Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1886, p. 5

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DEC. 23, 1886.] THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE. 188-WINTER-1887 In addition to other lines of Boots & Shoes, I have a good supply of WINTER GOODS! Consisting of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots, Felt Stockings, Gum Rubbers and Overshoes. Ladies Rubbers, Overshoes and Flannel-Lined Boots. Witt, CLAYTON, - Flesherton. HEARD'S CARRIAGE WOltKS ! Flesherton, May zSth, 1886. To our Friends and Patrons,: Our efforts nre honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall he the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year larj^e additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- duce better work than ever before. We make Buggies, Carriages and Waggons. My our I-HIU practical experience and careful ntt< ntu.n tn the wants of the trade, an.) thn belt material, we have ucvuiMluu 1:1 making a butfjy which hae no Mit>-tii r Solloitiui; your orders. HK.UIU * CAKKI.Uii: WOKKK. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, KICTO1V FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF ?. Markle ":;:,: - -* Such as Moiiuniouts, Tomb Tabl;s, Counter and Table T(>iis in Anioriran and Italian Mi;li!.' ami (iruiutc, mid made un short notico. Also MautUn iu Marblu aud M.irbloizcd Slto, Ac., .vc. Flmliertim, Au. liO, 1JW3. HEALTH FOR ALL. HO LLO^AY^S PILLS & OINTMENT THE TILLS Purify tbeniocxl. corructall Dlwnlere of the I xi\ 4-r. S<l < ill : i < h , Ik nln'_\ -. find I 5<>\ iey Inviuoratoanrt rtoro to health Dft'ilitat^'1 Ci'ii^tltiitlnne. anil arc Invalnihle plaiDtu incidental to Pemalua of all atfes. For Chil.lrun ainl the ai{ed th.-y arv p m ii i.i f\ T XT MI nt i.i XT m arc invaltmltlu iu all Com t,'i><1 tlu-y aru pnceleaa THE OINTMENT It n Infallible remedy for Had LORV Ila.l llroaotii. ol.l \v.,nn,l Korei anil I ].-r It 11 fainnnifi.r (.nut niM Khoumntl-.nl. Fnr illaordtra nf tin. Clu-<t it hai no KIU|. For SOUK THRO.!'!, IU!(L\CJrjTIS. COUGHS, COLDS CllanhilarSwolllii|[. and ll Skin I>lo It li nn rival; anil for contracted and atiff joints It acta like a cliariu. Ranufactureil onlr at Profeaaor HOLLO Wit a BiUI.Hnliniont. TS. \rw Oxford .Street (late :.:M. Oxford strrrt >. Lnndon. and are told at In. Ifrt ,3. 9d.. 4a. (VI . He.. Oh., and M. on)i Ho* or Pot. aud may be had of all Med nil.- Vendon Uiftiiiulii nit the World. 1MT Pni-rhnftrt ihnuld [nnh Ii 'A' LaM im (Ait J'i'lt and Rnrr*. If t hr adilrnu u not ;".t/J, Orfnni Nrerl, T^nulun. tttnl or* jwrifttu. BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL&CO.,Gnelpli,OnL J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, rLBSgBBTON, . . OUT. To tlie Free and Independ- eut Electors of Centre Grey ! OENTLEMEN : The time ii at hand when you ill be called upon to exercise your franchise in the selection of a n-pru- sonUtive to the Legislative Aasembly of Ontario. The duty which you owe to your country, to yourselves and tn poster* ity demands that you exercise, that privi- lege with a en! m and settled determination to advance the best interests of our fair I'l-ovince. In the heat of party strife 'men uf impulsive temperaments tire apt tu ' overlook the real issues involved in tin; LIVINU present, and to allow their judg- ments to become warped by the mere "ahibolcths" of the I>EAI> past. Tim in- terests if our country, the advancement of intelligence and the humanizing inHu- ence of our common Christianity demand that lay iiaide the religious Htrifts and party contentions, which have so long dis- turbed and distracted the National mind, and that us sons uf our common country, loyal subjects of nur beloved (Jueull, we go "huiid-in-hand'' together ; mutually in- tent upon the achievement of a higher civilisation, a purer morality and a more liberal chiixtun sentiment, and while tirinlv maintaininu i ur own n^ntt, y.-t willing to uraiit th" same privileves which we ciaini f.ir ourselves to those of our fel- low countrymen who may differ from uv n cit-ril or nationality. Witli the view of giving ctfect to these aoutiments, I Ijejj to announce that I am a candidate fur your suffrages at the coin- ing election, and I respectfully rei|uest that all my fellow eh-i-tn* who aJiare . i!u . Kuiitinu-nts, will by their vuto and ' inlluonce d.. what they can to secure my election. It ia proper that you should ask, and it U n^ht that 1 should declare, what my opinions arv in r. ii-mnv to the issues winch divide the " parties" in Ontario at tin- preset. t tin.e. In the main I am in accord with the general coursu of legislation pursued and with the principles enunciated and carried out f'>r sum- yenm by th.' Mow,-it a.lnitn istration. and if clecteil I shall <h-oni it my duty in the interests of the Province to sustain the pres- -nt < invcrnmeut ; los.-rviny of coiifM- to my.tulf tin- riyht t" ju.I^. of each m.MSure which may be brouijhl i'. litai.i. upi'ii iu merits, irres- pevtive ut the source in. m which it may cinaiiale. 1 am ireo to admit that with all Unv- i-i.-m-y to IIMI all s I shall rlet-m it my duty as your rrprt-.-'entative to raise uiy voice an4 ex- ert my influeiic.-. In refi'i-encc tn hrchool law i-piierally, my .pinion is that n-.-.-iit lrp,i<d:iti.in n Inr/i'ly in the inter. -t of the y, pfifeasimi, and tli.it the intrrenta of the public which ouuht to t..- para m. unit, have to a curtain extent lx>i n ig- li.'le.!. I am uf opinion that the present "holi- day" t. riiia lire tou l"iu. e-pei-ially to nifvt tin' rt- ,u.i. i.i.-n!-. of iin.ii i.'iiiiiunntiei, and that a.une changi; is desirable in this (if the many important i|iieli.,ns which claim attention t thn particular juncture it is impossible within t'u- r.'inpaasof a hluTt nd.li' ' ik with intePixeiicr ninl pri-i-i.tiiili : Dtirini* the canvass however I pur|nse t<l dlMl'IWI anllii' of til.--.- i'!| yoll at tin- public mo.-tini; to be held at e.-ntial points tliruiitilioiit the constittK-ii.y. when I h..].e to have the pleasure of nn. -i ing many of ymi and forinin ally uninients there is a teivieiu-y to unnnceas- ary extravagance a^inst all such trnd- which I trust will be mutu- .c ' mil laatuu?, 1 have tin lion ! to be, (J.-ntli'iiiiMi. Markdale. Vo'ir oU-ilieiit Si-rvan*. 1.,-. . l- \\M Ix-rt, cheapest and most dur- able I'iamw, Orttani, Sewini; .Machine*, \\ . mi; Maclinu', Plothen Wringers, Si-win^ M.u -Inn. - XeedleH, and Supplies, fi-r Mile -U ('. TliSllllJoliI t. next InilHi- t" 'Mr. Win. Strain's, Klwuhcrlmi. 3m \VII.I, VOI' SI l-'Ki:il wiih nypop.ia anl I.iver ('oiuplulnt .' S'niloh's \ iiali/.er u piini.nit. i .1 to curu you. S -1.1 at Medical ll.il). M.'iiiKiiin t I'AUKI: i ca >i,ir CKOATT: II ron an nl.| Rore, CnV Hrnl... r,.m. Hun i.in. Halt ICIii'iini. l'lin)tli<. HI..I.-II -, U.-ntli lUii'l or KIM-"? If fi. then- i* lint <n' cure. lim.-l. M. -ii: ; .r .1- 1'ark.i'i Cailiuilr Cxrifr. I' tint trv i' . it will convince y..d. it co.te but V at the DruK Rtore. Havf yuu f\vr ir-. I MrftrrRi" * l'arko' Car- I... !u i erati fur ..r.- uf any klml* It l< I" - vi.iiil ilxiil.t tliH \.-r> bel pri.|<Krfitii>n In th** nmrki't f.ir h.-wI'Mi; an<l i-uriii^ Hore, linrn*. (nt. riiiipl"-". rintrhen. and In tlieonly i-miHT nictho.1 ..f nuplvini! Carh..llc Aclil Sola at the UruK Mure for 'i'x per bos. A I.IVHB Crr.. Oi, aintl<t trial of l>r. Chase's Liver Cure will rnnrinee tint nn>t ikfptn'iil ami PI Hi ti rni hotter than llionaii-l of testininnials that it Is a sure vure. Med- fine aivl lli-i-i|n' Ho. k 91. Sf.KKI'l.KSS NKlllTS. ma.| mi-raMe k' that It'rrihl* conph. Sliilr.li's Turn i tli* remeily fur yon. SoM at M-dirul Hill. I' -r ! .IMP. li.i-k. "i\f or rhrst. ite Hliiloh's I'oroiii Planter. Pnc* U cents. Hold at Mo'lirnl Hall. CBOIP, WHOOPISO COfOII smt Hr.-M'-lntM mini, li iti-lv relieved liy Shiloh's Cure. Bold at Mixlical Hall. THAT HACKING COl'GII can U so quickly cured by Stnl -li's Cur<-. \V Kar- nn'.i i it. Si. 1.1 at M.- l;c-il Hall. \Livt\o QntnTiDN. Quostion -"I* this life worth livinu?" Answer "II aJl de- penrls upon the liver?" If torpid or inno tive it cauies a .lull, tough, languid felinK. Dr. Chase'* Liver ('". frivei liraltb and buovAiisy. Hold by Dr. Clirisloe. SHILOH'S VITALIZEB ii what von need for r..nli|..vi.iri. LuSKi'f App*lite, Pizrincis, mid all i>'.npt..in< of D.iipepeia. Prin* 10 and 7ft sent* pi bottle. Bold at Medical Hall. To the Electors of CENTRE GREY ! GENTLEMEN. -- The w its for a General Election for the IfiM-nl Legislature will be issued iin- mediately. Un Tueiday the 21st Jay of December next, the nominations are to U- nun I- nnil Tuesday the 28th day uf December tix.il fur polling. Having rec.-iviil the unanimous nomin- ati. in of the Inrguist and most influential Conservative Convention ever held in the Kidin.'. which in-f in October last, and having since received the iimst encoura^- ing assurance, of support faun the electors generally, 1 IH-I,' most respectfully to an- nounce th.it I f. 1 1 it 'iiy duty to accede to their wishes and ucc.'pt such uoinina- tion. I have been a resident of the Riding fur thirty-eight years. During the great- er part of that period I have been, more or less, actively engaged in the adniinis- I trntioii of your municipal affairs and while . ..-i-u;.yin.' prominent pi>sitions of trust in your County Council 1 have invariably been guided by a desire to protect and promote your interests. My lung residence in the Hiding and practical knowledge Illiu working of our municipal institilti.iiis enable me the iimrt- readny to anticipate your special rei(uir.-- iiu-iit. represent y.mr grtfvancfs and <-l- tain n-lief fri.in..ppi.-ivc legislation. If elected as your ruprestative, I will endea- vor faithfully to discharge my Uuty I'jr giving i rf.-1-t to wfeolMnMbnUetioM, and will advocate a more economical adminis- tratioii of the finances and of the ('r.-wu i 1 .. main. As there is nut space ill a short address tn fully en plain my views I ahull endeavor to attend meetings in the van- ous Township* "f the Kxlin^ t>efortt the eloclions nnil there discuss in detail th varioun .|iiostion now before the pf.iplf In conclusion, 1 shall adv<H-ate eijusl richtu nnd pnvii. iri-s to all olasscs and en-. -Is i if of hrr ni.ije^ty's mihjivtv Itt-iiiu' a retidi'iit .f th.' Ikidiutr and lik.- ni:iny..f yours. lv,-s ent;.i^i d in farmiii',' operation*. "iir inten-sts an- identical. I >>lia!l di. my 1^'tt to advance them. Ki-lyni,' upon jour cordial antl getiurous supjM.rt t - i It-ct me as your representative 1 have t!;.- honor to be, Oentleiiirii. Y>'iir nlH'iliviit servant, JOSKI'H U"KKE. Clarksburg, Nov. L'I;, 1 - Canadian Pacific Kaihvay. Owen Sound Branch. 'I' I ME T.VIJL^K. ^ July !?tk, 16S'. Xorth. BTVII Vlall Toronto ' *I/eave' 1 iiai Canlwell Junction Charleston Orauxu- i Arrive 10'-* vill. i Leave ...._ it JU Orangvvllla Junction.. ... In 39 " Hhelhurue I' '" ' Dumlalk 11 a - r I.KKHK1U- > 11 17 Mark.la.le Williameforil l?'23i>i Chaleworth \in\. 4.0MI- South. Miatl Ladioa troubled with I'iiuptat. ItlotcliM. Hou^-h ItartiU or fin i-. ur Surr* "f any <lueriL>- ti'.n.thoiiM i:f Mc-(irei."r A l'rk"'n < t C'erato. It will It AV tlit- *kui in i -r f,.-t health. *ui>.'Ui. cuan aii.l {uvl olur. !> aura and let tbeneuuuie. made by >li(iregoi 4 1'arke. 1'nce it the Urnt( Store. HAtT Knr.i M CrHmn McOretor * Tarke'i CarbnltcCeratehaahwlitrlfMl Mill found to be the "lily )Hiltl\e . iln- f ir lt Ki.--.in. I'lUiplri. It. '.->.. -ii ti - Uco or liainl-. I ut.. lluriii. Hrr.iit-* .r ftriy S.,r.- tl:M U"ttin^- i-l -<> nil! hfel Tr> Mf(in-u<ir A I'arkc'i CarLullc Cerate *" por IH>I at tue L>rua- rtiore. ADVICK T. M'>nfKH Are )"ii il:-turb<1 a iiUlil Ktirt brukau uf your rvt by a sick i-lnlil eufferiiin and cr>in^ wil!i|.mu ( fill ting mil (I. -I a li.'tll.- -f Mrs VV.n K|..W'^ -M.tli!!i u - s.rnt. '-.|- ' ' thine lt valu.- l> uifali -in !...- Il ill r.'llrv.- thr . tUo KulTurvr luiHii.liMtt ; v I . j ml upuii It. lii.itln-r>. then- i i" ii i.Ul>.- Hi. .ut it It r'irf I >.-tit.Ty an.1 IHarrliaii. r. -ilat S't-iiint-h an.l Itowrl-.. cnr.- \\ in I i --I... ^"'t--i:- tin* 1 1 . iu. r.- lui . ^ ti.i'.Aiiini*' . u, .i.-l Wlvttw t>li . ,ii. i .1 ray to Ui< wholi Mi w .in IDW'H s |." fol |.l.-*-nf r fi-tili- lii-t rtli ! - tl:- I'l.--. tl' ' ...u. --f ti. -',-t.-'. an.i i'.-t fi-tni:.' pit vu ia>i . - :--!..:. i. ii. i ilnmnUt" throLuhont th \>.ii.l 1'u. tw.-.itv IH e*n* a bottle B*ur*aiid n-X f-t Mll> \Vr.vi - HIM. .ItHl P. aim tl M....-.II.T k ii. I AT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP You will Ami an atacrtin. f Heavy and Light Harness. \\lii|.. |lriiln--. Curry ( "tiiln, S. >t 1'aiU. and tin- . . I. ' 't at. .1 Ham. - Ull." JM Ol.l. IKS A S!'K< Cboap for Caeli. fill ami l:\iniiuo. Butcher S!iop iu Flesh- HI tvll ' Peich & STATION* i iwri. sv.iiii I Leave Cllll'.-*- Ith Wllliaineford Mark Ul.- Fi i.biiK.ni-i.x DuncuUk Slielbtirnv Orangeville Junction... UraliKe- I Arrive villtf. i Lravv . Cbarleatno Carilwell Junction Toronto......... Arrive W.WHVTK. (us i. Srr'T. K.I. Mail Mi.- : i*U.ll. . 4. , III 10 " , i. ' 3:-0 47 - S 61 " i I T " 4 SI " , ,| TSt " i .'>* HSO " S8 " 044 - SM " IU " s: " 10 .',5 " M 10 - r THK nii'li'Mluin-'l r".)'ivtfiilly tnkn tliN <]'| r tllTII'.l t.. n-lll illlll . I., flu- ]N~>|>!.- "f Hll- ortnn KII.I iiri<iun>liiik t ..nntr> . tlmt UIIM ham ltirto.1 a lluti lur MI..|. in tin- '.ii'-l n. ".I. If. r t.th.. Mixrl.l- \V,,rkv KLKslTUTnv . where tll'V il' IH. |.|.-.IM| tn II i I't with ll ll" fYor them wnth tliHir pi>tronc" Kt. -I M,'t uf all kiu. l. and r i.b.Ao iu their ttanou< ItmprrtfulU v,.n - 1'KTCII-V- MITCIir.U,. "FOR SALE. !Hapre II mlln fmniFlah*ri..n. (Joo.lwarm f : um- . Iwt-lliiiK ? r. MM i in, iii>o.i rollAr.tffxMletahle a ivr-falliiii; "prln^ .'r.-.-k. 1-tm* IVASV. For t*rtlrnlanai>plv t<> ' M''I.I.\MY. Kltiiher- too' or t..i W. HF.L.LAMY. Murk Ulf n A T n *!> " """* l II I I l|a<inMBAr*.ror1l.l I T I I I '"' f> " ''"""'" II I III I""' '"* aHl U U UJJ <b.n from u p, - -ni.lhl will pf . _ B t< l7 *"" !." Eltbu MI . joung . ..1.1 <~ >P IU| Honey to Loan. .t ( '' j I'fr ( Vn. lnlrt i v .Sfniiy/il /.in TTTIT'Ilatn-M na^tljtrailr, not In adrauea No o.'innilnMnn j*iarKJ. Apply to i.GUHK. - TIIOHMUKK i M. s:i . .1.1.. (iKV I I'm J. B. SLOAN, Has ?.ny quantity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap f DR. CARTER, M.C.I'. AS., Or. PIM-M nv si i:.i >. AC. fLESHKRTON. Offlce. Strmn't lil... k 11. -~i I -m. \Vni\Vrlijht- Ilrutistry. ) r MiU.MIALL. L.lf.S D r. s T i s T . /Ii. \lir\n: of Toronto s. h.xil of Druinur VT will IH- tt Mark la].- tli.- Ut ,.:. I ..i,| \\ wlue<- dajufearhi-ior.tlinii.il' -n tl. .-!. and it .1 Tlrir^ilay in each month fur the practice of bit profeeaiou. j. \v. FROST, I.L.B., . ,s'o/-if<r, Connijancer. Ottce.- Steal u ttuiMmtf. r'LJonurroit. A. A. t'H'.M.i \ .,!,, 'i.ir an I Conveyancer .. l.-t.t Maiia4.i-r. Mil. KlUisT will i... f ,.i..i at tlio Office ru Thundavi >s : P McCULLODGH, Dfirriatrr, Solicitor, )'<. , OM i- nrl'arlniKl'H M.>r< . > to Lian. MASSON & MASSON, ;>\i:' 'i.l< I l'i l. l> >Trv owmi Siiinul In Xltkor'i hlock. r i . ..ti M liranvli ..fftri- in M.ik.ihl.-. O\ I T >K .. na iluri-.uu Kri<la> aud satuday er / Mk * \NSOX.y.C. S MASSON. \\ \!\- . it I'rivati .v l niiii'aiiy fuuJi U>lii.-i- r -ui ->i \ 1 1 L i^ht |'t<r n lit. I<IU*MIII. r c ui.ix ..AI.V.. HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN. .S'U<V<M'".< (il L-I'l'iff il // mill, HVKI.IM l.l... Mll.lrrlllllH N - I \' i HNU:\ \:.ci n>. .. . i .0 at I. p. -t lute- '. lutrrvit OC:. l.t. T< ilaido. John W. Armstrong. FLKHIIKIITOX. C. Ourr. DIVISION CDCHT CI.I:I:K. i -MMMISMOM u in H K <'.>nv.>vanc. r Ac. Avcnt fur |>iirrl^a.> and aal i.f lamN. Appralitir f- : I I. ( l . u an I I r. II .V ?v s<M-ift\ Mohrv ! 1^ an i>u to in."t raaaoaabto tarmi laafSB OF NDTAWY I'l HI. If. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLKSK ABTKMINU. CO.V I'KY. t V /.;/., i',,\i UlsainXEH. ixxncAXi'K A<;T, ,: DKEnS.M(>l:Tli\(lKK. l.KASKS. 4r . |>rr| >l IH! and properly eiernteO Iniuianmree tod i n flr.l .-:icompiiif> M nry to lends! loweot rate! I.V TO BE LET OR SOLD. El MOORE. C&rpenfrr, Joiner, <f- Cabi- net Maker. 1 \ I " All repair* promptly hope. Durham S rtaoe aailHpveifl fromfttj A neaiiy eseeiteel HI. nest to LeIWh i Tallorlo* ntaii-iii eo eborteet uetlee.

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