Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1886, p. 1

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3SHERTON ADVANC H 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEX." VOL. VI., NO. 288. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. DECEMBER 23, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, > /I Don't Fail TO CALL And inspect my large and carefully selected stock of very Fine Goods, at real rtta^on- ahle prices. Watches, (Socks, jewelry, Silverware, Novel- ties, etc. Latest Styles,- New- est designs. Ladies' , Gold Watches and Queen Chains, Gent's Riled Gold and Coin Silver. Have added to my stock, the famous "Colum- bus" Watches direct .from the Factory. Everybody welcome, whether you boy or not. Tit - Bits. Ctn>irtui;t </ L<*ul nn<l Otlit Jtemi ; it/in-.,/ by The Advance We bad a call fnmi the genial Co. Court Clerk, Mr. liquids, un Tuesday lank. The Orangerille Adtariitfr given <" dencp of increased activity and enter- priao under tlio management of the new i-.liturand |Mii|irietor. Mr. J. F.Kennedy. A very interoHting column announce- ment from the Medical Hall, Klenlicrton, appuarti in tliis week'* iswic uf the AD- vircrj;. K. :i i it. Thu Methixhst Sabbath School tiiini- See bills anuoumiim a "hop Ternary, Klesherton, to bo held on tlie Kii^enia Hotel IMI tlio iOth evening of New Year's day, iiroiumes to ' muuth. eclipse all former anniversaries. at tlw of tin. AmouK the FlottherUinians who arc Iwiue for the holiday H, wr noti.-i <1 Messrs. month. W. C. Wri.-lit, Earle Strain. Kddie Tlioiiips<>ii, and K K. lUcharilson : and Miss Armstrong. Grand Division. Sons of Temperance, in Urampton 17th ami iHth of next SiiniJay morning la*t th congregation in the MethmiifcV rbun-li, Flonhi-rton, lixteued to one of the tnimt |x>\v< rful and stirring Rcrnioo* yt>t delirerod here by the }>o.Hior. R>T. W. AytTs. Next Sunday aftvrnnnii at '!::-). KYv. A. will jireach tlio S. S. Annfver- nary sermon in tin- Presbyterian church, Fleshcrtnn. at mi CAPTAIN RORKE! SPECIALT!ES. ; Fitting Specks optically, difficult Watch Repairing! Goods and Work warranted. \V. A. HI-CO W>i v A RtU.tbU JeuMtr, MARKDALE, - . - OST. OYSTKUh !-<>rdr your Oyrtcr Snp- por at MIFS Kind'K rofreshmont rooms, rloxbprton. lieantiful fresh Oyntcrs. very c-!ieu]i. duriux tin; ;isou. MIKS A.ldii ArumtroiiK icttirmxl home from Hamilton last Saturday evening, having sjM-nt a pleasant time in the "AuibitiouH city" during her ntay. S jx.'cial iliseauatH >n A atches. Clocks and Silverware for |>re*<iiiUUioii parpos en. W, A. UIIOWN. Mardale. St. We had a very pleasant call from Mr. A. J. Spenoor, ! Georgia, L'. S., \\ANTKD.-B. .a. S on charge of Country Sh'>;t. Married I Tuesday last. Mr. S. nays they lia I ti |,n : furred. Apply :i< :u-e to put ice in Un water to keep it cool the '* !' LIWATE day he Ml therm. Fleaherton. Ont Rememlxir the uli. >. .tinj,- match Hannah'* HoUI. I-'l.-sln rtoii Station. Christmas dav.coiumenciugalxjut UOOD. -7-, T -L i / ,- r* For Turk, vs." k. liill,. TftC *"* GOIU#9*I*I Cm'.- dictate for Centre Grey. t take ... .; _ . _ - V THE ISSUE! At the annual meeting of the Forest McthodUt Sunday School. J. O. Reefer wax re i letitl Svcrbtary. and after pre- geutiuf; liis niiniinl rport for the past year wan tendered a hearty vote of tliaiikn fur pa.st wirviceH. WINTER STOCK ! IS- We Invite Everybody to See it. Incomparably the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here, pre*rritk- A vet's 8arn*ii The Provincial elections c..me off r, n arilla in eaw: of m-rofnU. and in every Tu.-wlay. IK-O. -JHtli On that day tho form of chronie ili.-.v . Ucatwc this electnr* ..f C-ntrv (Jn-y will be railed up- in. .11. ino is safer to ta'.:.-. arid it more ,,n to elect one of the three candidates in A valuable hre, U limcum to Mr. Wm. Itnrnc-tt, of Artemesia. was killed last week, while in the act of jumping ovor a fence, by btmiu pierced in the body with a sharp pointed .take. ' Uiuly co-, ,-utrated. than any other the field, m.. ('apt. Rorke, Mr N Mc- lir.pnrati.nl. It ean -.!. ,i\ ,! rlc|N'ii.i. Column, ami Mr. Wm. Itrown. Tin- tint SlIAKHW.vliK ! Spoons. Fork,,. c d upon a* an eff.-etiu bWl puritter. l n arned K entleman, Capt. Jo^ph II rke Knn.s. Caster*. ButU-r Dishes, rruit I)i>hes. Card-holderH. Piekl- Cruits. Mr. Stea.hv.,11. ,.f . \item.-ia, Icmt ,) the nomine* of the Lil*rl X.ipkm I'iuu*. t*c- Also 1 fiu,- Tea St-t. vahiabl- Imrs.- last week. It .pppeaw tivc P art y Kntleman whom to kn S/ikd^ ' W ' A - B "i' t WK - someo.t,|,"..,..,li,, tho ! -'H throat'" ^^ C< "" t ~ t C ^- *>"' ami a UMI |werful emetic wa*> ^>van in Remember UM I*re-,l>> t<-riaii Sabbath order to prevent thu animal cluikine. S-hool nimivermry ami the t;raud 'an- The emetic jiroveil altogether toottronc tata in Chalmat'e rhur. h, Flcidierton. { and the hone died from the iff. . t> on the r veiling of Chruttuiaa day. Sec thereof. billH. j r : ,th ke or* M. Richardson & Co. FLESHERTON. the hero of that dirty "anveU' 1 nomination day ! Contrut ly treatment of friend and opponent. Kith Niel McColman'i i^oa* peraonalitioi ar.il 1'illmirmratf and hia trusty lieutenant MyW tradUIv-the-fence proclivitie* f Uu to the poll* on TuexUy, and by v<-t- hi ild '"K for '-'apt. K.irkf show that ymi will The ladies of the Milntyre A Unlet luxury i. every rer*ct.Aypr' Stiotl p^byU'riaa Clmrch. wUl Hair Vigor nnrer fail* to restore the U| ,. lr winu | w-amrc'tinK in their Hpa-jmolbe a party to the dotermiue.1 etfi-rt* y*iithf.,l frcfthnf s M..1 e.,l.,r to fatled cioilll brick eliim-a- on New YeAr'i Kve, n tin- ,.rt .,l Mc('..lnian, Myle. * C-. an.l Krav hair. I t also rrailioaU-n dand- T** 81st JH^J Tem Mrrv< \ at 7 ^^^^ to place the i,Tand old lnnr riding of niffaudpi. MI - the hair from falliiiR. p . m .. afu-r whi.-i, K.-VS. H Ardent (|u<- Yntrv <!*} in .1 tM.mt.,.n iU political K. v. Thus. V Unn ileliM-re<l an olo torl n Hlt ' Hamiltmi. Flint. Mujor Snth- c..iii|.l.-xi..n l...ul,l never allow KM ..coupy. teotara at the er land and Captain K.lgertou. %ill ile-'^'"" ll Vl- IH ^'' l "'o to y.mr c< -l>r in tha ami, <Vn nivisinn of Hp*)iortn S,m< of 1' *''''' Vocal and inrtrnnveii> Mt , : "'"'* "*"* "** Tcmperancr, \V,.liMs,lny vpnin K of last tal miwic hy Maxwell and local chir. Utare n.iflimir undone to aecure th.- re- The *>,!- Lv Mi*- ChrUtoo wan TickcU li ocnU. S*o bills. !"" ..f Capt. IWke by .iwo-pimc major- ity. renilereil. TliCTe WTIH a fair attend Tin' III.- Nominal IOIIM. noiniiiatioiia fur the Kieal Mrs. R Kawct'tt, Kletiliertou, who ban Uture (*'ei.ti>- (ir.-\ ) tixik |jlk -v in very ill for noine time j*st. ih ci.ii T "*" " '" lleri '' "" Tuwday. \t. m.b i i Korke), noniinop of tho l,ilnrnl ''-i MLiam. Mrs. Ulakoly IN ulso . ,. tive I'.-ir'v. a* nnmintd l>v Dr. l-ttcr. Mr. John Osl>oriKi has also Vx't'n T-ry ill. It is some time sitn-r tli.:i h< boon HO mu -h sickm-it-i in Flratiurtiiii. ( e .m. I Mr Th< man was n-iminntfil Chris Kr\\* ; Mr. Mc'..|. I iv M.-Mrs. \Vin. anil E.I. Walter ; ami Mr Win. Urnwn, the ' 'M i andiiUte, vai nominated by M. ^r. J.ilin McDi'inU and Tlmrp A grand Cliristri.ah I'.^tivnl will K- U ""* It vriw eiuiera.iy th -UK it that, in view t i.mt.Te-iUion, , ,|, u tli>MU ^ .\| r . Mt-r..|iiian would Maxwell, on Saturday. Dec. 2.1th, have suthririit niMilini-w and honor to ChriHtmasdav. Tnaiierv ml from AIL m.. dmp .nit of the ..,i,t.--t M.- ilnl n-.t iln chair taken at Tu'clock, when feldroBHex, >Vr..wilJ be in .inliir. AdiniHsiou '2-~> cents, children half pricw. S> hill*. I do the trade. Have suM 1:1 ^[ rini; an I u.-i^ht C luckn ; alo 10 ^< ild ami lilver Watclu-H. American and Sw-js. iiu-c t)n> 1-t of Octoler. iNhd. Stock an.l priiVH niie<|iinlle<i m t , ntrr- <in%. W. A. BROWN, a reliable Jeweller. Mark UU- tit. f"rli New goodi thu week nt M. Hichar.ls-n 4 Oo'i .'Six Hoxea Cheap AXIH. Five Caseii Felt B.KIU, Cai> Mon* Ovi-rcoatii, pevial (jood value. Choice Valentin Rai- ling, Fine bright Sugars only .1 cuuU ;.. i Id m. but remain* in the field the hope of the Kc-funn jnutv in thi ridiiiif ' Eleetora of Omtrt Crny ! ri-nietiilT thin fact when you Hnt.. the|Hl|. n, xt Tiu-tdny. Hi -nieinlier tli:it Mr M. ( '. .liniiii is play- ' iii^ 1 iut.i tin- haii.is .if the- Hiform party' by the ci'iirae he li:i.< .-lectnl t.i puriiue. Ueii.finbi r, alo, that Mr. Mi Culm in hiu broken bin I.I.-.IL'I' ' the deltc.'atf of <u*o < 'niitrrwitirt (.VmrfiifM/ni, and i, then^fure, not to b ti iisti-.l. The First Sign Of falling health, whether ID tbo form of Ninlil Swrata and Xervoiini>. or In a p*n of (ionural Wrarinrs an.l I.HM cf Api-tltr.liould inggM-nt the uwof Ayer't Rariaparlllu. Thii preparation ii niotl ffectlv* r>r pivinj tone and >trrn;tli to tba ciidvli.i ii ivitrm. promoting the diitntion uii.1 oxuvilalionof fooO. rrttor> Ing the nervous fnrei-i to tbeir nornul condition, ao.l for purifying, rorkhloj, theblocxl. Still U'iidiiur the Trade ! RUSSELL Xotcd Jewelry ^le^cftoq, i^ gtill 8PMCK8. New Goods arriving every weeelc. Our Winter Stock of Silverware, Violins and Fancy Goods have arrived, anJ are selling last at the Low Trices. Any one in need of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry of all Kinds, Spectacles, Silverware, Fancy! Goods, Violins, Pipes, Purses, Razors, &c., will do well to call at RUSSELL'S, Flesherton. All Watches warranted from 2j to 5 years ; Clocks from l to 3 years. Watch Repairing a Specialty, and a perfect job guaranteed every time, at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Failing Health. T>n yrr aeo mv li. .-ilili bonn f> fill. I WM triiii'il.'il with a .llitre-ltn; < '"UKb. Nllflit Swi-nln. Wfukm'W, iinj "J.-rrnu'- ne. I trii'J varioim mnrdlm prr.-nln-.l by illffi r.-nt phvulrlan*. but bn-anw v weak that I r<>ul.l not ro up utain kvitb- outiloupinK to rtlt. My fri. n.N rr<-..m- rorndrd nn< to try Ajt-r'* Surtiinrill*. which I did, mid I am now m* IwnUnv i: ,| tronK a n.-r. Mr. K. L. \VIIIUn. Akxiodria, Minn. I have utr.l Artr't SanaparilU. In ray family, fur Bcronla, and know, If It n takm' f.nihfiiliv . that It will thoroughly erniliratc thli tr'rrlhle .ll.-r. I h pmrrlh^l It a tonic, M well ai in iltrr- Btiv*, nml niiut uny that I honrllf hllc\n It to o<< th ln't blood rnrillrlno n.r rompoun.lril. - W. F. Kowler, I). D. S., M. U.. i.n mvillc. Trnn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would !>< 1mjnMIWi' for mn to '.!-- oribe whit I .urfrr-.| from I n.lljrr.l inn and Hriulni-he up to tin- time 1 tii-irau taking A>rr'f Saraparilla. I n K un.lrr the rare of varlmK ph>lrl*n< nml (rir.l a (Trot many kimN .if miMti-liw. l.i.i n^vrr obtalnwl more than trtri|'rnry re- lief. After l.tkln^ Aycr'i 8ar|>iirl;K ' T a nhort time, my ln-a.l*hi- <li* ippmnHl, nil inr t.niinch pprformv.) lt .lutle* in .m pvrf>-itlv. T-ilay my health H r.-m- iilclrlv mtoreO. Mary llartey, ;iprln^- fl.-ld, X(aji. I have been grtatlv b. noftte-l br the prom|it UM of AM i' ..ir*ii|>ariila It t.ini- ami liiriKoralra thoTnicm. rrirulatei tb action if tin' i|[K"ti<- an.l .-i-lini' ii!\ ITU-HI.. n I vltalltei the blovO. It l. wltliont ilouht. tie mot ri-llihlo litn.l I iinn.r yrt dleorerp<l. II. I>. Jobnv.u. W3 Atlantic ave., Rrvoklyo. N. V. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Pr.irl by Dr. J. C. Art r k Co , In..:'. KM*. I'r Ir, 91 I ,1, b.,1'1. .. ' 7 . V .

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