R. J. UPROr.'LK, rMsWsMVsr, Fl< nrrf/i. Maxwell Carriage Vdiks. Thos. A. Blakely, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Painter, <?r., &r. \Vilie to announce to the pulillo that he ha tarti-d iu tho above btiaini-M. All orilor" promptly and neatly attunded to. Repairing and l'ini:ni- it npi-rilty Klicip iii-xt doortn.T. T.lttlo'n lilarkunilth hop. who will il' all work in connection to tho above hop. 1 H.I-, A. I.I. ikl 1.1 l^lesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Cash paid for fat Cattle c ad Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. HAENESS HARNESS. ...If \uu want Harness, Single or Double, or Horse Blankets, Trunks, JlcHs, Valises, Curry Combs. ]Jrii!")u-- or tlic celebrated Harness oil, call A. examine before purchasing elsewhere. R J. WATSON . P II I C E V I L L F. . CLAYTON'S HtKMttS SHOP I KLESHERTON, I* the place to yet your //iii-nrx Cvlliin, dt, iiutile vp in yuoii ttylf. Shop ill IP. Fleahtrtmi. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR, Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Having ipent icino time in the Hndlo f ta* faiuont Toniiiti' PhotosarsBlMr, Mr. s J Diiou. ^ h. r, I acquired valnahlt) niiu .] -1^-i- In Ketuu- rliim- I ! 1 aaMurivl I can itive VINMI fteueral- tatUfaction. Acallre|wctfully MItS. Fltmbcrton. Rcpt. 17th. Iwo HAVE YOU t, I>r|>pi. lmlittion. ttilkmmns. Unrflf. Headachy Hiuinoi. I'am in ike ll*ck. CaativtM( or any dixaM aruunc <ram a ilcranKnl (, U. CMAU'K Livaa Cfs will U fcunJ a ura and certain rrnvdy. NATURE 3 MCMCOV Tke unqualified >uccu of Dr. ChaK< I i"r Car* m Livr tumplainl rl >l*ly with lh fact thai il i compounded front nature'* well-known liver regulator*, MANUVAKS ANL> IIAWIIILUIH, combined with many other inv.tttiahle rool*. Kirk* and hrrb. having a powerful (*k en llx Ki.ln> -, S.um4v:h. CoweU and ... 4 ;OOO,ooo *>ouo Orrr tnJiaJf miilifm / Dr. (. kttt'i Kr iff Banti Wtrt iM in <.,i**.ia mltni. U't <MM/ nt'f ", mtmam **J tk<U ntkt il IrmUtil will, Lirtr Cmt- flutnt It li-r '*' rr.tilnl rrmi.tv. SOMfTMMO HlW ClYtH AWT FHI Wrapped around every hottle of Dr. Oiate't Liver Core hi a valuable Household Medical (iui-lc and Kecipe Book ($4 |ces), containing over eofr uwful recipe*, pronounced T.y medical men and druggutt at invaiu* able, and worth ten timei the price of the medicine, TY Caalft C*T*MN CUM.. A t*tm awd pwiiive remedy. Price, t) cenls. 'KlOHITAHOLlYtlhlLS tsctt.peebo. OLD BY ALL DEALCM T. 'OMAMSOM 00 , Sole *,..t. SV.eji Recommend'^ by Dr. Christoe EUGENIA- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business- promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MELDKUM, AGENT. FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. ThoroilKh nrivl BERKSHIRE BOAR! \<tnf*\ I'ftdlfrrm* will Mnn.l for aiaeon of 1 li, ; t X,,t No 141 Hi .! llni.r. Ea of Tor onto A Hviluftbsm lload, Art>-iiienia. Trum on application JACOB A LBVIR. CEINT. iMurance eflectod on Farm and Village BmldinRS and cot.tente. Insfirmucc against Lightning a specialty. Deeds Mortgages, Leases, Wills, Ac., carefully prepared and properly executed. OFFICE, T> >nto street, near Town Hail. W. J. BELLAMY, Agent,

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