Ontario Community Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1886, p. 7

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UK it f IK-.I coNOBjBT. Vtnt J enter. ^^^^^^ Loui> Eogel, In hi* " From M zirl to Haiio," writ** thn* ot Niluon'a youth : "In a little bat imoog tall piuee, on tb* mat* ut Count Haiuiltou, near Wexio, in Bwjdeu, tbe hut oonaiHtiug of two roomt. belonging to a poor 'ortiter, on Annual 'JO.b. iu tb* year Ibia. wa JJOUL * Imle lew-beaded girl, lu youngajl of nevea children, wbo never i-p >ke uuleet especially fMxtiauod, but ooLti.ia.H> eanf, trying to teaiiai* Ibe birds or ibe murmuring of ibe waieri iu tact, obe> ing -u Inner impnlee to imitate Ihe great iu deta of nature, ever bevirg beard i . :uirg ilee. Tb* ajokuobl- h.mlet of 8m .><*, to which the art of tbe toreat t.-ioin-d where ebe had nr*t MU '.Ui lit nt of day , wee a f ew mile* fktant f roui Wexio, and the hlghaet ambi- tion of tb* poor children wee to be eel* to gel to Ihe fur ot Wexio and earn a few pence aomrhow in tbat great town of aome 1,800 inhabitant*. Ia order to tench that giortoui remit, little Onrlitine, wbo had taotfhi hertelf to play ou a imkll fiddle wbieb belonged to Oer elder brother and wbiob you can eee any diy )ou pleaie in Ibe miguifioeot mantion the bat built for hiraell in Hjoih Kineinglou entered into parineribip witn ber brother, wbo wai already her interior ae a violmiil, aod they itarted out together for tb* celebrate. I Waxio. * * * On they went, pfr ftdei Apottolonii,,, until tbey reiohed, on their wy Ljaug-by by meant village where the yuung violinist aooompanicd her own voice in th* taw Bweduh national toagt hi thin bad beard and rutained iu her precocious memory. \Viih treat pud* Bbe relatea ibat tbie bet Arm opeo-air ooneert brought ber Ibe ireaaore uf threo-Denee half-penny, forewarning ber of Ibe untold wealth wbiob awaited tbe children al the town fair. Thither, tben, they repaired wilb all tbi courage tbal oooera, glory and money can give, and arrived a ktile tared, bat hopeful, al the ttir. There wae addenly a big acd *no*, wbo wondered if tb* violiu played Obruline, or Ctariitin* tbe violin Wben the admiring crowd iMtmbled, il atlrioted iho atlinlion of Mr. Torn*rbjelm. Ibe provincial jedge, who tried to not out, M every OB* ol ui w ulJ. what WM Ihe mat Mr. Will, fortnoataly tor the great finger, tb* jndgi, a man ov*r *ix leak high, eweled over thi thouideri cf tb* people at the hill* girl 'bo for mid the oinlr* ot altcae- tion, and then he eew and heard, over ant above Ibe icraplng ol the little fiddle, what he thooibt the eweeteal and moel CBchaoling timbre of vjioe he had ever beard before. A highly edueatt d man, and acoaatomed to read in tb* pbyiioguomy of tb* people wbo wer* brought before him their ebaraaMr and prebabl* eapaoilitiee, he tpoke firal to tbcboy, lb*n |j ib* lull* girl, and then aod Ibere laid tb* fonnda loo of tbe gnat prima doona'i fortune by the preneut cf untold wealth a lixpeno*. Cbrmtine, already frightened with the rtepo nubility ot carrying her Ljjng-by fond*, inddenly grown ri*h beyond ber expectation*, with great flrmn*** tuii.ted on tbeir immediate return to tbe only place where *o much money eoald laftly be levelled or deposited Ibeir father'! hat. , io on* ol ChriitiD*'h little ikiri, which did Ibe ankle, tb* toilette If jour of her flret eonoort, miaou tbr leaei hit of iboee or Blockings ; aad tb* oner- tebed portrait of *wo bout caytau* Burdjn filber and mo h ,-r in a r oa no U frame, wbiob com more ihu a IOBK aeili* of con- cern at tbat lime eoald have brought her " Although not quit* MO nob a* ebe be- em* hereafter, >uu return. I i>b Ihe firel money earned from ber flrat inoee** iu [Ublio to ber father, who *a, real and allv*, 941, Ib* produce < f two concert* iu bu daughter'! band. Hirauge at it may appear, Ibe great inojeen aud Ib* great fluaooial renoli remaiued far a few days wiihonl any tanner ooDitqaeuee* ; wbee, Jail ae a leooud art'ttic journey wae eon* templated, tb* abovi- mentioned judge, woo naturally bad had tome difficulty iu un earthing Ihe wbertabouti < f bit imall prima donna, came itraigbi upon ber father and naked bim would be allow bu honor, tb* Provincial judge, to take tempor- ary poeeeenon ot tb* yuong**t child, and if ibe were f ooud lo he mi intelligent and gifted a* the wai tuppoewd to be, to give her the education wbieb would, perhap*. mike the name ot lit- In Gtutdiu* *oiu* what better known ? Tbe father rettrred to iba mother, aa every will bred father will ; and tbe mot her with that abnegation tbal make* of mo>brrly lov* Ib* only relia hie, nevur-to be-fouud waniiun lev* in tbe world, intlantly eouiiuted to eeparate her cell from her beloved obild a youogeel an lid to boot lolotigai tbal eaerifloe could do Ibe child any good. Tbii li t'.e prelimi- nary arranged, ibe flnt important itep In Gbruiin* 1 * life waa made." IMIIilM Hool. . ,,.! .h. . Tbe i miaoy of oiling depeode mnoh D,, ,n the way to whieb it it d me. In tbe e\ >LIUR brush ibe tboe olean ud then warm It witb lakewarm water, rerther to moisten than tn eleao it Bet il whare It will dry llowly. It akonld aol be perteellT dry ibe iwxi mom IUK, *beo Ibe oil IB apjiln-d, tui feel dmp, not wet, however. Tile bent miturt f a nil ing thoee u made ol oce ball of neat foot oil te tore yon get Me gm i is article- one third' beet tallow, eud one nxth of oewlor oil. Mix kborootlbiy over a eoUa beat. Depend upon ibe robbing raiber than tbe beat to get Ibe oil to exprecc it d'ffer- ently, two parti < t rubriag to one of beat. It Ibe eboec are pepged, ae farmer!' ehoee BHUlly are and alwaji bould be, get Ibe ml in well between Ilii ntrpn* *tid solei il will prevent ibe eolt polling loorc or tbe leather bruk i ^ away lroi Ihe pegt. Shoes worn at farm work ehonlA be oiled at letal one* a wmk. It nqoltet only a few jinolfB lodo Hu worad I* U tf eeidcdt} profitable labor. " What ! th mittar with fey Utlle witef'^ Her dainty bead fallt on bn nhoulder, and between vtae tobi >hal her ihgbt frame, ibe lays : " Wi- Will, fe feel to b-a-ad; I wanted lo to make K me bibi-bi trail thil noon, a-a-and gnt the wa-wa- water and i-a a-l-l and ye-ye- jeaul, bDlthere'itometbtogmi mi-mieimg ad I can't tbiik wba wba what it it.' Mr. YoDnKmau imilej quietly, and claip ken bit young wile to km watebpooket, he placed bit lipi to ber ear and whiipered . I IHI- H l >KI. H I K. II I > IX. . .!. hr !..> ralr face*. Tb* perataawBt remove* < hatr towat the lace ot a lovely or unlovely woman ha* uentofort been oootidered aa imuoadbU obiivement. To maba the hair gaew oa th* bald pale ot an elderly geatliman baa alwayi been a donblfal exp*rim*ol, *om* tMwernog that il ou, otfaeis thai H cannot be doua, but Ibe er . : loettou ot the bair wa* ennetderea im t oMibl*. Now the it- i of hair, even a bix nooeteebe, tn imperial and wbukir* can be taken ti! without leaving a trace or Mar. M jriovi. , 1 ueriy performed by au expert :1 torgeou or eurgloal eiecirteiau, iver you obooee to call Ib* Operatic* doctor, nol a hair ever grow* lucre ana U. Yesterday Iiw tee opt ration ptrformed By Dr. W. H. Hi t ' , ana we* ei. ligb:*n*d m tb* tame time M to haw tb* electrical cur rent wa* applied and made to do it* work in ib* flnl plaoe, a pretty young girl of about I'J, wbo wan iba (abject of to* opera- tion, look ber neat before large window iu tb* dootor'i operating chair. Sue we* k till* uervon* al firil while Ib* dooto* WM onangiog and arranging nt* galvanic lattery. A fin* needle, made ipeoially lor Ibe purpoie, waa carefully luierltd ototb* tkio of Ib* yoang lady'e upper lip, ail where Ibe firil bair to be etaiioaud grew The needle i* now in th* bair follisle iteelt," aaid the doctor. " ow eee, ehe hai col flinched. Il ba* given h*r no paid to ndant tbe needle, for it i* loo tharp and In* to b* felt. Now, I will ooun*et the needle with tbi* negative pole of tbe bat- tery, jam *o, while tfaie poeltive pole i* ejo- lad with tnis flat piece ot ineiitl, tn *lwode, placed on ber oaeek. iPean be placed on any part of Ihe body, tb* object imply to complete the electric cur- rent." Ah I 11 itiDgi 1" cried Ibe yoang girl, rat ibe did not move. It ie more or leu painful," continued the dcoior, after a tittle soothing attention to bit paiicni, " aeeardiog lo :~ > location of th* hair on the face and tbe ncrvooi eutibility of ibe patient, Look here ; now Ibere u a little frothing aroaod tbe uetdli. will wuodraw il and " Hi withdrew the needle and lifted owl the hair without giving the yoaog lidy eey Qaieftiy mierting th needle in another tollirU Le repealed the operatict), and ibie lime Ibi patient ouly gave b libt shiver. Bbi imiled aod *aid : II in ! pir.fol, or I have became aeeuitomed to il. Oa ou, doctor." Tbe operation waa continued, Ihe opera lor taking out from about five to ten bain very minute. Thi* wa* continued for thirty miuutei, tun length cf Urn* allowed by Dr. King for *aeh tiling, both patient aoo pbyeieian needing reel alter ibal length ot time. While ibe operation wa* going oo I interviewed tbe doctor thai : How long ba* ii been iitot thi* opera- tion wae performed T " Dr Oiorg* H Fox, aome tight yean ago I think il wee io 1878 rod before the New York Btat* Muioal Society a on ibe turj 01 ut tbe permanent removal of bair bv , lc rolom. Blnoe lueu ami ot ibe eUeiriciauK iu ibt* any ban boon making nee of Dr. Fox'e proeei*. Wilb ocly ilight variation*, ib* operation i* practically tb* tame a* ibat flrit d* e>ibed by Dr. F. x " Ii u a d lliuull or dacgeroat opera lion ?'' Nether difficult nor dangcron* in tb* baiiU* of a guud eleeerleiau. It rtqutrti floe yceighl, a guol ligot, a iteady nand aad uerve, and great patiecce on the part of th* operator a well a* ibe patient. II operated by a akil.'nl arg:)u It can be per formed In about a* mauy tilling* a* will be n quired to take onl from 100 to 960 bain a day. Oje titling a day, half an bour long, ii ail that a j jdieiou* operator will allow " ' Will ooleomx of ibe bair* grow again I" Ye*, a few. If tb* operator ha* (kill and experience there will probably b* growib of from ,< per otui. lo 10 per lent of tb* bair removed. If a tyro perform* the operation perbap* TO or 60 per oe*l will rmuru Then II will be uoly oeoei ary to repeat tbe operatiou." I* ihi operation frequently per- formed T " Ye*; a* it bee.) me* known II I* mor* frequently called for, and Ihe practice i* oo Iho n'oreate." Die* II leave a tear? " N .1 nnleie the hair i* eoarea aod deep et. Then there will be marki tbal will uot dieappear onder a week, perbapi, and pertaap* in a tew day*. If the batri are flue Ib* elictrolyii* will nol oau-e more than ailight r*do*ee, wbieb will dieef pear in a fiw bonre " To* yonng lady wbo had b*en operated upon tetmid williug to hav? all th* h-ur removed in on* titling About OB*. halt bad been taken off, or " lifted on-," in* doolir *xpr*4i>(i It b'ltore *h*r*fr m tb* ebkir, but Dr. King laid itaat ne i.ev. r parinitlod a paii*ot to eil tor the optrat n i laoger than half au boar. Hjkb* rrlnc- tautly tut <>n a v>il to bide tbe hail muntioHn which remained on ber prtt'y face. 0! eourne iih-i promi>>*d to reiU'i, urxt day for th* einipletlon of tb* *lro inlyi', and eourte tb* kept hrr prooiine. - .Vcu- York Sun. Hr.iui I l/lu b, | rl. phoiir. A prcfewor of meimeriam who Tinted PorbtmoBtb recently wee interviewed by k toeal reporter, who, at tea qaeettoaiDg him on a variety of oiotKrn, aaed whether be had ever ueeeeoTid iu ea*ltng b mynii pell over a inbjeol who wa* al a diilacoe. " Yee," wae th<> protestor r*ipon*e, " At Ulacgow I wa* laaewefal in mtamerixiug by telephone. I bal previoutly experi- mented on coma young eaeo, and I i jtrnoted them te pUoe theojaelvei at a telephone iu Ihe cfli >e of Mi-am L p>on, wbo ate lerne hatter and egg me:'- .nte. I WM in Mentr-. Carrie, 1 h- mpe<,n . Co.t cfBaw, end gave th*m direeetoae by wire wbat to do. 1 think expectation had a good dial to do with il, but, at all cveulu, they ell went < ff into a trance, and eminent pbytiriau* in Olacgow ratitfled tb*mi*lv*i of ib* g*nniu*nu of Ib* pbeuomina by running pin* needlei into Iheoi " (hurt Jturnel. t- lll e ; !. et I* tm>-iii<-u.. How ooo Id Ooln m bo* berp kBOWing boot tbe Nor** duoovery aud wu- >e all tbe reeo* ite were keptf if a writer in Time on abe dieoevety of Aturne. Tee Biaa wllb wbcm b* b) IDOWV to kve eeofvtred there, Bibop Magna*, ot Bkalboli, bad prtviouily bein bbot ol the monaiMry of tltlgoitll, tbe place where tbe eldeei doen- BMute lelaliuK tu the lad Golan) boe wai eo eager to renoh bad bees kept, a* J whku alio happened itran|i*ly *n< o^b io have been tbe very di-trici whtnoe the Nor -4 vojagtra tailed. CjuimeudetlotbiH httbcp, a* Oolumbae nnauubtedly utuet have be*L, and brouijbi in coc^toi with a traiK, open- ninrtwi, extremely faoepilkble people liKe the Icelander*, what ouuld pr*\c-nt the Matty Italian from pomeenioc huuae>f of Ib* talieul particulaid ooueening tue pre- ua vo>agt< cf dircjver> ? Tbe 8*idih butoriau, Holmberg, eaiii alteniion lo tbi fact IbM Columbus moat have met the dVoaudauM ol Iut8* who flrm md* tii di oovtry.aml toobialDtd fn.nhibi*iu- gence eonoerning Ib* great land in ibe Wait. Toe Icelander* have alwayi been celebrated tor bavu.g kbe bail memory ot any people in tbe world; *v*u new, at riltled by Samuel EoMland, an Aunrioan aotooc, wuo, ut eompauy with Bayard Tajlor, Orrnt Field, Uirtkr HagLOtein, and other littmgairbi i 4*utlten*a, vmued Iceland at the uoi* of ertuillwnial teiabtelton : "Ibe et>uou>u people are well acquainted with their own and other uauu..*l butuiiet, ancient and m I rn , tn-.y Nnow all at at tbe early ducjvety of Aoielioa by tbo Northmen nvo eeuturlei btfuet UotnuikuB, wbiet very (ew of , uulu rti, i.:l), ku*w any more of Icelaod than we did of Ibi Soutu 1'ole or the wilde of Africa. ' Aceordingly, it U no* io be eupuueed that tb* loehtnderi, oaly 130 year* after Ibe tail voyage, bad Ion iuMrul to tucb a degree tbat Ib; Vm- land voyage* bad oeaned to be the laljeel of oonveriatioD. Betidea, her* wa< a foreignar fcom the eootb, intertained al tbtir accial bearlb, and eager and euriooi.ee no mau bad ever been before, to bear all thai oouid patalbty be aaid about tbene voyaeyn How oonld tboa* uprlgbi loU omprehcLj hudaeujn, ihe exteM of tbe advaabai* ibat hii m*re*oary mn d eoveted ? lie ineeeeded beyond Bel aaatnine oopei ; kept bie viiil to profooi.i ae*et, never divulging it ie) wXM* few goaided wcrde to bie noo, aad a* ki* part 01 th* reward lor tbe duoovwry of Ibe new world claimed to be made admi- ral at the eeae ana eve* irtee >ut be we* about M uiaoovir. iki* digeity to be held for life and to deioeid to bet bein ; to b* mad* viceroy of all Ib* couiioenH aad lalaude ; to have a teoth part ot the prrfit* uf all marehaadla*. wtiaiher pearl*, jewel*, or any other thing* Ibal alRbi h* fouud, gmtatd, bought, or exported from tb* oooev trite tbe* u* wa* about te diaevver, etl. A* tor hi* doBUd oololry, "the Buaniah overeiHUi, ' io Irvtogl* _rapbio worli, "in tbi midil of their rrjaieicgt, loel no time lo. liking every mea*ur neeeneary to tecure tbeir new aequMltiooi ;" in itaort, tbey applied to the Pope. < in t< A HloiUr V Ullia ml " 4 U<l..a . II,.,.., Mr< u.r. MIMI k. In Hieing Han, Ind., en Monday moraine In making a bortng for natural ga* at OniiUia, Neb, at drpih of 111 f*al the driU p*D*trat*d a 7-loatvein ot titoniinoun coal. Ibere ie y>eat rrj iaing tn eonie. <|tienee, and the prniabi i<y <4 finding gat inor*at*d by the pr vx.uee of tb* eeet n ' ia Wrrh. A Dieappoinlaient An Engliab \oH Wbo vniled Anatnea wa* e.t a dinner |>v*i in bu honor* A lull* dct>httr of bu n wbo wa* too will arid to -tare, but wbc eyed him covertly an tbt oooiuion pre**ot*d iieelf, flually ventnrtd to remark, "Aud you am really aod truly an Ejgliab lord ?' ' Y**," b* annw*red pleacMlty, " reaily audtfoly." ' I baverfteu thoogbl I would lik* to * an Eugiith lord,' ib* went oo, " and aud " " And now you are tiru*d al la*i?" b* put in laughingly. "N-o," replied Ibe truthful little Kid. > I'm not la inii. I m a gcod deal diiap putiilkd t" lnl*lteitoo.e Quotation*. F*ir widow " Yei, taet le uiy huabaud ibe boot, toe kludeet, tb* oievareil of " June* Ah, yen, my dear madaio. A* tb* diviue Wortiwotib *ayi: Tb.-itoo.l .lie nrel ; Whilu tboM whux UMIU ar* dry a* luuiiuu eeet Ran to tn* toekett r Punch. A I'MI L ving. JeuaMui : " What doe* Dwdle do for a living T'' Jihnaou : Notbiog I H* live* on hi* u I ' J*n kiu*(tympalb*lieaily) : " Poor aevil I 1 don't tappoie bi *ver get* a dfCint meal.' Nithing It N it Critical. -Cjnier (tfnfoi of Young OIDI'I cnormoae bultuii boi. ) : Yj(, if* very floe Zeal, but I oau t ay at I think* mooh ot the pot." Fun. Clreumilanlial Evidtoo*. Edwin : "I've ja*i 'uaud a ibol iu my bit of the tridue I ' Angelina : " How odd I Bo bav* 1. foot IbiuK loej've bad lo ihOBt it twie" t" Pmuh. ' Do yoa believe In female pbyiieimn* ?' " YM. tor ladled When I call ia Mr* Dr. i' H .pury 1 1 **o my wit* ehe talki otknititt abont tb* nelgtatore nil Olara I* porfrcily eared and iu tbe beet ot epirita.' fjg I'M t Mm BiOokeudyke a very in .in%i youog lady ? Pid .roE Nolat all. F g Oo, tbiu yen havee't heard ber ii- t F ndernon Oh, yet, I bavi ; that'* why I Bay not at all. oraugnl to a cloe a eane which hat alwaoted keen luierem and widespread uoi ooiy leaoag Ib* medical ut that MCliou, but aleo of Cineionnii, whither tb* patia .-. cam* a borl liuiu ainoifur IreatmeLt. Thi ^jatue gf ihe nj.a wat Bx-phen K. <. He died ot Addition ' diMaje. ' The timarUi tealuri of -Jiw^rd'i eaue wan ibe K'adaitl emprvem4ija of tb* dlnooioraiioo ot itiu rkia, wkieb, aHLongk) OOKH-.1!) of l.ir o mpleiWO, evtii.oally (vu Lim the ippearavee ctaptif^.-i t)p* ol it f ull o'u jdtii Afrioan. Tbe nature 01 tui* eejae wa* nol prebendtd uuui bu vieittd the ciiuie of K.L8,lj, ff ui.a Wuutaker, ki th* Ohio Medical ColUg*, oa Uixth etreut, to montbi igo, wueu tbe oa*e wae reaogniztd ai one ot Addition'* diteaw, or"brotE:d bio." Boward nae atiugle mau, end at ibe ItaMl ol cu dealb 28 )ea uld. Bu ome ot wjry bealtby ituuk, bulb cf bi* parent* Mlcg etill alive, aud bu aootitor* have all reaoood t roeiud old ag*. H* waa employed ip to tix mootbi ago a* a laborer on hi* lalbtr'a farm. Ha wa* a man of flu* pbyt <iaeand great atrtngtb, and up to tuat iiiu* ud been able to perform an toimeuiw day't work. Atout that iicuee.ii mootbi go* ue begau to nonce Ibal iven a ooaplt ot boar* ix.rtioD ia ibe AeU wae followed ty au ouaoooanlabl* teui* of wtariotan. Within two month* after tb* begin ing ot bia dixae* Ibi* inoonviLietc* aaa inoreaaed to tath ei extent ae ko ntfll bim for bin wejk. About tbti time Ibere wt a grtdual etii4tge U) tbe color tl bmkin. Bolor* ibie ditootoration brgau he wa* a htocdr, of fair ootuplexion, ligbt bail and uray tyea. In Ibe beginning nit IMM bwo.ui* the color ot a*bi*. B* grew darker u.d darker, ontil al Uugtb be Beo>oje a prouoauead biaok, large quauli tie* of Ibe eoloriLg matter beiug dtpjtl*ii on ibe tktn of tae lae*. neek, >h*u den. haud* and forearm*, and inbMqueully io all parie of to* luirgumeui. Ine muewui mtinbraot of th* lipt, IOOKU* and if the uioulb ptrtioipiled in Ibu dleeoloralion Tb* pb;..i*a4 aBpeekianee of Ibe paneni did wot olkereU tadioate tb* gravity ol hi* 4i'a*t. 'la* mate iae ritaiued th*ir oient, tod thire wa* but little taauiiiua,. Iu ike hktt i ur w*kjiarapid fat the woreo t*i u, and death retailed iu a little over eta month* after lueeuiiuu ot tbe di>eae. Tbii aa uiu.ui.ll) rtp.d eoure, tor, aa a role, paliiul* wbo tuffir from tbli diuaee hng*r for from two to five jean, bat alweyt wilb th* grave > the inevitable Altogether nol mort than two hundred eat of tbit peon liar diaeati could be oillieted from medi- cal literature. Tbe aiMeee U one uf ix.ua perktively .town reaeyuitioo. te oo wt- II marked out i* r*jrded previone to ISA when LiOtii iwin. cf Pari, dheovered lbt> Brt known inetanee. Tb* name by wbitb il I* Kiierally known Addieou * diwate wae nifiu it after Or Addiaoo, ot Loodua, wbo IBIS6S eoUaeted *l*v*n eaaee, only four i f wtieb. however, ttriMly be- locK to kbit oe>Mory. li wee Dr. Aldieon wbo tret riooRnisid tbt fael that Ibi k i cu liar dieoolored eundtttbn of ib* ebi* u due to a d itemed eoodiUon of the eoprartntl oayiule*, BJIUUM bodi*e tiinattd abc?* >h* kidney*, Ibe pbyeiologieal eharteter of bioh ba* uot yn b*n eetabiiined Ct ciiuuti ' Ik. Mrlll.h la ll.t II. .. Tb* Britlth eompaey whreb took poe* ton in North Borneo about three yearn *ro are miking rapid prigreee, commercially ipetkiuK They bava nearly 1 000 mile* if ooa*t liue, atd hav* **labii*b*d nxteen etllemeole, with Bandakan for tbe eapilal. At th* Utter point Iher* are exteniive wharf improvement*, and Ibe export* of Bandakan alon* laat year amnajiled 10 w*01 640, a* compared with 1263 000 Jo* ah* previou* year. The im purttcoLuprited amii uf*otnrei, maohincry te., and th*t*porli, oaujpbor, wax, gum itatuar, elipftanta' tutkn, gotta pcroha India rubber, bid**, opium, (ago, pearli ratlaii, tortoiie shell, tobacco, trapani and limber. Berrc'w nittrlte : Iff. Trving Blihop was rffaitd IIUOCU in om il be oonld tel wb*tlbe *25600cf which tbe Southern Expriu Conjpany we re bbed were wocktad. Mr. Aithop oetfld nol do il. A good many i^eenlttoie woald pay him handsomely, loo, if be would tell what plant tre Kba|.iaK 1:1 tin- beaei of Jey UouU tnfl Cyran W. Pit 1.1 LATE 8POKTINU NOTES. -. ...I I.. -K. . I, . Jonae Moore, a nok, brok*u-down miner, larted i a (teauiaaip (mm Ban Franeuco for P*uama, along wilb 100 other wretched miuitr* at miaerable at bimtelf. Dcalb waiaiwmk aoiong ihe-e " reicr; i>n ( .li furuiane," aad again and again Ibe .*rd would bring tbe oommaud*r a mauge imilar to ihie on* : Oaptaio, tbal man in No. 30 ia lad " " Dead !" rei *ai*d tbe captain. " Oat t laok, pal IB e banhel of coal, bring tkt oody into Ib* oaeia tbal we may read ibe service ovirbim, and bury bim " " Riug tb* bell for ib* pMeenetr* to atteud tbt funeral BI viet>," waa tbi next order. Tbe bariil ievio ot the prayer book having bweo read, tb* body, witb tb* ok ot ooi tied lo it, wae plaeed oa plank aud dropped into ibe e*a. Ou* day Ibe iteward annouuoed Ibal " toe BDM in (6 wai dead." II Wa* Moore'* room, aud tb* captain win! in to look al Ihe body. Tbe dead nan't fao* waa covered wilb a dirty, (riu y beard. " Why. it'i too bad to bury t man In lhi eondilioa," txolaimed the captain. " Oal a barber, and let him ihive tbe man. won't read ibe nivio* ovir *ocb a lavaio looking objtol. I U fci ve Ihe fellow a dMdul btmal." Tbi barb" oan* and begin to ihavi Ihe eorpue, 1'arbm" the Barber terapid ini face alilile roogbly. for Jou* opentd bit eye*. Tbi barber oonliuued to tbavi, and onarged Ibi retuioilaiid mau 15 for tb* operation. ' Wbat do yoa think ?" wbiipered Moore to a frienu. " Tbt barber charged m* tor- that ont ehave." 11 i !Uef>," answered Ib* friend. "Thai inavenaveJ)our lite." Moore griw heller, naebed St. Lonie ad lived lb*rw for mauy yitit. I out'i kail. Uilwortb, Ibe pitoit:(. t* Oil. r ibe BtDiibaoiton Aiirolatton. Jubn B. Monyat, of U aeaion'l Bin* mlo^i,,hii ti|(n*d w^u Bridgipurt. Tbe Hyraodne Courier ickLiuwlednee that Ibe Star* a* now iK*nfsd ar* inferior to tbe Roeh**t*r*. Churlui Alixll, of !M< )iaratjlat ana Oatidateam*, ieb:. applieai-i for lue poei- uoi ot lot< rcti' *1 Lt <oe cimplrt. * Tha let. -LII. .1 I. .u. * I. doubt be . ily di -pp . ltd n itf > xpet tatton ef reetiviac lull ter ijoiti > by -a* Uoard ef Arbitraiion, eve. irxo > Hie Itrocg t*t club leagee. N ' Btra'd liriJ*|K.rt. W.'irbnry, Hrttotd, !>** bur>, Newborgb, rCingttjn, 1 obkef|<l .. ' iloJyca* ooi-.uoee tbe : ew Ea>>en Leaf*jf> 1'reaideot BpeldiB*?, ef the Obtage Bsiebalt Ciob --j <u^d 1'r.iident Voa Dr Abe, oballangicg tbe Bl. Louie Browai |j play a erit cf teveo or i iue game* ia April nrxt for Ib* world'* ohampionabip. Tbe O>w*go* bav* brw' np aod at* looking ior a managir for 1887. Binnhamioo ba* refueeJ London'* tfler for ite Ir.LcLi.e ID tb* Initn altonal League. Or*eu, who pi ebed for Utwego, baibten tigLed by biugbamtou. Tart. The bay Irollioa |*Hing Starlight wae " at auction iu Na Yjrkon Taaeday t* Henry K-mp, of On*all, O t., for Mow. Tbr* u year* ago tb* trotter Pnil Thump- on, wbi.e beiLg driven around tb* firel torn at rt'etwood Par , BWo. need nd tell b**iiy. liver Blue* it bai b -.-o tlaioat iat- pocuble to get him to trot ar aad tbat tori at any upeed. L>*l Tueedav La wee ilewted in a race agticm rt"mlw rtn f .>r a enp, ant wai bttaten in 3 0>i. 8 OOJ 3 69|. tboogb able orditarily to rx.i a M Every lime be wa* aaked lo go by lb Ufa* bir* be fell ue would *by od break, and it we* all that hi* driver e.old do to keep bim tram bolting. 'I u< Han* !*. Tb* erracKautbl* 'or oarr> ing oat the oh.l.etg^ IK ai Ihe Crjd* fur tbe Ameriea'i :op next year are ii active prneyeee The Seoteb yeebt wbieb to *oote*l for tb* oup i now In I. od-, aad will be named tha> 1 i.i-tle. Sbe will be ooaiplete* in Vie nui. tor the Hew Yotk yeeheieit au> , and tbe toe* will : plae* eoeae tiui doricg ti Kutcniu. RanUn t, - ffr*d t ' matrb biaaetn? aad nor<e Boecar, ib* ugltib >et>llir, in a aouble-tcull ree* K->IL-I T*em*r and Qamm if Bubr will come to Ameriea. Te*oi*r and Hamiu ebIUng*d any leans in Ecgland, ntbtr oo Poamea or Tya*, ftefur* leaving for Amer oa. Before Bbenff Hamilton, at Ihe Small Debt C'jori . t EdiuborKb, on tbe 17tb oit^ olia McL-oa kud tbr I ,><-ruatia.l Kxhi- Mtiw A .eeifttlon far 14.. He atMetei kal b* wee priie et tui Kxhibittoo H gb- id jaiiiee to tbe ate** v.lo for daneg a etoOLd |>r x> vi laid at H .' for tb* Hittblaci FU&K, aLd >ew>ua ot th* iam* value lor ibe Obilli* Oallum. Hi wee bed tbe wiouir of th*e priite, be aaid, bat wai afterward* din]a>lin*d oa tbe ground tbat he WM a prottaaioual. He tated that be wa* at one time a prelee- eional ptp*r, but wat an m**nr doe*r, aod oLly a twmnne*. Tbe Sjetifl i.il Ibu n amateur meeliDg, and there wae piping in come of ib* ojmpelitton*. If il wae Iba eae* that pnrioer wa* a prof**. tiooal player, he though 1 Ibal waa icffi eienttu di.qialify bim. For the defended il wai ttaitJ tnal a d.a men were di ijuaiifled for th* aami thing. Tbe Sheriff n*ld that purioer had uoi proved bii elaim. e Jt r.r .. Will tb* Oaribtldl want dltplaet tb* Jersey from tbe plaoe which il ba* oo oupied for Mvea ytare, or IB il poeeibl* foe two garment* eo intirely oulike In effiot to exmt together ? .Tbe new Qaribitldi 11 very long, and Ibi weartr wight ae will have no oelt * to wear Iki oeetoi of Vncae ondei ite drooping fnUaeti. Around Ibi neck and wruli are plain forming a 01 tl and peoiei of yokr, and tbe shoulder itrtp ai Ihe old Oanbaldi, Hi collar and wruibnod are left off. Tbe color k* a vivid red which ihuuld be earetally tboeea, for tbert. are tome loeclete among Ib* Qtnntli o ihte ataeoo that have) a paioiuuy vulgar ffTiOI. while o*b*n ate tx<}al*ile in boo Tbe Eufjiib veriion of tbe Uaribaldi o[*n* M tbe Ibroal over a plaited ob*mieetl* aut ba* a wide pluh collar and plutb oofl*. Bottan Traiumpt. A imall and reckliie boy of Ann Arbor Mich., lrii to mount thi fcolboard of a oaovtrg locomotive, and fell directly iu froal of il. He bad **nie etoo^h to lie eerfaelly Hill, and the locomotive pnnrftc oval him wilbout d'iutf any damage. A Leokno* cboolboy named McKay fobbed auoibtr named Bo.d, in Ib* ibcoal wiie a jtck-k ife. ..* Uij tobool board Ie V*MI.;atll.K li- [Tlr. Two men of PeuUdelpbi* wet a load ot alale to thai it looked uku cool and tbee il to an oniatpeeilng eilijen, whe w lueky ID bay 104 it tot M 60. Ojinha mau Dear me, Chatterbox, will yoo ever Hop taltu K ? ' Mia* Chatter box- ' Ye*, when I ee grown up." " Yvn are ore jno'll ttop then, ar* you T" "Oa, ye*. 'oaat* tben I'll bav* a lilili girl of my own, an' I'll lei her do tbe talking." A woman la Caadea. N J., who bad beee ill lone, and whom ibe f hyaioian* were unable to cure, *eul for a otao wbo wa* an emit! believer in tbe faith cur*. H* found ber lying eo ber bd, aod apparently very near dead. After aekioR hr In ra- gardlo ber ftitb, aud hiving received tali*- factory aoiwcru, be prayed with her aud then left, aaiuriog her that tbe w old re eover. Tbii wa* early to tb* d*y, aad by nigbl il i* laid fat *b* wa walking aroaod in aetnad heal h a* need be, aud ib* ha* not lufft- r*d IILOV. A N w Htmp>bii* woman, aged M) y*an. woeu a>k'd reeently bow ibe bad kept bet- If *o viitoron* and beallby, replied : " By ever allowing myeelf Ie tret over tbinge I can not help, by taking a Bap aod iu time* two every day ef my Jife, by aever taking my wiatmip, irooiov, aud biking te bed with QI-, aud by i UK all tbe vtrione wbeeli ol a bu*y life wuo aa nu( licit faiiei tbat lb*re i* a brain ai d a heart to Ibie great eulverte, and ihl I eoujd trait then* both." _ Yjoj>g*lojte auoald not he allowed] te rtmalia loua-*r ibau ou* >aai oa tbe lie*. It pruning t* followed op wbil* tbe pocket knife ii all id* kol ncd*d, prouiag tawe and axe* will b* little ned*d. Tbi Slate inipeetor ot faotoriei in New York report* ibat a* t rule wag** in fae- lorien ire fair ihroughoul ib* Slat*, women arning from 75 oenti to I -' per day in eioei lioiial eaeoi, men frura II to II 5% acd children from J n SO eauee. Trtotp " Plea**, mam, dea't >hui ihe doot i 1 eri bttirly d, -titate." Lady ef ibe Dtute HiD(ll>) " TVbat do you want 7" Trnp Anything yoa pleane to give, mom. I'll leave it to your generality. Lady (wt*ilj) " Com* lo and I will tell tbe liable boy to giv* yoa a bath." William Bborl, to Udtana Imrxlar, wa* raoeutly akulto lbt>t>'.uukM.y, attd e few day ftiter hl cBt-legittd brother John wae arrented in I.fyette. and iu bia wooden leg were fuuuj a Held watet, a valuable otokjMi.ienit br*cal>li,Cvediajood nrtv, and Uu*r jtwiUerv, U all iKrib I i 500, part uT-thc ptoeeed* ol vVtliUm'* tkUl to P1HO1 liIIM

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